The most prestigious awards. Him and his helicopters

Among military personnel, it is not customary to evaluate the financial value of awards given, because the personal value plays a paramount role for them. And this is correct, because it does not matter how much the order costs in monetary terms. What is much more significant here is the price that a person paid with his zeal, blood and sweat to be able to wear this insignia on his uniform.

However, there are signs whose financial value is so significant that it is impossible not to be interested in their price. Many military awards are real works of jewelry, decorated precious metals and stones. And if they were still given worthy people and they have their own great story, then their cost can grow incredibly. Their value increases and they are valued the most at auctions.

Here is a list of the five “most expensive orders in the world”:

Danish Order of the Elephant - $300 thousand

This badge is the most original of all the awards in the world. All other military signs, even with all the unusualness and rarity of their forms, were conceived as less or flatter, so that one side of them could fit tightly to clothing.

It represents a miniature three-dimensional sculpture: an elephant, which is covered with white enamel and decorated with diamonds, carries a battle turret on its back, which is the base of the ring. A black driver is installed in front of the turret.

In the international language of emblems, the elephant symbolizes:

- justice;

- generosity;

- wisdom and other noble qualities.

According to ancient legend Danish knights during one of the crusades defeated the Saracens, who fought on war elephants. It was in memory of the meeting with this gigantic animal, as well as in honor of the victory won in 1190, that this distinctive sign was established.

Since 1850, it has been exclusive - awarded only to heads of state and royalty.

After World War II it was awarded to:

- General Charles de Gaulle;

- General Dwight Eisenhower;

- Nicolae Ceausescu;

- Winston Churchill.

Victoria Cross - $990 thousand

The Victoria Cross is Britain's highest military award. It appeared during the Eastern ( Crimean War), which Great Britain joined in 1854.

The relative rarity of awards and the high prestige of the Victoria Cross made it one of the most expensive badges. In 1983, it was even included in the Guinness Book of Records, when the block, along with the Victoria Cross, was purchased for a huge sum.

In 2011, Private Edward Kenna's insignia kit was auctioned off. The buyer remained incognito, but it was obvious to everyone who was present at the auction that he was primarily seeking to take possession of the Victoria Cross, the most prestigious military award in Great Britain.

The Victoria Cross is extremely rare at auctions: it is transferred to a museum or kept as a family heirloom. However, Kenna's descendants disposed of the inheritance differently. Edward Kenna received his Victoria Cross for leading a single-handed attack on an enemy bunker under heavy fire in May 1945 and destroying Japanese machine gunners. And the entire lot went for 990 thousand dollars.

Diamond Star of St. Catherine - over $1 million

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine, or the so-called Grand Cross, became a big sensation at auction in 2008. It cost the buyer 26 million rubles, which is over $1 million. Bidding began at 10 million rubles and proceeded in increments of half a million rubles. The star, studded with diamonds, went to the buyer amid applause. The diamond star for the sign of St. Catherine was made in 1870.

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine is one of the most remarkable Russian distinctions.

The Catherine Badge was established by Peter I in 1713 specifically for his wife Catherine. According to legend, in 1711, during the unsuccessful Prussian campaign, the Russian army was surrounded by Turkish troops. Then Catherine donated all her jewelry to bribe the Turkish commander.

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine is studded with diamonds totaling 15.92 carats.

Diamond Badge of St. Andrew the Apostle - $5.4 million

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first institution in tsarist Russia, including the highest in the empire until 1917. It was subsequently restored in 1998 as the distinctive insignia of the Russian Federation.

This award was established by Peter I in 1688, it remained the only one until 1714. In total, during the existence of this badge, approximately 1000 people were awarded it.

The sign of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called included:

1. a cross sign, which depicts Saint Andrew himself, who is crucified on an X-shaped cross, at the ends of the cross there are the letters S.A.P.R., that is, an abbreviation for Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Russia - Sanctus Andreus Patronus Russiae.

2. silver eight-pointed star, in its center “For faith and fidelity.”

The star was hung on the left side of the chest, and the sign was worn on a wide blue ribbon over the right shoulder. On especially special occasions, the sign was hung on a figured gold chain covered with multi-colored enamels.

Order of Victory - $20 million

This is the most priceless award ever given. She is the one who heads the top 5. Experts believe that if it appeared at auction today, approximately $20 million would be paid for it.

This is the most priceless award ever given. She is the one who heads our top 5. Experts believe that if it appeared at auction today, approximately $20 million would be paid for it.

The following features of this value should be noted:

2. represents a pentagonal star surrounded by diamonds and rubies.

3. The composition also includes materials such as platinum, silver and gold.

4. Such a precious burden weighs 78 grams, of which 19 grams are silver, 2 grams of gold and 47 are platinum.

5. The center is decorated with gold carved: Lenin Mausoleum, Spasskaya Tower and Senate, oak and laurel branches on a blue enamel circle. At the top of the circle is “USSR”, at the bottom of the blue circle is a ribbon with the inscription “VICTORY”.

Now all “Victory” awards are stored in storage facilities and museums in the territories Russian Federation. Before today is the most expensive distinctive sign in the world. And its value on the modern antique market is estimated at sixteen million US dollars, although there are people who are ready to pay all twenty million dollars for it.

05.05.2017 13:00

Everyone loves to receive rewards for a task well done. You'll have this opportunity soon! There will be a new gaming event until the end of May. Win victories every day and receive increasingly significant rewards!

Event "Path of Victory"

Players are asked to complete a chain of 7 tasks, each of which opens after completing the previous one. For each task, with some chance, you may be given a reward: an item and one of the boxes of luck. Detailed information on prizes is also in the table below.

1 Win in any PvP mode except Survival and Grinder and get a chance to earn an XP booster and a Lucky Box. Experience booster 15%

1 day
Box with Kukri-machete

1 PC.
2 Successfully complete a PvE mission at the Pro level and get a chance to earn a festival grenade for 3 days and a box of good luck. Festival Grenade
3 days
Box with PYa "Rook"
1 PC.
3 Win any PvP mode except Survival and Grinder for a chance to earn a Supply Booster and a Lucky Box. Delivery accelerator 15%

5 days

1 PC.
4 Successfully complete any special operation and get a chance to earn Return Tokens and a Lucky Box. Sign of return

20 pcs.
Box with MG3
1 PC.
5 Win in any PvP mode except Survival and Grinder and get a chance to earn a Warbucks booster and a Lucky Box. Warbucks accelerator 15%

7 days
Box with SIX12
1 PC.
6 Successfully complete a Pro level PvE mission and get a chance to earn Elite Gloves and a Lucky Box. Gloves of the Elite

7 days
Box with ACR
1 PC.
7 Win in any PvP mode except Survival and Grinder and get a chance to earn a VIP booster and a Lucky Box. VIP accelerator

7 days
Box with ACR CQB
1 PC.
What do you need to know?
  • The further you progress, the more valuable the reward becomes.
  • All rewards are issued with a certain chance. If after completing the task you do not receive the reward, try again.
  • You can only receive one reward per day. It is added to the basket of items on the website.
  • Every day, only one task is available to you - the one marked as active today. To continue the chain you need to complete it. Then the next day a new task will open for you.
  • After the last task is completed, the chain will start again from the first task.
  • PvP tasks must be completed in rooms" Quick game" or ranked matches. In PvE this does not matter.
  • Tasks are updated daily at 00:00 Moscow time.

Important! If the chain of victories is interrupted, i.e. If you miss a day and do not complete the required task, everything will need to start over from the first day.

Forward, fighters, to new victories! The reward for the lucky brave souls will be a variety of boxes of luck, from which you can even get guns forever. Play and luck will definitely smile on you!

He was awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order “For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR" 3rd degree, three Orders of Courage, and the Order of Military Merit. There are also medals, but they don’t count.

The man and the legend

Sergey Osipov, AiF: Igor Olegovich, why did you choose helicopters? It seems that in those years when you began your journey into the sky, all the boys dreamed of flying supersonic.

Igor Rodobolsky: But I didn’t dream about fighter jets. After the Vitebsk DOSAAF flying club, which in those years gave initial training helicopter pilot, I only dreamed of these machines. I remember when the first stupor from flying passed and I began to pay attention to something other than the instruments and control stick, I looked through the cockpit glazing and gasped: how beautiful our Earth is! And even then I felt the incomparable joy of flying, which remained for the rest of my life.

Igor Rodobolsky. Photo: / Sergey Osipov

In short, at the flying club I became seriously ill with the sky. He entered the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots and graduated with honors in 1983. Became a Mi-8 helicopter pilot. You can say that I chose this car, or you can say that it chose me. The Mi-8 is a multi-purpose helicopter that can do everything: bomb, shoot, transport cargo, land troops, evacuate the wounded... This is exactly what I and my helicopters did in all subsequent years, before I retired to the reserve in 2013, first in Afghanistan, then in Chechnya.

— You remain a legend in the Armed Forces. And not only because of the number of awards, but also because some sources say one thing about the episodes of your combat work, while others say something else. For example, there is a legend about how you landed a helicopter on 2 support points...

- Firstly, this is not a legend. Secondly, I and other pilots have done this more than once. But with one amendment: the helicopter did not stand on two points, but hung - the main rotor (the one on top) was kneading the air with might and main. I remember well the circumstances under which I once performed this trick. This was in the spring of 2001 during the evacuation of a Russian special forces group surrounded near Tsentoroi. The guys are sitting on the mountain, but there is nowhere to sit. Everything is simple here: you put the wheel (it happened that there was only one) on the ground and wait for the guys to jump into the helicopter. At the same time, as a rule, the helicopter is hit from the ground with everything that shoots, but nothing can be done about it.

— Isn’t it also a legend that during the war in Chechnya you were able to dodge a missile fired at you in a helicopter?

- And it was. True, not in Chechnya, but much earlier, in Afghanistan. I had two business trips there. The first - in 1986-1987. Then the Mujahideen, whom we politically incorrectly called dushmans, were poorly armed and even worse prepared. When he returned a year later, they already had instructors and American Stinger man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS). One time I actually steered the helicopter away from its rocket when I spotted the flash from the launch on the ground. In general, there is nothing particularly complicated here either. You just need to turn the helicopter in 5-8 seconds so that the homing head of the missile, which reacts to the heat of the running engine, loses it. Such tricks still happened with early MANPADS. Later, in Chechnya, when the militants acquired more advanced Russian Igla complexes from somewhere, they no longer...

Fire on yourself

— Is it true that you once managed to land a helicopter whose propeller blade had been shot off?

“Well, if they had shot off the entire blade, I most likely wouldn’t be talking to you.” It happened like this: during the second campaign in Chechnya, in January 2002, I led four Mi-8s with special forces to a militant base in the Sharo-Argun area. After the troops landed, they actually hit the main rotor with a grenade launcher and shot off the outer section of one of the blades. The fact is that a helicopter rotor must be perfectly balanced to keep the machine in the air. When the balance was upset, it shook so much that everyone on board almost had their teeth crumbled, but they still managed to reach the nearest Russian unit.

— This happened the time when, according to another legend, you caused fire on yourself?

— You can say so, although I didn’t say this very phrase on air, this is not a movie. In fact, when we landed about 60 special forces at a height, a battle began between them down there. Someone is shooting at them, but they cannot understand who. They are requesting air support (we had a couple of Mi-24 attack helicopters with us), but you can’t make out anything from above either. Then I say: I’ll go and find out what they have there, and you keep your eyes open, because there definitely won’t be a second approach. And so it happened: above the landing site I was hit! I already talked about the blade. Another fragment in left hand hit. Sometimes they write that it was a bullet, but it was a shrapnel. And he was lucky: firstly, he first pierced the armor, the side of the helicopter and the bulletproof vest hung inside (just in case), so he was at the end of his rope. Secondly, it hit my hand flat, but my hand still hung like a whip until the landing. But the fire support helicopters spotted the targets and hit them with all their onboard weapons.

What's my last name?

— The all-knowing Wikipedia lists you as having 1,700 combat missions, 4,800 flight hours, 500 wounded transported...

— There were a little more sorties, the hours exceeded five thousand, I can’t undertake to count the number of wounded. By the way, it’s much harder to carry a “load of 200”, that is, dead, than the wounded. I remember how I took out from Grozny what was left of the soldiers of the Maikop brigade after unsuccessful attempt storming of the city on the night of January 1, 1995. The corpses were loaded into the helicopter up to the ceiling. It’s easier for me, I was sitting with my back to them. Those who definitely weren’t laughing were those who put the dead into the helicopter. Although in war there is little humor for everyone.

It was funny later, in the Kremlin, when President Putin He gave me the hero star. Before this, they told me how to get out, how to approach, what to say. So they call me, I walk in front, turn left, turn right, “Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant Colonel...” But I forgot my last name! I stand there like a fool, eating Putin with my eyes, but he understood everything and quietly said: “It’s normal, don’t worry, everything is fine.” Well, then something clicked in my head, and I continued: “...Rodobolsky has arrived to present the state award!”

— How did you find out that you had become the most titled Russian military man?

“I never strived for awards or titles, I just did my job.” Perhaps a little better than others. I found out from friends who started calling and congratulating me. But here we must make a reservation: I was recognized as the most decorated among the living military personnel. Before Kozhedub And Pokryshkina with their three Heroes Soviet Union I and my contemporaries are far from each. There is no war in which such awards can be earned. No and, thank God, not expected.

On February 14, 1735, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Karl Friedrich established the Order of St. Anne in honor of his wife Anna, who was the daughter of Peter I. The order moved to Russia with the duke’s son, the emperor Peter III. It was first granted by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna to the son of Field Marshal Sheremetyev. However, the Russian Order of St. Anne was proclaimed only by Emperor Paul in 1797. We will tell you about the five most honorable awards in Russia.

Imperial Order of St. Anne

The order was established in 1735 by Duke Karl Friedrich of Holstein-Gottorp in honor of his wife Anna. In 1797, the order was introduced by Emperor Paul I into the award system of the Russian Empire to distinguish a wide range of government officials and military personnel. At the same time, the order ranked among state awards Russian Empire, never ceased to have a special status as a dynastic award of the House of Romanov.

The status of the order was approved in 1829. He had 4 degrees. The lowest 4th degree was intended to be awarded only for military merits (the most junior officer order). In terms of seniority, the order stood one step lower than the Order of St. Vladimir and was the youngest in the hierarchy of orders of the Russian Empire until 1831. Since 1831, the Order of St. Stanislaus was introduced into the hierarchy of state awards, becoming one step lower in seniority than the Order of St. Anne. Since the founding of the Order of St. Anne, hundreds of thousands of people have been awarded it.

The Order of the 4th degree consisted of a cross on the hilt of a bladed weapon and a lanyard from the Order ribbon. The recipient was entitled to an annual pension of 50 or 40 rubles. The Order of the 3rd degree was an even smaller cross on the chest on a ribbon 2.2 cm wide. The recipient was entitled to an annual pension of 100 or 90 rubles. The Order of the 2nd degree was a smaller cross on the neck on a ribbon 4.5 cm wide. The recipient was entitled to an annual pension of 150 or 120 rubles. The Order of the 1st degree consisted of a cross on a 10 cm wide ribbon over the left shoulder and a star on right side breasts The recipient was entitled to an annual pension of 350 or 200 rubles.

Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Russian Federation

This medal is awarded to individuals for outstanding services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat and for personal courage in public service. The state award was established in 1992. It is worn on the left side of the chest above orders and medals. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation refers to a separate type of state awards - the highest rank, which is in first place in the hierarchy of state awards.

The Gold Star medal is a five-pointed star with smooth dihedral rays on front side. On the reverse side in the center of the medal there is an inscription in raised letters: “Hero of Russia.” In the upper ray is the medal number. Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a gilded metal block, which is a rectangular plate with frames in the upper and lower parts. There are slits along the base of the block; its inner part is covered with a moiré tricolor ribbon in accordance with the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. The block has a threaded pin with a nut on the reverse side for attaching the medal to clothing. The medal is gold, weighing 21.5 grams.

If a person is awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation in his homeland, on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a bronze bust with a corresponding inscription is installed.

Gold medal "Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation"

Another highest award of the Russian Federation. The title is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for special labor services to the state and people associated with the achievement of outstanding results in the state, public and economic activity aimed at ensuring the well-being and prosperity of Russia.

The Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation is awarded a medal and a Certificate of awarding the title. Just as in the case of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, by decree of the president, a bronze bust with a corresponding inscription is installed in the homeland of the recipient.

The gold medal “Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation” is a star with five smooth dihedral rays on the front side. In the center of the star is a relief image State emblem Russian Federation. On the reverse side, in the center of the medal, there is a horizontal relief inscription in straight letters: “Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation.” Below the inscription is the medal number.

Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle

This is the highest state award of the Russian Federation. Awarded to outstanding government and public figures and other citizens of the Russian Federation for exceptional services contributing to the prosperity, greatness and glory of Russia.

The badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle is worn on the order chain or on the shoulder ribbon. Wearing the badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called on the order chain is allowed on especially solemn occasions. When wearing the badge of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle on the shoulder ribbon, it passes over the right shoulder. The star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle is located on the left side of the chest, to the left of the orders below the order blocks. Established on July 1, 1998.

The badge of the order is an oblong oblique cross made of silver with gilding, covered with blue enamel, with the image of the crucified Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called on it. At the ends of the cross are the golden letters “S”, “A”, “P”, “R” (Sаnctus Аndreas Рtronus Russiae – Saint Andrew, Patron of Russia). The cross is superimposed on the image of a relief gilded double-headed eagle, crowned with three crowns and supporting the lower ends of the oblique cross with its paws. On the reverse side of the badge, on the chest of the eagle, on a white field, the motto of the order is written in black enamel: “For faith and fidelity.” The cross is suspended on a blue enamel ribbon from the middle crown, which has an eyelet for the ribbon on the reverse side.

Order of St. George

This is the highest military award of the Russian Federation, restored after abolition in 1917. Senior and senior officers are awarded for conducting combat operations to defend the Fatherland during an attack by an external enemy, which ended in the complete defeat of the enemy, who became an example of military art, whose exploits serve as an example of valor and courage for all generations of defenders of the Fatherland and who were awarded state awards of the Russian Federation for the differences shown in combat. Has four degrees (from I to IV, the first is the highest), awarded sequentially. Established on March 2, 1994.

The Order of St. George I and II degrees has a badge and a star, III and IV degrees have only a badge. The order's ribbon is silk, moire, made of alternating equally wide three black and two orange stripes.

Among military personnel, it is not customary to evaluate the financial value of awards given, because the personal value plays a paramount role for them. And that’s right, because it doesn’t matter how much it costs order in monetary terms. What is much more significant here is the price that a person paid with his zeal, blood and sweat to be able to wear this insignia on his uniform.

However, there are signs whose financial value is so significant that it is impossible to be interested in their price. Many military awards are real works of jewelry, decorated with precious metals and stones. And if they were also given to worthy people and they have their own great history, then their value can grow incredibly. Their value increases and they are valued the most at auctions.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our top 5 list " the most expensive orders in the world».

5th place - Danish Order of the Elephant - 300 thousand dollars

This badge is the most original of all the awards in the world. All other military signs, even with all the unusualness and rarity of their forms, were conceived as less or flatter, so that one side of them could fit tightly to clothing.

It represents a miniature three-dimensional sculpture: an elephant, which is covered with white enamel and decorated with diamonds, carries a battle turret on its back, which is the base of the ring. A black driver is installed in front of the turret.

In the international language of emblems, the elephant symbolizes:

  • - justice;
  • - generosity;
  • - wisdom and other noble qualities.

According to an ancient legend, Danish knights, during one of the crusades, defeated the Saracens, who fought on war elephants. It was in memory of the meeting with this gigantic animal, as well as in honor of the victory won in 1190, that this distinctive sign was established.

Since 1850, it has been exclusive - awarded only to heads of state and royalty.

After World War II it was awarded to:

  • - General Charles de Gaulle;
  • - General Dwight Eisenhower;
  • - Nicolae Ceausescu;
  • - Winston Churchill.

4th place – Victoria Cross – 990 thousand dollars

The Victoria Cross is Britain's highest military award. It appeared during the Eastern (Crimean War), which Great Britain entered in 1854.

The relative rarity of awards and the high prestige of the Victoria Cross made it one of the most expensive badges. In 1983, it was even included in the Guinness Book of Records, when the block, along with the Victoria Cross, was purchased for a huge sum.

In 2004, the Victoria Cross, which was received during the Second World War, was bought at auction for 370 thousand dollars.

In 2011, Private Edward Kenna's insignia kit was auctioned off. The buyer remained incognito, but it was obvious to everyone who was present at the auction that he was primarily seeking to take possession of the Victoria Cross, the most prestigious military award in Great Britain.

The Victoria Cross is extremely rare at auctions: it is transferred to a museum or kept as a family heirloom. However, Kenna's descendants disposed of the inheritance differently. Edward Kenna received his Victoria Cross for leading a single-handed attack on an enemy bunker under heavy fire in May 1945 and destroying Japanese machine gunners. And the entire lot went for 990 thousand dollars.

3rd place - Diamond Star of St. Catherine - over $1 million

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine, or the so-called Grand Cross, became a big sensation at auction in 2008. It cost the buyer 26 million rubles, which is over $1 million. Bidding began at 10 million rubles and proceeded in increments of half a million rubles. The star, studded with diamonds, went to the buyer amid applause. The diamond star for the sign of St. Catherine was made in 1870.

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine is one of the most remarkable Russian distinctions.

The Catherine Badge was established by Peter I in 1713 specifically for his wife Catherine. According to legend, in 1711, during the unsuccessful Prussian campaign, the Russian army was surrounded by Turkish troops. Then Catherine donated all her jewelry to bribe the Turkish commander.

The Diamond Star of St. Catherine is studded with diamonds totaling 15.92 carats.

2nd place – Diamond Badge of St. Andrew the Apostle – $5.4 million

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first institution in tsarist Russia, including the highest in the empire until 1917. It was subsequently restored in 1998 as the distinctive insignia of the Russian Federation.

This award was established by Peter I in 1688, it remained the only one until 1714. In total, during the existence of this badge, approximately 1000 people were awarded it.

The sign of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called included:

  • 1. a cross sign, which depicts Saint Andrew himself, who is crucified on an X-shaped cross, at the ends of the cross there are the letters S.A.P.R., that is, an abbreviation for Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Russia - Sanctus Andreus Patronus Russiae.
  • 2. silver eight-pointed star, in its center “For faith and fidelity.”

The star was hung on the left side of the chest, and the sign was worn on a wide blue ribbon over the right shoulder. On especially special occasions, the sign was hung on a figured gold chain covered with multi-colored enamels.

1st place - Order of Victory - $20 million

This is the most priceless award ever given. She is the one who heads our top 5. Experts believe that if it appeared at auction today, approximately $20 million would be paid for it.

The following features of this value should be noted:

  • 1. the largest, most expensive and most valuable award in the USSR.
  • 2. represents a pentagonal star surrounded by diamonds and rubies.
  • 3. The composition also includes materials such as platinum, silver and gold.
  • 4. Such a precious burden weighs 78 grams, of which 19 grams are silver, 2 grams of gold and 47 are platinum.
  • 5. The center is decorated with gold carved: Lenin Mausoleum, Spasskaya Tower and Senate, oak and laurel branches on a blue enamel circle. At the top of the circle is “USSR”, at the bottom of the blue circle is a ribbon with the inscription “VICTORY”.

Now all “Victory” awards are stored in storage facilities and museums in the territories of the Russian Federation. To this day it is the most expensive distinctive sign in the world. And its value on the modern antique market is estimated at sixteen million US dollars, although there are people who are ready to pay all twenty million dollars for it.

People who are able to buy these orders do not live in ordinary houses, but in very expensive ones. We wrote about one of these, the cost of which exceeds all others in the article -

Video: Orders of the Russian Empire