Self-massage of feet. Inner thigh massage

The feet are the part of the body that bears a huge load every day. At the same time, the well-being of a person as a whole depends on their health. Let us remember what pleasure the usual immersion of tired legs in warm water brings to the whole body. A simple techniques, which allow you to master foot massage and do it yourself at home, give visible results.

Photo: foot massage

Indeed, the feet have a direct connection with all organs and systems. Reflexology deals with these issues in detail.

The field of medicine that specializes in the study of reflex zones in our body focuses on Special attention the soles of the feet. Along with the palms, they are responsible for the tactile function and are rich in nerve endings and receptors that transmit information to the brain and other organs.

Traditional oriental medicine also gives great importance foot stimulation and has knowledge of energy zones. Here, many phenomena are interpreted more broadly: the connection between the physical, psychological and spiritual comes first.

In our body, all systems are interdependent and therefore one problem, if it is not solved, leads to others. Our skin, according to reflexology, directly reflects the state of our internal organs and vice versa. If blood circulation and nutrition of the legs suffer, uneven loads occur, accompanied by pain, “distress signals” begin to be sent to the brain and other body systems. Such a situation, if it is permanent, is a great stress and threatens to result in global disruptions. By taking care of our feet and caring for them, we impart a healthy, comfortable state to the entire body.. There are also Feedback: the affected internal organs also transmit information to the skin. And knowing the exit points of these signals, you can not only diagnose, but also treat.

In reflexology, a so-called foot map is used. It shows all the significant points and indicates which bodies they are responsible for communicating with. There are 36 such zones on the sole of each foot. The foot is a projection human body, where the toes are the head, and the heel is the pelvic area and knees. So, at the top there are points responsible for the brain, pituitary gland, vision and hearing. The wide part of the foot is connected to the heart, lungs, and liver. The lower section allows you to influence the reflex zones of the kidneys, intestines, and genitals. Rich active points and the outer part of the foot. For example, internal side surface is a projection of the spine.

Types of procedures

There are a number of techniques that allow you to relieve pain and fatigue, correct orthopedic deficiencies, improve the functional properties of the foot, and also influence other organs and systems, normalizing their functioning. They are used to solve specific problems and preventive measures. The most famous are the directions described below.

Point (reflex)

To properly perform reflex massage, you need to be well aware of the location of active points on the foot and their purpose. Traditional Eastern medicine speaks of the release of energy during the procedure, which helps to harmonize the work of all body systems. European medicine explains the effect by the release of endorphins that occurs when the points are pressed. In this way, the body uses its own resources to promote recovery.


Chinese methodology is one of the directions acupressure feet. Masters use various techniques, which are combined by working with reflex zones. Pressing on necessary points activates the channels through which the vital energy Qi moves. The impact depends on the task at hand: treatment of headaches, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, as well as insomnia and depression. Massage therapists use techniques such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, and vibration. Often these treatments are combined with other types of therapy, such as acupuncture.

Photo: zones of the feet responsible for internal organs


Many people compare Thai technique to yoga. Massage therapists pay attention primarily to the muscles and joints, which experience a very intense effect. Deep pressure is used, twisting the foot, arching the toes up and down, and pressing on the crossed feet. For point pressure, thin wooden sticks are used.


Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a doctor for chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and serves to improve foot mobility and relieve pain. It is often part of a full body treatment.

Massage technique

As in other types of massage, each session includes three mandatory stages: preparation, main part (intense impact) and completion.

First, the tissues are warmed up using stroking and light rubbing. As a result, there is an active flow of blood and noticeable redness of the skin. Massage oil or cream is applied to the feet.

During the procedure itself, the following techniques are used:

  • stroking with the palm or knuckles;
  • rubbing with straight and circular movements;
  • tong-like kneading;
  • pressure (on active points);
  • effleurage;
  • vibration (lifting and shaking each toe or the entire foot.

The sequence of actions differs in different methods. In this case, as a rule, the procedure begins with working on each finger. Then massage the sole, where the concentration of active points is especially high. Next comes the impact on the outer side: the top and sides. Finally, attention is paid to the heel, Achilles tendon, and ankle joint.

The procedure ends with light stroking. The massage therapist's hand soothes and relaxes the tissues.

Indications for massage

  • joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis;
  • orthopedic problems: flat feet, valgus;
  • chronic fatigue and swelling of the legs;
  • emotional depression, consequences of stress, insomnia;
  • poor blood circulation in the extremities,
  • rehabilitation after injuries: sprains, dislocations, fractures,
  • prevention of varicose veins.

Photo: heel massage

Impact on reflex zones is also used in complex therapy to treat:

  • headaches;
  • digestive disorders;
  • problems with the spine, in particular radiculopathy;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • chronic bronchitis and colds;
  • gynecological problems in women and prostatitis in men;
  • as well as many other ailments.

Improvement in arthritis

Arthritis is a joint disorder characterized by decreased mobility and pain. Treatment is necessary; neglected disease leads to disability.

It is important to know that massage is part of a comprehensive program. It is done already in the remission stage, without directly affecting the affected joint, if it causes pain.

You can learn independent execution procedures, because it is their regularity that brings the greatest benefit.

For arthritis, the following self-massage techniques are especially effective:

  • rubbing the outer part of the foot and sole in the direction from the toe to the shin, using pinching;
  • kneading the fingers: stroking movements, circular movements with impact on the pads, gentle extension up and down.

Help with arthrosis

The causes of arthrosis are metabolic disorders, lack of joint fluid, and changes in the structure of cartilage. It leads to limited mobility and acute pain. To help affected joints, perform the following exercises:

  • work each finger using stroking, pinching and light vibration (taking it by the pad and shaking it slightly);
  • rub and move the joints connecting the phalanges;
  • intensively rub the top of the foot from the ankle to the toes and vice versa;
  • work the sole by pressing with the pad of your thumb and pressing with the knuckles of the back of your hand;
  • Using circular movements of two fingers, rub your heel, ankle, and Achilles tendon area.

In cases where we're talking about about medical procedures, it is especially important to perform them correctly. It is therefore advisable to have a few object lessons before proceeding to practice.

Flat feet: how can massage help?

With flat feet, the sole of the foot does not have a pronounced arch, which worsens the shock-absorbing function and increases the load on the entire musculoskeletal system. This manifests itself in fatigue, pain, and eventually leads to joint problems. Gymnastics and self-massage help restore the foot after stress and improve its shock-absorbing properties.

Behind standard set For preparatory stage procedures, perform the following manipulations with each leg five to six times:

  • rub your fingers one by one (the left and right hands work with adjacent fingers at the same time);
  • With one hand (the other holds the heel), pull all your toes up and then bend them down as much as possible;
  • roll a massage ball or a small hard ball along your foot;
  • Turning your foot to the side and holding your ankle with one foot, massage the sole, first with straight-line stroking movements, and then with circular movements.

Performing the procedure at home

Most of the various foot massage techniques are easy to perform on your own at home. However, using reflexology techniques requires significant training and preparation. At the same time, it’s easy to do a simple relaxing procedure for yourself today.

  1. Wash your hands and feet. Sit back, take a relaxed position.
  2. Warm up the surface of the foot and toes with light stroking movements.
  3. Apply cream or massage oil.
  4. Stroke and rub the top and ribs of the foot towards the ankle.
  5. Gently knead each finger from the nail to the base, using vigorous movements to work all the joints.
  6. Rub the sole, moving from toe to heel and applying pressure with your knuckles.
  7. Knead the wide part of the foot with your palms cupped into a fist.
  8. Work the top surface of the foot in a circular motion, pressing with the balls of your thumbs.
  9. Warm up your ankles and calves by cupping them with your palms and moving from heel to knee).
  10. Actively massage the sides by wrapping your fingers around them.
  11. Ankle massage, sole kneading and stroking outside repeat feet several times.
  12. Complete the procedure with light relaxing movements.

In the future, you can improve your technique by mastering new techniques from video tutorials. If some reasons prevent you from mastering manual massage at home, aids will come to the rescue: special rugs, slippers with spikes, as well as small balls, walnuts or chestnuts that are rolled along the foot. Self-massage and stimulation of active points on the legs are facilitated by walking on peas and other grains.

Video tutorials on teaching the procedure

Performing such procedures daily will relax tired legs, bring pleasure and help prevent many diseases.

Featured articles

In this article we would like to talk about foot massage. This is very important every day if your profession involves high physical activity, standing work (hairdressers, salesmen, etc.), as well as a predisposition to varicose veins, thrombosis and all those who do not like the effect of “heavy legs” in the hot summer . We would like to consider the questions of how massage is performed, what the features are, how massage is performed for arthrosis, flat eyes, varicose veins, and how self-massage can help you.

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1. Indications

Indications for general foot massage for both men and women are:

  1. disorders of blood and lymph flow of the lower extremities;
  2. nervous overstrain;
  3. heaviness in the legs and numbness, cramps of the lower extremities;
  4. overweight;

If we consider the feet separately, where there is a large number of nerve endings and biologically active points, then foot massage is indicated for:

  1. problems with the digestive system;
  2. mild respiratory diseases (runny nose, cough, sore throat);
  3. headaches;
  4. flat feet;
  5. nervous overstrain.

2. Contraindications


  1. pregnancy;
  2. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  3. skin damage, skin diseases;
  4. feeling unwell, fever;
  5. phlebitis and thrombophlebitis;
  6. exacerbation of joint pain.

3. Step-by-step instructions

You should immediately remember the basic principle - a general foot massage is performed from top to bottom, but taking into account the blood and lymph flow, it starts from the lower lymph node to the higher one (“bottom up, but top to bottom”). The position of the body during the procedure is lying on your back or on your stomach. For convenience, you need to place the bolsters under your knees or feet. For the procedure, both regular massage oil for the whole body and medicinal compositions can be used to improve joint conditions and relieve muscle pain.

When performing a massage on legs with varicose veins or a predisposition to this disease and capillary fragility in general, it is better to use cooling creams and compositions with horse chestnut extract.

3.1 Thigh massage

A general leg massage can be started either from the back of the thigh or from the front. If there are no problems with the knee joints, it will be more convenient to do this from the front surface of the thigh. In this case, the client lies on his back, place the roller in the lumbar area and under the feet.

Foot massage includes stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. To prepare the skin for exposure, straight, circular and zigzag strokes are carried out from the knee area to the groin fold with inside, and from the knee area to hip joint from the outside. All movements are repeated 5-7 times. Sawing, comb-like and rake-like movements are well suited for rubbing. Repeat each technique 7-10 times.

After massaging the front surface of the thigh, the client turns over onto his stomach. The rollers are kept in their original position - under the abdomen and under the ankle. It begins with massaging the back of the thigh and buttocks and is carried out taking into account blood and lymph flow: from the area above the knee to the inguinal fold on the inside; from the area above the knee to the hip joint from the outside; from inner surface buttocks to the outer, outlining a semicircle.

The massage begins with stroking. As in the case of the front surface of the thigh, straight, zigzag and circular movements are used, as well as transverse-longitudinal ones. Each movement is repeated 5-7 times. Then rubbing is performed: with fists, with the middle phalanges of the fingers, comb-shaped, rake-shaped, sawing. The skin on these parts of the body is quite dense and requires deep work to increase blood flow, so the movements are very intense and energetic, each repeated 8-10 times.

Massage of the back of the thigh includes and. The main development of lymph flow and improvement of blood flow is achieved at the kneading stage. Forceps-shaped kneading, double circular and double circular longitudinal kneading, shifting using the rib, the entire surface of the palm and hands clenched into fists are used. The movements are very intense and energetic, requiring skill and strength from the massage therapist. Each element is repeated 8-10 times. The massage ends with vibrations of the entire surface of the palm, patting and rocking. Each element is repeated 3-5 times. You can complement the set of movements with a honey foot massage.

In general, performing this complex for the hips helps improve blood and lymph flow in the legs, relieves stress, and is recommended for losing weight in the lower extremities.

3.2 Shins

Movements begin from the ankle to the popliteal cavity. Grasping strokes, linear and circular movements are performed. All elements are repeated 5-7 times. The shin area is sensitive enough for deep treatment and its relaxation brings unrivaled relaxation after a difficult day, with muscle pain or intense training, cramps and problems with lymph flow. Rubbing is performed with the middle phalanges of the fingers, clenching the hands into fists, comb-like movements, pressing with the base of the palms.

The movements are energetic, but not abrupt. Each element is repeated 5-7 times. For push-ups, beak-like movements are used and repeated 5-7 times. Then kneading is done. Due to the small surface area, tong-like kneading, felting and sliding are the most convenient. The muscle fibers are carefully grasped and massaged from bottom to top. The elements are performed with the phalanges of the fingers and using the base of the palm, deep massaging, each element is repeated 10-15 times. Finish the kneading with grasping rolls with the thumbs and the entire surface of the palm - this improves lymph and blood flow to the legs. The procedure ends with vibrations: snoring, rocking and vibrations with the entire surface of the palm. The movements are energetic, performed from bottom to top and each is repeated 3-5 times.

3.3 Feet

Foot massage is a very interesting and highly effective procedure for relieving fatigue of the entire body, working out active biological points on its surface, and relieving tension in the lower spine.

It is carried out both in the supine position and lying on the stomach. For convenience, you can place a cushion under the knees and ankles. Let's look at foot massage techniques that can be used for massage at home. Body position lying on your back. The bolster is located under the knee.

When carrying out the procedure, you can combine both acupressure techniques for the feet (reflexive foot massage) and classical techniques. All movements are performed by the phalanges of the fingers, the base of the palm, its entire surface, and elbows. The massage begins with light, enveloping strokes of the base of the foot and Achilles tendon, moving to the sole and back of the foot. At this stage, you will already notice if the person being massaged has a pronounced reaction to the massage (tickling) and how to control it. Grasp the foot on both sides with bent arms and lightly rub the sides with your thumbs, complete with clasping movements, placing your hands perpendicular to the foot, moving your hands towards and in the opposite direction. This helps relax muscles and relieve tension.

Repeat the movements from heel to toes 3-5 times. On the back side, close the phalanges into a moving chain and make movements to bring your big toes closer and further away on the sole, move from the base of the toes to the foot and vice versa. Repeat the movements 3-5 times. Move the bases of your palms towards the Achilles tendon and move your feet left and right 5-7 times. Flowing from the tendon to the sole, hold your foot from the back with your leading hand, and with your driven hand, apply deep, but not sharp pressure on the foot with your hands clenched into fists, with your knuckles and the base of your palm, complement the movements with comb-like rubbing with the phalanges of your fingers. Repeat each element 3-5 times.

Then place your trailing hand under the heel and gently secure it, while your dominant hand perform rotational rubbing with your thumb on the sole. At this stage, you can complement the movements with acupressure foot massage techniques. To do this, use your thumbs, the heel of your palm and, for deeper work, your elbow. Familiarize yourself with the main biologically active points and apply pressure carefully, repeating them alternately 3-5 times for each.

Holding the foot with your driven hand, perform rotational movements with your thumbs along the inside of the sole, this helps improve peristalsis and digestion, and then go down to the heel and vigorously move your thumbs in a circle along the line of the foot from its inside to the outside, this will additionally stimulate the nervous system.

Place your foot on your heel and perform a beak-shaped squeeze along the back of the foot from the line of the toes to the ankle joint in a straight line and in a circular motion 3-5 times, while holding your foot with your trailing hand. Having finished the movement, clasp your foot with your palm, and with your thumbs rub the tendon spaces from the bases of the toes along the perimeter of the back of the foot. The movements are superficial, not deep, so as not to cause discomfort; the skin here is quite thin. Walk along each tendon 3-5 times. Then fix the foot with the driven hand, and massage the toes with the leading hand. Use straight and spiral strokes from the base of the fingers to the tips, rubbing, twitching and light stretching of the fingers. Massaging the toes is done from the big toe to the little toe. Each movement is performed 3-5 times.

When massaging the thumb, the work of the liver, spleen and pancreas is stimulated, working on the second finger stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines, and a targeted effect on the third finger helps proper operation duodenum, stimulating the fourth finger improves the functioning of the gallbladder, and the little finger is responsible for genitourinary system. Finish the foot massage with light stroking from the toes to the heel from the back and along the sole with light slow rotations in the ankle to the right and left side 2-3 times and repeat the strokes again.

3.4 What if I have flat feet?

Massage for flat feet is the most effective in childhood when you are already an adult and flat feet are acquired (problems with the spine, excess weight, wearing shoes on high heels etc.), the procedure allows you to relieve muscle tension, eliminate pain, and improve the general condition of the body. The process begins with massaging the lumbar region, which stimulates the nerve endings of the lower extremities. Then a massage of the legs and feet is performed using the technique described above. In this case, the feet are massaged from the toes to the ankle, with active work on the pads under the big toes and rubbing the Achilles tendon. Massage for flat feet can be performed either by an orthopedist or at home.

Self-massage is possible using massage balls, a hydromassage foot bath, and needle applicators. Wearing orthopedic insoles daily is recommended.

4. Massage bath

Also, foot massage at home can be supplemented with the use of a hydromassage bath. This will have a beneficial effect on relaxation after have a hard day, will improve blood supply and eliminate congestion in the lower extremities. However, a number of contraindications to the use of hydromassage baths should be taken into account:

Fungal diseases;

Open wounds;

High blood pressure;

Late pregnancy;

Neoplasms of unknown origin.

It is performed using massage interchangeable heads of various configurations. Depending on the bathtub model, the rotation speed of the massagers, the water temperature, as well as its use with or without water are regulated; there may be an option for preparing feet for pedicure (nozzles with pumice) or infrared heating (improves well-being in case of mild respiratory diseases and promotes relaxation of the body ). If you have cardiovascular disease, be sure to consult with your doctor before purchasing a massage bath. After the procedure using water, apply a nourishing cream and put on cotton socks to better moisturize your feet.

Using a hydromassage bath at home will allow you to relax, improve blood and lymph flow in the lower extremities, increase immunity and make your feet more well-groomed.

5. Foot massage for children

Foot massage for children deserves special attention. This is primarily due to the high percentage ratio between the skin of babies and still growing organ systems. Especially in infancy, when the bookmark is in progress nervous system, tactile sensations and interaction with the outside world, general children's massage and foot massage contributes to the development of the little man and helps to cure hostile ailments (this foot procedure is most effective for the baby's flat feet).

6. Self-massage

In this case, it is difficult to get the full range of pleasure. Self-massage is most effective for numbness in the foot or lower leg area. In this case, vigorous comb-like rubbing, pressing with the elbow and the base of the palm (usually used on the area of ​​the feet), pincer-like kneading and pinching (if sensitivity is almost completely absent) are performed. You can also lightly rock and vibrate the entire surface of your palm. This self-massage is performed within a few minutes and will help you in the difficult situation of loss of sensitivity in the lower limb.

In general, I would like to note that foot massage has a very positive effect on relaxing the body and helps restore strength after heavy physical activity, overexertion, diseases of the lower extremities and relieving “heaviness in the legs” in the hot summer or during standing work. Take care of yourself and use the recommendations of experts.

Foot massage is performed not only to relax and provide a therapeutic effect. It is also useful for improving the general condition of the body. You can learn foot massage from a video yourself.

Regular foot massage has a beneficial effect on different systems the body and its general condition.


  • normalization of sleep patterns;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • elimination of stress and nervousness, gradual complete relaxation;
  • significant reduction blood pressure, drop in blood triglyceride levels;
  • eliminating the problem of constant migraines;
  • improved performance during the rehabilitation period after musculoskeletal injuries;
  • positive effect in mild neurological disorders, anxiety;
  • analgesic effect when properly applied to reflex points located on the foot;
  • direct improvement of the condition of the legs, skin and nails, relief of swelling and spasms, treatment of fungal infections (in combination with local antifungal medications);
  • improvement in arthritis, arthrosis and flat feet;
  • relaxation, pain and discomfort relief from plantar fasciitis.

Reflexology of the foot (zones)

Foot and leg massage (training - see video - which should include studying the location of bioactive points and their relationship with body systems) is effective due to the large accumulation of nerve endings in this area. Clear delineation of zones allows you to influence specific organs without affecting others.

During massage, beginners can use foot maps compiled by reflexologists, which detail the points of interconnection.

Examples of the location of zones on the foot:

Important! When you feel the foot in some places, you may feel discomfort or pain. This is the first signal that internal organ(for which this zone or point is responsible) is not in order. By consulting a doctor in a timely manner, serious illnesses can be prevented.

Reflex massage technique

Foot and leg massage (training – see video – helps to master correct technique its implementation) technically consists of applying pressure with the fingers to a specific area of ​​the foot (which, after initial palpation, is considered problematic).

At the same time, during reflex massage it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

Important! The therapeutic effect of reflex massage is achieved by improving nutrition and blood circulation of the specific organ that was targeted.


Relaxation massage does not have a significant therapeutic effect. It is aimed at eliminating signs of fatigue, swelling and discomfort. Before starting the session, you need to prepare your feet: clean them of dirt and wipe them dry. The person is located in a position convenient for him. It is advisable to place a pillow or cushion under the knee and ankle.

The masseur applies massage oil to his hands and begins the session with stroking. Gradually the intensity of the movements increases, the foot is rubbed from the toes to the heel with the pads of the toes. Special attention is paid to the fingers. They need to be kneaded, stretched, scrolled.

Don't forget about the heel area, as it bears a significant load during the day. It is kneaded in a circular motion. A relaxing massage should not be too hard or fast. When completing the procedure, it is necessary to perform several strokes.

After the massage, it is recommended to remain in the same relaxed position for another 10-15 minutes to achieve maximum effect. This procedure can be performed both in the salon and at home. The cost of one session with a specialist is estimated at 400-1000 rubles.


Massage of the foot and legs (training - video below - possibly based on video materials) according to the Chinese method helps in healing the body. By influencing the feet with the edge of the palm, the back of the hand and the knuckles for half an hour, you can achieve positive results.


  • preventing lymph stagnation;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • cleansing the body;
  • prevention of diseases of various organs and organ systems;
  • increased blood circulation to internal organs.

The main techniques of Chinese massage are:

Chinese massage techniques are complex because you need to know the reflex map of your feet well. The best solution is to find a competent specialist, and not to self-medicate.

The cost of one session is from 1000 rubles.


High-quality Thai foot massage activates protective functions body, affects energy flows body, relaxes and gives strength.
The procedure begins with a bath with aromatic oils and scrubbing the skin of the feet to completely soften it. Special creams or massage oils are applied to dried feet.

The massage itself consists of alternating slow and intense effects. These are classic stroking, squeezing, rubbing, stretching.
Distinctive feature The technique is to use a wooden stick to work on the feet in more detail and create a pleasant, relaxing tingling sensation in the legs.

Important! Thai massage, despite the sufficient intensity, with a highly qualified specialist it does not cause a feeling of discomfort or pain. It promotes maximum relaxation of the whole body.

The cost of this type of massage starts from 1500 rubles.

Therapeutic for flat feet

Foot massage for flat feet stimulates blood circulation, tones the ligaments and muscles of the legs. With each subsequent session, the intensity of pain at the end of the day becomes less. By mastering massage techniques using video training and performing it in conjunction with special gymnastics, you can positively influence the pathology and minimize the severity of its manifestations.

The massage should begin by stroking the foot and leg to the middle of the calf. This way you warm up and prepare directly for the massage. First, time is given to the fingers. Starting from the little finger, they must be lowered and raised alternately. The action lasts for 3-5 minutes. The manipulation should be smooth and not cause discomfort or pain.

At the end, you need to raise and lower all your fingers at once, grasping them with your palm. The next action is rubbing in the direction from the toes to the heel and above, up to the knee. They must be alternated - with the back and outside 5-7 times. The action lasts for 15-20 minutes.

Using your fingertips, rub each finger one at a time, alternately on the upper and lower surfaces. They should spend 4-5 minutes. The last step is kneading. You need to grab your foot with both hands and gently knead it with light pressure for 3-5 minutes. At the end of the massage, strokes are carried out, starting from the foot up, up to the knee or mid-thigh.

For arthritis

Arthritis is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and severe pain in their area. During the acute course of the disease, massage is not recommended, as it can further injure muscles and blood vessels.

In the chronic course of the disease, massage is performed around the affected areas.

It starts from the calf muscles, smoothly going down to the foot. The main movements of massage for arthritis are stroking, light rubbing and pinching around the inflamed areas.

Important! Foot massage for arthritis should avoid strong pressure and should not cause pain, only then will it give a positive result.

For arthrosis

Arthrosis manifests itself as severe pain in the joints and limited mobility.

Foot massage allows you to:

  • eliminate muscle hypertrophy;
  • improve lymph flow in the legs;
  • eliminate pain when moving;
  • increase the amplitude of flexion-extension of the feet;
  • improve tissue trophism.

Foot massage is performed in a supine position (on your back). For greater relaxation of the limbs, place a pillow under the knee. You should start with the least painful areas of the feet. Special attention is paid to the fingers: they are stroked, rubbed in a circular motion with the thumb and index fingers, bend and unbend. The strength of pressure depends on the sensations and stage of the disease.

The main techniques for massaging the foot are as follows:

Foot massage for back pain

Foot and leg massage (training - see video - helps to master the technique and get rid of pain not only in the legs, but also in the back) helps after the first session from painful sensations in the spine area. The back area of ​​the foot is located along the inside of the sole, starting at the big toe and ending towards the middle of the heel.

By massaging and relaxing this area along the nerve endings, back spasms are relieved and pain goes away.

The main techniques of this massage are:

  1. Rubbing. The back of the hand is drawn from the toes to the heel strictly along the inner edge of the foot. You should alternately change the degree of pressure from light to more intense.
  2. Punching. Use the thumbs of both hands to slowly walk along the line of the spine with the same degree of pressure. The pressure increment is 0.5 cm.
  3. Spiral strokes. Using your thumbs, you need to smooth the spine area in a spiral, starting from the big toe and ending with the heel.

How to do self-massage

For self-massage of the feet in the absence of knowledge in reflexology, you can use a relaxing technique.

Features of self-massage are:

It is useful to learn leg and foot massage techniques in order to independently use techniques to relax muscles and treat diseases. Video materials will help you examine the features of the technology in great detail.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video about foot massage

Reflex massage technique:

How to massage the lower extremities:

Our feet endure enormous loads every day. The weight of your own body, long standing, long walking, and as a result, at the end of the working day, your legs just buzz and fill with “lead.” There is a simple and at the same time powerful means of putting your well-being in order - massage and self-massage of the feet.

There is not a single culture in which this universal method of healing has not been explored. The ancient Greeks and Romans, Indians and Chinese, the entire Middle East knew the value of massage. After all, with the help of massage and self-massage, real miracles really happen!

Foot massage at home is an effective remedy against cellulite and poor circulation. This is an excellent prevention of diseases of the feet, joints and varicose veins.

Our body is very cleverly and correctly designed. Thanks to this device we can live. Why does the body fail and varicose veins occur? The fact is that our circulatory system is designed like this - a powerful artery stretches to the foot and toes, which carries scarlet, oxygen-rich blood. The blood rises back to the heart through a powerful vein.

The connection between these blood conductors occurs through tiny, thin capillaries. It is along them that red blood cells move one after another.

Very often there are malfunctions in the work of our little helpers - injuries, severe physical labor, long time spent on your feet, hypothermia, tight shoes, and so on...

As a result, blood moves in small quantities and with effort from the artery to the vein. Blood flow in the veins is reduced due to insufficient blood flow through the capillaries.

The right atrium, which sucks blood from the vein into the heart, cannot cope with the resulting vacuum, it has nothing to pump, there is not enough blood... It begins to linger, accumulates in the vein, expanding its walls and increasing its length. Here is the classic explanation for varicose veins.

The frantic rhythm of life complicates and reduces the natural functioning of our body. The flow of blood and lymph is not sufficiently stimulated, resulting in weak tone of muscles and tendons. This is how various pathologies of individual organs and systems are formed.

Self-massage and massage are a good, reliable and proven remedy that stimulates blood flow and improves muscle and tendon tone. Massage can eliminate factors that can lead to the formation of pathologies in the body.

It’s not for nothing that every sports team has an experienced massage therapist! It is this procedure that effectively relieves fatigue and returns a normal, acceptable regime for our body. We feel just great!

Any business has its own rules. Foot massage and self-massage is no exception. All actions must be performed in a certain sequence, it is necessary primary preparation before starting the procedure.

Preparation before starting a foot massage

Before the massage procedure, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

Take off your shoes and walk around barefoot a little, stretch your feet. Rise on your toes and lower on your heels, alternately bearing the weight of your own body. Try standing on the inner edge of your foot for a few seconds. These simple steps will help warm up and make joints more mobile.

Then give your feet a pleasant rest - take a warm foot bath. A simple warm bath with herbs or sea ​​salt– all of them are great before a foot massage procedure.

You are now prepared for the procedure.

How to properly massage your feet

Any massage is carried out only with warm, heated hands. Movements should be smooth, sliding - therefore it is advisable to use special massage oil.

Sit in a comfortable position so that you feel completely relaxed. The simplest pose is sitting, with one leg bent at the knee and the foot resting on the thigh of the other leg. It is also comfortable to sit on an ottoman or sofa with one leg bent at the knee. In this case, it is advisable to place a rolled towel under your ankle.

Foot massage is performed with the fingers of both hands, fists and knuckles are connected during the movements. The direction of movement of the hands is from the tips of the toes to the heel.

There is no need to apply too much pressure to massage your toes; gentle kneading from the nail to the base is enough. Each toe needs to be massaged separately, the movements are repeated at least 30 times. Then massage the sole of your foot and the top of your foot with vigorous sliding movements.

Massage the ankle and ankle with soft circular movements, try to act carefully and without strong pressure on the massaged surface.

During the massage procedure, you can easily find your pain points. These points can be called “windows” of inflamed organs, risk zones. Treat these areas with care and attention.

Simply pressing on these pain points will not be enough to get rid of unpleasant, painful sensations. It is necessary to pay special attention to the neighboring areas near the pain point.

Even if these areas do not give any pain signals, they need to be massaged carefully. Pressing on the painful point and massaging the adjacent area should be alternated with pauses.

That is, the movements should not be constant, a short pause, a short rest is needed pain point. If all movements are performed correctly, pain sensitivity will disappear.

Acupressure foot massage

Self-massage and acupressure are within the power of each of us. It is absolutely not necessary to know the location of all points on our body to carry out massage actions. Below I have attached an illustration showing which point is responsible for the performance of each organ.

The soles of the feet are very sensitive, there are many nerve endings. It is necessary to influence and massage the points responsible for the functioning of a particular organ with caution. I would even say – gently, because many people are afraid of tickling...

  1. To cope with a strong cough, massage and pressure on point No. 5, the trachea, will help soften it.
  2. The following points are responsible for the functioning of the digestive tract: No. 12 (stomach), No. 16 (intestines), No. 20 (small intestine). By massaging these points, you activate and eliminate problems in the entire digestive tract.
  3. Important point No. 29 is responsible for the work of the heart. Kneading and applying pressure to this area will help cope with rapid breathing, relieve increased heartbeat, and restore calm.
  4. Massage and pressure on point No. 3 will help cope with tension and fatigue. Gives rest to the eyes.
  5. The long strip from point No. 4 to point No. 22 on the inner surface of the sole of the foot is responsible for performance spinal column and its connection with all important organs.
  6. The female health point is No. 19, it is she who is responsible for health in the sexual sphere.
  7. Points No. 17 and No. 18 are responsible for the genitourinary system. Pressing on these points can help with the problem of incontinence and cystitis.

You also need to know that during acupressure you should not eat salty or spicy foods. Refrain from strong tea, coffee and alcohol. All culinary delights should be limited one hour before and after the procedure. The combination of acupressure and bathing is not recommended.

You can take a warm foot bath before bed.

In conclusion of my story, I want to remind you that our legs simply need rest.

We need to take care of our workers, because they take on so much workload! Do not wear uncomfortable, tight shoes, they cause blood stagnation. Walk barefoot more often, it is very useful!

If at the end of the working day you have absolutely no energy for a foot massage, still find a minute for yourself! Just stroke and gently knead the sole, feet, and heels with your hands. Believe me, it is not only very useful, but also quite pleasant!

The most tired parts of the day are our legs and back. We'll talk about the back next time, but today's story is dedicated to our legs. They get incredibly tired both from excessive walking, standing and sitting, and from the scourge of many women - high heels. In the evening we often don’t look comme il faut precisely because of tired legs. Experienced women know this, and their beauty secret lies in proper care behind your feet.

Foot care at home includes - gymnastics for legs, baths, pedicures, masks, scrubs, peeling, and of course!

All these procedures can not only improve appearance your legs, but also very beneficial for our entire body as a whole.

In terms of health benefits, self-massage of the feet is unparalleled. Proper self-massage of the legs will strengthen muscles and ligaments, help prevent varicose veins, swelling of the legs, cellulite, arthritis, etc. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend learning the technique of self-massage of the legs. We will tell you how to self-massage your feet in this article.

Self-massage of feet carried out in the morning or evening. A morning foot massage can help invigorate you if done vigorously and quickly. An evening massage will give your legs a rest if done slowly in a comfortable, relaxing position.

Self-massage of feet We always start with the feet, massaging first one, then the other foot. Then the shin and thigh of one leg, followed by the shin and thigh of the second leg.

The position should be very comfortable, the massaged leg should be as relaxed as possible, you should easily reach the massaged area with your hands.

So, lubricate your palms with massage or other oil, or your favorite cream and start self-massage of feet!

Self-massage of feet

Self-massage of feet It starts with a foot massage, do it while sitting or lying down - whichever is more comfortable.

1. First, slightly warm up the foot by rubbing your hands from top to bottom and vice versa. Rub the sole and outer instep of the foot like this for about half a minute or a minute.

2. Then grab your foot with both hands so that your big toes are on the instep and the remaining toes are on the sole. Knead your feet from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Time - about a minute.

3. Then knead and rub each toe. Do this until you feel pleasant warmth (but no more than 3 minutes).

4. Massage your heels separately. Grasp the heel on all sides with a brush and knead and rub it in all directions for about a minute.

5. Then with two fingers (thumb and index) massage the Achilles tendon with kneading movements for half a minute.

Self-massage of the lower legs

We continue - lying on your back, bend your knees. Place one of your legs with the ankle (or heel) on the knee of the other leg.

If it is more convenient for you to do this massage in a sitting position, then do it as you feel most comfortable.

1. Preheat the shins. Start stroking with your palms from the foot to the hamstrings first calf muscle, then the front surface of the lower leg. Time - half a minute to a minute.

2. Then we begin to warm up the calf muscle. Grasp the calf muscle with your hand and begin to knead it in the direction from the ankle to the knee. Do this for half a minute.

3. Then pull the calf muscle away from the bone. Do this movement along the entire length from the foot to the knee.

4. The next movement is shaking. Shake the relaxed calf muscle in different sides hands. Time - half a minute.

5. We complete the self-massage of the legs with stroking.

Self-massage of knees

1. We massage the knees with light rubbing movements of the palms. About half a minute.

2. Then grab your knee with two hands, as in the picture, and squeeze it lightly with your thumbs.

Attention! There is no need to massage the popliteal cavity!

Self-massage of thighs

It is most convenient to self-massage the thighs and legs while sitting on the edge of a chair.

1. First, we make stroking movements with our palms from the knee to the groin. Do it for 1-2 minutes. For this self-massage of the thighs, you can use a special mitten!

2. Then we knead the thigh muscles with both hands. Time 2-3 min.

3. After this, “pull” the thigh muscles away from the bone along the entire length.

4. Then, using the ridges of your fingers, clenched into a fist, again knead the thigh muscles along the entire length. Time 2-3 min.

5. The next movement is striking the muscle with the edge of the palm.

6. We complete the self-massage of the thighs with stroking movements of the palms.

Foot massage contraindications

Self-massage of feet Contraindicated for leg wounds, enlarged veins in the legs, diseases of the skin of the legs, skin infections, inflammation of the joints, edema and thrombophlebitis. Fever and feverish conditions are also contraindications to self-massage of feet. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the site is required.