Sickle description. perseus sickle

SICKLE- a tool for harvesting grain crops, which was a semicircular blade with a serrated blade inserted into a cylindrical handle. Russian sickles of the 19th century were relatively small in size: the distance from the tip of the blade to the petiole inserted into the handle ranged from 21 to 35 cm, the width of the middle part of the blade was from 1.8 to 3.5 cm, the height of the arc was usually one the second distance from the tip of the blade to the petiole. Sickles were distinguished by the shape of the blade and teeth.

In some sickles, the bending line approached a regular semicircle, in others it had an irregular, slightly flattened shape. At the same time, the free end of the blade was beveled, and the handle was slightly bent. The teeth on the blade of the blade were made in the form of blades or needles. The new paddle-shaped sickles were considered difficult to work with at first, but as they wore out, the sickle became more and more comfortable. Harvesting with sickles with notches in the form of needles, according to peasant women, was immediately easy, but the teeth on the sickles wore out quickly.

The sickle blade was made of steel or iron with steel strips welded onto the blade, and then tempered in fire. Notches, due to which the stems of plants were sawn, were applied to the blade either before hardening or after it. The sickles, hardened before being serrated, were quite soft and blunted quickly. This was due to the fact that notches were applied to well-hardened metal with difficulty. However, such sickles were not difficult to sharpen. Sickles with notches applied to the blade before hardening served a very long time, since they could be given a more durable hardening. However, if they were blunt, then their sharpening became a rather difficult matter.

The handle of the sickle was always made of wood, short, narrowed in the middle, so that it was more convenient to hold it in the hand. Sickles were made by village blacksmiths by order of peasant women, but more often they were purchased in village shops or at fairs. In Russia, there were many handicraft workshops for dressing sickles. Particularly famous for their sickles were blacksmiths from Ostashkov, Tver province, who produced up to 20 thousand sickles of excellent quality per year, as well as sickle workers from Avdotiev, Berezhkovskaya, Ulybyshevskaya volosts of Vladimir province, who made up to 3 million sickles per year. An interesting custom was associated with sickles in Russia.

On the day of memory of St. Zacharias Serpovidna (February 8/21), Russian peasant women took out sickles stuck in the bulkhead of the passage and sprinkled them with baptismal water, while saying: “If you don’t protect a crooked sickle in time, you won’t reap a sheaf in the field.” After that, they prayed to St. Zechariah, hoping that he would help them quickly compress the bread in the fall. Ideas about female strength and dexterity were usually associated with work with a sickle. The old women, recalling their youth, said: “I was young, I not only chewed bread, but also reaped a hundred sheaves a day.”

The sickle is an ancient farming tool. It is found during archaeological excavations on the territory of European Russia in layers of the 6th-7th centuries. Old Russian sickles were similar to those used by Russian peasant women in the 19th century, but the dimensions were smaller, ranging from 19 to 33 cm, the height of the arc was also smaller, which was usually not half the distance from the tip of the blade to the handle, but a third. The sickle is a tool often mentioned in Russian oral poetry. In proverbs, sayings, riddles, its form and purpose are played out: "Little, humpbacked, he went around the whole field and went under the roof."

After the defeat of the Khat culture, the departure of its representatives to the north, a new era begins. The death of the federation of Artsava is characterized by global cataclysms. The entire Mediterranean is colored by volcanic explosions. One of the central explosions was Santorin. Tsunamis caused by volcanic explosions wash over the islands and coasts. These are huge sacrifices. These are corpses. These are epidemics caused by the decomposition of corpses.

In addition, according to the data carved on the stone in Egypt, according to the chronicles of Korea, at this time there is a change in the rotation of the Earth. Whether this is caused by a purposeful explosion of volcanoes or a collision with a space object, only astrophysicists can now say. But at that moment the sun began to rise from the other side. The sides of the world have changed places. East became West and West became East. All this caused a global catastrophe on earth. This led to the death of not only many thousands of people, but also entire cultures. In Greek mythology, this is called the Deucalion Flood.
The depopulated Balkans were repopulated. According to the mythology of Hellas, they were repopulated by the descendants of Deucalion and Pyrrha. Part of the new population came from Ta-kemet (Egypt), part from the north, part from the lands of Asia Minor devastated by the catastrophe. There were also tribes that came from the mountains of the Iranian-Iraqi highlands, who did not accept the new religion there - Zoroastrianism. In the Balkans, through Crete, there were tribes worshiping bull cults, which had roots in Mesopotamia. The Balkans, bare to the stone, accepted everyone.
Achaean tribes begin to settle in the territory of the Balkans. The state of Ahkhiyava is formed. Later, from the north, tribes of the Hellenes - deer - poured into the Achaeans. A new culture is being created. With new values, new cults. The weapons are changing. The peoples of the Balkans still do not accept bows. Achaean leaders "hunt" the archers of canine cults. When going to Heaven, to the Land of Heroes, warriors try as much as possible to take with them trophy weapons (bows and arrows) so that they have something to show off at the afterlife feast. Navigation is very important at this time. Moose and deer on the bows of ships are replaced by white horses. The cult of Poseidon Hippolytus spreads everywhere. It is he who is considered the main deity.

When the Hellenes came to the Achaeans, Hellas became the common name of the peoples. In Hellas, the cult of Ares and other Pelasgian gods reappears.
The time of titans and giants is over. Small remnants of them still exist in Hellas. But new cults are already coming to replace them. This is the time of archaic Hellas. With the advent of the Celts and their rooting in the new Hellas, a cult of heroes arises - clites. This time is marked by the strongest surge in the cult of Hercules. There is a rivalry between the cult of Hercules and the cult of Poseidon Hippolytus (in the form of the priest Theseus). But there are still Pelasgian cults. The time of heroes begins.
At this time, the climate in Hellas is very cold. Not only the Euxine Pont, the newly formed Sea of ​​Marmara, freezes, but icebergs are also found in the Aegean Sea. All this is caused by the past catastrophe.
Only with warming people of bull cults move to the Balkans. Their agricultural communities (euro) massively move to the sun-warmed territories of Hellas. Led by the cult of Zeus and other bull gods, they crush the Hellenic and Achaean population under them, only the Celts of Hellas resist them. The Hellenic tribes were driven to the north by people of bull cults. The Achaean peoples were partly knocked out, partly fell into economic dependence from the people of the bull cult. Even the Celts, followers of the cult of heroes, were able to subdue the aliens, linking them with marriages to their women.

Following the cult of the bull, Hellas falls under the rule of the cult of canine gods. Temples of Apollo and Artemis are being built everywhere. Ares is combined with Enialius. Even the Kingdom of the Dead is transferred from Heaven to earth, and the three-headed dog Kerber is placed to guard it. The cult of heroes is losing its relevance. Now neither glory, nor strength, nor reason make politics in Hellas. Everything is decided by gold, the sacred metal of bulls. And the bulls are "milked" by people of canine cults. A banking system is formed in the form of temples of Apollo. Temples lend money on bail. The temples of new cults are enriched by bringing to justice, accusing of atheism those who do not make donations to temples (banks).
The time of heroes has ended, the time of kings and people has begun. Ancient history began to be forgotten. Only myths remained from it, in which historical events were preserved, encrypted in mythological language. This is the little that remains of archaic Hellas. The Achaeans, Danaans, Dorians became forgotten. The history of the Celts (Slavs) in the Balkans has been completely erased from the memory of people. All this remains in myths. In some places, in inaccessible places, the old cults continued to serve. But the former Hellas no longer existed, although they tried to keep the name. Hellas was replaced by Classical Greece.
Politics, weapons, customs and mores have changed. According to Thucydides, the Hellenes took off their pants only a hundred years before the "Greco-Persian War". The household costume has changed. The position of women in the social life of many policies (city-states) has changed. But the sacred weapons of the ancient cults were still alive. It was passed from custodian to custodian along with sacred knowledge. Each of the surviving items of sacred weapons was waiting for its bearer, friend and priest. Sometimes they appeared, people carrying ancient blood, having natural strength. Then the departed cults could even be restored, genetically embedded knowledge surfaced. People seemed to wake up from a dream. New myths appeared, because. they tried to forget the very history, the very life of these people, to erase from memory because of their own insignificance. After all, worshiping the "Golden Calf", it is difficult to believe in military prowess, and in the song of Glory, and in fair combat, and in the all-knowing and all-seeing god Istinus.
Hellas was not a single state, both politically and religiously. There was no single pantheon of gods, which Roman society later attributed to the Hellenes. Each polis (city-state) had its own cult. Somewhere cults have been preserved since Pelasgian times, somewhere they were Achaean, somewhere it was the cult of Hercules. There were cities that adopted bull cults, and Zeus was the supreme god there. Somewhere there were military camps of Apollo. The same was true of the political system. Most of the policies retained the dual kingdom as an ancient way of government. This institution swayed only during the "Greco-Persian Wars".

Weapon for Medusa.

In the history of the Mediterranean, the feat of Perseus, the son of golden rain, is known. Despite the fact that this story has already reached the Greek historiographers as a myth, it traces not only the zoomorphic code of the development of these tribes participating in the events, but also the mythological code. As a myth, the relationship between the tribes of the White Horse totem (the later symbol of Pegasus) and the tribes living in Greece in the 2nd millennium BC has come down to us. Who were Perseus and Medusa the Gorgon? With what sickle did Perseus cut off the head of "this monster"?
Apparently, this myth was the scenario of one of the mysteries played out in ritual performances in Hellas. This is a story about the war and the death of the priestesses of the Gorgon Medusa (White Goddess - the moon) from the ritual weapons of the tribes, whose priest was Perseus. Let's try to decipher these mythological and zoomorphic codes and the events encoded in them.
All images and myths agree that Perseus was armed with a sickle-shaped knife - ;;;;;. ;;;;; - a scraper, a chisel, as well as a sickle-shaped knife or a Lacedaemonian dagger. In Apollodorus, this sickle is called "a crooked steel sword", while Graves, according to his sources, calls it "adamantine sickle". And Titus Livy believes that the weapon of Perseus was a copper (yellow metal) sickle in an iron scabbard.
Similar weapons were on the territory of Zagros (Iranian-Iraqi Highlands) and in Palestine (Nigev). These were sickle-shaped wooden knives with flint or obsidian inserts. The weapon of Perseus, apparently, was a sickle no longer with flint inserts, but with stronger ones. A bronze or metal sickle with diamond inclusions could be such a sacred weapon.

Two deities patronize Perseus: Hermes, who gave him this sword, and Athena, the Palestinian goddess, who, unlike the Hellenic Alia, gave a mirror shield. In addition, he received a black invisibility hat of the god Hades. Considering that the sword was given to Perseus by the god of magic and witchcraft, it can be assumed that this weapon itself was not devoid of the secret knowledge of Hermes. It was forged in due time according to astrology to cut off the head of the Moon Goddess (Gorgon). Apparently, the shape of the weapon in the form of a sickle was chosen for the same reason. It is quite possible that the hilt of that sacred sickle, which destroyed the cult of the White Goddess, was decorated with adamants - diamonds, and the blade itself was iron, made from the most expensive metal of that time. The sickle-shaped form of such a weapon is found in Ta-kemet (Egypt) - hopsh (kopis). The Egyptians also called the sickle-shaped blade "hrob". The same sword was used in Abyssinia and throughout Africa. The sickle sword was known in India under the name "Kubya", among the Gurkha peoples it lost its curve and received the name "Kukkri".
The sickle of Perseus was forged against the goddess of the moon, who has three hypostases: Steno, Euryla and Medusa. It was Medusa who was considered mortal. In ancient times, the masks of Medusa drove away evil forces, Perseus hid the head (moon) in a bag;;;;;;; . It was a good deity of night water and a moonlit path. After the destruction of the cult of Medusa, her knowledge and sacred places pass to Hekate, who usurped this cult. If the zoomorphic image of the Gorgon was a white horse, then the white female became the symbol of Hekate.
After Perseus beheaded Medusa, "as soon as the head was cut off, the winged horse Pegasus and Chrysaor, the father of Gerion, jumped out of the Gorgon. Medusa gave birth to them from the god Poseidon." Before the Olympian period, the sickle, with which the cult of the Moon was overthrown, apparently was revered. His images remain. But nothing is known about where it was stored. According to legend, Perseus returned his sword to Hermes, and so that there was no attempt to turn back history, it could be destroyed, just as the sword of Batraz was destroyed. And, it is possible that he moved to Asia with the descendants of Perseus, where he served as a prototype of akinak and worship of him.
Two more swords are connected with this story, the sword of Medusa - the ritual sword of the "White Horse" in Georgia, and the sword of Chrysaor, which ended up in Ireland. In the 4th century, the priests of Chrysaor, having adopted Christianity, did not abandon the worship of their sword. The Bishop of Ireland, preaching Christianity, baptized the converts with the sword of Chrysaor and the name of Hri-Aria.

VII municipal scientific and practical conference

junior schoolchildren of the Rybinsk municipal district

"Small Academy of Sciences"

"Where the peppy sickle walked and the ear fell ..."

(history of the sickle)

The work was done by a 3rd grade student

MOU Intercession School,

village "Iskra Oktyabrya"

Gartsev Zakhar

Rybinsk region, 2016

1.Introduction - p.2-3

2.Main part - page 4-8

Chapter 1

Chapter 2. "History of the sickle" - pp. 5-8

A) the history of the name of the sickle - pp. 5-6

B) sickle structure - pp.6-7

AT) reaping with a sickle - hard female labor ("Strada") - page 7

D) the historical past of the sickle in the work of artists and writers, pp. 7-8

E) survey - questioning classmates-p. 8

3.Conclusion - p.8-9

4. List of references - page 9

5. Appendix 1. Map of the Yaroslavl province - page 10

Appendix 2. Copy of work book

Stepanova Claudia Ivanovna - pp. 11-12

Appendix 3 The standard of living in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the century-p.13

1. Introduction

On a warm summer evening on the lawn near the house of my grandmother Stepanova Alevtina Nikolaevna in the village of Bolshoe Kstovo, Rybinsk region, my dad and I launched a boomerang. During the next throw, the boomerang hit the open windowattic.I went looking for him and for the first time found myself in the attic. Items that once served our family members were stored on smooth planed floorings, but today they represent only family history. Among these things, my attention was drawn to a strange object of an arched shape in the form of a crescent with a handle.

With the question "What is it?" I turned to my grandmother. My find was a sickle. I was very interested in this subject, and I decided to learn more about it.

aim my research became:

Learn the history of the sickle, its purpose and role in the life of our ancestors.


Analyze various types of sources of information on the topic of research work.

Study historical information about this subject

Reveal students' knowledge of the topic

For the implementation of the tasks, we have chosen the followingmethods:

    analysis of information sources;


    personal conversation;


    processing of the received results

Practical use This work is possible at the lessons of the world around to get acquainted with the agricultural tool and its use in everyday life.

Studying the history of the sickle, we got acquainted with the traditions and customs of our ancestors. Do not forget one old truth: a people that does not remember its past has no future.

2. Main body

Chapter 1 "A Bit of My Family History"

My sickle once belonged to my great-grandmother Claudia Ivanovna Stepanova, who was born in 1914 in the village of Gladkaya, Rybinsk district, Yaroslavl province(Appendix 1. Map of the Yaroslavl province).For a long time, the sickle was her main tool. She was born into a peasant family and, with her mother's milk, absorbed her love for the Russian land. Granny was the youngest of seven children. The family was prosperous by the standards of that time and ran its own household: the farmstead had its own horse, cow, bird and land allotment, on which the whole family worked, young and old. According to her grandmother, she went out into the field when she was not yet 7 years old, when the whole family went to the harvest early in the morning with a sickle on her shoulder, not having time to really eat, she brought them lunch in the field. The mother greeted her with a smile and joy and said: “Oh, the nurse has come! Isn't it time to take a break and have a bite to eat?" And during lunch, a granny with a large bag over her shoulder was collecting spikelets that had fallen from sheaves across the field.

During the period of collectivization, all family members went to work on the collective farm. It was then that the great-grandmother had her own sickle. For more than 20 years, granny worked at the Rossiya state farm. As evidenced by the entries in her work book.(Appendix 2. A copy of the work book of Stepanova K.I.).Sickles were most often used thenfor the harvest of rye, because it was the first to approach the harvest, when the great harvest season was just beginning. Grainy rye usually turned out so thick and tall (according to granny, you ride a horse - and the arc is not visible), that it was inconvenient to mow it with reapers, and there were few of them, they were not enough to harvest all the grain on the collective farm.

It was especially difficult, according to the recollections of my great-grandmother, during the war years. On the eve of the war, 50 collective farms operated on the territory of the Rybinsk region, which served 3 machine and tractor stations. Gradually, manual labor was replaced by machine labor, and the sickle settled in the hallway as a talisman. During the spring sowing in 1941, 77,000 hectares of land* were sown in the region.

At the beginning of the war, almost all equipment went to the front. It was necessary to harvest - the front needed bread. Home front workers again took up sickles and scythes. From constant use, it wore out a lot and the handle of the sickle was replaced several times.

In 1964, on the basis of three collective farms: "Malinovets", "Pyatiletka", "Russia", the state farm "Malinovets" was organized. The direction of activity of the state farm "Malinovets" is vegetable and dairy. The state farm had 2 departments, 5 integrated teams, 10 cattle farms**.

* - information was used from the book "Native land ......."

** - memoirs of the former worker of the state farm "Malinovets" Valentina Mikhailovna Ershova (village Yubileyny), who stood at the origins of the formation of the state farm, and now is on a well-deserved rest.

Chapter 2 "History of the Sickle"

The sickle is a handmade peasant, which was used for harvesting crops and cutting grasses when harvesting livestock feed.

It is one of the most ancient tools of labor, and was used in the process of collecting human life about 10 thousand years ago. The most ancient sickles were stone, small and almost without a bend. Then bronze sickles came into use, which were later replaced by iron sickles.

a) The history of the name of the sickle.

After studying the history of the sickle, I wondered where its name came from. We turned to etymological dictionaries for help. The word "sickle" has the same root with the words of European languages ​​that are related in sound and meaning: with Latvian " sirps" ( sickle) - cutting, with latin « sarpo" (sarpo) - cut off (vine)", with German -« scarf" ( scarf) - spicy", with English "sharp" - "sharp, point" (by simplifying the pronunciation "s - w").(School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. The authorsN. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004)

There is a common root for the sickle and other Latin words:« serpens" - snake or"serpat" - crawl. The connection of the sickle with the words of the biblical language - Hebrew is traced.

b) The structure of the sickle

The sickle consists of a strongly curved, rounded and tapered blade and a short wooden handle. The curved shape of the knife is not an accidental phenomenon, but a necessary one. It is very difficult to press with a straight blade. Rounded knife shapeprovides a constant force at any point on the blade when cutting.

The length of the cutting part ranges from 25 centimeters to half a meter, the width of the blade ranges from 2 to 6 centimeters. In our case, the length of the knife is 2 centimeters, and the width is 25 centimeters.

The inner cutting sharp edge of the sickle was made by the peasant farmers with a jagged depth of 0.4 millimeters - the same as they see the sickle of the moon. Perhaps this was a natural clue for the manufacture of an important tool.

Notches are applied either at a right angle to the edge of the blade, or at an acute angle to the edge. Moreover, the distance between the teeth should be the same. On my sickle, the notch is applied at a right angle.

The blade of the sickle is made fromhigh quality tool steel. In the old days blacksmiths forged it. It took from one and a half to two hours to make one sickle. At the beginningXXcentury, this work cost 1 ruble. For example, at the same time, 1 kg of wheat flour of the highest grade could be bought for 24 kopecks, and an output shirt cost 3 rubles.(Appendix 3. The standard of living in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the century). From the end of the 19th century, sickles began to be produced in a factory way.

The handle of a sickle or sickle wooden. In the old days, they often carved it for themselves, individually, “under the arm” as a sign of special respect for this “bread” helper tool. For its manufacture, spruce was used, less often oak or birch. Oak is very durable, but difficult to process (cut or cut). Birch is also a very durable material, but it often cracks. Spruce is most suitable for making sickle. For the sickle of my sickle, birch was used. The handle has been changed several times due to heavy use.

c) Harvest with a sickle - hard female labor ("Strada")

When harvesting, the sickle is held in the right hand. With the left hand, they clasp an armful of ears of corn and cut them off with a quick movement of the sickle. To cut one bunch of stems, make three strokes with a sickle. The ears are neatly placed at the feet, then they are tied into sheaves, which reach 1 meter in girth. The sheaves were folded into grandmothers and worts.

Harvesting with a sickle was predominantly female labor. Girls were taught to use a sickle from 10 to 12 years old.The manual work of the reapers was hard- An uncomfortable half-bent position for long hours causes pain in the lower back and arms.Not without reason, from the suffering of a peasant woman, from her hard work, the word “suffering” appeared in the harvest - this is how they began to call the harvest.Monthharvest or suffering - August bore the name "serpen".

Today the sickle goes down in history. It can still be purchased in stores, but it is no longer used for its intended purpose. Until recently, my grandmothershe cut weeds in the garden with a sickle in hard-to-reach places: under fruit trees, along the fence.

G) The historical past of the sickle in the work of artists and writers

However, the important historical past of the sickle is reflected inmany paintings by ancient artists, no less often found in the poems of classical poets and folk art. The sickle is also mentioned in many areas of human activity.

Among other agricultural tools, the sickle deserves special attention because it crowns the agricultural year with the harvesting of the main grain crop for farmers. The sickle, with its outward unpretentiousness, has become a symbol of the peasantry. Together with the hammer - a symbol of the working class - he made up the main state emblem of the USSR. This emblem symbolized the unbreakable alliance between the working class and the peasantry.

In military affairs, the sickle easily turns into a formidable and dangerous weapon.

In the Orthodox Church, the sickle is mentioned along with the name of St. Zechariah the Sickle-Seer, who is celebrated on February 21. On this day, the peasants prepared equipment for field work, including a sickle.

And the number of sickles walking according to our proverbs, sayings and riddles, at the suggestion of the same people - a worker, is generally not counted:

"Neither light, nor dawn, the humpbacked one went out of the yard"

“Stooped, humpbacked, galloped the whole field.”

D) Poll-questionnaire

I decided to find out what my classmates know about this ancient tool and conducted a survey. Invite classmates to answer the following questions:

1.What is a sickle?

2.Where and how was it used?

3. Try to draw a sickle?

In the survey, 10 people were accepted, and this is what I concluded:

3 people do not know what a sickle is, how it was used.

5 people were able to depict a sickle, but do not know its history

2 people answered all the questions.

I think that my information will be very useful for my classmates, and I will definitely present my research work.

3. Conclusion

While working on this topic, I discovered a lot of new things for myself: I learned a lot of interesting things about the life of my great-grandmother, about her hard work. And the sickle helped me look into the past. I believe that the tasks of the research work have been solved, the goal has been achieved.

I would like to end my speech with lines from Fyodor Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the initial autumn ...”

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

4. List of used literature

Appendix 1. Map of the Yaroslavl province

Appendix 2. A copy of the work book of Stepanova Claudia Ivanovna

Appendix 3The standard of living in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the century

The list of prices of that time for products, although then everything was measured in pounds (400 grams), the cost is indicated per kilogram for ease of perception:

A loaf of black stale bread weighing 400 grams - 3 kopecks
A loaf of fresh rye bread weighing 400 grams - 4 kopecks
A loaf of white butter bread weighing 300 grams - 7 kopecks
Potato fresh harvest 1 kilogram - 15 kopecks

Potato old crop 1 kilogram - 5 kopecks
Rye flour 1 kilogram - 6 kopecks - 105 rubles
Oat flour 1 kilogram - 10 kopecks - 175 rubles
Wheat flour of the highest grade 1 kilogram - 24 kopecks
Potato flour 1 kilogram - 30 kopecks
Pasta simple 1 kilogram - 20 kopecks
Granulated sugar of the second grade 1 kilogram - 25 kopecks
Lump refined sugar selected 1 kilogram - 60 kopecks
Tula gingerbread with jam 1 kilogram - 80 kopecks
Chocolate sweets 1 kilogram - 3 rubles
Coffee beans 1 kilogram - 2 rubles
Leaf tea 1 kilogram - 3 rubles
Salt 1 kilogram - 3 kopecks
Fresh milk 1 liter - 14 kopecks
Fatty cream 1 liter - 60 kopecks
Sour cream 1 liter - 80 kopecks
Cottage cheese 1 kilogram - 25 kopecks
Cheese "Russian" 1 kilogram - 70 kopecks
Cheese according to foreign technology "Swiss" 1 kilogram - 1 ruble 40 kopecks
Butter 1 kilogram - 1 ruble 20 kopecks
Sunflower oil 1 liter - 40 kopecks
Chicken 1 piece - 70 kopecks
Egg selected dozen - 25 kopecks
Veal meat steam tenderloin 1 kilogram - 70 kopecks
Meat beef shoulder blade 1 kilogram - 45 kopecks
Meat pork neck 1 kilogram - 30 kopecks
Fish fresh river perch 1 kilogram - 28 kopecks
Fresh fish zander river 1 kilogram - 50 kopecks
Fresh fish catfish 1 kilogram - 20 kopecks

Frozen pink salmon fish 1 kilogram - 60 kopecks
Frozen salmon fish 1 kilogram - 80 kopecks
Frozen fish sturgeon 1 kilogram - 90 kopecks
Black granular caviar 1 kilogram - 3 rubles 20 kopecks
Black pressed caviar of the 1st grade 1 kilogram - 1 ruble 80 kopecks
Caviar black pressed 2 grades 1 kilogram - 1 ruble 20 kopecks

Black pressed caviar 3 grades 1 kilogram - 80 kopecks
Salted red caviar 1 kilogram - 2 rubles 50 kopecks
Vegetables fresh cabbage 1 kilogram - 10 kopecks
Vegetables sauerkraut 1 kilogram - 20 kopecks
Vegetables onion 1 kilogram - 5 kopecks
Vegetables carrots 1 kilogram - 8 kopecks
Vegetables tomatoes selected 1 kilogram - 45 kopecks
A little about the cost of things at the beginning of the 20th century in Tsarist Russia:
Weekend shirt - 3 rubles– 5250 rubles

Sickle and... Russian spelling dictionary

sickle- sickle / ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

SICKLE- husband. a serrated, curved knife for cutting or squeezing bread from the root. The sickles are plugged in the hallway, under the ceiling. Moon crescent, narrow notch, stripe, sickle-shaped, figuratively. You cut your hand with a blunt sickle more than a sharp one. Like a sickle on the neck. Stooped, humpbacked, the whole field, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

SICKLE- SICKLE, sickle, husband. A hand tool for cutting bread from the root, which is a long curved knife with a serrated blade. And a sickle and a quick scythe sparkled in a bright field. Pushkin. "The ready harvest will be pruned with sickles." Nekrasov. ❖ Moon crescent or ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

SICKLE- Socialist Jewish Workers' Party Dorev. history, politics SERP Serp Socialist Jewish Labor Party dorev. history, political... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

SICKLE- SICKLE, husband. 1. A hand tool, a finely serrated knife curved in a semicircle for cutting cereals from the root. Harvest with a sickle. 2. trans. An object with its outlines resembling such a knife. S. moon or lunar s. (moon in the initial or last phase, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

sickle- knife, tool, moon, sickle Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sickle n., number of synonyms: 6 moon (25) knife (107) ... Synonym dictionary

sickle- a; m. 1. Manual agricultural implement curved in the form of an arc, finely serrated knife for cutting cereals from the root. Harvest with a sickle. ● Hammer and sickle: the state emblem of the USSR, symbolized the power of the workers, the union of the working class and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Sickle- see Weapons and tools ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

Sickle- m. 1. A hand tool for cutting cereals from the root, which is a long curved, finely serrated knife. 2. That which has the form of such an object. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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Miraculous words: what is a tribe idol prayer sacrifice religious rite in full description from all the sources we found.

Explain the meaning of the words: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice,

Explain the meaning of the words: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elders on, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice,

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A hoe is a tool for cultivating the land.

Grain grater - designed for processing grain.

Weaving - designed for processing fabric.

Mat - dense braided straw

Spirits are dead people.

The gods are the creators of the world.

Elder - the head of the settlement, the oldest.

The Council of Elders is the main assembly in the settlements.

A tribe is an association of people connected by tribal relations, a common language and territory.

Idol - a statue, which pagans worship as a deity, an idol, an idol.

Prayer is an appeal to the Lord God.

The victim is a person or an animal that must be killed in order to amuse the gods.

A religious rite is an initiation somewhere.

1) Sexual relationship with a man.

2) Board, krutilka, ceramics.

Question: What do the words mean: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice, religious rite.

What do the words mean: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice, religious rite.

Ax is a tool for cutting down trees. A hoe is a tool for plowing the land. Extremely inconvenient if you need to plow a large area. A sickle is a tool for collecting grains from ears of wheat, etc. Grain grater - in ancient times two stones, one of which has a small depression. Grain was placed in a stone with a recess and ground between another stone and this one. Spinning is an occupation mainly of women. Example: Spinning a mat. Weaving is an occupation where women weave (create) fabric. Mat - a rug woven from straw, grass or wood bast. Spirits - in ancient times they believed that in all objects there is a soul, a spirit. The gods are spirits that prevail with greater power than all the rest. Elder - the oldest and most experienced person in the tribe who had power over others Council of Elders - Several elders united in one group. Tribe - several united tribal communities. Idol - the image of the spirit, god in the form of a figurine. Prayer is an appeal to the spirit, to God. The sacrifice is a gift to the spirit, to the god during the rituals. Religious rite - an appeal to the spirit, god with a request, reading a prayer and transferring a sacrifice.

Explain the meaning of the words: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grinder, spinning, weaving, mat, spirit and gods, Elder, council of elders,

Answer or Solution 1

An ax is a tool with a stone tip and a wooden handle.

Hoe - a stick with a knot, with which they dug up the earth.

Grain grinder - grinding grain on flat stones.

Spinning - twisting threads from pet hair or fibers

Mat - a rug woven from scrap, grass or wood bast.

Spirit is a supernatural being endowed with will, ability

perceive objects and various supernatural abilities and

opportunities, while remaining itself almost always inaccessible to

God is the most powerful spirit.

Elder - the most experienced and wise of the old people who knew the habits

animals and plant properties, ancient legends and rules of conduct.

The Council of Elders is the governing body of the tribe, consisting of a group of elders.

Several tribal communities living in the same area constituted a tribe.

Idol - images of gods and spirits.

Prayer is a request to the gods.

Religious ritual is a means of influencing supernatural forces.

explain the meaning of the words: ax, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, council of elders, prayer, sacrifice, religious rite, hoe, sickle,

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Explain the meaning of the words: ax, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, council of elders, prayer, sacrifice, religious ceremony, hoe, sickle, elder, tribe, idol.

Answers and explanations

1.9 Ax - A metal tool for cutting with a blade and a butt mounted on a handle.

2. Grain grinder - a device for manual grinding.

3. Spinning - making yarn or roving. In a broad sense - the same as spinning production.

4. Weaving - Production of fabrics.

5. Mat - A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for laying on the floor, for packaging.)

6. Spirits - A philosophical concept, meaning an immaterial beginning; consciousness, mind, thinking, mental abilities. Non-material and - according to religious ideas - the supernatural, divine principle in man;

7. Gods - in religious beliefs, a supernatural being; in the mythological representations of polytheism, each of the gods has supreme power over any part of the world whole; in theism, the only God has absolute power over the world (“omnipotence”). Belief in God is the basis of any religion.

8. Council of Elders - The Council, which includes the oldest deputies of the body or leaders of the polit. parties represented in it.

9. Prayer - 1. Laudatory, thanksgiving or pleading appeal to God, saints. // deprecated. Prayer, fervent request for smth. 2. An established text read or spoken by believers when referring to God, to the saints.

10. Sacrifice - An object or living being, usually killed, which is offered as a gift to a deity. Victim - An injured person who died as a result of an accident, natural disaster, criminal act.

11. Religious rites - symbolic collective actions that embody religious ideas and ideas and are aimed at supernatural objects.

12. Hoe - 1. Primitive agricultural tool for tillage, consisting of a sharp wooden or stone blade on a stick. 2. A manual agricultural tool for loosening the soil, destroying weeds, consisting of a metal spatula, perpendicularly planted on a stick.

13. Sickle - A hand tool for cutting cereals from the root, which is a long curved, finely serrated knife.

14. Elder - The head of the primitive community, chosen from among its senior and most experienced and influential members.

15. Tribe - Ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name.

16. Idol - 1. An object - a statue, an idol - as an object of religious worship.

Explain the meaning of the words: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grinder, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice, religious ceremony.

answer the questions:

what observations of primitive women led to the appearance of the delusion? tell us about the three main tools of the method of sculpting from clay? what animal was domesticated first? how did he help people? why did the relatives obey the elders?

Guys please help me I give 85 points :)

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Arina0405 19.09.2015

2. Grain grinder - a device for manual grinding.

3. Spinning - making yarn or roving. In a broad sense - the same as spinning production.

4. Weaving - Production of fabrics.

5. Mat - A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for laying on the floor, for packaging.)

6. Spirits - A philosophical concept, meaning an immaterial beginning; consciousness, mind, thinking, mental abilities. Intangible and – according to rel

Answers and explanations

An ax is a tool for cutting trees and so on.

A hoe is a tool for cultivating the land.

Grain grater - designed for processing grain.

Weaving - designed to process fabric.

Mat - dense braided straw

Spirits are dead people.

The gods are the creators of the world.

Elder - the head of the settlement, the oldest.

The Council of Elders is the main assembly in the settlements.

An idol is a statue that the pagans worship as a deity, an idol, an idol.

Prayer is an appeal to the Lord God.

The victim is a person or an animal that must be killed in order to amuse the gods.

A religious rite is an initiation somewhere.

2) Board, krutilka, ceramics.

5) The legend says that the elders communicate with the Gods.

Please help me write the meaning of the words: ax, hoe, sickle, grain grater, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice, religious rite.

Answers and explanations

The hoe is an agricultural labor tool. The Elder is the wisest and most intelligent elder. The Council of Elders there are all discussing issues of war and other important issues of the tribes. Idol statue. A sacrifice is an animal or person offering to the gods at the sacrifice

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An ax is a cutting tool in the form of a thick iron blade mounted on a wooden handle with a sharp blade on one side and a butt on the other.

A hoe is a hand-held agricultural tool consisting of a stick and a blade perpendicular to it in the form of a pointed blade, used. for weeding and loosening row spacings, for hilling, etc.

A sickle is a hand tool in the form of a finely serrated knife curved in a semicircle for cutting cereals from the root.

A grain grater is an ancient device for grinding grain.

Spinning is the process of longitudinal folding and helical twisting of individual fibers to obtain a long and strong thread.

Weaving - and art, the technique of making fabrics.

Mat - a dense braid of straw, reeds, bast, etc. for laying on the floor, for packaging.

Spirits - religious and mystical ideas: a disembodied supernatural being.

God is the name of a powerful supernatural Supreme Being in Russian. in theistic and deistic teachings

The elder is the head of the community.

The Council of Elders is a meeting of elders, heads of the community, to discuss problems and events.

A tribe is an association of people connected by tribal relations, a common language and territory.

Help explain the meaning of the words ax, hoe, sickle, grain grinder, spinning, weaving, mat, spirits, gods, elder, council of elders, tribe, idol, prayer, sacrifice, religious rite thank you in advance

Answer left Guest

An ax is a tool, usually with a metal blade. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, an ax was a common hand cold weapon, less often a metal one. A hoe is an agricultural tool. Sickle - 1. A hand tool for cutting cereals from the root, which is a long curved, finely serrated knife.

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What is a religious rite? Religious rites and rituals

Religious rites and rituals - what is it? Perhaps some believe that only those who are closely associated with religion experience such phenomena. However, in reality, such rituals have long been intertwined with the daily lives of ordinary people. What can we say about a believer, for whom religious customs and rituals are an integral part of being.

And yet, despite this, many interesting questions remain in the shadows. For example, even the meaning of the word "religious rite" causes a number of bewilderment. After all, how to understand which rituals should be attributed to them, and which not? Or what is the difference between Orthodox sacraments and Catholic ones? And after all, how long ago was the first religious ceremony? So, let's consider everything in order.

The meaning of the word "religious rite"

As always, you need to start at the root of the problem, namely with the exact meaning of this expression. So, a religious rite is a certain action based on a person's mystical idea of ​​the surrounding reality.

That is, the main task of such a ritual is to strengthen the connection of the believer with his higher beginning, or God. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether such an action is carried out individually or if it is a collective event.

What is a religious rite?

Yet it is not enough to simply know the meaning of the word. To fully understand its essence, it is necessary to look at everything from a special angle, relying on illustrative examples and arguments. That is why let's consider what a religious ceremony really is.

To begin with, let's take as an example finger baptism, which is common among all Christians. It would seem that there is nothing mystical, the usual manipulation of the hand in a given order, which is used during prayer. And yet it is a religious rite. Do you know why?

Because there are two important things here. First, the established ritual, which has not changed for all Christians for many centuries. Secondly, it is based on the belief that such an action can shed God's grace on a person.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: any custom that combines these two points is a religious rite.

The first mystical mysteries

No one knows exactly when a person began to believe that a higher mind rules the world. After all, for the first time this happened in those days when our distant ancestors did not yet know how to write. The only evidence of their intelligent way of life is the pattern and notches on the rocks. However, even this meager information is enough to understand what a religious rite is among ancient people.

In those distant times, a person's life directly depended on how favorable mother nature was to him. Just imagine how majestic it was for people who had no idea about the laws of physics and chemistry. Therefore, it is not surprising that over the years they began to attribute to her the presence of her own will and mind.

Therefore, to answer the question: “What is a religious rite among ancient people?” will be pretty easy. Almost all of their rituals were aimed at appeasing the spirits of nature, so that they would grant them their patronage.

This belief in the power of sacred rites has had a marked impact on the entire history of mankind. After all, it was thanks to the ancient sacraments that the first priests appeared - people who communicate with otherworldly forces.

Rites of the Slavs

Before the arrival of Christianity in Russia, our ancestors were pagans. They believed in the existence of many gods, forming the Slavic pantheon. So, warriors worshiped Perun, peasants worshiped Lada, and creative people worshiped Veles.

Initially, rituals were invented by ordinary people in order to somehow appease their beloved deity. A little later, the priests themselves began to select the most favorable rites and insist that this was the will of a higher mind.

It got to the point that not a single holiday or significant event could do without a religious sacrament. And the more often and systematically they were repeated, the stronger they stuck into the consciousness of people. After many years, they became an integral part of the daily life of the Slavs and were taken by the people as a matter of course.

For example, peasants always made a sacrifice to Lada before starting sowing. After all, if this is not done, then the goddess will not bestow her grace on the sowing, and then the harvest will be bad. The same applied to other aspects of the life of the Slavs: the birth of children, marriage, war and death. Each occasion had its own religious rite, aimed at strengthening the relationship between the deity and man.

But what about other countries and continents?

The most curious thing is that such a worldview was inherent in almost all nations and peoples. So, the Greeks believed in the gods of Olympus, the Egyptians - in the powerful god Osiris and other equally powerful creatures. And the indigenous people of Africa did have so many different deities that there is not the slightest possibility to count them.

And they all practiced religious rites. For example, the Greeks made rich offerings to their gods in temples, and on holidays they organized festivities with a masquerade. The Egyptians built pyramids so that their pharaohs would live there even after death. And some African tribes ate human hearts, hoping in this way to gain the strength and courage of a defeated enemy.

Religious practices in the modern world

Despite the fact that now the age of popularization of scientific theories and atheistic views has come, religious rites have not gone away. Moreover, some of them are so deeply rooted in the minds of people that they have become a familiar norm. Let's look at the most popular rites of the two giant religions - Christianity and Islam.

So, let's start with the Orthodox baptism of children. This religious rite is considered one of the most ancient in our history. According to his laws, small children are washed with holy water in order to cleanse them from original sin. In addition, Christians believe that during baptism, God will give a person a guardian angel.

Another ancient religious rite that has survived to this day is the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. They believe that every true believer should make such a trip at least once in his life in order to show his devotion to Allah.

Loyalty bordering on fanaticism

However, not all rituals and rituals are harmless. Unfortunately, sometimes faith develops into fanaticism, and then the first victims appear. In particular, some religious rites require blood, sometimes even human. And a fanatic believer is ready to present such a gift. After all, this is the will of God, and human life in comparison with it is just dust.