From January 18 to January 19, make a wish. Late for public transport - you will have a chance that you have been dreaming of for a very long time

For many years now, baptism has been considered the most successful time for making a wish. On the night of January 18-19, many dreams will be heard and fulfilled. However, you must follow a few simple rules.

How to make a wish for baptism?

First, before making a wish in any of the ways presented, ask for forgiveness from all the people whom you once hurt, treated them ugly, and so on. If there is no way to meet in life, do it mentally. Also remember to thank God for all the good things he has done for you throughout your life. So, after that, you can proceed to the main actions.

Method number 1

In order to make a wish at the Baptism of the Lord, take a handful consisting of any small items. It can be nuts, small balls for the aquarium and much more. Lay them out on a flat surface. Next, you need to make a wish. After that, count all the items. If the number turned out to be even, then your wish will surely come true.

Method number 2

Take a piece of paper and write 12 wishes, but without repetition. On the night of 18/19, put a sheet under your pillow. In the morning, close your eyes and choose three of them. They are the ones who will come true.

Method number 3

Before going to bed, say the words aloud: "Saint Samson, show me a festive dream ...". Replace the ellipsis with your desire. It is believed that dreams seen on the night before baptism are prophetic. And if you dreamed exactly what you thought of, then you can be sure: the wish will come true.

Method number 4

On the night of baptism, pour water into any dish. As soon as the liquid begins to sway, go outside. There, looking at the sky, you can ask God for the fulfillment of your most secret desires.

Method number 5

Pour water into any vessel again. Only this time write your desires on narrow pieces of paper and fold the paper so that the text is not visible. Pieces of paper are attached to the edge of the dishes. Place a non-sinking (tea) candle in the water. Unfold the leaf to which the candle sailed first. The wish written on it will come true.

Method number 6

If you have a pet, there is such a way to make a wish for baptism. Think about what you want and call your pet into the room. If he enters the room, while crossing the threshold with his left paw, then the desire will come true.

Method number 7

You need to take a medium-sized mirror. Write a wish on it with a piece of dry soap. Put a mirror under your pillow and go to bed. If in the morning you do not find the inscription on the mirror, then your desire was heard.

Method number 8

For those who are going to plunge into the hole on January 19, the following option is perfect. Make a wish while diving into the water. The very next day, January 20 at 3 am, go outside and ask God again about your desire.

You can read about how the ceremony of diving into the hole goes.

Method number 9

You can also take a stone made of aquamarine or mother-of-pearl with you to the hole. Imagine that your desire is a bright flash of light. Make a guess and throw a stone into the water.

Method number 10

If you are going to go to church on January 19, then do not forget to put a candle there in some quiet, modest corner. It will bring you and your family good luck for the year ahead.

In fact, it is not so much the process of the ceremony that is important as faith. Faith in God and in the fulfillment of your desires. You can simply go out to the balcony and, looking at the starry sky, ask the Lord to fulfill your desires. Just remember: you need to dream about something bright and good. About not causing problems to other people. Be happy and remember: dreams do come true.

Elena: It is believed that the Epiphany holiday is the best time for making wishes. It is believed that on the night of January 18-19, the Universe hears best what people are asking for. Much has been written about how to correctly make a wish for Baptism so that it comes true and what fortune-telling is the most effective. We offer the most interesting moments from different sources.

Albert: Before making a wish for Baptism, it is recommended that you first mentally ask for forgiveness from those whom, whether you wanted it or not, you offended. And also we must thank God for all the good things in life.

Only after that you can, with a pure soul, make up the kindest, brightest and good wishes. To do this, you can simply go out onto the balcony and, looking at the sky, say your most cherished desire.

It is worth writing 12 wishes on small pieces of paper, putting them under the pillow, and pulling out three of them the next morning. They are sure to come true.

On Epiphany night, you can put a bowl of water on the table and watch it. Believers believe that if ripples go through the water at midnight, then it is necessary to make a wish at that moment. The water element is the personification of the smooth flow of life, our mood and emotions. Therefore, desires addressed to water are best associated with emotional problems, relationships, and the healing of diseases.

Being at Baptism in the church, you must definitely buy a candle. Put in a secluded place, it will be a good family talisman for the whole year.

If you plan to visit the shore of a lake, river or spring, take a mother-of-pearl or aquamarine crystal. You need to imagine your desire in the form of a bright flash and throw the crystal into the water.

Elena: I know that many women will want to make a wish for Baptism related to health, youth and beauty. Here is some advice we recently read. In the morning before sunrise, December 19, you need to pour Epiphany water into a small container. Carefully examine your reflection in the water, noticing all the wrinkles and folds on your face, and then wash your face and neck with it three times. It is even better, of course, to go to the river in the morning for this water, but from the tap, they say, the water in Epiphany also has healing power. Going to bed, ask a question about your destiny, to which you would most like to know the answer. The dream that occurred that night is prophetic. The main thing is to try to remember it, so prepare a notebook with a pen in advance to write it down right away, and in the evening eat something salty, but do not drink water.

Albert: Perhaps you have your own tips on how to make a wish for Epiphany. We will be very grateful if you share them with us.

How to make a wish for Baptism so that it comes true is a whole science that can still be comprehended, but we must not forget about some of the subtleties that we will discuss later.

Answering the question whether it is possible to make a wish for Baptism, we say with all confidence that it is possible. On this day, the moment comes when the sky opens for the desires for Baptism. They say that heaven is waiting for sincere prayers and requests from a pure heart, which they will gladly fulfill, but you need to know a few secrets. Read more about this.

Make a wish for Epiphany January 19

Do they make a wish for Baptism, our ancestors knew, believing in miraculous power Epiphany night. There are many ways to make a wish for Baptism, but we will talk about the most proven and effective.

Before you start, tune in positively, discard all grievances, thank heaven for everything that you have and ask for forgiveness for what you have done. Then start taking action:

  • correctly formulate what you want, not limited by time frames
  • be as sincere as possible and be guided by feelings, not reason
  • wish only positive and for the good, and not for evil to someone
  • ask heaven for yourself, and not for someone, so as not to harm with your desire.

Several ways to make a wish for Baptism

1. At Baptism, put water in a bowl. Then carefully observe what is happening. As soon as you see that the water begins to sway in the bowl, go outside, then look at the sky and make your wish, ask God for what you need.

2. Write a wish on the mirror with soap and put it under your bed. When you wake up in the morning, look at the mirror. If the inscription has disappeared, then the wish will come true.

3. Take a piece of paper and write down your 12 most cherished desires. Put it under your pillow and go to bed. When you wake up, randomly just take and weber three of them. They are the ones you have to fulfill.

4. On Epiphany night, put a bowl of water on the table and watch it. If at midnight ripples go through the water, then you must definitely have time to make a wish at that moment.

It has been verified for centuries that baptismal conspiracies have special power. Our great-grandmothers continually tried to improve their fate, guessing and reading conspiracies on such energy nights. Therefore, further we publish baptismal conspiracies on various topics.

Health Conspiracy for Baptism

On the morning of January 19, pick up a lit church candle and a plate of holy water. While reading prayers, drop a few drops of wax into the water, and then form a round wax pad from these drops. This pillow needs to be heated again a little over the fire of a candle, and then glued to the head of the bed on which you sleep. This talisman will protect you from illness for a whole year, and will also help a sick person recover faster.

Conspiracies for wealth at Baptism

Conspiracies before Baptism have literally stunning power, so you need to resort to them very carefully. To attract wealth, you need to take holy water and sprinkle all corners of your house with it. This should be done late in the evening before Epiphany. Sprinkling your home with holy water, you need to ask God to take away losses and send prosperity and well-being to your home. Leave some of the water overnight in the places where your money is usually kept. This conspiracy for money in Baptism always works.

Conspiracy for beauty at Baptism

On the first day of the holiday, you need to go outside before dawn and scoop up some Epiphany snow there. In the house, wait until the snow melts, and at this time pray for beauty and health. Then wash yourself with melt water and dry your whole body. You can also take a bath by adding a little melted Epiphany snow to ordinary water.

Conspiracies for love for Baptism

On the night of Epiphany, you need to run out into the street and ask the name of random passers-by to find out what the groom will be called. You can also try to put two matches on the sides of the box and set them on fire. The matches burned out and leaned towards each other - the hidden couple will be together. If not, then they will disperse. It is advisable to put out the matches on time, without waiting for the whole matchbox to light up and flare up.

Divination for Baptism on desire

Fortune-telling also has a special place in Epiphany night. Before going to bed on Epiphany evening, put a mirror brought from the street under the bed and spread spruce branches around it. Write your wish on the mirror with your hand. If the inscription disappears in the morning, the wish will come true.

  • Scatter a handful of small items on the table, such as nuts, seeds, etc. Make a wish and count the number of items. If their number is even - the wish will come true, respectively, the number of items is odd - the wish will not come true.
  • An unmarried woman needs to take the number of apples corresponding to the number of her boyfriends. They need to be identified by carving on each on both sides the initials of each. Then all the apples need to be put in some kind of dish and turn off the light. Thoroughly mix the apples, and then start taking a bite from each, choosing the most delicious. The apple that tastes the best reflects the guy's most serious intentions.
  • Take a bowl of water and put it on the table. On paper strips of the same size, write the events (engagement, travel, wedding, addition to the family, etc.) and place them around the pelvis at the same distance. Then place a small candle in half of the nut shell, light it and lower it into the middle of the basin. Next, you need to wait for the shell to approach any edge and read the event near which it will be - then it will come true.
  • Divination by hairs in a bowl of water. At night, you need to put a pinch of salt, sugar and ash into the water, mix everything and let the water calm down. Then lower your hair and betrothed. If by morning the hair is intertwined - be a wedding. If not, then no luck. On the next Epiphany, boldly pull out the hair of the next guy.

Now you know everything about baptismal conspiracies and fortune-telling. And we also recommend that you save SMS congratulations on Epiphany Eve in 2017 and the feast of the Epiphany.

I think that many of us, when mentioning the feast of Epiphany, recall the words of the classic Vasily Zhukovsky: “Once on Epiphany evening, the girls wondered ...”. It is probably impossible to say more fully and accurately how popular divination was that day. We invite you to plunge into the mystery of this evening, and tell fortunes. You may not even take the result seriously, but we assure you that the process itself divination for baptism will definitely give you pleasure.

Evening before Epiphany write down your twelve wishes on a piece of paper and put them under your pillow before bed. Waking up in the morning, take out three leaves at random, those desires that will be indicated on these leaves and must be fulfilled.

Before bedtime on Epiphany evening put mirrors under the bed about, brought from the street, and spread spruce branches around it. Write your wish on the mirror with your hand. If the inscription disappears in the morning, the wish will come true.

Scatter a handful of small items on the table, for example, nuts, seeds, etc. Make a wish and count the number of items. If their number is even - the wish will come true, respectively, the number of items is odd - the wish will not come true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish
On the evening of Epiphany Christmas Eve, pour some holy water into a cup and throw a silver-colored coin into it. Place the cup so that moonlight falls on it. Make a secret wish, say it in a whisper three times. In the morning, go outside and pour out the water. Hide the coin in a secluded place that only you will know about. This ritual is most powerful when Epiphany falls on a full moon.
This rite can be performed in a slightly different way. On Epiphany night, pour holy water into a cup. When light ripples go through the water, go outside and, looking at the sky, mentally say your desire three times. Ask sincerely, do not wish anything bad to anyone, otherwise you will not escape trouble! Put holy water in the morning under the icon, it can stand there even until next Baptism. If the water in the cup remains still, it makes no sense to make a wish, it will not come true.

Ritual for physical health and finding peace of mind
Dial full bath hot water. Add some water consecrated in the church to it. Dip your baptismal cross into the water. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers the entire body. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath, let the water dry itself. It is best to perform this ritual on the night of December 18-19 or on the first day of the Epiphany.

Rite of strong love.
At the Epiphany of the Lord, a guy and a girl who wanted to get married should plunge into the hole together and bless the water in the church. This ensures that their feelings will always be strong and strong. The same rite can be performed couples who want to breathe new life into their relationship.

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On the feast of the Epiphany, they say, you can recognize all the events of the coming year, if you are attentive. If you want - believe, if you don't want - check. We recommend everyone who belongs to the descendants of Thomas the unbeliever to make observations on this day and write down everything they see. See for yourself how informative Baptism is in terms of predicting the future. And here are the signs themselves:

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Epiphany weather tips


If it snows in the morning, it means that the year will be rich. It concerns not only the harvest, but also other types of profit, if you saw this phenomenon with your own eyes.

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When the wind and frost - stock up good, there will be no harvest. This also applies to all types of earnings, if you have such an observation.

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If there is a thaw (which is extremely rare), they will know that there will be problems in society. They say that before such terrible events as war or revolution, Epiphany was especially warm.

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The spring flood will prompt a clear month on Epiphany night.

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According to signs, snow falling in fluffy flakes indicates that the earth will be generous in harvest.

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There are many stars in the sky, it is clear and deep, you can plan trips for berries and mushrooms, there will be a lot of them.

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Came to the hole with Epiphany water, and there the fish are splashing, which means that the beekeepers will be lucky this year.



When Epiphany Day falls sunny, you need to prepare for a hot summer.

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Seeing a shooting star is a happy occasion that can change your life.

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Personal Epiphany Signs


Those people who met during the Epiphany holidays should be friends all their lives. The Lord blesses such relationships.

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If you fall into a blizzard on this day, expect huge incomes.

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Sign for girls. If a girl had to wash all the dishes after a gala dinner, you need to prepare for matchmakers. Soon the groom will come to the threshold.



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Modern baptismal signs


During the walk we met a man with a bouquet - to be happy this year.

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If you saw a man in red on the street - fall in love to the point of insanity!

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When a passer-by wearing black clothes came out to meet you, try not to start new novels. You will meet exceptionally cunning and deceitful people (in any case, your attention will not be concentrated on others this year)

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Break a plate at Epiphany - for the wedding (your own or with friends). If a cup fell from your hands, this is a sign of new perspectives.

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If you cut your finger on this day: on the left hand - to illness, on the right - a new place of work (study).

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If you happen to survive the burn on this day, then you should know that you will have to move to another city.


If the burn turned out on the upper body (up to the waist - at will, if on the lower - under duress.

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Getting stuck in the elevator at Epiphany - to stagnation in business, if you were going up. And - to an unexpected turn, if the elevator went down.

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Late for public transport - you will have a chance that you have been dreaming about for a very long time. But whether you use it or not is up to you.

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We sincerely congratulate you on the Baptism of Christ! Thanks to this light Orthodox holiday each of us has an amazing opportunity to turn our face to the bright face of our Lord, to repent, confess and receive his blessing and parting words.

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How to make a wish for Baptism


For many years now, Epiphany has been considered the most successful time for making a wish. On the night of January 18-19, many dreams will be heard and fulfilled. However, you must follow a few simple rules.

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Before you make a wish in any of the ways presented, ask for forgiveness from all the people whom you once hurt, treated them ugly, and so on. If there is no way to meet in life, do it mentally.

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Also remember to thank God for all the good things he has done for you throughout your life. So, after that, you can proceed to the main actions.



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In order to make a wish at the Baptism of the Lord, take a handful of any small items. It can be nuts, small balls for the aquarium and much more. Lay them out on a flat surface. Next, you need to make a wish. After that, count all the items. If the number turned out to be even, then your wish will surely come true.

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Take a piece of paper and write 12 wishes, but without repetitions. On the night of 18/19, put a sheet under your pillow. In the morning, close your eyes and choose three of them. They are the ones who will come true.

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Before going to bed, say the words aloud: “Saint Samson, show me a holiday dream…” . Replace the ellipsis with your desire. It is believed that dreams seen on the night before baptism are prophetic. And if you dreamed exactly what you thought of, then you can be sure: the wish will come true.

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On the night of baptism, pour water into any dish . As soon as the liquid begins to sway, go outside. There, looking at the sky, you can ask God for the fulfillment of your most secret desires.

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Pour water into any vessel again. Only this time write your desires on narrow pieces of paper and fold the paper so that the text is not visible. Pieces of paper are attached to the edge of the dishes. Place a non-sinking (tea) candle in the water. Unfold the leaf to which the candle sailed first. The wish written on it will come true.

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If you have a pet, there is such a way to make a wish for baptism. Think about what you want and call your pet into the room. If he enters the room, while crossing the threshold with his left paw, then the desire will come true.

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You need to take a medium size mirror. Write a wish on it with a piece of dry soap. Put a mirror under your pillow and go to bed. If in the morning you do not find the inscription on the mirror, then your desire was heard.

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For those who are going to plunge into the hole on January 19, the following option is perfect. Make a wish while diving into the water. The very next day, January 20 at 3 am, go outside and ask God again about your desire.

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You can also take a stone made of aquamarine or mother-of-pearl with you to the hole. Imagine that your desire is a bright flash of light. Make a guess and throw a stone into the water.

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If you are going to go to church on January 19, then do not forget to put a candle there in some quiet, modest corner. It will bring you and your family good luck for the year ahead.



Wrinkle free all year round

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And this advice to women who want to keep youth for a long time.


Early in the morning on December 19, pour baptismal water in a bowl and look at your reflection. You need to examine yourself very carefully, noticing wrinkles and flaws, after which you wash your face three times with your hands. Water the flowers with the rest of the water. The effect will increase if the water is from the river, where the woman herself goes for it early in the morning. After such a magical procedure, your face will be fresh and attractive all year round.

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In fact, it is not so much the process of the ceremony that is important as faith. Faith in God and in the fulfillment of your desires. You can simply go out to the balcony and, looking at the starry sky, ask the Lord to fulfill your desires. Just remember: you need to dream about something bright and good. About not causing problems to other people.

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