Scenario for holding a corporate event in nature. Ideas and tips for organizing and holding a fun outdoor corporate event

A corporate event is a good opportunity to unite the team. And if you choose the right place and organize competitions for corporate events in nature, then spending time together will be unforgettable for everyone.

How to organize unusual competitions

It is not so easy to organize outdoor competitions for a corporate event in the summer. Therefore, you can always resort to the help of a company that organizes collective events.

But very often such events end in misunderstanding between the customer and the organizer, and the corporate event turns into a boring pastime.

Therefore, it is better to organize a corporate event yourself.

To get started you need:

  • determine the required amount;
  • distribute responsibilities among employees (who is responsible for collecting money, who is in charge of cooking, who is in charge of transport, etc.);
  • choose a place for a future corporate event;
  • plan a preliminary scenario;
  • get a charge of only positive emotions.

Competitions and entertainment for corporate events in nature 2015

After a welcoming word about how happy everyone is to work for this particular company, and a few additional toasts, it’s time to start having fun and cool competitions for the corporate party.

Find treasure

It's always intriguing to feel like a treasure hunter. For this funny competition for a corporate party, you will need a small “treasure”, which will act as a reward to the winner. First, the “treasure” must be hidden (it is best to bury it) and a map of its location must be drawn.

Then the map is cut into several parts, each of which is also hidden (it is enough to attach it to various trees so that it can be found).

After the map is collected, all competitors go to dig up the treasure.


To play you will need:

  • two empty buckets;
  • two sieves;
  • sand.

First you need to divide into an equal number of participants. Then the teams line up, and empty buckets are placed at equal distances from the first participants.

Contestants take turns carrying sand in a sieve, pouring it into a bucket. The team that fills the bucket first wins.


A fairly simple game or a cool competition for a New Year's corporate party, but at the same time, as a rule, it causes a lot of laughter and positive emotions.

First you need to decide on the start and finish point. Each participant, holding an inflated balloon between his legs, must reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

In case of loss of the ball, the competitor returns to the start. The winner receives his “niche” as a gift.

Such a competition can be held for a corporate event even at work.

Rain collector.

The host of this competition for a corporate party with his colleagues imitates rain, spraying water around him using a hose or simply from a bottle.

At this time, the competitors are trying to collect as many drops as possible into plastic cups. The winner is the one with the most filled glass.

Water crossings

The presence of a river, lake or pond can make ordinary runs more exciting.

The water competition takes place in several stages:

  • races in ankle-deep water;
  • knee-deep runs;
  • waist-deep hauls;
  • chest-deep runs, etc.

The race is one-on-one.

For everyone who won the previous stage, the driving conditions become more difficult.

The winner is the one who wins the final race.

Indoor entertainment for corporate events

The weather does not always allow you to get out into nature, but this should not affect an already planned corporate event.


The presenter says that the winner will receive a book as a gift if he guesses its name. The following are the tips:

  • this book is very important for every person;
  • Almost everyone has read or leafed through this book, etc.

You can even take a certain quote that clearly does not relate to the content of the book.

Believe me, there will be many options. And the end result always causes laughter and only positive emotions.


First you need to come up with original riddles about each employee yourself.

During such a table competition for a corporate party, the presenter reads his essays, and his colleagues must name the correct answer.

It's always fun to hear some details about your employees, and especially about yourself.

Company `s logo

As a rule, each company has its own logo. For the competition you need to print it out on A-4 sheet and cut it into 15-20 pieces.

Participants are given the opportunity to assemble a puzzle with the logo of their own company. Whoever finished it first won.

The funniest incident

There is always the opportunity to organize a competition about the funniest incident at work, if the corporate party has gone on for a long time and no one wants to leave. Stories like this make me laugh.

Princess on the Pea

First, several potatoes are laid out on the chair. The essence of the competition is that the participant, with her eyes closed, must use her butt to determine how many potatoes are on the chair.

Where to hold your corporate event

The beach and entertainment complex “Serebryany Bor” will make your summer corporate event unforgettable. The organizers will take care of everything necessary:

  • interesting competitions and games;
  • invite artists and plan a show program;
  • independently develop a menu and scenario for a corporate party;
  • fireworks will be organized.

The chain of hotels near Moscow "Foresta Hotels" offers more than 200 services. The hotel is located 30 km from Moscow and offers to fulfill all the wishes of its customers.

Holidays in Istra are another option for holding a corporate event in nature in the Moscow region.

“Solo Lucky” combines an unforgettable vacation at reasonable prices. The cafe offers a wide range of services for its customers, and the management will assist in organizing any celebration.

On a motor ship along the Moscow River - an original and at the same time unforgettable vacation. This is an opportunity not only to once again communicate with your colleagues, but also to admire the beauty of the capital.

22.06.2016 09:00

The financial crisis has slightly clipped the wings of the broad Russian soul, but companies do not want to leave employees without summer entertainment. Finparty spoke with event industry experts about how corporate outdoor recreation and more will take place this season.

Anatoly Volnov, Intelsport agency:
VIP areas are becoming a thing of the past

Summer corporate events this year are taking place, as they say, “within the limits”. Due to thinner budgets, companies and banks have shifted their focus. Restaurants with their plentiful menus, snow-white tablecloths and helpful staff have been replaced by summer picnics. Most often they are called family ones: the employee has the right to take one of his relatives or close friends with him. Gastronomic preferences have also changed - at all summer parties alcohol is served in very moderate quantities, at some they do without alcohol at all, and instead of red caviar they offer locally prepared hamburgers and hot dogs. This does not affect the quality of the holiday: people still walk and relax, but do not have a feast during the plague.

For the second year in a row, many companies have been supporting family values ​​and a healthy lifestyle through their events. Everything related to spending time together is built around this. For a corporate retreat, a city park is often chosen, where employees can simultaneously participate, for example, in a dance flash mob organized for them, a culinary master class, and attend a music festival. Entertainment to the point of sweat, such as sports and athletics games, which include football or, say, volleyball matches, are also in demand. And I also noticed a peculiarity: top management began to communicate with subordinates quite closely and go out to the masses.

For a long time now, at any corporate event there has been no VIP zone with gloomy security guards blocking the entrance to the box. Top management takes part in activities, talking about abstract topics with the team. Not long ago, our agency organized team building for VTB 24. Its head, Mikhail Zadornov, watched the concert, and during the break talked with ordinary bank managers.

Alexander Petrishchev, Igroks agency:
the scenario for a summer corporate party should be exclusive

This season, interest in summer playgrounds in Moscow, rather than in the Moscow region, has increased by 30-35%. The region is a big financial expense: the team is usually taken out for the weekend, to a sanatorium, and this is expensive. Moscow attracts with its proximity: I took the metro and got to the party site. Of course, outside the Moscow Ring Road it is more environmentally friendly and picturesque, but you need a transfer. Although the rent itself is more expensive in the capital.

What else I noticed: the crisis affected events with artists. Companies are abandoning stars en masse, inviting talented but unpromoted musical groups to corporate events. Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Zenit, which are among my clients, are not celebrating as wildly as before. In the fall, business games began to be held more often for bank employees, and in the summer - barbecues in tents.

Among companies that still allow themselves corporate events with a large budget, rafting is in great demand - rafting down rapids rivers on inflatable vessels. Outdated formats - banquets in the spirit of pirates and gangsters, offering them to clients is now considered bad form. Event organizing agencies try to focus on exclusivity. Those who hold team building events, say, once a year, need unique events, not just another tug-of-war competition. Therefore, unusual hobbies are gaining momentum: now people willingly play laser paintball, “storm” military bases and look for chests in the forest.

Mikhail Klimanov, We group of companies:
patriotism and special forces training bases are in fashion

The recent trend is to reduce the number of meaningless corporate events and team building for the sake of team building. Yes, there are still companies that give a brief for a “team building drinking session”, but cannot answer the question of why they need it and what they want to get as a result. Fortunately, the current economic situation has practically wiped out from the market those customers who equated team building with a summer camp where they relax as if it was their last time.

Most companies have begun to treat team building correctly - not as a general fun and movement, but as a subtle tool that can reveal communication problems within the team. Moreover, these are not only large customers with a developed corporate culture. More and more requests for “thoughtful” team building, designed for specific tasks, are coming from small companies that have never been involved in building internal corporate relationships before. They understand that they can only survive in today’s competitive environment by making a qualitative leap. And working with employees becomes an important tool for this. Every penny invested in the development of the team must be justified.

Mass understanding that established tools for working with a team are not always effective and are often unreasonably expensive has also emerged in recent months. Those who previously rented a country site for a summer program, where they installed inflatable obstacle courses and built rope towns, are now conducting city quests or rogaining. In terms of costs, the second option is an order of magnitude more profitable, and provides much more opportunities for solving communication problems.

Another trend is corporate flash mobs. Over the past year, we have developed at least a dozen scenarios that require minimal financial and time costs, but work to increase team spirit and employee loyalty to the employer. Dance, drum and thread flash mobs were supplemented by the creation of lip dub clips (shot in one shot without cuts - FP), gestural singing, mass freezelight and other similar entertainment.

The general trend of the last two years is patriotism. The venues for offsite events are regions of Russia, and the topics are the history and culture of our country. The conditional pirates were replaced by the Ushkuiniki, and the Indians by the Khanty and Mansi. There are many requests for military-themed events. Our agency, together with airborne special forces officers, has developed several programs that have been consistently popular for a year now.

In general, people like to "immerse themselves in realism." Spending two days at a special forces base or going on a folklore expedition and starting a collective blog from there is an interesting experience. Team building participants want to learn new things, explore and discover.

Vladislav Metreveli, National Association of Event Organizers:
healthy lifestyle is popularized at corporate events

Recently, customer companies have resorted to combining formats even at festive events. Summer corporate events are often preceded by a business part dedicated to current issues. It takes place in the format of meetings with industry professionals: they try not only to captivate people, but also, so to speak, to make them think. Instead of the “conversational genre,” it is possible, for example, to organize an exhibition that creates a certain emotional background.

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle is in favor. If earlier summer programs included several competitive elements, rather primitive and unrelated to each other, now sports leisure is given a conceptual shell. Companies hold sports competitions or tournaments that last more than one day, and the award ceremony is combined with a corporate event. Sometimes an event agency is asked to build an entire obstacle course, which requires showing both physical fitness and ingenuity. Fun, challenging and team-based.

Now everything is expensive, companies are counting money. But it would seem that a seemingly expensive yachting trip can be arranged with a very modest budget. After all, up to 90% of expenses usually fall on the surroundings and related components - catering, award ceremony, concert program.

In general, people try to do what is fashionable. For example, a marathon was held in Italy, and the company’s management thought: “Why don’t we do a race?” Moreover, it can be organized for quite reasonable money. A whole wave of corporate races has already swept across Europe and Russia, the next major one is planned for September. By the way, in such cases it is not necessary to organize your own corporate party. You can invite a team (no matter ten people or a hundred) to a common event.

The hot summer is here. Were you waiting for him? Of course we waited! And now that summer has arrived, it’s time to go outdoors for a vacation. The scenario of a summer corporate party in nature will help you have a fun and organized corporate party. For your vacation, we have come up with competitions that will complement your vacation and all employees will want to repeat it again.

And so, before you start a corporate event, you need to choose a place. And when you have found a suitable place, you can arrange it a little. How and what to do is up to you. After all, only you see this place. We will immediately offer small mini-competitions. You need to take matches, salt and paper with you and find three secluded places for them. And hide salt, matches and paper in them. You also need to draw three different maps that lead to hidden “treasures”.
When you arrive the next day with all your colleagues, it turns out that you have no matches, no salt, no paper! What to do? Here's what to do:
We divide all colleagues into three teams and give each team cards. They must find these “treasures”! When the treasures are found, you can begin to sort out the bags and have a party.

And as soon as you sit down at the table, then immediately the first competition. All employees must wear masks on their faces. And try to do it this way. So that they do not see their masks, but only see everyone else through them. When the masks are on, each employee can ask the others only one question about their mask and receive answers to it. If no one guessed their mask from the first question, then second questions are asked. And so on until all the masks have been guessed. See below for examples of such funny masks for corporate events:

Well, it's time to play a little competition.

And we will tell you what other competitions you can play.
The first competition is related to skiing! Yes, don’t be surprised, it’s with skis. You need special skis that will ride on grass. The essence of the game is simple:
It is necessary to divide employees into teams. Each team has its own captain - he stands first and has skis on his feet. The rest of the team stands behind him. They all hold on to each other. It’s impossible to take a step with skis, since everyone is standing on skis. Therefore, before taking a step, the captain warns: raise your right leg! And everyone raises their right leg. Then the right ski is free and you can lift it and take a step. Then the captain commands: raise your left leg! When everyone has raised their left leg, you can step with your left ski. And so on until the finish. The more coordinated the captain works, the greater the team’s chances for overall success.
See below for a photo from this competition:

Did you like the first competition? Go ahead!
And then we have a team competition again. Only those who are not afraid to get wet will take part in it! The teams stand in a line. Team players stand facing each other's backs. Each of them has a plastic glass in their hand. And the last team member has a liter jar. The first participant fills his glass with water and, raising his hand up, pours the water behind his back. And there stands the second team member who must “catch” this water into his glass. When he “caught” her, he does the same thing further. And so on until the water reaches the last participant. He pours water into a jar. After that, the first one fills the glass again and everything repeats again. And so it plays until then. Until one of the teams fills the entire jar. She wins the competition.
The advantage of this competition is that the participants will enjoy the game, get a lot of laughter and positivity, and most importantly they will be refreshed, because water will constantly be spilled!
See photo for an example of how to play this game:

For the next competition you need bars or branches. With their help you make a route. Place one beam on the ground. Where it ends, place the second one, only at an angle of 90 degrees. And so on until you get a winding path of beams. Then again we need to divide everyone into teams. The first team stands on the first beam. They must embrace to be one. On command, the team must begin moving forward to the finish line. If someone from the team fell to the ground, then this is plus one second. After the team reaches the finish line, time stops. If there is a penalty, it is added to the team. After all teams have completed the distance, the team that took the least amount of time to complete it wins!

Nothing brings employees closer together than drinking alcohol together... Sorry, how corporate party. But, as a rule, we, and throughout the world, cannot do without alcohol at such events. And just so that the team-building event does not turn into a simple drinking session, it is necessary to draw up.

Particular attention should be paid to competitions for corporate parties. Such events are simply necessary in order to dilute the pastime and make it exciting. The emphasis should be on team games in which many people will take part at once. You can also choose individual competitions, but in any case, competitions that awaken corporate spirit and unite the team should prevail.

But the specific selection of competitions that will take up your free time on vacation depends, first of all, on what kind of place will be chosen. For example, in nature, all participants in the event will feel freer and it is much easier to organize mass games there than in a restaurant or cafe.

When drawing up a script, the main thing is not to overdo it in matching the theme of the event with the professional field of activity of the participants. Employees are already tired of work, and oversaturating the program with related topics may not be beneficial, but will only cause a negative reaction and rejection.

The list of corporate parties that are held almost without fail is quite long. The most popular of them is New Year. To make it memorable and on the good side, you should make a little effort.

As a standard, the team also holds celebrations for all employees’ birthdays, which are also best not left to chance.

Most official holidays are also celebrated collectively, the scenarios for which will also make the event more interesting and exciting.

In addition, depending on the class and level of the institution, corporate events can be carried out at very different levels. If the company's funds allow, then in many cases the organization of all holidays is entrusted to professionals who are engaged in drawing up custom scripts.

If the income and level of the company does not allow such expenses, then it is quite possible to do it on your own.

Are you going on vacation after a corporate event? On our partner’s website you can easily calculate vacation pay, as well as find answers to this and many other questions.

The portal offers its own version of the scenario for holding a corporate event in the summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, gorgeous nature gives clean air, greenery, sparkling rivers, and of course, it cannot be done without a corporate event with a trip to this nature. Be sure to stock up on food and all other supplies that you absolutely cannot do without. And of course, it’s better to carry out all this according to a good scenario.

The theme of the summer corporate party is “Summer Fairy Tale”. The subject matter is light and interesting, allowing you to truly relax and enjoy the time spent. Be sure to bring holiday hats, a cheerfully colored tablecloth, and prizes for various competitions. You can also grab a couple of balloons, they will also lift your spirits.

Greetings to all hard workers,
I give you shish kebab and cognac,
After all, you went out into nature,
But don’t rush to rest here,
And here you will have instructions,
From a summer fairy tale - a legend,
I'll give roles to all of you here,
And the fairy tale will be here and there,
There will be crazy competitions,
Expensive gifts for them,
And to start it all,
Please applaud!
(everyone applauds)

And so now I ask you,
Raise your glasses at this hour,
You are all undeniably good
Everyone worked from the heart,
And let's all drink to
So that we can have some more rest!

The fairy tale begins
And the bravest ones are called up for roles!

Competition "Forest Animals"

Participation is optional, four people. They will have to perform a staged skit in which everyone will have their own role. The roles are not announced to the audience; they must guess for themselves who is playing who. The roles are: hare, squirrel, wolf and fox. Everything happens on the edge of the forest, everyone is busy with their own business: a squirrel collects cones, a wolf howls, a fox wags its tail, a hare gallops. It’s better to switch roles so that, for example, a man plays the fox, it will be funnier. And so, whose roles are guessed, those participants receive prizes. For prizes, it’s better to choose something useful for work.

Here's the first episode
The fairy tale takes its course
Well, we take glasses,
We are happy about what is happening
And we drink to our director,
We thank and praise him for everything!
(speech by the director with wishes about work, etc.)


The tale continues
A new competition begins!

Competition "Frog Princess"

The male half takes part, the number of participants is optional. Each person in turn is given a bow and arrow and given a chance to fire one shot. A target is hung at a distance of 10-15 meters (one large one with several divisions for prize points), or several targets with different prizes. Prizes are written on the back of the target so that the participant shoots at random. The prizes are as follows: a wristwatch, a fountain pen, a golden frog souvenir to attract money, a tea mug, men's underpants, a set of shower cosmetics.

Such accurate arrows,
All good fellows and daredevils,
Now we continue our meal again,
But don’t forget about fabulous competitions!


The men did the job
But I also know a topic for women,
Like in a fairy tale, under the window,
Spinning late in the evening
Only here you won’t have to knit,
Here everyone will take care of the river fish!

Competition "Delicious soup"

The female half takes part, the number is optional. All this is done in order to later cook a delicious fish soup. Each woman is given a certain amount of potatoes and one medium-sized fish, as well as a knife. At the command of the leader, they must peel the potatoes and gut and clean the fish. Whoever does this forward wins. Prize: a kitchen towel for everyone, and the fastest one: seasoning for fish and a certain amount of canned fish.

And now under the blue sky,
You dance, dear ones, in a round dance!

(everyone gets up and dances in a round dance, then regular dances, alternating with slow ones)

How wonderful are evenings in nature?
The fact that you can sit by the fire,
Let's all sit in a circle together,
And let's look into the eyes of fire!

(the presenter makes a fire, everyone sits around it, someone plays familiar songs on the guitar (at your discretion), everyone sings if they wish)

Every fairy tale ends sweetly,
And it won’t do without a gift,
But in order to find you a gift,
You have to go one way,
I'll give you the diagram
I will show you the route in it,
I will give you tips,
So that you can walk faster!

(the presenter gives everyone a route that should lead to a magic tree on which gifts will hang (all this must be done in advance), hang the gifts on the branches, but they should not be large, and it is important that each gift is signed to a specific recipient, in to avoid confusion, everyone will definitely like such searches)

Well, the fairy tale ends here,
Well done to those who participated,
Thank you everyone for coming here,
We had a great rest with you,
Now you are full of strength and inspiration,
So that there are new achievements in the work!

(the presenter finishes her work)

The hot summer is here. Were you waiting for him? Of course we waited! And now that summer has arrived, it’s time to go outdoors for a vacation. The scenario of a summer corporate party in nature will help you have a fun and organized corporate party. For your vacation, we have come up with competitions that will complement your vacation and all employees will want to repeat it again.

And so, before you start a corporate event, you need to choose a place. And when you have found a suitable place, you can arrange it a little. How and what to do is up to you. After all, only you see this place. We will immediately offer small mini-competitions. You need to take matches, salt and paper with you and find three secluded places for them. And hide salt, matches and paper in them. You also need to draw three different maps that lead to hidden “treasures”.
When you arrive the next day with all your colleagues, it turns out that you have no matches, no salt, no paper! What to do? Here's what to do:
We divide all colleagues into three teams and give each team cards. They must find these “treasures”! When the treasures are found, you can begin to sort out the bags and have a party.

And as soon as you sit down at the table, then immediately the first competition. All employees must wear masks on their faces. And try to do it this way. So that they do not see their masks, but only see everyone else through them. When the masks are on, each employee can ask the others only one question about their mask and receive answers to it. If no one guessed their mask from the first question, then second questions are asked. And so on until all the masks have been guessed. See below for examples of such funny masks for corporate events:

Well, it's time to play a little competition.

And we will tell you what other competitions you can play.
The first competition is related to skiing! Yes, don’t be surprised, it’s with skis. You need special skis that will ride on grass. The essence of the game is simple:
It is necessary to divide employees into teams. Each team has its own captain - he stands first and has skis on his feet. The rest of the team stands behind him. They all hold on to each other. It’s impossible to take a step with skis, since everyone is standing on skis. Therefore, before taking a step, the captain warns: raise your right leg! And everyone raises their right leg. Then the right ski is free and you can lift it and take a step. Then the captain commands: raise your left leg! When everyone has raised their left leg, you can step with your left ski. And so on until the finish. The more coordinated the captain works, the greater the team’s chances for overall success.
See below for a photo from this competition:

Did you like the first competition? Go ahead!
And then we have a team competition again. Only those who are not afraid to get wet will take part in it! The teams stand in a line. Team players stand facing each other's backs. Each of them has a plastic glass in their hand. And the last team member has a liter jar. The first participant fills his glass with water and, raising his hand up, pours the water behind his back. And there stands the second team member who must “catch” this water into his glass. When he “caught” her, he does the same thing further. And so on until the water reaches the last participant. He pours water into a jar. After that, the first one fills the glass again and everything repeats again. And so it plays until then. Until one of the teams fills the entire jar. She wins the competition.
The advantage of this competition is that the participants will enjoy the game, get a lot of laughter and positivity, and most importantly they will be refreshed, because water will constantly be spilled!
See photo for an example of how to play this game:

For the next competition you need bars or branches. With their help you make a route. Place one beam on the ground. Where it ends, place the second one, only at an angle of 90 degrees. And so on until you get a winding path of beams. Then again we need to divide everyone into teams. The first team stands on the first beam. They must embrace to be one. On command, the team must begin moving forward to the finish line. If someone from the team fell to the ground, then this is plus one second. After the team reaches the finish line, time stops. If there is a penalty, it is added to the team. After all teams have completed the distance, the team that took the least amount of time to complete it wins!