Summary: Implementation of the function of the general designer. General designer Main functions of the general contractor and general designer

Acts as general designer. The role of the general designer during construction is one of the important components of the success of the future business as a whole. A successful project allows you to create competitive advantages. It is the general designer who is fully responsible for the project - from the idea to its implementation.

The main tasks of the general designer are, firstly, the implementation conceptual design and coordination of the concept of the project with the customer, and secondly, a comprehensive organization of the development of project documentation and bringing it into a single project.

Also, the General Designer exercises centralized project control over subcontractors, ensures the development of a complete set of initial permits for approval by government agencies and the preparation of working documentation, which is created after the project has passed state expertise.

The general designer accompanies the project until the completion of construction, carrying out author's supervision. After that, if it is provided for by the Urban Planning Code, the General Designer confirms the compliance of the constructed object with the design documentation in order to obtain a Conclusion on the compliance of the capital construction object with the requirements of technical regulations, necessary to obtain Act on the commissioning of the facility.

"Engineering Company" 2K " how the general designer initially implements conceptual design, that is, designing at the level of meaning and main content. This is the main idea of ​​the author and the idea of ​​the performance of the future asset. We create a conceptual project - a vision of the situation as a whole at the very initial stage of design, when decisions are made that determine the subsequent appearance of the object. After creating and agreeing the concept with the customer "Engineering Company" 2K " begins the detailed design of the project.

"Engineering Company" 2K " has all the necessary capabilities for the successful performance of the functions of the general designer. Our company is staffed by experienced and highly qualified design engineers. The development of project documentation implies the following functional responsibilities for general design:

  • organizing the design of all stages of the project;
  • control over the design process in compliance with the deadlines and design stages;
  • quality control of the developed project documentation for compliance with the current SNiP, GOST, rules, instructions, state standards and technical specifications;
  • coordination of design and estimate documentation;
  • transfer of documentation to the state examination bodies for approval;
  • obtaining building permits;
  • assistance in choosing a construction company;
  • timely transfer of project documentation to the general contractor.

Specialists will relieve you of the procedure of searching for architects, engineers and other project participants, as well as organize their work and distribute responsible responsibilities between them. You do not have to coordinate the activities of a dozen firms in various sections of project documentation, verify the correctness of the data and control the implementation of projects. The General Designer is fully responsible to the Customer for the results of the work of the subcontractor chosen by him.

Throughout the course of work, designers "Engineering Company" 2K " monitor and correct the process of reconstruction or construction. In the event of a change in the conditions of construction or reconstruction, designers promptly make amendments to the project. The same group identifies and corrects errors, corrects shortcomings during the construction of the object.

When all work is completed and the object is handed over, the responsible representative "Engineering Company" 2K " participates in the delivery of its state commission on a par with the general contractor.

Projects prepared "Engineering Company" 2K ", are distinguished by novelty of views, design accuracy and a comprehensive solution of the tasks set.

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional

retraining of specialists

Qualification work on the topic:

"Implementation of the function of the general designer"

Saint Petersburg


I. Implementation of the functions of the general designer ........... 4

1. Information on the performance of the function of the General Designer ……...5

2. Functional duties of the general designer ………………..6

3. Rights and responsibilities of the general designer ……………………… 8

4. Schematic diagram of project management …………………………9

Conclusion ………………………….…………………………………...10

Bibliography……………………………….................................... eleven


The construction of enterprises, buildings, structures and other facilities is carried out according to projects. A construction project is a set of graphic, technical, economic, textual documents and calculations necessary to determine the feasibility and feasibility of building an object in a given area and on time.

How does the construction or reconstruction of any object begin? From the search for those who will bring it to life. Usually these are the general designer, general contractor and general supplier.

The first place in this triad is rightfully occupied by the general designer - the one who is fully responsible for the project - from idea to implementation. It is no coincidence that the general designer is usually chosen on a competitive basis: a tender is announced and the winning company receives the right to develop the project, create project documentation and an organizational plan.

I . Implementation of the functions of the general designer

General designer- the first legal entity in the organization and implementation of design and architectural supervision.

One of the tasks of the technical customer is to organize the conclusion of contracts with design and survey, design organizations. It is optimal to conclude an agreement with the general design organization, which assumes full responsibility for the development of the necessary project documentation.

The world practice is to attract companies specializing in a range of project management services in the field of construction (the function of the customer is the developer). Such companies employ specialists of various profiles and:

Acting as investor advisors,

Act in his interests throughout the entire design and construction process,

Organize and coordinate the activities of other participants,

Checking the contracts of the participants,

Monitor project progress and budget.

As a rule, such companies also offer technical customer services. The presence of a professional project manager reduces the risks associated with the peculiarities of concluding an agreement with the general designer and general contractor, and is an important condition for successful investment attraction.

The customer - the developer is obliged to provide the general designer with:

initial permit documentation,

Agree with the investor and the general designer on the schedule for the release of design and estimate documentation, the design task,

Accept the results of the work,

Coordinate the result with government agencies.

The reverse side of such an alliance is the lack of an objective assessment of the progress of the project. Therefore, there is a need for the investor to conclude an agreement with the general designer in order to get a faster and better result.

The general designer may entrust, under a contract agreement, the implementation of architectural supervision to other legal entities and individuals, according to the sections of the design documentation developed by them. In necessary cases, the customer can conclude, in agreement with the general designer, a direct contract with legal entities and individuals for the implementation of architectural supervision for certain types of work.

1. Information on the performance of the function of the General Designer.

The general designer is responsible for the comprehensive development of projects and estimates on time and of high quality, technical and economic indicators, as well as for the fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and provisions for the function of the General Designer.

In accordance with the main task, the General Designer is responsible for:

In the field of ensuring and monitoring the development of high-quality design and estimate documentation;

Issues initial data for the development of design and estimate documentation;

Ensures the completeness and quality of the initial design data issued to the design organization;

Prepares, together with design and survey organizations, assignments for the development of design and estimate documentation, coordinates it in the prescribed manner;

Concludes with the relevant organizations contracts for the implementation of design and survey, design and, if necessary, research work;

Coordinates with the design organization the calendar schedule for the development and issuance of design and estimate documentation;

oversees its implementation;

Organizes, in accordance with the established procedure, the coordination, approval and re-approval of design and estimate documentation (with the determination of the contract price), as well as the introduction of corrections into the relevant documentation based on the comments and conclusions of contractors and examination bodies.

2. Functional duties of the general designer.

In accordance with the main task, the general designer is responsible for:

Participation in the preparation of the assignment for the design and selection of a site for construction;

Determination, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, of the volumes, stages and cost of design work;

Preparation and timely issuance of assignments for design and engineering surveys to subcontractors.

Registration of contracts for the implementation of all types of design and survey work.

The conclusion of direct contracts between the customer and individual specialized organizations without the consent of the general designer is not allowed.

Preparation on behalf of the customer at the expense of his means of initial data for design.

Preparation together with the customer, contractor, subcontracting design and survey organizations of the work schedule.

Timely resolution of issues arising from subcontractors in the design process, and the contractor - during the construction process.

Coordination of work of subcontractors and coordination of architectural and planning, space-spatial, technical solutions and environmental requirements when performing a set of design works.

Coordination in the design process of fundamental technical solutions adopted by subcontractors.

Ensuring compliance of projects with the design task.

Acceptance from subcontractors of finished project documentation.

Completion of all design and estimate documentation and its transfer to the customer, including those developed by subcontractors, bearing in mind that these organizations are responsible for the high-quality development of documentation for the relevant parts of the project on time.

Participation in the review, approval and approval of project documentation in the manner prescribed by the current instructions.

An agreement with the customer may define additional functions of the general designer, including:

Formation of a data bank on ongoing and ongoing construction of civil and residential facilities,

engineering and transport infrastructure,

Availability of project documentation

Condition of buildings and structures,

technical and economic indicators,

Regulatory issues, etc.;

Development of proposals for a long-term plan of design and research work;

Identification and study of territories for housing and civil construction,

Generalization and use of the data obtained for the preparation of plans for the economic and social development of the city and other functions.

The cost of performing additional functional duties is determined by labor costs or contractual prices.

The general designer performs his tasks and functional duties in close cooperation with local architecture and urban planning authorities, general designers of industrial facilities, a single (general) customer and general contractor.

3. Rights and responsibilities of the general designer

The general designer has the right:

To exercise control in subcontractors over the quality of design and surveys and require the completion of work within the time limits established by the approved schedules, as well as the elimination of deficiencies identified in the projects.

Require the customer to review previously approved but unrealized projects or individual design solutions as outdated and not meeting modern urban planning requirements.

Establish, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, a reduced composition and volume of design and planning and design and estimate documentation sufficient to evaluate design solutions, determine the cost of construction and perform construction work.

Receive additional materials and documents from ministries, departments, local councils for the performance of the functions assigned to him.

Regulations on the design organization - the general designer of the city (village)

Order No. 368 of December 29, 1988 of the State Committee for Architecture approved and from July 1, 1989 the Regulations on the design organization - the general designer of the city (village) published below are put into effect.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision, developed in pursuance of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 19, 1987 No. 1058 "On the further development of Soviet architecture and urban planning", determines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the design organization - the general designer of the city (village) * in the organization and development with the participation of specialized design, survey organizations and project cooperatives of planning and building new and established cities (towns), projects for the reconstruction of historical cities.


* Hereinafter referred to as the "general designer".

1.2. A design (research and design) organization of urban planning or housing and civil profile is appointed as the general designer.

The appointment of a general designer is carried out: for new and historical cities (towns) - by the State Construction Committee of the Union (Autonomous) Republic, the regional (territory) executive committee (depending on departmental subordination) in agreement with the State Committee for Architecture,

for established cities - by the Gosstroy of the Union Republic or, in agreement with it, by the Gosstroy of the Autonomous Republic, the regional (territory) executive committee.

1.3. The main task of the general designer is to organize and implement the integrated development of design and estimate documentation for housing and civil construction in the city (village) within the established time limits, ensuring a high technical level and economic efficiency of projects by maximizing the use of the latest achievements of science and technology and meeting modern requirements for creating the most favorable working conditions, life and recreation of the population, the formation of a rational layout of industrial zones and residential areas with developed systems of public services, a harmonious combination of architectural structures and nature, the full preservation of the architectural appearance of ancient cities and the careful use of monuments of domestic architecture.

1.4. The general designer should be guided by the organization of work and design:

current legislation, norms, rules, instructions, guidelines and state standards for design and construction, estimated standards, rates and price tags;

the main provisions of the State Urban Policy and urban planning programs for the development of certain regions of the country, general and regional settlement schemes, district planning schemes and projects, territorial and integrated nature protection schemes, general plans of cities (towns) and other approved design and planning documentation.

1.5. For the organization of design work, creative and technical design management, the general designer appoints the chief architect, chief project engineer, who represent the design organization in ministries, departments, subcontract design, survey and other organizations on the development, coordination and approval of project documentation.

The chief architect, the chief engineer of the project are guided in their activities by the Regulations on the chief engineer (chief architect) of the project approved by the USSR State Construction Committee ( SNiP 1.06.04-85).

1.6. Financing of the activities of the general designer is carried out in the manner prescribed by " General guidelines for the use of the Price Book for Design Works for Construction» and the relevant sections of the current Collection.

Compensation for the costs of the general designer associated with the involvement of survey, research and other non-design organizations is carried out in the manner similar to the established " General guidelines for the use of the Price Book for Design Works for Construction» to attract specialized design organizations.

1.7. Disputable financial or organizational issues between the general designer, the customer and the contractor are subject to consideration by arbitration or judicial bodies, and on design decisions - by higher organizations by subordination.

2. Functional duties of the general designer

In accordance with the main task, the general designer is responsible for:

2.1. Participation in the preparation of the assignment for the design and selection of a site for construction.

2.2. Determination, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, of the volumes, stages and cost of design work.

2.3. Preparation and timely issuance of assignments for design and engineering surveys to subcontractors.

2.4. Registration of contracts for the implementation of all types of design and survey work.

The conclusion of direct contracts between the customer and individual specialized organizations without the consent of the general designer is not allowed.

2.5. Preparation on behalf of the customer at the expense of his means of initial data for design.

2.6. Preparation together with the customer, contractor and subcontractor design and survey organizations of the work schedule.

2.7. Timely resolution of issues that arise for subcontractors in the design process, and for the contractor - in the construction process.

2.8. Coordination of work of subcontractors and coordination of architectural and planning, space-spatial, technical solutions and environmental requirements when performing a set of design works.

2.9. Coordination in the design process of fundamental technical solutions adopted by subcontractors.

2.10. Ensuring compliance of projects with the design task.

2.11. Acceptance from subcontractors of finished project documentation.

2.12. Completion of all design and estimate documentation and its transfer to the customer, including those developed by subcontractors, bearing in mind that these organizations are responsible for the high-quality development of documentation for the relevant parts of the project on time.

2.13. Participation in the review, approval and approval of project documentation in the manner prescribed by the current instructions.

2.15. An agreement with the customer may define additional functions of the general designer, including:

formation of a data bank on the ongoing and ongoing construction of civil and residential facilities, engineering and transport infrastructure, the availability of project documentation, the condition of buildings and structures, technical and economic indicators, regulatory issues, etc.;

development of proposals for a long-term plan of design and research work;

identification and study of territories for housing and civil construction, generalization and use of the data obtained for the preparation of plans for the economic and social development of the city and other functions.

The cost of performing additional functional duties is determined by labor costs or contractual prices.

2.16. The general designer performs his tasks and functional duties in close cooperation with local architecture and urban planning authorities, general designers of industrial facilities, a single (general) customer and general contractor.

3. Rights and responsibilities of the general designer

3.1. The general designer has the right:

3.1.1. To exercise control in subcontractors over the quality of design and surveys and require the completion of work within the time limits established by the approved schedules, as well as the elimination of deficiencies identified in the projects.

3.1.2. Require the customer to review previously approved but unrealized projects or individual design solutions as outdated and not meeting modern urban planning requirements.

3.1.3. Establish, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, a reduced composition and volume of design and planning and design and estimate documentation sufficient to evaluate design solutions, determine the cost of construction and perform construction work.

3.1.4. Receive additional materials and documents from ministries, departments, local councils for the performance of the functions assigned to him.

3.1.5. Involve for the implementation of individual parts of the project, a design organization with the right of a general designer.

3.1.6. Submit to the decision of the local inspection of the State Architectural and Construction Control a proposal to suspend construction work if they are carried out with a deviation from the approved project or in violation of the technical conditions and rules for the production of work, as well as with unsatisfactory quality of work.

3.2. The general designer is responsible for the comprehensive development of projects and estimates on time and of high quality, technical and economic indicators, as well as for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by this Regulation.

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional

retraining of specialists

Qualification work on the topic:

"Implementation of the function of the general designer"

Saint Petersburg


    Implementation of the functions of the general designer ........... 4

    Information on the performance of the function of the General Designer ……...5

    Functional responsibilities of the general designer ………………..6

    Rights and responsibilities of the general designer ……………………… 8

    Schematic diagram of project management ………………………9

Conclusion ………………………….…………………………………...10

Bibliography……………………………….................................... eleven


The construction of enterprises, buildings, structures and other facilities is carried out according to projects. A construction project is a set of graphic, technical, economic, textual documents and calculations necessary to determine the feasibility and feasibility of building an object in a given area and on time.

How does the construction or reconstruction of any object begin? From the search for those who will bring it to life. Usually these are the general designer, general contractor and general supplier.

The first place in this triad is rightfully occupied by the general designer - the one who is fully responsible for the project - from idea to implementation. It is no coincidence that the general designer is usually chosen on a competitive basis: a tender is announced and the winning company receives the right to develop the project, create project documentation and an organizational plan.

I. Implementation of the functions of the general designer

General designer- the first legal entity in the organization and implementation of design and architectural supervision.

One of the tasks of the technical customer is to organize the conclusion of contracts with design and survey, design organizations. It is optimal to conclude an agreement with the general design organization, which assumes full responsibility for the development of the necessary project documentation.

The world practice is to attract companies specializing in a range of project management services in the field of construction (the function of the customer is the developer). Such companies employ specialists of various profiles and:

Acting as investor advisors,

Act in his interests throughout the entire design and construction process,

Organize and coordinate the activities of other participants,

Checking the contracts of the participants,

Monitor project progress and budget.

As a rule, such companies also offer technical customer services. The presence of a professional project manager reduces the risks associated with the peculiarities of concluding an agreement with the general designer and general contractor, and is an important condition for successful investment attraction.

The customer - the developer is obliged to provide the general designer with:

initial permit documentation,

Agree with the investor and the general designer on the schedule for the release of design and estimate documentation, the design task,

Accept the results of the work,

Coordinate the result with government agencies.

The reverse side of such an alliance is the lack of an objective assessment of the progress of the project. Therefore, there is a need for the investor to conclude an agreement with the general designer in order to get a faster and better result.

The general designer may entrust, under a contract agreement, the implementation of architectural supervision to other legal entities and individuals, according to the sections of the design documentation developed by them. In necessary cases, the customer can conclude, in agreement with the general designer, a direct contract with legal entities and individuals for the implementation of architectural supervision for certain types of work.

1. Information on the performance of the function of the General Designer.

The general designer is responsible for the comprehensive development of projects and estimates on time and of high quality, technical and economic indicators, as well as for the fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and provisions for the function of the General Designer.

In accordance with the main task, the General Designer is responsible for:

In the field of ensuring and monitoring the development of high-quality design and estimate documentation;

Issues initial data for the development of design and estimate documentation;

Ensures the completeness and quality of the initial design data issued to the design organization;

Prepares, together with design and survey organizations, assignments for the development of design and estimate documentation, coordinates it in the prescribed manner;

Concludes with the relevant organizations contracts for the implementation of design and survey, design and, if necessary, research work;

Coordinates with the design organization the calendar schedule for the development and issuance of design and estimate documentation;

oversees its implementation;

Organizes, in accordance with the established procedure, the coordination, approval and re-approval of design and estimate documentation (with the determination of the contract price), as well as the introduction of corrections into the relevant documentation based on the comments and conclusions of contractors and examination bodies.

2. Functional duties of the general designer.

In accordance with the main task, the general designer is responsible for:

Participation in the preparation of the assignment for the design and selection of a site for construction;

Determination, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, of the volumes, stages and cost of design work;

Preparation and timely issuance of assignments for design and engineering surveys to subcontractors.

Registration of contracts for the implementation of all types of design and survey work.

The conclusion of direct contracts between the customer and individual specialized organizations without the consent of the general designer is not allowed.

Preparation on behalf of the customer at the expense of his means of initial data for design.

Preparation together with the customer, contractor, subcontracting design and survey organizations of the work schedule.

Timely resolution of issues arising from subcontractors in the design process, and the contractor - during the construction process.

Coordination of work of subcontractors and coordination of architectural and planning, space-spatial, technical solutions and environmental requirements when performing a set of design works.

Coordination in the design process of fundamental technical solutions adopted by subcontractors.

Ensuring compliance of projects with the design task.

Acceptance from subcontractors of finished project documentation.

Completion of all design and estimate documentation and its transfer to the customer, including those developed by subcontractors, bearing in mind that these organizations are responsible for the high-quality development of documentation for the relevant parts of the project on time.

Participation in the review, approval and approval of project documentation in the manner prescribed by the current instructions.

An agreement with the customer may define additional functions of the general designer, including:

Formation of a data bank on ongoing and ongoing construction of civil and residential facilities,

engineering and transport infrastructure,

Availability of project documentation

Condition of buildings and structures,

technical and economic indicators,

Regulatory issues, etc.;

Development of proposals for a long-term plan of design and research work;

Identification and study of territories for housing and civil construction,

Generalization and use of the data obtained for the preparation of plans for the economic and social development of the city and other functions.

The cost of performing additional functional duties is determined by labor costs or contractual prices.

The general designer performs his tasks and functional duties in close cooperation with local architecture and urban planning authorities, general designers of industrial facilities, a single (general) customer and general contractor.

3. Rights and responsibilities of the general designer

The general designer has the right:

To exercise control in subcontractors over the quality of design and surveys and require the completion of work within the time limits established by the approved schedules, as well as the elimination of deficiencies identified in the projects.

Require the customer to review previously approved but unrealized projects or individual design solutions as outdated and not meeting modern urban planning requirements.

Establish, in agreement with the customer and the contractor, a reduced composition and volume of design and planning and design and estimate documentation sufficient to evaluate design solutions, determine the cost of construction and perform construction work.

Receive additional materials and documents from ministries, departments, local councils for the performance of the functions assigned to him.

Involve for the implementation of individual parts of the project, a design organization with the right of a general designer.

Submit to the decision of the local inspection of the State Architectural and Construction Control a proposal to suspend construction work if they are carried out with a deviation from the approved project or in violation of the technical conditions and rules for the production of work, as well as with unsatisfactory quality of work.

The general designer is responsible for the comprehensive development of projects and estimates on time and of high quality, technical and economic indicators.


In addition to the fact that the General Designer during the entire course of work observes and corrects the process of reconstruction or construction, he also leaves the so-called "detailed design group" at the construction site: designers who, if necessary, promptly amend the project - when the construction / reconstruction conditions change. The same group identifies and corrects errors, corrects shortcomings during the construction of the object. When all work is completed and the object is handed over, the general designer usually participates in its handover on an equal basis with the general contractor and general supplier.


General designer- an organization responsible for the implementation of a complex of design and survey work on the projected object on the basis of an agreement with customer organizations.

General designer:

Can entrust the execution of individual design works to domestic firms and organizations, remaining responsible for the quality of their execution;

Participates in the delivery of the object to the Customer.


1 SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed facilities. Basic provisions.

2 SNiP 11-04-2003 Instructions on the procedure for the development, approval, examination and approval of urban planning documentation.

10 MDS 80-13.2000 Regulation on contract bidding in the Russian Federation.

13 NPB 04-93 Order of state fire supervision over the construction of facilities by foreign firms on the territory of the Russian Federation.

14 PPB 01-93** Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

15 SP 81-01-94 Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design estimates.

16 Basic provisions of the procedure for organizing and conducting contract tenders (tenders) for the construction of facilities (performance of construction, installation and design work).

17 MDS 12-4.2000 Regulations on the procedure for investigating the causes of accidents in buildings and structures, their parts and structural elements on the territory of the Russian Federation.

19 GOST 12.0.001-82 SSBT. Basic provisions

20 GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions.

21 GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements.

22 GOST 12.1.019-79 SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements.

23 GOST 12.3.002-75 SSBT. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements.

26 Petrushkevich A. Organization of design and construction.

24 MDS 13-1.99. On the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of design estimates for the overhaul of residential buildings.

25 MDS 11-2.99 on the activities of the project manager in the development of project documentation.

26 MDS 11 - 5.99 Instructions on the procedure for conducting state examination.

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