The tallest Ferris wheels in the world. The largest Ferris wheels in the world

The first Ferris wheel appeared in America in 1893. In height it competed with Eiffel Tower. The idea to build a gigantic rotating wheel came to the mind of George Washington Gale Ferris, a famous engineer of that time. 36 cabins for passengers rotated along with the wheel. Each cabin accommodated 60 people. The success of the attraction was amazing. Very little time passed, and the idea of ​​​​creating a Ferris wheel was picked up by many cities around the world. Today there are an incredible number of attractions different forms, sizes and designs.

The trademark of Navy Pier is the Ferris Wheel, 45 meters high. It is also known as Big Wheel. A ride on a wheel is 8 minutes of admiring the city landscapes. The Ferris Wheel was modeled after the debut of the world's first Wheel demonstrated at the Chicago World's Fair and was built in 1916. Ticket costs 6 dollars.

Ferris Wheel in Chicago (video)

Singapore Flyer in Singapore

This is the largest Ferris wheel in the world. It began to function on February 11, 2008, height - 165 meters. The modern miracle has 28 air-conditioned capsules, with one capsule accommodating 28 people.

Singapore Flyer in Singapore (video)

Pier, Santa Monica

The wheel is located at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, California, at the western end of the 10 Freeway, at the unofficial end of Route 66. It is a structure with a roof and octagonal booths. The world's only and first solar-powered wheel, 160,000 energy-saving LED lights can illuminate the beach skyline. Rising 27 meters above the pier and 40 meters above the ocean waves.

Santa Monica Pier (video)

The Big-O Wheel stands in the large, ultra-modern entertainment and shopping center Tokyo Dome City in Japan. A very special wheel, having no central support, no spokes, and no internal support structure at all. Instead, it is supported by two arrow-shaped supports on the sides that look like chopsticks. To make the effect of the absence of a central support and spokes more noticeable, a roller coaster runs through the middle of the Ferris wheel (61 meters in diameter) (Rumbling Dolphin - the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Japan).

Big-O, Tokyo (video)

The Star of Texas in Dallas is the tallest Ferris wheel North America and the centerpiece of the State Fair of Texas since 1985. The wheel was built in honor of Texas's 150th anniversary. The height of a 21-story building, the wheel has 44 booths with 6 seats each, and requires 18 people to operate. Until 2008, it was lit by 16,000 incandescent bulbs, but like the Santa Monica Wheel, the Texas Star has undergone energy-saving upgrades and is now used LED lights.

Wonder Wheel, New York

This Ferris wheel is amazing because not all passenger cabins are attached to its outer part, some of them spin inside the wheel itself! Built in 1920, the Wonder Wheel was the first wheel of its type, installed in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. At a height of 46 meters, there are 24 cabins (16 of which move, and 8 have a permanent position on the wheel), and the attraction can accommodate 144 people at a time. Another famous Ferris wheel of this type, or rather an exact copy of it, is the Mickey Mouse Fun Wheel at California Disneyland in Anaheim, built in 2001.

This amazing structure is located in the Wurstelprater amusement park in Vienna, Austria. It is already more than 100 years old and is one of the first attractions in the world. It was built in 1897 for the anniversary of Franz Joseph I of Austria. Its height is 65 meters.

Riesenrad, Vienna (video)

This huge clock is a Ferris wheel in Yokohama, Japan. Their height is 107 meters. The wheel has 60 passenger carriages, which are designed for 8 people each. Travel duration is 15 minutes. For the last 8 years it has been considered the largest Ferris wheel in the world.

Cosmo Clock 21, Yokohama (video)

The famous London Eye, 135 meters high, is the largest Ferris wheel in the Western Hemisphere. A full rotation takes approximately 30 minutes. One adult ticket costs $30. From a height of 135 meters you can see the panorama of London.

London Eye (video)

The Eye of Tianjin rises 120 meters. This tall Ferris wheel sits on a bridge that crosses the Hai River in Tianjin, China. It was built in 2007. The Eye of Tianjin is the only Ferris wheel in the world standing on a bridge.

Tianjin Eye (video)

The height of one of the tallest Ferris wheels is 160 meters. The “Giant” was built in China in the city of Nanchang and is called the “Star of Nanchang”. The ride takes 30 minutes. This ferris wheel is equipped with 60 cabins, each of which can accommodate 8 people. Ticket price is only 6 dollars.

Heavenly Dream, Japan

The largest classic Ferris wheel was built in Japan and is called “Heavenly Dream”. The fare for it is only $10, which is quite inexpensive for such an expensive country. To make a full circle on this wheel, you need to spend 20 minutes. Tourists, finding themselves in the most high point, can look at the city, which is visible at a glance.

Ferris wheel in Kharkov

This Ferris wheel is the tallest in Ukraine. From a height of 55 meters a stunning panorama of Kharkov opens, great view to the sights of the city - Derzhprom, the University, the bell tower of the Assumption Cathedral. Each of the Ferris Wheel's 39 cabins can accommodate up to 6 people. There is a separate cabin for a wheelchair and an accompanying person. Ticket price is 1.5 dollars.

Ferris wheel in Kharkov (video)

The highest height in Russia is at the Ferris wheel located in Sochi, namely in Lazarevsky Park. Its height is 83 meters. The opening of the attraction took place in 2012. The wheel is equipped with 14 open cabins and 14 open cabins closed type. It only takes 8 minutes to complete a full rotation. It allows you to see the Caucasus Range, the Black Sea and the city of Sochi.

Ferris wheel in Sochi (video)

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People have always wanted to look at the world from what is called a “bird's eye view.” And this is not surprising, because from a great height you can better see many objects, as well as contemplate their beauty. This design was first presented in Chicago (in 1893). Despite its primitiveness, this wheel had a height of 80 meters and a mass of 2000 tons. Those who wanted to look at the world from above appreciated the beauty and sights for about twenty minutes - exactly how long it took the wheel to make one revolution.

Many years have passed since the first appearance of the Ferris wheel, but even today these designs are in considerable demand. Therefore, there are a lot of them both in our country and around the world. Moreover, architects even began a kind of competition to create tall and comfortable structures that would give people the opportunity to ride above the ground with pleasure and see a lot of interesting things. Let's find out what the largest Ferris wheel is in Russia, as well as what is the largest Ferris wheel in the world.

Sochi wheel

The tallest Ferris wheel in Russia is in Lazarevsky Park in Sochi. The height of the structure created by V. Gnezdilov is 83.5 m. This attraction opened in 2012. The wheel has fourteen open and closed booths. It takes eight minutes for the wheel to complete a circle. While making a high-altitude journey, guests of Lazarevsky Park can contemplate the Caucasus Range, the Black Sea and a wonderful view of the entire resort town. The ticket price depends on the type of booth and the operating time of the attraction - it ranges from 200 to 350 rubles.

Moscow wheel dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the capital

The largest Ferris wheel in Moscow (the second largest in our country) is present in the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The author of the project was also V. Gnezdilov, who designed the wheel for the 850th anniversary of the capital (opened in 1995). This is the tallest Ferris wheel in Moscow, 73 meters high. The structure consists of 35 closed and 5 open booths. In 7 minutes, during which the Ferris wheel makes one revolution, you can see the beauties of Moscow, which are open to everyone who wants to take a ride. Before making a high-altitude trip, you should know that children under 16 years old without adults are not allowed on the wheel, and people whose height is less than 140 cm are also prohibited from entering the structure. The cost of a ticket for this attraction ranges from 300 to 350 rubles.

Kazan wheel

The 55-meter ferris wheel is located in the Kyrlay park. It is equipped with 40 closed cabins that can accommodate 6 people. In one hour, this wheel is ready to show all the beauties of the city to 3,600 people. In the evening, 10,000 light bulbs light up on the wheel, giving visitors the feeling of a real fairy tale.

Perm wheel

The wheel installed at the highest point of the city began to operate for the celebration of Victory Day in 2013. The 50-meter structure is located in Gorky Park. A special feature of this wheel is the room that is located at the base of the structure - the area of ​​​​this room is 400 m2. The Perm Wheel allows you to observe city sights even in winter time, since the cabins are heated.

Kaliningrad wheel

In this city, since 2012, there has been a 45-meter ferris wheel equipped with 20 closed cabins with air conditioning. There are also two VIP cabins, which in addition to air conditioning have a refrigerator. The rotation is controlled using a control panel, which allows you to adjust the speed - the wheel travels one circle in about one minute in a minimum time. In one hour of operation, this attraction is capable of lifting at least 1,000 people to a height.

The world's tallest wheel

And the tallest Ferris wheel in the world is in Singapore. “Soaring Singapore” extends 165 m into the sky. Within 37 minutes, the structure makes one revolution - during this time you can admire the embankment and the adjacent islands. The design is equipped with 28 cabins that can accommodate 28 people.

Wheels planned for opening

In the capital of our Motherland, it is planned to launch the tallest Ferris wheel, the size of which will be 275 m. The attraction will consist of two rings, symbolizing, according to the author’s idea, “the union of Moscow and St. Petersburg.” Moreover, one of the rings will lie in a horizontal plane, and it will contain fountains, restaurants, a museum, and a winter greenhouse. The vertical ring, which will act as the Ferris wheel itself, will have a height of 221 m. It is planned that the wheel will be equipped with 48 cabins.

Very soon, “Soaring Singapore” will be removed from the “pedestal”, and the championship among the tallest Ferris wheels will be taken by the New York Wheel, which is planned to open at the end of 2015. The height of the structure is 190 m. In total, the wheel has 36 cabins, in which 1,400 people can be transported at a time.

Three more major similar attractions are currently under construction. These are Ferris wheels:

  • in Beijing - 207 m;
  • in Berlin – 175 m;
  • in Orlando - 122 m.

However, the construction of these facilities has been suspended due to lack of funds. Maybe in the near future these attractions will delight people beautiful view on the city, landmarks, rivers and bridges.

The desire to see the world from a bird's eye view has always been inherent in man. Having risen up, you can appreciate all the beauty and uniqueness of the place where you are.

The first design of a Ferris wheel appeared in 1893 in Chicago, it was presented at the Exhibition by George Ferris Jr. The design of the Ferris wheel had a mass of 2000 tons and a height of 80 meters. One revolution lasted up to 20 minutes and cost 50 cents.

Many years have passed, and humanity has managed to build a large number of similar designs, competing with each other in terms of the size of the Ferris wheel and its comfort. At the moment, the highest wheel in the world holds the palm - “Soaring Singapore” rises to a height of 165 meters. But in this list we present the ten best “Ferris wheels” in Russia.

1. Sochi

The tallest Ferris wheel structure in Russia is located in Sochi, in Lazarevsky Park, and has a height of 83.5 meters. It was designed by Vladimir Gnezdilov and opened in 2012. The Ferris wheel in Sochi has 14 closed cabins with a capacity of 6 people and 14 cabins open type, with a capacity of 4 people. The structure makes a full revolution in 8 minutes, the price of tickets in closed booths before 18.00 is 200 rubles, after 18.00 - 300 rubles. The price of tickets for a walk in open booths before 18.00 is 250 rubles, after 18.00 - 350 rubles, children under 12 years old are free. A magnificent view of Sochi, the Black Sea, and the Caucasus Range from a height of 700 meters above sea level will leave an unforgettable impression. The Ferris wheel was built on Mount Akhun.

2. Moscow

The second tallest is the Ferris wheel, located in Moscow in the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The Ferris wheel is 73 meters high, was designed by Vladimir Gnezdilov and opened in 1995, to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The design of the wheel in Moscow consists of 40 booths, 5 of which are open. One revolution of the wheel lasts 7 minutes, the cost of closed booths is 300 rubles, the cost of open booths is 350 rubles. Children under 16 years old can only climb the Ferris wheel if accompanied by an adult. Visitors whose height is less than 140 cm are not allowed. The Ferris wheel will undoubtedly help to see the capital of Russia, lifting its visitors higher and higher into the sky, revealing all the beauty of Moscow.

3. Kazan

The third deserved place in the list of 10 Ferris wheels in Russia is occupied by the Ferris wheel in Kazan. Located on former territory Gorky Park, now in Kyrlay Park, another name is Shural. The height of the Ferris wheel is 55 meters, equipped with 40 cabins, closed type, with a capacity of 6 people. The Ferris wheel was manufactured and installed by the Italian company VISA GROUP. It can serve up to 3,600 people in an hour; the price of a ticket for a walk is 150 rubles. As you rise, a stunning panorama of the Kazan Kremlin and the entire city gradually opens up. In the evening, 10 thousand light bulbs installed on the wheel are lit, creating the impression of a fairy tale.

4. Perm

Recently, a new comfortable wheel, 50 meters high, was opened in the city of Perm. Opening dedicated to the celebration of May 9th. It took place in 2013 in the park named after. Gorky. The Ferris Wheel attraction is ready to operate all year round, as it is equipped with air conditioning; in winter, the cabins will be heated. An unusual solution The designers of the wheel were pleased; at its base there is a room with an area of ​​400 m2. They plan to build a 3D oceanarium of prehistoric times in the premises and open it on the city day - June 12. The Ferris wheel is installed at the highest point of the city and raises to a total height of 200 meters above sea level. Although there is no sea in Perm, there is the Kama River and the Krasavinsky Bridge, beauty and grace, which can be appreciated from the height of this wheel.

5. Kaliningrad

Next on the list of 10 Ferris wheels is the city of Kaliningrad. It has a Ferris wheel designed for increased comfort, 45 meters high. The structure, weighing 200 tons, was created Italian manufacturer, has 20 closed cabins with a capacity of 6 people, equipped with air conditioning. In winter, the cabins will be heated. Interestingly, the design of the Ferris wheel has 2 VIP cabins, equipped in addition to air conditioning with a refrigerator. The wheel is controlled using a control panel, which, if desired, can regulate the speed of rotation of the Ferris wheel, the minimum time for a full rotation is 1 minute. The wheel is located in Yunost Park and was opened in 2012, on the 65th anniversary of the Leningradsky district. Tickets cost 150 rubles, open from 11 am to 9 pm, children under three years old are free. It lifts up to 1000 people into the sky in an hour.

6. St. Petersburg

The tallest and only Ferris wheel in St. Petersburg becomes an attraction in Fairy Tale Park, another name for the park named after. Babushkina. The height of the Ferris wheel is 38 meters, the opening took place in 2008. The design is recognized as modern, since all the booths are closed and have increased safety. The cost of tickets for children under 12 years old is 100 rubles, over 12 and for adults - 150 rubles. Pensioners are not forgotten in this park; the cost of a ticket if you provide a pension book is 60 rubles. Climbing to the heights, you can enjoy not only the climb itself, but also the bewitching view of the Nevsky district.

7. Zakamsk (Kirovsky district, Perm)

Another Ferris wheel from Perm makes our list. It was installed in the winter for the new year 2009. The wheel is located in the Kirovsky district, in a recreation and cultural park. The Ferris wheel is 38 meters high. The structure, weighing 64 tons, has 20 cabins, 10 of which are closed. Closed type cabins with a capacity of 6 people and open type with a capacity of 4 people. A full rotation of the wheel takes 10 minutes. The wheel was produced in Russia, in the city of Yeisk, and was purchased at a price of 22 million rubles. Ticket price for an adult is 70 rubles, for a child 40 rubles. Besides beautiful view Opening from above, the air in the park is filled with the aroma of pine forest.

8. Zelenogorsk

Beautiful view of The Gulf of Finland opens a Ferris wheel in the city of Zelenogorsk, located next to St. Petersburg. The wheel is located in the park of culture and recreation and has a height of 37 meters. The opening took place in 2012, and was timed to celebrate the park’s birthday, which turned 57 years old. Half of the booths are closed, so the wheel will work all year round.

9. Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is preparing to launch a Ferris wheel, 35 meters high. It will be installed in Narymsky Park. Wheel modern type, with closed booths and classical music playing inside. The structure will be decorated big amount light bulbs both inside and outside.

10. View of the capital ( future project Moscow)

View of the capital - we placed the project of the world's tallest Ferris wheel in last place - 10th, because they are still planning to build it. The grandiose plan, 220 meters high, was announced in 2011 in Russia. In 2013, the plan was approved by the Moscow authorities. The “View of the Capital” Ferris wheel is planned to coincide with the opening of the Olympics in 2014. It will be located in the “Fortieth Anniversary of the Komsomol” park, near Vernadsky Avenue, in the south-west of Moscow. The wheel will become unique not only in height, but also in design. For the first time, a Ferris wheel will not use spokes in its construction, so the wheel will become doubly unique. The Ferris wheel concept is being developed by Group 12LLC. The design will be developed and used exclusively for the Russian Federation.

Find out which cities offer stunning panoramas


The idea to build the world's first Ferris wheel belonged to George Farris, who developed this attraction in 1893 for the World's Fair, which was held in Chicago. Its height at that time was unrealistic - more than 80 meters. Now the Ferris wheels are much higher, and what could be more beautiful than rising to a bird's eye view and from there observing the life of a huge metropolis? However, not in every big city there are similar ones observation decks. We will tell you where the 7 largest Ferris wheels in the world are located, so that when planning your trip you will definitely include a visit to them in your program.

  1. Singapore Flyer, 165 m

A photo posted by Singapore Flyer (@singaporeflyer) on Apr 15, 2015 at 6:42pm PDT

Today, the largest Ferris wheel is located in Singapore. In the 37 minutes it takes the wheel to make a full circle, not only does it offer amazing views of the waterfront, but also of the neighboring islands. The Ferris Wheel in Singapore is equipped with 28 booths, each of which can accommodate 28 people. Singapore Flyer tickets cost $21.


  1. Star of Nanchang, 160 m

Ferris wheel in Chinese city Nanchang, the construction of which cost $7.3 million. The pleasure itself lasts exactly 30 minutes, and the cost is very affordable - $6. This is probably why the 60 Ferris wheel cabins, accommodating 8 people each, are almost never empty.

  1. London eye, 135 m

Rarely a tourist who has visited the capital of Great Britain has not taken a ride on the famous Ferris wheel, which is still considered the largest in Europe. The wheel is equipped with 32 booths, each of which symbolizes one of the London suburbs. The cost for a half-hour “session” is about $30. It is better to book tickets in advance on the official website. This will allow you to get a 10% discount and also avoid tiresome queues.

  1. The Southern star, 120 m

A photo posted by Sheen (@sheene) on Jun 19, 2013 at 8:17pm PDT

In the 20 minutes it takes the Sky Dream Fukuoka wheel to complete a circle, tourists can see this modern city in full view. "Heavenly Dream" is still considered the largest Ferris wheel of the classical type. A ticket to the attraction costs $10, which is just pennies for expensive Japan in general.

  1. Suzhou Ferris Wheel, 120 m

This attraction opened its cabin doors to visitors back in 2009. Now residents and guests of the city of Suzhou in China can independently admire natural beauties from the heights of heaven, without leaving for London or Singapore.

  1. Tianjin Eye, 120 m

The attraction stands right above the Yongle Bridge, which was built in China. The Ferris wheel occupies a record place in the list of wonder wheels erected above bridges, namely at their top. The fee for the pleasure is as follows: an adult ticket costs 11 dollars and a child ticket costs 6 dollars.

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