The highest mountains in Africa.

home The article talks about the biggest mountain African continent

. Contains facts about its features that are associated with its unique geographical location. The material contains data on the emergence of mountain peaks in Africa.

African mountains

The Cape and Drakensberg Mountains are located on the coast of the Indian Ocean - their height decreases relative to the central part of the mainland.

Rice. 1. Cape and Drakensberg Mountains.

The Cape Mountains are an example of revived mountains that arose on the most ancient mountain systems and adopted their folded structure. The highest peak of the Cape Mountains is Kompasberg peak, whose height is 2500 m. In the north of the mainland, with the displacement of two lithospheric plates

, the relatively young Atlas Mountains were formed.

These mountain peaks are a continuation of the young European peaks that are located in the Gibraltar area. The length of the Atlas Mountains mountain ranges is 2500 km.TOP 2 articles

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Rice. 2. Atlas Mountains.

Initially, only part of the mountain system was called Atlas.

These mountain peaks act as natural boundaries between the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, as well as the Sahara. They are inhabited mainly by Arabs and Berbers. The Atlas Mountains make up the following ranges: Tell Atlas, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, Saharan Atlas.

The main peak of the Atlas Mountains is Mount Toubkal (4100 m). Due to tectonic plate faults, tremors often occur in the Atlas Mountains region.

The highest mountain in Africa Kilimanjaro is the mountain symbol of the dark continent. In the old days it was active volcano

. Today its peak is hidden under snow.

Rice. 3. Kilimanjaro.

Translated from Swahili, the name literally translates as “sparkling mountain”.

Scientists are confident that the volcano could awaken at any moment. Geographically, Kilimanjaro is located in what is now Tanzania and covers an area of ​​approximately 400,000 hectares. This is one of the largest volcanoes in the world.

  • The mountain has three peaks:
  • Kiba Peak;
  • Mawenzi Peak;

Shira Peak.

The largest of the three points is Kiba Peak. The two remaining peaks (Mawenzi - 5149 m and Shira - 3962 m).

Its highest point is Uhuru Peak, which is classified as Kiba Peak.

In ancient times, peoples who had never seen snow before were convinced that the peak was made of silver. But they didn’t dare check their guesses - there were many frightening legends and superstitions associated with the volcano. Local aborigines gave the giant volcano a different name - “The Abode of the God of Cold.”

The lower slopes of the mountain are actively used by local residents for growing coffee and maize. Tropical rainforest grows up to an altitude of 3000 meters.

On the top of Mount Kilimanjaro lie centuries-old ice, and this is strange because it is located only three degrees south of the equator. According to scientists, by 2020 the eternal ice will disappear forever from the peaks of the dormant giant. The reason is global warming. The dormant volcano has an almost conical shape, which is made up of many layers of petrified lava and ash of volcanic origin.

In 1987, UNESCO awarded the Kilimanjaro area the title of National Park.

When climbing a mountain a person crosses everything climatic zones. Climbing to the top is only possible from Tanzania.

What have we learned?

We learned what consequences can cause melting eternal ice. We found out what the highest point of the continent's most majestic mountain peak is called. We received information about how much area the mountain peak occupies and from which side it can be conquered without being exposed to danger. We found out what peoples inhabit the foothills.

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Mountains attract and beckon people. So we decided to once again succumb to their charm and talk about their sparkling peaks. This time - African. The hottest continent has a very diverse topography, which includes huge lakes and rivers, impenetrable forests, endless deserts... And the most high mountain perfectly complements this riot of forms.

This may seem surprising, but in hot Africa there is a point where there is constant snow. This is the peak of Kilimanjaro. Actually, the name of this mountain is translated as “mountain that sparkles.” Indeed, the ice caps of the peaks look unforgettable in the sun.

The highest peak of Kilimanjaro and, accordingly, of all Africa is Uhuro, 5895 meters high. Not Everest, of course, but also quite worthy. By the way, it should be noted that the African peak is not exactly a mountain in the usual sense. This is a huge stratovolcano, extinct and inactive for a long time. Some researchers fear that it may partially collapse inward, causing retaliatory eruptions from nearby volcanoes. Let us hope that this does not happen, because then Africa will lose its glittering crown.

The mountain was first mentioned in the manuscripts of Herodotus, but to study it from base to tip for a long time there were no takers. The conquest of Kilimanjaro is a separate chapter of its history. The first attempts were made back in the century before last. It was conquered only in 1889 by Hans Meyer and Samuel Telek. Previous climbers were either poorly prepared or suffered from excessive optimism. For example, one tried to climb to the top in a light shirt and shorts. However, this did not prevent him from reaching the snow line.

Kenya is not only a country, but also a mountain on its territory. This is another stratovolcano, crowned by several peaks, the highest of which is Batian - 5199 meters. It is followed by Nelion and Point Lenana - 5188 and 4985 meters, respectively.

Like other stratovolcanoes, Kenya has several large glaciers that serve as one of the sources drinking water for local residents. But due to climate change, the ice caps are rapidly shrinking. Scientists believe that if the situation does not change, both Kilimanjaro and Kenya may lose their crystal crowns.

This high mountain and the area around it have the status of a national park and UNESCO biosphere reserve. This was not done by chance, but to protect amazing beauty for future generations.

If the second and third places went to the peaks of Kenya, then the honorable fourth place, again, goes to Kilimanjaro, or rather, to one of its peaks. Mawenzi is also a stratovolcano, but not so high - 5149 meters. It is on the same base, but still separated from the main mountain.

Geographically, this peak, like the entire mountain, belongs to Tanzania - a state that was formed from the merger of two colonies - Zanzibar and Tanganyika. Here, by the way, is one of the largest lakes - Tanganyika. And at the foot of this mountain, the rarest and most expensive gem - tanzanite - is mined.

Another stratovolcano consisting of several peaks. The highest peak is Margherita (5019 meters). A little lower is Alexandra (5091 meters). Behind them is Albert (5087 meters). This formation is located on the border of Uganda and the DRC, each of which considers these mountains to be their highest points.


This is where the five-thousanders end, and then there are mountains of medium height. For example, the maximum point of Speca reaches 4890 meters. It belongs to the DRC completely, and not in share with someone else. It was first conquered in 1906, and now it is a fairly popular tourist route. Even a person without mountaineering skills can complete it; average physical fitness is enough.

Mount Baker

It is important not to confuse this mountain with the mountain of the same name, but located in North America. The African one belongs to Uganda. The maximum height is 4843 meters. Not very high, but against the backdrop of deserts and plains typical of Africa, this is more than enough to attract tourists.

Mount Emin

The height of its peak is 4798 meters, and it is located in the already familiar DRA (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Unlike several previous mountains, this one requires special equipment to conquer, which does not reduce the flow of people who want to climb one of its peaks.

Now you see that in Africa there are quite a lot of mountains, and not just one Kilimanjaro.

Africa is most often associated with huge hot deserts and savannas, but Africa is also a country of unconquered heights and dangerous volcanoes. From a geological point of view, Africa is a young, geologically active continent, in which new relief is being formed right now.

Most of the peaks in Africa are located in the east of the continent, in the rift zone, in the northwest (Atlas Mountains) and in the south (Cape Mountains).

Snow Kilimanjaro

The highest point in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro, located in the state of Tanzania. Kilimanjaro is a young mountain from the point of view of geology (from the school geography course we remember that the oldest mountains have the lowest peaks, already destroyed by time, and the youngest ones have the highest points). Kilimanjaro is also a volcano, and a potentially active one at that. Locals call Kilimanjaro "the sparkling mountain", and it's true: at 5,899 meters, Africa's tallest volcano is visible for hundreds of miles around, not only in Tanzania but also in neighboring Kenya.

The top of the volcano is elongated, flat, the slopes are sloping. On hot days, when the air is still and seems to vibrate, the base of the mountain becomes invisible against the general background, and then it seems that the ice cap of the volcano is floating in the sky.

View from above of Kilimanjaro

The area of ​​Kilimanjaro is 97 km long by 64 km wide, its influence on the climate is so great that its own climate system has been formed around it: it holds the clouds that have collected water in the Indian Ocean, and they rain at its foot, creating the opportunity for successful agriculture in the foothills. That is why tropical forests grow around it, and the vegetation here is significantly different from that of Africa.

The highest peak of the continent is covered with an ice cap, which, according to scientists, is rapidly melting: precipitation is not enough to compensate for the water lost as a result of melting ice. Kilimanjaro's ice cover will be gone at this rate within 200 years, but whether the accelerated melting of snow is the result of global warming is not yet clear. This gives rise to speculation that the volcano is about to awaken and is already heating up.

Kilimanjaro looks like a three-headed dragon, because in fact its peak is made up of three volcanoes that merged as a result of active eruptions.

The oldest foundation of Kilimanjaro is the Shira volcano. Today it is a plateau 3810 meters high. During one of the eruptions, Shira was destroyed and formed the basis of later formations - the Mawenzi and Kibo volcanoes. Kibo, the youngest part of Kilimanjaro, is the highest part of the mountain. It looks like a crater within a crater - these are the consequences of several powerful eruptions, happened one after another. The most recent eruption created an ash cone that stands inside the central crater itself.

Atlas Mountains

The Atlas is a vast mountain system in northwestern Africa, stretching from the borders of Morocco with the ocean to the coast of Tunisia. Named after mythical hero Atlas, who supposedly held the vault of heaven on his shoulders. The Atlas seems to prop up the sky, and given that ancient Greek tragedies took place geographically in northern Africa, it is easy to imagine that the ancient Greeks had these mountains in mind.

The Atlas system includes several significant ridges, among which the High Atlas and Middle Atlas are famous for their highest peaks. The highest point of the Atlas is Toubkal Peak (its height is 4167 meters).

The Drakensberg Mountains are basalt mountains formed as a result of uplift earth's crust. They are located in southern Africa, in the countries of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. The highest point is Thabana Ntlenyana with a height of 3482 meters. The mountain is located in Lesotho. The Drakensberg Mountains are full of waterfalls and, as a result, stunning views. There are many national parks open here.

The name was given in the 19th century because of the foggy haze that often shrouds the ridges. It resembles steam coming out of the nostrils of a lurking and sleeping dragon.

Cape Mountains - a natural wonder of Africa

The Cape Mountains are the oldest (380 million years old) geologically speaking mountain formations on the continent, which is why they are the lowest. Located in the extreme south of the continent, territorially they belong to South Africa. Another peak in Africa is Kompassberg Peak, whose height is 2504 meters. In terms of length, they occupy a huge part of the continent and have formed their own ecosystem with endemic rare species of plants and animals.

Top 5 highest points of the African continent

Peak name

What mountain system in Africa does it belong to?

Altitude in meters above sea level

Kenya (country of the same name)

Solitary mountain in Kenya

5199 meters

Margherita, ridge

Territory of Congo and Uganda

5109 meters

Ras Dashen Peak

Ethiopian Highlands

4620 meters

Mount Toubkal

High Atlas

4165 meters

Thabana-Ntlenyana Peak

South African territory

African mountains are diverse in shape, climate and measures of conquest. The harsh northeastern mountains cannot be compared with the soft southern ones, but everyone dreams of seeing the soaring snow cap of Kilimanjaro with their own eyes.

Kilimanjaro is one of the symbols of the African continent. Once it was an active volcano, but now its top is covered with snow, thanks to which it got its name. Translated from Swahili, it means “sparkling mountain.” Despite the fact that this volcano is considered extinct, scientists say its activity can resume at any time.

Kilimanjaro is located in modern-day Tanzania and covers an area of ​​approximately 400,000 hectares. This is one of the most large volcanoes in the world. This unique African mountain annually attracts many tourists who dream of admiring the incredible landscapes and climbers who appreciate the mountain for its variety of routes.

The mountain has three peaks. The highest point - Kiba Peak - was conquered before anyone else. The fact is that the easiest route leads to this peak, which can be overcome even without special training. The other two peaks (Mawenzi - 5149 m and Shira - 3962 m) are more inaccessible and treacherous, therefore, over the entire history of ascents, many unlucky climbers have died on their slopes.

An interesting fact is that the fee charged to tourists for visiting the Tanzanian National Park, the center of which is Kilimanjaro, is the main source of replenishment of the Tanzanian budget. And the park itself is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This is quite natural. The mountain is so unique that even the climate here is different from the climate in the surrounding area. Elephants, giraffes and lions roam at the foot. At the very bottom, on the slopes, there are banana groves and coffee plantations; at an altitude of 1800 m they give way to tropical rainforests, where you can find monkeys, leopards and honey badgers. Even higher begins the kingdom of mountain swamps and meadows. So, gradually the levels replace each other, finally leaving the snowy kingdom.

African peaks

Kilimanjaro is not the only mountain worth visiting in Africa. In second place after it is Mount Kenya, located on the territory of the state of the same name (right on the equator line). Its height is 5199 m. Among the inhabitants of the slopes of the mountain you can find many rare animals. Kilimanjaro and Kenya are the highest mountains on the continent, standing alone.

Mount Stanley closes the trio of giants, which, like Kilimanjaro, has three peaks (Margherita - 5109 m, Alexandra - 5091 m and Albert - 5087 m). It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains, formed by crystalline rocks. These mountains, half covered with tropical forest, are home to a huge number of unique flora and fauna. That's why two were created here national parks, the purpose of which is to preserve rare species animals and plants.

The fourth and fifth places in height belong to the Speke and Baker mountains, also located in the Rwenzori mountain range. The peak has several jagged peaks, but all are less than 5 km (4890 m, 4865 m, 4834 m and 4572 m, respectively). Mount Baker has an altitude of 4844 m.

The Rwenzori Mountains are quite difficult to climb and require serious preparation on the part of climbers.

Regardless of height, origin and location, Africa's mountains are unique. They seem to have been created specifically for those who dream of enjoying the exoticism of the continent, amazing untouched nature and the original culture of the local population.

Africa is a dry and very hot continent. Deserts and savannas cover four-fifths of its territory. This is due not only to the climate, but also to the flat topography of the mainland. There are very few mountains in Africa, but that’s what we’re talking about. we'll talk Further.

Relief and geographical location

Africa is located next to Eurasia and is separated from it by the Mediterranean and Red Seas. From the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean, from the west by the Atlantic. From the northern subtropical to the southern subtropical zone, the continent stretches for 8 thousand kilometers and is intersected by the equator line almost in the middle.

The area of ​​Africa, together with the adjacent islands, is 30.3 million km 2. It is home to approximately 55 states and one billion people. The relief of the mainland is predominantly flat, and it itself is elevated above sea level by an average of 750 meters. Most of its surface is represented by plateaus; mountains and coastal lowlands occupy only 30% of the area.

Mountains in Africa are scattered. The Atlas ranges stretch to the north and northwest, and the Cape and Drakensberg Mountains to the south. On the territory of the Sahara Desert are the Ahaggar and Tibetsi highlands, below and east of them are the Ethiopian Highlands and the East African Plateau. Within the mainland and its islands there are about 30 volcanoes, some of them active.


Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, reaching 5895 meters. It rises above the plain of northeastern Tanzania and stands out noticeably against the surrounding background. The northern and eastern slopes of Kilimanjaro belong to Kenya.

The volcano is considered potentially active, although its last eruption was about 200,000 years ago. Now, only gas is emitted from it. Kilimanjaro is one of the Seven Summits of the World. The highest peak of this mountain on the continent of Africa is called Uhura. The first ascent of it took place in 1889.

Kilimanjaro has a pronounced vertical zonation. Due to its proximity to the equator, it differs greatly in climate and vegetation composition from the mountains of Eurasia. Thus, the belt up to an altitude of 1800 meters is characterized by heavy rainfall and a stable temperature of 25-28 degrees all year round. Coffee, bananas and cotton are grown here. Above is the jungle tropical forests, then woodlands. At an altitude of 2800 meters they give way to meadows and swamps where they grow giant species tree-like groundsel, heather and other plants. Higher up are wastelands and arctic deserts covered in ice and snow.

Atlas - mountains northern Africa. They are located in the north-west of the continent, in the territory of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Their name comes from the name of the hero ancient greek mythology. According to legend, the titan Atlas, or Atlas, lived in the far west and was famous for his rebellion and strength. One day he refused hospitality to Perseus, and he, taking out the head of Medusa the Gorgon, turned him into a mountain.

The Atlas Ranges stretch for 2092 kilometers, separating the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea from the Sahara Desert. From a geological point of view, they belong to the Alpine-Himalayan fold and were formed relatively recently. Within the mountain ranges there are plains and internal plateaus. Their highest point is in Morocco. This is Mount Toubkal with a height of 4167 meters.

The climate of the mountains is not the same. On the northern slopes it is Mediterranean, on the southern slopes it is desert, and in the central regions it is dry continental. The Atlas Mountains are home to many species unique to Africa, which are more common in the Middle East and Southern Europe. Berber thujas, cedar trees, Aleppo pines, holm oaks, black pines and junipers grow here. Only in these mountains can you find the monticola viper (vipera monticola), the edmy gazelle and the magot tailless monkey.

Virunga are located in eastern Africa. The mountains are located on the borders of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are a chain of eight volcanoes. The most active of them is Niragongo. Over the past two hundred years it has erupted 34 times. More than 2 thousand people died during the eruption in 1977.

The Virunga Mountains are surrounded by large lakes Kivu and Eduarda. On their coasts there are resorts often visited by tourists, but the reservoirs are not very safe. Due to its proximity to volcanoes, billions of dollars are released into Lake Kivu cubic meters methane and carbon dioxide, which can easily explode in the event of an earthquake.

The mountains stretch 149 kilometers in length and cover an area of ​​7707 km 2. They are located in the equatorial climate zone and are covered with dense rain forests. Their slopes are home to rare mountain gorillas, which live only here and in Bwindi Park in Uganda. The species is on the verge of extinction. To preserve it, a national park Volcanoes, and in the Congo - Virunga National Park.

The Cape Ranges are located in the south of the continent, in South Africa. These are the oldest mountains in Africa. They were formed 380 million years ago, even before the continent acquired its modern shape. The mountains stretch for 480 kilometers from the Olifants River to the city of Port Elizabeth. Their highest point is the Kompasberg peak, rising to 2502 meters.

The Cape mountain system consists of many short, parallel ridges of medium height. Valleys and depressions often lie between them. In the south, the mountains are represented by separate massifs, spaced apart from each other. They are characterized by a Mediterranean type of climate. Their internal areas are covered with dry semi-deserts, and the outer windward slopes are covered with evergreen shrubs and mixed forests.

Framed by several picturesque ridges is the second largest city in South Africa, Cape Town. It is located on the Cape Peninsula next to Table Mountain, recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Nature and listed by UNESCO. main feature This landmark is its flat, table-like top with steep slopes.

The Drakensberg Mountains are also located in southern Africa and are approximately 500 kilometers away from the Cape. They are located on the territory of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, stretching over 1169 kilometers. The summit of Thabana-Ntlenyana is their highest point and reaches 3382 meters.

The Drakensberg Mountains have amazing landscapes that combine tropical rainforest jungle, high-mountain grasslands and semi-deserts with thickets of acacias and thorny bushes. They are inhabited by 24 species of snakes and 300 species of birds, which make up approximately 37% of all flying non-seabirds in Africa. The mountains are home to the endemic starling bubbler, mountain jumper, South African canary finch, as well as mountain swamp goat, bear baboon, roe deer antelope, eland, chameleon and other animals.

Thanks to heavy rainfall, many watercourses have formed here, including the seventh longest river on the continent, the Orange River. The Drakensberg Mountains are home to the Tugela Falls, the second highest in the world. It consists of five cascades and falls from a height of 918 meters above the ground.