Runes and their meaning for beginners. What are runes, how to work with them and how to activate them

Nowadays, most people know what runes are, but ten or fifteen years ago there was very little knowledge about them in the public domain. Now there is a sea of ​​information, but how much of it is useful - not all beginners can appreciate it. Runes are the Old Norse alphabet, which has been used for magical purposes since ancient times. Runes are widely used by esotericists, someone adheres to tradition, and someone else creates new bizarre forms of runic practices, so it is difficult for a beginner to understand this.

Practitioners who first encounter runes and the Northern Tradition are concerned with the same question: how and where to start? From the acquisition or manufacture of a set of runes for divination, the development of this very divination, acquaintance with ancient texts and Scandinavian mythology? It would be right to do it at the same time. If the practitioner does not have the experience of divination, then this will also have to be learned. Of course, you need to remember the names of the Elder Futhark runes and their meanings. Then you can get acquainted with Scandinavian mythology, in the retelling of modern authors, and only then study the key texts of the Northern Tradition: first of all, these are the Elder and Younger Eddas, runic poems.

It is advisable to remember all the Scandinavian gods: legends about them, mentions in ancient texts, which of them is friends or enemies with whom, what signs each deity has or what may indirectly indicate it. The study of runes must necessarily include immersion in the mythology of the northern peoples. It will be great to make the first rune set with your own hands, with some effort, while showing creativity.

Ethics in working with runes

The society of ancient Scandinavia adhered to a radically different morality than the Christian one, characteristic of our society. Recall at least the Vikings and human sacrifices to the gods. Therefore, the ethics of a particular magical work is determined by its author. If he is able to do something with the help of magic (even a love spell or damage) and knows how to use the runes correctly, then he has every right to do so.

How runic amulets and runes work

The symbols or formulas depicted on the carrier already have power in themselves. It is enough to activate them so that they begin to work. Activation is done by the four elements, breath and blood. Traditionally, runes were carved on wood or stone, sometimes stained (with the blood of a person or animal, as well as with ocher, the composition of which is closest to blood). Many practitioners draw runes simply on paper, explaining that it is made of wood, which means that it is quite a suitable medium. Indeed, this is so, but it is worth remembering that the runes were precisely “cut”, a knife was traditionally used in the process.

How rune bundles are built

Clear rules by which galdrastavs or formulas are compiled are not known for certain, although they most likely existed. If you look at how authentic ancient galdrastavs look like, you can see that the runes are connected through common parts, one can be the main one and larger than the others in size, and the rest, as it were, are secondary, have an equal size. There are formulas simply written in a row - runetains.

There are a lot of author's works on the net with runes repeating many times and a complex pattern resembling patterns for crocheting napkins. This is superfluous: one does not need to repeat the rune many times in order to put enough of its power into the work. If the operator does not know how to empower one symbol, several will not help him. The exceptions are well-known formulas, for example, three fehu, four turisaz. In them, each sign has a different property and purpose. For example: "I cut runes, tours and three more: lust, madness and anxiety."

Do you trust the runes

Not knowing how runes work, how to use them in your magical work, of course, breeds distrust. However, without this, nothing will come of it. To understand how to work with runes, a beginner does not need detailed instructions, but immersion in Scandinavian mythology and tradition, reading the Elder and Younger Edda, runic poems. You need to feel the runes with your heart. They are often harsh in their responses, like a close and devoted, but somewhat harsh friend. It must be remembered that the runes came from the depths of centuries, proving their magical power and unconditional benefit to humans. So, rather, you need to put the question this way: is it possible to trust yourself, as a practice, with your knowledge and experience.

How to master the rune technique

In order to start using the runes for your own purposes, you need to immerse yourself in the Northern Tradition, establish contact with the gods in order to become "one's own" for the Scandinavian egregor. The better you manage to do this, the stronger any magical work will be. The very technology of fortune-telling and carving runes is simple, even a beginner can master it. It is important to establish a deep connection with the Nordic gods on a spiritual level, to understand how people lived in ancient Scandinavia, and to adhere to the same life principles. For example, be brave and resilient. It is also important not to be afraid of life's difficulties, but to be sincere in relations with people, to say directly what you think, to appreciate friendship, to be hospitable. To better understand how to achieve this, you can read, for example, "The speeches of the High."

Then you can develop divination skills and cut runic staves. They are made for a variety of purposes. Ancient northern magicians used magic to heal and attract wealth, win love, protect against enemies, heal animals, and get a good harvest. Therefore, one should not be limited only to spiritual goals, such as gaining wisdom and developing vision. A wise and insightful magician will first take care of the earthly.

How to use runes without hurting yourself

There are several rules, following which you can be sure that the study of northern magic will not end in failure for a novice practitioner. Many novice magicians think that runes are dangerous, but they are not. Yes, their influence is really very strong. There is a high threshold for entering the tradition, a set of rules and a vector for working on oneself. In order not to harm yourself, you need to follow safety precautions. Then everything will be fine and the results will be achieved, but no one will suffer, including the practitioner himself.

  • “The one who does not understand them should not cut the runes,” this is the most ancient and main rule. It is necessary to study the runes themselves and the Northern Tradition in detail before starting practical work.
  • Working with runes is always an appeal to the gods. For the work you need to be grateful - leave gifts. If this is not done, the god or ace can choose his own payment for help, and one that the practice does not like.
  • Some practitioners believe that it is necessary to stain the carved runes and staves with their own blood, but this can only be done for “their own”, family members, relatives and loved ones. But not for casual acquaintances, and not for clients.
  • It is impossible to work without preliminary diagnostics and a layout for the result of the work.
  • It is forbidden to "do good" to people with magic without asking.
  • You need to really monitor your capabilities and not take on everything.

Rune diagnostics for beginners

Rune divination was first mentioned by Tacitus. According to him, the ancient magicians of the north threw wooden sticks with symbols carved on them (presumably runes) onto the canvas, taking them out of the bag, and according to the location of these sticks they made predictions about the future. Modern runologists do the same. You can get a special canvas for throwing runes, on which you can embroider, for example, Scandinavian motifs, as well as a beautiful bag for storing a rune set. You need to throw while standing, from yourself, spreading the canvas in front of you on the floor. For one question, several runes are taken, ideally 3 - 5. First, those that are closer are interpreted, and then distant ones. You can’t guess more than once on the same question if you don’t like the answer. It is advisable not to ask many questions at once, 2-3 is enough.

If you do not have the necessary skills, knowledge and the ability to make a rune set yourself, you can buy runes for beginners, preferably from a master, and not in an esoteric store. In an extreme case, these will do, but then you need to accustom them to your own energy for some time, and then devote them with the help of the four elements. Such a tool will be “alive” and working.

Quite often, I receive letters in private messages asking me to tell where and from whom you can learn rune magic. The question arises so often that it is easier to describe the entire system of education and training right in the blog.

So. I'll start by repeating the hackneyed truth for the hundredth time:. This is a rather serious technique that requires preliminary preparation, development of perception, strengthening and transformation of the student's energy. It's like a huge barbell, weighing a hundred kilos. What will happen to a green beginner who has just come to the gym if he tries to lift such a weight on the move, at the very first workout? - The answer is obvious: in the best case, a person simply will not succeed, in the worst case, he will cripple or overstrain. You have to go through a lot of hard training with lighter shells before talking about the coveted 100-kilo barbell makes any sense at all. It's the same with runes. Before embarking on runic attunements, one should gain experience in mastering simpler and softer energies, strengthen one’s energy with their help and develop one’s energy “muscles”. Then the subsequent training will be easy and smooth, there will be no difficulties or unpleasant sensations, and the practical results will exceed the wildest expectations. What happens if you try to teach a person without preparation? - There are two options: either he will fail absolutely NOTHING (there simply will not be enough energy “muscles” to conduct and direct the energies of the runic circle somewhere), or the energy of an unprepared person may not withstand and fail in the process of attunement or after. This is fraught with a lot of various problems both with health and in other areas of life.

What is good preparation before mastering rune magic, and what is not? In schools known to me, it is recommended to start with a technique called Cosmoenergetics (CEN). By its origin, it is quite far from the northern magical tradition, and this causes bewilderment among many who want to touch the runes: why, they say, the teacher imposes some healing channels on me and calls me to practice with them, when I want magic, in the tradition of the North. Although the reason "why" here is clear and obvious to everyone, except for a beginner, rushing to his cherished barbell weighing one hundred kilos. Initiation into cosmoenergetics and intensive practice with channels is a simple and quick way to develop and strengthen energy, available to any person. Successful practice experience with KEN channels is practically a guarantee that there will be no problems with mastering the runes in the future, or at least a person will be able to perceive the initiations normally and start working. It can be said that the CEN channels are the very small weights, lifting and working with which prepare the human energy for working with heavier projectiles (rune magic).

But the various experiences of attending runic webinars, meditating on rune icons, attempts to independently prepare, alas, are not. Also, your experience in bioenergetics, various manipulations with your own energy and stories about how cool you feel all the energies of the runic circle (which you simply do not have before initiation) cannot be considered sufficient preparation. For, again, I repeat, the goal of training is the development and strengthening of the energy body, building up “muscles”, and not at all hammering the head and developing the imagination of the future practitioner.

Yes, it may seem unfair, hurtful and wrong, but such is life. Learning runes does not begin at all with brainwashing the study of information, not with independent experiments, but with the development of a completely different technique. And this technique, like the runes, is not mastered in two days. Usually, in order to receive initiations into the first, "Buddhist" block of KEN, it takes a couple of weeks and for this you need to go to the master and meet him personally. And then still work out, practice for some time with the received energies ... And this is actually the easiest, fastest and safest way to master the magic of runes in some future.

Are there exceptions to the general rule? There are, of course, where without them. Sometimes preparation does not begin with cosmic energy, but with some other external energy, technology, for example, and the CEN channels follow. Sometimes mentors decide that with runic attunements a person should wait, and instead master something else. But not a single serious teacher will allow an unprepared person to the runes who has no experience working with other energies and has not put his energy in order. Unless, of course, he has REAL rune energies, and not some kind of filkin's letter.

And no, you can't do it online. This is impossible in principle, no matter how you are assured of this by those who earn money through online manipulations. They will confidently promise this, but we are not children, right? Not from the book either. Why, why ... Because the same reason why the water is wet. The authors and publishers of such books also often promise almost self-initiation into the runes in the course of reading. Or, at worst, gaining strength through meditation / exercise, described in the book. You can understand them - otherwise no one will read it, the circulation cannot be cranked. But understanding it and believing it are two completely different things.

Dear seekers of the power of the Northern Tradition. Drop illusions, advertising promises and fairy tales. Real runes are serious. It won't be fast. It won't be free. It won't be without physical contact with the Runemaster. If you are not ready to make efforts, endure inconvenience, go somewhere, complete tasks and incur significant expenses - leave the idea with runes. Master Reiki - in your city they probably teach it, and it is quite possible to get it online. And leave the runes stubborn and selfless. Only such people have a chance to learn this someday.

Yes, I can advise. But only for those for whom it is really important, who want, can and will act, and not just share their dreams about the runes and faint at the first obstacle on the way. Decide for yourself if it's worth asking.

Angular, slightly elongated unusual letters - runes, are of interest to many people. What is it anyway? The alphabet of the ancestors of modern Germans, English, Swedes and Norwegians or magical symbols for rituals? In this article, we will answer these questions and find out how to use runes for beginners.

Excursion into history

Most of the tribes of northern Europe used for two purposes:

  • like phonetic signs,
  • as a pictogram system.

In the first case, runes were used to write words and read records. But in the second, these symbols served as a means of communication with the other world. With the help of runes, they influenced the weather, treated the sick, and even improved their financial condition. These symbols were written on weapons, tables, houses, and in general, wherever possible. But not everyone possessed this secret knowledge.

Nowadays, getting the necessary information is not difficult. And therefore, fortune-tellers and sorcerers are so eager to learn the magic of runes. For beginner esotericists, this is a wonderful way to replenish your knowledge base. They seem to open a window into a new, interesting and unusual world. Those who begin to study runes note that miracles begin to happen in their lives. They have better intuition. In addition, having learned this skill, you can help not only yourself, but also relatives and friends.

There are two completely different ways to use these unusual characters. Firstly, with their help, you can improve your health, remove damage, and resolve family issues. And, besides, there are divination on runes. They allow you to remember the past, look at the present and open the curtain of the future. But the study of runes for beginners does not begin with this. First you need to get to know them better.

Rune types

There is an incredible number of different magical symbols:

  • scandinavian,
  • danish,
  • gothic,
  • german,
  • Swedish-Norwegian.

In ancient times, each tribe used its own runes. But nowadays Scandinavian ones are the most popular. Runes for beginners can be found in the following image.

You can make them yourself or buy them at the store. In addition, unlike Tarot cards, runes can be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends who are interested in esotericism.

Rune activation

In order for the phonetic signs of our ancestors to gain magical power, you first need to get to know them. In addition, you need to activate the runes. For beginners, this is not difficult at all. It is necessary to take each rune, examine it carefully, feel the energy it radiates and read what it means. This should be done with each character. At the same time, you should not rush. Experienced esotericists say that every day should be dedicated to one rune.

Another thing is if you make a magic tool yourself. In this case, activation occurs automatically. It's just that when you make each rune, you should pronounce its name, read its meaning.

Man and magical symbols must create one whole. Only in this case, the runes will be able to answer all your questions and help in solving them.

Rune values ​​(1-12)

So, almost all esotericists use Scandinavian symbols. These are 24 completely different runes. They differ in appearance, meaning and energy. Some of them are more aggressive, they seem to blow cold. Such runes have negative interpretations. Others are warm or even hot. Consider the first 12 runes.

  1. Feu is one of the most famous symbols. This is the rune of wealth, protection and achievement. In love matters, it symbolizes former partners and relationships.
  2. Uruz is a symbol that denotes strength and victory. This is the rune of health, power, it allows you to fulfill all plans and dreams.
  3. Turisaz - a critical situation, problems, destruction. This symbol means that you should carefully consider the circumstances.
  4. Ansuz is a rune that means expectation, wisdom, and literally translates as "mouth". It can be interpreted as an exam, an interview, important negotiations, in love - a heartfelt conversation.
  5. The Raido symbol symbolizes the road, travel. But besides this, the rune can also mean spiritual movement and self-improvement.
  6. Kano - fire or torch. The rune symbolizes energy, power, strength. There are some similarities with Uruz in interpretation. But at the same time, this symbol indicates that a favorable period will soon come, and this will happen without any effort on the part of a person. In love divination, it symbolizes a man.
  7. Gebo is a fairly common rune. She takes her beginning in the meaning of "gift". This is one of the most auspicious signs, meaning happiness, luck, joy. This rune is very often used in the preparation of special formulas for well-being, wealth.
  8. quite often compared with the Tarot card "Wheel of Fate". Indeed, their meanings are almost identical. This symbol can have both a positive interpretation and a negative one. As a rule, the rune indicates that everything is going in the right direction and the person has nothing to worry about. With negative runes nearby, Vunyo can be interpreted as stagnation in business, the impossibility of progress.
  9. Hagalaz (Hagall) - literally translated "hail". This is a symbol of spontaneous destruction, the collapse of hopes and plans. He warns that the person is no longer in full control of the situation.
  10. Nautiz is a rune that not only shows the situation, but also explains what to do. It literally translates to "don't rush". Most often, the rune falls out when a person has many problems in life. The symbol gives advice: "You need to be patient." And in fact, everything that happens in life is not accidental, and one must humbly accept the trials of fate.
  11. Isa - depicted as a vertical stick. And this is no coincidence. It seems to show that a period of stagnation has come. You should put aside all the cases and look at them from the other side. At this time, you will not be able to succeed, but at the same time nothing threatens you.
  12. Yer means "harvest". The rune symbolizes receiving finances, but not just winning the lottery. This is a well-deserved reward. Although, the rune does not always indicate material values. Let's say a guy for a very long time sought the location of a girl. If Yer falls out, then everything worked out for him and she, finally, will pay attention to him.

Rune values ​​(12-24)

Among the next 12 runes, you can also find both positive and negative ones. But you need to understand that in each case, the value may vary and depend on various factors. If you are wondering where to start studying runes, then you should study these interpretations for a start:

  1. Eyvaz is a rune that means that any obstacle can be overcome. The time has come to gather strength and act decisively.
  2. Perth is a symbol of grief and disappointment. Probably, some events will make a person very worried. In love divination, it can mean a break. Sometimes it shows that some secret will soon be revealed to a person.
  3. Algiz is the rune of change. An event will occur in a person's life that will completely change his life. This, most likely, is something good and kind, perhaps the appearance of a new person in your life. In addition, protection, a talisman matters.
  4. Soulu is a fairly positive rune. It means an energetic rise in strength, the ability to overcome any obstacles. It can also be used for cleaning with runes. For beginners, this will be a great way to strengthen your spiritual power.
  5. Teyvaz - rivalry, competition. Could mean competition. In some cases, it is interpreted as the need to deal with difficulties.
  6. Berkana is a symbol of family, birth. It can represent a mother or children. In the professional field, it means career growth. And in love - improving relationships.
  7. Evaz is another rune of change. But in this case, it still concerns moving to a new home, changing jobs.
  8. Mannaz - symbolizes secrecy and modesty. If a person is planning a business, then it is these qualities that he will need. The rune also means that you cannot do it alone, and more influential patrons will be required to successfully complete the case.
  9. Laguz is a symbol of intuitive knowledge, hidden abilities. Only his own intuition can help a person in solving a problem.
  10. Inguz - a successful solution of cases, gifts. It can mean getting to know your soulmate, new feelings and emotions. Soon one stage of life will end and another will come.
  11. Otal - prosperity, family wealth, buying new things or furniture. It can simply mean money (their presence).
  12. Dagaz - overcoming obstacles, the possibility of crankcase growth, successful undertakings. The rune reveals to a person that great potential is hidden in him. Even if he has a lot of problems now, he can solve them by resorting to an internal reserve of strength.

Odin - the power of rock

In some divination, there are 25 runes. And the last of them is Odina. This is an empty rune that does not have a graphic image on it. It is believed that she personifies fate, fate. If it falls out in fortune-telling, then everything that is destined for a person will definitely happen. The rune indicates that the current situation is under the control of higher powers and it will not work to change it.

In addition, there is another meaning. Odin can be interpreted as a big change. For better or for worse? Everything will depend on the symbols that fall next. Rune cleaning for beginners is carried out precisely with the help of Odina, because the absence of symbols is the easiest to imagine. But it should be understood that this is not just emptiness - it is a transition to another dimension, to something that is beyond the understanding of many people.

Principle of operation

Studying all about runes for beginners, a natural question arises, but how do they work? Although for most practices this information is not important, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with it. It should be understood that if you do not understand the principle of the runes, this does not mean that they will not work. Despite the fact that many do not know how televisions work, this does not prevent them from enjoying their favorite TV shows. In esotericism the same principle.

In the material world, we often encounter objects about which we know practically nothing. It turns out that each of them has a special energy (vibrations). Any object interacts with the cosmos and it does not matter at all whether it is animated or not. Any pebble or twig carries a charge of energy (positive or negative).

By the same principle, people choose their jewelry. Some are favorable for them, while others, on the contrary, have a destructive power. So, on each rune (except Odina) a certain symbol is drawn. It creates a certain field around itself. At the same time, the rune interacts with cosmic forces and gives the person the necessary predictions.

While learning all about runes for beginners, you should also understand that the pictogram system is not perfect. It takes time to get used to it.

As for the runic formulas for improving health, removing damage and the like, the principle of the runes is the same. A set of certain symbols triggers energy changes in the surrounding human world. But at the same time, much depends on the abilities of a person, his aura, the power of thought. It is for this reason that before starting work with runes, you should make sure that you have certain magical knowledge and successfully apply them in practice.

As we have already found out, there are two main types of work with Scandinavian characters:

  1. Drawing up formulas for healing, wealth, removing damage, attracting the opposite sex, etc.
  2. Rune divination.

Where to start studying depends only on what goals a person pursues. Nevertheless, many experienced esotericists recommend starting with the compilation of formulas. If within a month you see that they really work, guessing on the runes will be as easy as shelling pears.

So, in general, you can create a runic formula for the fulfillment of any desire. And, of course, there are certain rules for this. For beginners, the magic of runes has not yet been revealed so much that experienced esotericists recommend that they use ready-made formulas.

As you can see in the image, in some cases other runes are allowed. For example, in the formula “Universal protective shield”, the first and third symbols are Turisaz, and in the center, previously unknown to us, is Tivaz. This is one of the runes of the German alphabet, meaning a warrior, a god. So, the extreme symbols - destroy, dispel everything bad in a person's life with the help of the middle rune. Such a formula is a good amulet against magical attacks, gives strength of mind, allows you to withstand any test.

Where to wear amulets

Now you know where to start learning runes. But besides this, you should also learn how to use them correctly. Runic formulas are amulets that can be worn on the body or clothes, as well as written on objects and photographs. It all depends on the symbols themselves, as well as the intentions of the person. If something hurts you, then the formula can be written on a band-aid and glued to the right place.

In addition, amulets on the wrist, shoulder and neck showed high efficiency. In this case, the choice is limited only by personal preferences and comfort. It is desirable that the runes are not visible to outsiders. In addition, you cannot talk about your goals while the symbols are working. If, nevertheless, someone spotted runic symbols on you, say that it's just that.

Rune divination

This is a great way to look into the future, find out what worries a person and what dangers warn him. There are quite a few different fortune-telling, but work with runes for beginners should start with the simplest ones. Before that, you should tune in to the question that concerns you and discard all extraneous thoughts. It is desirable that there are no unnecessary items on the table where the layout will be performed. The runes should be laid out on a red cloth and mixed well. You can read prayers over them. Mentally ask a question that interests you, and take one rune. Its meaning will be the answer to your question. In addition, in some divination, an inverted meaning is also used. That is, if in a straight line, for example, a rune means happiness, in an inverted one, grief.


There is another area in which the use of runes is possible. So, meditation is another wonderful way to improve health or achieve the desired result. For example, your goal is to lose weight. To do this, take your photo (best of all, if it is a photo before gaining extra pounds, and not after). Draw a circle in the center and place the desired formula.

Now you should lie down comfortably or sit down so that the image is constantly in front of your eyes. Look at the photo for a while and think about how your body will soon change. Then you should close your eyes and imagine how the energy of these symbols envelops you. They seem to penetrate your body and mind. These runes should always be in front of your eyes.

Just starting meditation does not mean that a few extra pounds will go away at the end of it. In fact, the runes change consciousness, give willpower, inspire. You will feel energized and energized, and will likely change your eating habits or sign up for a gym. Cleaning runes from negativity for beginners occurs in the same way.

Runes cannot just take and take away extra pounds or remove damage, but they can help you move in the right direction. Just meditating and waiting for a miracle will not bring any results. At the same time, one cannot ignore the sensations that arise after such meditations. For example, a person uses a runic formula to find a job. At some point, he gets the idea that he needs to check the vacancies on the site again. Most likely, this feeling appeared for a reason. If a person listens to inner feelings, in a couple of days he will get the job he dreams of.

When using this method, you must definitely believe in its power. Do not ask the runes how to start acting, but feel their strength and energy, which will definitely help you. Now you will definitely gather your strength and act.

From this article you will learn:

    What are runes

    How to learn runes on your own

    How to choose rune books for beginners

    What books should I start learning runes from?

    What books on runes are recognized as the best

    Are there books on Russian runes

is not just an esoteric toy, but a complex mechanism for regulating the energies of the Universe. Once in the hands of a frivolous and unprepared person, they can harm not only him, but also those around him. In ancient times, it was believed that: "What is written in runes, it is beyond the power to change even God." This article is aimed at telling you about what books on runes exist, which of them are best suited for a beginner and will help you understand all the intricacies of runic magic.

Rune books for beginners: first steps

The most ancient knowledge about runes attracted and continues to attract the attention of many people now. But in order to learn how to use the power of runes competently and safely for yourself and others, you need to study and comprehend a large amount of information. Runes are used in magic for divination, rituals, and also as protection from evil.

Runes are not just beautiful stones on which images of mystical signs are applied, but also special symbols used to draw pictograms and magic circles. To gain enough knowledge about runes and learn how to use them, you need to select the best books on runes, buy them and delve into the study. Today, it is very difficult to find a competent mentor, so drawing information from printed sources is ideal.

By studying books on runes, you can independently learn how to use runic symbols. But do not forget that runes are a very specific magical tool that can punish those who do not have the necessary knowledge and at the same time dare to disturb him.

So, where should a beginner start when starting to study runes? At first, do not strive to immediately study complex literature, and even more so try to guess or perform magical rituals.

This is basic and essential knowledge that forms the foundation for subsequent practical exercises. It is worth paying attention to the meanings of each, without exception, runes and learning them by heart, because without this information it is impossible to carry out rituals and divination.

In addition, this basic information will make it possible to realize what each individual person associates with this or that rune, which is very important in the process of divination.

It is advisable for beginners to choose two or three books on runes from different publishers. This is enough to learn the history of this magical instrument and study the meanings of all the runes.

To date, there is a lot of thematic literature, so some advice should be given on choosing books for learning runes.

  • Vladimir Petrukhin. "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia".

This book is the most important source of information about ancient runes. It tells the history of Scandinavia, its myths and legends.

In ancient times, each person called his own people real, while others considered barbarians who were not even able to clearly express their thoughts. But over time, people came to realize that there are a large number of peoples on the planet who have their own traditions, culture and religion. It is legends and myths that will make it possible to understand what different peoples believed in and how they saw the world around them.

Also in this book we are talking about the ideas of the peoples of Scandinavia about the earthly world. They were reflected in Scandinavian mythology, in cultural monuments, which became available for knowledge thanks to archaeologists. During the Great Migration, the culture of the peoples of Scandinavia was closely intertwined with the culture of the Old Russian Slavs. In this regard, the book compares and contrasts the traditions of the Scandinavians and Slavs.

You can find even more books about Runes in our online store.

  • Freya Asvinn. Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples.

This edition reflects the esoteric, mythological and religious traditions of the peoples of Scandinavia, Germany, Holland and the British Isles.

Runic traditions, images of the most ancient Scandinavian Gods, a description of the system of matriarchy of antiquity found their place in the publication.

  • Aditi A., Aditi E. Runes: An Interpretation of the Elder Futhark.

This manual gives the most complete picture of the runes and divination by them. The creators of the book were able to collect a colossal amount of information material about history, myths, rituals and the manufacture of magical talismans. The book has detailed descriptions of each rune, which are also provided with their images.

In addition to all of the above, the book provides descriptions of various divination techniques, and also explains all possible layouts of runes. "Runes" is one of the first publications released in the Russian version. The creators of the book were able to explain in detail and clearly the mechanisms of runic interactions.

The last section of the edition contains the "Divination of the Seer" - this is one of the texts of the Elder Edda. The information contained in this book on runes allows not only to get acquainted with the runes, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

This book will give answers to many questions and will become a springboard for further knowledge of the runes.

And only after studying the basic block of information about ancient runes, you need to move on to more complex literature. A competent and conscious study of the thematic material will allow you to quickly learn the mystery of the use of runic symbols.

Best Rune Books: Theory and Practice

So, having familiarized yourself with the basics, you can proceed to the study of more complex literature. Below are books on runes, from the list of which you will definitely be able to find the one that will interest you. You have the right to read these books for free on online resources in a trial mode, but it is still better to purchase the editions you like in a printed version. After all, it has been proven that information is absorbed 93% better and faster if you read it from a sheet of paper, and not from a monitor screen. In addition, the author, like any other person, wants to be rewarded for the work done.

  • Kenneth Meadows. Rune Magic.

The creator of this book offers a completely different look at divination by ancient runes - he connects them with the concept of shamanism. Who is a shaman? This is the name of a person who is able to communicate with magical forces and exchange energy in order to obtain the necessary information. The roots of this phenomenon goes back to the pagan beliefs of the most ancient tribes, including the Scandinavian religion.

The book talks about a special kind of shamanism - runic. Runic shamans lived in Northern Europe, Iceland and Scandinavia. Shamanism has many close features with other varieties of spiritual perception, but at the same time there are many significant differences between them. What exactly, you can find out when reading this book.

In addition to the history of shamanism, the book also presents several ways to use the fortune-telling of the northern peoples, including divination by ancient runes.

  • Bloom Ralph. "The Book of Runes: A Compass for Navigating Troubled Times".

Among the many books on runes, this one is the most popular. She can become a reliable and faithful adviser on the path of your self-discovery. The author was able to succinctly tell the centuries-old tradition of interpreting runes in a simple and easy-to-understand language. Largely due to this, the "Book of Runes" rightfully became a world bestseller.

This work became known for causing a split and heated debate among people involved in the study of ancient runes. The creator of the book in an unconventional version read the meanings of individual runes and made a very bold move - he made modifications to the runic system. He proposed to put into use the "empty rune" or, in other words, the "Rune of Odin". Ralph Blum also changed the interpretation of the runes and their order somewhat.

  • Kolesov E.N., Torsten E.A. "Runes".

The creators of the book "Runes" are practitioners and consultant runologists who have devoted about fifteen years to writing this work. During this period, they understood how runes resonate with individuals, what information can be extracted from runes when divining, how to use runes to correct emerging events, that is, how and for what purpose one should make talismans, cast spells and perform rituals.

In books on runes, both domestic and foreign, attention is mainly focused on the classic futhark, which consists of 24 sign and one empty rune. At the same time, its other varieties - 16, 18, 33 or more runes - are either not mentioned at all, or they are described in general terms. The creators of this edition have worked out all the existing systems of ancient runes, so this experience can be very useful for a practicing runologist.

  • Kaya A. "Runes".

This book on runes is a very detailed and practical guide to rune divination. This edition contains a brief history of the runes and some Scandinavian myths. Also in the book there was a place for a review of Futhark - the magical alphabet of the ancient North.

In the final part of the book, we are talking about individual methods of using divination and the amazing properties of objects marked with runes. With its simple and concise language, the book is considered a simple and accessible guide for readers of all skill levels.

And, in conclusion, I would like to note the versatility of this publication. Regardless of whether the book falls into the hands of a beginner in divination on ancient runes or a professional, it will be of interest to both.

  • Amfiteatrov V. L. "Runes: Wisdom and Strength."

This book is considered a textbook on runic magic in its two main aspects: the creation of artifacts and amulets endowed with magical powers, which are invoked by the inscription in runes, and the practice of using runes for divination that appeared at a later time.

Basic books on Russian runes

The runes of the ancient Slavs have always been and remain a mystery to the Russian people. Even now, there are still heated debates about whether Slavic writing existed before the baptism of Russia. To date, a significant number of arguments have been collected in favor of the fact that the first Russian alphabet was not Cyrillic, and there is a lot of evidence that the writing was runic.

Below are the most popular publications on Russian runes:

  • Asov A. “Slavic runes. A Brief Guide to the Art of Divination and Divination.

Slavic runes are the original runes, God's gift. They were "born" at the same time as the Universe. They contain knowledge about the structure of the entire Universe. They are filled with magical powers and serve spiritual awakening and personal development.

  • Asov A. "Signs and runes of the Magi."

From ancient times, the Magi, who were called the keepers of wisdom, spoke about the wisdom of the Universe through legends and mythical tales. Only in this way could hidden wisdom pass from generation to generation. Keepers always made sure that wisdom, passing from generation to generation, retained the main thing - the most ancient runic symbolism, which reflects the laws of the Cosmos so that after the Age of Ancient Silence, the Renaissance of the tradition could come. In this book on runes, we are talking about the runes of the ancient Slavs, about their written heritage before the adoption of Christianity, about the keepers of cryptographic and runic Slavic manuscripts. In addition to all this, there was a place in the book for runic writing.

  • Menshikova K. “The runes reveal the secrets of the world. Ancient knowledge in magical symbols.

Runes are a magical symbolism that was widely used before the adoption of Christianity. A person who touches the runes ceases to be ordinary. This book on runes is based on a technique that allows you to use runes to transform the inner world of people: consciousness expands to the extent that a person begins to fully understand and realize the events taking place, tries to control them. This level of magic provides great opportunities. This book is called alive.

It is based on the experiences and feelings of real people involved in the knowledge of runes. They were able to completely change themselves, their own fate and the fate of their loved ones, on the pages of this publication all this is told. Guided by the described technique, you will be able to master the skill, reveal the amazing possibilities and great power of such an ancient magical tool as runes.

You can order some of these and many other books on runes in our Witch's Happiness online store, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

The times when secret knowledge was passed only by word of mouth are long gone. What a blessing that we live in the information age and can learn from hundreds of experienced practitioners and researchers of magic.

Don't miss this opportunity! In the book catalog of "Witch's Happiness" you will find proven recipes, unique personal experience of magicians, clues to esoteric secrets and everything that your witching soul craves.

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Quote from velesovdom
Let's talk about how to learn runic art, where to start for beginners. Such a small instruction for dummies.

This topic just keeps popping up. Therefore, I decided that a similar article on this topic is necessary.

In addition, many beginners have the wrong impression that runes are very simple and completely safe. Well, how to brush your teeth.

That you can draw a few signs that are completely incomprehensible to you and expect that right now in your life everything will change dramatically.

And so these people write with requests to suggest a magic formula that will solve all their problems without any participation and labor on their part.

This does not mean that a person who does not even know the names of the runes will be able to achieve anything in runic magic. And you must understand this. That runes are a serious and ancient magical tradition. That you first need to get acquainted with this tradition and delve into it, plunge headlong, and only after that you, maybe, will start to succeed with magic. Or maybe, having delved into it, you generally decide that this is not yours, and go to seek happiness in other places.

I studied runes for 2 years before I decided to make my 1st runescript. I'm not saying you have to wait just as long. No, everyone here is different. But I, however, sincerely do not understand how it occurs to people that after sitting on the forums for 2 days, they can already practice runic magic. That is why, for some reason, driving a car without learning does not occur to anyone to sit down. And here all the time. Although the consequences can be no less sad.

Do you know, my friends, that earlier human sacrifices were made to the northern gods? Or that midwifery runes were carved into women in labor right on their hands? Of course, the modern runologist should treat human sacrifices symbolically, this is an image of sacrificing the human to the divine. Well, as an echo of the ancient terrible rites - the use of one's own blood in runic magic.

And besides, the northern gods are very severe, they are by no means kind old men and old women who sit on clouds and play harps. Though they are strong, and wise and brave. They fight with each other, build intrigues, take revenge, kill. Suffice it to recall that one of the names of Odin is the God of Storms and Madness. And it's easy to piss them off. Especially such blatant disrespect as the desire to get results from runic magic without studying the runes and without delving into the tradition.

Those. you must become strong enough and be versed enough in the runic tradition to feel almost on an equal footing with the Northern Gods. You, of course, should treat them with respect, but without reverence and fear. Only in this case you can count on their help.

So runes are not toys at all, believe me. And to hurt yourself with runes to an inept person is very, very simple.

I do not believe that the runes are available only to the elite, no. But I believe that before you start doing runic magic, you should have at least minimal theoretical training. First, you must know the names of all the runes and their meanings. You, of course, should easily recognize them in runescripts, be able to pronounce and write runes without hesitation.

For this, I advise beginners to read something on runes. It’s better to start with my beloved Freya Asvinn, from her book Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples, sometimes on the Internet for some reason it is called Runes and Female Power, although the text is the same, and it’s not written about female power to say so too much. Probably some translation intrigue. I consider this manual to be the best on runes, and I am very grateful to fate that it was this book about runes that came across to me first.

Also, for beginners, you can read Aditi’s book “Runes”, the basics are very clearly stated there, and most importantly, briefly, i.e. there will be no porridge in the head. You can download it here. Well, read Batyushkov, too, his book "Rune amulet practice", also a lot of practically useful.

I also once mentioned the book by V. Katyshkov and E. Krasnova "Rune Lagus or the path of shamanic dreaming in the interpretation of the Futhark." Very good and interesting book, but not for beginners. It’s just that there are very broad interpretations of the runes, you will get confused, and your head will smoke. So read this book later, when you learn the basics.

Also be sure to learn something about Scandinavian mythology. So you will better understand the archetypes of the northern gods and tradition. I would recommend you 2 books: 1st - Helen Gerber "Myths of Northern Europe", download it, it is on the Internet, and 2nd: Vladimir Petrukhin "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia", an excellent book, I did not find it on the Internet, I bought it on Ozone.

The Elder and Younger Edda, of course, can also be read, but there is little that is clear to beginners. The rest of the books on runes somehow didn’t impress me, so I won’t recommend anything else to you.

But a theory is a theory. Runes are symbolic signs, images, and each person sees something of his own in each rune. It is like interpreting dream images. The same symbols can mean different things to different people.

And you, too, should develop your own images and concepts regarding each rune. They will be different from the books and from mine. This is the main reason that the same runic formulas can act on different people in different ways, and they will not act on someone at all. Runes are always an individual path.

To understand your personal rune meanings, I recommend starting with divination. Get or make your own divination rune set, consecrate it and start guessing. Make layouts for yourself and your friends, guess for a day, for a month, for a year, guess for situations.

Be sure to get a notebook where you will write down your interpretations, so that after some time you can see which runes fell out and what happened as a result. Do not rely on memory, you will definitely forget what happened then, I know from myself.

In fact, the meanings of runes in divination and magic are very similar, I am absolutely convinced of this, although some authors do not think so. In addition, if you learn to guess well, the need for many magical actions will disappear by itself. Simply you will know the causes of problems and how to solve them.

Also, to understand the energy and meaning of each rune, there is a practice of living runes. Freya Aswinn recommends this method (quote from her book):

“The method I resorted to proved to be very effective, and I am ready to recommend it to anyone who wants to get in touch with the runes. I baked twenty-four square cakes and decorated each with a rune in the order of the futhark. Every evening I called on Odin and Freya to bless the next rune, and then ate the cake. Then I just focused on this rune and wrote down all the associations that came to my mind in connection with it. I still keep these records. From them, my book was born.

I did so. I didn't live every rune. I did this for those runes that were difficult for me to get in touch with. I just drew this rune with a red marker on myself, sometimes I added Sovulo or Vunyo, and asked the rune to manifest itself. And then I watched what happened. How my state of health changed, what events began to occur (and they certainly began to occur), what thoughts I visited regarding this rune. As a rule, I did not wash off the rune until I began to understand its energy.

In general, you can choose one of the above methods and use it. Unless, I would not recommend that you use the residence method for potentially dangerous runes: Turisaz and Hagalaz. But here it's up to you.

Regarding the compilation of runescripts, I probably will not write anything. Just when you understand the meanings of individual runes, you can easily make up your own formulas. Or take advantage of strangers, but in this case you must internally agree with this particular formula, and understand why this or that rune is here.

Well, forums on runic magic and divination are also very useful to read. People there share their personal experience, and this is, so to speak, a live immersion in the runes.

And separately I want to touch on the issue of people from other traditions who want to deal with runes.
Very often people write to me that they are Christians or Muslims and want, for example, to use some kind of runic formula.

Now I'm probably going to disappoint everyone very much. My friends, you cannot use runic magic if you live in Christianity or in Islam. You must solve your problems within the framework of your tradition. And runic magic is strictly contraindicated for you, if only because your traditions forbid it. And you will have a strong subconscious conflict, which can result in very unfavorable things. You will be cut, injured, you can become dangerously ill, get hit by a car, and something else bad can happen to you.

The runic tradition is paganism in essence, and we bring gifts to our pagan Gods - Thor, Odin, Freya, Frigg. And you believe in one of your gods.

It is easier for those people who believe that there is a single divine energy, and it can take different forms, and different Gods are archetypes that reflect parts of our psyche. Or that God is love and humans are the physical expression of the divine. And who know that the goal of all official religions is not your approach to the Divine and the realization of the best in you, but mainly the struggle for power and influence. And in this regard, many important things in the official religions are distorted. Here, people with such a worldview will definitely succeed with runes.

And a couple of words in the end about runic magic. Runes are a very powerful tool for changing reality. Those who have tried it have already been able to verify this. I want to warn you of just one thing. Beware, my friends, of being carried away by fantasies about how things should be and not finding your way and living your own life. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

In general, keep it up. Good luck and wisdom to you on this path.