Guide to puttying concrete walls. Tools for putty What tools are needed to putty walls

The key to quality is any interior decoration, whether painting, wallpapering or tiling, are perfectly smooth walls.

Puttying means leveling minor defects, such as small depressions, cracks, joints between plasterboard sheets or potholes. For such work, special devices are needed, one of such devices is a spatula for puttying walls.

Tool characteristics

Spatula appearance is a blade made from different materials equipped with a handle. It is widely used for repair and construction work. With it you can:

The blade must be rigid and elastic, meet the requirements of the current state standard 10778−83. The tool has several important and standard sizes. In the first place is the width of the device, which, like other parameters, is selected according to the type finishing works.

Manufacturers produce professional and non-professional models. Professional tools are distinguished by thick blades, they have a good service life, and they do not deform under load. Non-professional devices have a thinner blade complete with a plastic handle.

For narrowly targeted finishing work, special devices are made.

Tool material

First of all, all construction spatulas differ in the types of materials from which they are made. They can be:

  • rubber;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

For the manufacture of rubber devices, oil- and petrol-resistant, high-density rubber is used. There should be no cavities, sagging, dents or bubbles on its surface. Bummer is also not allowed.

Steel is used in the production of metal spatulas. It must comply with GOST requirements. The tool with a stainless steel blade is considered to be the highest quality and most versatile. By spraying you can determine the quality of the metal. If the surface becomes dull, it is ordinary iron that is subject to deformation.

For plastic tools you need to use polyethylene high density, polypropylene or polyamide. It cannot be cracked, warped, pitted, chipped or silvered.

The spatula handle is made of hardwood lumber, plastic or plastic thermal rubber.

The tool is distinguished by the width of the blade:

The selection of tools for finishing work will depend on their type and skills of the performer.

Choice depending on the type of work

They select devices according to the type of work, since at each stage different types of spatulas are needed:

A number of non-standard spatulas are used in decorative plaster. These include the Venetian relief spatula - trowel. It has four working edges, which are convenient for making patterns and applying decorative plaster. Another type of device is a stainless steel spatula with a blade, polished on both sides. Its purpose is similar to paint spatulas.

Criteria for a quality spatula

Today, construction stores have a large assortment of spatulas, which creates certain difficulties for the buyer. Therefore, when choosing a tool you need to pay attention to some features:

A good tool is professional tool. It is better to opt for it, since non-professional models will have to be changed often.

To putty the walls, you need to choose a combination of spatulas. It consists of a main tool with a blade width of 200−250 mm and an auxiliary tool with a blade width of 80 mm to 100 mm.

Trusted manufacturers

The German company Bieber is known to Russian consumers as a seller of repair products such as rollers, brushes, glue guns, containers for paint and spatula. All this instrument among professional builders has established itself as unpretentious and reliable. Biber spatulas are available for different types works and are made from different material- stainless steel, plastic and polyvinyl chloride, with wooden and plastic handles.

The FIT-Tool company is an official dealer of the Canadian company, producing electric and hand tools for household and professional use. It has a large network of branches throughout Russia. One of the niches in hand tools Painting and plastering and finishing models are occupied every day. The advantage of FIT spatulas is their affordable price, quality, ergonomics and variety of models and types.

Today the market is developing dynamically Russian company"Santool". It specializes in the production and sale of handmade construction tools. The company is constantly increasing the output of finished products and assortment, and regularly modernizes production. High-quality raw materials are used in the manufacture of spatulas. The combination of price and quality makes them affordable for consumers and makes them in demand for professionals.

A well-known Russian manufacturer, the Zubr OVK company, is a participant in the global market for quality goods. The company regularly increases its range and improves finished products. It has its own testing laboratory where, before reaching consumers' shelves, products undergo multiple tests. Spatulas from this company are presented in two-component and plastic variations. A quality service created specifically for this purpose is responsible for their quality.

This is not the entire list of manufacturers of quality spatulas in the middle and budget price categories.

Alas, sometimes you can’t do without thin puttying of the walls, so you will need not only a stepladder to climb to the ceiling, but also tools for puttingtying the walls. The main thing is that they do not rust and are of excellent quality, so pay attention only to the product that is certified.

What to buy? There is already an answer to this question.

Tools for wall putty: spatula

Spatulas are needed and an experienced builder, and a novice finisher. They seal cracks, chips and seams, and also dismantle used wallpaper.

And a spatula of 450 mm (the widest), 250 mm (less wide), 80 mm (medium), 30-40 millimeters - a small tool will be very useful for you. The largest walls are puttied, the smaller ones and the one with a width of only 30 mm are intended for work in those places that are considered difficult. An eighty-millimeter solution is applied. If you manage to buy spatulas with a rubberized handle, you will be very pleased.

The shape of this type of instrument is trapezoidal: hold each type in your hand and make sure that your hand is comfortable with it. If you do a large amount of work with a spatula that constantly slips out, you get tired of it. By the way, pay attention to the edge: there should be no stamping marks or nicks on it.

Experienced plasterers advise that at the beginning of the work, bend the corners of the tool upward by a millimeter: this is easy to do if there is a solid plane nearby: press down - and the job is done! With such curved corners, the spatula does not leave cutting marks on the putty it applies.

Tools for wall putty: drill-mixer

A drill or hammer drill can be turned into a paint mixer if you buy a special attachment for it. The main thing is that the power tool has low speeds, otherwise excess air (mixture with bubbles) will get into the mixture.

Tools for puttying walls: usually, a block and a screwdriver

The length of the rule depends on how tall you are and how tall the walls are. The most optimal height for a person of average height is 2 meters: it is very convenient for them to work.

The sanding block can be purchased with or without a handle. It’s your choice: if your hand is not afraid of stress, then choose a tool with a handle.

A Phillips screwdriver helps tighten screws if you are plastering plasterboard walls. But it is better to buy a spatula where the screwdriver is inserted.

All that remains is to buy a fur roller for priming the walls and a brush with natural bristles; all that remains is to purchase a ditch and a bucket for mixing the solution.

Nowadays almost no repairs can be done without puttying walls and ceilings. After all, putty is the basis for almost all finishing work. The surface is puttied for wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster, etc. Let's figure out what minimum set A person who is going to putty the walls himself should have tools.

1. Mixer, that is, a drill with a special attachment. Mandatory in the case when you buy putty in the form of a dry mixture (and this is usually the case), and not a ready-made mass. Using a mixer, the putty can be mixed very quickly and without lumps. If you try to stir it manually with a spatula, nothing good will come of it; you will have to stir for a long time, in small portions, and eventually you will start to get unmixed lumps.

Such an attachment for a drill is inexpensive, but every self-respecting owner should have a drill in his home.

2. Set of spatulas. Any size spatula can be useful here, depending on the walls. Both the smallest and the largest 40 - 50 cm will do. If you have only one wide spatula of some kind, then you simply will not be able to putty the wall in problem areas (I mean behind pipes, behind radiators, in which some niches, etc.)

3. Brushes and rollers for priming. Since surface puttying is unlikely to be done without a primer (to improve adhesion), so make sure you have something to prime. The fastest way to do this is with a roller, but the splashes can fly quite far, so if you want to do everything carefully, carefully and meticulously, you can take a wide brush and some smaller one to reach in corners and problem areas.

4. Rule. If you are going to putty a thick layer to level the walls, then in this case you will need a long metal rule. It easily levels the layer of putty and the wall turns out smooth. Only starting putty can be applied in a thick layer.

5. Spirit level or a plumb line for installing beacons under the starting putty. They are only useful if you need to level the wall using starting putty.

6. Sandpaper to rub the putty after drying. The finer the sandpaper, the more beautiful the surface will be after rubbing. If you rub the surface with fine 240-grit sandpaper, it will be ideal option. It can only be rubbed with fine sandpaper finishing putty. If the putty is starting, then it will be faster and more correct to rub it with coarse sandpaper. It will be much faster.

7. Manual skinner. A plane with a handle and clamps on which the skin is attached. It is better to rub the putty by hand, because there are electric tool for similar purposes, but manually it turns out better.

8. Container for stirring putty. You can buy a special one at a hardware store, or you can pick up some old bucket and not bother with this issue anymore.

To putty surfaces, a simple set of tools is most often used: a spatula, buckets, trowel bars and priming rollers. However, today this set has been supplemented with new devices, such as a putty grinder, a putty gun, a mixer and special devices for preparing, transporting and applying the solution to the wall. We will talk about these and other tools in more detail.


Standard set

Most often, puttying is done with your own hands, so the set of tools and accessories in this case is minimal.

This set must include the following items:

  • . Designed for applying and smoothing the solution over the surface of walls and ceilings, it has a stainless steel blade and a body with a handle made of plastic, wood or metal. Width – 45 cm, but each master chooses the size for himself;
  • Auxiliary spatula. It is used in places where it is inconvenient to work with a wide spatula, as well as for smoothing seams between gypsum boards or reinforced concrete slabs. Width – 20 – 30 cm;
  • Spatula. It is used to collect mortar from a bucket and apply it to the blade of a working tool, as well as to fill cracks, seams and joints. You can also use a spatula to smooth out corners;
  • Angled spatulas. There are two types: external and internal. Needed to form right angles between surfaces;
  • Plaster trowel. It is a long narrow trowel, which can be used, like a rule, to smooth a large surface area, working with one or two hands;
  • Bar, grater or Sander on putty. Needed for sanding and polishing;
  • Container for mixing the solution. It is better to use a plastic bucket with a capacity of 10 - 15 liters;
  • Mixer for putty. You can use a special mixer for mixing solutions or a regular drill with a whisk;
  • Roller or construction brush for applying primer to walls;
  • Rule for quality control of work;
  • Spotlight or lamp. Necessary to create side light, in which flaws and irregularities are better visible, we recommend using halogen lamps;
  • Construction knife, stapler and other auxiliary tools for installing reinforcing tapes and corners.

Important! In the very simple version the set can be reduced to two spatulas - a wide one and a spatula, a bucket and a grater. You can also mix the solution by hand, although this is time-consuming and unproductive, and all work on applying the solution should be done with a working spatula and spatula.

Any piece can be used as a grater wooden block with a smooth edge, which should be wrapped in sandpaper and used for sanding. Instead of a brush or roller, you can use any sponge or rag with which you can treat the walls with a liquid primer.

It only makes sense to buy electric floats if you are doing putty professionally or if you have a large amount of work to do. For the renovation of one apartment, there is no particular point in such a purchase, since the price of a good grinder is quite high, and the effect of its use is not significant. large volumes you won't notice.

Advice! You can rent a sander, and in this case it is better to choose a model with a dust collector, as it will significantly reduce the amount of small debris and dirt in the room. This is relevant when renovations are being carried out in a residential area and excess dust causes problems for neighbors or you personally.

Professional devices

Professional teams that do finishing large areas, often use various mechanisms and devices to facilitate and increase labor productivity. In addition, the machine method allows you to create a higher quality and monolithic layer.

Sometimes a putty station is used for work, which is a whole complex of devices that allows you to prepare, apply and apply a solution to the surface. It has a hopper for preparing the dry mixture, a mixing chamber where the powder is mixed with water, a screw pair that transports the solution and a putty gun that sprays the solution and applies it to the wall.

Instructions for using such stations are usually simple and do not require special skills, however, after manual labor you will have to get used to the intricacies of using the machine. The main thing is to fill your hand and feel the distance at which application occurs normally and the surface quality is satisfactory.

It is also important to control the pressure in the supply system, otherwise the spray will be uneven and an even layer will not work. The amount of solution must be such that you are guaranteed to have time to work out, otherwise the putty will thicken and the machine will not be able to pump it.

Important! Use of machines and automatic stations justified only under constant load and large volumes of work, otherwise it will not pay off.


The set of tools for puttying can be minimal, or it can include several dozen items, including various mechanisms and devices for machine application of the solution ().

For self made A simple set is enough, which we described in detail, but you can watch the video in this article to see everything for yourself.

In the process of repair and construction work, attention is paid to the preparation of walls and ceilings for subsequent coating finishing layers. How to make the surface smooth, remove all irregularities and improve adhesion properties? For these purposes, putty is used.

This process is simple or requires certain skills and experience. The main task of the builder is to accurately carry out the sequence of actions and correctly handle the appropriate construction tools.

To perform such tasks you will need a certain set of tools, including:

  • Drill. Or rather, a drill equipped with a specialized attachment. Or use an industrial mixer. The fact is that the putty is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which is diluted and mixed. This can be done efficiently either using a drill with an attachment or a mixer;
  • To directly apply putty to the walls, use a tool such as a spatula. Purchase a whole set consisting of spatulas various sizes. The relevance of this solution is simple - a wide spatula is convenient in normal spaces, a small one is useful in hard-to-reach spots;
  • Rollers and brushes for priming. You should not skip this stage, since the primer covers the surface of the walls with a special protective layer, which has a positive effect on strength and adhesion to any facing materials, which are used further.
Puttying tools

Additional tools

A level will come in handy - with this tool they can accurately determine how smooth the walls are.

To remove unevenness and frozen mixture, the surface is cleaned. They do this with sandpaper. If the work area is large, they prefer a manual skinner. With its help, it is much easier to work with; moreover, this simple device is equipped with a mechanism - clamps for securing sandpaper and mesh, so the skinner will not become unusable after the first task; it will be used in the future.

For efficient work It's worth buying some coarse sandpaper. If work is done with finishing putty, fine putty is preferred.

You should definitely take into account that the putty needs to be diluted and mixed in a container, so you should take care of purchasing it in advance. In cases where a large amount of work is planned, you should not mix the entire mixture at once. The putty will dry in a few hours; if you do not have time to apply it to the wall, it will remain in the container. Therefore, in this case, knead the mixture in parts.

Mixing putty

It is worth remembering that upon completion of all work, the tools should be thoroughly washed, otherwise it will be difficult to use them in the future or you will have to clean the mixture that has frozen on them mechanically.

How to apply the mixture

Apply the putty using a spatula. Among the large assortment, choosing one that is convenient for you will not be difficult. But not everyone will get the job done using these tools. Working with a spatula is difficult and requires skill rather than experience.

Therefore, they wonder whether it is possible to apply the mixture using a conventional roller. Puttying with a roller is possible, although, of course, it is difficult to level the walls with this tool.

More often, a roller and brushes are used to prepare walls and ceilings. For upcoming and subsequent painting, coating decorative layer or wallpapering.

To perform such a task, you need a roller with a pile, the length of which is 2-3 mm.

Puttying with a roller is done in a similar way to painting - periodically dip the roller into the solution and then roll the mixture over the area of ​​the walls or ceiling.

After completion of work on small area, take a spatula and use it to scrape the mixture off the surface. Hold the tool at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the surface. In this way, the pores and unevenness on the surface of the walls and ceiling are filled with the mixture, leaving a thin layer of putty.

Cleaning wet putty

Then allow the surface to dry and repeat the operation again. It is enough to carry out a similar procedure 1 – 2 times. The number of repetitions depends on how satisfied the builder is with the result.

Each repetition is performed taking into account that the direction of movement of the spatula is the opposite from the previous time. In other words, if the first time the user walked from left to right, then the second time they peel off the layer from right to left.

Selecting the right spatula or set

When planning to buy a spatula, consider several varieties - for facade works and painting spatulas. It is not difficult to distinguish them; the latter have a thinner blade thickness and greater elasticity. The first ones are distinguished by their larger width, since they carry out a large scope of work.

Pay attention to the handle. To purchase quality tools, make sure that the blade is made of quality material, otherwise the tool is disposable and cannot be used in the future. It will simply get spoiled during the first task. Choose a spatula with a comfortable rubberized handle with a comfortable surface that is tightly attached to the working part. In this case, it is guaranteed that it is convenient when applying the mixture to the walls.

Types of spatulas

When purchasing painting spatulas, keep in mind that due to their flexibility, these tools are not durable. Intensive use will quickly make them unsuitable for subsequent work.

Spatulas are also available with different working blade widths. Options for performing main work are offered with a width of 40-60 cm, and “auxiliary” ones, used for working in hard to reach places, offer widths from 6 to 15 cm.

When planning to purchase spatulas, buy a set. It is useful in the current situation and in the future. An excellent choice is to purchase tools with widths of 50, 150, 400 and 600 mm. As for wide spatulas, they are purchased when they are convenient for the room where the work is taking place. For small room, puttying its walls, a spatula with a working surface width of 40 cm is sufficient.

If not installed in the corners of the room special corners, then purchase an angled spatula. Only a specialist can work with it. This tool creates even 90-degree angles, but since this requires experience and skills, it is better to make the angle using perforated elements, which are then puttied.

A builder who works with putty adheres to the rules. A common mistake made by beginners is trying to put more mixture on the spatula. There is no need to do this - the surface of the tool is deformed and then it is more difficult to use. He will do the job poorly. Besides, a large number of It is more difficult to apply putty on the surface of the walls in an even layer. This will require more effort than if you make smaller portions of putty.

Under no circumstances should they try to pull out or, conversely, hammer nails into the wall with a spatula. It is forbidden to use a spatula as a percussion instrument or to perform non-core work with it. The slightest damage to the blade will lead to deformation of the tool, and therefore to the impossibility of further use.

Do not use a grouting spatula after the mixture has dried. This will lead to damage and deformation of the walls.

Uncleaned tool

Be sure to clean the tool after completing the work. Do this first, before the mixture on the blade has dried, if the user wants to use it in the future. Then wipe the surface of the blade thoroughly so as not to leave the spatula wet, otherwise it will be impossible to putty the walls in the future.

They wash not only the blade, but also the handle, otherwise it will not be comfortable to work with a spatula later.

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