Dreaming of a fireball. Interpretation in the Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep Ball

Our experts will help you find out what the fireball is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    a fireball flew to the ground, it was not very big, but I was afraid that when it fell there would be a strong explosion, a shock wave or something like that, but when it touched the ground, it just bounced and began to jump like a ball, only very high, after a while I saw many of the same balls around

    I had a dream. I am with children in my house. Through the walls and windows, fireballs (red) fly into the house at first small, and then they become larger and explode. I managed to throw some balls out of the house into the street, and on the street there was snow on the ground (a lot of snow) and pouring rain; therefore, the balls did not explode there (rotten).

    Hello! On Monday, I had the following dream: “In a dream, I am lying, trying to fall asleep, when I suddenly feel someone’s presence near me, I look around and see no one except my mother, she is sleeping. This something didn’t take long, suddenly I realize that someone is trying to grab me, I’m lying under the blanket, and suddenly the blanket shrinks sharply, it felt like they were trying to grab my legs, I really felt like something grabbed me behind my legs, then I hid under the blanket, and through it I saw how a fiery luminous Ball lit up above me, it began to rotate sharply around me, periodically hitting me and making terrible sounds, in the end I threw off the blanket and grabbed the Ball with both hands, I it was so scary that I started praying that it would all end, then I threw the Ball aside, somehow there was a gas bottle in the room (which doesn’t happen in a dream), I opened it and lit it, the Ball began to burn and emit terrible sounds, and I noticed that the Ball began to somehow transform, it became like human face, I didn’t wait for it to end, I just ran out of the room and woke up ... ”I would be very grateful if you could at least say something about my terrible dream. Thank you in advance!

    I saw fiery rings on the ground ... which gradually lit up ... I saw my friends who were fleeing from this fire .. and I also saw a pregnant woman with a child, somehow unfamiliar .. the skin on her stomach burned a little ... she asked me something ... and then I remember. .that everyone bathed from this fire in some kind of soul ..

    i dreamed that I was shopping, I saw a friend in a position, invited me to a wedding and got ready to go home, when it suddenly began to get dark quickly and at first something fell from the sky in the distance or it was lightning ... most likely lightning and the building caught fire, I still remember as I thought, it’s for friendship ... then fireballs began to fall from the sky and a fire started in the place where they fell, soon everything around was on fire, I remember I was not alone, we ran and I looked out for another ball in the sky fear that he would fall on me, but then woke up ...

    i dreamed that a fireball fell from the sky on my village and began to hit the ground, burning everything behind me, I managed to run into the house to grab the children and the bike and we ran away from it. At the same time, everything was burning on the sides and a very loud metallic sound of it hitting the ground, in the end we came to the lake in the forest and there in the lake we tried to escape and I woke up. At the same time, I was very worried that I did not find a husband and mother. The ball looked like the sun, like in a telescope. Another red Zhiguli stood near the lake and very tall pine trees grew in the forest, they and the lake were the only ones that did not burn.

    a huge fireball in the dark sky .. then it appeared, then it disappeared, rolling from one edge of the sky to the other ... then it turned into a thin strip, then it appeared again. The spectacle is breathtaking and unusual

    waking up at night, I saw it was very dark outside the window, when I looked closely I saw how millions of fireballs were flying from the sky to the ground and falling to the ground they were broken. It was very dark around, but they did not touch my house.

    I, my father and my youngest daughter are in the courtyard near the house where my grandparents lived (my father's parents, they have already died). Raising our heads up, we see how a huge ball of fire is approaching us. It falls and rises, falls and rises, everything flares up and burns, and now he is already approaching our house .... we are trying to hide behind the house, in the hope that he will fly by. The fire flies up, falls ... only on the road near the house, without hitting us.

    Hello. Until that moment, nothing happened. Or not remembered. I looked out the window, outside the window there was a hilly field, of an incomprehensible swampy structure .. either the trees were uprooted, or some kind of snags mixed with black soil ... cloudy ... noise or rumble, something made me look out. Ball. a bright yellow, almost white flame approaching from the sky in my direction. The sound did not hurt, but I understood that my ears were stuffed up and the roar was worth it, stay here .. The ball was approaching quickly. everything became white. I knew that I was on fire. at first I shrank, and then it seemed to unbend me, I thought about the family, I said mentally that I love my wife, I understood that we would never see each other again, no one. Neither parents, nor children, that this is the end ... I did not know at that moment where my son and wife were. but I felt like I was at home. I knew that this was the end. This is the moment when the sensation was such that I realized that I was dreaming, but it seemed to me that all this was happening now for real. in seconds, I opened my eyes and jumped up ... caught my breath, and realized that I was alive. The feeling was so real that words can not convey ...

    I dreamed of a fireball approaching our planet at high speed. At the same time, I had a panic, I screamed that it was the end of the world and everyone would die. And I even saw burning houses and smelled the smell of burning.

    It was night, a lot fell from the sky fireballs, it was like a fiery rain. I looked through the window into the window of another house and was worried that no one would get caught in this rain and get hurt.

    Day. The road is somewhere in the distance on both sides of the field to the right of some kind of river (I have never seen a place before) I stand and look into the distance from behind the clouds a fireball appears large like a meteorite type but it’s not a meteorite, it’s just like a piece of the sun burning with a very bright fire and crashes somewhere far into the ground. I stand looking and see a huge explosion and how the fire rises up together with the earth, the earth begins to coward slightly, becomes bitter, the speech begins to boil from the earth, water with steam, the earth begins to crackle and forming dips, people around begin to run away, but it’s too late and they start to burn, I don’t burn, but I feel that the temperature has risen

    At first I dreamed about the fall of huge stones that destroyed everything around me .. and then in a dream I saw fireballs with black smoke tails falling from it, which rained down like rain around ...

    Hello, I dreamed that meteoroid explosions were hitting in the sky, and then a burning ball came to my house from the sky and walked through the whole apartment and went out the window, and so many times either from the hellish side of the balcony, or from another room from the window, and I covered myself with an ideal so as not to abzhechsya, and he went through the home so that I could feel it was not hot, but very warm and soft, passed right over my head. Please tell me what this could mean? Thank you.

    I was vacationing with “friends” (I don’t even know them). And I want to leave the apartment where we were. I call a friend, I say that I want to meet him and then I look out the window and see a black or brown huge spot in the sky that is advancing on me with great speed. And I’m talking on the phone, it’s just not the fact that we will meet. The weather is bad. And then this spot approaches and starts shooting either fireballs or burning meteorites. Everything around is collapsing, breaking and so on. And then everything seems to calm down and everyone is in a panic. And then I think that everything has calmed down and the same spot and explosions happen again. And I woke up.

    A fireball rolled along the ground, burning everything in its path, and I tried to collect at least some things and hide with the children in the basement. Looking out the window, I saw that he was very close, and woke up.

    Hello! In a dream, I went outside with the goal of going somewhere and suddenly I saw flashes in the sky, as if someone was releasing black smoke, it forms into a cloud and immediately dissolves, we got scared and went somewhere quickly, I heard in a dream that someone said, What is this carbon dioxide…. we approached a building of several floors, but there were no windows or doors in it, as if it had been bombed, as soon as we approached it, balls a little larger than a linenard ball began to fall from the sky, of a sparkling fiery color they flew into these not closed windows and the doors, and when they fell, they didn’t bounce a lot and seemed to have to explode, but I didn’t hear the explosion, only the screams of people and saw how these balls were thrown back and kicked only so that they wouldn’t explode nearby ... .. It was scary, I even cried and as I remember, there were no victims, I would like to know why this dream or in connection with what ?! I had a dream today 07/02/2017 in the morning. Thanks for the interpretation!

Why dream of balloons or just balls? Balls are associated with holidays, childhood, joy and happiness. Multi-colored and bright, they create a cheerful, relaxed mood and evoke positive emotions. And what do balloons mean in a dream?

The image of balloons does not have an unambiguous interpretation. A dream can predict success and failure. It is necessary to interpret a dream taking into account the peculiarities of the development of events. The mystical meaning of the balloon is dreams and dreams, as a rule, unrealizable. The balls are like iridescent soap bubbles that burst upon first contact with an obstacle.

Dream plots can be different:

  • balloons rise up;
  • balls scatter in different directions;
  • burst on contact;
  • inflate balloons;
  • fly in a hot air balloon.

Watch how colorful balloons fly in the sky- a good sign. For young girls, this prophesies interesting acquaintances; for married people, a dream portends a resumption of fading feelings and a romantic mood. However red balls promise the unfulfillment of love dreams.

Why dream air balloons, which scatter in different directions? A career take-off awaits you, however, achieving success at work can negatively affect family relationships: you will not be able to pay enough attention to loved ones.

see colorful balloons at the party Let the holiday come into your life. You are so mired in everyday worries that you have ceased to notice the beauty of life around you.

If the balls burst before the eyes, your perception of life is far from reality. You are full of illusions, built castles in the air and outlined unrealistic plans. Unfortunately, the plan is not realized, and the life lesson will bring heartache.

Bursting balloons can also portend dismissal from work, demotion, various difficulties in relationships with partners / colleagues. If the balloons burst on the eve of an important financial event, do not rush to make a deal or make a major purchase.

The balls are blown away by the wind from you? Love will remain unrequited, a loved one will never love you. However, you should not worry: life path meet a worthy candidate to create a happy family.

If balls fall down, expect disappointments in life. Trying to catch the ball is also disappointing. What is intended will not come true. This can affect any area of ​​life.

Actions in a dream

The dreamer can take an active part in the events of the dream. For example, inflate balloons. This is a sign of a meaningless pastime: you are wasting your energy on unnecessary things.

Also, inflating balloons can warn: there are two-faced people next to you, hiding behind a mask of sincere friendship. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, you will find them.

See in a dream how children inflate balloons, - to the complication of relationships in the family with their own children or younger bloodlines. Or you have to solve their problems.

If in a dream did you fill the balloons with helium, this prophesies good luck in business and undertakings. Everything that is conceived is successfully implemented in life. Especially favorable is the dream in which helium-filled balloons soared into the sky.

Hot air balloon flight may portend a journey. This may be a temporary job in another city or a business trip. If during the flight you threw out the ballast from the basket, you will soon get rid of the annoying problem in your life. Also, this plot may portend getting rid of a chronic or protracted illness.

Interpretation of dream books about balls

Miller's dream book sees in the image of balloons a sign of future conflicts and misunderstandings with others. Everything you feared will come true. A burst balloon may portend dismissal from work.

Esoteric dream book sees a positive symbol in the image of a balloon. If a dreamer inflates a balloon in a dream, in reality he will be able to realize his dreams on his own. It is a symbol of self-sufficiency. However, a bursting balloon promises failure.

Dream Interpretation Morozova warns: if you inflate a balloon in a dream, you will soon fall in love with an unworthy person, or have already fallen in love. If the balloon bursts, you will participate in a risky business.

Modern dream predictor considers this image positive: the dreamer will be pursued on the heels of luck, life will sparkle with multi-colored colors.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z predicts failure at work. Balloon flight - to an unsuccessful trip. If the ball rapidly flies away from the dreamer, this prophesies an unsuccessful love. Inflate balloons in a dream - revel in the illusions of love. To release balloons into the sky - to acquire new worries.

Modern dream book considers the image of a balloon to be a portent of illness and the unfulfillment of dreams. You love to dream and build castles in the air. The red ball dreams of love without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer considers a balloon ride a harbinger of success at work and in his personal life. Also, the flight symbolizes the successful solution of complex problems. Looking at colorful balls - to pleasant dreams and dreams.

Freud's dream book compares a balloon to a penis. If it is elastic, everything is normal with potency. If you are blown away and hung - expect failure in love affairs. The ball flies away into the distance - to unfulfilled sexual desires. A burst balloon portends problems in potency and relationships with a partner. Watching the flight of balls - to sexual fantasies.

Why do balloons dream? Psychologists consider frequent dreams with the image of a balloon as a signal of fatigue of the body and psyche. You have little rest, overloaded with worries and problems - the subconscious mind is trying to remind you of the rest with images of colorful balloons.

A dream is considered happy in which the sleeping person himself inflated the balloons and released them into the sky. If not one bursts and falls to the ground, all desires will come true, and problems will be resolved without difficulty.

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Collection of dream books

Why does the Ball dream in a dream according to 19 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Ball symbol from 19 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Ride/balance on a ball- this, on the one hand, is a sign of the maximum development of the situation, on the other hand, this is a situation, the success of the solution of which depends on the smallest movements, and requires maximum accuracy and correctness of actions.

The ball is dark, cold, unpleasant / oppressive to the hands and mind / large, scary / ball rolling on the dreamer- all similar images mean that the energy was wasted due to a misunderstood task or inadequate actions. The dreamer does not control the situation and does not see his own path: actions will not bring success. The situation is hardly predictable. When big ball wants to crush the dreamer, the situation is dangerous and completely unpredictable, there may be someone's evil will.

The ball crashed - this is an unfavorable and empty outcome.

Italian dream book

Balls - round, faceted, metal. Indicates foreign intrusions. Violation of the perception of reality with destructive tendencies.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Ball dreaming?

Ball - will let you down in work (personal relationships) and will deceive a loved one.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The ball rolls into a corner- Wrong direction of sexual arousal.

Golden ball in the dark- flickering of the inner light, illuminating the unconscious.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Ball is dreaming?

A ball in a dream is a symbol of changeable happiness in reality.

If the ball is iron- you can boldly face all the dangers; see glass bowl means that you will show indecision in some difficult matter.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The shape of the ball in a dream- symbolizes the desire for perfection, most often excessive or in vain. If you dream of a certain spherical object that seems strange, then after such a dream you should think - maybe, trying to achieve the ideal, you only harm your business?

The dream has the same meaning, in which a spherical object produces any destruction.- this dream reminds you that in pursuit of the best you should not destroy the good.

Hot air balloon in a dream- suggests that in reality you are making unrealistic plans that do not have the slightest chance of success. How larger size the ball and the higher it flies, the more importance you attach to your plans and the greater your disappointment can be.

Dream Interpretation of Health

To see the ball - one must strive for self-improvement; balloon - to problems with the lungs; bowl-aquarium- problems with the bladder.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Ball - your plans will burst.

Fireball - to an approaching family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Ball - fragile feelings will arise, which, with any complication, can disappear.

dream fireball- to the fire.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Ball - everything will be easy for you, the spiritual uplift will be incredible, success will be the same.

See a fireball in the sky in a dream- to foreshadow something.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To dream of a fireball flying towards the ground- such a dream indicates that in the future the earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune.

If you dreamed Earth - this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but it lies in the people themselves. The thing is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and that life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even to each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence.

To dream of a huge dark ball approaching the earth- a sign that the earth is threatened by an ecological catastrophe and it will happen because of the emissions that various factories poison the air. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on the earth and people will experience a great need for air.

If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the earth- such a dream prophesies a visit to the earth by living beings from another planet who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear.

Run away in a dream from a fireball- an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third World War which will involve many countries of the world. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally incur big losses in the war, and maybe even will take an active part in this terrible battle not for life, but for death.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The globe of the earth - a round-the-world trip awaits you.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a ball- this means that your health may suddenly be upset.

Ball rolling towards you- warns against the danger that threatens your material wealth.

A motionless ball in a dream- a sign that the true treasure is very close to you.

Gypsy dream book

A game of balls means that you will visit your old friend.

If you watch others play balls- Your old friend will visit you.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: A ball in a dream book?

The ball appeared during the day between the trees, I thought it was the glare of the sun. But it turned out to be a luminous ball, it emitted a beam of light to the ground. Then it decreased, the beam was drawn into the ball, became smaller and sank closer to the ground. I saw all this through a digital video camera.

I’m waiting under the maternity hospital, I don’t remember exactly who, in my opinion, a relative with a newborn, while holding balloons in my hands. One is in the form of a flower, the second is oval (a flower with 6-7 petals and that's it). different color), I don’t remember the third one, I remember that it was round. Then for some reason they swelled slightly, and a strong wind pulled out first one and then I myself released the 2 remaining ones and lay down on the asphalt laughing. I was in some kind of euphoria.

I dream that I am standing. There is a bit of darkness around. And from the sky very quickly, just like a meteorite, balls of luminous white light are flying at me, it seems there were four of them, maybe five, and they were adjacent to each other. But what I noticed was that in the middle of these luminous balls there was a black dot, the size of a grain.
This something luminous flew so swiftly and sharply, precisely at me, that I quickly covered my face and head with my hands in order to somehow bypass it. And she woke up. There was a feeling that it could either penetrate me, or just hit me. Mixed feeling. Whether I did the right thing or not, that I covered myself with my hands, I don’t know. But it was a defense-reflex.

I very rarely remember my dreams, and I rarely dream of them, and today I had a dream, but I only remember an excerpt, I stand on the banks of the river and see balloons above the water, so white, white and feelings of anxiety and joy, like - like I really feel it.

I dreamed that I was walking down the street next to the house, a lot of people were walking, who went where. And suddenly a bright white light appeared, passing blue. People started shouting someone admired .... I turn around and see a huge blue luminous ball rolling, but no one and nothing on his way, he didn’t demolish. because of the mother who was at home. Because the ball rolled in that direction. I called my mother, but I never got through ... .. soon the news began to show that the ball landed in a completely different place, and I sighed with relief. Me Porozil this ball - it was very large, bright of blue color reminiscent of space. And the ball made computer sounds. And I didn’t watch science fiction films at night!

Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed of a large luminous ball with some colored petals inside, as if it were flying across the cloudy sky in my direction, but flew by. It was very beautiful, sunny in color - I stood in the yard and was surprised that this had never happened I didn’t see it. What would it be for? Natalya


I was driving at night along the road with a friend, I was not driving. The road was winding and clear, there was no one else. Suddenly a ball of white or blue color all shining (like ball lightning), I said that it was ball lightning, my friend was surprised and we drove on. Then the same ball appeared again, slowly flying towards us. We stopped, the balloon flew up and the rain poured down, the balloon said something to us in a pleasant voice and then disappeared. Then I remember clear weather and a sunny day and a priest on the side of the road. We stopped and the priest was saying something about a ball, I don't remember what. Then I woke up and was in a good mood, but tired.

Well, I dreamed of a ball when I get out of bed and my sister tells me to go to bed, if I don’t go to bed, then the ball comes after me to any place, even if I hide, it will find it and suck me inside Then immediately another dream

Dreaming: I and some other two people (a girl and a guy) were guilty of something and from wherever you take a ball, white and luminous, it quickly flew and touched our foreheads (it was so warm that I could not breathe air ) we were supposed to fall asleep, but the guys fell asleep, but I don’t go on, I don’t remember anything

I dreamed of a bright ball like ball lightning, it flew in as if through a door and flew at me, I felt it on myself, as if I was sitting on it, I felt its warmth, it was all fast, I was afraid and felt that it it’s about to burst, and it burst under me, and I felt even more warmth under me, and then I woke up.

I left the house, looking at the sky, I saw an approaching large ball (of a bright, incomprehensible color), I realized that a collision with the Earth would now occur. Felt a little push. A few minutes later I saw several more similar balls in the sky. The shocks intensified. The number of balloons in the sky increased. I wanted to find some information about this on the phone, but it showed up: “signal lost. "

The ball is considered one of the most mysterious symbols that can only be seen in a dream. In many cultures, a closed contour and rounded outlines represent the ideal, integrity, completeness. When interpreting what a spherical figure is dreaming of, the dream book is often guided by this principle. This image knows no compromises: all or nothing, hit or miss - that's his motto.

At the same time, the figure should not be perceived as something unshakable. As a rule, dreams are full of all sorts of events: an object can approach, move away, change size and shape. An important factor is the location and purpose of this item: a dreaming balloon in the sky and an attribute of playing billiards or a ball have absolutely different interpretations despite similar shapes.

The simplest explanation of why the ball is dreaming is offered by Miller's dream book. According to his interpretation, this is how the bladder appears in a dream, the dream only signals a natural need.

The globe, which appeared in the dreamer's night dreams, has a much more sublime interpretation. The one who dreamed of such a majestic image is not without ambition and ambitious plans.


The airship on which I happened to fly is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, what you see in a dream promises a quick take-off in the undertakings of the sleeper, on the other hand, it personifies the instability of the situation and the constant risk of a far from soft landing.

This is not the only explanation of what a balloon flight is dreaming of. The changeable nature of its movement introduces its own corrections into the interpretation. If you were lucky enough to fly freely in the sky, you dreamed of the most favorable option, promising quick success. If in a dream you overcome numerous obstacles on takeoff, the dream calls you to rethink your undertaking: is it too complicated or dangerous?

flying objects

Stories about UFOs, meteorites and fireballs excite the imagination, so it is only natural that mysterious objects visit in a dream from time to time. To find out why a fireball is dreaming in the sky of unknown origin, you need to observe its behavior.

If you dreamed of a luminous ball flying directly at you, the dream book suggests meeting it with open arms. It brings the fulfillment of desires, unexpected luck and other pleasant surprises that will make themselves felt in reality. A receding object indicates that circumstances are trying to take the dream away from under your nose, they will not be easy to resist.

Decorative balls

Inflatable balloons that appeared in a dream testify to your love of games and fantasies. These addictions can both help reveal Creative skills, and doomed to an endless and useless waste of effort and money.

The esoteric dream book believes that the one who was lucky enough to inflate balloons in a dream, real life he is also a fairly happy and self-sufficient person who is almost never bored, thanks to his ingenuity and efficiency.

From Denise Lynn's dream book, you can find out why Christmas tree decorations in the form of balls are dreamed of. If you had a chance to decorate a Christmas tree with them in a dream, they are waiting for you good news and pleasant surprises from loved ones.

Color solutions

If you dreamed of multi-colored balloons, colored balls and other toys, the dream speaks of your cheerful character, positive attitude to life, optimism and excellent health.

In the prediction of Nostradamus, you can find the answer to what the black ball is dreaming of. If it rolls on the ground right at you, consider what you saw in a dream as a warning of an impending emergency.

It is undesirable to see white balls in a dream. If such an image nevertheless visited your nightly dreams, try to pay more attention to your health, relax more, and avoid stressful situations.

The yellow ball is one of the most life-affirming signs. He personifies the Sun, giving light, joy, warmth and life itself. Eastern dream book tells the dreamer that he is one step away from what he has been looking for so long.

What are they made of

If you dreamed of a crystal or glass ball, the dream book says that your positions are not strong enough. However, you have a chance to defend them, thanks to openness and insight. Now more than ever, trust your intuition.

A very auspicious symbol is the golden ball. This image indicates that you not only possess the necessary valuable qualities, but also know how to apply them in everyday situations, therefore you almost always achieve your goal.


If you dreamed of a magic ball, dream book Yellow Emperor promises strong-willed individuals and masters of their own destiny new opportunities. But the weak-willed dream book recommends taking care of protection.

Often a billiard ball appears in the dreams of gambling people who are prone to all sorts of adventures. To those who see him, the dream book hints that the next venture may not end quite the way we would like.

Ball in a dream - See yourself in a dream as an inflated balloon- low self-esteem and the presence of complexes greatly spoil your life, not allowing you to fully enjoy communication with the opposite sex, have fun and love yourself.
If in a dream you see the globe, then in real life make sure that your trusting relationship with children and relatives does not cease to be such. You need more sensitivity, attention, care and tenderness.
If you dreamed of a balloon flying into the sky, in real life you don’t notice something really important behind useless little things.
If in a dream you dream of an object in the shape of a ball, then soon you will expect rapid life changes that will not depend on you and your desires.
If balloons are inflated in your dream by children- do not hope that soon you will be able to comfortably spend time or relax. Unforeseen worries and disruption of plans also mean dreaming children who blow soap bubbles.
If balloons fly from your hands into the sky, then your dreams and hopes are not destined to come true.
If a man dreams of a ball- this is evidence that he lacks female warmth and attention, and for a woman, a dreaming ball means that psychologically and physiologically she is already ready to become a mother.
If the ball is in someone's hands- your days are filled with affairs, the importance of which you overestimate, in fact, these are absolutely empty chores and unnecessary worries.
From long trip you will return without achieving the desired result. A bursting ball seen in a dream portends an unsuccessful purchase in real life, termination of an agreement, a quarrel with a loved one.
Fly on a balloon in a dream- this means that the purpose of your life comes down to something everyday, simple, mundane. Do not forget that in the pursuit of material goods and pleasures for the body, you need to take care of the development of your spiritual qualities. A ball or a ball for children is dreaming of a minor disappointment, someone will not keep their promise to you.
Popping the balls yourself or seeing how others blow them up means that in reality someone will specifically interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will know who it is, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Inflate a balloon- to a journey, a new hobby, an unforgettable adventure with friends.
Inflate balloons in a dream- to celebration, fun, meeting with friends, an interesting surprise.
A dreamed figure in the form of a ball, no matter what it is made of and what it is intended for, means that in real life you are ready to sacrifice your own interests for the benefit of others.
Multi-colored balls in your dream will bring you new acquaintances and friends, a trip or a trip to a place where you have never been.
Seeing balloons in a dream indicates that you are a creative and very receptive person, your thoughts are filled with dreams and fantasies.
balloon see- a dream suggests that your dreams and plans can burst in an instant due to an absurd accident, out of place of the spoken word or by an unexpected coincidence. And there will be no one to blame.
Bright Christmas decorations in the form of balls- take your attention away from important events occurring in life, routine trifles.

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