Dream Interpretation: why hair is dreaming. Dream Interpretation: Why Hair is Dreaming Means long hair in a dream

Often dreams can be in the nature of predictions and indicate to the dreamer about events in life that require attention. Hair in a dream is a good sign, which for the most part of dream books is interpreted as a prediction of positive changes and joyful events in the coming future. What this or that dream means depends on the nuances of night vision.

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Miller's dream book

According to this interpretation, a dream can have several meanings depending on the details of the dream:

  1. Long hair on the head- to frivolity, which will lead to quick repentance.
  2. A haircut- to a successful turn of affairs, however, if after cutting the hair becomes very short, the dream book also warns the dreamer of excessive wastefulness, which can lead to misfortune.
  3. Falling out strands- to poverty and problems that will arise due to the excessive generosity of a person.
  4. Black- to quarrels and scandals with a lover.
  5. redheads- relationships will change, and what these changes will be depends only on the dreamer.
  6. chestnut- to failures in work matters.
  7. White- interesting trips and useful business meetings are ahead.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  1. According to Vanga, long and beautiful hair - to achieve in reality harmony and well-being in life.
  2. If the hair was tangled, the seer recommends that you stop listening to the advice of others and act based on your intuition.
  3. Braiding a braid - to a long road or pilgrimage, where true values ​​​​will be revealed to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Islamic

  1. If young people, women and the military dreamed about long hair, this is a sign of well-being, honor and wealth. For everyone else, a dream prophesies grief and anxiety.
  2. If the hair falls off and falls out, a person will be able to get rid of debts, sorrows and worries.
  3. If white hair appears among black hair, the dream book portends a replenishment in the family.
  4. Haircut - to serious losses, up to deprivation of property.
  5. Uncovered head - for the imminent return of her husband who left.

Who dreamed of long hair?

For girl

  1. To a young girl to see in a dream combing- to repentance for their frivolous deeds.
  2. If on the head appeared dark and blond hair - the dreamer doubts the upcoming choice. The dream interpretation recommends carefully weighing all the pros and cons before making a final decision.

For woman

  1. If a woman saw herself with her head uncovered in a dream, the departed husband would return very soon.
  2. If the woman is not yet married, the dream prophesies an early acquaintance with the future chosen one.

For a pregnant woman

  1. A future mother dreams of a haircut for the birth of a boy.
  2. Sleep can be a signal of impending trouble - premature birth.
  3. If a pregnant woman is bald, you should be wary of a miscarriage or severe pathologies.

For a man

  1. A man who loses his hair in a dream can in reality suffer major financial losses. Dream Interpretation recommends carefully planning expenses.
  2. For a young guy, hair loss is an irrational use of vitality and energy. Probably, the dreamer spends too much time on those activities that do not bring satisfaction and benefit.

Interpretation of sleep by hair type


This dream portends incredible luck, as well as pleasant surprises and gifts.


The dreamer is warned about a possible love trap.


In the near future, something will bring a lot of pleasure to a person. In addition, the dreamer is provided with good health and success in business.


Thick hair is a sign that a favorable period is coming, in which you should show your abilities and talents to the maximum. For a man, a dream portends success with the opposite sex.


This dream is interpreted as strengthening good relations with relatives and friends.


A harbinger of good news and pleasant meetings.


The dream book advises getting rid of negative thoughts, as they can cause trouble and quarrels with important people.


You should be careful in your actions and carefully consider each step you take. Otherwise, there is a possibility of financial expenses and loss of credibility.


This dream is interpreted as the approach of grandiose changes in relations with the second half. The nature of the changes will depend on the dreamer.

On foot

  1. For a man to see hair on his legs - to big profits and career growth.
  2. For a woman - to the envy of colleagues.
  3. Red hair on their legs - to the imminent conception.
  4. Shaving your legs - to financial losses due to your own mistakes and inattention.


A signal that bad news from afar will come soon.


To unexpected financial profit and moral satisfaction.

dropped out

An unfavorable sign, according to which it is worth paying increased attention to your well-being and carefully checking financial affairs.

long tail hair

  1. Hair collected in a ponytail for a man characterizes his courage and strength.
  2. Interesting and exciting journeys are likely.
  3. A woman making a ponytail with an elastic band will soon meet her chosen one.


An unfavorable vision, meaning losses, failures, illnesses and difficulties in relationships with a lover.


Changing the image is a reflection of the dreamer's hidden desire for cardinal changes in life.


  1. A sign of inconstancy, frivolity and flirting.
  2. It may portend confusing events in which the dreamer will not be easy to understand.


  1. To the long road.
  2. For a woman, it can be interpreted as a desire to please her lover.
  3. For a married woman - nostalgia for a bygone youth.

On the face

  1. A mustache or beard is a warning against mistakes that may occur due to the dreamer's selfishness.
  2. Getting rid of facial hair - soon serious changes will take place in life, it will be possible to part with a bad company and return the shaken authority.


A good omen - very soon the goals will be achieved without any serious obstacles.


A favorable life period in which the dreamer will easily resolve current issues.

in the nose

A symbol of unusual and interesting ideas, new beginnings, the implementation of which will bring a person a good income.


A good sign promising good health, fulfillment of the plan and family well-being.


Reflects the dreamer's thirst to plunge into romantic adventures.


A symbol of stability and prosperity, a woman will have to face dizzying success with men.


The dream book warns that the dreamer's unnecessary and stupid thoughts will lead him to envy and anger. It is worth filtering out unnecessary information and discarding everything that prevents you from moving forward.

Actions and people

At another (strangers)

  1. A stranger with luxurious hair - to the good news in the future.
  2. If a stranger had unkempt hair, the news will be sad.

Woman with long hair

To success and implementation of plans. Wavy curls - to financial well-being.

Man with long hair (guy)

You should beware of women from your environment, probably one of them started something unkind against the dreamer and will try to harm or deceive him.


To the manifestation of anxiety regarding work issues.

cut (cut)

Why dream such a dream? Dream Interpretation
  1. Cutting yourself on your own is a problem that will prevent you from realizing your plan.
  2. Entrusting a haircut to a professional - to a lack of self-confidence and lack of willpower.

Girl with long hair

Braiding a girl's braids - to the worries that will be associated with the dreamer's children. If there are no children yet, sleep is a reflection of the readiness to take responsibility for a loved one.

A haircut

  1. If the scissors broke in the process, quarrels with loved ones are likely.
  2. A new haircut - to the dreamer's desire to change his life.

The child has

Sleep is a harbinger of good luck and prosperity. For a young guy, it may mean that the time has come to serve in the army.

Blonde woman with long hair

  1. A person has accumulated unrealistic plans that are not destined to come true.
  2. If you see a girl with tangled strands, there is a difficult life stage ahead.


Daughter's hair portends mutual understanding and harmony in the family.


Mom with long curls - for a pleasant journey, a stable income.


  1. If it is difficult to comb it - probably a loved one is in trouble and needs help from the dreamer.
  2. If someone else is combing, in reality he is very jealous and does not love the dreamer.


Seeing a husband with long hair is a bad sign, meaning deception on his part in reality.

Dreams with hair can have a variety of interpretations. To correctly decipher your night vision, you will need to remember as many details of sleep as possible. Hair can be harbingers of both success in business, prosperity and financial stability, as well as the emergence of difficult life situations in reality.

It has long been customary for people to interpret dreams in which there is abundant vegetation, whether on the head or on the body, to increase wealth, to profit. Seeing yourself shorn or shaved, on the contrary, dreams of losing money. However, in reality, not everything is so simplified.

I dreamed about long hair on my head, what does it mean

The hairstyle that we see in a dream always attracts the attention of the sleeper: sometimes the curls are tangled and cut, and sometimes they are silky and radiant. The meaning of such a vision, we will consider further:

  • Long hair is interpreted by the dream book as a possible fast journey, which promises adventure and pleasant acquaintances.
  • Beautiful long hair dreams of success, possible quick enrichment and a prosperous life. Such a dream generally has a positive meaning.
  • Seeing long hair in your dream is unequivocally interpreted as a lie and deceit, which in life you can receive from relatives and friends.
  • If you dream of long hair on your head - according to Miller's dream book, this means that a person in life is prone to rash actions. This dream warns a person, gives reason to think about your life.
  • Beautiful long hair on your head is interpreted as a good omen; you are lucky, fate smiles at you, and you will be incredibly lucky in business.

Why does someone dream of long hair

Alien curls that vividly etched into my memory in a dream are also a special sign.

Popular articles:

  • The dreamed curls of a young girl, wavy or curly, which grew up just before our eyes, are interpreted as the unfulfillment of your hopes and desires.
  • Long hair on a woman’s head is dreaming - for a man this is a sign that the woman he loves is cheating on him.
  • But when a man dreams that he is buying a wig, this is interpreted as a quick meeting with his love.
  • A modern dream book interprets a man’s long hair as a very blissful vision for guys and girls in love.

Combing your hair why dream

Combing curls is interpreted in different dream books in different ways, and the differences are often diametrically opposed.

  • So according to Miller, when you dream of long hair, combing it can only mean that the person sleeping in life is very frivolous and does not think about the consequences of his actions.
  • Vanga, on the contrary, gave a different interpretation to such a dream - combing curls means that a person is engaged in spiritual development in reality. There is a constant growth of knowledge and intellect.
  • If the curls are thick, it is impossible to comb them, and the comb gets stuck in them and breaks, expect trouble.
  • A girl caring for curls on her head in front of a mirror means her frivolous, frivolous attitude to life.
  • Combing someone's curls, and braiding them into a braid - you put pressure on this person, forcing them to live a life that is not their own.
  • Stroking silky curls means having clear success in the field of romantic love.

Why dream black and blond hair

The color of curls is also crucial in a dream. This fact is important if your attention is focused on it.

  • When long black hair is dreamed of, this can mean a warning: a love trap awaits you, which can promise either just a sparkling passion, or turn into trouble in the future.
  • Seeing two contrasting colors on your head at the same time is interpreted as a warning against a worthwhile choice. Everything should be well weighed and considered before you act, one way or another.
  • To see a girl with light-colored curls, you idealize your loved one, he is not worthy of you and your love.
  • Seeing a gray head means receiving good news. Perhaps pleasant meetings await you ahead.
  • A golden hue promises fidelity to your second half.
  • But the red color, on the contrary, means the changeability of love relationships.

Analyzing the dream book, we can safely say that a light color promises mostly good news or joyful meetings.

The dark color, in turn, has a fatal meaning. But the red color and its shades are all the meanings of love.

And, of course, it is very important in what form they are seen in a dream, if well-groomed beautiful, silky, then this is a completely good omen, and dull, brittle means failures and failures in business.

Without knowing the details, it is difficult to say what hair is dreaming of: long and beautiful can have one meaning in dream books, split ends and unkempt - quite another. For example, a dream with curly or smooth hair is interpreted differently.

Why dream long hair

Often dream books explain such a dream as evidence of the dreamer's good health. However, depending on its gender, the meaning may vary.

What does a dream mean for a man, woman, girl

A neat hairstyle on a girl's head can promise her the appearance of a reliable faithful friend. For a young man, such a dream promises income from new beginnings.

A comb that broke when combing thick male hair - because of the dreamer's passion for his career, he forgot his family. A girl who has the same dream will face the fact that her chosen one will not show himself from the best side. She could prepare for such a development of relations if she took off her rose-colored glasses in time.

Long hair for a woman who actually has a short haircut is dreamed of as a harbinger of wealth and success in everything.

A man has such a dream - in reality he may fall victim to deception.

Why do you dream of long hair on your head, on your own, on another person

  • A stranger who has long braids growing right before your eyes is a dream of those who are not destined to wait for the fulfillment of their cherished desire.
  • If they grow on your head, the meaning is almost the opposite: your caution and prudence guarantee you success in business.
  • If the woman you are photographing is combing her hair, change your attitude to life, especially to the opposite sex. Your loneliness is a direct consequence of frivolity.

Dull, split ends

  • When you dream that your mane is unkempt and dull, you will be in serious trouble.
  • If you see that the cosmos are splitting, this is a whole series of problems that can drive you into despair. The black bar will be long, but over time it will end.

Why dream thick, long and beautiful hair

In a dream, you have lush, attractive long braids - soon you will have a rather long journey. Moreover, the more beautiful your hairstyle looks, the more successful it will be.

However, some dream books interpret differently what long hair dreams of if it is beautiful and well-groomed: such a vision may warn that illness and trouble will bypass you. Also, a dream can portend a pleasant surprise.

Long hair falling out

The interpretation of sleep in which vegetation falls in large quantities will not be very good.

Most likely, the dreamer has greatly exhausted his internal resources.

If you do not give yourself a break, it can lead to health problems.

The explanation of why long hair is dreamed of, thinning to the formation of bald spots, is also quite alarming - the dreamer can become seriously ill. However, if the mane fell out completely - this is fortunately.

Comb long hair

For a young girl to see herself combing her curls - to a successful marriage. But if she combs other people's braids - this is a warning that she is too intrusive, people around do not always want to hear her opinion about their problems.

If a family man combs his hair and it is not tangled, the dreamer or dreamer will soon receive what they dreamed of as a gift. But if the comb comes across tangles, scandals await in reality.

Cut long hair

  • A dreamed haircut, if you cut your own hair - to change.
  • If someone else cuts your hair, you will soon fail in financial matters.
  • To cut another yourself - you will find a way to thank the one who helped you out a lot.

However, for those who have recently found a soul mate, the dream does not bode well. It may portend an imminent break. Those who have a long journey ahead may have to change plans and stay at home.

Why dream long hair - interpretation of dream books

Tsvetkov's opinion

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov explains why long hair is dreamed of, not taken into the hair: in the near future you have a rather long journey.

  • To see yourself in a dream with gray hair - to minor troubles. Nothing terrible will happen, but you will have to work hard.
  • Braiding a mane in a dream is a more serious life obstacle, and combing them - your life will turn upside down.
  • All hair fell out - a betrayal of a friend will be revealed, which you cannot forgive.

Long hair: Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, this dream may mean that you will be forgiven by someone who has long turned away from you because of the offense caused.

  • A woman who dreamed that she not only had her head, but also her body was covered with long hairs, in real life, runs the risk of disgrace.
  • To see a hair with a flower woven into them - to the troubles that the dreamer will be able to overcome.
  • For young children, seeing parents with long hair is a sign of longevity.

I dreamed of long hair according to Vanga

Vanga draws attention to the dreamer's self-improvement.

Tangled curls are a sign of excessive suspiciousness and distrust, whose roots go deep into the past.

This can greatly complicate family life and friendships.

Weave a braid - for a long trip.

Freud's interpretation

Freud interprets such a vision as a sign of closeness and uncertainty. Too short - a person is promiscuous in sex.

The meaning of sleep depending on hair color

  • Red hair - the dreamer is overly jealous. However, the same vision may portend an unpleasant surprise from a partner.
  • Colored strands - you are not ready to make important decisions. Step aside for a while, you need to understand yourself and gather your courage.
  • Mane of unnatural color - you may be accused of narcissism. Take a look from the outside - the accusation is well deserved by you.
  • See gray hair in a dream - unpleasant news is possible. It is also likely that your health may be shaken.
  • Light curls - you will meet those close to you whom you have not seen for so long that you did not expect to meet.
  • To see black curls in a dream - to unrequited love.

Hair Condition: Dirty, Clean, Straight, Curly

  • To see greasy, neglected tow in a dream - to family problems, possibly related to money.
  • If the hair is cleanly washed and beautiful, a bright, successful period begins.
  • Long straight hair on your head - such a dream is a warning that life issues should be approached more responsibly.
  • For a lady to see herself with curls - ill-wishers can strike at your reputation. For a man, a dream promises success, especially on the love front. To see a girl with curls in a dream is a romantic meeting.

Seeing long hair in your dream ▼

A dream about long hair on your head - in reality, the state of health will not fail. In addition, long hair represents financial well-being and material stability.

Why do girls dream of long hair ▼

Why do you dream of long hair? In reality, she is not serious enough in matters of the heart. It is possible that the time has already come to settle down and seriously think about further joint work.

Why do men dream of long hair ▼

Dream Interpretation interprets long hair as. Care should be taken in communicating with the opposite sex - you may be deceived. Seeing such long hair as a girl's - in reality you can become indecisive, cowardly.

I dreamed of another person's long hair ▼

In a dream, you see another person's long hair - in reality, work on your character. You need to get rid of shyness and gullibility. In the near future, someone may take advantage of the presence of these qualities in you.

Dreaming of a girl with long hair ▼

A dream about having long hair portends the beginning of a romantic love relationship. If you already have a lover, you will receive an offer from him to marry. The longer the girl's hair, the longer the relationship will last.

Does it portend something good in a dream to see long hair? Or is such a dream a forecast of some unfavorable events? Let's try to figure it out.

For the interpretation to be correct, try to remember the dream down to the smallest detail. It is best to do this in the morning: when you wake up, immediately take a piece of paper, a pen and describe the plot of the dream in great detail.

Long hair according to the dream book

So, remember the dream and try to find a suitable interpretation from our list. It presents the forecasts of the best authors of popular dream books:

  • If you dreamed that you had gorgeous long hair on your head, you will have a long trip or an exciting journey. Get ready to pack for the road. How healthy and beautiful the hair looked in a dream depends on how many positive emotions the trip will bring
  • The authors of other dream books believe that seeing long, luxurious hair on your head is good health. You will live long, and ailments will bypass you
  • There are supporters of a different opinion: you dreamed of long hair - you will be rich. Either receive an expensive gift, or receive an inheritance, or make a good deal. Either way, your financial life will change for the better.
  • If a man dreams that long beautiful hair has grown on his head, which any woman can envy, in real life you should be on your guard. Expect deception, "setups" and betrayal - a person has wound up in your immediate environment who wants to use you for his own selfish purposes

These are traditional interpretations, but there are others. If you did not find what you need in the list, look among them.

Why dream long hair?

Remember the details of the dream and look for a suitable interpretation from the following list:

  • I dreamed that you were combing long hair, but it was so tangled that the comb broke. This is an unfavorable dream that promises failure in the next business. Try to be attentive and pay attention to the little things, then troubles will be avoided.
  • It is a dream that you wash your hair, but you can’t completely wash off the dirt from your head. Such a dream portends a trip to distant lands. It can be both an exciting trip abroad and a trip to visit relatives in another city. But in any case - the emotions will be only positive
  • In Martyn Zadeki's dream book, it is indicated that long hair fluttering in the wind dreams of reconciliation with an old enemy. It turns out that the reason for the long feud that lasted all these years is insignificant, and you have nothing more to share
  • The authors of the esoteric dream book believe that seeing long hair on the head of another person in a dream is a long illness. Moreover, it is the owner of luxurious hair who will become seriously ill. If this is your loved one, try to always be there and support him.
  • In Hasse's dream book there is such an interpretation: if in a dream you see hair on your head growing very quickly before your eyes, this is a favorable sign. You are prudent in business, so they will end with a good result, you will be satisfied
  • Seeing long hair in a dream and braiding it neatly in braids means meeting a very interesting young man who will become your only true love. Acquaintance will happen very unexpectedly - do not miss your fate
  • If you dream that you are walking down the street with long flowing hair, this is a concern. An event will occur that will bring confusion and discomfort to your state of mind.
  • Hasse also believed that a luxurious long hair hairstyle seen in a dream means that in real life you enjoy authority among others. You are loved and respected, and your opinion is valued. Take care of your reputation, it is very useful for you
  • Miller believed that if a girl dreams about how she combs her long hair, then the young lady is very frivolous in life. You should be more attentive to your own behavior, otherwise you risk ruining your reputation.
  • And Vanga believed that the long hair she dreamed of was the personification of spiritual development and personal growth. You are a person who sets ambitious goals and goes to them, no matter what. Keep it up!

What else can long hair on your own head dream about, see the video:

Why else can long hair dream?

Did not find a suitable interpretation in the previous sections of the article? Try to find in this list of predictions:

  • In your dream, an outside girl begins to grow long hair very quickly, literally before your eyes. This means that in real life you dream of the fulfillment of some very secret desire, but it is not destined to come true.
  • Do you see in a dream a girl who carefully and carefully combs her long hair? This means that in real life you are frivolous and frivolous in relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, no one calls you to marry, and relationships never last long. It's time to change behavior, and then everything will work out
  • It is believed that long hair dreams of an unexpected, but very expensive and pleasant gift. Get ready to rejoice and accept a luxurious present
  • I dreamed that in a dream you were combing the long hair of a familiar person? Most likely, in real life, he treats you badly. Try to avoid this communication - it will only harm you

But psychologists believe that long hair is dreamed of by insecure and withdrawn people who find it difficult to realize themselves in society. Whether this is so, only you can judge for yourself.