Recipe for flour paste: recommendations from experts. How to cook flour paste: recipe How to make flour paste

Paste has long been used as wallpaper glue. And even with the advent of modern adhesives, many people prefer this simple product. Moreover, the main reason for such adherence to paste is not even the cheapness of its preparation.

What is a paste?

First, let's figure out what a paste is. It's glue homemade. With its help, paper and wallpaper are easily fixed to almost any surface.

Paste - natural glue of home origin

The paste is prepared from flour or starch with the addition of water and boiling in boiling water. Corn starch paste has the greatest adhesive ability. Next comes homemade wheat flour glue, and in last place is potato starch paste.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fact is that all the most modern adhesive compositions have one big drawback - they do not work well on surfaces covered with old oil paint or primed with drying oil. On such surfaces, only an ordinary paste made from flour or starch can perfectly cope with its function.

The only drawback of the paste is its instability to moisture. However, this drawback can be overcome by using various additives when preparing the paste.

The paste has a lot of advantages:

  • Properly welded and filtered paste does not leave marks even if the work is not very careful.
  • It adheres perfectly to any surface.
  • Its durability is in no way inferior to the most modern adhesives.
  • Another advantage of the paste is that wallpaper that is pasted using it can be removed very easily.
  1. Water is poured into the container in an amount of 2/3 of the planned volume and boiled.
  2. Then flour is poured into hot water. This should be done gradually, and the solution should be thoroughly mixed. Approximately 1/3 of the volume will be needed.
  3. The solution should be brought to the consistency of a very liquid dough (cook for 5 minutes).
  4. After the paste has cooled to 30-40 degrees, it should be strained through gauze, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

It is better not to use the paste while it is hot. The temperature may cause the embossed pattern or paint on the wallpaper to become deformed and become unusable.

Method No. 2

In this recipe the ratio of flour and water is 1:3.

Remember that the finished mass should look like batter

  1. Pour flour into a container. Fill with water.
  2. Place the container on the stove and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. After the water boils, remove it from the heat, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve, and cool.

How to cook from starch with your own hands

The advantage of starch paste over flour paste is its transparency. Although flour paste leaves almost no traces, starch paste is still preferable for pasting walls with light-colored wallpaper.

Paste for damp walls has a higher adhesive ability

Recipe for starch paste for ordinary walls

  1. 750 g of potato starch is mixed in 200 ml of wood alcohol.
  2. Add 1.5 liters of water to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
  3. The next step is to add 8-9 liters of boiling water and bring the whole mixture to a boil.
  4. Separately from the mixture, 100 g of alum is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water.
  5. The resulting solution is poured into the boiled mixture and stirred until the mass is uniform.
  6. The composition is cooled and filtered.

How to make homemade glue for damp walls

  1. 40 g of calcium chloride are dissolved in 600 ml of water, the mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  2. In addition, 400 ml of water and 400 g of potato or corn starch are mixed separately;
  3. The mixture from the first point is added to the resulting mixture. Stir, heat and add another 4-5 liters of water.
  4. The resulting mixture is boiled for another 2-3 minutes and removed from the heat.

Do not forget to periodically remove the film that forms after the starch paste has cooled.

  • It is advisable to use any paste immediately after filtration, or at least on the same day. After a day, the adhesive quality of the paste is significantly reduced.
  • Make the paste in small portions to prevent the mixture from quickly cooling and hardening.
  • It is best to store unused mixture in a container with a lid in the refrigerator.
  • If glue gets on your skin or furniture, just wipe the contaminated area with a damp, warm cloth.
  • If we talk about additives to the paste, then in addition to PVA glue, you can also use wood glue, which is added in the same quantities as PVA glue (1 part glue to 1 part water). It should be taken into account that wood glue can leave reddish spots on the wallpaper, and it is not recommended to use such an additive when pasting very light wallpaper.

A paste with the addition of wood glue is perfect for priming the surface of walls and ceilings before gluing wallpaper. Moreover, for these purposes it should be used hot.

Video: how to make a paste from flour for gluing wallpaper, papier-mâché, etc.

The modern consumer has the opportunity to buy any one suitable for different types of work. But there are situations when there is simply no way out: for example, gluing lasted until the night, all hardware stores were closed, and there was not enough wallpaper glue. How to make a paste with your own hands, what types of adhesive compositions can still be prepared at home and how to use them - about all this in our material.

Read in the article

In what cases can paste be useful?

Paste is a universal composition. It's easy to make yourself and easy to use. After drying, it leaves no marks and is easily washed off the fabric. Where is the paste used:

Where is it used? Description

IN repair work Oh
Used for filling gaps in cracks, for priming walls before and painting, for wallpaper.

In gardening
For sticking small seeds onto paper planting strips. For this purpose they use toilet paper, it quickly collapses under the influence of moisture. A safe paste based on natural materials will not prevent plants from developing normally.

In children's creativity
The safe, natural composition of the adhesive substance can be used with children of any age. It not only easily washes off the child’s clothes and hands, but also will not cause harm if accidentally swallowed or gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

In needlework
The paste will be needed for scrapbooking, papier-mâché, and making interior items from fabric and thread. It is used to impart rigidity.

In a word, paste is a very useful composition in everyday life that should always be at hand. And you can prepare it literally in a matter of minutes.

How to make paste: quickly and easily

Before we talk about how to prepare a paste for, let’s figure out what are the advantages of a paste over a ready-made factory-produced composition? It turns out there are a lot of them:

  • it is easy to prepare at home from materials that any housewife has;
  • manufacturing costs are minimal (homemade composition will cost two to three times cheaper than purchased glue);
  • The paste is universal and can be used for any type;
  • home remedy does not contain toxic substances or other compounds hazardous to human health. It does not cause allergic reactions.

And now about how to prepare the paste. We have selected some of the most popular tips on how to make wallpaper pastes from flour or starch.

Several options for making paste from flour

The adhesive composition can be made from wheat, corn or rye flour. For our purposes, second or even third grade flour will be useful. Its larger particles have increased viscosity, which is good for the paste.

Advice! For the perfect adhesive, use whole wheat flour.

An important point: to ensure that the adhesive composition is not noticeable on the paper, use wheat flour for light wallpapers, rye flour for dark ones.

Additives and proportions

Advice! If you decide to add PVA to the paste, please note that dark wallpaper it may be noticeable. In this case, it is better to use wood glue.

There are situations when the natural composition of the glue attracts small insects- And . If there is such a danger, add a little copper sulfate to the composition.

A quarter of a level teaspoon is enough for a kilogram of flour. Important! Do not use wood glue, PVA or copper sulfate

when making paste for children's creativity!

To glue heavy ones, you need to make thick glue. For light paper ones, less flour is added to the composition.

Proportions for flour paste: Amount of flour (grams) per 1 liter of water Supplements
100 For what purposes can it be used?
50 — 100 For gluing plain paper4 tablespoons wood glue
120 — 150 For making papier-mâché½ cup wood glue
120 — 150 Primer of walls for wallpaper1/6 teaspoon copper sulfate
200 — 250 For gluing simple paper wallpapers14 teaspoons copper sulfate
200 For wallpaper made of thick embossed paperGlass of wood glue
300 — 400 Primer of walls for heavy wallpaper

A glass of wood glue, a teaspoon of copper sulfate Most regular paste

A quarter of a level teaspoon is enough for a kilogram of flour. obtained from one hundred grams of flour and a liter of water. By changing the proportions, you will get a thicker or thinner version.

The paste must be prepared immediately before use. Already two hours after preparation, it will begin to rapidly lose its adhesive properties. For this reason, there is no point in preparing homemade glue for future use.

How to change the thickness of glue

While you work, the paste “infuses” and gradually becomes thicker. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water one tablespoon at a time, thoroughly mixing the entire mass. Diluting finished homemade glue with water negatively affects its quality. To avoid this, after dilution it is necessary to bring the composition to a boil.

Another problem: the glue was too liquid. To correct the consistency, dilute the flour in a separate bowl. cold water until creamy, boil the glue again and gradually stirring the mixture, pour an additional portion into it.

While you work, the paste “infuses” and gradually becomes thicker. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water one tablespoon at a time, thoroughly mixing the entire mass. If you start pouring dry flour into the paste, you will get lumps that cannot be stirred with anything. I'll have to throw out the whole batch.


Now let's look at how to make glue from flour for... Here are the two most proven recipes:

Paste recipe for light wallpaper

Take 8 tablespoons of flour and pour about 1.5 cups into them cold water, stirring constantly. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water, constantly stirring the hot mixture with a spoon in one direction. After all the glue has boiled, wait another three minutes, continuing to stir constantly. Then remove the container from the heat and leave to cool.

Paste recipe for heavy wallpaper

For heavy wallpaper You will need a thick adhesive composition. For it you need to take 16 tablespoons of flour per liter of liquid.

The cooking principle is the same. But there is a variant of the composition that differs from the traditional one in increased strength. If you add gelatin, alcohol and glycerin to the mixture, you get PVA. This glue can be used from any material.

Proven recipe for starch paste

The starch composition is distinguished by the fact that it is completely transparent and does not leave marks on either wallpaper or fabric. How to make a paste from starch? For homemade glue, you can use potato or corn starch. The proportions of starch paste are the same as flour paste. 8 tablespoons for liquid glue

and more for thick ones.

Advice! To prepare the mixture, the starch is first diluted with cold water, and then boiling water is poured into the resulting creamy mass, stirring constantly, until the required thickness.

Before using starch, sift it through a sieve and remove any lumps.

You can also add vitriol, PVA and wood glue to the starch paste.

Method for preparing papier mache paste For papier mache you will need an adhesive compound with salt. The proportions are as follows: for 3 glasses of water (750 ml) you will need a glass of flour and half a teaspoon of salt.

As a result, you will get a fairly thick glue that will securely secure the pieces of paper in the structure. In some cases, the paper may need to be pre-soaked in adhesive composition. For this purpose, a liquid paste is made from 1/3 cup of flour and a liter of water.

The best homemade glue recipes for different jobs

A little science to fully understand the process of preparing adhesive compositions:

  • sealants are mainly composed of organic resins and water;
  • acetone, gasoline and ethyl alcohol can act as solvents for hydrocarbon substances and serve as the basis for glue;
  • For elasticity, plasticizers are added to adhesive mixtures, these can be different types liquid or dishwashing detergent;
  • To prevent the glue layer from shrinking, wood dust or sand is added to it;
  • To increase the durability of polymer adhesives, a catalyst is added to them - salt or acid.

And now several options for homemade glue that may be useful to you.

How to make PVA glue at home that is no worse than factory glue

We have already said that you can make PVA glue at home. It's not as difficult as it seems. PVA glue recipe:

The composition will require 1 liter of distilled water, a bag of gelatin, 4 grams of pharmaceutical glycerin, a glass of alcohol and 150 grams of wheat flour.

A day before, glycerin is poured into a glass of water and left to swell. After gelatin, flour and water diluted to a creamy state, glue is boiled in a water bath. After the mixture begins to thicken, glycerin and alcohol are added to it.

While you work, the paste “infuses” and gradually becomes thicker. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water one tablespoon at a time, thoroughly mixing the entire mass. For better bonding of parts, before applying glue, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust and, if necessary, the porous material should be primed.

Homemade PVA can be stored at room temperature for up to six months.

How to make glue from polystyrene foam and gasoline for gluing metal

This recipe is almost half a century old. IN Soviet times it could be found in magazines young technicians.

How to do:

  • fill the container with gasoline of any brand;
  • cut the foam into small pieces;
  • Gradually immerse the foam in the solvent.

As a result, you will get a homogeneous mixture, elastic, like chewing gum.

To connect metal parts, you need to degrease the surfaces, spread the resulting glue, wait about ten minutes and press firmly. Leave under pressure for a day.

Some argue which better adhesives from polystyrene foam: in gasoline or acetone? The dispute is in vain - both options have the same gluing strength.

How to make glue from acetone and linoleum for leather, porcelain and metal

How to make super glue at home from nail polish solvent and a piece of old nail polish? Everything is very simple! cut into small pieces, the size of a five-ruble coin. Afterwards, they should be filled with acetone in an airtight container and placed overnight in a dark place. During this time, the linoleum should completely dissolve. If this does not happen, just wait a few more hours.

It will securely fasten the parts of a broken porcelain vase, the back wooden chair, or parts of a metal candlestick.

How to make glue for electrical parts

How to make conductive adhesives with your own hands - many radio amateurs think about this. By default, the mixture should include conductive metal powders, binder polymers and solvents. The easiest option is to add graphite powder to any superglue. To do this, simply sharpen a simple pencil and use graphite rod powder. The only negative is that graphite has high resistance.

To make homemade conductive glue, take the previous recipe with linoleum and acetone, add powdered silver and graphite to the composition. The amount of filler is selected experimentally, but on average the proportion required is: 30 grams of silver x 15 grams of graphite x 60 grams of glue. Handle all ingredients carefully and store in an airtight container. glassware

. This glue dries on parts in a quarter of an hour.

How to make moisture-resistant casein glue If you manage to get your hands on casein powder, the task is very simple. The powder is poured with water and left for three to four hours. Separately in hot water

Borax is diluted in a ratio of one to seven. This mixture is poured into casein water and heated to seventy degrees. After half an hour the glue can be used. How to make hot glue at home from milk? If casein powder is not available, a similar composition can be made from regular milk

. It is fermented and filtered through filter paper or cotton wool. Afterwards, the paper or cotton wool is filled with water and boiled until the substance evaporates - this will be the desired casein. Next follow the recipe.

Another recipe for hot glue is made from rosin, flour, aluminum alum and water in proportions, respectively, 1.5 x 40 x 10 x 3. All fillers are filled with water, the composition is heated over low heat until thickened. The glue is used hot. Once cooled, it is unsuitable for use.

  • What else can you make glue from: The ingredients are mixed until smooth and used for gluing fabric and wood parts;
  • from drying oil and wood glue. 3 parts of wood glue are heated in a water bath until dissolved, then 1 part of drying oil is added and mixed. This composition is also used hot. It is not afraid of water and sticks tiles perfectly.

It often happens that glue bought in a store turns out to be of very low quality. Therefore, many strive to find alternative solution and are trying to create the adhesive themselves. A person who is used to constantly making something and experimenting will find tips on how to make glue at home very useful.

Traditional flour paste recipe

In some cases, this is resorted to when there is an urgent need to perform any work related to the use of glue. For example, if the amount of adhesive is incorrectly calculated and it runs out in the middle of the process. In order not to give up what you started and not rush to the store, you can make homemade glue, the quality of which will be much higher than purchased glue. In addition, when using it, you can be completely sure that it does not contain substances harmful to humans. It’s not difficult to prepare, and the material can always be found in the house. This is wheat flour. Flour glue is prepared at the rate of 1 liter per two or three rolls of wallpaper.

To prepare it you will need:

  • container, the volume of which depends on the required amount of glue,
  • flour – 6 tbsp. spoons per liter of water,
  • water – 1 liter.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water to boiling.
  2. In a separate bowl, dilute the calculated amount of flour in a small amount of cold water until a homogeneous mixture (without lumps) is formed and liquid sour cream is thick.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. Bring to a boil again and leave to cool.

IN finished form it should have the consistency of thick jelly. Similarly, you can make glue from starch, which is no different in quality from flour paste. In terms of gluing efficiency, both flour and starch pastes, in some cases, even surpass ready-made industrial adhesives. Wallpaper glued with them adheres perfectly to any wall surface. They can glue all types of paper and cardboard.

PVA glue at home

The most common glue, which is popular not only when performing home renovation work, but also in large-scale construction, is PVA glue. This is an excellent wallpaper adhesive; it is successfully used in the preparation of mortars for tiling, as well as as a primer for surfaces before final finishing. The scope of its use is so wide that we can say with confidence that polyvinyl acetate is a kind of lifesaver for a zealous owner who can make PVA glue with his own hands.

To do this, he needs to have:

  1. One liter of distilled water,
  2. 5 g photographic gelatin (sold in Photography stores),
  3. 4 g pharmaceutical glycerin,
  4. 100 g wheat flour,
  5. 20 mm ethyl alcohol(can be bought at the pharmacy).

The preparation of glue takes place in two stages:

  1. preparatory, during which gelatin is soaked in a glass of water for a day;
  2. main

After the gelatin has swollen in water, you can proceed directly to preparing PVA glue:

  • A container with distilled water is placed in a water bath. Prepared gelatin and flour mixed with a small amount of water (so that there are no lumps) are added to it.
  • The entire mixture is brought to a boil (*do not boil!). It should become like thick sour cream. In order for the mixture to be homogeneous, it must be stirred constantly.
  • Add glycerin and alcohol. To obtain a thick mass of homogeneous composition, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. This may take from five to ten minutes (depending on the amount of glue being prepared). To be completely ready for use, the glue must be cooled.

DIY wood glue

This - best glue for wood. It effectively glues paper, cardboard and other materials. But it has several features:

  1. it cannot be stored for a long time in liquid form, as it deteriorates very quickly (it becomes moldy and gelatinous),
  2. it has a disgusting, pungent smell.

Therefore, it is pre-boiled and a gelatinous mass is prepared, which has a longer shelf life. If necessary, cut pieces of the required size and dissolve, heating over low heat. There are several ways in which you can prepare high-quality wood glue at home. The most accessible are the following.

Method number 1. Take regular wood glue. Grind and soak it in a container of water until completely swollen. It should become soft, resembling jelly. This jelly is placed in a melting container called a glue bottle. You can make it yourself from an ordinary tin can. The oilcloth with the gelatinous mass is placed in a water bath and placed on very low heat. The mixture must be constantly stirred with a wooden stick. If it burns, the glue will become yellow color and will lose some of its adhesive properties. After the gelatinous mass turns into a liquid state, it is diluted with vodka in the ratio: 720 g of glue - 950 g of vodka. And for every hundred grams of glue, twelve grams of powdered alum are added. Wood glue obtained by this method provides high strength to the bonded surfaces and water-repellent properties.

Method number 2. Boil wood glue and water in a 1:1 ratio in an oilcloth. After boiling, when it begins to thicken slightly, pour the mixture into a porcelain mortar and grind with a pestle until a gelatinous mass forms. After this, place this mass on a special plate, cool and cut into pieces. If necessary, dissolve 720 g of the resulting workpiece in a solution consisting of 720 g of water and 360 g of vodka. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Method No. 3. In a water bath, boil 1 kg of wood glue and 1 liter of 9% table vinegar in a liter of water until it is completely dissolved, then add a liter of vodka with constant stirring.

Method No. 4. Dilute wood glue with water in a ratio of 1:1. Heat in a water bath until completely thickened. Then add one weight part of glycerin equal to the originally taken weight part of the glue. Heat until the water evaporates completely. Place in molds and dry. For use, dilute with water (1:1).

Foam glue

Currently, foam and polystyrene plates are often used for insulation and soundproofing of residential premises. They are glued to load-bearing wall. When choosing adhesive for polystyrene foam, you must take into account that solvents, such as acetone, can melt it. That's why, perfect option for it - the above wood glue.

But, at home you can make another waterproof glue for polystyrene foam - from cottage cheese:

  • To do this, mix lime (slaked) with cottage cheese in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is advisable to use this glue immediately after preparation, as it hardens quickly.

Casein glue for leather, wood and even puzzles

A good option for gluing wooden and leather goods, as well as other materials, is casein glue. It can be successfully used in surface treatment for puzzles.

Stage 1: isolation of casein from cottage cheese

To prepare it at home, the cottage cheese must go through a defatting process. To do this, you need to soak it in a soda solution (1-2 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water) for 15-20 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed with running water, wrung out and dried until hard. Next, a powder is prepared from it. This is dry casein.

Stage 2: prepare glue from dry casein

dry casein

To make glue from casein, you need to pour the powder into any container (preferably flat) and add water in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Take two parts water to one part casein powder. You should get a thick mass. Most crucial moment in the preparation of casein glue - further mixing it until a homogeneous state is obtained. The better the mass is mixed, the higher the quality of the glue. This procedure will take at least 30 minutes. But the process can be speeded up if you use a regular mixer. This is an excellent wood glue. It has excellent leather bonding properties and is well suited for shoe repair. The disadvantage of this glue is that it must be used within two to three hours, after which it hardens and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Glue for needlewomen

Today, needlework is one of the most common women's hobbies. Women are increasingly interested in making flowers, using different kinds fabrics. Flowers whose petals are glued to each other look most impressive and elegant. For this, a special fabric glue is used, which can be prepared in several ways.

Method one


  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour,
  2. one glass of water.


  • Dilute the flour in a small amount of cold water and pour in a thin stream into a glass of boiling water. Boil.

Method two


  1. one tbsp. spoon of wheat flour,
  2. one tbsp. spoon of potato starch,
  3. one tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar.
  4. one glass of water.


  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly so that there are no lumps and bring to a boil.

Method three


  1. gelatin packet,
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of flour,
  3. granulated sugar - one tbsp. spoon,
  4. water - one glass.


  • Soak the gelatin overnight by adding water (1/3 cup). In the morning, in the remaining water (2/3 cup), stir the swollen gelatin, flour and sugar. Boil.

Fabric glue should be stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.

Excellent dextrin based paper adhesive

For origami, quilling, and paper appliqué, dextrin paper glue, which you can prepare at home, is ideal. And for this it is not at all necessary to look for dextrin in stores. It is easily prepared from starch. Need to take it to required quantity. Place in a heatproof bowl into a slightly heated oven. After which, gradually increase the temperature to 160ºС and maintain at this temperature conditions about an hour and a half. Under the influence of hot air, starch is broken down, and it turns into dextrin. Now you can start preparing the glue.


  1. dry dextrin – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  2. water – 4-5 tbsp. spoons,
  3. glycerin – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  • Mix dextrin powder with water. Heat slightly until the dry substance is completely dissolved, stirring continuously. Then add glycerin.

Turbo glue made from acetone and old linoleum

There are still many different techniques that contain tips on how to make glue at home. Among them there are very affordable way preparing universal glue without special expenses - from acetone and old, already worn out, linoleum.

How to make it:

  • Cut the linoleum into small pieces, which are placed in a container with a hermetically sealed lid.
  • Fill with acetone. In this case, there should be twice as much acetone as linoleum.
  • Close the container with a tight lid and place in a dark place for 12 hours.
  • The glue is ready for use when the pieces of linoleum are completely dissolved.

This glue is excellent for gluing metal, porcelain, wooden products, leather, etc.

Moisture-resistant universal adhesive

Another recipe for universal glue that can be used to glue absolutely everything. The main advantage of its use is moisture resistance. It is prepared like this:

  • Soak ordinary wood glue in water until completely swollen,
  • then dissolve to a gelatinous mass in a container with linseed oil.

Bonus from builders for cooks: food glue

Nowadays, many people are fond of home baking and decorating it with sweet figures and various flowers made from edible mastic. But in order for all this beauty to retain its shape and stick to the surface of the cake, special food glue is required. Of course, you can buy it at the store, but before you go looking, try making glue at home. There are several recipes for this.

Recipe No. 1: based on starch


  1. starch - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  2. water – 1 glass.


  • Prepare a thick starch jelly and leave it in a warm place for several hours. It should turn into a viscous mass.

Recipe No. 2: sugar glue


  1. 250 g granulated sugar,
  2. Glass of water.


  • Prepare a slightly undercooked caramel toffee. It should remain in the form of a stretchy liquid.

Video: DIY flour paste

Modern construction specialists who are engaged in pasting rooms, with the abundance of various expensive compounds on the shelves, do not even think about how to prepare glue from flour for wallpaper. But even now, many people, especially in the outback, not having the funds for an expensive product, try to prepare it themselves. If you know how to make wallpaper glue from starch, you can even cover a room with damp walls.

Main components of the compositions

In many old buildings, seeing perfectly papered rooms, we cannot imagine that twenty years ago the preparation of wallpaper glue was carried out in the kitchen of this apartment. The main components of the compositions were:

The adhesive properties of potato starch and flour gluten have been known since ancient times, and when additional components are added, they increase significantly.

DIY wallpaper glue made from flour

If you spend a little time (about half an hour) you can produce an inexpensive, high-quality product that is not inferior to an industrial one. Its basis is wheat gluten flour, which is sold in stores and is very cheap.

The first composition is a paste for wallpaper and paper:

  • take flour (calculation – 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water);
  • pour warm water into a container and stir the flour in it;
  • put on low heat and cook for five minutes.

This product is used for gluing wallpaper, as well as joining paper and cardboard.

Second composition - wallpaper glue from flour:

  • take flour (calculation – 1 part to 3 parts water);
  • pour flour into a container ( large saucepan or bucket);
  • pour plain water and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • put the container on the stove and cook over very low heat until it boils, stirring constantly;
  • after boiling, remove from heat, strain and cool;
  • the composition is ready.

As you can see, this work is not labor-intensive and simple. You can check the quality like this: take the resulting mass with two fingers. The composition should drain. If this is not the case, you need to add a little warm water and stir.

Squeeze the mixture between your fingers and then slowly unclench them. If you feel some stickiness and elasticity when you open your fingers, then the composition is ready. If this does not happen, you need to add flour and repeat the process again.

DIY wallpaper glue made from starch

Some ingredients (for example, turpentine) used in formulations based on potato starch are now very difficult to obtain. Therefore, it is easier to make glue using alcohol.

For regular walls:

  • mix 750 g of potato starch in 200 ml of denatured alcohol or wood alcohol;
  • pour in 1.5 liters of water and mix;
  • add 8-9 liters of boiling water;
  • bring the mixture to a boil;
  • separately from this, dissolve 100 g of alum in 0.3 liters of water;
  • add alum solution to the resulting mixture and stir;
  • the resulting composition is cooled and filtered.

For damp walls.

Home craftsmen used paste in an era of shortages Construction Materials. It was used to glue wallpaper, the paste was used to insulate windows for the winter, and it was made for children's crafts. Today, glue of any brand and for different needs can be easily purchased in the store. Nevertheless, there are cases when the paste is needed right now, for example for minor repairs wallpaper Or your child is allergic to chemistry, and you don’t want to deprive him of the joy of creativity.

How to make paste from flour

Wheat flour is suitable for the paste. You can take it of the lowest grade - this will not affect the quality of the glue.

  • Prepare flour and water. For a glass of water, you will need either 1/2 cup of flour (the paste will be liquid) or 3/4 cup (the paste will be thicker).
  • Divide the water into two equal parts and place one on the fire to boil.
  • In the second part of the water, stir all the flour.
  • When the water in the pan boils, pour cold water into it with flour mixed in it. When pouring the mixture, stir with a spoon so that the paste does not form lumps.
  • Cook the paste over low heat for 4-5 minutes, remembering to stir it constantly.
  • Remove the thick mixture from the heat and let it cool completely.
  • If your paste has lumps, then strain it while still hot through a metal colander with small holes.

Flour paste is suitable for children's crafts, so-called appliqués. It is environmentally friendly, has no foreign odor and is completely neutral in taste. If your child loves to work with glue, then this option is especially for him. But it is better not to use flour paste to glue torn wallpaper. Over time, it begins to change color and if during repairs even a small amount of it remains at the joints, they will later turn yellow.

How to cook starch paste

For minor wallpaper repairs, it is better to cook a paste from potato starch.

  • Pour 500 g of starch into one liter of cold water. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  • Place the pan over the lowest heat and cook the paste until it becomes thick. Stir the mixture all the time while cooking.
  • Cool the starch paste to room temperature and pour 50 ml of PVA glue into it. Mix the mixture again.
  • If there are small lumps in the paste, strain it through a sieve or colander.

There is another type of paste designed for making papier-mâché. Papier-mâché is a soft mass made from two ingredients (thick glue and small pieces of paper or other suitable material). You will find the recipe for this thick papier-mâché paste in the video at the bottom of this article.