Semin Alexander husband bledans with a new one. Evelina Bledans divorced Semin: why did her thin husband leave

Photo: Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

Shocking news recently appeared on the network - Evelina Bledans divorced Semin: why did the thinner husband leave, leaving his wife with a disabled child? Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin are a couple of creative personalities who were united by love.

They are truly talented people who have achieved incredible success in life. Despite all the difficulties they had to endure, they continued to support each other. But recently it became known that they divorced ... a year ago! But they only recently admitted it.

Fans did not even imagine that such a situation could happen. Currently, director Semin already has a new lover, with whom he has been dating for a long time, and they have not lived with Bledans for more than a year.

The most important question was the fact of why the actress posted in in social networks joint photos with his son and Alexander Semin. All publications were signed as family and there was no reason to even think about parting. These were certainly not simulated emotions, since the relationship between Bledans and Semin remained friendly. They very often spend time together and are engaged in raising their son.

Last news

In September 2018, it became reliably known that Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin broke up, officially. This information was carefully concealed for a whole year. Many fans thought that there was true love between them, they always supported each other, but it turned out to be completely different. Many learned that Evelina Bledans divorced Alexander Semin in mid-September, after Andrei Malakhov's program went on the air.

Photo: Evelina Bledans in Malakhov's program “Let them talk”

Release of the TV show “Andrey Malakhov. Live” allowed all fans to know the truth. Evelina visited the program as the main character and talked about parting with director Semin. The family idyll that formed in their relationship was incredibly sincere. Semin and Bledans raised a "sunny" child and did it with special love.

Their family relationships were never hidden, as joint photos regularly appeared on social networks. Even after they broke up, Evelina continued to upload photos where they are relaxing together or having fun. As it turned out, it was a real fiction.

Family photo: Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin with their son

The relationship between the couple began in 2010. For Bledans, this was already the third marriage, but she believed that this final stage in life, as the person with whom the actress met was very close to her heart. After some time, they had a son with Down syndrome. In no case did the parents want to abandon the baby, on the contrary, they decided to independently engage in his upbringing. And they managed to achieve their goal, since the boy today does not look like a patient in his behavior and actions.

It was the transfer of Malakhov that became the starting point in explaining the whole situation. Today, the actress is not going to hide information about her personal life. For her, the main goal is to raise a child, whom she wants to help become a full member of society. Live, everyone learned that Evelina Bledans divorced Alexander Semin for a long time.

Alexander Semin himself did not give any comments on this matter. It is authentically known that he has already acquired a new passion. According to personal photographs, it can be noted that the director managed to get rid of several tens of kilograms. He looks slim and attractive. Together with Bledans, they meet very often and the actress always posted all the joint photos on the network, thus trying to maintain a relationship. Bledans and Semin are two adults who were able to independently find a compromise in their relationship.

The main reasons for the breakup

On the live TV show of Andrei Malakhov, all questions regarding the life and relationships of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin were discussed, about why the thinner husband left. The actress spoke about almost everything that happened in the life of a creative family over the past few years. Their relationship gradually and steadily moved towards divorce. Evelina understood that nothing could be done, since Alexander is a very professional director and producer, around whom young girls constantly work. There was also a big difference in age.

Photo: Evelina Bledans and thinner Alexander Semin

In the news, today the main reason is the fact that Alexander got rid of excess weight became slim and handsome. Now a lot of fans have appeared around him who want to succeed in the cinema. His new passion several years younger than the director and he likes it. Evelina understands that it will not be possible to return her husband and has long come to terms with the circumstances presented.

Despite all the difficulties in family life, Evelina and Alexander continue to maintain trusting and friendly relations. They raise a child together, very often spend time together. All this together allowed Bledans to maintain in social networks the history of their life together. Fans did not suspect that the couple had not been together for almost a year, since joint photos appeared on the network almost constantly.

Personal life

Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, but this was not her first husband. The first husband of Evelina Bledans was Yuri Stytskovsky. She met him while studying at a theater university. The couple immediately got married, but their relationship did not last long. for a long time. After 7 months, they filed for divorce with the registry office. The first love practically, as with every person, was not crowned with success. According to Bledans, it was her mistake, which she immediately forgot about. In the future, she faced the main task of achieving success in her career.

Photo Archive: Evelina Bledans and Yuri Stytskovsky

In 1993, a new young man appeared in Evelina's life. An Israeli businessman immediately offered the actress to sign. They met incredibly beautiful city Odessa. At that time, Bledans did not have such fame as now and worked in one of the Odessa theaters. After that, a child was born in the couple, who was named Nikolai.

The relationship between the businessman and the actress developed in an extremely successful way. They complemented each other and never interfered with career development. Thus, the joint life seemed quite successful.

After some time, the career began to gradually develop, and Evelina offered to move to Moscow. She easily passed the casting for the musical "Metro" and became part of the theater troupe. The happy family life lasted for a long time. For 18 years they were one of the most beautiful couples. In 2010, Evelina's second marriage broke up. The reasons for such a drastic change in life plans are unknown, but many assume that they were Alexander Semin, whom the actress met on the set.

The second husband went to live in Israel with their common son. It was a pretty serious blow, which the actress hardly endured. Nikolai independently decided that he wanted to live with his father. For a long time he did not communicate with his mother, and only when he was 21 years old did he come to her in Moscow. At that time, she was already in her third marriage. At this point, he met new family your mom.

Evelina Bledans did not grieve for long and in 2010 she married Alexander Semin. The young guy was much younger than the actress and worked as a director and producer. Their meeting took place on the set of the film "The Manipulator".

But the barrier was not only age, appearance Alexandra left much to be desired. He was full, a lot of fans, Evelina's fans spoke out against the wedding. The sincerity of the relationship overcame all negative statements. Semin subsequently really lost weight by almost 22 kilograms. The couple looked just incredibly beautiful.

On the air of Malakhov's program, which appeared on the screens in September 2018, it became known that Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, but it was not possible to find out why the thinner husband left and whether he had a lover.

The relationship ended a long time ago, but the information was kept secret. Thus, thanks to the efforts of Andrei Malakhov, the fans managed to find out the truth.

After several years of marriage, they had a child, who was named Semyon. Evelina Bledans refused any filming, as she decided to devote her life only to the child. In her interviews, she repeatedly talked about the desires that she would like to realize. Bledans dreams of living on the shores of the warm sea with her beloved man and son, growing flowers, traveling and enjoying life. Her dreams are very similar to the desires of many girls.

Sunny child

Of course, such desires and the rejection of a career appeared for a reason. The child of Evelina Bledans was born with Down syndrome. But the parents did not refuse him, on the contrary, they decided by all means to make him a full-fledged member of society. The couple also takes an active part in various social projects aimed at supporting children with Down syndrome.

Evelina Bledans with her son

After the birth of their first child, Evelina and Alexander dreamed of having a second son. They were not afraid that next child It could also be Down's syndrome. The actress herself dreamed of a daughter. But the news that Evelina Bledans divorced Semin destroyed the expectations of fans. Most likely this was the last marriage for the actress, as she lost her trust in men. The network today is very seriously discussing the relationship in this couple, which have become public domain. Many are interested in the fate of the Bledans child.

Another scandal appeared in social networks. Alexander Semin was accused of beating Alena Volkova. The beaten girl tells in the video how Evelina Bledans' husband beat her. According to the young lady, she worked as a nanny and sat with Semyon while her parents were not at home. On one of the working days, Alexander Semin attacked Alena and began to beat her.

According to Evelina, they did not hire any nanny, and all this was a planned action against her husband. Also, relatives and friends of Semin gave him only a positive response. Since it did not reach the court and the police, it was most likely not true. Thus, the personal life of Semin and Bledans developed. They very often got into situations related to their black reputation, but all the information remained unconfirmed.

Subsequently, more accurate information appeared regarding Alena Volkova. She is a scammer who has repeatedly carried out charity events on behalf of Evelina Bledans herself. With her beating video, she wanted to attract attention and earn money. But it didn’t come to blackmail, because no one believed what the girl was talking about on her social networks.

Evelina Bledans divorced Semin - the family broke up

sister's illness

There were a considerable number of misfortunes in the life of Evelina Bledans. In 2016, it became known that the half-sister of the actress had a very serious illness, the treatment of which required a lot of money. All this was discussed in the TV show “We Speak and Show” on NTV. In fact, the situation was ambiguous. Evelina and Diana have not communicated with each other for a long time, since they are not relatives. Therefore, the actress did not know that her sister had cirrhosis of the liver. The circumstances were revealed live on television. Diana also has a daughter, so she tried her best to take care of her upbringing and time, as well as she had no money for treatment.

Evelina Bledans with her sister Diana

In the TV show studio, Evelina said that she did not have the amount needed for the treatment of her half-sister. But there was remorse in her eyes as she burst into tears. Despite all this, Bledans organized several charity evenings that helped raise money for treatment. But Diana refused a liver transplant operation, as she is trying to on your own restore your health.

Family problems haunt Evelina Bledans constantly. In the program of Andrei Malakhov, which was presented to the audience in September 2018, other aspects related to the relationship with Semin were also discussed. The actress is a very scrupulous person, trying to constantly help not only relatives, but also those in need. It is not always possible to achieve success, but she never gives up trying to change the future.

Evelina Bledans now

Yes, Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, her thinner husband left her, but she did not give up.

The actress recently visited the TV show “Andrey Malakhov. Live". This was an issue dedicated to the family difficulties of Evelina Bledans, where she spoke about her experiences, parting with Semin and other changes in life. Of course, after such conversations, many fans were shocked, since the presented couple was always pleasing to the eye and was one of the sincere ones.

According to the actress, they have not lived with her husband for about a year. Relations became strained, so as adults they decided to leave. Despite such a serious step, the decision was not made public. Thus, Evelina continued to publish on her social networks family photos, since Semin very often comes to the child.

The divorce has not yet been formalized, as court cases are underway on the division of property. Evelina Bledans herself very sincerely shared her experiences on television. Many fans, fans also decided to support her. After the transfer of Andrei Malakhov, many articles devoted to this topic appeared. Many blame Alexander Semin for everything, who did not act like a man.

Fans hope that the actress will be able to find a person close to her soul, or at least restore relations with Semin. The most important thing is that she really sincerely believed that she could live with Alexander until the end of her days, but she made his decision to divorce without any scandals. Such an adult attitude is worthy of respect.

There is a lot of controversy today about why Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, and why her thinner husband left her. main reason is what he really got prettier for Lately, found myself new girl and continues to develop career ladder. Evelina does not work, but devotes most of her time to the child, especially since she is 9 years older than him. It was the combination of all the reasons that led to the breakup of the marriage.

The personal life of Evelina Bledans is her own choice. For the third time in her life, she is left alone, and does not cease to hope for a new happiness.

Evelina's husbands: relationship history

In the origin of Bledans Evelina Visvaldovna, several nationalities mixed up: Jewish, Latvian, Slavic blood flows in her veins. But the leitmotif of being can be clearly traced: one must live interestingly and cheerfully. Already her first serious relationship with classmate Yuri Stytskovsky, as Evelina herself says, they looked like a joke: for seven years they lived in a civil marriage, and, having signed, they separated after 2 months.

Evelina's second husband, businessman Dmitry, showering his wife with flowers and jewelry, did not consider it necessary to take into account her opinion. At the first opportunity, he left for Israel, Evelina refused to leave Russia - Slavic blood turned out to be stronger. After 17 years of family life, she was again left alone, except for her adult son Nikolai, whom her husband arranged to study in Switzerland.

Evelina's third husband - Alexander Semin

New husband - Alexander Semin - Evelina Bledans "smelled" on filming. The smell of the producer's and director's perfume suggested that this was the man of her dreams. The age difference did not bother the lovers: she was 41, and he was 28. They enthusiastically began to play the "Mask Show" of their lives. Wedding (2010) played in Indian Ocean on about. Mauritius under the dancing of disguised natives. The family union was sealed with blood - instead of the usual rings.

The birth in 2012 of Syoma, a child with Down's disease, is the first serious test of the family life of Syomin and Bledans.

For five years, parents surrounded Shoma Semin with joint care and attention. They even created a fund for beautiful name"Love Syndrome" - to support the same "sunny children" as their son. But for a long time the forces were not enough: their feelings for each other began to cool.

The news about the breakup of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin was an absolute surprise for most fans of the star couple. The fact is that the actress divorced her husband a year ago, but carefully concealed problems in family life, creating an illusion with the help of joyful pictures.

Evelina became the main character of the next issue of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". Barely holding back tears, the actress told why she broke up with her lover.

“It was difficult for Sasha to deal with publicity. He was constantly approached on the street, saying hello to me, Semyon. We didn't fight, we didn't fight. We have a good relationship. We just made a decision, but despite it, dad often sees his son, ”the star shared.

She did not deny that the relationship had cracked for a long time. “I still understand that I would like to return it, although I understand that we did everything right,” Evelina shared. It was difficult for Bledans to admit this to fans, and even the actress's relatives did not know about the problems in her family for many months. Her many friends came to support the star. Singer Danko, Zhanna Epple, Natalia Gulkina and many others came to the conclusion that such beautiful woman definitely won't be alone.

Evelina admitted that despite the divorce, she managed to maintain a good relationship with Alexander.

“My husband left me a house, he offered very good alimony. Now I know that if I suddenly become unemployed, Semochka and I will have something to live on, ”said Bledans.

On the air of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live ”for the first time, Alexander Semin’s opinion on divorce was also heard. The man considers the ex-wife an ideal mother, but emphasizes that both of them need to move on in life.

“It’s hard for me to talk about us in the past tense. Our child is special, and the marriage was special, with a syndrome. There has always been another person between us, and his name is "spectator". Evelina received the greatest pleasure, maximum joy from work, ”said the director.

Andrey Malakhov remembered the story of the TV presenter's sister, who is now behind bars. The woman accused Evelina of not helping her. The moderator suggested that sometimes bad things can return to a person according to the boomerang law. Bledans declined to comment on the situation. “Unfortunately, something happened that I cannot understand and accept. I mistakenly approached this person. I cannot keep such a person in my inner circle. Drugs kill people and I don't want it to have anything to do with my family."

Evelina also said that until the last she fought to save the relationship. The actress even decided on breast plastic surgery in order to again attract the attention of her husband. However, according to Bledans, these measures were useless.

Fans support the star in a difficult period for her. “You are an incredibly strong woman! It will still be fine”, “It is clear that Evelina is in pain, but she is holding on. Well done, you give to all of us good example"," Divorce is very difficult, but the main thing is that you have a son, "Bledans fans wrote on her Instagram.

At the end of the broadcast, the actress noted that she still hopes to find true love.

“The men are interested. I will not hide that I am open to relationships. I won't say I'm looking for a man, but I'd like to meet someone. However, Sasha set the bar high for me. For him, I was always a girl who obeyed him in everything. He was such a creative person and loved me so sincerely…” – said the star.

At the end of the program, Andrey Malakhov suggested that Alexander Semin's heart was busy. “I think he has a new woman, but he is afraid to introduce her to you,” the host believes. He also wished Evelina Bledans to meet another man, and Natalia Gulkina gave her friend a portrait lined with rhinestones.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

The network was shocked by the news about the breakup of the family of 48-year-old Evelina Bledans and 35-year-old Alexander Semin. Until recently, spouses were an example of an ideal family.

In 2012, the son Semyon was born in the family, even during pregnancy, the couple was informed that the child had Down syndrome. Despite all the difficulties, the couple decided to keep the child, and did everything possible so that the boy's life was full and full of bright colors.

As it became known, Evelina and Alexander divorced a year ago, but all this time the actress created the illusion of a happy family by posting photos with her husband and son on social networks.

To whom did the husband of Evelina Bledans go: the reasons for the separation of the actress and her husband, the producer

As the actress herself admitted, her husband did not cheat on her and did not leave for another woman. According to Evelina, the main reason for parting with Alexander was the fading of former romantic feelings.

“Sasha did not start other relationships, it just happens when a romantic story ends. But by and large, our family has not broken up, we have Semyon, and Sasha and I will continue to do everything for our boy and for other children with Down syndrome, ”said Evelina.

Alexander himself, said that his dislike for publicity played a significant role in the breakup. “It’s hard for me to talk about us in the past tense. Our child is special, and the marriage was special, with a syndrome. There was always another person between us, and his name was “spectator,” said ex-husband artistes.

Evelina Bledans torments herself and blames the breakup, justifying her ex-husband. “We went to our parting gradually. I always justify my men, if he left, then I did something wrong, I was not good enough, ”says Evelina with regret.

To whom did the husband of Evelina Bledans go: boomerang effect

Not so long ago, the public was shocked by the news that the actress has a sister in prison. This woman complained that Evelina did not help her when she had serious health problems. To which the actress replies that she does not know this person. She cannot accept the act of a sister who was transporting abroad. narcotic substances. After all, you can not trade in something that kills people. Therefore, she does not connect the situation that has developed in her family with her sister. And she doesn’t think that everything happened because of the “boomerang” that returned to her.

To whom did Evelina Bledans' husband go: changes in the Bledans family after a divorce

Recall that with the actress and her ex-husband for Last year there have been many changes. The ex-husband of Evelina Bledans lost a lot of weight, because of which his appearance changed dramatically.

In turn, the actress made breast plastic surgery, tightened her forms with regular training and scored social networks with “hot” photos.

Despite this, Bledans unexpectedly announced that she would like to return her husband, and it was for these purposes that she underwent breast augmentation surgery.

“Although I know that no matter how old I am in my passport, even now I can take any man by the tie and do whatever I want with him. But I don't want to, because I would like Sasha back. Hence the theme of the new breast, or rather, the restoration of the old one: to be more beautiful and desirable. But at the same time, I understand that we did everything right and, probably, you should not enter the same water twice. I swaggered for a whole year, posted our joint photos and depicted a happy life on Instagram when we were no longer together, ”admitted the celebrity.

Despite all the difficulties that have occurred in this famous family, it is safe to say that Evelina Bledans is a strong woman. And without plunging into all the difficulties, he does not lose heart, but devotes all his time to his son. We wish Evelina real female happiness.

Our extravagant author is eager to fight again. Lena Lenina, writer and owner of more than 200 salons of the Lena Lenina Network of Manicure Studios franchise chain, manages everything: and successful business build, and write bright columns for the site. Recently it became known that Evelina Bledans hid the break with her husband Alexander Semin from the public for a year. Lena Lenina, who is constantly in the know latest news in the world of show business, decided to support Evelina and told what, in her opinion, was the reason for the separation of Bledans and Semin.

Of all the scandals and tragedies in the turbulent life of fellow show business, it was she who caused me the greatest sympathy. This happened when my friend Stas Sadalsky told me that Evelina Bledans gave birth to a child with Down syndrome. I identified and empathized with her so much that I still cannot imagine what Evelina went through.

How could each of us stand in the face of such grief? How many out of ten mothers would keep a child with Down syndrome and not terminate the pregnancy?

After all, doctors and psychologists always not only offer, but even advise to have an abortion in cases of such genetic abnormalities in the fetus. They are well aware of the colossal responsibility and risks incurred by those parents who go against nature. Perhaps only the death of a child can be even greater horror. And the way Evelina and her husband Alexander accepted this blow of fate courageously and positively deserves only admiration.

Not every mother will make the decision to kill her unborn child, even if doctors offer to get rid of him. After all, doctors can be wrong. Or even, according to the paranoid, be interested in trading in unborn fruits. They say that drugs made from embryonic materials that work wonders for impotent, aging ladies or officials cost a huge amount of money.

It is difficult for an unhappy and confused pregnant woman to be completely confident in the diagnosis and recommendations of doctors.

Physicians themselves are not always sure of their conclusions. I have friends who decided to leave a child with Down syndrome, despite the active protests of doctors, and when the child was born, it turned out that he was absolutely healthy and the doctors were simply mistaken.

Lena Lenina talks about the reasons for the breakup of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

In any case, every woman should understand that not every man can withstand these loads, and always, if she can have or has already had a problem child, she should rely only on herself. And be prepared for the man to leave. Whether from difficulties, or from it. After all, love is not eternal.

Many wonder why Evelina hid her divorce from her husband for a whole year. Maybe for her, their separation was not only a big blow, but also a shameful end to the beautiful picture of a happy marriage, which she tried so hard to paint on social networks and which suits any woman. And so Evelina delayed the moment of honest recognition of the fact of divorce in front of her followers. It is not so easy to break the picture of a family idyll, especially when you become a role model for all parents who could not refuse a child with a terrible syndrome. The publicity of love is always fraught with the publicity of divorce. If everyone knew about happiness, then often everyone will also know about the misfortune that follows it.

But not all famous women easily play the role of the victim.

Poor Evelina could blame herself for the fact that her husband left, and tormented by questions: maybe I was not sexy enough, or too old, or too greedy, or often quarreling. Abandoned women always blame themselves.

They gossip that it was not without a homeowner who took her husband away from the family when the passion faded away. Men generally find lovers very quickly. Especially when they become recognizable in person. Yes, and in show business. And if love lives only for three years, because the brain cannot endlessly enchant and produce hormones, then when passion begins to fade, a man simply finds another for himself. Especially if the wife is 48, and he is 32.

There are rumors on the web that Semin has already found a new lover

Among those discussing this scandal behind the scenes, there are those who believe that in this couple, due to the difference in age and characters, a relationship has developed between a strong successful alpha female, even a mother, and a weaker and less successful husband, almost a son. And such relationships are almost always doomed to failure. The son will eventually mature and find a more tender and weaker one, next to whom he will feel like a real colonel. Many people know that a man rarely goes nowhere, and if he is doomed to long separations due to theatrical tours of villages and villages, or a strong and famous "mom" crushed him with her fame and success, then she will eventually crush him. Or maybe the male husband is less important to the actress than the male viewer.

Any of these reasons leads to another woman, more desirable because she is younger, or simply because she is new, or more accessible because she is always there.

Evelina does not recognize the existence of a rival. Her ego just doesn't want to know about her. After all, men rarely unexpectedly, after many years of marriage, dramatically lose weight by 50 kilograms and begin to actively engage in their appearance. But it is difficult for an alpha female to admit that she has been abandoned and is ashamed to try on the image of a victim. After all, even a child born with Down syndrome did not make this always cheerful and courageous woman “lose face” and cry on TV screens. But the humiliation from the departure of her husband became a stronger blow. After all, the ego in actresses is more powerful than in housekeepers. A sick child is fate, and a husband who has left is a shame. Especially when you, brilliant and famous, were abandoned by a weak and unworthy of your crown man. It's terribly humiliating.

And if Evelina does not nobly criticize her husband for leaving, then women all over the country will lynch a man who left his family with a sick child.

After all, it was his decision to give birth to a child with Down syndrome, and he could not throw this cross and sacrifice his personal desires in order to continue to live under the same roof with such a child. After all, any kid needs a dad not only on Sundays.

Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining, and lemonade can be made from a lemon, and Evelina Bledans can now start singing songs and capitalize on her abandonment a la Olya Buzova, up to a full Olympic stadium of sympathetic compassionate ladies. Evelynochka, we are with you! (Of course, as long as you go for a manicure to my craftswomen, and do not hobnob with the house call ladies from