Homemade electric vibrating plate. How to make a vibrating plate for soil compaction with your own hands

IN Lately the high cost of construction equipment encourages owners of summer cottages and houses to make it themselves.

Having certain technical skills, hard work and perseverance, craftsmen can easily cope with this task.

What is a vibrating plate used for?

A conventional vibrating plate is designed for compacting sand, crushed stone and other bulk materials.

Due to the effects of vibration, the soil does not sag under the influence of loads. This is especially important for achieving maximum adhesion of paving slabs, concrete mix or paving stones to the ground surface.

For domestic purposes, this type of tamper serves as an indispensable tool when carrying out work on a small area, when the use of special equipment is impossible.

Landscaping of homestead areas, including the improvement of paths and previously dug up areas, is carried out exclusively using a vibrating plate.

The construction equipment market offers a huge selection of vibrating plates. They differ in weight, power, working surface area and other parameters.

However, the prices for the equipment are quite high, and this encourages many to make a vibrating plate with their own hands.

Advantages of a self-assembled vibrating plate

  • Quick assembly. If desired, you can make a vibrating plate in five hours. The work includes reworking the vibration unit.
  • Work safety. The owner himself isolates vibrations, which allows him to be confident in the proper quality of the slab.
  • Easy to use. The device performs compaction on its own; you just need to determine the direction of movement.
  • Possibility to install uninterruptible power supply. Using a fan removed from an unnecessary server, the stove is equipped with a source of continuous energy.

What does a vibrating plate consist of?

Before you start making a vibrating plate with your own hands, you need to draw up a drawing of it. To do this, you need to know what parts the equipment consists of.

Any modern vibrating plate consists of several elements:

  1. Working plate.
  2. Frame.
  3. Vibrator unit.
  4. Engine.
  5. Transmission.
  6. Suspension system.
  7. Control mechanism.

Work plate It is made mainly of cast iron, and its characteristics are determined by the quality of this material.

Low quality cast iron may develop cracks when working with sand and gravel mixtures.

These types of soil contain small stones, which, during compaction, specifically impact the surface of the slab.

The dimensions of the work surface are also important. When the slab has the correct geometry, its platform is able to self-clean without leaving soil residues.

The smaller the surface of the working plate, the better the soil will be compacted.

Therefore, when making a vibrating plate with your own hands, it is better to make a smaller surface area if this does not reduce the vibration properties.

Vibrator unit attached to the slab, so all connections and fastening points must be assembled especially carefully.

All parts must be made of high quality and durable materials. A high vibration rate and a certain mass of the product determine the level of impact on the ground.

Stuffing box The vibration unit must prevent the leakage of lubricating fluid, prevent the ingress of dust and dirt, and also withstand long-term loads.

Vibrator drive carried out by transferring energy from an electric motor.

For more quality work a motor is used in vibration machines internal combustion, which has maximum power and compacts in all conditions.

Which homemade vibrating plate is right for you?

Three types of vibrating plates – petrol, diesel and electric– differ according to the type of engine used. Each of them creates vibrations of varying power and is used in many areas.

However, the most popular is a self-made gasoline vibrating plate.

A diesel stove is a powerful device with a long working life. It is mainly used for large-scale road works and most often is not suitable for arranging personal gardens and summer cottages.

The use of an electric vibrating plate has a limited radius. It is connected to the power source, which means it directly depends on its location, as well as on the length of the cord.

Therefore, this technique is used for working in enclosed spaces. In this regard, making an electric vibrating plate with your own hands is not always justified.

Reverse and direct compaction

Vibrating plates differ in where and how they are directed during operation.

The vibrating tamper has two strokes:

  • straight;
  • reverse.

Plates with straight motion can only move in one direction, that is, they practically play the role of a regular roller.

If it was not possible to compact the soil the first time, it is necessary to systematically repeat the work, which significantly increases the time costs.

The reversible vibrating plate can move in any direction, which increases the efficiency of the vibratory rammer and reduces time consumption. The reverse method is also used for heavy slabs weighing over 100 kg.

It is quite difficult to unfold such a slab for repeated compaction, especially if the working surface has limited dimensions.


Before making a homemade vibrating plate, it is necessary to analyze the intended surface of the tamper. If the device will work on colored surfaces, an increased vibration frequency will be required.

Sand, gravel and crushed stone are most effectively compacted with just such a slab.

If the working surface consists mainly of soil deposits, then a plate with a high vibration amplitude will help make the operator’s work easier.

The higher the amplitude, the better and easier the soil compaction occurs. But this homemade stove has a significant drawback - the need to install a shock-absorbing system.

Attention to vibration amplification

The degree of soil compaction directly depends on the vibration amplification of the equipment. A lightweight machine is not suitable for asphalt compaction if its weight is between 60 and 80 kg.

The vibration amplification of the homemade vibrating plate below does not exceed 18–20 kN, which means it is ideal for compacting tiles, crushed stone, sand and gravel.

Making a homemade vibrating plate

Any vibrating plate cannot work without a motor. For small work in the country and personal plot A regular 220 V platform vibrator will do.

Ideally, the IV-98 engine should be used: it copes well with medium loads, has operator-adjustable vibration strength and can operate for several hours in a row.

Its cost starts from 7,000 rubles. But it is always possible to remove the old engine from unused systems.

In order to create a base, a metal sheet is suitable, which can be purchased from any company that sells rolled metal.

The thickness of the sheet must be at least 8 mm, and its length and width must not exceed 80 and 45 cm, respectively.

The base surface of the vibrating plate must be flat and weigh at least 50 kg.

You will also need metal plate, which will play the role of the sole. It is fixed to the working base from the bottom side.

You should not take a sole that is too thick - 5 mm is quite enough.

The vibrating plate should not be buried in the compacted soil, so the edges must be bent. To do this, using a grinder, cuts with a depth of no more than 5 mm are made 10 cm from the edge.

The edges are bent with a hammer, inner side approximately 25-30 degrees. To strengthen the structure, the cut points are strengthened with a welding machine.

The motor is now attached to the base. To do this, mark the surface of the working plate, selecting suitable places for fastening bolts.

The holes are drilled, threaded and studs are screwed into them. Channels are installed. And only then, using a level, the engine is installed.

To move and adjust the position of a homemade vibrating plate, you need a handle. It is secured to the base of the work plate using two welded bolts. The handle is placed on the bolts and secured with nuts.

To dampen the vibration of the handle from a working device, use ordinary silent blocks for a car.

For high-quality soil compaction, two tubes are welded onto the base. A water tank is attached to one of them above the stove, and a hose leading to the sole is attached to the other. This allows the sole to be wetted before the compaction process begins.

However, you need to make sure that water does not spill on the engine, otherwise a short circuit may occur.

The homemade vibrating plate is ready. With its help, you can compact soil to a depth of 10 cm and work without interruption for up to three hours.

Using a homemade vibrating plate

After assembly, you need to check whether the stove is functioning normally. To do this, the device is inspected for damage and chips, fastenings and all elements are checked.

If there are no visible signs of deformation, the device is connected to the network and a test soil compaction is performed.

A vibrating plate made by yourself allows you to save quite a decent amount: the factory version costs about 20,000 rubles, while the cost of a tool assembled yourself does not exceed 10,000 rubles.

However, you will have to put up with minor drawbacks such as constant adjustment, tuning and maintenance.

The cleanliness of the stove plays an important role. A dirty surface and cuts clogged with soil will contribute to unwanted heating of the engine.

Therefore, thorough and timely cleaning is the guarantee that a homemade vibrating plate will do the job efficiently and will serve you for a long time.

We bring to your attention a video from which you can learn how to use a homemade vibrating plate without special effort compact the soil:

  • Types of Vibrating Plates
  • Rules for using the device

A homemade vibrating plate can be constructed from scrap materials if the craftsman has basic technical knowledge and a desire to craft. In addition, a homemade vibrating plate allows you to save significant financial resources during construction work. When carrying out construction work, the homeowner is faced with the problem of high-quality soil compaction. Preparing the soil for construction work is the most important stage construction: the durability of the entire structure largely depends on the quality of soil compaction.

Making a homemade product such as a vibrating tamper allows you to process small areas. These areas include:

  • trenches;
  • ditches;
  • basements.

Using the device, you can lay out paths, create sidewalks and small areas near the house. In addition, a vibratory rammer can be used to compact soil when laying various communication systems and during installation drainage systems, as well as when installing pillars and columns. The vibratory rammer can be designed using a gasoline or electric motor.

Types of Vibrating Plates

Today there are 3 types of vibrating plates:

  • electrical;
  • diesel;
  • gasoline.

The main differences between these types of devices are the types of drives for creating vibration and the power of the installations. Thus, the most powerful device is the one with a diesel drive; in addition, the device has the longest operating life. The use of electrically driven devices is limited by the location of the power source. Most often, such devices are used in limited areas. The limitations that arise when using an electrically powered device can be circumvented by using a gasoline generator to power the device's electric drive.

Vibrating plates may differ from each other in the direction of movement during the work process. The device can have direct and reverse travel. Using a unit with a reversible type of motion makes it possible to move the unit in different directions. This design of the unit makes it possible to significantly increase operating efficiency. Most often, the speed of movement of the device is up to 30 m per minute. Plates with a direct stroke type can only move in one direction, which requires, if necessary, re-compaction, to move the device to its original position. When using this design, the time spent on work increases.

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Main characteristics of vibrating plates

Common to all types vibration units are such characteristics as compactness and the implementation of oscillatory movements due to the use of a vibration exciter.

The main characteristics of vibrating units are:

  • frequency of vibration movements;
  • amplitude of oscillatory movements.

When preparing to assemble a vibrating unit with your own hands, you need to consider which surface you plan to compact. When compacting sand, gravel or crushed stone, it is recommended to use devices that have a high frequency of vibration movements, and when preparing the soil for construction, you should focus on the amplitude of the vibrations made by the device. The higher the amplitude, the better the compaction of the soil. When making a homemade device, it should include the installation of a shock-absorbing system, which can significantly facilitate the work. Depending on the weight, devices can be divided into light and heavy. Light fixtures can weigh up to 100 kg, while heavy fixtures can weigh up to 900 kg.

Before starting construction, you should decide on the choice of drive for the vibration device.

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Selecting a drive for a homemade vibration unit

In the process of choosing an engine for creating a homemade vibrating plate, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • an electric vibrating plate has limitations due to its dependence on a power source;
  • A diesel unit has a lot of weight and power, which are very rarely required when carrying out work in an ordinary household.

The best option is to make a vibration device yourself using a gasoline drive. The main advantages of using this device are the following:

  • mobility;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • availability of sufficient power;
  • high performance.

The use of a gasoline-powered vibration device allows for compaction of any type of embankment and soil.

In addition, using such a device you can compact asphalt. A single-cylinder two-stroke engine is ideal for designing the unit. The centrifugal force created by such an engine reaches 30 kN.

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Making a homemade vibration unit with a gasoline drive

To manufacture the unit, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • petrol drive;
  • metal sheet having a thickness of 8-10 mm and a size of 800x450 mm;
  • 2 pieces of channel;
  • M12 bolts for mounting a gasoline drive;
  • pipe with a diameter of 15-25 mm for making a handle;
  • shock-absorbing pillows from a car engine;
  • wheels.

During the installation process you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • cutting wheels for grinders;
  • protective glasses.

Once the type of drive used in the device has been determined, the manufacture of a working surface with a frame should begin. To make a platform for a vibrating plate, you need to take a prepared sheet of metal and, using a grinder, make cuts at a distance of 100 mm from the edges. The depth of the cuts should be 5 mm. After this, the metal is bent along the cuts using a hammer. The bending angle should be 25-30 degrees. Edge bend metal sheet required to prevent the slab from being buried in the ground. To ensure the immobility of the ends at the bending points, they are welded.

At the next stage, the channels are adjusted. This is done so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the working plane. The finished channels are welded to the working plane at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other. The channels must be welded with high quality, since the integrity of the entire structure depends on this. After installing the channels, they begin to install the engine. For this purpose, holes are prepared in the channels using a drill. The motor is fastened with M12 bolts. Having installed the engine, proceed to installing the handle. This element is secured using shock-absorbing pads. This is required to ease the load on the hands of the device operator.

After building a house, the turn invariably comes to improve the dacha: to do garden paths, organize a patio area, etc. And every time you are faced with high prices necessary materials and equipment, you are thinking about whether to try making them yourself. Participants in the Home and Dacha forum share their experiences of creative experiments.

Vibrating table

Many householders think that buying special equipment “once” and, especially, making it yourself is a troublesome and unnecessary task: it’s easier to ask friends or rent it. As soon as realsystem decided that he needed a vibrating table to build a pair of winding paths across the entire six-acre site and a parking lot for a 30-square-meter car, he began to study information about how to build blocks.

The main reason for such a bold decision was the high price of materials. He planned the tiles to be 40x40 or 50x50 cm in size and 60-70 mm thick, with reinforcement. I made the table without drawings, in just a couple of weeks. We used scraps of a 40x20 pipe, a 2.5 mm sheet, a pair of 10 mm plates and an old vibrator, purchased for 500 rubles, with dimensions of 1050x550 cm.

realsystem placed the moving part of the table on six weight valve springs with pieces of rubber hose inside them. The springs are in glasses. Additionally, he secured tension springs around the perimeter. After a trial switch-on, the first defect appeared: the sand collected closer to the center, shifted to the far right part and fell onto the floor, because... the table was not exposed and stood on uneven floor. The owner concluded that it was necessary to make a side.

The table legs were made from 40x40 pipe. The first one was lumpy, so they turned out crooked due to overheating. realsystem tiles are made from screening concrete using masonry mesh.

To get white tiles, you can mix white cement (more expensive than usual) with marble chips.

Another forum participant, tarasiki, did it a little simpler: he made a table without springs (their functions are performed by wood) and a vibrator, replacing the latter with a motor from a washing machine with an “eccentric”. Among the shortcomings of his product, the forum member notes the small area of ​​the table; the frame also needs to be secured to the floor. As a composition for making tiles, he takes one part of 400-grade Kramatorsk cement, one part of river sand and three parts of crushed stone.

Budget rammer from improvised rubbish

Peter_1 regretted spending money on renting a vibrating plate for filling the foundation. Having rummaged through the garage, the ferrous metal collection point and a nearby car service center, he found everything he needed: a drum from a tabletop woodworking machine, a motor from washing machine, a piece of metal 5 mm thick, pieces of a 30 mm corner, a bunch of various rubber supports from automotive equipment, scraps of metal 2-3-4 mm, a piece of a 12 mm hairpin and a couple of freon cylinders. There I got hold of a piece of wire, a switch and starting capacitor for the motor. I only bought a belt and two pillows from a VAZ gearbox for 600 rubles.

A pack of electrodes, five hours of work with a welding machine, a grinder and a drill, several modifications to the vibrating unit, and this is the result - a vibrating plate that compacts small layers of sand quite acceptably. Using homemade equipment, a cushion was compacted under the foundation of the garage and work began on the foundation for the house.

The design of the vibrating plate is quite simple: the horizontal cylinder for weight is filled with concrete, the vertical one is made for water. On the front tube there are 12 holes Ф 1.3 mm. A drum from planer. Peter_1 cut off half of it with a grinder, and installed two lead weights on the second half.

results: vibration does not reach the hands due to triple vibration isolation. In addition, the handles are equipped with a heat insulator from refrigeration units. The tamper, while working, moves forward on its own, 60-80 cm per minute; it only needs to be directed. Because the owner considered it unjustified to use a double reverse stroke and two vibration mechanisms; the plate has to be turned around so that it moves in the opposite direction.

One interesting and useful feature of the equipment was also discovered: during operation, the vibrating plate sways slightly left and right, especially when the tamper reaches the required density. This is a signal that the car needs to be moved to a new location.

After using the rammer, Peter_1 opened several shortcomings, which he plans to correct in the future. The first was a weak ballast fastening. The forum member plans to strengthen the clamps and make them with a collapsible clamp connection rather than a welded one - the slab can be moved disassembled. To do this, the upper platform, along with the ballast and water tank, was made removable, but practice has shown that it was necessary to make the ballast itself removable.

The owner concluded that the ballast should be moved closer to the middle of the slab, and not placed in front - so that the slab does not bury itself when turning. For the same purpose, you need to raise the front “ski” of the rammer. It is also necessary to better protect the vibrating drum with a casing, because crushed stone of small fractions gets into the mechanism and flies out at high speed.

Another improvement should be improved engine cooling: at temperatures above +35 °C you have to stop after every 40-50 minutes of operation to cool the engine. As one of the options, you can attach an axial fan or cooler from the server.

Forum member Tim1313 used the following to make a vibrating plate: materials: IV-98E area vibrator, RCD for it, cast iron frame from a Soviet drilling machine, jet rods with silent blocks from Soviet cars and a stainless steel sheet 6 mm, 45x70 cm.

Sequence of work: we fixed the vibrator on the frame (drilled holes, cut threads, screwed in d12 bolts), made a handle and attached it to the frame through silent blocks. Using a self-created press, the base of the vibrating plate was attached. Then two plates were welded perpendicularly to secure the frame with the drive to the base: four holes were made and secured with d10 bolts. The finished rammer was painted.

To irrigate sand, you can provide a canister mount.

Result: speed – 6-7 m/min. During the day, 10 cubic meters of sand were compacted, in layers of 10 cm. Quality of compaction: traces when walking are barely visible.

Minuses: Strong vibration that comes and goes, causing your knuckles, wrists and elbows to ache at the end of the day. In addition, four hours after the start of tamping, the purchased RCD stopped turning on. The problem was solved with the help of an ordinary socket, fortunately the handle was attached to rubber silent blocks.

Based on materials from participants of the forum "House and Dacha"

Publication date: 04/28/2015

All about homemade vibrating plates

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  • Types of vibrating plates
  • Rules for using a vibrating plate

Surely, anyone who was faced with the construction of a house or cottage, at the final stage had to develop the adjacent territory (garden plot). As a rule, the main part of such work is related to the improvement of paths and areas previously dug up for various communications. First of all, the quality of this kind of work is related to how smooth the soil surface is. For example, in order to ensure maximum adhesion of paving slabs, when laying them, the soil must be well compacted and leveled.

After installing all the elements, the base is leveled and compacted with a vibrating plate.

For such area work that does not allow the use of special equipment on the site, a vibrating plate is best suited. It serves specifically for compacting the soil, regardless of its type, and allows for a fairly high density. Although there is enough on the market big choice vibrating plates, but sometimes it is the price that stops many owners from purchasing it.

At this very moment the question arises: is it possible to assemble such a slab yourself? By and large, any person with minimal technical knowledge is able to complete this task. You should not immediately rush to look for drawings and recommendations for its manufacture - first of all, you need to decide whether it is still needed or not. Of course, if you need to compact 100 sq.m on a site, then such a homemade slab will be an indispensable assistant, but if it is just 10 sq.m of a path to the house, then you should not waste time making it.

If, nevertheless, the decision is made in favor of homemade products, it is necessary to carefully analyze what types of vibrating plates exist.

Types of vibrating plates

After compacting the base, we begin installing the curbs. First you need to install all the curbs and only then prepare the base for compaction and laying.

Currently, vibrating plates are available in three types: gasoline, diesel and electric. As is clear, their main difference is the type of engine used to create vibration and, accordingly, their power. Gasoline vibrating plates are the most in demand these days. Thus, a diesel vibrating plate, compared to a gasoline one, has increased power and a longer service life. But this is absolutely not required when building a private house or cottage. As for electric vibrating plates, their use is limited primarily by the presence and location of the power source. They are used, as a rule, in enclosed spaces. The only way to remove this limitation is to use an electric vibrating plate together with a portable gasoline generator. At the same time, this will require additional costs, which makes them uncompetitive.

Vibrating plates differ depending on the direction of movement when performing work. The vibratory rammer can be with direct or reverse motion. The reversible vibrating plate allows movement in different directions, which significantly increases the efficiency of pavement compaction; they generally have a movement speed of up to 30 m/min. In contrast to such slabs, slabs with direct movement move in one direction and require, if necessary, to re-pass the rammed section. Their action is similar to a regular roller.

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Main characteristics of vibrating plates

The metal base for the vibrating plate can be made from sheet metal 8 mm thick and measuring 80 cm by 45 cm.

All vibrating plates have common characteristics, such as compactness, and the fact that the vibration of the plate is carried out by a vibration exciter.

At the same time, the quality characteristics of vibrating plates include:

  1. Vibration frequency.
  2. Amplitude of oscillations.

When preparing for a homemade vibrating plate design, you need to take into account the fact which surface will be compacted. For compaction on colored surfaces such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, a vibrating plate with a high vibration frequency will be most effective, but when preparing the soil you need to focus on the amplitude of vibrations. The higher the vibration amplitude, the better the soil is compacted. In particular, in a homemade vibrating plate it is necessary to provide a shock-absorbing system, which will significantly facilitate and make the operator’s work more comfortable.

Depending on their weight, vibrating plates are divided into light ones, weighing up to 100 kg, and heavy ones, weighing no more than 900 kg.

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Choosing a motor for a vibrating plate

If you place the vibrating plate on a flat surface, the two diagonal corners will be raised by about 2-5 mm.

When choosing a motor for a homemade vibrating plate, we will be guided by the following:

  1. An electric motor will not work, since all work will be tied to the location of the power source.
  2. A vibrating plate with a diesel engine will be quite heavy, and its power is unlikely to be useful in ordinary farming.

Based on this, the most optimal in this case is a gasoline engine. Its main advantages are its mobility, unpretentiousness and the presence of sufficient power and performance. A vibrating plate with a gasoline engine is perfect for compacting all types of embankments and soils, as well as asphalt and paving slabs, regardless of their volume. The centrifugal force generated by a gasoline engine is 30 kN. For a homemade vibrating plate, a three-stroke engine with one cylinder is suitable. As for reliability, the highest quality engines are from the manufacturer Honda. The engines of this brand, although in the price range are more expensive than many Chinese counterparts, are at the same time cheaper to maintain. Engines of this brand are currently the most in demand, so there will be no problems finding spare parts and they will be repaired almost everywhere.

Materials required for manufacturing:

  1. Gasoline engine (area vibrator) – 1 pc.
  2. Sheet metal 8-10 mm thick (80x45 cm) – 1 pc.
  3. Channel – 2 pcs.
  4. M12 bolts for engine mounting – 4 pcs.
  5. Pipe for making a handle (Ø 15-25 mm).
  6. Pillows for car engine- 2 pcs.
  7. Wheels – 2 pcs.

Required tools:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Drill.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Cutting wheels – 2 pcs.
  6. Electrodes.
  7. Scribbler (chalk).
  8. Roulette.
  9. Protective glasses.
  10. Welding mask.
  11. Roulette.

Home craftsmen perform construction work as economically as possible. In this case, a pre-assembled homemade tool helps. Components for it are usually selected from available materials. Recently, a do-it-yourself vibrating plate with an electric motor has been in demand. It is used for laying paving slabs, compacting fine soil, and during the process of laying the foundation.

Main components of the vibrating plate design

Before you make a vibrating plate on your own in a garage, you will need to prepare a diagram or even draw up drawings to scale to simplify further assembly. The main components in the design are the following parts:

  • frame frame;
  • base metal platform;
  • electric motor;
  • transmission system;
  • suspension;
  • management block.

The base plate is selected from a thick-walled steel sheet or ductile cast iron so that there is no destruction of the material during operation. This is facilitated by the relative viscosity of the metal and minimal fragility. Cast iron is strictly not allowed for assembly of dubious quality with a large number of cracks or casting cavities. When working with sand and gravel mixtures, it will be destroyed by external influences.

The thickest sheet metal will be needed to make the base and weight for the eccentric

It is important to initially have the correct geometric dimensions of the base, since if you make a vibrating plate with your own hands in accordance with this rule, the site will self-clean from soil adhesion. The area is also selected optimally, without unreasonable increase. A small working surface contributes to high-quality compaction of the site.

Popular drawings demonstrate a fairly simple design of a homemade vibrating plate with an electric motor. According to the kinematic diagram, a vibrator is based on the platform, and an electric motor is mounted above it. To connect these elements together, a V-belt drive or coupling is provided. In fact, the motor provides rotation transmitted to the vibrator, and it further forms the oscillatory process.

The resulting energy is transferred to the slab, and from it passes to the compacted soil. During compaction for laying paving slabs or for other purposes, particles of material fill the voids in the embankment. The result is a dense, even coating.

Types of vibrating plates used

Homemade designs require the presence of a power plant that provides the main work. Three types of motors are often used:

  • diesel;
  • petrol;
  • electric 220V.

Diesel engines are appropriate when a lot of effort is constantly required. In everyday conditions they are hardly justified. Although it is not uncommon to find a vibrating plate made from a walk-behind tractor with an installed two-stroke engine.

Devices with a gasoline engine, like previous designs, are autonomous, but extremely noisy in operation. An economical engine with a power of several watts is selected for them.

The optimal solution for many is a self-assembled electric vibrating plate. It is enough to connect electricity to the place of work on the site and you can start compacting the soil. A positive factor is the absence of exhaust gases during the process.

According to classification, it is customary to divide products into several groups:

  • light - weight less than 70 kg;
  • universal - up to 90 kg;
  • medium weight - 90-140 kg;
  • heavy group - more than 140 kg.

The first group is appropriate for processing the local area, where a layer of no more than 15 cm is expected to be pressed. The universal one is relevant for processing 25 cm. Heavier devices are designed for 50-60 cm.

The larger the compacted layer, the heavier the machine should be

It is important to correctly select the electric motor for the vibrating plate. After all, a too weak model on a massive slab will sink into the layers of soil. The optimal ratio is considered to be 5 hp per 100 kg of mass. or 3.7 kW.

Preparing the necessary kit

To make a vibrating plate at home or in a garage, you do not need to look for any rare or expensive parts. In the process, the following tools will be in demand:

  • welding machine and a pack of electrodes 3 mm in diameter;
  • half a kilo hammer;
  • angle grinder with metal discs;
  • kit wrenches and screwdrivers.

The components for the device will include the following set:

  • An area motor with the ability to be connected to a 220 V household power supply. A new vibrator for a vibrating plate will be quite expensive, so it is recommended to purchase Soviet devices at disassembly sites or radio markets. Sometimes craftsmen even install motors from old washing machines, but the disadvantage of this method is the lack of vibration control.

  • Sheet metal 8-10 mm thick. The area is selected taking into account the fact that the edges will bend. The optimal parameter for domestic conditions is 50x80 cm plus allowance for bending. You can find the sheet on metal plates.
  • A pair of 80 mm channels or pieces construction profile, which will be welded across the structure. They are needed to mount and hold the electric motor.
  • Metal pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. Its length is calculated based on the user's height. The optimal handle for average height is 120 cm, so you will need about 3 m of workpiece.
  • A set of hardware for mounting the motor, including M10-M12 bolts, nuts for them, and always locking washers to minimize the influence of vibration.

The degree of influence of vibration on the operator can be reduced with the help of built-in additional devices. Often, automotive suspension elements are used for this. Without them, everything will also work, but the operator will get tired faster.

VIDEO: Making a vibrating plate with your own hands, step by step, with errors and their solutions

Step-by-step algorithm for assembling a vibrating plate with your own hands

At the initial stage, a base platform is prepared from a metal sheet using a grinder and a welding machine. We measure 10 cm from the front and back edges and cut the angle grinder to half the sheet thickness of 4-5 mm. Using a hammer or mallet, we bend the workpiece along this line by about 30-40 degrees. Such a slide will reduce the likelihood of the platform burying in the ground, and will also allow you to move the installation in the desired direction.

The cuts should be strengthened by welding. Using electrodes, we form an internal stiffening rib that fixes the bend in the desired position. We position the channels across the stroke so that their approximate axis corresponds to the distance of the engine mounts. We weld the strips to the inner surface.

There are two ways to mount the motor. In the first case, use drilled holes in the channel for threading bolts through them. In the second case, the bolts are welded to the channels and the engine is placed on top. This method is considered more reliable, however, it requires very strict adherence to center distances.

When installing the electric motor on the site, it is worth knowing that the Soviet IV-98 models have an internal eccentric for the vibrating plate. It can be adjusted to optimal parameters vibration strength. We tighten the nuts, having first placed the bushings under them.

The crucial step is attaching the handle. To dampen vibration on it, silent blocks from domestic or foreign cars are useful. We weld the L-shaped elements to the bent part of the platform. We put rubber elements on them, through which the handle will be connected.

At home, it is possible to assemble a model weighing 40-50 kg. This is enough to compact 10-12 cm of soil.

When working for a long time homemade car individual parts of the electrical circuit may overheat, so it is necessary to use an RCD.

VIDEO: How the Germans prepare a site for laying paving slabs and paving stones

The actions of machines on a large construction site seem coordinated and very fast. Just yesterday a huge bucket was digging into the ground, and today there is already the first level of the future building. This is on large-scale construction sites. But even if you need to put country house, the principles are the same: first you need to prepare the soil and compact it. Buying expensive mechanisms for short-term use is inappropriate. Do-it-yourself vibrating plate is a real and affordable solution.

A vibrating plate is a unit whose main function is compaction. It is used in various fields: for soil compaction during construction, landscape planning, for compacting bulk materials (sand, pebbles, gravel), when laying asphalt, paving slabs, paving stones.

The machine is small in size and therefore maneuverable. It can be used both in open areas (when compacting land, parking, road surface, floors in large industrial premises, etc.) and in confined spaces (in ditches, trenches, near buildings, near curbs, wells, hatches, etc.).

A vibrating plate for compacting soil and other bulk materials is recommended for use in areas not exceeding 1000 m². In large areas, large-sized and more powerful equipment is used for these purposes.

Each vibrating plate model has its own performance indicators, which determine the features of its use and scope of application. So, when choosing a vibrating plate, you should pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  • dimensions of the base plate, mm;
  • vibration frequency, Hz;

  • compaction depth, mm;
  • vibration amplitude, mm;
  • power, kWt;
  • unit weight, kg;
  • electricity or fuel consumption, kW/h or l/h;
  • maximum productivity, m2/h;
  • Overall dimensions of the device, mm.

Types of vibrating plates: main differences, advantages and disadvantages

Vibrating plates are divided according to several indicators. The first of these is the type of engine. Depending on which engine is installed on the unit, the plates are:

  • gasoline;
  • diesel;
  • electric.

Electric vibrating plate 220 V is the cheapest and affordable option. According to technical criteria, it is somewhat inferior to the other two types, since it is light in weight and has a low degree of compaction. Most of all, this model is suitable for use on a private plot, in agriculture, in landscape work. Its disadvantage is the mandatory presence of a power source and the limited range of operation by the length of the cord.

If there is no source of electricity or it is impossible to connect to the electrical network, you should buy a gasoline vibrating plate. It is more expensive than electric, but has no restrictions on operating conditions. It is easy to transport and move. Diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline, but the engine itself is more expensive. Diesel units are the most powerful, they are more often used in construction sites. The disadvantage of a diesel vibrating plate is the significant noise level during operation and high cost.

Helpful advice! Engine power directly affects the movement of the plate. At high rates, the unit moves itself. If the power is low, the slab may become buried. This disadvantage is aggravated if a layer of fine-grained material is compacted.

Vibrating plates are also divided according to their purpose: for compacting asphalt and compacting soil. The first ones are distinguished by the presence in their design of a device for supplying water irrigation. It is necessary for wetting; a wet surface prevents sticking to the base. The surface of such a vibration plate is smooth, the edges are rounded.

The unit for compacting soil is heavier, the surface texture of the slab is embossed.

There are machines with forward motion and reverse ones. Translational ones move in one direction and have one unbalance. The second type of vibrating plates has a reciprocating direction of movement. They have two unbalances, so they can move in different directions. Vibrating plates are controlled manually or remotely. The latter option is convenient and safe, but the price is much higher.

Classification of vibratory rammers by weight

Along with power, weight is an important technical indicator. This is what you need to pay attention to when choosing a device model or when creating a tamper with your own hands. According to this parameter, vibrating plates are divided into four types:

Vibrating plate type Weight Features and scope

Low degree of compaction, used in agriculture and landscape planning


High-frequency with low amplitude, used for thin layers of fine-grained soil and asphalt pavements


Used for thick layers of coarse-grained soil

More than 500 kg

They have a high vibration amplitude and are used when a high degree of compaction is required

Helpful advice! When choosing a vibrating plate, it should be taken into account that a heavy device is less maneuverable, but more efficient. If the mass does not correspond to the thickness of the soil and is less than recommended, it will take a lot of time for compaction and additional fuel or electricity will be consumed.

Vibrating plate device: main components and connection methods

To buy a vibrating plate, it is recommended to choose the price by looking at the characteristics of the units and price lists of any trading organization. But you can use it correctly, and even more so make it yourself, only if you know its structure.

The vibrating plate design consists of the following main components:

  • engine;
  • vibrator;
  • slabs;
  • centrifugal clutch;
  • motor frame;
  • control knobs;
  • protective covers.

A vibrator is installed on a heavy platform, the basis of which is an unbalance shaft placed in bearing supports and a cylindrical housing. The structure is fixed with clamps and bolted to the slab. Important detail in the vibrating plate device, which is also attached to the platform, there is a motor frame. It is attached using shock absorbers.

The engine is located above the vibration exciter. The motor and vibrator are connected by a coupling and a V-belt drive. During operation, the engine creates rotational movements, which are transmitted to the vibrator, which converts them into oscillatory ones. These movements are communicated to the slab and then to the surface layer, which is compacted.

If the functions of a vibrating plate include compacting paving slabs or paving stones, then the model must be equipped with a softening plastic nozzle or a special polyurethane support surface.

Principle of operation

The working mechanisms have an impact effect on the surface of the slab, which produces a certain number of movements when in contact with the ground - this is the basis of the operating principle of this device. Kinetic energy upon impact is converted into other types of energy. The pressure on the surface instantly increases, and then the same instantaneous decrease occurs. Therefore, in addition to impact force, speed and frequency are effective. As a result of this action, small particles fill the voids, resulting in a very dense, even coating.

Two types of materials are used to make plates: cast iron and steel.

Helpful advice! When choosing a unit with a cast iron stove, be sure to pay attention to the grade of metal. A low-quality cast iron slab may develop cracks when used over gravel for a long time.

The size of the slab is also important during operation: the smaller its area, the better its tamping qualities. Vibration indicators determine how well the surface will be compacted. If the slabs have the same mass, but different vibration forces, then a unit with higher performance will compact better.

For small-scale work, it is recommended to buy an electric vibrating plate. It is not heavy, has a folding handle, which allows you to move and transport it to the desired object. The unit has an adjustable frequency converter, which allows you to change the vibration frequency, limit starting currents, save energy, and set the optimal operating mode for given conditions. You can buy an electric vibrating plate, the price of which is several times less than types with fuel engines, from any manufacturer that offers similar products.

Vibrating plates with gasoline engines are the most in demand, and therefore widely represented. The units of the Swiss company Ammann, whose factories have long been operating throughout Europe and have already expanded beyond its borders, are very popular. The line of units includes almost all types (from ultra-light to the heaviest) diesel vibratory rammers.

Related article:

Features of device assembly and electric motor selection. What materials are needed for the frame. Manufacturing instructions.

Ammann vibrating plates are distinguished by a high level of comfortable conditions necessary for the operator's work. The guide handle is isolated from the engine as much as possible to reduce vibration. An additional vibration-damping guide has also been patented, which can be used as an additional option. Engines are economical. There are models that run on both gasoline and diesel fuel.

Among domestic manufacturers, the Russian group of industrial companies Splinstone supplies competitive products to the market. Vibration units have good technical characteristics and a low price. Particularly worth highlighting is the Splitstone VS-244 vibratory plate. This is the most popular vibratory plate with a balanced combination of performance, productivity and cost. Weighing 74 kg, it compacts a layer of 100 mm. Vibrating plate VS-244 provides compaction of bulk materials, various soils and asphalt in small areas and in confined spaces.

The Champion PC9045F vibrating plate is a product of American design and high-quality Chinese assembly. This model can be used both for personal purposes and on construction sites. Powerful, compaction depth 300 mm. The noise level is acceptable. Air cooling, no bulky water tank. The disadvantage of the unit can be considered the lack of reverse.

Wacker Neuson gasoline vibrating plates are German-made products. The company of the same name (Wacker Neuson) has been operating in Germany since 2007 and specializes in light construction equipment. Products are different high quality and at a considerable price. Vibrating plate Wacker Neuson MP15 in model range is best option compliance affordable price and good technical characteristics. Small dimensions allow the vibration compactor to be used even in narrowly limited places. The device has a water-irrigated system, which allows the use of hot mixtures. The folding guide and convenient lifting handles ensure easy transportation. Wear-resistant bearings extend service life. The unit is linear, this somewhat limits its capabilities.

Vibratory plates with Honda engines are in particular demand in the construction equipment market. These mechanisms are small in size, economical and for a long time services. Honda gasoline vibrating plates have different characteristics. They are represented in significant numbers in both light and medium-heavy models.

Helpful advice! To buy a gasoline vibrating plate profitably, you need to look at prices in at least 3-5 price lists. Sometimes the difference in their cost is 15-20%.

What is better: renting a vibrating plate or buying a used one?

If funds are limited or it is not practical to buy a unit for one-time work on a small area, you can rent a vibrating plate. The main advantages of this operating option are a significant reduction in financial costs and the absence of the need for preventive maintenance. Rental registration process gasoline vibrating plate(however, like electric or diesel) must include a number of mandatory points:

  • drawing up an agreement that stipulates the terms of use of the equipment and the obligations of the parties;
  • drawing up acceptance certificates for the unit;

  • providing instructions on safe use.

The price for renting a vibrating plate ranges from 700 to 5000 rubles. per day. It depends most of all on the weight of the machine and the period of use. Heavy units are more expensive. Long-term rentals offer discounts. When renting a gasoline vibrating plate, fuel is not included in the payment. The unit is refilled at the expense of the tenant.

To save money when it is necessary to compact soil and other surfaces, you can buy a used vibrating plate. But in such a situation, you need to be prepared for the fact that the guarantees will only be verbal. The further service life of the machine cannot be determined. The degree of wear can only be determined relative; by visual assessment, it is not determined by the date of issue. There is always a risk of buying a unit that is disposed of for some technical reason. Most often, it is impossible to return a used mechanism to the seller.

Helpful advice! If you decide to buy a used vibrating plate, be sure to check the operation of the engine. If there are problems, they will accordingly manifest themselves as unusual noise, delayed start-up or other abnormalities.

How to make a vibrating plate with your own hands: necessary spare parts and assembly sequence

Of course, you can buy a 220 V electric vibrating plate, or you can make an incomparable mechanism with your own hands. This option has enough advantages:

  • significant cost savings (at least 50%);
  • confidence in the quality of the assembly;
  • creating a mechanism with the desired characteristics;
  • moral satisfaction.

A 220 V electric vibrating plate does not require DIY drawings, since the design is not complex and it is not practical to waste time on paper calculations. As an option, you can use an IV-98E platform vibrator for the vibrating plate, operating from a 220 V network, as a motor. If you select petrol version, then a three-stroke single-cylinder engine, preferably a Honda model, will do.

The basis for the site can be sheet metal 8 mm thick and 45x80 mm in size. You will also need 2 channels, 2 elastic cushions for securing the handle, M10 bolts for an electric motor or M12 for a gasoline motor, 2 plastic wheels, a piece of pipe, a hollow pipe 1.2 m long.

The sequence of assembling a vibrating plate with an electric motor with your own hands:

  • the cover is removed from the electric motor so that it is possible to regulate the strength of vibration;
  • Two cuts are made on the sheet of metal at a distance of 10 cm from the edge, 5 cm deep. The edges along the cuts are bent with a hammer. This is necessary so that the slab does not bury itself in the ground;
  • Using channels, a vibrator is attached to the plate. The edges should not protrude beyond the work surface. Fastening method – welding;
  • The vibrator is attached to the metal using M10 bolts. The holes on the channels are drilled at the same distance as the motor mounting holes;
  • A handle is made from a pipe and attached to the base through cushions. Pillows dampen vibration;
  • then a section of pipe is welded and wheels are attached to it for transportation.

Helpful advice! A homemade vibrating plate should be tested on a small area of ​​soft loose surface, giving a minimum load. This will reduce to zero the risk of injury in case of malfunction of the mechanism.

A self-assembled electric vibrating plate is a reliable mechanism that will not be inferior to factory ones in terms of service life. The only minor drawback can be considered the low aesthetics of the homemade device. Although, if desired, this drawback can be easily eliminated by painting the parts in bright colors.

A do-it-yourself vibratory rammer will become a source of self-respect and will ensure uninterrupted operation if you adhere to certain operating rules:

  • before turning on the unit, check the strength of the fastenings and the presence of damage, eliminate any identified deficiencies before use;
  • after turning on, let the engine warm up for 2-3 minutes;
  • use the vibrating plate only on loose surfaces;
  • promptly replace air filters and oil in gasoline models (every 100 hours of operation);
  • prevent engine overheating;
  • keep the device clean and perform preventive maintenance;

  • If a polyurethane mat is used, it should be cleaned after each use.

Helpful advice! If it is necessary to compact several layers, each layer should be compacted separately. This will ensure quality and extend the durability of the mechanism.

To reduce vibration during operation, you need to make loops of thick rope around the handle and hold on to them. In this case, the impact on the hands and upper limbs is significantly reduced. If you need to water the surface, you should attach a water tank and a hose from which water will be supplied and consistently irrigated required areas. You need to make sure that moisture does not get on the engine.

If after one pass the surface is not compacted enough, it is recommended to repeat the action until the desired result is achieved. Most often, you need to tamp one area by passing it 5-6 times.

The advent of vibrating plates has accelerated the process of surface compaction hundreds of times. A variety of modifications allows you to select the necessary mechanism for high-quality and comfortable work. The ability to manufacture a homemade vibrating plate made the unit accessible to people with different financial capabilities.

A high-quality electric vibrating plate is an indispensable tool in construction. With its help you can easily level any surface, be it earth or sand. Such work is necessary when laying the foundation, as well as when laying paving slabs. The dimensions of the equipment are small, so it can be used to carry out work in hard to reach places or at the sites small size. The vibrating plate is used even in narrow trenches and pits.

Usually a purchased tool is used, but more and more often craftsmen are thinking about making it themselves. In this case, you can save significantly, thereby reducing the cost of work. A self-made vibration platform is in no way inferior to purchased structures. It provides high strength to the soil or sand cushion. Description and purpose of the vibrating plate

A vibrating plate is a multifunctional device with which fine soil, sand or even asphalt is compacted tightly. She is indispensable in construction work where careful compaction is required.

The basis of the device is a metal plate located at the bottom. In the center there is a vibrator and coupling, and a motor is installed on top of it. Circular movements are converted into oscillatory movements, and then communicated to the plate. That, in turn, transfers them to the ground. Thanks to this effect, the earth or sand is thoroughly compacted. The main areas of application of vibrating plates are:

  • Repair work.
  • Construction.
  • Road laying.
  • Laying out sidewalks.
  • Arrangement of terraces and platforms.
  • When laying out the foundation.

With the help of such a device, earth, sand, concrete, gravel or any other bulk material can be easily compacted. The compactor can even move backwards, which allows you to avoid unnecessary movements such as turning around in a limited area.

The vibration compactor works based on the rotation of the eccentric, it is this that creates the revolution of the flywheel and due to this, vibration occurs, which is then converted into vibration. The heavier the slab below, the stronger the vibration will be created, which will ensure high-quality compaction. The design of the compactor is not complicated in general consists of the following components:

  • Frame to create a load-bearing frame for the entire structure.
  • A cast iron or steel plate that is fixed at the bottom.
  • An engine that can run on electricity or gasoline.
  • Vibrating element to provide oscillatory motion.

It is thanks to the simplicity of the design that you can even make it yourself. The main purpose of the product is to mechanize the process of soil or sand compaction. The dimensions of the product are usually small, but the weight is quite impressive.

Making a vibrating plate with your own hands

A conventional 220 V electric vibrating plate can be manufactured even with little knowledge and skills. You should be very careful when choosing an engine. The most universal solutions are: a gasoline engine and a mains-powered one. The gasoline-powered unit is different high level noise, however, unlike an electric motor, can provide autonomy and mobility to the device. In addition, using an electrically powered device in bad weather can be dangerous.

If we consider the choice of engine based on the energy consumption of each of them, then the most budget option is gasoline. However, it is much easier to make a vibrating plate with an electric motor yourself, and it is quite suitable for performing work in the yard. When creating a vibrating machine, it is imperative to provide for the following:

  1. When creating a tamping device, it is also necessary to provide for reverse, since in conditions of limited space its presence is extremely important.
  2. To ensure high safety during operation of the product, it is also necessary to provide housings and other protective elements. It is important to eliminate the possibility of clothing items getting wrapped around rotating parts.
  3. If you plan to work with hard, rough surfaces, then for convenience you should provide an irrigation option.

When designing a machine yourself, you can provide for the individual characteristics of the device, for example, its vibration dynamics, transmission type, operating conditions, etc.

Materials and tools

The simplicity of the design allows you to make a vibrating plate yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare a tool and components suitable for the job. To make a medium power device you will need:

To create vibration, you can use any suitable vibration motor. But due to the fact that the device cannot work autonomously and always receives power from the network, it is better to find a motor that runs on 220 V, since it is difficult to find a converter on the street if the motor runs on 380 V. You can even use old motor from the walk-behind tractor, if it is working properly.

Making a vibration motor with your own hands will not work well, so it is better to purchase one. It is also important to make a drawing in advance, draw up a plan and follow the sequence of actions in the process. The tools you will need are a hammer, an angle grinder, a welding machine, and a set of plumbing tools.

Assembly steps

A do-it-yourself vibrating plate with a gasoline engine is assembled according to the same principle as with an electric motor. There will be no serious differences, so the algorithm of actions will be relevant in both cases. The sequence of actions can be divided into several stages:

The finished tamper must weigh at least 60 kg, provided that it will be used for personal purposes. This platform option is suitable for arranging paths. If you plan to build a foundation with it, you should make a product weighing at least 80 kg.

Private use

A homemade vibrating plate is most often used on site during the construction of gazebos, arranging paths and summer areas. However, we should not forget that it is homemade instrument, with which it is also important to follow safety rules.

A homemade vibrating tumbling machine will be more useful if its owner use the following tips:

Before full use, you can conduct small tests to ensure the reliability and quality of the completed unit. It is necessary to store the tool in a clean, dry place so that it can serve without complaints for decades. It is important to periodically check, tune and adjust the tool. If a gasoline engine was used in the vibrating plate, then its care should be more thorough; it is necessary to periodically change the oil and filters, and check the spark plugs. Experts recommend changing the lubricant after 25 hours of operation of the vibrating plate.

The vibrating plate can become useful tool on a personal plot. If there are no plans to carry out a large number of soil compaction work, then the unit can be rented. However, if used frequently, it is advisable to make a vibrating plate with your own hands. She has quite simple design, and the process of its manufacture will not take much time, and also will not require large financial investments.

Scope of application and operating principle

Vibrating plates are actively used during construction and repair work of varying complexity, for example, when laying roads or sidewalks, etc. The unit has small dimensions, which allows it to be used in hard-to-reach places, including trenches. The design of the tool consists of four main elements:

  • A work plate made of steel or cast iron.
  • Vibrator.
  • Frames.
  • Power plant.

The basis of the unit is a massive plate, in the center of which there is a vibrator. It is connected to the power plant using a V-belt drive or clutch. A vibrator is necessary to convert rotational motion into oscillatory motion. Internal combustion engines or electric motors can be used as the power plant of the unit.

Main technical characteristics

Most important characteristic unit is the mass of the working plate. It determines about 70% of the total productivity of a homemade vibrating plate, as well as the suitability of the tool for the work performed. Depending on this indicator, it is customary to distinguish four categories of units:

  • Lightweight - weight does not exceed 75 kg.
  • Universal - the stove weighs 75−140 kg.
  • Medium-heavy - weight is in the range of 90−140 kg.
  • Heavy - the weight of the slab exceeds 140 kg.

For home use It is quite enough to make a vibrating rammer of the first category with your own hands. The power of the power plant also has a great influence on the productivity and quality of work performed. The optimal weight-to-power ratio is 5 liters. With. for every 100 kg of weight.

Among additional characteristics Three units should be distinguished:

  • Vibration force - shows the power of vibration of the base.
  • Dimensions of the working plate - determines the base pressure per unit of surface being processed and this indicator should not be less than 0.3.
  • Type of power unit - electric, gasoline and diesel engines can be installed on vibrating plates.

Manufacturing instructions

A self-made vibrating plate with an electric motor will allow you to save a lot of money, since industrial units are quite expensive. The design of the tool is not very complicated, and you can make it yourself quite quickly. Among the necessary materials and spare parts it should be noted:

From this entire list, wheels can be considered optional, but thanks to them, transporting the tool will become easier. You can also make your own tamper for soil compaction with reverse, which will make it easier to work on narrow or small areas land.

On a steel sheet, use a grinder to make 2 cuts on both sides with a depth of 5 mm. They should be located approximately 10 mm from the edge symmetrically. Then the edges of the sheet should be bent, giving it the shape of skis, to avoid burying the slab during operation. The places of the cuts must be welded, thereby fixing their position.

The vibrator is mounted on channels, which should not protrude beyond the level of the working plate. It is necessary to weld the channels securely, and therefore it is advisable to place the welding lines across. The distance between them is selected in accordance with the location of the mounting holes on the power plant.

The pipe will be needed to make handles, to which you then need to attach soft pillows. Without them, working with the tool will be extremely inconvenient, because strong vibration will make it difficult to hold the plate. If the unit uses an electric power plant, then special care it is not required.

The same cannot be said about a gasoline internal combustion engine. Before starting work, you should always check the reliability of all connections. It is extremely important to periodically clean the spark plugs from carbon deposits. to increase service life. No more than 25 operating hours should pass between the first and second oil change. Subsequent replacement can be carried out after 80 or even 100 hours.