Scenario of the holiday with the presentation “Mother's Day. Scenario with presentation "Mother's Day" Mother's Day in elementary school with a presentation

Scenario for Mother's Day "Planet of Moms" for younger students

Goals: to form a respectful, sensitive attitude towards the mother, to family values, a desire to help her, to create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.
1) awaken in children the desire to be kind, caring, grateful towards their mother;
2) develop the ability to speak openly, without embarrassment, about your love for your mother;
3) to form communication skills and abilities.

Preliminary preparation:
Exhibition of drawings "Mom is in the house, that the sun is in the sky"
Competition of essays and poems about mother
Shooting Yeralash
Equipment: interactive whiteboard, drawing portraits of mothers, pieces of paper, pens, scissors, glue, origami paper blanks: square, leaf, tube.

1. Greeting. Psychological mood.
"Good afternoon! Good afternoon!"
We talk all day long.
We are not too lazy to wish well.
The day is clear today
Everything will be great!
Let's smile at each other and give everyone a good mood.
Today we will talk. About what?
About everything, about everything else,
About what is good and what is not.
I know some things and you know some things.
Let's talk? Let's talk.
We will be interested.

2. Introduction
(poem by E. Moshkovskaya is told by 2 students)
I offended my mother
Now never ever
Let's not leave the house together
We will never go with her.

She won't wave out the window
And I don't wave to her
She won't say anything
And I won't tell her...

I take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread,
Find me a stick stronger,
I'll go, go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail
I will look for pydy
And through the wild river
Build bridges go!

And I'll be the chief boss,
And if I'm with a beard,
And be always sad
And so silent...

And now it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane will fly
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me.

Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we offend our mother. Because of whims, because of laziness, just because of all sorts of trifles.
I will tell you one case about Vitya and mother's tears.
The boy Vitya told his mother that he would come home at exactly 7 pm. But he was unexpectedly invited by a friend to watch TV. The transfer was interesting, and Vitya forgot about his promise. It's already 9 o'clock and he's gone. Mom has tears in her eyes. Where is the boy? Meanwhile, he was watching TV and laughing merrily.
What do you think Vita should have done in this situation? Never forget what you promised your mother. And if you broke this word, have the courage to admit it and ask for forgiveness.
Have you ever had a case where you offended your mother? Maybe someone once didn’t listen, maybe someone answered rudely to mom’s request, or maybe they didn’t do something that mom really asked for. You probably regretted it for a long time, but for some reason you could not ask your mother for forgiveness.
3. Theme and objectives of the lesson
(slide 1.) Imagine, it happened that all the mothers in the world were very offended and decided to leave for another planet. What will you have to do now?
Think about it now and tell us how we can bring our mothers back to our Earth. What do I need to do? (children express their opinions, the purpose of the lesson is determined: to think about what a mother means for children; how to do so as not to upset mother; how to try to have peace in the family)
(slide 2) Mom's planet.
- We need to make sure that the planet of mothers does not move away, but approaches us. Today we will try to remember a lot of good things about our mothers, do good deeds and then, probably, we can return our beloved mothers to us, to our Earth.

4. Parable about mother (slides 3 - 11)
The day before his birth, the child asked God: “They say that tomorrow they will send me to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied: "I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you."
“But how will I understand people, because I do not know their language? the child asked, gazing intently at God.
God smiled and replied, “Your angel will speak to you the most beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear, and calmly and patiently he will teach you how to speak.”
The child then asked, “I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?"
- Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
- Lord, before I leave you, tell me, what is the name of my angel?

His name doesn't matter. He has many names, but you will just call him Mom.

(slide 12) You, of course, do not remember the very first meeting with your mother. How happy she was when she saw you! How happy her eyes shone! There was a film number tied to your pen. Your last name, date, month, year and time of your birth, and your weight were written on it. To which of you did your mother show this number - your very first “medal”?
(slide 13) Then your mother looked at her baby for the first time - and realized that her child is the best, most beautiful and most beloved. Now you have grown up, but your mother loves you still firmly and tenderly. Moms will love you exactly as long as they live in the world - always remember this! And no matter how old you are - 5 or 25, you will always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter life!

4. Mother's Day is a holiday in November. (slide 14)
It is good that we remembered mothers on the eve of a wonderful holiday. Yes, there is such a holiday - Mother's Day, and it has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November since 1998 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin. It was decided: "In order to increase the social significance of motherhood, establish a Mother's Day holiday and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November."
(slide 15) Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries, however, at different times. In Australia and America, for example, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. In England, Mother's Day is the third Sunday in March.
Mother's Day - Worthy good holiday,
Which is the sun in the family.
And it’s not pleasant for every mother, isn’t it,
When she is rightfully honored!
We will try not to forget this date and we will definitely congratulate our lovely, kind, wonderful mothers.

(slide 16) Let's take another look at space. See if the planet of moms has come closer to us. You see, the planets have become a little closer.

5. Is it easy to be a mom?
The poem "It's very easy to be a mother" (student reads)
It's very easy to be a mom
Only from morning to night
Dad needs to say:
"I am very tired!"
No, it is not difficult to be a mother:
Once - dinner is ready!
Well, take the dishes to wash -
There are no more cases
Wash by the way.
sew something,
If you take a broom in your hands,
You can rest
Braid my pigtails
read a book,
Take my brother to kindergarten
Knit a scarf for dad ...
I decided to help her
And I'll tell you straight:
There is no harder work
How to work as a mom!
The house is supported by mom. Our mothers have another profession - the mistress of the house. They take care of their children and husband, cook, clean and do a lot of things.
Did you know that during the year, mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year. During the year, mothers go shopping to the store and in general walk more than 2000 km on foot. And you also need to have time to answer all your questions, prepare lessons with you and make sure that you eat well and tasty.

Scene "Three mothers"
Our kids are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this.
Mothers often tell them
But they don't listen to their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
Came from a walk
And the doll asked:
Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, takes the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
Grandma shouted to dine more than once,
And you answered: now yes now.
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come on, have dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And she asked her mother:
Grandmother enters, goes to the table and sits down on the third chair.

How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without eating.
She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Everyone eats cheesecakes.
Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?
All three: Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!
Yes, being a mom is hard. Which of you decided to continue to help your parents in their hard work around the house, so that mom could at least sometimes just relax? (children answer)

6. Physical Minute
Dance-physical minute to the song "Miss Mom"
This is how we miss mom. Let's look again into space, see if the planet has come closer to us. (slide 17)

7. Mother's Wings
More than a thousand fairy tales were written by the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. And many of them are dedicated to my mother. He loved his mother very much. And in her honor, he wrote the fairy tale "Mother's Wings", listen to her. (slide 18)
Listen carefully to the story. We will play the association game. While reading a fairy tale, take pieces of paper and pens and try to write down any words (thoughts) that come to your mind. Let's see what happens.
“On a hot summer day, the Goose took her little yellow goslings for a walk. In front of the goslings was a huge meadow. The goose began to teach the children to pinch the stalks of young grass. The stems were sweet, the sun was warm and gentle, the grass was soft, the world was cozy and kind. The goslings were happy.
They forgot about their mother and began to disperse across a huge green meadow. In an alarming voice, the Goose began to call the children, but not all of them obeyed. Suddenly dark clouds moved in, and the first large drops of rain fell on the ground. The goslings thought: the world is not so cozy and kind. And as soon as they thought about it, each of them began to need, oh, how they need a mother. They raised their little heads and ran towards her.
In the meantime, large hailstones rained down from the sky. The goslings barely managed to run to their mother, she raised her wings and covered her children with them. It was warm and safe under the wings; the goslings heard, as if from somewhere far away, the roar of thunder, the howl of the wind and the sound of hailstones. It even became fun for them: something terrible is happening behind the mother's wings, and they are warm and comfortable. It never occurred to them that the wing had two sides: inside it was warm and cozy, and outside it was cold and dangerous.
Then everything calmed down. The goslings wanted to hurry to the green meadow, but the mother did not raise her wings. The little children of the Goose squealed demandingly: "Let us out, mother." Yes, they did not ask, but demanded. The mother quietly lifted her wings. The goslings ran out onto the grass. They saw that the mother's wings were wounded, many feathers were torn out. The goose was breathing heavily. She tried to spread her wings and couldn't. The goslings saw all this, but the world again became so joyful and kind, the sun shone so brightly and kindly, the bees, beetles, bumblebees sang so beautifully that it never occurred to the goslings to ask: Mom, what's wrong with you? And only one of the smallest and weakest goslings approached the mother and asked: “Why are your wings wounded?” She answered quietly, as if ashamed of her pain, "It's all right, son." The yellow goslings scattered over the grass, and the mother was happy.

Do you think that such a case can occur in everyday life? How many of you have seen how animals protect their cubs?
- Why was the wounded mother still happy? Did her children's ingratitude offend her?
- Do you think your mother will protect you in case of danger?
What association words did you write down?
(children read out the words of the association that they wrote down on the sheets, some are written on the slide). (slide 19) How many good and kind words have been written!

Children are the most precious happiness for a mother. In difficult times, she will always protect and protect them from trouble. Mother's heart is always next to the child, because mother thinks about us always and everywhere. The mother's heart loves us, protects us, protects us.

8. How to please mommy?
Of course, we all want our mother to always have a good mood. When mom smiles, the whole world seems to smile. Let's try to give her moments of happiness and fun, cheer her up with jokes and songs. We filmed a very funny Yeralash, please look.
Yeralash "Salt"
Mom: Fedya, run to Aunt Olya, bring some salt.
Fedya: Salt?
Mom: Soli.
Fedya (joyfully): I now!
(Fedya runs away, mom is cooking something at this time, looking impatiently at her watch).
Mom: Oh, and Fedin's hour is long!
(The son tumbles in. His hair is disheveled, his shirt has come out, the laces are dangling)
Mom: Well, finally came. Where are you wandering, tomboy?
Fedya: I met Mishka and Seryozhka...
Mom: And then?
Fedya: We were looking for a cat.
Mom: And then?!
Fedya: Then they found it.
Mom: And then?!
Fedya: Let's go to the pond.
Mom: And then?!
Fedya (throws up arms excitedly): Caught a pike! Barely pulled out the evil one!
Mom: Pike?
Fedya: Pike!
Mother (angrily): But wait, where is the salt?
Fedya (remembering): What kind of salt?

Mom is standing, washing the dishes:
- Oh, how many cases! Everything must be done.
Suitable son.
- Mom, what are you doing? Today is a holiday, take a break.
Mom was happy:
"Really, son?"
He takes off his apron and hands it to his son.
The son takes, hangs on a carnation.

- Let it hang for now. When the holiday is over, you will put it on again.

9. Gift for mom
What else can we please moms? Of course, gifts. But those that we will make with our own hands and put our soul, our love into them.
Now let's make very beautiful original origami flowers - tulips. (children, under the guidance of a teacher, fold tulip flowers from colored paper) (slides 22-39)
We collect all the resulting flowers in one bouquet. And now we hope that the hearts of our mothers have completely thawed and they will probably return to us from cold space. (slide 40)

I believe that a woman

Miracle of the earth!

What on the Milky Way

Don't find

And if a woman

holy word,

That is thrice sacred -


HOST 1: Good evening! It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Happy Mother's Day, dear ones! This autumn day is dedicated to you! Let this holiday be bright! Let sorrows go away and dreams come true! Let the people of the whole world give you kindness and smiles!

HOST1: All people respect and love their mothers. This day is celebrated in many countries, people congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, attention and care, arrange a holiday for them. And today we have gathered to talk about mom.(2-3 minutes)

2 slide (The light goes out. Candles light up. On the screen is the image of the Virgin. And a burning candle)
(Voice behind the scene):

The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that is with us, sometimes, did not sleep at night.
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest ...
She prayed for us to all the Holy Images.

(A girl in a shawl, depicting a mother, approaches the image of the Virgin, kneels in front of the icon).

Girl 1 (at the image):“Most Holy Mother of God, protect my child, help him, I beg you!”

Girl 2 (in the foreground):

Mom is the most important person in every life. Only she can truly support us and always help. She takes care of us and loves us with all her heart. Only her love is the most sincere. Love and take care of your mothers.
Call your mom before bed
Dial seven familiar digits.
Chat for an hour about everything
to make the world sound like it's in rhyme.
Call your mom to find out
How are you, how are you. Not difficult
just a few kind words to say to her,
so that the heart does not beat so anxiously. Time flies, but not back...
Call! It's so simple.
Call, come and hug .. After all, one day it will be too late ..(3-4 minutes)

3 slide HOST1: Every second three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

LEADER2: But most importantly, the mother introduces the child to her homeland. In his mouth, she puts her native language, which has absorbed the wealth of reason, thoughts and feelings of generations. She fills his life with spiritual power, helping to comprehend eternal values. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.

4 slide (Kids come out. Say congratulations)

1 teacher: From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, friends, let's talk about mom. We love her as a reliable friend, because we have everything in common with her.

2 teacher: We love her also for the fact that sometimes her eyes become stricter in wrinkles. But it is worth coming with a confession with your head, wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

3 teacher: Because we can always open our hearts to her without hiding and directly. And just because she is our mother. We love her deeply and dearly.

4 teacher: I love you, mom, why I don’t know. Probably because I breathe and dream. And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day, for this I, dear, love you. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around. I love you mom, you are my best friend!

(against the background of children's photographs of these children) ( 2-3 minutes)

5 slide HOST1: Today, at our holiday, mothers will not just be spectators, they will take an active part in the holiday along with children. We are waiting for interesting games and interesting competitions. Well, are you ready? Then let's start

When mothers do household chores and so that children do not interfere with them, they turn on cartoons. The next contest is "Guess the melody". Moms have to guess what the songs are or from which cartoon. If mothers do not know, then children help.
(5-7 song excerpts - moms guess)
blue carriage
mammoth song
pick from the list...
(5-7 minutes)

HOST1: And now I ask you to pay a little attention ... to the screen!

(social video about mom!)(4 minutes)

6 slide HOST1: Well, well! Weep a little and that's enough! The dance team gives you a driving gift!
(Girls dance modern dance)(5 minutes)

Host 1: Thank you, dear girls! And now we continue! We carefully look at the screen and sing along!(one popular song or a cut of several songs is turned on and the audience sings along. The one who knows the motive is at the microphone!)(2-3 minutes)

LEADER 2: We sang, danced, and now we’ll listen too !!!

The power of mother's love! Who will measure it? There is an old saying: "A mother carries a child for 9 months under her heart and all her life in her heart." Without unselfish maternal love, there would be no human relationships. It is from the depths of maternal love that the best human qualities are born in children.

Georgy Morgunov reads for you.
(enable video)

When they love to the moon...

The little hare smiled at his mother:
- I love you so much! - and spread his hands.
- Well, I love you like that! mother answered,
She spread her hands - also showed.

He crouched down and jumped high as a ball:
- I love you like this! the bunny laughed.
And then he answered, running away, dashingly:
"That's how much I love you!" the hare jumped up.

“That’s a lot,” whispered the hare,
- It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.

- I love you like this! the bunny smiled
And somersaulted on the grass-ant.
- And that's how I love you! Mommy said
Tumbled, hugged and kissed.

“That’s a lot,” whispered the hare,
- It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.

Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this! Do you understand, mom?
And mom can see the whole valley in her arms.
"That's how much I love you!" mother says to her son.

So a merry day passed, at the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:

- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?
Having tucked a blanket on all sides of the bunny,
Quietly, before going to bed, my mother whispered:

- It's very, very much, it's so nice,
When they love to the moon and then back
(3 minutes)

7 slide

LEADER2: Thank you, dear! And let your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often!

HOST1: Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Everything that happens to us in life
We somehow strangely divide in half:
Kohl is joy - we celebrate with friends,
With trouble we come to mothers.

We are busy with care and business
And day after day in the stream of vanity
We don't often think about mom
And too rarely give her flowers.

We carry our illnesses to our mother,
We go to share grievances with her,
We draw her wrinkles ourselves,
Forgetting to ask for forgiveness

We rarely hug mom
We have forgotten how to kiss mom,
And sometimes we forget to call her
And once a letter to write.

But mom still loves us
No matter what happens, she will not betray.
She will forgive, she will forget insults,
And give us your heart in full!

When you leave your mother again,
Warmed by her warmth of love,
Whisper in her ear:
“Forgive me for everything, dear, I love you, I beg you, live!”

(the verse is read in 2 lines, someone can 4 lines)
(3-4 minutes!)

Scenario for 30-40 minutes!

  • A verse from a girl on the background of an image of a burning candle!
  • Congratulations from the junior classes.
  • "Guess the melody".
  • Social video about mom.
  • Modern dance.
  • Karaoke.
  • Poem from Morgunov G.
  • Final verse: all participants 2 lines each!

Development of a holiday for Mother's Day. "Mom - it means LIFE!"

Author of the work: Primary school teacher Tarasova Svetlana Vladimirovna, MBOU "Novoandreevskaya school"
Brief annotation: Extracurricular activity with presentation "Mother's Day". An interesting holiday for schoolchildren, their mothers and grandmothers. Before the holiday, children draw portraits of their mothers and grandmothers, write essays about them. There are wonderful poems about mothers and grandmothers, interesting songs. Comic ditties and funny scenes are performed. Various competitions are held not only with children, but also with mothers and grandmothers. At the end of the holiday, children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers, made with their own hands at technology lessons.

- educate respect and respect for the mother;
- develop a sense of duty and responsibility for their actions;
- contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere;
- Encourage students' creativity.

Equipment: multimedia, computer, screen, children's drawings and composition, balls, 2 drawing paper, markers, bows, briefcases, products

Event progress:

1 student.
Who said that there are no angels on Earth?
It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them moms.
2 student.
There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently.
3 student.
Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.
4 student.
Mother's Day was established in 1998. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 "On Mother's Day", Mother's Day is celebrated on the last November Sunday.
5 student.
Today we will say words of gratitude to our mothers who give us love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
1 student
The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world:
in English - Maze
in german mutter
in Kyrgyz-apa
in Georgian - deda
in Ukrainian - Nenka
in Russian - mother, mother
in Belarusian - matsi, matula
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that can do everything.
1 student. What do you need to tell the birds?
2 student. The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
3 student. And for the sea?
4 student. Shores.
5 student. And for skis?
6 student. For skis - snow.
1 student. Well, and to us, we will say directly
Together: To be with us mom!

1 student. Mom means tenderness
2 student. This is kindness, kindness,
3 student. Mom is serenity
4 student. This is joy, beauty!
5 student. Mom is a bedtime story
6 student. It's morning dawn
7 student. Mom - a hint in difficult times,
8 student. This is wisdom and advice!
9 student. Mom is the green of summer
10 student. It's snow, autumn leaf,
Everybody: Mom is a ray of light,
Mom means LIFE!

Grade 4 students will perform the song "Mommy is the best in the world" to the motive of the melody of the song "Little Country"
Mom is the best in the world
We love mommy!
Mom, all our smiles,
The best dreams in the world.
Mom is always in household chores -
She has many worries.
We know that mom is very strong
Tired by evening.
There is no mother,
There is no mother.
What is our beloved mother
Youth secret?
We will raise our children
And after many years
We also learn the most important
Mom's big secret.
Only big love for mom
Doesn't get old.
Let her be our own
Lives for a long time!
There is no mother,
There is no mother.
What is our beloved mother
Youth secret?

And now small 1 contest entitled: "Do I know my mother?"
Before the holiday, our mothers filled out questionnaires, now we will ask the same questions to their children and find out how well you know your mothers.

So the questions are:
1) When is your mother's birthday?
2) Favorite color.
3) Favorite song.
4) Favorite dish.
5) Favorite singer or singer.
6) What holiday does mom love the most?
7) Favorite TV show
8) Favorite season
9) Does mom believe in dreams?
10) Mom's dream.

children read(slide with photo of mothers)

1. Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like an angel of kindness
My friend is the best, dear.

2. Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if apart,
I always remember your tender hands.

3. May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun.
I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you
Trust me, it's unintentional. I scold myself.

4. Thank you, dear mother,
For kindness, kindness and love.
I was disobedient and stubborn
But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

5. We are our mothers, dear mothers
Hearts and lives will be given without words.
For us they are truly holy,
It doesn't matter that there are no halos at the heads.

6. Dear Mommy, Mommy
Dear dear person
We love hard and kiss
Be happy all your life.

7. Anyone who lives in this world,
To love who can, think and breathe,
On our blue planet
There is no dearer word than mother.

8. Over the years, becoming older, stricter in feelings.
Suddenly, you begin to understand.
There is no person closer and dearer.
Than a woman whose name is Mother.

9. She is with you in joy and in sorrow
She is with you, even if you are far away.
And how much is hidden in her eyes -
Heartfelt, maternal warmth.

10. Hurry to her through the years and separation.
To comfort and hug her.
Kiss your hands reverently.
That woman whose name is Mother!

Now children let's play 2 competition "Collective portrait".
Today we will draw the most beautiful mother.

We will divide the guys into two teams and line up in columns.
For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers. The first one runs and draws the head, eye, nose,
2nd - hair, second eye mouth,
3rd - torso,
4th - hands,
5th - legs without feet,
6th - shoes,
7th - beads,
8th - handbag.
Which team is faster, that one wins.
-Look at what wonderful portraits of mom turned out.
Teacher. Well done! And now let's look at the scene "Disputants".

Scene "Disputants".
1 student (Maxim)
I have such a mother
Everyone is jealous, I know!
2 student (Angela)
From what? Why?
Mom is better than me!
3 student (Ksyusha)
Who said you have?
My mom is the best!
2 student (Danil)
Here you are, Nina, why do you love your mother?
1 student (Nina)
For the fact that without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our heart
And just for
That she is our mother
We love her deeply and dearly.
1 student (Katya)
Diana, why do you love your mother?
3 student (Diana)
We love her like a good friend.
For the fact that we have everything in common with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
3 student (Nina)
Daniel, why do you love your mother?
2 student (Danil B.)
We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head,
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.
1 student (Maxim)
Snezhana, what should we do so that our mother is not upset.
4 student (Snezhana)
And you don't always see your mom
In her labor worries,
And if mom sometimes
Will come tired from work,
Warm her with your care
Help her in everything!

-3 contest "Collect to school"(3 couples) (Children and mothers)
Tie mom a bow, make a sandwich, put in a bag.

And now, for our dear mothers, the girls will perform ditties.

Everybody: To all moms on this day
We give ditties
So that our mothers
There were fun!

1. We say this word
Every time two hundred times:
Mom, give it! Bring it!
Mom, mom, help!

2. Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Laundry, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything in the world,
This is MOM - children know.

3. Our mother at work
Strongly respected
And she comes home
Strongly love!

4. I love my mom,
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I'm hacking,
She forgives me everything.

5. Do not be angry with your mother,
If he doesn't say
Better hug your mom
Kiss passionately.

6. Dad is strong, dad is smart,
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Better for sure.

7. If you are angry with your mother,
That sticks its nose into business
You will become a mother too
Then you will understand!

8. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

9. Julia washed the floors,
Olya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
Washed everything.

10. Sooty pot
Olya cleaned with sand
Two hours in Olya's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

All: Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

We sang ditties to you
is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

Q: The guys have prepared sketches in which you will see familiar situations and, perhaps, smile at this.
1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, mom tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.
- Get up, son, you'll be late for school again!
A son:
- Don't want! Petrov always fights with me!
- Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school for the start of classes!
A son:
- Nu its, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!
- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again!
A son:
- Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!
- Son, you have to go to school, you're still the director!

Competition 4 "Tell me a word"(for kids)
The Word has hidden somewhere, the Word has hidden and is waiting.
Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -
That's all my ... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed the dishes ourselves.
We washed the dishes ourselves -
Helped our ... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our ... (mother)
These balls on a thread
Don't you want to try on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box .... (beads)

In my mother's ears sparkle,
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
Silver drops crumbs
Jewelry .... (earrings)

Name the dishes
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is .... (frying pan)

He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss.
Boils quickly .... (teapot)

This is a meal for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls .... (soup)

Competition 5 "Reasoning"(for moms)

1. This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life. So they call everything amazing, unusual, magical. When it happens, we always admire, rejoice (miracle).
2. They hide under dirty nails. They are so small that you can't see them. They can make you sick (germs).
3. It happens often and in many places because of it you have to waste time. But if you need something, then you have to put up with it. You stand as long as you need and you will get what you wanted (queue).
4. Every person should have it, but some have forgotten about it. It helps to become a real person. When you do wrong or offended someone in vain, she torments you (conscience)
5. If it is not there, then there is no joy, without it there is no life, but existence. It is always wished to each other, especially in letters. You can't buy it for any amount of money. (Health)
6. Every person dreams about him, wants everything to be good in life. But no one knows where to look for it. There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness)
7. A person carries everything to his house, whether he needs it or not. He does not like to give gifts, share sweets. And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway (greed).
8. A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed. Adults say that it helps to educate correctly. A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to walk because of a bad deed. (Punishment)

1 I help my mother:
I'll cook soup in the sandbox
I'll wash the cat in a puddle ...
How, mother, I love you!

2 And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway
Mommy draw a portrait
My brother will help me too...
Mommy, similar or not?

3 I will put on my mother's dress,
Just cut the length
It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
I love only my mother!

4 And I'm preparing a gift for her-
In my dad's new car
I scratch: “Mom - with love!
No one can replace you!"

5 And I'm your new hat
I will immediately turn into a hare:
I will sew on his ears and paws ...
I want to make a present!

6 But I had a fight with Danil -
There is a huge bruise under the eye.
Said his mom is better
I don't agree with him at all!

7 I'll wash my mother's shoes,
Ships in the bathroom comin.
And mom will come and see
That I love her very much!

8 I ball on lipstick
At Katya, he changed neighbors.
And mommy will be delighted
And he will say: “Here is my son!”

9 We will not argue in vain,
We will tell our mothers
That their children are simply beautiful ...
TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

Our holiday is coming to an end, the guys have prepared gifts for you. Presenting gifts
Presenter 2 Who came to me in the morning?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1 Who said "It's time to get up!"
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2 Who managed to cook the porridge?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1 Pour tea into my glass?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2 Who narwhaled flowers in the garden?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1 Who kissed me?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2Who childish loves laughter?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1. Who is the best in the world?
All: Mommy!

Final song
The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently.
A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights.
Today we celebrate Mother's Day with success.
It's great that we are all here today.

We wish you health and happiness!
Good luck and be patient! Mommy, smile!
And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.
It's great that we are all here today!

Teacher: Lovely women, nice women!
I do not wish you a different fate,
Be beautiful, be loved
Be happy one and all!