LLC registration: the most complete instructions.

Registration of an LLC (limited liability company) is the most common type of commercial organization. An organization is founded by one or a group of persons. Founding capital funds are divided into shares determined by documents.

Registration cost (RUB)

Registration deadline


Registration of LLC companies and individual entrepreneur

Register LLC, JSC (Moscow)


from 3000

10 days

Register IP

Prices from 500

10 days

Register a Public JSC

Prices from 20,000

10 days

Registration (standard) of non-profit organizations

Prices from 20,000

4-8 weeks

Registration of enterprises (LLC, JSC) with foreign investments

Prices from 12,000

3 weeks

Registration of non-profit organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region

Non-commercial partnership

Prices from 15,000

4-8 weeks

Non-profit partnership with subsequent acquisition of SRO status

Price from 15,000

4-8 weeks

Autonomous non-profit organization

Price from 15,000

4-8 weeks


from 18 000

4-8 weeks


from 13 000

4-8 weeks

Union (association)

13 000

4-8 weeks

Public association

13 000

4-8 weeks

Collegium of Advocates

13 000

4-8 weeks

with more than 5 founders

+ 3000

Price additional services during registration actions

Receiving notifications about registration in the Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Pension Fund

Price 1 500

1 day

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Price 2,000

5 days

Urgent receipt of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

3 000

2 days

Preparation of a package of documents for opening a bank account (notary+Unified State Register of Legal Entities+bank)

4 500

1 day

Courier services (travel to the client) in Moscow


Making an additional seal

from 350

1 day

Registration price for the primary issue of shares of the joint-stock company

25 000

30 days

Amount included in the Register of Small Business Entities

6 000

10 days

Registration price for additional issue of shares

20 000

45 days

Cost of legal assistance when opening a personal account (accompaniment to the bank)

2 000

1 day

Cost of registration of Cash Register LLC

5 000

5 - 10 days

The cost of transferring a company to the simplified tax system is 6% or 15%

1 000

1 day

Ready-made companies

from 40 000

1 day

This form of business company, such as an LLC, compared with others existing today, registration of an LLC has significant advantages. These features determine the popularity of the LLC registration service.


    Registering an LLC does not imply material investments for authorized capital.

    To create a company, the number of participating persons is reduced to a minimum: even one individual has the right to organize a limited liability company.

    The procedure for registering an LLC is quite simple.

    The cost of registering an LLC is quite affordable.

Registration of an LLC in Moscow is the first and most important stage of creating a limited liability company.

LLC registration requires:

    Name of the company

    Personal documents of persons establishing an enterprise (with copies)

    Determination of the type of main activity

    Availability of a legal address

    Selected taxation system (general or simplified version)

Our company offers a number of package offers, in which you can register an LLC and other options. This approach provides the client with considerable savings in material resources and time spent.

In addition to package options, the company provides individual necessary services in accordance with standard payment.

If you feel the need for qualified assistance in registering your company, but our comprehensive offers do not suit you enough, regardless of the reasons, the company is ready to provide a number of additional services, any of them can be purchased separately.

According to Russian legislation, all enterprises are divided into two types: non-profit and commercial. The latter are more common here. These include organizations that are created in order to receive commercial income in the course of their activities. In order to create and register such an enterprise, you must first come up with a name. It should be noted that if the idea arose to include the words “ Russian Federation", as well as all cognate words from this phrase, then you need to get permission for this. And it is given by special services state power who are authorized to do this. Moreover, obtaining permission to register an LLC is not so easy; these services will review the activities of your company with a view to obtaining such a phrase in the name - why do you need it and whether you really need it.

When opening a company with a legal form, you need to register it with the Federal Tax Service, which is geographically located at the address of your enterprise.

Let's take a closer look at what a limited liability company is. Such an enterprise is created by one person or several. In the latter case, the authorized capital is divided into shares. It should be noted that its minimum amount is 10,000 rubles. Participants or shareholders of a created business company may incur risks of losses in the process of operation. However, they will remain within the corresponding shares in monetary terms that constitute the fixed capital. In addition, participants do not bear any responsibility for the obligations of their company.

However, it must be remembered that in the event of debt, counterparties may begin bankruptcy proceedings for the organization. And in its process, the participants, as well as the managers of the LLC, may well be held accountable to some extent. Of course, for this it will be necessary to prove judicial procedure that these persons performed certain actions or, conversely, did not perform them, and this led to the fact that the enterprise became insolvent. In this case, the accused persons will be held liable for such in the prescribed manner and perhaps even through personal property.

Registration is usually carried out using two methods:

  • You can do this yourself. In the event that you are faced with a similar task for the first time, in this case we wish that the LLC registration was carried out by you, without the help of anyone. Then you can gain very useful and invaluable experience and knowledge.
  • You can use the help of a registrar. Based on your application and power of attorney, he will prepare a complete package of necessary documents. In addition, the registrar will take upon himself the selection of a convenient address for your company, send the documents to the tax service himself, and then receive them. This service also includes registration with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund. Another possibility is the acquisition of a ready-made company that has a previous history.

What to name an LLC?

The society needs to receive a full name in its native language, which should be branded. Moreover, this full name must necessarily contain not just LLC, but the decoding of this abbreviation so that it is clear legal form organizations.

In addition, the company may also have the following (but not necessarily):

  • An abbreviated name, also branded, and also in the native language. In this case, you can shorten the name itself, as well as the form of the organization, i.e. maybe just - LLC without decoding.
  • The name of the enterprise, both full and abbreviated in the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting the territory of Russia.
  • The name of the enterprise, both full and abbreviated in foreign languages.

The organizational legal form of the enterprise and the abbreviation cannot be replaced by anything. But its corporate name can be supplemented with various borrowings from other languages, but in its native language, i.e. Russian

So, it turns out that an enterprise with a legal form of organization can have up to six different names. However, the main thing is still the full name, expressed in the native language (Russian), and being a corporate name.

You don’t have to do the registration yourself, but leave this process to professionals in this field. This is very common today in the business community. This is especially true for those entrepreneurs who are very busy or simply don’t want to bother with it.

There's another one that's not so good positive point. Now there is no special list of names of all existing organizations, which, in theory, should be guided by when a new one is opened, so that there are no coincidences. Therefore, at the moment, all enterprises have the main difference - this is a registration number. It is unique throughout Russia.

Now let's talk about the address of the newly created enterprise

According to the existing law of our country, the legal address of the company must correspond to the place where its head was registered. If you go online, you can find a huge number of offers for selling addresses at a reasonable price. However, one should not trust such things. The tax service may well refuse to open an LLC at such an address due to the fact that many similar companies are already “hanging” on it. And this is fraught with the fact that the company’s current account will be blocked and movement through it will be suspended. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to entrust the registration of a legal address to professionals. Our company is engaged in registration of legal addresses. You yourself have the right to choose the region that you see fit. This could be Moscow, Moscow or another region.

There is another option - to link the company’s address to the place of its head. However, this is fraught with the fact that the manager is the same employee as all other employees; he may quit, or another person will become the manager. And a completely uncomfortable situation will arise, because... all mail will be sent to the home address of the ex-chairman. Therefore, in any case, you will have to change the legal address of the company. A more common option is to buy your own premises. You can also agree with the landlord that after this a lease agreement will be concluded for the premises that the company plans to rent. For this purpose, a letter of guarantee is drawn up.

After the issue with the address is resolved, the size of the authorized capital is formed. In this regard, it is necessary to focus on Russian laws. The method of investing this capital is also indicated: money or property.

These are just the main points that registration contains. If you plan to collect all the documents yourself, we recommend studying in as much detail as possible all the literature on this issue, regulations and legal acts, reading forums on the Internet. Or you can save time and contact specialist lawyers. This will allow you not to waste your nerves.

The opening procedure, of course, does not end there. After receiving documents from the tax service, you need to do a number of more actions: order your own stamp, register with funds, including extra-budgetary ones. If your company is a joint-stock company, then it is necessary to register shares. You also need to carry out some activities at the bank: open a current account and register a cash register (if necessary). Our law firm can take care of all this hassle. You won't need to do anything.

Let's now consider a non-profit company. It is practically no different from a commercial one, except that it does not receive any profit from running economic activity. The procedure for such organizations is similar to that described above. But there is one peculiarity. A non-profit company will be checked by tax authorities more thoroughly and over a longer period of time. Our company will help you in this matter too! We work in Moscow and other regions. For little money, we will do all the hard work for you. Our company offers to open a turnkey LLC. Now in Moscow, and everywhere in Russia, a great many companies are being created with precisely this form of organization, because her type of responsibility is the most favorable for doing business.

Key Points to Pay Attention to

Registration of such an LLC is carried out by the tax authorities of the Russian Federation. These services operate on the basis of the legislation of our country, namely according to Law No. 129 “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" dated 08.08.2001.

All legal aspects regarding LLC, as well as the rights of its founders, the procedure for opening a new LLC, reorganization, liquidation - all these functions are regulated by Federal Law No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” dated 02/08/1998).

LLC is limited solely by the laws, i.e. it can do anything.

The general meeting of LLC founders is the main management body of the organization. It must be convened once a year, at least. Because in the process of LLC functioning, a solution is constantly required various tasks, then for this purpose another management body is elected at the general meeting - the head. Or, as options, it can be called - CEO, director, etc.

If the founders of the company are individuals, permanent residents of Russia, then copies of the following documents will be required. Passports of the head of the company and its chief accountant, as well as all founders. It is necessary to make a spread of the first page and the page indicating the place of registration. Also TIN Certificates (also a copy) of the same persons, if they have them. It should be noted that all copies do not have to be certified by a notary.

Option two - if the founders are legal entities also permanently residing in Russia. You will then need copies of the following documents. Certificates of registration of a legal entity, as well as extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Here it should be noted that the extract must be issued by the tax authority no more than a month ago. You will also need the company's Charter, passport details of its head - first page spread and place of registration, his TIN certificate and passport details of the company's chief accountant (also first page spread and place of registration). All copies do not need to be notarized.

Option three - if the founders are individuals, but do not reside permanently in Russia. In this case, you will need to have the translation certified native language(in this case Russian) their passports from a notary. If we're talking about about the founders of the organization, as residents of Ukraine or Belarus, then an ordinary copy of the passport (without a notary) will be sufficient. Of course, if the passport contains a translation into Russian.

Option four - if the founders are legal entities, but do not reside permanently in Russia. In this case, an additional extract from the register-list of the country where the company is registered will be required. You will also need to take a current account statement from the bank as a basis to prove that the company has funds in its assets. Documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary. They must be valid and have legal force. In addition, copies of passports of the head of the company and its chief accountant will be required. It is necessary to make a spread of the first page and place of registration.

We draw your attention to the fact that from July 1, 2009, the corresponding law on changes came into force in our country. According to this, all companies will need to be registered again.

To avoid all the difficulties and hassles, we suggest using the services of our law firm. We know our business very well, have extensive experience and will do everything for you. And you will end up with a registered turnkey company. This will allow you to save your nerves and precious time. If you want to trust us, then you just need to go to a notary and write out a power of attorney. According to it, our highly qualified lawyers will go through all the authorities, pay all the necessary fees, competently and professionally prepare the entire package of documents, submit them to the required services, and also receive them back. And we will do all this quickly and for a minimal amount.

Is it possible for a company to carry out its activities without opening a bank account?

The answer to this question is clear - positive. Opening a bank account is not the responsibility of the LLC organization. It's just her right.

However, it should be taken into account that all cash flows with amounts over 100,000 rubles are carried out only through current accounts, i.e. without using cash.

Selecting OKVED. How not to make mistakes and choose the right type of economic activity when you create a new company?

When you, as an entrepreneur, plan to register your company, you will definitely need to decide on the types of activities that it will do. You won’t need to come up with anything yourself. You just need to open the Russian Federation classifier, which is called OKVED. (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities). Using it you will select the categories that you need.

Registration of your own production largely depends on how large-scale the planned project will be production, what resources will be used. So, if you decide to open a small business at home, producing any product that does not require the installation of additional equipment and compliance with special rules and regulations, a registered individual entrepreneur or private entrepreneur, as well as certificates for the materials used in production, will be sufficient.


If we are talking about a more serious enterprise with a separate production site, additional equipment, etc., registration will require a more serious approach.

So, if you need a plot of land to set up your production site or if other people are involved in production Natural resources, you will need permission to operate them, which can be obtained from the relevant structures local government.

Officially created yours manufacturing enterprise is counted from the moment the package is approved constituent documents, and is considered issued from the date of state registration. To carry out the procedure for state registration of a manufacturing enterprise, it is necessary to submit an application to the relevant structure of local authorities. The application will need to be accompanied by a letter of guarantee for the production area, certificates for the materials used, a production technology plan, information about the director/founder of the production and payment orders upon payment of all necessary duties. The list of documentation directly depends on the selected type of production and its scale, therefore, before submitting the application, it is recommended that the contents of the package of documents be attached to the application.

Registration is carried out within thirty days from the date of application with a complete package of documents, after which your production enterprise legally has the right to operate in accordance with the submitted technical production plan.

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If you are on this portal for the first time, but are interested in issues of registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, then you can get answers to any questions about opening an LLC or individual entrepreneur using free consultation service on business registration:

STEP 1. Select the LLC registration method

To create an LLC, you need to go through the appropriate state registration procedure with the registration authority of the Federal Tax Service at the legal address of your LLC. As of today, everything Required documents To open a limited liability company, you can prepare them via the Internet, and if you have an electronic digital signature, you can submit them to the tax office without leaving your home.

Limited liability company - a business company created by one or several persons, the authorized capital of which (at least 10 thousand rubles) is divided into shares; The participants of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company to the extent of the value of their shares in the authorized capital of the company.

At the same time, you need to be aware that creditors of an LLC can initiate bankruptcy proceedings when claiming debt. legal entity, during which the participants (founders) and managers of the LLC may be held to additional liability. If the court proves that the LLC has been rendered insolvent as a result of the actions or inactions of these persons, then they will be liable for the obligations of their company in full and at the expense of their personal property.

There are two ways to go through this procedure:

    Having independently prepared all the documents for company registration
    If this is your first company, then we recommend registering completely independently, without resorting to the services of registrars. This will allow you to gain very important knowledge and experience.

    By preparing documents using registrar services
    In this option, registrars will not only help prepare documents, but also select an address, submit documents and receive them from the registration authority and register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. Here it is also possible to purchase a ready-made LLC with a history.

To make it easier for you to navigate between these options, we have compiled the following table for you with the pros and cons of each option:

Actions Price pros Minuses
Self-registration of LLC

4 thousand rubles.- state duty
1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notary services (if applicants are personally present when submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service, then notarization of documents is not required)

Receipt good experience on preparing documents, as well as communicating with government agencies

Saving on registrar services

The risk of receiving a refusal due to incorrect execution of documents (as a result, a loss of 5 thousand rubles or more)

If there is no legal address for registering an LLC, you will have to look for it separately

Registering an LLC with the help of registrarsThe cost of registrar services ranges from 2 to 10 thousand rubles plus 4 thousand state duty and 1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notary services (average 10 thousand rubles)

Insurance against registration refusals

It is possible to save time if documents are delivered and collected from the registration authority for you

The registrar will help with obtaining an address for registering an LLC

You will have a superficial knowledge of your documents

You leave your passport details to someone unknown

Additional expenses

Purchase of a ready-made LLCThe cost of services is from 20 thousand rubles, the state duty is 800 rubles for making changes and 1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. notarial servicesYou can buy an LLC immediately with a history necessary, for example, to participate in a tender where requirements are imposed on the life of the LLCThe risk of buying a problematic LLC (with debts or a “dark” past). This fact may come to light in 1-3 years, when your purchased LLC gets on its feet.

If you decide to prepare documents for registration yourself, then your costs will be as follows:

Name Sum
Payment of the authorized capital of LLC

from 10 thousand rubles(the minimum amount of the authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles from September 1, 2014 must be paid into in cash, replacement of the minimum size of the capital with a property contribution is not allowed)

Organization of a legal address (if it is not possible to rent premises or register oneself at the place of residence)from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles(initial payment for assigning the address to you)
Payment for notary services for certification of signatures in an application for LLC registrationfrom 1000 to 1300 rubles(more than 80% of the amount will go to pay for some incomprehensible technical work notary)
Payment of state fees for LLC registration4 thousand rubles
Printing costsfrom 500 to 1000 rubles
Opening a bank accountfrom 0 to 2,000 rubles
Total:from 15,000 rubles

STEP 2. Come up with a name for the LLC

The LLC must have its own full corporate name in Russian. In this case, the full corporate name must include the full name of the LLC, as well as an indication of its organizational and legal form “limited liability company”, for example, Limited Liability Company “Registration Bureau”. Additionally, the LLC has the right to have:

  • Abbreviated company name in Russian. In this case, the abbreviated corporate name must contain the full or abbreviated name of the LLC, as well as the abbreviation “LLC”.
  • Full and (or) abbreviated company name in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  • Full and (or) abbreviated company name in foreign languages.
  • The company name of LLC may include foreign language borrowings in Russian, with the exception of the designation of the organizational and legal form or its abbreviation.

As a result, a total LLC can have about 6 names (full and abbreviated in Russian, full and abbreviated in Russian foreign language, full and abbreviated in the language of the people of the Russian Federation). The main corporate name of the LLC is only the full name in Russian. Example:

In some cases, the law establishes the need for the company name of an LLC to contain an indication of its activities (for example, when carrying out insurance activities, in relation to payment systems, pawnshops).

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the restrictions on the use of the words “Russia”, “Russian Federation”, “Olympic”, “Paralympic”, “Moscow”, “Moscow”.

STEP 3. Select a legal address

Before registering, you need to decide on. There are three ways to obtain a legal address:

  1. rent/rent premises;
  2. buy an address from a company that provides legal addresses for registering LLCs with them. Legal addresses in Moscow can also be purchased in our service:
  1. (this is absolutely legal if the founder or future director of the limited liability company is registered at this address).

Whichever method you choose, you will need to attach proof to your registration documents that you have an address (the law does not require this, but this is an unspoken requirement among the registration authorities). In the first two cases, you will need to attach an address from the owner or management company containing information that the specified address will be provided to you upon successful registration of the LLC. Additionally, the letter must indicate the necessary contact details of the owner or management company so that employees of the registration authority can contact him/her and double-check this fact.

When registering an LLC at the home address of the director or one of the founders, in addition to a copy of your passport with registration, you will need:

  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • with the registration of your LLC at this address.

If you still want to rent premises or buy an address, be sure to check the address for mass registration of legal entities. You can do this check in .

STEP 4. Decide on activity codes

If you decide to start your own business, then you know what exactly you and your LLC will do. All that now remains to be done is to select the appropriate activity codes from. This classifier is a hierarchical list grouped by directions.

The LLC registration application allows you to enter 57 activity codes on one page, so you can enter both current activity codes and those planned sometime in the future. However, do not overdo it with the quantity, because... Additional but unnecessary codes may lead to an increase in contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, the calculation of which depends on the class of professional risk for each code.

The application for registration indicates only those codes that contain 4 or more digits. You must select one of the OKVED codes as the main one (by which you expect to receive the main income), and the rest will be additional. The presence of several codes does not oblige you to conduct activities using them.

Be careful when selecting codes, as some of them correspond , part - to types of activities that cannot be carried out under preferential tax regimes. For those who are not sure about the choice of activities, we recommend using our free service selection of OKVED codes.

STEP 5. Determine the size of the authorized capital of the LLC

The minimum authorized capital of an LLC is 10,000 rubles. However, for a number of activities, the law has established. The period for payment of the authorized capital is 4 months from the date of registration of the LLC.

Authorized capital in minimum size from September 2014, you can only deposit money (clause 2 of article 66.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).In addition to the already deposited amount of 10,000 rublesBlay, the authorized capital can be contributed in property form. It is not necessary to contribute capital in non-monetary form; you can contribute capital only in cash or at alllimit myself only minimum amount. The meaning of the new requirement of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is that the authorized capital of an LLC is not limited only to any property, but must also have a monetary value.

If there are several founders, then it is necessary to avoid such sizes of the authorized capital, due to which shares with an infinite fractional part arise. For example, it is impossible to register 3 founders with 1/3 shares each if the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles, i.e. everyone's share will be 3333.(3), and theirs total amount will not give 10,000 rubles. In this case, you need to choose an authorized capital of 12,000, etc., i.e. multiple of three.

STEP 6. Prepare decisions of the sole founder or minutes of the meeting

If you are the sole founder of an LLC, then you need to prepare a decision on establishing the LLC. The solution requires:

  1. approve the name of the LLC (full, abbreviated, in other languages);
  2. indicate the address of the LLC location;
  3. determine the size of the authorized capital and methods of its contribution and payment;
  4. approve the charter of the LLC;
  5. appoint either yourself or a third party to the position of head of the LLC, indicating his position and term of office.

If there are two or more founders, then it is necessary to hold a general meeting of the LLC founders and discuss the following list of issues:

  1. establishment of an LLC and approval of its organizational and legal form;
  2. approval of the name and location of the LLC;
  3. approval of the size of the authorized capital, the size and nominal value of the shares of the founders of the Company, the procedure and deadline for payment of the shares of the founders of the LLC in the authorized capital;
  4. approval of the charter of the LLC;
  5. appointment of the head of the LLC;
  6. approval of the person responsible for state registration of the LLC.

A vote must be taken on each issue, and on each issue the vote must be unanimous. Based on the results of the meeting, the meeting participants sign the minutes of the meeting, one copy for each participant, one copy for the LLC and one copy for the registration authority (you can sign one more for the bank, notary, and just in case).

Service for preparing documents for registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for free preparation of a complete set of documents for registering an LLC will automatically prepare for you either a decision or a protocol, depending on the number of founders of the LLC.

STEP 7. Prepare the establishment agreement

An agreement on the establishment of an LLC is only needed in the case of several founders. The establishment agreement is not a constituent document, because regulates only those agreements that arose between the founders during the establishment of the LLC (i.e. before the appearance of the LLC), for example:

  • procedure for joint activities to establish an LLC;
  • size of the authorized capital of the LLC;
  • the size of the founders' shares, the procedure and terms for their payment;
  • responsibility of the founders for failure to fulfill their obligations.

Service for preparing documents for registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for free preparation of a complete set of documents for registering an LLC will automatically prepare you an agreement on establishment if the LLC has more than 1 founder.

STEP 8. Prepare the charter of the LLC

When preparing the Charter, we recommend that you immediately include in it a provision stating that confirmation of the adoption of a decision by the general meeting of participants, as well as the composition of the participants present at the same time, will not take place in notarial form, but in another manner permitted by law (see paragraph 3 of Art. 67.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Service for preparing documents for registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

The service built into the portal for free preparation of a complete set of documents for LLC registration will automatically prepare you a charter with all the necessary data.

STEP 9. Fill out an application for LLC registration using form P11001

The key document when registering an LLC is an application in form P11001. It is because of errors in filling out this application that the registration authority gives greatest number registration refusals.

The application must be filled out either manually or on a computer using the appropriate software or service. You cannot fill out the application partly on a computer and partly by hand.

Please note: from April 29, 2018, the applicant must indicate his email address in the registration application. Documents confirming the fact of registration (USRIP or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter with a mark from the Federal Tax Service, tax registration certificate) are sent by the inspectorate not in paper form, as before, but electronically. Paper documents, in addition to electronic ones, will be available only upon request of the applicant.

We strongly do not recommend filling out the application manually, because... this can lead to a fairly large number of errors due to ignorance or failure to comply with all the requirements for filling out the application. If you still decide to fill it out manually, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with

To complete the application using the appropriate software or service, we recommend:

The completed application must be signed by all applicants-founders either in the presence of a notary or directly by the registration authority when submitting documents. To sign an application with a notary, you will need to provide the notary with the following documents regarding the LLC: the decision and charter or minutes of the meeting of founders, the agreement on establishment and charter, as well as identification documents of the applicants.

If there are several founders, then each founder must sign on his/her applicant’s sheet in the presence of a notary. After this, the application must be numbered and stitched by a notary. In a similar way, you can sign the application by all applicants directly in the presence of an employee of the registration authority when submitting documents for LLC registration.

Service for preparing documents for registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

STEP 10. Pay the state fee for LLC registration

Since 2019, applicants who submit documents for LLC registration through the Federal Tax Service website or the government services portal are exempt from paying state fees (Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, this is only possible with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

You can prepare a receipt for payment of the state fee for registering an LLC as follows:

  1. Fill out the receipt form manually. To do this, you will need to find out the details of your registration authority. You can find out the details on the Federal Tax Service website or directly from your registration authority;
  2. or use the Federal Tax Service service to generate a receipt for payment of the state fee for registering an LLC;

We draw your attention to the following:

  1. the date of payment of the receipt must follow the date of signing the protocol/decision on the creation of the LLC, but not earlier.
  2. if there are several founders of an LLC, then in practice what most often happens is that the founder authorized to carry out registration actions signs and pays for the receipt. But, if you follow the letter of the law, then paragraph 2 of Art. 333.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation indicates that “if several payers simultaneously apply for a legally significant action, the state duty is paid by the payers in equal shares.” That is, if, for example, there are two founders, then each of them must pay a receipt of 2,000 rubles on his own behalf, if there are four, then 1,000 rubles, etc.

    Additionally, the Federal Tax Service issued a letter dated 08.08.13 No. 03-05-06-03/32177, in which it explains that for the state registration of a legal entity created by three founders, a state fee must be paid by each founder in the amount of 1/3 of 4,000 rubles. And although in practice refusals to register an LLC for this reason are rare, nevertheless, any tax office may take this letter as a guide to action.

    At the same time, the service for generating receipts for payment of state duties on the Federal Tax Service website itself does not allow you to select an amount other than 4,000 rubles. In this case, we recommend that you generate a receipt with the full amount of the state duty, and then, if necessary, edit it, that is, change the amount to be paid. Or you can find out the details and fill out receipts manually.

What to do if you have been refused registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC? From October 1, 2018, the applicant can again submit documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You must contact the Federal Tax Service within three months after the decision to refuse is made, and this can only be done once.

STEP 11. Choose a tax system

The taxation system is the procedure for paying taxes, that is, monetary contributions that the person receiving the income gives to the state. If you want your business activity to be as effective as possible in financially, you should take this choice very seriously, because such a mistake can be very costly for a novice entrepreneur and ruin even the most promising business idea at the start.

You can learn more about the features of tax regimes yourself in the article "". Or, leave a request for a free one-hour consultation with specialists who will tell you which tax regime is right for you, based on the specifics of the chosen activity and region.

The most popular taxation system among novice businessmen is the simplified tax system.If you use our service to prepare a complete set of documents for registering an LLC, then in step 9 you can choose the simplified tax system 6% or 15%, and the service will prepare you a notification about the transition to the simplified tax system along with the rest of the documents.

Service for preparing documents for registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

STEP 12. Let's take a break and count the received documents

One founder

Several founders

1 Application form P11001 (1 copy)
2 Decision of the sole founder to create an LLC (1 copy)Minutes of the general meeting of LLC founders (1 copy)
3 - Establishment agreement (1 copy)
4 LLC Charter (2 copies)LLC Charter (2 copies)
5 Receipt for payment of the state fee for LLC registration (1 copy)
6 Letter of guarantee to provide you with a legal address (1 copy)

These are the main documents that you need to complete registration actions. Additionally you may need:

  1. notification of transition to the simplified tax system (optional) - 2 copies, but some Federal Tax Service Inspectors require 3 copies;
  2. documents confirming ownership of the apartment (if the LLC is registered at the home address of the manager or founder) - 1 copy;
  3. notarized consent of the apartment residents for registration, if the LLC registration is carried out at the home address (for the apartment) - 1 copy;
  4. a notarized power of attorney to submit documents (in case it is not the applicant who submits);
  5. notarized translation of documents.

STEP 13. Sign and flash the documents

Some of the documents listed above must be signed and bound if they contain more than one page. On the back of the firmware, on a piece of paper that is used to seal a knot of thread or paperclip, you must indicate: “Total stitched and numbered<число>(number in words) sheets.<ФИО заявителя, ответственного за регистрацию ООО>: <здесь подпись>".

It is advisable that the signature of the person responsible for registration (the applicant) extends slightly beyond the edges of the firmware.


Who signs

Signature on the firmware
1 Application on form P11001Each founder is present on his own sheet official Federal Tax Service or notaryOnly the notary does the stitching. If the founders submit the application in person, there is no need to staple it
2 The decision of the sole founder to create an LLC*Founder (aka applicant)Usually the solution is placed on one sheet, so no stitching is required. If the size is more than 1 page, then the founder-applicant
3 Minutes of the general meeting of LLC founders*Each founder (recommended), although the protocol can only be signed by the chairman and secretary, if a list of meeting participants with the signature of each is kept separately
4 Establishment Agreement*Each founderThe applicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of the LLC, or all founders
5 LLC CharterDoesn't subscribeThe applicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of the LLC
6 Receipt for payment of the state fee for LLC registrationIf there are several founders, then the total amount of state duty is divided among all founders in equal shares and each pays a separate receipt.-
7 notification of transition to simplified tax systemThe applicant appointed by the general meeting of founders to be responsible for the state registration of the LLC-
8 Letter of guarantee for the provision of a legal address to the LLCAuthorized person from the lessor (also stamped)-

* - if the founder of the LLC is another legal entity represented by its director (or another authorized person), then the signatory from the legal entity-founder puts a signature and seal (!).

STEP 14. Prepare a power of attorney to submit and receive documents

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to submit documents to the registration authority or receive them back, then it is necessary to prepare a power of attorney, as well as make some adjustments to the application for LLC registration:

To submit documents by a non-applicant, it is necessary to have it certified by a notary as a proxy to represent the interests of the applicant at the registration authority.

To obtain documents, a non-applicant must:

  1. fill in the appropriate box in advance in the application for registration of an LLC on the page of the first applicant (sheet H, page 3) before the applicant’s signature with the value 2 (“issue to the applicant or a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney”) instead of 1 (“issue to the applicant”);
  2. issue a notarized power of attorney to the authorized person to represent the interests of the applicant at the registration authority (if the application contains 2, then documents can only be obtained with a notarized power of attorney).

STEP 15. Check and submit documents for registration

Sign the application with a notary, pay the state registration fee, collect a complete set of documents and send them to the registration authority in your city. If applicants submit documents for registration to the tax authority in person, then notarization is not required. Additionally, we recommend that you read.

Compliance with all the rules listed above will help you avoid annoying mistakes when registering an LLC, but often regional tax authorities may impose specific requirements that are not explicitly stated in the legislation, so it is now available especially for our users free document verification service for business registration 1C specialists:

After submitting documents to the registration authority, do not forget to obtain a receipt from its employee with a list of all the documents you submitted.

STEP 16. We receive the long-awaited documents

The registration period for an LLC in 2019 is no more than 3 working days. In case of successful registration, the Federal Tax Service sends the following documents electronically to the applicant’s e-mail:

  • record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to form No. P50007;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • charter with the mark of the registering authority.

Attention! Having received the documents, you must carefully check the data specified in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If errors are found, you must contact the employee who issued the documents to you to draw up a protocol of disagreements. If errors were made due to the fault of the registration authority, they will be promptly and, most importantly, corrected free of charge. Later identification of errors may result in their correction through a paid procedure for amending information about the LLC.

STEP 17. After registration

If the registration was successful, and we have no doubt about it, then please accept our congratulations! All that now remains for you to do is:

  • provide ;
  • sign ;
  • create and register if necessary.

Before starting any business activity related to making a profit, it is necessary to have complete information about all available forms of company registration, each of which has its own legal features. A company can be created as a commercial organization in the form of LLC, PJSC, JSC, or a businessman can start an individual business.

How we are working:

Cost of services and payment procedure

For the convenience of our clients, we have prepared several programs with the most popular and optimal range of services. In addition, you can use an individual calculator and calculate the cost of any service provided by our company using an online calculator.

Registration of a company in the form of LLC

Program "Standard"




7,000 rub.

10,000 rub.

Preparation of a complete package of documents

Notarial support / or registration of electronic digital signature

Receiving documents from the registration authority

Making a branded seal

Opening a current account (Sberbank, Alfa Bank, VTB)

Receiving notification of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia

Receiving notification of registration with the Social Insurance Fund

Receiving a letter of statistical accounting

* Calculators calculate costs and provide discounts!

How to register a company (LLC, JSC, IP)

In order for the company to be fully ready for work, it is necessary to gradually go through all the procedures established by law, including:

1. Preparation of a full package of documents for registration of a legal entity and its notarization by all founders of the created company

2. Applying to the tax authorities to register a company

3. Receipt of the initial package of documents

4. Production of a corporate seal of the organization

5. Registration of the company in extra-budgetary funds (PFR, FSS) and Moscow City Statistics Service

6. Opening a bank account

Registration of a company in our center with a 100% guarantee, minimum terms!

Each stage of company registration is important in its own way and has its own unique features. When developing constituent documents, you need to not only think through future types of activities, but also decide on the procedure for distributing profits between the founders, the taxation system, and the procedure for closing the company. In this regard, it is highly advisable to use the professional services of specialists in the field of legal and accounting services for legal entities. The possible consequences of an unprofessional approach to this issue may affect the future activities of the company.

For those who decided to start a business in Moscow on their own We have prepared the necessary instructions:

  • Rules for filing an application for state registration

Guarantees provided

Our company bears full legal and financial responsibility to its clients, and also provides a 100% guarantee for the entire range of services for registering companies in Moscow or other regions of the Russian Federation, which is fixed in the concluded agreement. We undertake full control over the completion of all stages of company registration with the tax authorities and provide our clients with a legal entity that is completely ready for work. In addition, within the framework of concluded agreements, we provide subsequent accounting services and legal support for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.


Currently, our company actively cooperates with the following banking organizations: Sberbank of Russia, Alfa Bank, Probusinessbank, Raiffeisenbank. Current accounts for our clients are opened on preferential terms within 1 business day.

The legal address is the location of the company in the relevant territory, which is confirmed by an agreement, for example, the rental of premises. When registering a new company, in some cases it is possible to use the founder’s home address to conduct business. Individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the law, are subject to registration at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Any foreign person can carry out business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Legislative restrictions on opening a company apply only to individual entrepreneurs (IP), which cannot be foreign citizens. The cost of services for registering a company in our Legal Center is the same, regardless of the citizenship of the individual. The only one additional requirement Foreign citizens are required to have a notarized translation into Russian of an identity document.

This service includes full legal and accounting support at the registration stage, assistance in opening a bank account, as well as registration with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Moscow City Statistics Service. In addition, the program includes the production of an original company seal, as well as support for the company after opening a bank account.

IP is individual entrepreneur. From the point of view of the law, an individual entrepreneur is an individual registered in the manner prescribed by law. This gives the right to conduct entrepreneurial activities (i.e. business) without creating a legal entity (LLC, CJSC, etc.).

Package of documents for individual entrepreneur registration

Since registration of an individual entrepreneur is the simplest of all registrations, you will not have very many documents:

1. application for registration in form P21001 - 1 copy;

2. receipt for payment of state duty - 1 copy;

3. copy of the main identification document (Russian passport, if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation) - 1 copy;

4. notification of transition to the simplified tax system - 3 copies.

Additionally, for foreigners and stateless persons you will need:

    copy of temporary residence permit or registration - 1 copy.

    notarized translation of a foreign passport – 1 copy.

Registration of production for individual entrepreneurs

The law does not prohibit individual entrepreneurs from registering production. You can choose the type of activity you want. But there are certain restrictions, so-called “closed” areas for individual entrepreneurs. You can read about them below in the article. However, there are other industries that an entrepreneur can register. Most of them require licenses, which you can obtain after passing state registration.

When submitting documents, it is important to indicate what activity you intend to engage in. Codes for types of business activities are selected from the OK 029-2001 classifier.

In sheet A of the application P21001, you can enter 57 OKVED codes, but if one sheet A is not enough to indicate all types of proposed activities, you are allowed to fill out additional sheets. Specifying several codes does not oblige you to conduct business in all of them, but one type of activity must be chosen as the main one.

If you want to engage in production, then you need to choose the appropriate OKVED codes. This way you can register production for an individual entrepreneur.

Types of activities closed to individual entrepreneurs

When choosing an individual entrepreneur as a form of business activity, you should remember that there are types of services and goods, the production and sale of which is not available to entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity. The list of areas closed to them includes:

    trade and production of alcohol;

    everything related to the development, construction, maintenance, disposal and sale of aviation and military equipment, weapons, ammunition, explosives, pyrotechnics;

    services for foreign employment of citizens;

    Job investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds;

    production and sale of medicines and narcotic drugs;

    air transportation;

    space industry.

If one of these areas falls into the sphere of interests of a future businessman, it will be impossible to register an individual entrepreneur with the listed types of activities or to add them to the list later.

After the state registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs

What needs to be done after registering an individual entrepreneur:

    register as an employer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund if you have employees;

    get statistics codes;

    make a seal;

    open a bank account;

    register workers if you need them;

    obtain a license if your type of activity is licensed;

    purchase a cash register, if necessary;

    ensure maintenance accounting IP.