Runes for love and happiness. How to use runes to attract love Runic formula for meeting love and marriage

Runic magic is a system of predictions and actions, which is based on the application of ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, both individual runes and their bundles - staves are used. With the help of such connections, you can easily arouse attraction in the opposite sex and create a strong family with the desired man or woman.

How to use runes correctly

Any rune is not just an ordinary symbol, it is a strong and powerful sign that can influence the fate and actions of a person. Runes to attract love and marriage have been used by many peoples since ancient times. After all, everyone wants to find personal happiness.

But in order for the symbols to begin to act, you need to choose the right runic becoming, apply it to a certain material and activate it correctly.

Today there are several ways to use runic tie:

Each rune has its own separate meaning, which you need to know before applying it to the body or amulets.

The rune is most often used for love and love affairs. There are several such runes, and each of them has its own purpose.

In most cases, the following runes are used:

It is recommended to put all these symbols on paper or a wooden plank and carry it with you all the time. But in order to connect or the rune began to act, you should constantly think about the object of your desire during the creation of the talisman.

Special rates and formulas

In magic, there are runes to attract the love of a particular person, which act in a directed and accurate manner. In order to achieve reciprocity, the following bundles should be used:

Such symbols perfectly help to restore relationships in the personal life of each couple. After all, the domestic sphere is often capable of destroying romance. And magical ligaments will help restore passion and attraction.

All actions with magic symbols should be carried out in several stages:

When resorting to rune magic, you need to be extremely careful and not use unfamiliar characters. Check the correctness of the inscriptions should be before they are applied to the fabric or your own skin. Otherwise, instead of attracting love and marriage, you can reward the object of desire with heart disease.

The optimal formula for love

Runes are often used to attract women and men, because absolutely everyone needs love. To kindle feelings, you should use the runes of Soulu and Kano. The best option would be such a bunch of Kano-Laguz or Inguz-Soulo.

If a man wants to develop attraction in oneself and become desirable for a girl who does not feel anything for him, you should use the Ansuz rune. This symbol is responsible for wisdom and persuasion. If you combine it with Gebo, you will get into a long-term relationship. This connection will be based not only on love, but also on intellectual attachment. Ansuz - Gebo - Yera will allow you to present yourself in a more attractive way.

To return a man to the family Evaize rune should be used. She is responsible for the return of feelings and attraction. It should be combined with the Gebo symbol. And to speed up the process, you can add the sign of Turisaz and Vunyo to this tie.

Runic symbols are able to attract love to a person in almost any case. With a lot of practice, you can independently learn how to create staves that can bring passion and love charms into a person’s life. Symbols can act extremely directed. After all, ancient magic is strong, despite the past millennia.

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Not everyone is happy with their own lives. Runes for love help to change it. They are considered one of the strongest. To find a worthy chosen one or strengthen existing relationships, they use special formulas and staves. They are able to kindle feelings in every person.

What is the purpose of using

Runes of love are used regardless of religion. They do not contradict any religion. Symbols are used for such purposes:

  • meet true love;
  • attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • increase internal energy and self-esteem;
  • enter into marriage with a partner of interest;
  • return to the current relationship the former passion and feelings.

Runic formulas for love are used to induce a powerful love spell. It is easy to ruin your life due to its improper implementation. The ritual has a detrimental effect on the energy of a woman and his chosen one.

Runes of love affairs

From the set of runic symbols, those related to love are distinguished.


It translates as "gift". The interpretation of the sign is equality, partnership. The rune represents true eternal love. It is used to attract sincere feelings and happiness. It contributes to the emergence of common interests with the object and mutual understanding. It will not work to create a marriage using a sign. For this purpose, it is combined with other runes.


Laguz women use to acquire attractiveness, tenderness. The sign promotes the development of intuition, helps to start a love relationship.


Othal is the rune of love and marriage. It symbolizes the family hearth. The sign is suitable for people who wish to acquire strong relationships in the near future.

An inverted rune means a person who is impatient in striving for a goal. It is used to resolve problems that have arisen in marriage. Otal contributes to the restoration of harmony in relationships.


Evaz means marriage, the union of 2 people. The rune gives impetus to resolving a situation that has been standing still for a long time.


Inguz is a rune that gives partners the opportunity to show true feelings. It contributes to a revolution in relationships, denotes fertility, masculinity.


Rune of happiness and love. Hagalaz symbolizes need, the need for sincere feelings.


Soulu is one of the runes of victory. It helps to rekindle the flame of love or start over. Fulfills desires, gives confidence.


Algiz protects from troubles and accidents. Symbolizes strong feelings, harmony.


Rune formulas for love may contain other symbols that are associated with relationships. These include Feu, Uruz, Ansuz, Berkana, Kano, Mannaz, Nautiz, Isa, Turisaz, Raido, Vunyo, Yera, Eyvaz, Perth, Algiz, Teyvaz, Dagaz. Rune Yera in love in sound is sometimes replaced by Jera. It means the end of an action.

The principle of using runes

Symbols are used individually or combined in formulas, runescripts, staves (such bundles act like a love spell). The order in which they are applied matters. For beginners, it is better to use formulas. There are also different ways of writing signs - choose the most convenient.

Rules for performing the ritual

In order for the application of runes to attract love to be performed correctly, perform the following actions:

  • close the windows and doors of the room in which the ritual will be performed;
  • they clean the room, fumigate it with incense or St. John's wort;
  • warn loved ones not to come in (even pets should not be present);
  • set the table with a new tablecloth;
  • set themselves up for the process, often meditate (10-15 minutes).

It is forbidden to tell others about compiling runic formulas for love, let alone show them. You should also keep silent about your chosen one.

The necessary tools are prepared in advance: a pen, preferably with red ink (the color of love), a ruler, a photo (paper), candles and incense, bowls.

Rune cards must be hidden from prying eyes. The deck must belong to one person. She cannot be overridden. Store in a bag made of natural fabric.

Where to apply

In order for the rune of love and love affairs to give a result, it is worth choosing the right place for application:

  • a temporary tattoo (mehendi) is drawn on the body in the region of the Svadhisthana chakra to increase attractiveness;
  • on an amulet - if they strive to attract good luck for a long period;
  • in the photo - to influence a specific person;
  • on a joint photo - to improve relations;
  • on a piece of paper - when there is no photo of the object, they write its initials and draw runic staves.

Amulets are made from natural material. The symbol is embroidered on a scarf, engraved on jewelry. The talisman is always carried with you.

Runic formulas for relationships

Although the rune of happiness and love is effective as a separate artifact, combinations of symbols are used to enhance the effect. They contain 3 or more signs, together they have a powerful charge of energy.

When creating formulas on their own, they take into account what meaning each symbol is endowed with. They also figure out which of the signs enhance the action so that the combinations do not contradict each other. The created combination should ideally fit the specific situation.

There are many ready-made runic formulas for attracting love:

  • Kano Gebo Laguz is suitable for women who seek to find the perfect soul mate;
  • Kano Gebo Inguz - a similar combination, only for men;
  • Dagaz Kenaz Gebo is used to return love;
  • Kano Laguz or Inguz Soulu - a combination that brings passion to a cooled relationship;
  • Turisaz Gebo Vunyo promotes a long-term love affair;
  • Isa Gebo Isa is used to protect the presence of harmony and understanding in relationships.

The use of Russian runes of love for love affairs allows you to achieve any results. The main thing is to clearly formulate the goal.

Runic staves

To search for a life partner, they often use different combinations of symbols arranged in a certain order. Their task is to help the performer of the ritual to achieve the goal.

"Spider web of love"

One of the most effective runic stakes on love. It is used to maintain relationships at the level of lovers. In other words, it is the binding of a person with sex.

Applicable signs:

  • Stunginn Iss - so that the partner does not understand that he was bewitched;
  • Gebo Vunyo Kenaz - a bunch that brings brightness to relationships;
  • Nautiz - under his influence, a man performs the agreed actions;
  • Uruz provides attraction;
  • Ansuz promotes mutual understanding.

"Fire of love"

The use of this runic stav on love helps to gain the sympathy of the object. It does not cause a sharp binding, it acts slowly, gradually.

Becoming made up of the following symbols:

  • Teyvaz - a man who is bewitched;
  • Berkana is a woman who performs manipulations;
  • mirror Ansuz - performed love spell;
  • Nautiz (in the background) produces coercion;
  • Ansuz Nautiz makes a man think about a woman;
  • Hyera provides a permanent action of the stav;
  • Kenza Laguza causes passion;
  • Vunyo contributes to the desire for communication.

"Luck Smile"

  • Soulu Teyvaz - for cleaning the path and canal in the right direction;
  • Dagaz Dagaz opens up opportunities;
  • Evaz promotes change;
  • Raido pushes forward;
  • Gebo - to make the desired come true;
  • Feho Uruz Kano - for financial prosperity;
  • Vunyo Teyvaz - getting pleasure from the process.

How to activate

The rune of love and love affairs, as well as various combinations of symbols, comes into effect after the stipulation is fulfilled. To activate becoming, they focus on words, believe in its power. They come up with texts on their own, putting desire into them, or use ready-made ones. For example:

“May this formula, by the power of runes, attract happy love relationships into my life. Let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones.

The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning.

Runic staves for love magic are activated in the following ways:

  • runes are pronounced sequentially (when writing or after it);
  • express desire in verse;
  • looking at each symbol, stipulate the purpose for which it was used.

An amulet that is planned to be used for a long time needs recharging. It is performed every 1-2 months.

The result after activation in most cases is visible after 7-10 days. Sometimes the effect begins to appear after a month. If there is no effect for a long time, you need to rethink the formula and more clearly define the goal.

If with the help of the Slavic runes of love you managed to find a life partner, you should get rid of them (burn them). This is done so that the formula does not start the action again or in the opposite direction.

Divination with runes

The use of runes for love and relationships is different. In addition to finding a lover, they predict the further development of the novel. You need to guess with the help of symbols. In this way, they check compatibility with a partner or get an answer to a question of interest.

Guessing should be trained people. If a person is well versed in runes, the process is done independently. Manipulations are performed on the night after the full moon. One of the easiest ways to guess:

  • ask a specific question;
  • draw a card from the deck;
  • interpret its meaning: it will be the answer.

Also look at the position of the rune to attract love. If it is upside down, the answer is the opposite.

To clarify the meaning of the relationship, fortune-telling on 4 runes of Odin "Aphrodite's Cross" is used. It is also used to understand what partners expect from each other and what awaits them in the future.

The “Window to the Soul” layout, consisting of 3 cards, will help you understand what your husband or lover is thinking about. This is especially true if the couple is in danger of breaking up due to a partner's betrayal.


Runes in love are of great importance. They are used to meet a person who meets the desired requirements. Symbols can also revive the husband's past feelings.

It is better to use proven combinations. The Scandinavian sagas warn of the danger that arises if rune magic is used incorrectly to attract love.

Ancient Scandinavian symbols are often used in personal matters. The runes of love and their combinations will help attract a particular man, improve existing relationships, and also achieve happiness in marriage. There are love spells and softer ways to achieve what you want with the help of these signs. But you need to know the rules for their use, so as not to harm yourself.

Runes of personal affairs

The runic row has many symbols. It contains signs that help attract love. Before using, you should familiarize yourself with their meaning. Among the most effective symbols, 7 are distinguished.

  1. Kano - considered the main rune of love. She will ignite strong feelings in the heart of a man. It will bring new emotions into the relationship. Will give the operator
  2. Gebo - makes relationships partner, brings equality to them. Each of the partners contributes equally to them. The rune of love and love affairs helps to harmonize the connection. Attracts mutual understanding, promotes the emergence of common interests.
  3. Odal - symbolizes home comfort. Helps to solve problems in the family, even the most serious ones. Partners, thanks to the influence of the symbol, set common goals and achieve them.
  4. Laguz - enhances increases female attractiveness. In the current relationship, it helps partners to listen to each other's opinions.
  5. Hagalaz is the rune of love and happiness. Represents the need for sincere feelings.
  6. Algiz - increases the feeling of each other's desires on an intuitive level.
  7. Soulou-anew Helps lovers to start everything from scratch. Gives a person Helps

Purposes of application

Runes for marriage and love can be used by adherents of different religions. They do not contradict their principles if the person's intentions are pure and sincere. Use symbols to improve personal affairs. With their help, you can achieve the following results:

  • attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • meet the real and sincere
  • enter into a legal relationship with a specific person or successfully marry an as yet unknown person in the future;
  • Refresh existing relationships, return to them their former passion.

Often, with the help of formulas and staves, a love spell is made. This is a powerful way to get what you want. But its use is a danger to the one who conducts the ritual, as well as to the object of influence. The energy of both sides is destroyed.

Before using rune magic, learn more about the properties of ancient signs (a selection of articles in the table below). You can also use other runic systems to create amulets of love and happiness:

Scandinavian runes (click on the picture for details)

Rules for using stakes

They pre-prepare everything necessary for the process: pens, markers, photos, a ruler, candles, etc. They don’t tell anyone about the use of runes. They are also silent about the chosen one. Cards with symbols are hidden from prying eyes. The deck is kept in a bag made of natural fabric. Only the owner should use it.

Runes to attract the love of a particular person must be able to You can do this in different ways. Everyone chooses more convenient for themselves.

Writing characters is carried out in a calm environment:

  • close the window and doorways in the room - no one should enter during the ritual;
  • do the cleaning, fumigate the room with incense;
  • for 15 minutes.

The place for applying runes to attract love is chosen according to the purpose of use. Then they will have the desired effect. The most common symbols are:

  • on the body - to increase attractiveness in the area of ​​​​the Svadhisthana chakra, mehendi is drawn;
  • on a talisman - to attract good luck for a long time;
  • in the photo - to influence a certain man;
  • in a joint photo - for good changes in relationships;
  • on paper - if it is not possible to get a photo of the object.

Amulets should always be carried with you. Runes can also be embroidered and engraved.

Formulas for Strong Feelings

Runes for marriage and love are effective on their own. But you can still increase their impact. To do this, use combinations of three or more characters, taking into account the meaning of each.

There are already ready-made combinations that differ in such an action:

  • Gebo + Gebo + Algiz + Odal + Vunyo - harmonizes relationships;
  • Ansuz + Gebo + Yera - helps to please a particular person, charges with an aura of attractiveness and sexuality;
  • Turisaz + Gebo + Vunyo - a combination of runes for instantly attracting mutual love, which will last for a long time;
  • Kano + Laguz or Inguz + Soulu - renews cooled feelings and passion between partners;
  • Turisaz + Kenaz + Soulu - the formula reunites lovers after quarrels;
  • Evaz + Gebo + Odal - will help get rid of an opponent and
  • Isa + Gebo + Isa - will protect harmony in personal life;
  • Uruz + Berkana + Inguz - eliminates intimate problems, makes partners sexually seductive for each other.

Formula activation

In order for the rune to attract a man or different combinations to give the desired effect, it is worth fulfilling the stipulation. You can come up with its own text or use ready-made ones. When you say the words, you need to focus all your attention on them. The main thing is to believe in the power of the ritual. An example sentence goes like this:

May this formula, by the power of runes, attract happy love relationships into my life. Let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones. The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning.

Then list all the runes. You can do this during application or after it. Then they voice the desire in poetic form. They stipulate the goals for which each symbol was used, peering at them in turn.

In most cases, the formula begins to work after activation for a month. Sometimes this period is longer. When there is no result for a long time, you need to rethink the formula and define the goal more precisely.

Amulets that are made for a long period are periodically charged. If, thanks to the runes, it was possible to meet true love and gain happiness in marriage, it is worth burning them. Otherwise, the formula may start to work again or show the opposite results from the intentions.

Partner Acquisition Rates

The purpose of using different combinations is to help the performer of the ritual Runes to attract love are more often used by women to influence a man. But the representatives of the stronger sex can also use them.

A powerful love spell will make a particular person run after a woman. Will make the object go crazy over her, jealous. If a person already has feelings for the operator and the runes are used only to develop them faster, then

When a man loves one woman and then he is forced to pay attention to another person, then this is a change in the fate of a person. Rune stakes can be stipulated so that they will stop their effect at a certain time. This distinguishes the ritual from the classic love spells.

"The Hook of Love and Marriage"

  • 2 Nautiz - coercion;
  • Vunyo - fun and happiness;
  • mirror Vunyo - longing, bad mood;
  • 2 Soulo - warm and tender relationship, renewal of love;
  • Uruz - push for conquest;
  • inverted Uruz - defeats the object's resistance;
  • Teyvaz - the result and success of the ritual;
  • Eyvaz - readiness for family life, marriage.

Second plan:

  • Kenaz - feelings and desires;
  • Gebo - confrontation with contradictions, harmony;
  • Inguz - the awakening of love;
  • Algiz - protection of relationships and stav;
  • Turisaz direct and mirror - eliminate obstacles on the way.

First, Nautiz is applied one under the other, of which Vunyo is, then a rune is drawn to attract the love of Soulo from the previous symbol. Uruzes are depicted from Nautiz. Teyvaz goes through a whole stave, and Eyvaz goes through one Nautiz.

Symbols of the second plan appear through the ligature. Activated by breath and fire. The challenge can be made like this: Dagaz surrounded by 4 Raido.

They apply it by becoming the “Hook of Love and Marriage” in the photo in the region of the heart, first with a red marker. Then they bleed. Negotiate the duration of the impact. When there is no photograph, then a person with sexual characteristics is schematically depicted on a piece of paper. The last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth are written below. Next, they designate the region of the heart and depict becoming.

An example sentence might sound like this:

This becoming gently, but forcibly, leads a man to actions to possess me and conquer me, showing me all his feelings that he hides in himself - love, care, warmth, gentleness, in connection with which all insults are forgotten and disagreements and contradictions are smoothed out , moreover, a man gets hooked, from which he can no longer jump, but comes to my family for marriage.

"Eternal love"

  1. Turisaz -
  2. Laguz - softens the effect of the previous rune. Helps to neutralize the object's defenses and his feelings for another woman, if any. Does not allow guessing about coercion;
  3. Evaz - encourages a person to pay attention to the person performing the ritual. He starts to fall in love. Tries to find common interests.
  4. Odal - forms in the male mind the desire to always be with a woman who has completed becoming. He takes steps towards living together and marriage.

In the background, such relationship runes as Teyvaz and Raido appear. They give the object of influence a push towards the woman.

Becoming applied to the photo of a loved one. You don't need to use your own blood. If it is possible to obtain the biomaterial of the object, then make a binding.

Becoming "Eternal Love" is stipulated, according to the following recommendations:

  • list the symbols that make up the combination;
  • say the words:

    By the power of this runic stav (name and author) (object name) falls in love with (woman's name), builds harmonious relationships with her and creates a family. I activate this runic becoming a breath (fire, elements, burning, etc.) This runic becoming works for my good. Let it be so!

The clause can be changed according to the specific situation. But it is worth considering that the success of the ritual largely depends on the correctness of this part of it.

"Fire of love"

Since ancient times, runic magic has served people, helping in work, war, and treatment. The rune of love and love affairs was also known to people. To increase your attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you can use both individual symbols and runic formulas. They are a combination of several symbols that are used in the form of sacred words or transform their constituent symbols into galdrstaves - bundles of several runes.

Basic rules of runic magic

Runic magic is very popular because, for all its effectiveness, it does not bring kickbacks like black magic, does not require large sacrifices, and acts quite quickly. The impact is carried out in several stages:

If the need for magical influence has disappeared, the spell can be easily dispelled without any consequences. To do this, it is enough to erase, burn or otherwise destroy the carrier on which the runes are imprinted. When the runes are destroyed or erased, the magic will cease to work.

Runic formulas of three characters

For beginner magicians, it is recommended to use ready-made formulas or individual runes. Of the individual runes, we can recommend the rune of partnership - Gebo. This is the best rune to attract the love of a man or woman. It should also be used, tried and tested by time, the following combinations of runes.

Haldrstaves for love magic

A stronger effect is obtained if several rune symbols are tied together to attract love. The strongest stakes are listed below. Such amulets are made in two stages:

  1. The pattern is entirely drawn on a suitable subject.
  2. Becoming colored additionally, the symbols that make it up are written out in turn.

For re-staining, paint of a different color is used, the blood of a magician or a sacrificial animal. It is most convenient to make an amulet for permanent wear on the basis of a haldrstav. To do this, the image of the stave is applied to an object made of bone, wood or other natural material. The amulet is worn on the chest. You can not swim without removing the amulet, flowing water destroys spells.

Becoming the "Wand of Relations"

This spell changes the event field of fate around its owner in such a way as to attract the most suitable partner, arouse his interest, attraction and love. Helps to conclude a legal marriage and favors a happy married life. Can be inscribed on a photograph of a partner or on an amulet for everyday wear.

It works powerfully, but gently, without unpleasant side effects and rollback. Includes the following magic symbols:

Knitted "Unexpected love"

This position is for special occasions. It happens that a person you like communicates with pleasure, but does not make closer contact. Or a man agrees to rare intimate meetings, but is in no hurry with an official marriage proposal. This spell is able to attract people to each other, make their relationship more intense and serious. Acts very quickly.

You can, looking at the object of your sighs, quickly draw an image of this stav on a piece of paper or scratch it on your own nail with a needle. Consists of the following components:

Becoming "Compulsion to Love"

A spell to create a runic love spell. It is necessary to draw it on a photo of a loved one. You can use paper with a name instead of a photo. It is required to carefully imagine the image of the one in whom you need to arouse love for yourself and say out loud:

“(name) must love me, so be it, no one can interfere!”

If the need for the love of this person disappears, you will need to burn the runes. After that, the spell will dispel without harm or consequences. Consists of the following characters:

  1. Gebo. Indicates the direction of the spell - friendship, love, partnership.
  2. Double Nautiz in direct and mirror image completely deprives a person of his will and makes him behave as the one who drew the runes needs.

Having studied the magic of runes, you can positively influence your relationship with the opposite sex. Runes are only useful, since they do not belong to black magic.

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The influx of sincere feelings helps to improve the relationship that has already arisen.

Runes of love and their characteristics

Runes - the writing of the ancient Germans. It appeared in the I-II-XII century on the territory of modern Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Runes are currently the strongest occult tool. They are the language of otherworldly forces and powerful gods.

Consider the runes for attracting love, the most powerful stakes that are directly related to love relationships:

Runic signs were discovered by Odin, the supreme deity in Norse mythology.

Runic formulas to attract love and marriage

First of all, it is worth understanding what goals a person pursues: to find love, to meet the ideal man, to get married, to return the departed chosen one, to revive the former passion, to strengthen the family. To solve any of these problems, there is a runic formula - this is a certain sequence of runes of love.

When activated, they gain magical power. It is obligatory to observe a certain sequence and compatibility of signs. Combinations Gebo-Otal, Laguz-Gebo-Vunyo - runic standing on the love of a man, are used to gain feelings and meet a reliable life partner.

For the same purpose, becoming from several runes of Gebo, Perth, Kano, Gebo, Vunyo, Yera is used. The combination of Kano, Gebo, Laguz are runes of attractiveness for women. Helps her to become more confident in herself and her abilities. A separate combination of Gebo and Laguz is a positive attitude, an elevated emotional state, and love.

A runescript from several Laguz - becoming the love of a particular man, will help to attract the attention of a loved one. The combination of Inguz and Berkana is suitable for women who want to get married soon. The effect of this formula may accelerate the onset of pregnancy.

Becoming the "Hook of Love and Marriage"

The combination of Gebo-Berkana - runes in relationships, a symbol of family happiness. Serves the family from any adversity. Runescript Berkan, Inguz, Uruz (a sign of male energy and strength) - ignition of passion, sensuality, improvement of intimate life, help with conception.

Rune combinations for gaining a long-term relationship:

  • Perth, Mannaz, Gebo;
  • Kano, Yera, Otal;
  • Inguz, Gebo, Otal.

Runescript for harmonizing relationships: Gebo, Algiz, Otal, Vunyo and Gebo.

Becoming the "Spider Web of Love"

Additionally, you can use the rune of love and love affairs:

  • Dagaz, Kenaz, Gebo - for the return of a loved one, family reunification.
  • Vunyo, Raido, Gebo, Berkana, Kano, Yera - to attract love and subsequent marriage.
  • Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo - to resume communication with a loved one.

After choosing the desired runescript, they proceed to its application.

You can't do it with runes. Runic magic does not imply a forced impact on the object of sympathy. The runes of love are a call for real bright feelings.

Application and activation

To draw runes, you can use:

  • photo of the object of influence;
  • joint photo;
  • an ordinary sheet of paper without cells and rulers (previously indicate the name, date of birth of the object and your wishes on the back);
  • talisman, amulet (or tree);
  • body.

It is important not to forget to activate the runic formula. Activation consists in the sequential pronunciation of the names of the runes in the formula.

You need to speak clearly and loudly. During the process, the desired result should be presented. The effect will appear within a month. If this does not happen, the runescript should be strengthened or a different formula applied.

Perhaps you should be more specific about what you want. After achieving the result, the photo (or sheet) is to be burned. We must not forget and be sure to thank the runes for their help.

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Runes are powerful magical powers. According to legend, they are of divine origin. Runes can achieve a lot, but they must be used with care and treated with respect.