Restore an old kitchen table with your own hands. Countertop repair

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How to update old table: 10 restoration methods and step-by-step instructions for action

To this day, many houses still have Soviet coffee tables, dining tables and desks. The design itself is made soundly and with high quality, but appearance the years have not been kind. Let's look at 10 ways to restore such furniture at home, and craftsmen will receive a master class on restoring tables with their own hands.

How to update a table with your own hands - 10 ways

In fact, ways to update old furniture much more, we have chosen 10 options that a home master can easily master.

Method number 1: painting

Painting is deservedly considered the simplest and in an accessible way home restoration, for example, even a child can take a brush and paint a tabletop, but we will talk about the technical side of the process later, and now we will try to choose the right paint.

Which paint should I choose?

Illustrations Recommendations


Oil paints have been used to color wood for over 100 years. You get a strong and durable coating for reasonable money. Most formulations give a glossy shine.

But Oil paint does not allow air to pass through and fades over time in the sun, plus it can dry for up to 2 days and will emit a pungent odor all this time.


Acrylic paints are now breaking popularity records. They are water-dispersed compositions based on acrylic resins.

These compositions are odorless, dry quickly enough and are absolutely harmless from an environmental point of view. In addition, acrylic is not afraid of ultraviolet rays and has excellent vapor permeability.

In fact, the only negative is the relatively high price.


Alkyd paints have high film strength and provide a water-repellent effect. The price of the compositions is reasonable.

But alkyd coating has low abrasion resistance, so these compositions are not suitable for kitchen countertops, but bedside table or small Coffee table They will be in the living room and will last a long time.

Alkyd paints are applied only to dry wood (up to 12% humidity), otherwise the coating will peel off.

Enamels for wooden surfaces

Enamel is not a type of paint, but rather a separate direction. There are acrylic enamels, alkyd enamels, nitro enamels and a number of similar compositions.

Enamels come in matte, semi-matte and glossy. All of them are characterized by high strength and wear resistance of the coating. In the line of any type of paint, enamel is in the top position; it is more expensive, but the quality is disproportionately higher.

Most types of table restoration at home involve preliminary painting with one or another composition, so painting is considered the basis.

Method number 2: artistic painting

Many home craftsmen are afraid of this method of restoration. Indeed, real artistic painting requires serious professional skills and talent. But no one is asking you to transfer the scenes of great artists onto furniture, and drawing a few flowers is not so difficult.

In addition, the category of artistic painting includes working with stencils and some types of applique. Agree, painting a cabinet or tabletop using ready-made stencils will not be difficult. You can find the stencil you need at any book market, and sometimes even from hawkers in the underground passage.

Method number 3: craquelure

According to the definition, craquelure is a finish covered with a chaotic network of small cracks, like in an old painting. Now this effect is achieved through the use of special craquelure compositions, they come in one and two components.

  • One-component compositions are applied over the paint and upon contact with air, cracks form throughout the entire coating area during the drying process. They are cheaper and easier to work with. But a solid mesh only looks good on plain furniture without painting or patterns.
  • Two-component craquelure varnishes are more practical; they can be used for fragmentary finishing. First, the main component is applied over the entire area, and then in the right places it is coated with an additive, which causes cracking. Moreover, the grid is formed without clear boundaries, as if in a natural way.

Craquelure looks great if combined with the decoupage technique. In this case, translucent pictures cut from thin paper napkins are glued onto PVA, after which the whole thing is completely or fragmentarily covered with craquelure varnish, as a result you get an antique piece of furniture.

Method number 4: mosaic

Mosaic paintings have been known since time immemorial; ideally, smalt is used to create the ornament, but this material is expensive and it is too expensive to decorate an old table with it. Plus mosaic elements made of smalt have different sizes and thickness, therefore only professionals can work with them.

In our case, you can install a mosaic on an old table much cheaper. In hardware stores now big variety tiled and glass mosaic, the price there is reasonable. In addition, battle is great for home mosaics tiles and even randomly broken old CDs.

As for the arrangement technology, the old countertop is usually stripped down to the wood and covered with several layers of acrylic primer, and when the primer dries, the mosaic is glued on. At the amateur level, they use liquid nails or some kind of super glue, each element is glued separately.

Professionals do it differently; they take dry tile adhesive, dilute it with water and apply it completely to the countertop with a notched trowel, after which they lay out the mosaic elements. The process is quick, but laying out a pattern without experience is difficult.

If you don’t have time to lay out each element, you can buy ready-made mosaic canvases. There, small tiles are initially fixed to fiberglass and all you have to do is glue it to the tabletop with tile adhesive, and then fill the gaps. Fast, high quality, but not exclusive.

Method No. 5: self-adhesive film

The self-adhesive film can be installed on the tabletop in a maximum of an hour. Now in this market there are countless options for decorating film, starting with a single-color coating and ending with imitation wood, stone, and even reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Plus, the ornament can be ordered for reasonable money.

The installation technique itself is not complicated, but the main requirement is a perfectly smooth, polished base. I will tell you how to polish the tabletop later, and the film is glued in 3 stages:

  1. After you have polished the tabletop, the dust is wiped off and a couple of layers of acrylic primer are applied to the surface, each layer being applied after the previous one has dried.
  2. Now we need a soap solution; you can dissolve a bar of soap in water or use dishwashing detergent. The solution is applied to the countertop with a sponge.
  3. The film is glued from the edge of the tabletop. The protective paper is removed gradually as the strip is glued. From under that part of the film that lay on the countertop, air is immediately expelled along with the soap solution. It is convenient to expel the air with a plastic wallpaper spatula or rag.

Method number 6: decorative tape

Adhesive tape is sold in office supply stores. different colors and shades, you need to buy it in an assortment and stick it like wallpaper on the tabletop. Although, to be honest, colored tape is more children's version. The child will be interested in the process.

  • First, the countertop is polished and degreased with any alcohol-containing solution, for example, cologne.
  • If the plane is pasted over completely, then the first strip is glued along a pre-drawn straight line; it is better to start from the edge of the tabletop.
  • Subsequent strips are glued end to end and immediately rolled with a wallpaper rubber roller for seams. It is a rubber wheel with a handle, 25 - 30 mm wide.

Decorative tape is inconvenient to use. This covering will look good only if you do not use the table at all. If, for example, we arrange it this way desk teenager, the tapes will begin to fly off within a couple of weeks, and there is simply no point in strengthening the colored tape with varnish.

Method No. 7: epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a two-component compound that, when liquid components are combined, turns into a hard plastic. For decorative purposes, transparent epoxy is used. You've probably seen the transparent keychains that contain... small items, so this is epoxy resin.

Using epoxy, you can quickly restore a dried out and cracked countertop. You just need to connect the components according to the instructions on the package and pour the composition into the cracks and potholes.

In addition, the decorative effect will increase significantly if, for example, silver oxide with a phosphor (a composition that causes a glow in the dark) is added to the transparent epoxy. True, after the composition has completely cured, the tabletop needs to be sanded and polished.

Method No. 8: decor under glass

It’s difficult to call decor under glass restoration as such. The idea is that a superstructure in the form of a flat box 50 - 100 mm high is attached to the tabletop. The top lid of this box is made of glass, and any decorations are poured inside, for example, seashells, colored stones or small souvenirs.

Method number 9: painting through tulle

In many rustic styles, a patterned tablecloth on the table is considered a must-have attribute. Using white and some contrasting paint, you can decorate a tulle tablecloth with your own hands in a couple of hours. This is one of the options for stencil painting.

  • You need to find a piece of old tulle, preferably without holes.
  • Now you need to paint the countertop white.
  • When the paint has dried, lay out the tulle on it and make sure that the pattern looks adequate. To prevent the fabric from accidentally moving, it is advisable to secure it with pushpins under the tabletop.
  • Next, take a can of nitro enamel with contrasting paint and evenly apply the composition over the tulle. After 15 minutes the tulle can be removed, and after half an hour the table is ready for use.

Method No. 10: gold leaf (gilding)

In classical styles, fragmentary gilding of furniture is often performed. At the amateur level budget option You can use gilding paint, but the look will be mediocre.

Potal is the application of a thin layer of gold to the surface. The technology is reminiscent of working with a simple carbon copy, only instead of a layer of transfer paint, it is gilded. The master attaches a stencil to the surface, after which he applies “golden” carbon paper to the desired places and rolls it. The gilding effect here is much higher.

When working using the gold leaf technique, after applying the gilded layer to the surface, it is necessary to cover this surface with several layers of transparent varnish so that the gilding does not wear off.

Sequence of restoration work

About the final phase and decorative effect We’ve talked about each type of finishing, now we’ll look at the technique of preparing the table for decoration, which, by the way, is common to all methods of restoring old furniture.

Determining the degree of wear

To determine the level of wear of furniture, it is advisable to completely disassemble it. Next, carefully inspect each element of the structure. In addition to obvious potholes, scratches and cracks, we are interested in places of delamination facade cladding and places eaten away by bark beetles.

Choosing material

To carry out restoration work you will need the following materials:

  • Putty for wood, you can use parquet compounds.
  • Primer for wood. You select the composition taking into account the paint or varnish with which you plan to cover the furniture. For example, acrylic primer is used under acrylic paint, under alkyd paint, alkyd, and under oil it needs to be primed with drying oil.
  • Finishing paint or varnish.
  • To clean metal from rust, WD-40 is used.
  • An assortment of emery sets, from coarse to velvet.
  • There is no need to take a separate antiseptic for wood; it is easier to choose soil with an antiseptic effect.

Step-by-step instruction

Illustrations Recommendations
Step 1

First you need to remove the old coating. This can be done using coarse sandpaper or a hair dryer.

It is not advisable to use chemically active paint removers; they can irreversibly damage old furniture.

Step 2

All deep potholes and cracks are cleaned out and widened with a knife or chisel, after which they are primed and puttied.

Step 3

All parts are polished. Start with medium-grit sandpaper and gradually work your way up to velvet.

Step 4

Cover the table with soil and leave it until completely dry.

Step 5

Apply finishing paint or varnish in at least 2 layers. It is better to work with a spray gun; in the absence of a spray gun, brushes are used.


The methods and instructions we have listed for restoring old furniture have been repeatedly tested in practice and are guaranteed to work. The video in this article shows the process step by step. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 24, 2018

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You have a favorite, convenient and comfortable kitchen table, but his appearance has not been pleasing for a long time? Don't despair, but give him a second life. Restoring a kitchen table is perfect solution refresh the interior of your kitchen without parting with your favorite piece of furniture. Here are some tips on how to update your kitchen counter and save a lot of money.

Of course, if your table is hopelessly broken and cannot be repaired, all your efforts may not be justified. But most often, a correctly selected restoration method helps bring your favorite furniture back to life, changing it beyond recognition.

This is one of the most proven and easily accessible technologies that allows you to restore some furniture elements to their beautiful appearance and presentability. To update an old kitchen table you will need the following materials and tools:

  • grinding machine with different attachments;
  • mask, goggles and gloves;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • primer for wooden surfaces;
  • brush for primer, varnish and paint;
  • alkyd enamel paint of the required color;
  • varnish or wax.

Now let's move on to the main stages of work.

Inspection of the table and identification of significant defects

At this stage, inspect the integrity of the table legs and fasteners, check whether the tabletop has defects or damage. If you find that the table is loose, try tightening the connecting bolts. If such an action does not lead to significant changes, you will have to completely disassemble the table, sand down the irregularities and gaps, grooves and joints, apply glue for greater reliability and fix the glued parts with self-tapping screws.

If the table legs are completely out of order and repair is impossible, you can completely replace them with more modern ones, for example, metal or carved, wooden - it all depends on the interior design of your kitchen and the chosen style. Broken fasteners must also be replaced. Keep in mind that remodeling a table is not only about changing the appearance, but also about ensuring the reliability of the structure. Don't forget about this.

Removing old coating

Next you have to remove the old coating - varnish or paint. Wear a mask, safety glasses and grinding machine start cleaning. You can use coarse and medium-grain sandpaper, but then you need to prepare yourself for long and labor-intensive work - removing paint or varnish in this way is neither easy nor quick. It is better to do this work on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If you still decide to sand the table in the kitchen, open the windows completely and cover the floor and all the furniture around you with cloth or paper.

Treatment of cracks and chips

After sanding, you need to clean the old kitchen table from dust and inspect the countertop for defects. All chips and cracks must be filled with putty, and after the putty has dried, the entire surface must be sanded again. The fact is that even the most minor defects will be clearly visible after painting. After much effort, the resulting cleaned kitchen table surface will be ideal for creations and new designs.

Priming the table surface

After sanding the table top and other table elements, you need to degrease everything, and after drying, apply a primer mixture. This step should not be skipped under any circumstances, otherwise paintwork will be uneven and short-lived. Soil mixture Apply in two layers, each layer must dry thoroughly before applying the next. After the second layer has dried, which will take about 24 hours, you need to sand the already primed surfaces again.

Painting the kitchen table

This is perhaps the most enjoyable stage of work in restoring a kitchen table with your own hands, without dirt and dust. Each stroke of the brush takes you one step closer to the desired result. The paint must be applied in two layers, and dark color- at three o'clok. The last, finishing layer must be given 3-4 days to dry completely.

Application of protective coating

The final stage of work is the uniform application of protective varnish in 2-3 thin layers. After each layer has dried (about 4 hours) and before applying the next, the surface should be lightly sanded. sandpaper with fine grain. Can be used instead of varnish protective coating use wax - it will make the countertop matte or it can be rubbed until shiny. The first layer of wax is rubbed into the wood using a soft cotton cloth, and after drying, the second layer is applied with light circular movements. This can be repeated several more times within one day. This completes the kitchen table renovation. Leave the product for one week and only after this time will it be ready for full use.

Restoring a tabletop using decorative tiles

Next we will look at how to restore a kitchen table with your own hands using ceramic tiles or mosaics. Decorative tiles are one of the most popular materials used for covering the surfaces of kitchen units. The choice for many people is obvious - in addition to having a variety of textures and color solutions, the tile is distinguished by its reliability and durability. In addition, it is very convenient to maintain, easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures.

To restore a kitchen table using ceramic tiles You need to choose a tile or mosaic that suits the style of your kitchen, purchase a special tile adhesive, grout for the joints and an edge profile.

Surface preparation follows the same principle as for painting. After graduation preparatory work, glue is applied to the surface of the countertop using a notched trowel, which will allow you to firmly and securely fix the tiles.

Tile elements must be laid out in a pre-thought-out composition. The distance between the tiles is adjusted using special plastic crosses. When all the tiles are laid out and pressed tightly to the table surface, and the glue is completely dry, you need to prepare the grout mixture and fill the seams between the tiles with it.

In order for the look of the restored table to be complete, you should also decorate the sides of the tabletop. For this purpose, special edge profiles are used, which are matched to the tone or style of the selected tile. So by following this easy to access for everyone home handyman renovation, your furniture will come to life again and give the kitchen design originality and freshness.

Decoupage kitchen table top

Let's consider another popular way to update furniture - decoupage. This modern decorative technique allows you to quickly and, most importantly, on a budget transform the table by making it bright accent Your kitchen.

To restore a table using decoupage, in addition to the materials and tools needed to clean the table from old surfaces, sand it and prime it, you will need decoupage napkins, a container of water, glue, plastic film, matte or semi-matte varnish.

Repairing a countertop using decoupage begins after it has been primed and sanded or after it has been coated with paint or varnish. First, using a pencil, you need to make markings, marking the locations of the images. Next, place the cut out paper image face down in a container of water. After 30 seconds, the image is removed and placed on plastic film, according to the same principle - face down, and all excess paper surfaces are removed.

The prepared picture is smeared with glue and attached to the prepared tabletop. In this case, using a file you need to carefully smooth out the picture and only then remove it. If desired, the surface of the pictures can be decorated with paints, and finally the resulting image should be coated with acrylic varnish and allowed to dry thoroughly. This completes the renovation of the kitchen surface. After three days, your new exclusive table will be ready for full use.

Many people have old furniture stored at home or somewhere in the country. And most often these are not expensive antiques from tsarist times, but the most ordinary cabinets, chests of drawers, tables and chairs. At first glance, it may seem that most of these things should be thrown away long ago, but take a closer look - often these are high-quality products made of solid wood or maybe even forged metal, which will last for many more years if they are beautifully restored. In this article we will talk about ways to decorate tables - kitchen, dining, coffee, work - of different sizes and shapes.

However, many of the presented options are equally suitable for other interior items. Perhaps these examples will inspire you to turn nondescript, shabby furniture into a real work of art, because it’s so nice to contemplate the beauty made by yourself!

12 ways to give new life to an old table

1. Painting

The best way to update a worn-out table is to paint it, but first you need to prepare the surface. A paint remover will help remove the previous finish from the product.

If there is rust on metal legs or fittings, it should be soaked generously with vinegar, Coca-Cola or a special product, and after 15-20 minutes wiped with a hard scraper.

The wood is sanded with sandpaper, dust is removed, then impregnated with an antiseptic and a primer is applied. All chips, cracks and irregularities are rubbed over with acrylic wood putty.

For painting, you can use alkyd enamel, acrylic or epoxy paints, varnishes, and aerosol compositions for metal. You will also need painting tools - brush, roller, sponge, sprayer.

To give the table more spectacular look– it can not be painted entirely, but only individual parts. For this you will need masking tape or stencils.

2. Artistic painting

If a plain cover seems too boring, try decorating an old table with patterns. Drawings can be applied with a brush and acrylic paints - manually, through a stencil or according to outlines made using tracing paper.

Table with artistic painting will perfectly complement the interior in ethnic or rustic style, and children will like images of animals, fairy-tale and cartoon characters.

3. Decoupage

For this decor you will need a brush, paper napkins with a pattern, PVA glue and transparent furniture varnish.

The pictures are carefully torn off or cut out with scissors, the bottom layers of paper are removed, then the resulting thin appliqués are placed in the designated place and coated with glue on top, trying to avoid folds and tears.

If any element cannot be attached the first time, you must immediately wipe it with a sponge moistened with warm water and try again with a similar fragment.

Dried decoupage is coated with transparent furniture varnish in several layers, otherwise the paper decor will quickly be erased.

4. Craquelure

Craquelure is a cracking varnish that is used to deliberately give a product a look that imitates the texture of antique paintings. It can be one-step (the composition is applied in one layer and cracks as it dries) and two-step (two mixtures are used - one based on epoxy resins, the second on water based, they interact and a characteristic texture is obtained). The color of the veins is determined by the bottom layer acrylic paint, as well as the shade of the grout. Most often, powdered golden pigment or pastel is used for this purpose.

Two-step craquelure is usually used to complement decoupage or hand painting to achieve the effect of an aged painting. One-step is more suitable for products without patterns.

5. Tiles

It happens that after renovation there is a small supply of ceramic tiles left. It can be used to decorate an old table - just tile it wooden base. The installation technology in this case is practically no different from finishing walls or floors.

The ceramic surface is ideal for a table in the kitchen, terrace, veranda, gazebo or even outside.

To give the table an attractive look, in addition to plain tiles, you should use patterned borders, decorative panels(possibly even with some plots) or a stylish patchwork.

6. Mosaic

Paintings from small fragments decorate many galleries, temples and palaces. They will look just as elegant in the home, for example, on the surface of coffee tables.

Mosaic elements can be ceramic (even broken tiles will do), glass or acrylic.

From available materials, small round cuts of wood, cut CDs, and colored pebbles are suitable. You just need to come up with an interesting pattern and attach the pieces to the table using glue or liquid nails.

7. Self-adhesive film

The simplest and nice option decor of an old table that does not require fiddling with paints - gluing film.

This available material can imitate any coating - from rare breeds wood to marble, it can have any designs, patterns and textures.

Self-adhesive film is sold in rolls, and it is easy and pleasant to use.

8. Decorative tape

In stationery and creative supply stores in Lately presented wide choose decorative self-adhesive tapes. It will take you no more than 30-40 minutes to decorate an old table with multi-colored tape and a new bright thing will appear in your interior.

If you want to change the finish, the adhesive strips can be removed just as quickly, and if there is any glue left somewhere, acetone will easily dissolve it.

9. Epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a liquid substance that hardens quickly when exposed to air, turning into a hard, transparent plastic.

Cracks in wood filled in this way look very unusual, and if luminescent powder is added to the liquid phase, they will glow brightly in the dark.

also in epoxy resin You can place dried flowers, leaves, shells, coins, and thanks to the transparency of the substance, you get the effect of ice or amber.

Today, buying a new coffee table is expensive. Especially if it concerns coffee table, which should not only be functional, but also sophisticated and beautiful. Therefore, experts are developing more and more ways to restore a table with their own hands.

Before restoring the table, you need to clean its surface from old paint and repair all cracks and chips.

There are a lot of methods. They are conventionally divided into different types tables according to their purpose. But with the same success, you can apply to the coffee table the methods that are usually used to decorate kitchen or dressing tables. As practice shows, it looks very original.

Surface preparation

Before we begin to consider individual decoration methods, it is advisable to study how to prepare the surface.

After all, this step is the same for all tables, regardless of which restoration method you choose in the future.

First you need to remove the old coating. It is risky to use solvents as they can damage the wood fiber. This is especially true for valuable antique pieces of furniture. In this case, it would be best to use coarse sandpaper and a sander. As for the legs, if they are carved, you need to carefully sand them with special pieces of sandpaper for hard to reach places

. It is strictly forbidden to remove the old coating with screwdrivers, chisels and knives. These tools can ruin the coating.

To level the surface of the table, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of primer.

If the legs are still quite problematic to clean due to their shallow relief, then you can use a thin wire tangle. And if this does not help, then you can use a little solvent. You just need to work with it very carefully, wrap a bandage around the match and dip it in the solvent. When all the old coating has been removed, all cracks and flaws need to be well sealed. To do this you need to use wood putty. But first, the entire table is covered with a primer, which will protect the wood from damage and will subsequently provide better adhesion to the putty and finishing material

A small spatula is used for this work. Putty can be used either ordinary white or special colored - everything will depend on how you plan to restore the table further. After the putty has dried, sand everything again with light sandpaper and re-coat with a thin layer of primer.

The table is ready.

Let's consider two main options for restoring a coffee table with your own hands.

They are considered the easiest for beginners and not so expensive in terms of money, which is especially important in conditions of limited resources.

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Restoring a table with paint and varnish

The first option is to cover the surface with paint or varnish. So, the paint must first be stirred well. Then take a soft brush and slowly apply paint along the grain of the wood. Note that it is painted over first top part, after which you should gradually go down. This is very important to observe, since otherwise it will simply be impossible to avoid non-decorative smudges.

The paint must be applied in two thin layers so that the putty does not shrink and is not visible under the paint. When you apply the paint, wait until it dries, then cover the table in the same way as described above, but with a transparent varnish. If you want to see a sparkling gloss, then the varnish is applied in two or even three layers. If you want a more natural matte surface, one layer will be enough.

Restoring a table with your own hands is possible not only with paint, but also with varnish, as well as special solutions that give a silver, gold or bronze tint. And it looks very elegant, especially on antique tables.

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Restoration with mosaics

The second option is to cover the table top with mosaics. Mosaic is now being released different types. For a coffee table that will be located in the living room classic style, you can choose a mosaic with some kind of ancient or city landscape. If you want to place the table in the bedroom, you can choose calmer romantic patterns such as flowers, hearts, angels or cute birds and animals.

So, first the table is covered with a base, which will be the paint of the selected color. It is important to choose a shade that contrasts with the future mosaic - either very dark or very light. Due to this, the pattern will look brighter and more natural.

After the paint has dried (and this is at least 2 days), you need to mix PVA glue or special tile adhesive for mosaics well. After this, you immediately need to press the mosaic strictly according to the instructions so that the drawing turns out correctly. For greater accuracy, you can coat the mosaic on the back side, only the layer of glue in this case should be very thin.

About a day after the mosaic has set, you need to grout it. To do this, use a special product in the form of a powder or paste that matches the pattern. You can also use a contrasting color grout, which in some cases looks good.

Before grouting, experts recommend masking tape seal the edges of the tiles so that they do not get too dirty. The grouting itself is done either using a small spatula or a sponge. It all depends on which product you choose. After finishing the work, wait for the grout to dry, remove the tape from the mosaic and use a cloth to remove any accidentally deposited residue on the mosaic.

The legs in such a table can simply be painted or varnished, since the mosaic will no longer be inappropriate here. The color of the legs is selected according to your taste. But it’s best if it differs favorably from the main picture. You can simply coat them with a tint varnish that will highlight the naturalness of the wood.

So, two methods of restoring a coffee table are considered. Of course, there are many more options: this includes decoupage techniques, wallpapering, and decorating with oilcloth. But the methods described above are basic. Once you learn how to do them, everything else will be easier.

Furniture pieces occupy a central place in the interior. So, in the kitchen or dining room the main attribute is the kitchen table. In order for the product to last for a long time, housewives cover the tabletop with a tablecloth or special napkins. But what to do if the furniture is damaged or deformed? In this case, you can restore the kitchen table with your own hands. Exist various ways and technologies to improve the appearance of the structure. Therefore, you should not throw away worn-out items because they are easy to repair, decorate and decorate.

Covering with self-adhesive film is the most economical option table updates.

Preparatory work

Before decorating the kitchen table with your own hands, you need to prepare the product. It must be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, all elements of the table must be wiped damp cloth. If the product is heavily soiled, you can use a special household chemicals. After wet processing of structural parts, everything must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, accumulated moisture will contribute to the appearance of mold and fungal infections, which will negatively affect the quality of operation.

A wooden kitchen table needs to be carefully inspected. If cracks or gaps appear on its surface, they need to be treated with sandpaper. This will help strengthen the structure and make it easier to apply a new coating.

Very often, the kitchen countertop is equipped with a polishing coating. In order to update an old kitchen table, you need to remove the covering. Experts recommend doing most of the work in an open, well-ventilated room. The floor should be covered with unnecessary cloth or paper.

For finishing work You will need the following tools:

  • dry rag;
  • polish remover;
  • putty knife;
  • metal wool;
  • alcohol solution;
  • brushes;
  • gloves;
  • mask for the face;
  • sandpaper.

The brush is moistened in a special solution used to remove the polishing coating. It can be liquid or thick. For ease of use, it is recommended to pour a small amount of the mixture into a separate container. This consistency is applied in a thick layer to a specific area. After this, you must wait until the surface absorbs the solution. For some areas, you can use a stiff brush. Thus, cleaning the kitchen counter with your own hands will not be difficult. To do this, you need to choose the right materials for processing.

Experts recommend that after removing the polishing layer, treat the table surface with sandpaper and metal wool, after which the base will become level. The resulting surface will become ideal place for decorating and creating new designs.

Tile update

Decorative tiles are one of the most popular materials for cladding kitchen units. To design a tabletop yourself, you need to measure it and select the appropriate material for it.

Tile of various textures is a durable and reliable means for covering the countertop. The good thing about tiles is that they are easy to clean and you can safely place hot dishes on them. To decorate the kitchen table, it is recommended to choose elements with a matte finish. To work you will need:

  • tile;
  • grout for seams;
  • plastic crosses;
  • special glue;
  • edge profile;
  • brush;
  • notched spatula;
  • building level;
  • dry rag (sponge).

A special tile adhesive is applied to the prepared and cleaned base of the countertop. This procedure should be done using a notched spatula. During fixation, the material will be firmly and securely fastened.

The tile is pressed tightly to the base of the table. The elements of the product are connected to each other in the desired composition. It is recommended to strengthen the seams between materials using plastic crosses. Thus, the products will be fixed to each other at an equal distance. By using building level you need to monitor the position of the parts.

After the main work is done, it is necessary to grout the seams between the tiles. To do this, use a special mixture, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The grout is applied to the base of the table after the glue has completely dried.

In order for the kitchen table to look beautiful and festive, it is recommended to decorate the side parts of the tabletop.

This procedure can be carried out using special edge profiles. They can be selected to match the appearance of the tiles.

Restoration with paint

This method, which allows you to unusually update your kitchen table, is available to everyone. You can paint both the tabletop and the legs of the product. The color and design of the new structure depend on the preferences of the owners. In order for the kitchen table to become the central attribute of the room, it can be painted with bright paint. Decorating an interior item allows you to show imagination and skill and create an original masterpiece at home. For work, it is recommended to purchase quick-drying paint and a brush. The work space should be spacious. It is recommended to cover the surface of the table. Some owners prefer to use plain paint, but combining different shades will help create unique design furniture. Some craftsmen use stencils for decoration: they paint the main part in one tone, and create original drawing

using a stencil.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage napkins are ideal for decorating any type of furniture.

Aerosol paint applies quickly and dries completely in 2 hours. With their help you can decorate your kitchen table in an unusual way. The attribute should be decorated taking into account the theme and style of the room. Exists big choice

To work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • napkins for decoupage;
  • PVA glue;
  • capacity;
  • brush.

Using glue, the design is transferred to the table surface. For work, you can use both special napkins and images from magazines and newspapers. If defects appear, they can be masked with paint. When completing the work, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnish. This will significantly increase the service life of the product.

Table decoration methods

The variety of decoration methods allows owners to radically change kitchen set. An affordable and practical decoration method is self-adhesive film, which helps you decorate your furniture yourself. It is enough to select the desired shade of material with increased density. Gluing the film to the base of the tabletop allows you to update the product in the shortest possible time.

Some owners use old pieces of wallpaper to decorate furniture. To work, you need to purchase special glue. Decorating with wallpaper will make the interior unusual and original. In addition, you can purchase wallpaper with imitation stone, brick or tile.

In the reconstruction of old furniture you can show imagination, ideas and skill. You should not limit yourself to just decorating the tabletop. Replacing the legs will create new design on own kitchen. Updating a table is accessible even to people who have never encountered such work. It is enough to use various decorative overlays and homemade decorations to radically transform this piece of furniture.