Hello. The fact is that I fell into a psychological trap, the way out of which I can see, but it is very, very difficult and long.
It would take too long to tell everything
I am 22 years old, my girlfriend is 24. She is my first in terms of sex, I am far from her first. She had about 15 partners by her age. These were both one-night stands and regular MCHs. She didn’t cheat, I trust her on that. She had an M+F+M experience 20 days before we had our first date.
At first, like her, I didn’t take our relationship seriously. We had intercourse on our first date. Everything was fine, now we have been together for 8 months, we are perfect for each other. But a month ago it all started, namely, ALL MY COCKROACHS came out. I was a virgin before her, but she tried everything possible. I was screaming, angry, enraged by her past. She cried, stood on her knees, begged and did not let me go, she said that she loved me. "If you want, I'll jump off the bridge to prove my love to you."

I won’t go into details, since I told her a lot of unpleasant things and did a lot of unpleasant things. He swore at her, yelled at her, said what kind of mother she would be and stuff like that. She wrote to me incessantly, called me, begged me to forgive her, that she was terribly sorry about her past, and if it had been possible, she would not have gone astray during her student years. She was from the village, moved to the big city, it was as if she was electrocuted and began to lead such a lifestyle.

I am now, in the end, with her. Our last week has been very difficult. Quarreling. I have eternal pictures and fantasies in my head of her in group sex, of how these other guys touch her. I can't look at her, I'm disgusted. But then, after just half an hour, I hug her very, very tightly, and I understand that I will never meet her like now. She is perfect as far as the present time is concerned. She completely changed her attitude towards everything. She deleted all contacts, changed her number, deleted all social media. networks for me. I stopped wearing anything short, low-cut, or anything like that. Not once in 8 months did she contact the male sex except at work. She is completely faithful to me. I appreciate it very much.

BUT I can't shake the realization that she has a vicious past. everything would be fine if there were a couple of favorite guys and a connection with him, but she had a one-night stand, just out of friendship, a group one, and whatever kind there was. and looking at her tears now and hysterics and nervous tics, she hasn’t eaten for the last 4 days, she’s lost weight, she’s nervous, she doesn’t want to leave me.

And these pictures from her past keep popping up and popping up for me.
how to deal with this? these terrible cockroaches are making me suffer. how to let go of her past?
I want to puke from the thought that someone imagined my little girl as, sorry, a prostitute with whom you can have a group sex or have sex for one night.

According to her, the group act as such did not work out, because the second person was nervous and, in general, it was a matter of turns. That is, separately. She says that she didn’t feel anything, didn’t think with her head what she was doing. That she didn't care about herself or her future. She thought that no one could love her.

I don't know why I asked so much about her past. DON'T KNOW. At least kill him.
Jealousy, contempt and a certain envy were intertwined in me. Like, why did she have everything, I didn’t. But most of all, I was already physically and mentally exhausted by the fact that these pictures of M+F+M were always flashing before my eyes. I stayed with her, tried to forget, change these pictures for bright memories with her. It seems to help, but then you have to start all over again.

But I love her. and I want to be with her. WHAT TO DO?!

Ps I understand that her importance is greatly overestimated, just like my importance in her eyes. she tells me, I want to be with you, because you are the ideal that I want to strive for.

I want to overcome these cockroaches within myself for her sake and am ready to be with her. After all, I was happy when I didn’t know her past, it turns out that everything is spoiled only by the knowledge that she will now be so sweet and faithful, she kissed someone else, the first person she met, and she was not at all disgusted by it (

After a week, this began to manifest itself less violently in me. I have become calmer and more reserved, and I bring up this topic less. But after sexual intercourse with her, pictures from the past with her participation again overwhelm me and I sit without the mood. Or like now, once a day, let it overwhelm you. What to do? It is unbearable.