Abstract: Collective means of protection. Protective structures of open and closed type

The most accessible simplest shelters are cracks - open (Fig. 13.10) and especially covered (Fig. 13.11).

If people take cover even in simple open cracks, then the likelihood of them being hit by a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation from a nuclear explosion will decrease by 1.5–2 times compared to being located in an open area. The possibility of irradiation of people as a result of radioactive contamination of the area will decrease by 2-3 times, and after decontamination of contaminated crevices - by 20 times or more. If the cracks are blocked, then protection from light radiation will be full, from the shock wave it will increase by 2.5–3 times, and from penetrating radiation and radioactive radiation when the thickness of the soil layer on top of the ceiling is 60–70 cm – 200–300 times. Closing the gap will also protect against direct contact of radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents on people’s clothing and skin, as well as against damage from debris from collapsing buildings.

Rice. 13.10.

Rice. 13.11.

It must be remembered, however, that the cracks, even if blocked, do not provide protection against toxic substances and bacterial agents. When using them, personal protective equipment should be used: in closed gaps - usually respiratory protection, in open gaps, in addition - skin protection.

In order to weaken the damaging effect on those sheltering from the shock wave, the gap is made zigzag or broken. The length of the straight section should be no more than 15 m.

The location for constructing the gap should be chosen mainly in areas without hard soils and coatings. In cities, it is best to build gaps in squares, boulevards and large courtyards, in rural areas– in gardens, vegetable gardens, vacant lots, as well as in other free, dry and well-ventilated areas. Do not build cracks near explosive workshops and warehouses, tanks with potent toxic substances, near high voltage electrical lines, main gas and heat pipelines and water pipelines. When choosing a location for a gap, you need to take into account the influence of topography and precipitation on the nature of possible radioactive contamination of the area. The site should be selected in an area that is not flooded by groundwater, flood and storm water, in a place with stable soil (preventing landslides).

In most cases, bridged gaps should be built. They, as mentioned above, significantly increase protection from all damaging factors nuclear weapons and from all other types of weapons of mass destruction. To bridge the gap, it is necessary to use durable material at hand - logs or knurling 10–15 cm thick, reinforced concrete elements, rolled metal, etc. The ceiling elements are laid across the gap, close to each other, directly on the ground. The length of the supporting ends must be at least 50 cm on each side so that the shock wave of a nuclear explosion does not collapse the walls of the crack. In the absence of these materials, fascines made from brushwood or stems of agricultural plants (sunflower, corn, etc.) can be recommended as coverings. All openings between the gap covering elements must be sealed with moss, grass, straw, turf (grass down) or other materials. This is done to give the ceiling the greatest tightness.

To prevent water from entering the gap above the ceiling, it is recommended to install waterproofing (as above the ceiling of an anti-radiation shelter).

To enhance the protection of people in the blocked gap from the shock wave and to prevent the penetration of radioactive substances into the gap, the entrances to the gap should be equipped with doors or attached shields. Doors and panels are made of boards or poles with a diameter of 5–7 cm, they are tightly fitted to each other and hooked using two (top and bottom) transverse strips. You can also use mats made of thin poles or bundles of brushwood tied together with wire. To hang the mat in the upper part of it, a pole 2–2.2 m long is tied; the pole is tied to guy wires with secured anchor rings.

There should be means of lighting in the blocked gap. All wooden elements cracks protruding to the surface should, if possible, be covered with a fire retardant compound - coating or white paint. This does not give the tree fire resistance in the full sense, but it temporarily protects it from exposure to high temperatures from the light radiation of a nuclear explosion and flames if a fire occurs around the gap. In addition, the fire retardant layer makes it difficult for the fire to spread and limits the source of combustion.

b) built-in shelters are placed under a building with an emergency exit outside the area of ​​possible rubble;

c) separate shelters;

62. Explain the structure of the shelter.

a) Availability of life support systems and filter ventilation installation;

63. What are the seating standards for one person?

a) a space of at least 0.5 m2 of floor and 1.5 m3 per person.

b) space of at least 1.5 m2 of floor and 2.0 m3 per person

c) space of at least 1.5 m2 of floor and 1.7 m3 per person

64. What are the seating standards for lying on tiers per person?

a) 0.5 m2 b) 0.4 m2 c) 1.0 m2

65. For what purposes are shelters used in peacetime?

a) to protect against emergency situations: floods;

b) for the economic needs of the enterprise (warehouses, labor protection office, civil defense class, etc.)

c) for protection from emergency situations: storms, hurricanes, avalanches, mudflows;

66. List the procedure for bringing protective structures into readiness.

a) clearing approaches to protective structures, installing signs - signs and light signals “Entrance”. All entrances and exits are opened to ventilate the premises.

b) All equipment and property stored in peacetime is removed from them. Engineering and technical equipment is being reactivated. The ventilation system, heating, water and energy supply, radio and communications, disconnecting devices (taps, valves, switches, etc.) are checked.

c) Bunks and benches are installed, drinking tanks are filled with water, and food is stored with a three-day supply. The diesel power plant is replenished with a three-day supply of fuels and lubricants. At the same time, the serviceability of protective and hermetic devices (doors, shutters, gates) is checked, shelters are replenished with the necessary equipment

66. What should you take with you when going to a shelter?

a) personal protective equipment, documents for all family members (passports, military IDs, diplomas, birth certificates for children, etc.), money, jewelry, food supplies in the form of dry rations (for 2 - 3 days) and water ( 1.5 – 2 liters for each family member)

b) take nothing, everything is in the shelter;

c) take bed sheets and packed lunch

68. How do latecomers get to the shelter?

a) Latecomers are not allowed in;

b) Those who are late are given gas masks and sent home;

c) Latecomers fill the shelter through a special airlock

69. Name the main responsibilities of those sheltering in a shelter.

a) there are no such duties

b) follow the rules internal regulations, all orders personnel shelter service level; keep personal protective equipment ready; maintain calm, prevent cases of panic and violations of public order;

78. When staying in simple shelters, do you need to use personal protective equipment?

a) Yes b) No

79. How will you choose a place to build simple shelters?

a) premises in the basements, ground floors and first floors of buildings, as well as cellars, cellars, undergrounds, vegetable stores, and they are built in cities and on sites when there is not a sufficient number of pre-built shelters.

b) The simplest shelters such as a crack, trench, trench, dugout, dugout

c) the place is chosen near housing or work

80. Explain the structure of open and closed type slots?

a) The gap is a ditch 1.5 m deep, 2 m wide at the top, 1.8 m at the bottom. Usually the gap is built for 50 people.

b) The gap can be open or closed. It is a ditch 1.8-2 m deep, 1 - 1.2 m wide at the top, 0.8 m at the bottom. Usually the gap is built for 10-40 people. Along one of the walls there is a bench for sitting, and in the walls there are niches for storing food and drinking water containers. A drainage ditch with a drainage well is installed under the floor of the crack.

c) Slots are arranged in the form of straight sections located at an angle to each other, the length of each of which is not more than 10 m. Entrances are made at right angles to the adjacent section. The construction of a gap begins with its layout and tracing. To break up the crack, pegs are driven in at the places where it breaks, and a rope (tracing cord) is pulled between them. Tracing involves digging out small grooves (grooves) along a stretched rope, indicating the contours of the crack. After this, remove the turf between the tracing lines and set it aside. First tear off the middle part. As it deepens, its walls are gradually leveled to the required size, making them inclined.

81. Flood zone caused by destruction hydraulic structure, where the height of the breakthrough wave is from 1.5 to 4 m or more, and its speed is from 1.5 to 2.5 m/s, it is called the ___________ flood zone.

a) Dangerous, b) Catastrophic c) Moderate d) Extremely dangerous

ü Didactic units – 0.17

The simplest shelters are intended for mass shelter of people from the damaging factors of emergency sources. These are defensive structures open type. The simplest shelters include: open and covered cracks (Fig. 5.), trenches, trenches, dugouts, dugouts, pit and embankment shelters, etc. All these structures are as simple as possible and are erected with minimal time and materials.

Rice. 5.

The cracks are torn off using earthmoving machines (trench excavators) or manually. Covering the gap is made of logs, beams, reinforced concrete slabs or beams. Place a layer of crumpled clay or other waterproofing material(roofing felt, roofing felt, glassine, etc.) and all this is covered with a layer of soil of 0.7-0.8 m.

In soft soils, to protect the steep cracks from destruction, they are covered with boards, backing or other local materials.

The cracks tear off a broken outline with a length of faces (straight sections) of 10-15 m, the distance between adjacent cracks should be at least 10 m.

Open cracks are dug up to a depth of 1.5 m, a width at the top of 1.1-1.2 m and a width at the bottom of 0.5-0.6 m.

When constructing a closed gap from an open one, its depth is increased by 0.2-0.3 m. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per person being covered.

The entrance to the gap is equipped at an angle of 90°, made in the form of an inclined stepped descent with a door. Install the slots at the ends ventilation ducts from boards. When sheltering in a gap, 10 or more people are provided with two entrances.

The walls of the gap are made inclined. The angle of inclination depends on the strength of the soil. In weak soils, the walls of the crack are strengthened with “clothing” made of poles, slabs, thick boards, brushwood, reinforced concrete structures and other materials. Along one of the walls there is a bench for sitting, and in the walls there are niches for storing food and containers with drinking water. A drainage ditch with a drainage well is installed under the floor of the crack.

The procedure for equipping the cracks involves first cutting open cracks for 10-15 hours, and then, within 10-15 hours, equipping the open cracks with steep clothing and covering them with logs (slabs, elements of corrugated steel, etc.), laying over the overlap of any waterproof material and sprinkling with soil.

The slots should be located outside the areas of possible rubble during explosions, i.e. at distances from buildings no less than half their height (but no closer than 7 m), and if there is free territory - even further. At the same time, they should be located as close as possible to the locations of people who will use the cracks.

The blocked cracks will also protect against direct contact of radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents on people’s clothing and skin, as well as against damage from debris from collapsing buildings. At the same time, even when blocked, they do not provide full protection from toxic substances and bacterial agents. Therefore, respiratory protective equipment should be used, and skin protection should be used in open crevices.

Shelters provide the most reliable protection people from shock waves, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination during nuclear explosions, from toxic substances and bacterial agents, as well as from high temperatures And harmful gases in fire zones.
The most accessible means protection from modern means lesions are the simplest shelters. They weaken the effects of shock waves and radioactive radiation, protect against light radiation and debris from collapsing buildings, and protect against direct contact with clothing and skin of radioactive, toxic and incendiary substances.
The simplest shelter is an open gap (Figure 9), which is opened with a depth of 180 - 200 cm, a width of 100 - 120 cm at the top, and 80 cm at the bottom with an entrance at an angle of 900 to its longitudinal axis. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per person being covered.
Subsequently, the protective properties of the open gap are enhanced by installing steep layers, covering with soil filling and a protective door. Such a shelter is called a covered gap (Figure 10).
In order to weaken the damaging effect of the shock wave on those taking cover, the gap is made zigzag or broken. The length of the straight section should be no more than 15 meters. It must be remembered, however, that the cracks, even if blocked, do not provide protection against toxic substances and bacterial agents.

Figure 9 - The simplest type of device

When using them, if necessary, you should use personal protective equipment: in closed gaps - usually respiratory protection, in open gaps, in addition, skin protection.
The location for the construction of the gap should be chosen mainly in areas without hard soils and coatings. In cities, it is best to build gaps in squares, boulevards and large courtyards, in rural areas - in gardens, vegetable gardens, vacant lots. You cannot build cracks near explosive workshops and warehouses, tanks with highly toxic substances, near high-voltage electrical lines, main gas, heat and water pipelines.

Figure 10 - Covered gap

When choosing a location for a gap, one must also take into account the influence of topography and precipitation on the nature of possible radioactive contamination of the area. Sites for them should be selected in areas not flooded by groundwater, flood and storm water, in places with stable soil (preventing landslides). The distance between adjacent slots must be at least 10 meters.
The construction of the gap should begin with its layout and tracing - designating the plan of the gap at the selected location. At the boundaries of the future crack and at the places where it breaks, stakes are driven in, tracing cords are pulled between the stakes, along which grooves are torn off with shovels. The layout of the gap must be done in such a way that surface water flowed freely to the sides without falling into the gap. When digging a gap, the soil is thrown out on both sides, at a distance of no closer than 50 centimeters from the edges. This will make it possible to subsequently lay the gap covering elements on solid, stable soil.
At one of the walls, cracks at a depth of 130 - 150 centimeters make a seat 85 centimeters wide. It is advisable to cover the seat with boards (boards). Cracks in the walls create niches (recesses) for storing food and water supplies. It is advisable to make the floor in the gap plank, but you can limit yourself to earthen.
It is advisable to make the entrances to the gap 2 - 2.5 meters long, stepped, located at right angles to the gap.
To enhance the protection of people in the closed gap from the shock wave and to prevent the penetration of radioactive substances into it, the entrances to it should be equipped with doors or covered with attached shields.
To protect against fire, all open wooden parts of the cracks are covered with fire retardant compounds (lime coating - 62% slaked lime, 32% water and 6% table salt).
Covered gaps must be ventilated. To do this, install an exhaust duct in the crack on the opposite side of the entrance.
The box should be brought out to a height of 150 - 200 centimeters. There should be means of lighting in the blocked gap.
Work on the construction of cracks should be carried out at an accelerated pace so that within the maximum short time after the danger of an enemy attack appears, provide them to the entire population in need of protection.

The simplest shelters are intended for mass shelter of people from the damaging factors of emergency sources. These are open type protective structures. These include open and covered, cracks (Fig. 5), pit and bulk shelters.

The cracks are torn off using earthmoving machines (trench excavators) or manually.

In soft soils, to protect the steep cracks from destruction, they are covered with boards, backing or other local materials.

The cracks tear off a broken outline with a length of faces (straight sections) of 10-15 m, the distance between adjacent cracks should be at least 10 m.

Open cracks are dug up to a depth of 1.5 m, a width at the top of 1.1-1.2 m and a width at the bottom of 0.5-0.6 m.

When constructing a closed gap from an open one, its depth is increased by 0.2-0.3 m. The length of the gap is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per person being covered.

The entrance to the gap is equipped at an angle of 90°, made in the form of an inclined stepped descent with a door. Ventilation ducts made of boards are installed at the ends of the crack. When sheltering in a gap, 10 or more people are provided with two entrances.

The walls of the gap are made inclined. The angle of inclination depends on the strength of the soil. In weak soils, the walls of the crack are strengthened with clothes made of poles, slabs, thick boards, brushwood, reinforced concrete structures and other materials. Along one of the walls there is a bench for sitting, and in the walls there are niches for storing food and containers with drinking water. A drainage ditch with a drainage well is installed under the floor of the crack.

The procedure for equipping the cracks involves first cutting open cracks for 10-15 hours, and then, within 10-15 hours, equipping the open cracks with steep clothing and covering them with logs (slabs, elements of corrugated steel, etc.), laying over the overlap of any waterproof material and sprinkling with soil.

The slots should be located outside the areas of possible rubble during explosions, i.e. at distances from buildings no less than half their height (but no closer than 7 m), and if there is free territory - even further. At the same time, they should be located as close as possible to the locations of people who will use the cracks.

The blocked cracks will also protect against direct contact of radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents on people’s clothing and skin, as well as against damage from debris from collapsing buildings. At the same time, even covered ones do not provide complete protection against toxic substances and bacterial agents. Therefore, respiratory protective equipment should be used, and skin protection in open crevices.

Closed protective structures with collective protection include shelters in which protection is provided by supplying purified outdoor air to the premises using filter ventilation units or regenerating internal air.

Closed-type buildings with individual protection include anti-radiation shelters (PRU), into which the air is supplied unpurified, and, if they appear in the outside air, people use personal protective equipment for protection.

Sheltering of personnel of economic facilities and the population in the AP is the main and most important reliable way protecting people in emergency situations.

To shelter people, shelters and anti-radiation shelters are mainly used, which provide accommodation and life support for people. However, simple shelters can be used for their short-term protection.

Use of underground and basement structures to protect the population

The shelter is put into operation only after acceptance by the commission acting in accordance with the “Instructions for the Acceptance and Operation of Shelters” civil defense».

For each shelter, a passport, plan, reference card and diagram of evacuation routes for people from the shelter are drawn up, as well as maintenance rules and an equipment sheet.

The shelter plan indicates:

· ventilation ducts in the walls and air intake systems;

· water supply, sewerage, heating, electric lighting networks;

· locations of disconnecting devices;

· emergency exit;

· thickness and materials of walls and ceilings of the shelter;

· area and internal cubic capacity of premises;

· table of the maximum permissible time for sheltered persons to remain at a constant (without ventilation) volume of air, depending on the occupancy of people.

The location card shows the location of the shelter and nearby non-collapsed landmarks, which can be used to quickly find a blocked shelter.

The evacuation diagram outlines several possible exit routes from the shelter area outside the city. One copy of the documentation is stored directly in the shelter, the second - in the civil defense department of the facility.

At periodic inspection condition of the shelter at least once a quarter, and also immediately after filling with shelter, it is checked for leaks. The degree of tightness is determined by the amount of air pressure, and the test itself is carried out in the following sequence: all are closed entrance doors, shutters and hatches, overpressure valves are locked; sealed valves and plugs are closed exhaust system ventilation; supply system air supply switches on to operate in mode clean ventilation; the amount of air supplied to the shelter is determined; The air pressure in the shelter is measured.

The air pressure is measured with an inclined pressure gauge type TNZh-1 (liquid draft pressure gauge); it must be at least 5 mm of water. column in all shelter ventilation modes.

If the amount of backpressure turns out to be insufficient, then the location of air leakage is determined by the deflection of the candle flame.

It is necessary to systematically check the condition of all shelter equipment and maintain it in accordance with technical requirements and troubleshoot.

The organization of maintenance of shelters is entrusted to the service of shelters and shelters of the civil defense facility. Each shelter is assigned a service unit (group) of 5-7 people. The flight (group) commander is the commandant of the shelter. At the warning signal from the civil defense control authorities, the unit (group) arrives at the shelter and organizes the work of receiving those being sheltered. At the signal “Close protective structures” or when the shelter is full, the doors and shutters are closed and the shelter is supplied with air in pure ventilation mode.

In the shelter, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established regime and daily routine. Those being sheltered must unquestioningly follow all orders of the commandant and the duty officer. Those being sheltered are not allowed to walk around the shelter premises unless necessary, smoke, independently turn on and off lighting, units and systems, or open and close doors. It is prohibited to light candles kerosene lamps and homemade lamps.

Consumption of food and water supplies is allowed only by order of the commandant (senior) of the shelter.

The exit of those taking refuge from the shelter is carried out on the instructions of the commandant (senior). Before entering a contaminated area, you must wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Before returning, radioactive dust must be removed from personal protective equipment, outerwear and shoes. Carefully remove skin protection outerwear, if possible, shoes and leave them in the vestibule.