Mulberry blossom. Mulberry, aka mulberry tree

Is it possible to grow mulberries in the central zone of our country? Despite the fact that the tree has southern roots, according to reviews, mulberry of certain varieties grows and reproduces well in the Moscow region. In the article you will find tips with photographs on how to plant and care for mulberries.

Varieties and varieties

Mulberry is widespread in the subtropical zones of America, Africa and Asia, India, in the Middle Volga region and the Moscow region, the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, and the Nizhny Novgorod region. This ancient crop is of great importance as a fruit and medicinal plant. Wood is a valuable material for making crafts, cooperage and musical instruments. Juices, wine and vodka, vinegar, and jelly are made from the berries. Dried berries are added to the dough. Mulberry leaves are a valuable source of nutrition for the silkworm, whose pupa is used to produce silk. It was from mulberry bast that the Chinese began to produce paper.

Both the fruits and wood of the mulberry are beneficial to humans in many ways.

There are more than 17 types of mulberry. In our country, black and white mulberries are most often used. The difference between these species lies in the color of the bark, and not the color of the berries, as many are accustomed to thinking. Black mulberries have a more pronounced taste, so they are often planted for fruit production. White is considered much more frost-resistant.

Considering the unpretentiousness of mulberry to growing conditions, the ability to tolerate air pollution, ease of shaping and decorativeness, it is widely used for landscaping: dense hedges, in groups and individually, for creating alleys. The most impressive are the following decorative forms:

  • golden;
  • crying;

Weeping form

  • spherical;
  • large-leaved;

Large-leaved form

  • pyramidal;
  • dissect-leaved.

Mulberry planting

The favorable time for planting mulberries is spring or early autumn. Choose a well-lit place, ideally southern slopes. Mulberry is undemanding when it comes to soil; it can grow on saline soils, but prefers well-drained loams.

Choose a bright place for the seedling, protected from the winds

Planting holes are prepared in advance so that the soil can stand. Size 70 x 70 cm and depth up to half a meter. The removed soil is mixed with a bucket of humus, half is placed in a hole, a seedling is placed on top, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with the remaining soil. Compact the soil around the stem and water it. Depending on the future formation of the seedling, the distance between the trees is set differently. 5 m are left between standard forms, and 3 m between bush forms.

After planting, the soil must be mulched - mulch will protect the roots of the plant from freezing in winter.

Advice. Mulberries are divided into male and female. It is better to purchase seedlings from the nursery that have already bear fruit once, so you will definitely get a fruit-bearing tree. Males do not bear fruit and are used only for landscaping or decoration.

Mulberry care, fertilizer and feeding

Agricultural techniques for growing mulberries include watering, fertilizing, formative pruning, disease prevention and pest protection.

Mulberry tolerates cutting and shaping very well. Withstands temperatures down to 30 degrees, annual shoots may be damaged. In cold regions, where freezing occurs frequently, the growing shoots form a bush and a bush form of mulberry is obtained; only sanitary pruning in winter is needed. Therefore, in the Moscow region, mulberry is a bush, not a tree.

Mulberry is a very hardy plant

Free-growing mulberry reaches a height of 10 meters. It is better to create a tree on a one and a half meter trunk, bend the branches in different directions and support it with pruning. At such a height, it is convenient to pick berries and easy to care for the crown.

The young seedling will have enough nutrients that were added when planting in the hole. When the mulberry begins to bear fruit, the need for nutrition increases and it is necessary to apply fertilizer. On sandy soils this action is especially necessary. After the soil thaws, nitrogen fertilizers are applied. Possible for every square. m add 50 g of nitroammophoska or apply an infusion of bird droppings and mullein. If necessary, this feeding is repeated in early June. In the fall, you can add potassium and phosphorus elements.

Advice. If pruned very hard, the mulberry may stop bearing fruit, keep this in mind if you are growing a tree for its berries.


Mulberries are reproduced by seeds, root shoots, layering, cuttings, and cultivated varieties by grafting.

Diseases and pests

Mulberry is a fairly resistant plant to pathogenic flora and pests; in the middle zone, the crop suffers more from frost than from disease. Diseases are divided into two etiologies: fungal and viral.

  • powdery mildew;
  • root rot;
  • The tinder fungus is a fungus that feeds on living wood. A sign of damage is gum discharge, which appears when the blood vessels of the tree are blocked. Cannot be treated. Infection occurs when wood is damaged;

Tinder fungus

  • curly leaf blight is a virus that cannot be cured. The main source of infection is sucking insects;
  • bacteriosis;
  • brown spot.

Brown spot on mulberry leaves

The development of the pathogen can be facilitated by the introduction of an excessive dose of nitrogen or a lack of nutrients, or thickening of the crown.

Mulberry pests: chafer larva, mole cricket, wireworm, white American butterfly larva, Comstock worms, spider mites.

Protect your berry harvest from birds

Spider mites are recognizable by the web on the underside of the leaf. It feeds on plant sap, which leads to browning and falling off of the leaves. The tick reproduces very quickly. The control method is spraying with thiophos.

Khrushchev, mole crickets and wireworms damage the root system, which is especially dangerous for young plants. Also, mulberries can become infected with diseases through wounds caused by insects.

Birds love to eat mulberry berries. To preserve the harvest, you need to throw a fine mesh or agrofibre over the tree.

Proper care of mulberries: video

How to plant and grow mulberries: photo

Growing in the garden. These are apple trees, pears, cherries, plums and cherries. However, the mulberry tree is quite rare in it. But in the recent past it was very popular and affordable. The older generation of gardeners can tell a lot about a useful plant that has now become exotic.


An amazing long-liver from China. It has long been grown as a fodder crop. The leaves of the tree served as food for the silkworm, a producer of raw materials for making unique fabric. Gardeners grow the mulberry tree, which belongs to the genus Morus, not for silk production, but as an ornamental and fruit crop. The genus consists of twenty-four species. Of these, the fruiting ones are white and black mulberry, the distinctive characteristic of which is the color of the bark of an adult plant. Many gardeners mistakenly believed that mulberries are distinguished by the color of the berries. However, this is not at all true.

White mulberry has a light-colored bark. But the berries can be white, cream, pink, purple or completely black. The numerous genus Morus is represented by dioecious and less commonly monoecious trees. Most of them are heat-loving plants that can be grown in southern regions. Only white mulberry in the middle zone does not freeze, grows well and bears fruit.


Not every fruit plant can boast of its longevity. Over the course of two hundred or even three hundred years, the mulberry will give birth, without changing its qualities over time. The spreading tree reaches a height of twenty to thirty-five meters. It is often formed in the form of a two- or three-meter bush. The bark is light. The spherical crown is densely covered with oval foliage.

The cola-shaped inflorescences of the mulberry tree are small. They have a light green color. Dioecious or less commonly wind pollinated. The fruits of the drupe are formed in the form of small fruits. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Depending on the variety, the berries can be painted in different colors. White mulberries ripen between May and July. It bears fruit in the fifth year after planting. Productivity is high. The berry picking period is somewhat extended due to unfriendly ripening. They are non-transportable and poorly stored; they are used immediately after removal.

This mulberry tree is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. These qualities characterize the plant as quite hardy and unpretentious. It is suitable for areas with any type of soil. In addition to these advantages, the mulberry tree is a medicinal plant. The fruits have a high content of vitamins. In addition, they contain flavonoid, morin, carotene, fatty acids, and iron salts. It's not just berries that have medicinal properties. The bark and leaves of the tree are also used for medicinal purposes.

Mulberry varieties

White mulberry can act as a fodder, fruit and ornamental crop. They are presented in various varieties, differing in individual properties.

Thus, among the fruit-bearing varieties, white honey mulberry is quite attractive. It is characterized by relative frost resistance and unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases. A tall deciduous tree with a wide crown. The simple oval leaves are light green. Inflorescences are spike-shaped. Juicy fruits are white in color.

The taste is good. The long harvest begins at the end of June. Uneven fruit ripening lasts until early August. Fresh berries are stored for no more than six hours. They practically do not tolerate transportation.

White mulberry of the Baroness variety is deciduous. The dense, well-leafed crown has a spherical shape. Flowers are dioecious. They are light in color and form a spike-shaped inflorescence. Large berries, 3.5 cm in size and 1.5 cm in diameter, are densely colored black. The aromatic, complex drupe has a sweet, pleasant taste. Unlike the previous variety, the fruits are relatively transportable. The shelf life is twelve hours. The variety is high-yielding.

The berry picking period is June-July. This mulberry is an unpretentious plant with high frost resistance. Mulberry winters well.

Mulberry Smuglyanka is a tall spreading tree that has a pyramidal crown. Large fruits reach three centimeters. Black berries are very juicy. The taste is excellent. The slightly acidic taste does not spoil the berries. This variety is less winter-hardy than Baroness. In winter, the branches may freeze slightly. The unpretentious plant has high productivity. The fruits ripen at the beginning of July.

In addition to fruit species, there are more than four hundred decorative forms. Mulberry varieties differ in the shape and color of the crown and foliage. These are spectacular plants that are used in landscape design. The tree and shrub compositions, alleys and which include mulberry trees are beautiful. Their openwork crown goes well with evergreens.

Weeping white mulberry

A low-growing tree or shrub reaches a height and width of up to three meters. It has a very decorative appearance. The elongated mulberry branches hang down. This form is indispensable in landscape design and will decorate any garden.

The dark green large leaves, which can be from eight to twenty centimeters long, are heart-shaped. In autumn they turn yellow. The flowering period occurs in May-June. Mulberries bear few fruits. They are edible and have a pleasant sweetish taste.

In addition, there are spherical, dissect-leaved, Tatar and golden forms of white mulberry. Each of them has its own advantages and is widely used for single or group plantings.


Often, summer residents do not dare to plant mulberry trees, since space is limited in a small area. “Is my garden suitable for fashionable exoticism?” - this is the question that arises among gardeners when choosing one or another variety of long-lived giant.

Growing mulberries involves several ways to shape the plant, which will limit the height. A tall, powerful, spreading tree requires a larger feeding area. Mulberries are planted according to a 5 x 6 m pattern. When the height of the mulberry is limited and grown as a bush, the pattern is different and is 2 x 3 m. White mulberry is unpretentious. It grows equally well in unfavorable urban conditions and in suburban summer cottages. The corner of the garden in which the mulberries will grow should be well lit. Planting and caring for mulberry trees follows generally accepted rules for fruit trees. Seedlings are planted in early spring. The planting location should be such as not to damage it. For better rooting, a mixture of humus and sand is added to the hole. Water the planting hole generously and sprinkle it with soil. The soil around the trunk of the seedling is mulched with peat. In the autumn, planting is carried out one and a half months before the onset of frost.

Agricultural technology

Care consists of removing weeds, loosening the soil and regular watering. It is especially important to monitor newly planted plants. Weeds that are destructive to plants are not allowed. Regular weeding and mulching with humus or peat will contribute to their normal and rapid growth. During the summer season, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. This agrotechnical technique is very important for the normal development of mulberries and obtaining good yields. Fertilizers are applied during bud break. Fifty grams of nitrophoska are needed per square meter. After applying the fertilizer, the soil is watered intensively. At the beginning of July, watering is stopped. Feeding should also not be carried out during this period. Increased nutrition will promote the growth of young shoots, which will freeze out in winter.


To prevent the tree from growing tall and looking well-groomed, its crown is shaped, limiting its growth to three meters. In addition, last year's young growths may freeze slightly in winter. They need to be removed. Mulberry pruning has no individual characteristics. Sanitary and rejuvenating techniques are carried out, which are carried out following generally accepted recommendations for mulberry trees that tolerate pruning well. This intake should be regular. The crown is thinned annually. In this case, diseased, damaged and weak branches must be removed. Crossing shoots are also trimmed.

Obtaining seed material

White mulberries ripen in summer. Ripe fruits are suitable for obtaining seeds. After harvesting, some of the berries are left in the sun. They are slightly overripe. Then they are placed in a container for several days.

Juicy fruits should sour. Next they are ground in water. Full-bodied seeds sink to the bottom of the container. This mass is rubbed through a fine sieve. The resulting seeds are dried. They must be used within a year. They quickly lose their viability.

Seed propagation

Several methods are used to obtain young plants. Seed propagation is possible. This method begins with stratification. The seeds are kept at a temperature of zero or five degrees for a month. The greenhouse is pre-prepared. In early April, mulberries will be sown in it. Reproduction in this way allows you to have forty-centimeter seedlings already in the autumn.

Grafting on frost-resistant rootstock

To preserve the maternal characteristics of a particular variety, vaccination will be more effective. This method is more complex. It requires careful selection of material for propagation. Winter mulberry grafting is quite often used. Young plants of frost-resistant mulberry varieties grown from seeds are used as a rootstock. They are dug up and stored in damp sawdust. The storage temperature should be zero degrees. Scions are also stored in damp sawdust. After grafting, the planting material is placed in boxes and kept at a temperature of twenty-five degrees. After this, they are stored in damp sawdust at zero temperature until spring.

Mulberry grafting in the spring is carried out on last year's rootstocks. This event occurs during the period before bud break. Cuttings taken in the fall are used. They are stored throughout the winter in damp sawdust at zero temperature.

You can also vaccinate in the summer. To do this, use the current year's blanks.

Propagation by green cuttings

Planting material is harvested in the second decade of June. Suitable green shoots are at least fifteen centimeters long. They are cut from non-lignified branches. The blanks are processed by removing the lower leaves and shortening the upper ones by half. Before rooting, the cuttings are kept for six hours in an aqueous solution of heteroauxin.

Or they are placed in a mixture of sand and peat, which is moistened with this solution. Green cuttings are rooted in closed ground. The main condition is high air humidity. To create a greenhouse effect, cover with plastic film.

Diseases and pests

Like any crop, white mulberry is susceptible to infection. It can be affected by diseases such as bacteriosis, powdery mildew and root rot.

In the spring, preventive spraying of the tree with special preparations is carried out.

The mulberry tree also has a lot of pests. Beetleworms, mole crickets, mulberry beetles, wireworms and spider mites damage various parts of the plant. Mechanical and chemical methods are used to combat them. In autumn, fallen leaves must be removed and burned.

Features of harvesting

White mulberry is characterized by an extended fruiting period. The berries ripen unevenly. On the one hand, this is good. For a longer period, the mulberry tree will delight you with ripe, juicy fruits. However, ripe fruits should be removed promptly. Almost all varieties of white mulberry are poorly stored. They are not transportable. If there is a delay in picking, the berries fall off, which leads to their spoilage. After picking, the fruits are immediately processed or consumed fresh.

Beneficial properties of white mulberry

The medicinal properties of mulberries have been known for a long time. Eating fresh berries helps improve a person’s general condition. White mulberry helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It is included in diets for weight loss. The low-calorie berry perfectly normalizes metabolism. In addition, the plant cleanses the intestines and promotes the removal of toxins. Mulberries are most often consumed fresh. It is also subjected to culinary processing. It is suitable for preparations for future use. You can make juices, syrups, jams and marmalades. Wines and liqueurs have an exquisite taste. It is also dried. In this form, it is used instead of sugar. White mulberry is indispensable in cosmetology. It is included in various masks for hair, face and body.

However, with all the advantages, one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. Like any medicine, the use of mulberries also has contraindications. Excessive consumption can be harmful. The berries are not recommended for diabetics. Dried mulberry leaves will be healthier for them.

Tell us about mulberries. How to care for a tree, does it need to be pruned?

Three thousand years ago, mulberry was known in China.

It came to Ukraine more than five hundred years ago; it was propagated in the gardens of Kyiv monasteries. The mulberry leaf is fed by the silkworm caterpillar, which creates silk.

But here we grow it as a fruit plant. Mulberries grow in public gardens and residential areas, and children feast on their berries in the summer. They are not only tasty, but also healthy, they contain a lot of organic acids and sugar. Various types of jams and compotes are prepared from them. There are three types of mulberries: red, white, black. The last two differ not so much in the color of the fruit as in the shade of the bark of large trees. White mulberry may have white, pink, yellow and, according to gardeners, almost black berries. In black mulberry

they are distinctly black or violet-black. At the red mulberry

inflorescences are purple-dark or red. It is less common than white and black. Black mulberry is usually grown for its berries; they are larger than those of its white sister, richly juicy, sweet and sour. These trees can grow up to 15 meters high, and the red variety is even larger. Already at the age of five or seven they produce their first harvest.

Mulberry grows well

on chernozem soils, but in general it may not be very demanding if the proper conditions are not created. It is believed that in severe winters it can freeze slightly, but in the spring it begins to grow back.

Increasing its winter hardiness, some gardeners use such agronomic techniques as pinching shoots and crown formation. The tree tolerates pruning painlessly. To keep the crown so thick, you can remove excess branches. Before planting a tree, you should think about the place where it will grow.

The plant can be propagated by seeds. To obtain them, fresh berries are used.

You just need to take into account that overripe ones in which fermentation has begun are unsuitable for this purpose. Crushed mulberries

should be passed through a metal sieve and rinsed in fresh water, then dry the seeds in the shade. It is best to sow them before winter to a depth of one or two centimeters. Before sowing, experts advise keeping them in running water for two days, and then mixing them with fine sand (1:10) and placing them indoors for four days.

Most often, seedlings do not retain their parental characteristics. This also applies to one of the best varieties of mulberry - Shaltut (royal berry).

Therefore, they will have to be grafted with cuttings from high-yielding, large-fruited forms behind the bark or eye. With the second method (summer budding), the harness will need to be removed with the onset of autumn frosts. Taking this into account, it is still preferable to propagate mulberries by layering and cuttings.

Cuttings root easily if they are first kept in a heteroauxin solution, and organic matter is added to the soil and watered regularly. Mulberries come in different varieties -1 white, black, red. The plant loves the sun very much, winters well and is not afraid of drought. Mulberry beneficial properties. Now a few words about its use. Mulberry is used in Chinese medicine; the bark of the roots was used for hypertension, bronchitis, the bark of the branches was used as a wound-healing agent and for heart disease, and the leaves were used as an antipyretic.

Modern herbalists recommend

mulberry leaf infusion

for vitamin deficiencies and as a means to improve health.

It has been proven that preparations based on mulberry leaves have beneficial, unsurpassed properties - a sugar-lowering effect in the initial stages of diabetes.

Mulberry seeds were once exported from China secretly, on pain of death.

The plant turned out to be generally unpretentious and began to spread widely as an ornamental and fruit tree. True, mulberries also have their own preferences. She likes to grow in a sunny place, on fertile soil, and does not tolerate places with standing groundwater. If these conditions are taken into account, then in gratitude it grows and bears fruit even along roads, in parks, behind the fence of personal plots.


not just delicious. They are useful for stomach and heart diseases, improve vision and the process of blood formation.

Eastern medicine believes that they prolong human life. Traditional medicine of Georgia recommends the unripe fruits of black mulberry for diarrhea, and the tincture of ripe berries as a diaphoretic for colds, as a diuretic.

White mulberry juice is an expectorant for coughs and also a mild laxative. The fruits can be used fresh or dried, and can be used to make jam and syrups.

The annual shedding of mulberry ovaries suggests a lack of pollination. The mulberry is pollinated by the wind, beyond which in your area in the spring, as they say, things didn’t stop.

The problem is different. There are not only monoecious mulberries, in which bisexual flowers are present on one inflorescence, but also dioecious ones, when female and male flowers are present on different trees.

This happens especially often when propagated by seeds. Most likely, you have a tree growing that needs a “married couple”, and the male half, once the ovary is formed. Try an experiment in the spring when the mulberries are blooming.

Cut a few mulberry branches from friends in the park, immediately place them in jars of water and secure them in the crown of your tree. If this helps, you will need to think about vaccination.

The leaves of the plant are the main food for the silkworm, whose cocoons are the main material for producing silk. By the way, black and white mulberries differ from each other not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of the branches: in white mulberries it is light, in black mulberries it is an order of magnitude darker. The fruits of this plant, loved by adults and children, contain a large complex of vitamins, which makes consuming this product not only pleasant, but also healthy. Black mulberry is the basis for delicious preserves, jams and compotes; fermentation of the berries produces excellent wine; distillation produces mulberry vodka. Of course, fresh mulberry fruits are most in demand.

Black mulberry: description

Black mulberry, whose homeland is Iran, is very loved by many people for the sweet, slightly sour taste of its purple-black, blackberry-like berries. Its leaves are not suitable for feeding silkworms, because they are too tough for such capricious caterpillars.

Mulberry, planting and caring for which does not require special knowledge, is a heat-loving plant; can reach a height of 3.5 meters; In garden conditions, for ease of picking berries, it is recommended to form the crown in a timely manner so that the height of the plant does not exceed 2-3 meters. The lifespan of mulberry is quite long - several hundred years; The harvest can be expected within 5 years from the moment of planting, from grafted trees - a little earlier. On average, a 10-year-old tree can produce about 100 kilograms of high-quality sweet fruits.

Plants can be either self-pollinating (have flowers of both sexes in one inflorescence) or not. In the second case, a pair (male and female trees) will need to be planted on the site.

Mulberry as an element of landscape design

Black mulberry is often used in landscape design; The tree looks impressive in group plantings and is used to form hedges. Its decorative forms are becoming increasingly popular, for example, weeping, characterized by original branches bending towards the ground. Low mulberries with a spherical crown are also quite popular when decorating plots.


Black mulberry can be propagated in several ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

The seed method is most often used by breeders to adapt the plant to northern regions or when growing a rootstock for grafting. The seeds, which are very small (1000 pieces weigh about 2.5 grams), must first undergo stratification for 2 months. Sowing is done in early spring, incorporation into the soil is shallow. Crops need to be mulched to protect the top soil layer from drying out. During the season, young seedlings should be weeded several times, destroying the weeds located around them. By autumn, with good care, large seedlings will appear, the fruiting of which will begin at 5-6 years of age.

Vegetative propagation of mulberries is carried out by layering, grafting, green cuttings and shoots. Cultivated varieties are often propagated by grafting; white mulberry is used as a rootstock.

It is recommended to grow mulberries on loose loamy or sandy loam soils. For bush planting, it is recommended to maintain a distance between plants of at least half a meter with a 3-meter row spacing. The interval between mulberry trees is at least 5 meters with a 4-meter row spacing.

Features of care

The main factors in mulberry care are watering and pruning. It is recommended to water the tree very abundantly in the first half of summer for the purpose of the upcoming winter. The plant will also need to be well fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Feeding and watering should be stopped in July, then the mulberry will be easier to tolerate temperature changes and frosts.

The ripening of berries occurs from May to August; it lasts very unevenly: one branch can be densely strewn with ripe fruits, while some of the berries are just beginning to grow. Ripe berries fall off easily. Therefore, at the beginning of fruit ripening, it is recommended to lay film or fabric under the tree to facilitate harvesting.

Mulberry in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has appreciated the medicinal properties of mulberry. A decoction of tree bark is an effective anthelmintic. The juice of the fruit helps cleanse the blood, helps with stomatitis, sore throat and other inflammations of the mucous membranes, an infusion of the berries will cure a cough, a decoction of the branches of the plant helps with rheumatic pain, a decoction of the leaves is used as an antipyretic. Even the roots of the mulberry tree are useful, a decoction of which provides an expectorant effect when sputum appears.

Black mulberry: varieties

Shelly No. 150 is a high-yielding variety. The creator of this variety is the Poltava breeder L. I. Prokazin. Shelly berries are very large, about 6 cm in length, and are characterized by high taste. The length of the leaf with petiole reaches half a meter. This is one of the best varieties of mulberry, which is appreciated by domestic consumers.

Black Baroness. The variety is tall, high-yielding, and frost-resistant. The ripening of large and sweet fruits occurs in June-July.

Black Pearl. Characterized by very large berries with a pleasant sweet taste, about 4 centimeters in length. The height of the tree is about 3.5 meters. Fruiting begins in June and lasts 1.5-2 months. The berries are large and characterized by a pleasant sweet taste.

Mulberry or mulberry tree (lat. Morus) is a plant from the Mulberry family (lat. Moraceae). This is a genus well known to amateur gardeners, which includes twelve main species, represented by deciduous, wind-pollinated trees. The culture is most widespread in warm temperate and subtropical climates, where it grows under natural conditions. The mulberry tree in nature can reach 35 m in height.

Botanical description

The young plant is characterized by rapid growth, which slows down as the deciduous crop matures and, as a rule, stops at around 10-15 m. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, often lobed, with jagged edges. The plant blooms in May.

The fruits are complex, compound and fleshy drupes. Their length does not exceed 20-30 mm. Standard coloring can range from distinct red to dark purple, with white fruit varieties available. Some types of mulberries produce edible, sweet fruits with a pleasant smell.

The plant is very durable. The tree can grow in one place for two hundred years or more. Reproduction is allowed through fairly small seeds. In home gardening, mulberry or mulberry, also known as tyutina, is often propagated vegetatively, by green cuttings.

Main types

Most often, in home gardening, decorative mulberries are grown on trunks of different heights, and in recent years, other varieties of this crop have also attracted interest.

View Tree Leaves Bloom Fruit
Black mulberry or M. nigra No more than 10-13 m in height Hairy, 10-20 cm long and 6-10 cm wide In May-June Dark purple, almost black, edible and sweet polydrupes 20-30 mm long
White mulberry or M. alba No more than 15-18 m in height Broadly ovoid in shape, with jagged and palmate-toothed edges, ranging in length from 5-15 cm Unisexual, inflorescences, in April-May The fruits are multi-druped, up to 40 mm long, cylindrical in shape, white-pink or red in color with a sickly sweet taste
Red mulberry or M. rubra Height within 10-15 m Heart-shaped, no more than 7-14 cm long and 6-12 cm wide At the beginning of summer A dark purple, edible and sweet polydrupe, 20-30 mm long, that looks like a blackberry.
Small-leaved mulberry or M. microphylla Height within 10-15 m Small in size, attractive heart-shaped At the beginning of summer Dark purple-colored edible and sweet multidrupes, similar to blackberries

Popular varieties

The best varieties of mulberry are successfully grown by gardeners in the Moscow region and nearby regions, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine and central Russia. The most unpretentious and resistant varieties are perfectly suited for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia.

The leaves of this species are bare below, sometimes with the formation of characteristic warts. The formation of slightly heart-shaped leaves makes varieties of this species quite interesting from the point of view of landscape design.

Variety name Botanical description Fruit Advantages and disadvantages
"Black Baroness" The plant is tall, with a moderately dense spherical crown Slightly aromatic, juicy and sugary complex drupe of black color, 35 mm or more long and up to 15 mm in diameter An unpretentious variety with frost resistance down to -30°C and abundant, stable fruiting
"Darkie" A relatively medium-vigorous plant with a dense and wide pyramidal crown Edible, juicy, sugary, black, 3.5 cm long, up to 1.2 cm in diameter An unpretentious variety with frost resistance down to -30°C
"Ukrainian-6" Relatively medium-vigorous plant with a dense spherical crown Non-fragrant, edible and sugary complex drupe with a matte black surface, 40 mm or more long and up to 8 mm in diameter Early fruiting and high yields
"Smolensk pink" A fairly tall plant with a dense, well-leafed crown Pink berries, darkening as they ripen, medium-sized, with a very pleasant and sweet taste Early and very frost-resistant variety
"Crying" Reaches a height of 5 m and has thin branches drooping to the ground Black-colored edible berries with a pleasant taste Widely used in landscaping due to its highly decorative appearance
Slightly less common in home gardens and garden plots are varieties belonging to the species M. Nigra and others.

Such plants are quite thermophilic and even in the southern regions may need high-quality preparation for winter cold.

Name Botanical description Fruit Advantages and disadvantages
"Black Prince" Medium-sized tree with a wide crown Black color, large sizes, up to 5 cm long High winter hardiness and stable yield
"Shelley" The height of the tree does not exceed 3.5-5.0 meters The fruits are very dark in color and large in shape, up to 5 cm long. Large-fruited, disease-resistant and high-yielding variety from a Poltava breeder
"Royal" Medium-sized, partially self-fertile tree with a relatively wide crown Berries are black, up to 3 cm long, with excellent taste, transportable Resistance to diseases and pests, frost resistance and high yield
"Vladimirskaya" Bush-shaped tree over 6 m high with a wide and well-leafed crown Sweet polydrupes of dark purple color, up to 3 cm long The variety is characterized by sufficient frost resistance and belongs to the category of self-pollinating
Among the decorative forms, pyramidal mulberry, bush mulberry, golden mulberry and dwarf remontant mulberry (lat. M. nigra Everbearing), grown in container culture, are of particular interest for landscape design.

Reproduction technology

In home gardening, several very effective and fairly simple methods of propagating different types of mulberries are practiced.

Reproduction method Execution technology Features of the method
Seeds After stratification, sowing is carried out in early spring in fertile soil with a depth of one centimeter. Traits of the parent plant are not transmitted
Green cuttings In June, cut cuttings with a pair of buds from the middle part of unripe shoots. Remove the lower leaves completely and plant green cuttings with a depth of 3 cm under the film. The resulting plants exactly inherit all the characteristics of the mother plant
Semi-lignified cuttings In mid-summer, cut cuttings with a pair of buds from the middle part of not fully ripened shoots. Remove the lower leaves completely and plant the cuttings with a depth of 3 cm under the film The process of complete rooting, subject to technology, takes approximately one and a half months
Lignified cuttings Before the onset of a steady cooling, leafless cuttings 18 cm long, treated with a root formation stimulator, are planted in a moist soil substrate Can be used for grafting by copulation
Copulation with tongue or simple Based on the use of scion and rootstock of equal thickness Requires certain skills and abilities

Landing rules

You can plant mulberries in almost any area, which is due to the plant’s absolute undemandingness to the composition of the soil.

Features of care

However, in order to obtain maximum yield, seedlings are best placed on fertile soils with an acidity level in the range of 5.5-7.0 pH. Almost all types of mulberries prefer well-lit areas. Caring for mulberries is quite simple.

  • Standard agrotechnical measures that allow you to grow an abundantly fruiting tree are as follows:
  • feeding and watering decorative berry crops is required from early spring until mid-summer, after which these activities must first be reduced and then completed completely;
  • To feed the plant, organic or mineral complexes are used, which can be alternated;
  • It is recommended to feed mulberries for the first time after the plant enters the period of active fruiting, at the stage of bud break;
  • the first pruning must be carried out at the beginning of the summer period, shortening the branches to four to five buds;

Saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom Murom Prince David Georgievich Monastery