Recommendations for conducting a business conversation over the phone. Business negotiations by phone

Business communication over the phone is specific and requires special preparation. A participant in a business conversation over the phone must clearly understand what his interlocutor wants to achieve and what he himself wants to get from this communication. To save your own and other people’s time, stick to a rational composition of a business conversation, which is easy to remember as the “Seven Ps”. The following practical recommendations will help you achieve success in telephone conversations.

Any communication has some purpose. For example, in ordinary, interpersonal communication, this is most often clarification new information. Purpose business communication most often it is establishing business contacts or solving any production problems. Business communication over the phone is specific and requires special preparation. A participant in a business conversation over the phone must clearly understand what his interlocutor wants to achieve and what he himself wants to get from this communication.

If you have an important telephone conversation, you need to prepare for it in advance and think through everything. Sometimes thinking alone is not enough: during a discussion complex topic or intense communication, thoughts, numbers or facts that are needed at the moment may disappear from memory. To prevent this from happening, even at the stage of preparing for the conversation, be sure to make notes, write theses, key thoughts, arguments or numbers. Moreover, having in the process telephone conversation With key facts or documents at hand, you will greatly reduce the risk of misstatements or misstatements of certain arguments.

When planning a future telephone conversation, try to think through everything possible options its passage, as well as solutions possible problems. If you do not think through the answers to the most problematic questions in advance, this may later cause difficulties in communication. Hearing only your voice, your interlocutor may interpret these hesitations as unprofessionalism and unpreparedness, which can turn him against you.

The call time should also be convenient for both the client and the person working with him on the phone. Try not to allow a situation where your telephone conversation distracts your interlocutor from an important matter. An incorrectly chosen time for conversation will be an obstacle to establishing a business contact. Also, you should not combine telephone communication with other matters.

Telephone conversations that are too long are a common mistake for many people. You must always remember that business communication over the phone should not last longer than 4-5 minutes. In addition to the length of the conversation, it is important to ensure that a two-way dialogue is maintained throughout the conversation. To do this, you can from time to time ask your interlocutor questions about whether he understood what you mean. we're talking about, what is his opinion on the issue under discussion, etc.

Another mistake that people who are used to communicating in person often make is using gestures. When talking on the phone, they can express their agreement or disagreement with the speaker, nod, frown, wrinkle their forehead and smile, in a word, demonstrate the whole range of ordinary gestures, understandable to any person, which their interlocutor cannot see.

Strive to ensure that not a single telephone conversation is wasted. Insufficient specification of agreements is a fairly common mistake in telephone conversations. If any important task is being solved, it is necessary to make sure that the results obtained are clear and equally perceived by both interlocutors.

1. It is necessary to carefully prepare for the conversation. You should not act impulsively as soon as the thought of calling arises. You should clearly define the purpose of the conversation, highlight the main thing in it and think through the content of the conversation. When preparing for a conversation, think about whether your interlocutor is ready for this conversation, whether he has time for it; Are you confident in the successful outcome of the conversation, what outcome of the negotiations will suit you (or not); what methods of influencing the interlocutor can be used during a conversation; what is the strategy of behavior in the event that your interlocutor strongly objects, switches to a raised tone, and does not respond to the arguments presented; will show distrust of information; is it possible to do without this conversation, etc.

To prepare for a business conversation over the phone, you can prepare a form in which the future conversation is recorded taking into account the predicted answers. For example, like this:

date Time
Phone number Organization
Last name, first name, patronymic of the subscriber
Book in advance Recorded as the conversation progresses
Questions Predicted answers Answers
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
Conclusions: (result achieved, information received, further actions, etc.)

2. You should always keep in mind the names, surnames, dates and numbers of documents, official materials related to the conversation.

If necessary, you can record the list of topics on paper. Try to foresee the interlocutor’s possible reaction to the information, that is, think through your answers to all his possible questions. If you have to discuss several provisions, then it is better to consistently finish discussing one and move on to another.

3. You can end the discussion of each situation using standard phrases: “So, we have reached an agreement on this issue?”, “Can I assume that we have agreed on this issue?”, “How did I understand you (in this question), can we count on your help? etc., which will help save time and also demonstrate your politeness and tact. Keep it short.

  • Conversation lasting more than 4-5 minutes. - rather an exception than a rule. To save your own and other people’s time, adhere to the rational composition of a business conversation, which is easy to remember as the “Seven Ps”:
  • P1. Greetings.
  • P2. Performance.
  • P3. Reason (explanation of the purpose of the call).
  • P4. Problem (discussion of the issue).
  • P5. Summing up the discussion.
  • P6. Appreciation: Expressing gratitude.

P7. Parting.

4. Think through your words and your partner’s possible reaction at each stage of the conversation. In telephone communication, it is good to use so-called “closed questions”, which require monosyllabic (“yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”) answers from the interlocutor. It is also recommended to end the conversation on each topic discussed with similar answers. The most common telephone greeting options are “yes”, “hello”, “listening”

5. . These words are identical and impersonal in their information content; they can be called neutral. In business communications, replace neutral greetings with informative ones: start the conversation by introducing yourself and your organization. People like to know who they are talking to. Find any friendly greeting formula that you like (how you would like to be answered). If your interlocutor has not introduced himself, it is appropriate to politely ask who you are talking to. This is best done at the beginning of the conversation. Always try to speak evenly, restrain your emotions, listen to your interlocutor without interrupting him. At the same time, confirm your participation in the conversation with short remarks. Otherwise, your interlocutor may think that you are distracted from the conversation and are not listening to him or that the connection has been interrupted. If there is a disconnection due to technical reasons, then the person who called will call back.

6. If disagreements arise, try to resolve them tactfully. Don’t give free rein to your emotions: the effectiveness of a business telephone conversation also depends on emotional state person. Excessive emotionality creates the preconditions for speech inaccuracy, incorrect phrases, and increases the conversation time. Even if your interlocutor talks in a raised voice or makes unfair reproaches, be patient and do not respond in kind, and if possible, move the conversation in a calm direction. State your arguments briefly and clearly. Your arguments must be correct in essence, convincing and literate in form.

7.Remember about intonation, tone and timbre of your voice: they carry up to 40% of the information in a conversation. Loud telephone speech is often less intelligible because the microphone and telephone settings are selected to be normal, average level volume. When poor hearing You should not raise your voice yourself, but ask the person calling you to speak louder, and at the same time ask how he hears you.

8. If you receive a call during a conversation with a visitor or employee, remember that the rules of conversation dictate that you should not interrupt the conversation with telephone conversations. You should first apologize to the interlocutor for the need to interrupt the conversation and only then pick up the phone. Next, your actions could be as follows:

  • ask the caller to wait a little (if your face-to-face conversation is close to completion and someone younger in age or position is calling you);
  • arrange to be called back in a few minutes (if you are not currently ending the conversation and it is not a higher-ranking official calling);
  • write down the phone number of the caller and agree that you will call him back at a time convenient for both of you.

Your face-to-face interlocutor will also see that you put off other things to talk with him. This will show that you treat your visitor with respect. If you interrupt a conversation by talking on the phone, in most cases this may be perceived negatively by your face-to-face interlocutor.

9. Keep a pen, paper, or anything close to your phone. electronic device, with which you can save necessary information(computer, smartphone, etc.) So as not to miss important details conversation, train yourself to take notes during the conversation or immediately after it ends. During the conversation, write down important details such as new names, numbers, and basic information that you or your colleagues and subordinates may need later.

10. The initiative to end the conversation belongs either to the caller or to the senior speaker by social status or age.

11. It is very important to end the conversation politely. If you need to urgently end the conversation, it is better to use the most polite phrases: for example, “Sorry for interrupting you, but I’m afraid to be late for the meeting,” “It was very pleasant to talk with you, but I promised to call you back to another organization.” Can I call you later? You can also refer to being very busy, to the need to complete the work started. Sentences like “Thank you for calling,” “It was nice talking to you,” etc. will help you end the conversation politely. After finishing a business conversation, spend a few minutes analyzing its content and style.

Analyze your impressions. Find the weak spots in it. Try to understand the reason for your mistakes. All this will subsequently help you save time by reducing the duration of negotiations, as well as understand and correct possible mistakes made in telephone communication, which will have a very positive effect on both your image and the prestige of your company.

1. The meaning and features of communication by telephone. Preparing for a conversation with a business partner.

2. Rules for conducting telephone conversations. 1. Modern business communication cannot be imagined without telephone communication

. This is the easiest way to quickly establish contact. The ability to carry out telephone communication affects both the personal authority of leaders and managers and the image of the organization they represent. American experts in the field of business communication argue that one of the reasons for the difficult financial situation of many organizations is the bad manners of their employees, which is especially clearly manifested when talking on the phone. Therefore, in successful companies, new employees are required to attend short-term courses on mastering office equipment, where special attention is paid to conversations on the phone. short conversation and quickly rebuild, reacting to the status, psychological characteristics and mood of the addressee.

Choosing time for a telephone conversation, you should take into account the partner’s daily routine and the organization’s operating hours. If you have a long conversation ahead, you need to ask whether the interlocutor has the necessary time. If the answer is negative, you need to ask whether it is possible to call back and when is the most convenient time to do so. Regular telephone communication with a business partner allows you to set a regular time that is most convenient for both parties. For long-distance calls, you need to take into account the time difference.

Before every telephone conversation you need to think :

    is there an urgent need for it;

    Is it necessary to know the partner’s answer;

    Is it possible to meet him in person?

When preparing for a conversation, you should make a plan that will help reduce communication time, avoid long pauses, arrange questions and proposals in a logical sequence, without missing anything essential. It is very important to clearly formulate the goal; select questions for discussion; determine what information should be transmitted or requested, and what documents may be required. During a conversation, there is usually a need to write down some information. To do this, you need to prepare a pen and paper in advance.

Poor preparation results in slips of the tongue, lack of information, incorrect prediction of the partner's reaction and, ultimately, an unsatisfactory result.

The telephone communication scheme includes :

♦ greeting;

♦ presentation;

♦ awareness of the interlocutor’s time availability;

♦ a brief statement of the essence of the problem;

♦ questions and answers to them;

♦ ending a conversation.

Feature telephone conversation is what only works auditory channel for receiving information. Therefore, of particular importance acoustic means of transmitting nonverbal information.

2. After the greeting, you need to identify yourself. If a stranger is called on a business phone, give the last name, first name, patronymic, position and institution they represent. The person answering must also introduce himself.

You need to speak concisely, concentrating the main information in one or two sentences, without going into unnecessary details. You should avoid tongue twisters, shouting and whispering. Good diction is especially important during international contacts.

Since the communicator who is being addressed by telephone cannot see the interlocutor, intonation plays a decisive role. It is she who creates the first impression, which is difficult to correct later.

The caller must be attentive to the questions of the interlocutor. They should be answered clearly and truthfully. If the problem under consideration is beyond his competence, he must call someone who can solve it.

A client who calls to express a complaint or make a claim should be asked to introduce himself. He should be listened to without interrupting, and informed of the time frame for all the circumstances to be clarified, as well as when he can call back for a final answer.

The initiator ends the telephone conversation. Preference is also given to those who are senior in position, age and woman.

To summarize, it is necessary to summarize what has been said, repeat out loud what was decided regarding further steps, and agree on the method, date and time of the next contact. Closing phrases could include thanking you for the call and wishing you success.

To make your business phone conversations more effective, follow these guidelines: :

♦ prepare in advance documents that may be needed during the conversation;

♦ have a positive attitude and make sure that your partner is in a good mood right away;

♦ speak calmly, without irritation;

♦ highlight particularly significant words;

♦ avoiding monotony, change the pace of conversation;

♦ use pauses to structure speech and increase its understandability;

♦ repeat information that needs to be remembered (for example, the date and place of a meeting agreed upon by telephone);

♦ do not raise harsh objections;

♦ listen carefully to your interlocutor, periodically inserting “ Yes», « Certainly», « I understand».

♦ having received a refusal, say goodbye in a friendly manner.

In the book IN AND. Venediktova « About business ethics and etiquette"It is also noted what not to do when the phone rings:

* do not pick up the phone for a long time;

* simultaneously conduct a conversation with two interlocutors;

* ask a question if the answer is known in advance;

* ask: “Can I help you?” or “What do you need?”;

* say: “There is no one here. Call back" or "We're not interested."

Thus, if you need to quickly communicate or receive necessary information, to find out an opinion, achieve agreement or report a change in the situation, a telephone conversation should be used. To do this, you need to choose a time convenient for the interlocutor.

The most important requirement of culture telephone communication- conciseness. Most of all, this rule applies to communication with managers, in whose activities telephone conversations play an important role. The second most important requirement is a polite tone. A telephone conversation should evoke positive emotions and encourage positive action.

Studies have shown that a business person spends up to 25% of his working time talking on the phone. Telephone calls are considered the most powerful and frequent irritant, which eliminates the possibility of concentrated work.

Business communication – solving some production problems or establishing business contacts. Business communication by phone very specific, it is advisable to prepare well for it. When communicating with clients over the phone, you must clearly understand what exactly your interlocutor wants to achieve and what you want to get from communicating with him. If you know that in the near future you will have to conduct business negotiations over the phone, then you should prepare for this in advance.

Plan your phone call, think in advance about all possible options for passing it and ways to solve possible problems. According to the rules of business communication over the phone, the time of the conversation should be convenient not only for you, but also for your interlocutor. Do not allow a situation where you have to distract your interlocutor from solving important matters. If you choose the wrong time for business communication over the phone, this may be a significant obstacle for you in establishing a business contact. In addition, by phone, there is no need to combine business conversation with some other matters.

Excessively long telephone conversations are not acceptable. Remember, the time of business communication over the phone should not exceed 4 – 5 minutes. Another mistake when conducting business conversations is the use of gestures. If you demonstrate your reaction with the usual set of gestures, then only the person who is directly next to you, and not at the other end of the line, will be able to understand you.

There are several rules for communicating on the phone. Let's look at the main ones:

1. Before you start communicating with a client by phone, you should prepare for the conversation in advance. Before calling your client, clearly define the purpose of the conversation, highlight the most important thing in it and carefully think through the content of your conversation. The rules of business communication over the phone say that when preparing for a conversation, you should think about whether the interlocutor wants to talk to you, whether he has free time how much he can devote to this conversation, what techniques you will use to influence your interlocutor, and so on.

2. The second rule of communicating on the phone is that you should always remember names, dates and document numbers that will be relevant to the business conversation. Try to anticipate your interlocutor's reaction to the information you present, that is, you should think through all your answers to your interlocutor's questions.

3. During a business conversation, you should be brief; your conversation should not last more than 4 - 5 minutes.

4. During business communication over the phone, try to replace neutral greetings with informative ones. That is, you need to start the conversation by introducing your organization and yourself personally.

5. When talking on the phone, speak evenly, try to restrain any of your emotions, listen to your interlocutor and do not interrupt him during the conversation. At the same time, confirm your participation in the conversation with short remarks. Otherwise, the interlocutor will think that something is distracting you from the conversation, and you are not listening to him.

6. If you have a slight disagreement with your interlocutor, try to resolve it tactfully. You should not give free rein to your emotions, since the effectiveness of a business conversation depends on a person’s emotional state. Even if your interlocutor speaks in a raised voice or unfairly reproaches you, you should not respond in kind; be patient and, if possible, try to move the conversation into a calmer direction.

7. Don’t forget about intonation, tone and timbre of your voice, as they carry forty percent of the information in a conversation. If the audibility in the handset is not very high, then you do not need to raise your voice yourself, just ask your interlocutor to speak a little louder and ask him how he can hear you.

8. The eighth rule of business communication over the phone is that there is no need to interrupt the conversation with telephone conversations. You must first ask the interlocutor for an apology for having to interrupt the conversation and only then pick up the phone.

9. You should always have paper, a pen or some electronic device next to your phone that will help you save the information you need. During the conversation or after it, try to make notes that will contain information that is important to you.

10. The caller or someone older in age or social status can end the conversation. If you urgently need to end a conversation, try to end it as gracefully as possible. Apologize to your interlocutor, say that you enjoyed communicating with him, and the like.

11. After you finish a business conversation, spend a few minutes analyzing its style and content. Try to understand what your mistake was, analyze your impressions. This business telephone etiquette will allow you to save time next time by reducing the duration of negotiations, and you will also be able to understand and correct mistakes made during the conversation.

Telephone communication has long been important part life. We discuss household chores with relatives, chat with friends and solve problems with business partners, colleagues and bosses. Conversation styles should be different, and business communication requires a special approach.

Phone in life modern man occupies an important place: communication with loved ones, friends, but, importantly, with colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, when talking with different people we use our own way of communication, and no one would think of talking to their boss in the same way as to best friend or even just a colleague. In this case, the conversation will focus on business communication.

Also business etiquette should be used by those employees whose responsibilities include telephone conversations, various social surveys and all other conversations that are conducted, as a rule, from the cool center, that is, the call processing center.

Unfortunately, some people behave rather familiarly when talking on the phone, not at all the same as in a personal meeting. Since employees feel at a safe distance, they easily hang up, and sometimes talk away from the invisible interlocutor with a couple of not very polite phrases, and this goes against the etiquette of telephone communication.

But sometimes it is a telephone conversation that becomes the starting point of a good business relationship. Here, unlike a personal meeting, a strict business suit, office decor, an on-duty smile and gestures are not so important. In fact, the image of an enterprise may entirely depend on the manner in which its employees conduct telephone conversations.

What to think about before talking on the phone

  • the goal you are going to achieve in the upcoming conversation;
  • Is it possible to do without this conversation;
  • how ready the interlocutor is to discuss the topic of conversation;
  • Do you have confidence in the successful completion of the conversation;
  • what specific questions you need to ask;
  • what questions you may be asked during the conversation;
  • what outcome of negotiations can be considered successful and what can be secured in case of failure;
  • what methods of influencing your interlocutor can be used during a conversation;
  • how will you behave if your interlocutor begins to object, becomes louder, or does not respond to your arguments;
  • How will you respond if they show distrust of your information?

Preparing for the conversation

Before the beginning telephone conversation you need to do the following:

  • Prepare documents that will be required during the conversation: reports, prospectuses, correspondence, work certificates, etc.
  • To record information, prepare paper, a tablet or other device. If you use a voice recorder, you must warn and ask for consent to use it.
  • Have before your eyes a list of officials with whom you are supposed to talk, so that you can address the right person only by name and patronymic.
  • Place a conversation plan in front of you, with the most significant points highlighted in marker.

Conversation plan

A telephone conversation should not exceed 3 minutes, at least your opening monologue. This is what it looks like rough plan similar introduction:

  • introducing the interlocutor to the essence of the problem (40-45 seconds)
  • mutual introduction with the name of the position and level of competence in this matter (20-25 minutes)
  • discussion of the situation itself, the problem (from 1 to 2 minutes)
  • conclusion, summary (20-25 seconds)

If the problem has not been resolved completely, you need to arrange a second call at a certain time. At the same time, it is important to clarify with whom the conversation will continue - with the same person or another employee who is more competent in this matter or has a wider range of authority.

Telephone etiquette rules

Always greet the person calling you and use polite words when calling yourself. These can be words of greeting associated with a certain time of day (“Good afternoon!”, “ Good morning!”, “Good evening!”). It is better to avoid such expressions: “Listen”, “Hello”, “Company”.

Watch your intonation. It is with the help of your voice that you can arouse the affection of your interlocutor, create the correct perception in him, and for this, of course, you need to speak kindly, calmly, but without unnecessary exclamations: excessive enthusiasm can also repel.

Be sure to introduce yourself. After greeting the interlocutor, name your organization so that the person knows where he has addressed. To make it easier for him to start a conversation, state your name and position so that the interlocutor can determine whether he can continue the conversation with you, or whether he needs to talk to a representative at a higher level.

When you call an organization yourself, try not to start the conversation with phrases like: “You're worried about...” or “It bothered you...”. Such expressions make the interlocutor wary, and your call may be perceived as unwanted.

After calling a specific interlocutor, find out how convenient it is for him to talk to you now. Once you are sure that they can communicate with you, immediately move on to the subject of the call: business people should be brief and not deviate from the topic of negotiations.

When someone calls your company, etiquette involves picking up the phone after the second or third ring. If you do this after the first call, the potential interlocutor may decide that your company is not too burdened with work.

If the caller needs some other representative of the company, there is no need to hang up, “cutting off” the caller. You need to use the hold function to switch to standby mode or switch to the desired person. If the right person is not there, you can ask if you can advise him or provide other assistance. If he refuses help, ask what needs to be conveyed, what message to leave.

When listening to a new interlocutor, try to adapt to his speech rate: if a person speaks slowly, perhaps he not only perceives information, but also immediately analyzes it. If he speaks quickly and asks questions impatiently, he may be irritated by your slowness and leisureliness.

During the entire conversation on the phone, you do not need to smoke, chew or drink anything. Be sure to put aside your cigarette or sandwich, move away your cup of coffee or tea.

After finishing the conversation, say goodbye to your interlocutor, but before that ask if he has any questions for you. If you initiated the conversation, don't apologize for taking up the other person's time. It will be better if you thank the interlocutor with words: “Thank you for giving us your time. We hope for further cooperation.”

Instead of a conclusion

If your speech is not very developed, then talking on the phone aggravates speech deficiencies. Therefore, you should try to avoid words whose pronunciation you are not very good at, or words whose stress you are not very sure of. It is better to pronounce names that are difficult to hear by syllables or even letters.

Talking on the phone is truly an art that can and should be learned. After all, sometimes just one phone call can accomplish something that was impossible to achieve in the process of preliminary meetings and negotiations.

You need to remember that a glance, a smile, facial expressions, and friendly handshakes can have a strong influence on your partner, but this is excluded in telephone communication. You can offend an unknown interlocutor with a careless word. Sometimes it is a telephone conversation that forms the first impression of a person. Try to get it right.

There is an opinion that telephone conversations save time. However, calculations have shown that telephone conversations for managers during the working day take from 3 to 4.5 hours, and for employees - 2–2.5 hours. The shortcomings of telephone conversations have been identified. Their duration increases due to emotional coloring. This leads to speech unclearness and clumsiness of phrases. Hence, communicating business information takes 2/3 of the time, and pauses between words and phrases, expressing one’s emotions about certain information - 1/3 of the time.

Quickly communicate certain brief information to a business partner remote from you or receive such information from him;

Quickly find out the opinion of one or another official on a question that interests you;

Obtain consent to specific actions from higher organizations;

Clarify whether the previous agreement to meet with someone remains valid.

It is important to choose the right time for a telephone conversation. It should be taken into account that:

According to your information, it is convenient for the subscriber;

The subscriber must be at his workplace, taking into account the daily routine of the enterprise;

It is at this time that your subscriber’s phone is least loaded; It should be borne in mind that the busiest telephone contacts in institutions occur in December and January, on Mondays and in the first half of the day.

Business communication by phone includes a number of stages: mutual introduction, introduction of the interlocutor to the situation, discussion of the situation, final word. When introducing yourself to your interlocutor, provide your last name, first name and patronymic, place of work and position you hold. This will immediately set him up for a business-like conversation. After introducing yourself, it is advisable to ask the interlocutor if you disturbed him with your call, if he can pay attention to you. Only if the answer is positive can the conversation continue.

Rules for business communication by phone

1.When performing urgent, urgent work:

a) do not pick up the phone at all;

b) take it off immediately and politely say: “Please call me then.” I'm busy with an urgent matter."

3.When picking up the handset from a ringing phone, replace neutral reviews such as “Yes”, “Hello”, “Listen”, more informative: “Ivanov”, “HR Department”, “Factory”. This eliminates errors and confusion and therefore saves time. Additionally, pairing a review with an introduction sets a businesslike tone for the entire conversation.

4. When calling an employee who is currently absent by phone, it is recommended not to limit yourself to a simple statement of the fact “he is not there”, but to give an answer of something like this:

“He's not there. It will be then. Maybe I should give him something?” And if you are actually asked for this, do not rely on memory, immediately record the request and put a note on your colleague’s desk.

5. Write down the necessary telephone numbers with the obligatory indication of the last name, first name and patronymic, institution or the specific matter for which you are connected with this person. In doing so, adhere to the following rules:

do not delay the interlocutor and make an initial entry on the calendar, and then move it to where it should be;

any phone number that you know you will use more than two or three times should be entered in your address book;

review it once every six months and cross out numbers that are no longer needed;

Change your notebook every year and don’t throw away the old ones.

6. For important telephone conversations (international, long-distance, with senior management, etc.), you should first sketch out a list of questions so that you don’t miss important points in excitement or haste.

7. Telephone ethics dictates that you should always identify yourself before starting a conversation, even if you expect to be recognized by your voice.

8.All conversations should be conducted in a friendly tone. Even if the answer is accurate and complete, but given in a rude, tactless form, this damages the authority of both the employee and the organization he represents, and negatively affects the essence of the matter.

9.Recording telephone messages speeds up and becomes error-free if a voice recorder is connected to the phone.

If you are calling a person with whom you have already met, but he may not remember you only by your last name, you should definitely remind him briefly about your last meeting. This will make it easier psychological contact and will relieve the interlocutor from the need to think that he has a bad memory.

During a telephone conversation:

It should be taken into account that words sound more expressive after mini


It is best to repeat numbers, names and even questions twice;

The most unpleasant words must be pronounced in a normal voice so that the interlocutor ponders their meaning and understands why you used them;

After asking a question, pause so that the interlocutor has time to answer.

The article was prepared with the help of E. P. Ilyin’s book “Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relations.”