How long should you bake a pumpkin in the oven? Oven-baked pumpkin: the best recipes

Along with autumn, the time has come to collect golden and fragrant pumpkin fruits, which can serve as the basis for many amazing dishes. We decided to devote this article to how to cook pumpkin in the oven.

Stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven

The combination of cheese and pumpkin is considered one of the classics in modern cooking. Following the immortal classics, let's prepare several types of cheeses.


  • pumpkin – 1 pc. (approximately 1.5 kg);
  • bread (crumb) – 120 g;
  • cheese "Cheddar", "Ermental", "Gruyère" - only 150 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • bacon - 4 strips;
  • green onions- taste;
  • cream – 1/3 cup;
  • nutmeg, salt, pepper - to taste.


Before starting cooking, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and grease the pumpkin baking dish with butter or cover with parchment.

Armed with a thin knife, and with extreme caution, cut off the “cap” from the pumpkin and clear the cavity of seeds. Rub the inside of the fruit with a mixture of salt and pepper.

Cut the bread crumb into cubes and fry in vegetable oil along with garlic and chopped strips of bacon. Cut the cheese into cubes and mix with fried bread and chopped green onions, season the filling if necessary.

Place the cheese and bread mixture into the peeled pumpkin and pour in cream. There should be enough cream to cover the filling without making it completely soggy. Now the pumpkin can be covered with a “hat” and put back in the oven for 2 hours, periodically checking for readiness. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the “cap” from the pumpkin to evaporate excess moisture.

Pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven

For those who prefer faster and simple methods cooking pumpkin, we recommend trying a recipe for fragrant pumpkin in the oven, baked in pieces.


  • pumpkin (small) – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil– 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - to taste;
  • cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg (ground) - a pinch;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel the pumpkin from the seeds and cut into slices 2-2.5 cm thick. Place the pumpkin slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and pour in olive oil.

In a separate bowl, mix all the spices and sprinkle them on the pumpkin slices. Now it's time to cook. How long to bake the pumpkin in the oven depends on your preference for the density of the pumpkin pulp; on average, for a soft pumpkin it is 20-25 minutes.

The prepared pumpkin dish in the oven can be eaten separately, or used as a spicy filling for baked goods.

Recipe for pumpkin pies in the oven


  • pumpkin pulp – 500 g;
  • Cheddar cheese - 100 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • puff pastry- 1 package;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


We wash the pumpkin pulp, dry it and grate it on a coarse grater. Chop the onion.

In a frying pan heated with oil, first fry the onions for 5-7 minutes until soft, and then add the pumpkin. Fry the vegetables for another 10 minutes, season, add tomato paste and simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes (without a lid).

Roll out the finished product on a surface sprinkled with flour and cut into squares with a side of 15 cm. Place a tablespoon of filling in the center of each square and wrap it so that you get a triangle, grease each triangle with beaten egg and send the pies to bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Before baking, you can sprinkle the pies with pumpkin seeds as a decoration.

What we need:

  1. Pumpkin itself - 500-600 g
  2. Sugar - 1 glass (of which we will use 3-4 tablespoons)

Cooking is easy and enjoyable.

Choose a medium-sized vegetable and cut it in half. Clear the middle of the seeds.
Cut half the pumpkin into slices - in the shape of a crescent. We try to ensure that the pieces are approximately the same width and not too thick - two centimeters will be enough.
Pour sugar onto a flat dish. Dip the pieces into it - but only on one side! We place the other one, without the sweet coating, on a baking sheet lightly greased with oil. You can cover the surface with foil and do not use oil.
Now that the entire surface of the metal is occupied by deliciously attached cuttings, we are approaching the middle of the process, how to bake pumpkin in the oven in slices. The recipe with photos teases the eye and excites the imagination. It's only the beginning!
Preheat the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Set the timer to twenty minutes. But keep in mind that hard fruits take longer to cook than soft ones. Therefore, it is beneficial to check readiness after 10-15 minutes of baking.

To determine whether the pan can be removed from the roasting pan, pierce the vegetable pulp with a wooden stick or match. If the pumpkin gives in easily, it is ready.

Appetizing presentation and the best sauces

How do we serve the dish?

  • Serve it hot or cold: each option has its fans.
  • To improve the absorption of vitamins, lightly grease the prepared slices with vegetable oil. We use a pastry brush: squeeze out excess oil and go over the pumpkin without pressing.
  • For younger and older eaters, it's best to remove the skin beforehand so they can focus entirely on enjoying the sweet flesh.
  • Half circles can be offered to guests as a whole: it will seem that we are eating a watermelon that has changed color.
  • If you cut the arcs into bars, you will have a filling and healthy alternative to chips, cereals and other unhealthy snacks.

What healthy sauces can be made quickly and tasty?

Baking a pumpkin is a simple task, but preparing for this process has many nuances. Beautiful pumpkins have a tough skin that requires a lot of effort to cut through. You will need sharpened knife with a wide and heavy blade , professionals respectfully call such a knife a chef’s knife. Resist the temptation to grab a serrated knife; it will get stuck in the crust and you could get hurt when pulling it out.

Baked pumpkin salad with arugula from . Watch the video recipe!

Preparing for baking

Place the pumpkin on a non-slip kitchen surface. You can place a silicone mat or towel under the vegetable. Start the cut near the stem and move the knife down, applying gentle pressure . If you cannot divide the fruit in one go, make several successive cuts. If you are going to bake a pumpkin with filling, choose a fruit no larger than medium and cut off the top of it with a “lid”. Small pumpkins tend to have more pulp and fewer seeds, while larger ones not only have less pulp, but it is also watery.

Remove seeds from pumpkin. Any large spoon with pointed edges or a special ice cream scoop will work for this. The seeds can be washed, dried and baked with butter and spices . They can be a good snack, an excellent ingredient for salads, an excellent addition to baked goods and a decoration for creamy soups.

The pumpkin can be baked whole, with or without filling, sliced ​​or peeled and cut into pieces. It should be borne in mind that it is very easy to remove the peel from a baked pumpkin, which cannot be said about a raw one. To peel the vegetable before baking, cut it into slices with a chef's knife. , cut each slice into pieces and only then remove the skin from each piece using a sharp fruit knife.

How to bake pumpkin:

    To bake pumpkin, the oven must be preheated to 200°C. Line a baking sheet with foil or baking parchment.

    Bake the pumpkin halves with the vegetable cut side down. The pumpkin will be ready in 60-90 minutes, depending on the size.

    Remove the finished fruit from the oven, sprinkle with good vegetable oil and let the pulp cool for 10 minutes.

    Then remove the skin. Now it will come off almost effortlessly. This pumpkin is suitable for soups, risotto, casseroles, for filling pies and for making puree, which you can put in jars and store in the freezer.

In order to bake stuffed pumpkin, Place the vegetable cut side up on a baking sheet. Bake the vegetable for about 60 minutes without filling, then stuff it and bake for about 40 minutes more, unless the recipe calls for a different time.

Pumpkin cut into slices or pieces can be served for dessert or as a side dish.

How to bake pumpkin for dessert and side dish:

    Place the slices on a baking sheet and, using a silicone brush, brush with vegetable oil and sprinkle with spices.

    For snack pumpkin, thyme, nutmeg, sage, cumin, cinnamon and cardamom are suitable. Bake for about 20 minutes, turn the slices over, brush and season again, and bake until done.

    Place the pumpkin pieces in a bowl with the oil and spices and shake them several times until they are completely coated with the mixture.

    Place in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 40 minutes. You can serve this pumpkin as a side dish with meat, poultry and fish, or you can also use it as the pulp of a vegetable baked in halves.

Pumpkin is one of the most healthy products, but not everyone knows what to cook from it except pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven turns out to be very tasty. This dish has many variations. It is often prepared for dessert, but there are recipes for a second course prepared in this way.

Cooking features

Baking pumpkin pieces in the oven is easy, you just need to take a few features into account.

  • For baking, it is better to take a medium-sized pumpkin: a large one will take too long to cook and will turn out fibrous, while a small one will often be undergrown. In addition, there are varieties of small pumpkins grown for decorative rather than food purposes. Between pumpkins with pale flesh and bright orange flesh, it is better to give preference to the one with a more saturated color: its taste and aroma will also be more intense.
  • Pumpkin takes a long time to cook. Therefore, even if it is cut into small pieces, most often it is necessary to add liquid to the container where it is baked. There is no need to pour too much water, otherwise the finished pumpkin will turn out watery and taste unpleasant.
  • The baking time for pumpkin depends on the size of the pieces and the variety. If the pieces are no more than one and a half centimeters wide, then baking them usually takes an hour. But still, before removing the dish from the oven, it is recommended to check its readiness with a fork: if the pumpkin is soft, then it is ready, and if it is too hard, you need to let it sit in the oven.

Some subtleties of cooking pumpkin in pieces in the oven depend on the recipe.

Pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven with sugar

  • pumpkin – 0.8 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pumpkin and cut off its tail. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds. Wash and dry the seeds - they are also tasty and healthy, although they are not required for preparing the dish according to this recipe.
  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces, the width of which is about 1–1.5 cm, and the length of the other sides – 5–7 cm. That is, you should get flat rectangles.
  • Place the pumpkin pieces in a baking tray so that their narrowest side is tall.
  • Pour water into the pan.
  • Sprinkle pumpkin pieces with sugar.
  • Place a pat of butter on top of each pumpkin piece.
  • Place the baking dish in the oven for 30 minutes. Cook the dish at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

This is the easiest recipe for cooking pumpkin pieces in the oven. It can be improved a little by sprinkling the pumpkin pieces during cooking not only with sugar, but also with cinnamon. This will give the dish a unique warm aroma. It is best to serve pumpkin prepared according to this recipe with milk or cocoa, although coffee and tea are also suitable. To make the pumpkin juicier, baste it with the syrup left in the baking dish after removing the pumpkin pieces.

Pumpkin baked in pieces with apples and nuts

  • pumpkin – 0.3 kg;
  • apples – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes no larger than a centimeter.
  • Cut the apples. The apple pieces should be about the same shape and size as the pumpkin pieces.
  • Stir in pumpkin and apple pieces. Place this mixture on a baking sheet, onto which you first need to pour water.
  • Sprinkle the fruit and vegetable mixture with sugar and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. Cooking time depends on the type of pumpkin and the size of the pieces. The degree of readiness of the dish is also determined by it: the dessert is ready when the pumpkin becomes soft.
  • While the pumpkin is cooking, chop the walnut kernels - you will need to sprinkle them on the finished dish. You can grind the nuts with a knife or use a coffee grinder to make the process easier.

This simple dessert looks quite elegant. In addition, it has a delicate taste. This dish is served cold. If you sprinkle it with grainy cottage cheese, it will look even more appetizing, and its satiety and benefits will increase.

Pumpkin baked in the oven with lemon and honey

  • pumpkin – 0.6 kg;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • honey – 35 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • sugar – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, peel and seed the pumpkin, cut into 1.5–2 cm cubes.
  • Dissolve honey in warm water, pour lemon juice and oil into it, stir well.
  • Place the pumpkin pieces in a mold, pour the resulting syrup over them, trying to get it evenly on all the pieces.
  • Place the pan in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 40 minutes.
  • Take it out. Sprinkle with sugar and return to the oven. Bake for another 20 minutes.

This aromatic, tasty and very healthy dessert can be eaten plain or washed down with tea or coffee.

Pumpkin with bacon, baked in pieces

  • pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • bacon – 0.2 kg;
  • chicken broth – 125 ml;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 100 g;
  • spaghetti – 150 g;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • thyme – 10 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the spaghetti, rinse it and mix it with a spoonful of oil.
  • Cut the washed and peeled pumpkin into small square pieces (about 1 cm or even a little less).
  • Peel the onion and cut into small pieces.
  • Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  • Cut the bacon into thin slices.
  • Finely grate the cheese.
  • Heat two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry it until a nice golden color.
  • Add pieces of pumpkin and garlic to the onion, fry everything together until the pumpkin pieces are browned on all sides.
  • Pour the broth into the pan and cover it with a lid. Simmer the pumpkin until it becomes soft.
  • Place the pumpkin in a large mixing container and pour the remaining broth into it.
  • Beat the eggs, add salt and pepper, mix with spaghetti.
  • Add the eggs and spaghetti to the bowl with the pumpkin and mix everything well.
  • Grease the baking dish with the remaining oil. Place the resulting mixture into it. Sprinkle everything with thyme and breadcrumbs.
  • Place bacon slices on top and sprinkle with cheese.
  • Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes until the cheese has melted and acquired an appetizing hue.

The dish is not only nourishing and tasty, but also very beautiful. This casserole of pumpkin pieces with spaghetti and bacon will not be a shame to serve festive table. This is a complete second course that does not require any additions.

You ask: how to cook pumpkin in the oven? It’s very simple, today we will prepare it as a dessert. Having prepared 3 options, you can choose which method you like best.

Pumpkin is very healthy and tasty. Porridges are prepared from it, baked in the oven as a dessert, served as a side dish for meat, sauces, pies, pancakes, and casseroles are made. It has a rich smell and piquant taste. The following spices go best with it: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla, cardamom; all these spices are suitable for dessert. If you make soup or side dish from it, the following seasonings are good: curry, sweet parika, ground black and red pepper, turmeric.

Its calorie content is 28 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it can be eaten by people who are on a diet. It is well suited for complementary feeding for small children, because it contains potassium, calcium and other minerals, as well as vitamins K.

4 Recipes - how to cook pumpkin in the oven

This recipe is the simplest and is chosen by those who do not like honey. The main thing is to have all the ingredients on hand. Spices and caramel add flavor to the vegetable, making it tender, soft and sweet. The main thing is to be able to prepare it correctly. But first you need a good pumpkin - ripe, bright in color, and if cut, it should have a strong aroma. The size of the vegetable should preferably be medium, because small fruits may not be ripe.

It can be served for breakfast with a cup of tea, for dessert or added to milk porridge. Sweet caramel complements the dessert, be sure to drizzle it over the dessert.


  • Pumpkin – 200 g. a couple of slices
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp
  • Water – 7-10 tbsp
  • Cinnamon - a pinch

How to make baked pumpkin slices with sugar

First, peel and rinse the vegetable under running water. The peel was thin, so I decided not to cut it off, but then eat it like a watermelon slice. Cut into slices 0.5-1cm wide. It is advisable to cut into thin slices so that it bakes faster.

We take a baking dish; I don’t recommend a baking sheet because the syrup may all evaporate. Pour water, add pumpkin pieces, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. The water should cover the entire bottom of the mold, then it will turn out juicy. Place in the oven to bake for 40 minutes at 180C. Check the readiness with a knife; if the piece is completely pierced, it means it is ready.

Place the pumpkin slices on a plate and pour over the syrup. Can be eaten warm or cold.

Sweet pumpkin in lemon caramel

Once you try this dessert, you will not be able to tear yourself away from it. Tender, melt-in-your-mouth pumpkin with a lemony taste and aroma, very reminiscent of candied fruits. Even children will appreciate this delicacy. After all, such a dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy. This dish is prepared simply and quickly, the main thing is to have all the necessary ingredients on hand. I didn’t add any spices, I wanted a clean, lemony taste, but you can add: cinnamon, vanilla or nutmeg.

To be honest, having tasted all 4 options, I liked this one the most, I wanted to cook a new portion again.


  • Pumpkin – 150 g.
  • Water – 6 tbsp
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp


Peel the vegetable and cut out unnecessary pulp and seeds from the middle. Cut it into small pieces, the smaller, the faster it will cook.

Place it in a small baking dish and add water. The water should be up to the middle of the mold level, namely covering half of the pieces. If you add too much water, the syrup will turn out watery. Add lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. The sugar should be evenly distributed among the pieces. Place in the oven to bake for 50 minutes at 180C.

Take out the pumpkin pieces with lemon and serve. It is delicious both hot and cold. Serve it with a cup of hot black tea. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin with apples baked in the oven

This wonderful vegetable is combined with various fruits and spices, for example: apples, banana, pears, quince, lemon, oranges, nuts, honey, cream. Today we will cook baked pumpkin with apples and honey in the oven. It tastes sweet with the taste of honey. The baked apples complement the dish perfectly, and the caramel adds the finishing touch. You could say we got a warm dessert salad. I added cinnamon as a spice because it goes well with apples. Lemon juice adds the desired sourness and aroma.


  • Pumpkin – 200 g.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - a couple of drops
  • Honey – 2 tbsp
  • Water – 0.5 cups
  • Cinnamon - a pinch

How to cook pumpkin with apples in the oven

Peel and cut into thin pieces, 0.5 - 1 cm wide. There is no need to peel apples. Cut them into large slices. Choose apples that are sweet and sour so that there is sourness in the dish.

Pour water into a baking dish, add apples and pumpkin. Pour generously with honey, lemon juice, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place in the oven to bake for 30-40 minutes at 180C. degrees.

Serve the dessert hot, always with honey sauce.

Pumpkin baked in the oven with honey

This is a fairly simple and traditional option. The main thing is to thoroughly coat the pumpkin with honey, and it’s better to coat each slice separately, then it will swell juicy and sweet. The pieces should be placed at a distance from each other and baked with the addition of water. For variety, you can sprinkle nuts, seeds or coconut flakes. You can bake in this recipe simply on a baking sheet or in a mold. You can cut it into cubes or slices, like I did. I noticed that in slices it bakes much faster.


  • Pumpkin – 150 g.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp
  • Water - 4 tbsp

How to cook pumpkin with honey in the oven

Wash the vegetable under running water and cut into slices; the peel can be peeled if desired. Cut it into pieces 0.5 cm wide.

Brush each piece with honey, place it in a baking dish and pour in water. Bake for 30 minutes at 180C. Before serving, pour syrup over it.

  1. For the dessert to be delicious, the pumpkin must be ripe, aromatic and bright in color. Choose a medium-sized vegetable, weighing approximately 1-1.5 kg. The peel should be thin, light orange or with a white tint.
  2. Cut it into thin pieces in the form of a watermelon slice or cubes.
  3. Lubricate the slices: with honey, water, cream or vegetable oil, it all depends on what kind of dish you are preparing. It can be a dessert, a side dish, an appetizer.
  4. Honey must be natural and High Quality, because the taste of the dish depends on it.
  5. If you want to cook salted pumpkin, the following ingredients go well with it: olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, onion, hot pepper, salt, paprika, bacon.
  6. Water must be in the baking dish, otherwise the pumpkin will turn out dry or may burn. You don’t need to add a lot of water either, as the vegetable will turn out watery and not tasty.
  7. Baking time depends on the size of the pieces and your oven, minimum 30 minutes and up to one hour.
  8. If the top of the pieces begins to burn during cooking, cover it with foil and cook until done.
  9. It’s easy to check the readiness of a vegetable; pierce it with a knife; if it breaks easily, it means it’s ready.