Assembling a homemade wind generator: design options from FORUMHOUSE users. We create a wind power station with our own hands. Make an axial wind generator with your own hands.

Wind power plants- This is the most alternative option for saving electrical energy today.

Very often, such installations can be found in summer cottages.

People use them in places where suburban areas removed from the main electrical networks. But this is not the only reason. Most people use wind power plants for reasons of economy and autonomy.

Wind power plants have their own characteristics that potential buyers need to know, and how productivity depends on their competence.

The main incentive to purchase a wind generator- this is undoubtedly its expediency. One of the main criteria for achieving this goal is wind requirements. It is known that the average annual wind speed is about 4.0-4.5 m/s, this figure is more than enough for a home wind power plant to be profitable to use, that is, it makes it possible to save electricity.

To estimate the wind speed in your area, you can use a wind map. If you want to measure wind speed with maximum accuracy, you should purchase a special device that will help you with this.

This invention includes a part called an anemometer. With its help, you receive a signal equivalent to the speed of the wind. Also, you will need a device that reads the signals that the anemometer gives. There are other devices of this type.

In order for the data to be as accurate as possible, such devices must be installed high so that external factors, such as trees, various buildings, etc., do not distort the results of the device.

Device components

When purchasing home wind power plants, it is very important to know its components; this will give you the opportunity to be more competent in this matter and select the best model for your home.

The wind power plant includes:

  1. Rotor with blades(depending on the model, wind generators are divided into two-blade, three-blade and multi-blade).
  2. A gearbox, in other words, a gearbox. Its job is to regulate the speed between the rotor and the generator.
  3. Protective cover- its name speaks for itself; it is designed to protect all components of a wind power plant from external influences.
  4. "Tail" of a wind turbine- needed to rotate the structure in the direction of the wind.
  5. Accumulator battery– its main purpose is to accumulate electricity. This is due to the fact that weather conditions are not always favorable for a wind power plant, and with the help of this component a certain amount of energy is saved.
  6. Inverter installation– designed to convert direct current into alternating current. This is necessary to ensure the operation of household electrical appliances.

Types and principle of operation

Wind power plants are divided into types according to the following four criteria:

  1. In the direction of the axis of rotation of the blades(divided into horizontal and vertical. Vertical ones are more resistant to external conditions, but they have less electricity generation).
  2. By number of blades(in this case, wind generators are two-, three- and multi-blade).
  3. According to the material used(they are distinguished with rigid and sailing blades. The main difference is that sailing blades are cheaper, but they are less durable);
  4. According to the method of controlling the blades(they exist with fixed and variable blade pitch. Experts recommend a fixed blade pitch, since variable pitch causes difficulties in use).

When choosing a power plant, it would be advisable to know what the operating principle of the wind generator is. The operating principle of the installation is extremely simple. The design consists of a shank with blades mounted on a metal mast, which rotate with the help of the wind and spin the generator rotor.

Before current is supplied to the battery compartment, it passes through a converter, where alternating current is converted into direct current to a voltage of 220 volts with a frequency of 50 hertz and supplies the house with electricity in calm weather.

A modern wind generator does not need strong wind. Its design is so well thought out that for a private house a wind speed of up to 4 - 5 m/s is sufficient.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of wind generators:

  1. Costs go towards installation and maintenance of the device. No more expenses are required since the design does not require fuel to operate.
  2. You do not need to control or interfere with the operation of the windmill, since energy generation occurs whenever there is wind.
  3. Depending on the type of generator, it will not produce unnecessary noise.
  4. The device is suitable for most climate conditions.
  5. Part wear is insignificant.

The main disadvantages of a wind power plant:

  1. In certain modes or when the mast is not installed correctly, a wind generator can produce infrasound.
  2. High mast necessarily requires grounding.
  3. The need for regular prevention.
  4. Possibility of damage to the device during hurricanes, etc.

Selecting the size and location

The size of a wind farm is a very important issue for potential buyers. In order to determine the size, you need to carefully study - how much energy do you consume in one month? The resulting figure must be multiplied by 12 months.

Then, you need to use the formula: AEO = 1.64 * D*D * V*V*V.

Notations you need to know when using the formula:

  1. AEO- the electricity you use per year.
  2. D– rotor diameter, which is indicated in meters.
  3. V– average annual wind speed, indicated in m/sec.

So these calculations will help you determine what size generator you need based on your power consumption.

When thinking about purchasing a wind power plant for your home, you need to study as accurately as possible all the details associated with the design, since the extent to which your goal will be satisfied depends on this.

When placing a wind generator, you should consider the following factors:

  1. There should be no trees near your installation, various buildings and other things that could interfere with the maximum productivity of your generator.
  2. It is best to install the wind generator on a specially constructed structure, which should be a couple of meters higher than obstacles located at a distance of at least 200 meters.
  3. It is recommended to place wind power plants at a distance of about 30-40 meters from residential buildings, since they create a certain noise that brings discomfort.

Also, you must take into account that you will not be able to get the same result from your wind farm all the time, since natural conditions change, there may be different gusts of wind in the same place, and accordingly, the amount of energy you receive will be dynamic.

Price overview

In most cases, the price of wind power plants depends on their power. In domestic conditions, generators with a power of 5 to 50 kW are quite sufficient.

More details about the price ratio and types of generators:

  1. Wind generators with a power of 3 kW /48Vapproximate cost RUB 93,000.00 These can be used not only as an additional source of power supply, but also as the main one. Such models are able to provide electricity to a cottage.
  2. Wind generators with a power of 5 kW /120V– approximately 220,100.00 rub. This design can provide energy to an entire house. You can turn on enough at the same time a large number of household electrical appliances.
  3. Wind generators with a power of 10 kW/240V– prices within 414,000.00 rub. It is enough to power a farm or several houses. In addition to household appliances, you can easily use, for example, electrical Building tools all day. Such electric generators are often used for supermarkets to ensure constant operation of departments and video surveillance.
  4. Wind generators with a power of 20 kW/240V– the price of such a device is 743,700.00 rubles. Power plants of this type are very powerful. They are able to provide electricity to an entire water system. In domestic conditions, it will be able to more than fully provide energy to a huge house.
  5. Wind generators with a power of 30 kW/240V– cost within 961,800.00 rubles. This model is so powerful that it can provide electrical energy five-story house.
  6. Wind generators with a power of 50 kW/380V– approximate price about 3,107,000.00 rub. This model is not rational for use in domestic conditions, since it is so powerful that it can more than provide energy to several multi-story buildings.

When purchasing a home power station, it is worth knowing that in most cases the prices are indicated for the complete set, but you can add or exclude certain components yourself. This is subject to your personal discretion.

Efficiency and payback

Wind power plants for home are alternative solution while saving energy. They have become quite widespread.

In order to provide energy to an entire house, it is enough to use one wind generator and at the same time not limit yourself by saving on electricity.

It is also beneficial that to obtain such an effect, a minimum wind speed of 1.8 to 4.5 meters per second is sufficient.

But weather conditions are not always suitable for a wind generator, so you need to purchase a backup generator that will provide a reserve of energy. This will provide the opportunity to increase the productivity of your home wind farm.

Among positive aspects The following settings are worth noting:

  1. Having spent a large amount to the electric generator, you will no longer need to spend money, since fuel is not needed to operate the device. That is, your purchase will be able to pay for itself within a few years.
  2. Wind generator performance does not depend on the time of year or other weather conditions, its work does not stop even in winter, which is undoubtedly a plus, since in winter time year, energy consumption is higher than in others. This fact undoubtedly testifies to its effectiveness and payback.
  3. Minor wear on generator parts, taking into account regular maintenance of the wind generator, which is necessary. With proper and competent installation, as well as operation of a wind power plant for your home, it can serve you for more than thirty years, which is undoubtedly a significant advantage.

The full payback period for wind power plants is approximately 5-7 years, and then you will be able to use electricity absolutely free.

Minerals extracted from the depths of the earth and used by humanity as energy resources, unfortunately, are not unlimited. Every year their value increases, which is explained by a reduction in production levels. An alternative and growing energy supply option is wind power plants for the home. They allow you to convert wind energy into alternating current, which makes it possible to provide all the electrical needs of any household appliances. The main advantage of such generators is their absolute environmental friendliness, as well as the free use of electricity for an unlimited number of years. What other advantages does a wind generator have for the home, as well as the features of its operation, will be discussed further.

Even ancient people noticed that the wind can be an excellent assistant in carrying out many works. Windmills, which made it possible to turn grain into flour without spending own strength, became the founders of the first wind generators.

Wind power plants consist of a number of generators capable of receiving, converting and storing wind energy into alternating current. They can easily provide an entire house with electricity that comes out of nowhere.

However, it must be said that equipment costs and their maintenance are not always cheaper than the cost of central power grids.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, before you join the supporters of free energy, you need to realize that wind power plants have not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. On the positive side The use of wind energy in everyday life can be distinguished as follows:

  • the method is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not harm environment;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of use;
  • independence from power grids.

Home mini-generators can either partially provide electricity or become a full-fledged substitute for it, transforming into power plants.

However, we must not forget about flaws, which are:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • payback occurs no earlier than after 5-6 years of use;
  • relatively small odds useful action, which is why power suffers;
  • requires expensive equipment: a battery and a generator, without which the station cannot operate on windless days.

To avoid wasting a lot of money, before buying everything necessary equipment, the profitability of the power plant should be assessed. To do this, calculate the average power of the house (this includes the power of all electrical appliances used), the number of windy days per year, and also evaluate the area where the wind turbines will be located.

Main structural elements

The simplicity of constructing a power plant is explained by its primitiveness structural elements.

To use wind energy, you will need these details:

  • wind blades – capture the wind flow, transmitting impulse to the wind generator;
  • wind generator and controller - help convert the impulse into direct current;
  • battery – stores energy;
  • inverter - helps convert direct current into alternating current.

A wind generator or, in common parlance, a windmill is a simple device that provides its owner with considerable savings due to the production free electricity. Such an installation is the dream of any owner of a site cut off from centralized networks or a summer resident dissatisfied with the newly received receipt for electricity consumption.

Having understood the design of a wind generator, the principle of its operation, and having studied the drawings, you can make and install a wind turbine yourself, providing your home with unlimited alternative energy.

Is it legal to use wind?

Creating your own, albeit compact, power plant is a serious thing, so it is logical that the question involuntarily arises: is their use legal? Yes, if the power of the wind-started installation does not exceed 1 kW, which is quite enough to ensure electric shock average country house.

The fact is that it is with this power indicator that the device is considered household and does not require mandatory registration, certification, approval, registration and, moreover, is not subject to any tax.

However, before you make a wind generator for your home, it is better to protect yourself and take into account a few points:

  • Are there any special restrictions on the use of alternative energy sources in your region of residence?
  • What is the local permissible mast height?
  • Will the noise from the gearbox and blades exceed the established standards?
  • Should there be protection against generated airborne interference?
  • Will the mast interfere with bird migration or cause other environmental problems?

If you think through all the nuances in advance, then neither the tax, nor environmental services, nor neighbors will be able to make claims and prevent the receipt of free electricity.

How does a windmill work?

In the photo, ready-made homemade wind generators are shown elongated metal structures on three or four supports, with blades moving from the wind. As a result, the kinetic energy received by the wind flow is converted into mechanical energy, which in turn starts the rotor and becomes electric current.

This process is the result of the well-established operation of several mandatory components of a wind power plant (WPP):

  • A propeller with two or more blades;
  • Turbine rotor;
  • Gearbox;
  • Controller;
  • Electric generator axis and generator;
  • Inverter;
  • Battery.

It is also necessary to provide a brake block, nacelle, mast, weather vane, low and high speed shaft. The device also determines the operating principle of the wind generator: the rotating rotor produces three-phase alternating current, passing through the controller system and charging the DC battery.

The final amperes are converted by the inverter and sent through the connected wiring to output points: outlets, lighting, household appliances and electrical appliances.

How to do it yourself?

The most reliable and simplest design is considered to be a rotary wind turbine, which is an installation with a vertical axis of rotation. Ready homemade generator this type is capable of fully ensuring the energy consumption of the dacha, including equipping living quarters, outbuildings and street lighting(though not too bright).

If you get an inverter with 100 Volts and a 75 Ampere battery, then the windmill will be much more powerful and productive: there will be enough electricity for both video surveillance and alarm systems.

To make a wind generator, you will need structural parts, Consumables and tools. The first step is to find suitable constituent elements wind turbines, many of which can be found among old stock:

  • Generator from a car with a power of about 12 V;
  • Rechargeable battery 12 V;
  • Push-button semi-hermetic switch;
  • Inventor;
  • A car relay used to charge the battery.

You will also need consumables:

  • Fasteners (bolts, nuts, insulating tape);
  • Steel or aluminum container;
  • Wiring with a cross-section of 4 square meters. mm (two meters) and 2.5 sq. mm (one meter);
  • Mast, tripod and other elements to enhance stability;
  • Strong rope.

It is advisable to find, study and print drawings of wind generators with your own hands. You will also need tools, including an angle grinder, a meter, pliers, a drill, a sharp knife, an electric drill, screwdrivers (Phillips, minus, indicator) and wrenches.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin assembly, focusing on step by step instructions which tells you how to make a wind generator with your own hands:

  • From metal container cut the blades of the same size, leaving an untouched strip of metal of several centimeters at the base.
  • Symmetrically make holes with a drill for the existing bolts in the bottom of the container base and the generator pulley.
  • Bend the blades.
  • Secure the blade to the pulley.
  • Install and secure the generator on the mast with clamps or rope, stepping back about ten centimeters from the top.
  • Set up the wiring (to connect the battery, a meter-long wire with a cross-section of 4 sq. mm is enough, for loading with lighting and electrical appliances - 2.5 sq. mm).
  • Mark the connection diagram, color and letter markings for future repairs.
  • Install the converter with quarter-gauge wire.
  • If necessary, decorate the structure with a weather vane and paint it.
  • Secure the wires by wrapping the installation mast.

Do-it-yourself 220 Volt wind generators are an opportunity to provide a dacha or Vacation home free electricity in as soon as possible. Even a beginner can set up such an installation, and most of the parts for the structure have been lying idle in the garage for a long time.

Photos of wind generators with your own hands

A wind generator made from a car generator can help in a situation where a private home does not have the ability to connect to a power line. Or will serve as an auxiliary source alternative energy. Such a device can be made with your own hands from scrap materials, using the best practices of folk craftsmen. Photos and videos will demonstrate the process of creating a homemade wind turbine.

Wind generator design

There is a huge variety of types of wind generators and drawings for their manufacture. But any design includes the following mandatory elements:

  • generator;
  • blades;
  • storage battery;
  • mast;
  • the electronic unit.

In addition, it is necessary to think through the control and distribution system of electricity in advance and draw an installation diagram.

Wind wheel

The blades are perhaps the most an important part wind generator. The operation of the remaining components of the device will depend on the design. They are made from different materials. Even from plastic sewer pipe. Pipe blades are easy to manufacture, inexpensive and not susceptible to moisture. The procedure for manufacturing a wind wheel is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the length of the blade. The diameter of the pipe should be equal to 1/5 of the total footage. For example, if the blade is one meter long, then a pipe with a diameter of 20 cm will do.
  2. Using a jigsaw, cut the pipe lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  3. From one part we make a wing, which will serve as a template for cutting out subsequent blades.
  4. We smooth out burrs on the edges with abrasive.
  5. The blades are fixed to an aluminum disk with welded strips for fastening.
  6. Next, the generator is screwed to this disk.

After assembly, the wind wheel needs balancing. It is mounted horizontally on a tripod. The operation is carried out in a room closed from the wind. If the balancing is carried out correctly, the wheel should not move. If the blades rotate on their own, then they need to be sharpened until the entire structure is balanced.

Only after successful completion of this procedure should you proceed to checking the accuracy of rotation of the blades; they should rotate in the same plane without distortion. Please allow 2mm error.


An old one is suitable for making a mast. water pipe with a diameter of at least 15 cm, a length of about 7 m. If there are buildings within 30 m of the intended installation site, then the height of the structure is adjusted upward. For efficient work Blade wind turbines lift the obstacle at least 1 m above the obstacle.

The base of the mast and the pegs for securing the guy wires are concreted. Clamps with bolts are welded to the stakes. For guy wires, galvanized 6 mm cable is used.

Advice. The assembled mast has considerable weight; if installed manually, you will need a counterweight made of a pipe with a load.

Generator conversion

To make a windmill generator, a generator from any car is suitable. Their designs are similar to each other, and the modification boils down to rewinding the stator wire and making a rotor with neodymium magnets. Holes are drilled in the rotor poles to fix the magnets. Install them alternating poles. The rotor is wrapped in paper, and the voids between the magnets are filled with epoxy resin.

In the same way you can remake an engine from an old one. washing machine. Only the magnets in this case are glued at an angle to avoid sticking.

The new winding is rewound along the reel onto the stator tooth. You can make a random winding, depending on who you are comfortable with. How more quantity turns, the more efficient the generator will be. The coils are wound in one direction according to a three-phase circuit.

The finished generator is worth testing and measuring data. If at 300 rpm the generator produces about 30 volts, this is a good result.

Final assembly

The generator frame is welded from profile pipe. The tail is made of galvanized sheet. The rotary axis is a tube with two bearings. The generator is attached to the mast so that the distance from the blade to the mast is at least 25 cm. For safety reasons, final assembly When installing the mast, you should choose a windless day. When exposed to strong winds, the blades can bend and break against the mast.

To use batteries to power equipment that operates on a 220 V network, you will need to install a voltage conversion inverter. The battery capacity is selected individually for the wind generator. This indicator depends on the wind speed in the area, the power of the connected equipment and the frequency of its use.

To prevent battery damage from overcharging, you will need a voltage controller. You can make it yourself if you have sufficient knowledge in electronics, or buy a ready-made one. There are many controllers available for sale for alternative energy production mechanisms.

Advice. To prevent the blade from breaking in strong winds, install a simple device - a protective weather vane.

Wind generator maintenance

A wind generator, like any other device, requires technical monitoring and maintenance. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the windmill, the following work is periodically carried out.

  1. The current collector requires the most attention. Generator brushes need cleaning, lubrication and preventive adjustment every two months.
  2. At the first sign of a malfunction of the blade (shaking and imbalance of the wheel), the wind generator is lowered to the ground and repaired.
  3. Every three years, metal parts are coated with anti-corrosion paint.
  4. Regularly check the fastenings and tension of the cables.

Now that the installation is complete, you can connect devices and use electricity. At least while it's windy.

Do-it-yourself generator for a windmill: video

Wind generator for a private home: photo

The activities of both individual people and all of today's humanity are practically impossible without electricity. Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing consumption of oil and gas, coal and peat is leading to a decrease in the reserves of these resources on the planet. What can be done while earthlings still have all this? According to the conclusions of experts, it is the development of energy complexes that can solve the problems of global economic and financial crises. Therefore, the search and use of fuel-free energy sources is becoming the most urgent.

Renewable, ecological, green

Perhaps it is not worth reminding that everything new is well forgotten old. People learned to use the power of river flow and wind speed to generate mechanical energy a very long time ago. The sun heats our water and moves our cars, powers spaceships. Wheels installed in the beds of streams and small rivers supplied water to fields back in the Middle Ages. One could provide flour to several surrounding villages.

At the moment we are interested in a simple question: how to provide your home with cheap light and heat, how to make a windmill with your own hands? 5 kW power or a little less, the main thing is that you can supply your home with current to operate electrical appliances.

Interestingly, in the world there is a classification of buildings according to the level of resource efficiency:

  • conventional, built before 1980-1995;
  • with low and ultra-low energy consumption - up to 45-90 kWh per 1 kW/m;
  • passive and non-volatile, receiving current from renewable sources (for example, by installing a rotary wind generator (5 kW) with your own hands or a system solar panels, this problem can be solved);
  • energy-efficient buildings that generate more electricity than they need receive money by passing it on to other consumers through the grid.

It turns out that your own home mini-stations, installed on roofs and in courtyards, can eventually become a kind of competition to large power suppliers. Yes and governments different countries strongly encourage the creation and active use

How to determine the profitability of your own power plant

Researchers have proven that the reserve capacity of winds is much greater than all the accumulated fuel reserves of centuries. Among the methods of obtaining energy from renewable sources, windmills have a special place, since their production is simpler than the creation of solar panels. In fact, you can assemble a 5 kW wind generator with your own hands, having the necessary components, including magnets, copper wire, plywood and metal for the blades.

Experts say that a structure not only of the correct shape, but also built in accordance with the right place. This means that it is necessary to take into account the presence, constancy and even speed of air flows in each individual case and even in a specific region. If the area periodically experiences calm, calm and windless days, installing a mast with a generator will not bring any benefit.

Before you start making a windmill with your own hands (5 kW), you need to think about its model and type. You should not expect a large energy output from a weak design. And vice versa, when you only need to power a couple of light bulbs in your dacha, there is no point in building a huge windmill with your own hands. 5 kW is a power sufficient to provide electricity to almost the entire lighting system and household appliances. If there is a constant wind, there will be light.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands: sequence of actions

At the location chosen for the high mast, the windmill itself with the generator attached to it is strengthened. The generated energy is supplied through wires to the desired room. It is believed that the higher the mast structure, larger diameter wind wheel and the stronger the air flow, the higher the efficiency of the entire device. In reality, everything is not quite like that:

  • For example, strong hurricane can easily break the blades;
  • some models can be installed on the roof of a regular house;
  • a properly selected turbine starts easily and works perfectly even in very low wind speeds.

Main types of wind turbines

Designs with a horizontal axis of rotation of the rotor are considered classic. They usually have 2-3 blades and are installed at a high height from the ground. The greatest efficiency of such an installation is manifested at a constant direction and its speed of 10 m/s. A significant disadvantage of this blade design is the failure of the rotation of the blades during frequently changing, gusty conditions. This leads to either unproductive operation or destruction of the entire installation. To start such a generator after stopping, a forced initial rotation of the blades is necessary. In addition, when the blades actively rotate, they produce specific sounds that are unpleasant to the human ear.

A vertical wind generator (“Volchok” 5 kW or another) has a different rotor placement. H-shaped or barrel-shaped turbines capture wind from any direction. These structures are smaller in size, start even at the weakest air currents (at 1.5-3 m/s), do not require high masts, and can be used even in urban environments. In addition, self-assembled windmills (5 kW - this is real) reach their rated power at wind speeds of 3-4 m/s.

Sails are not on ships, but on land

One of the popular trends in wind energy now is the creation of a horizontal generator with soft blades. The main difference is both the material of manufacture and the shape itself: do-it-yourself windmills (5 kW, sail type) have 4-6 triangular fabric blades. Moreover, unlike traditional structures, their cross-section increases in the direction from the center to the periphery. This feature allows you not only to “catch” weak winds, but also to avoid losses during hurricane air flow.

The advantages of sailboats include the following indicators:

  • high power at slow rotation;
  • independent orientation and adjustment to any wind;
  • high weathervane and low inertia;
  • no need to force the wheel to spin;
  • completely silent rotation even at high speeds;
  • absence of vibrations and sound disturbances;
  • relative cheapness of construction.

DIY windmills

The 5 kW of required electricity can be obtained in several ways:

  • build a simple rotor structure;
  • assemble a complex of several sailing wheels arranged in series on the same axis;
  • use an axle design with neodymium magnets.

It is important to remember that the power of a wind wheel is proportional to the product of the cubic value of the wind speed and the swept area of ​​the turbine. So, how to make a 5 kW wind generator? Instructions below.

You can use a car hub and brake discs as a basis. 32 magnets (25 by 8 mm) are placed parallel in a circle on the future rotor disks (the moving part of the generator), 16 pieces per disk, and the pluses must alternate with the minuses. Opposing magnets must have different meanings poles. After marking and placement, everything on the circle is filled with epoxy.

Reels copper wire located on the stator. Their number should be less than the number of magnets, that is, 12. First, all the wires are taken out and connected to each other in a star or triangle, then they are also filled in epoxy glue. It is recommended to insert pieces of plasticine inside the coils before pouring. After the resin has hardened and been removed, there will be holes left that are needed for ventilation and cooling of the stator.

How does it all work

The rotor disks, rotating relative to the stator, form a magnetic field, and an electric current arises in the coils. And the windmill, connected through a pulley system, is needed in order to move these parts of the working structure. How to make a wind generator with your own hands? Some people start building their own power station by assembling a generator. Others - from the creation of a rotating blade part.

The shaft from the windmill is engaged by a sliding connection with one of the rotor disks. The lower, second disk with magnets is placed on a strong bearing. The stator is located in the middle. All parts are attached to the plywood circle using long bolts and secured with nuts. Between all the “pancakes”, minimum gaps must be left for free rotation rotor disks. The result is a 3-phase generator.


All that remains is to make windmills. You can make a 5 kW rotating structure with your own hands from 3 circles of plywood and a sheet of the thinnest and lightest duralumin. Metal rectangular wings are attached to the plywood with bolts and angles. First, guide grooves in the shape of a wave are hollowed out in each plane of the circle, into which the sheets are inserted. The resulting double-decker rotor has 4 wavy blades attached to each other at right angles. That is, between each two plywood pancakes fastened to the hubs there are 2 duralumin blades curved in the shape of a wave.

This structure is mounted in the center on a steel pin, which will transmit torque to the generator. Self-made windmills (5 kW) of this design weigh approximately 16-18 kg with a height of 160-170 cm and a base diameter of 80-90 cm.

Things to consider

A “barrel” windmill can even be installed on the roof of a building, although a tower 3-4 meters high is sufficient. However, it is imperative to protect the generator housing from natural precipitation. It is also recommended to install a battery energy storage device.

To obtain alternating current from direct 3-phase current, a converter must also be included in the circuit.

If there are enough windy days in the region, a self-assembled windmill (5 kW) can provide current not only to a TV and light bulbs, but also to a video surveillance system, air conditioning, refrigerator and other electrical equipment.