Developing system of elementary education l in Zankov. Pedagogy

To date, only three systems are considered state education systems in Russia - this is the traditional system, the system of L.V. Zankov and the system Elkonin-Davydova.

Traditional education system

The traditional system of education is known to all of us firsthand. Created over 400 years ago by the Czech educator Jan Amos Comenius, it is still considered the main educational system in many countries. It was Ya.A. Comenius was the first to propose the introduction of teaching in the native language for children and developed a class-lesson teaching system.

Thanks to Comenius' innovations, children from ordinary working-class families could receive an education and those basic skills that later helped them to carry out their professional activities. In the Comenius schools, students learned to act according to the algorithm, listen to the teacher and easily cope with monotonous classes, completing the task with the same method.

The traditional system has become so firmly established in the education of Russians only because in the 20th century practically the same requirements were imposed on people. People had to grow up submissive, patient, respect the authority of their superiors and be able to perform monotonous monotonous actions.

At the same time, the leap in the development of science and technology that occurred just at that time was not taken into account. The amount of information that a person had to perceive has increased several times, and in general the pace of life has greatly accelerated. Traditional education has ceased to be so relevant, because it could no longer cope with the changed requirements of society.

That is why classical education, which has been successfully operating for several centuries, is now forced to step aside, because in the new millennium your child will need completely different skills and abilities in order to find his place in life.

System L.V. Zankov. Basic principles

What personal characteristics are now the most important for the successful formation of the personality and its further development? Important at this stage is the level of communicative culture, as well as the breadth of horizons, independence, the ability to calculate and make all decisions in your life on your own. Terms modern life are such that a person cannot afford to be static - he must constantly be in motion, change, develop and learn new things. The ability to quickly respond to changing conditions will help the child in the future when choosing friends, profession, goals in life, and so on.

Having chosen this or that profession, a person will also not be able to stand still - he will have to constantly develop. The ability to analyze a situation, make quick decisions and act quickly can be acquired at school.

In principle, from what a child learns in educational institution largely depends on the further development of his personality. It is very important to develop curiosity, attention, desire for new things in a child.


It was L.V. Zankov who was the teacher and psychologist who saw the trend in the development of society and proposed a new system of education that would meet all the requirements of modern society, would develop in a person those skills that will be useful to him in the future.

The purpose of education in Zankov schools- achieving the holistic development of each child through the assimilation of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the school can give him. Education in Zank schools is aimed at developing the mind, will, and feelings. At the same time, much attention is paid to the physical development and health of the child.

All components of a child's holistic development are taught in equal amounts, none of them stand in the background. Factual knowledge, moral education and physical development- all these areas of education are provided in equal shares by the teachers of the Zankov schools. After all, all elements play an equally important role in the development of the child, and in the absence of one of them, the formation of his personality will go along a completely different path.

One of the most important features of Zankov's teaching system is that all learning is aimed not at the formation of knowledge in the class as a whole, but at development of each student individually. Learner-Centered education in Zankov schools allows each child to feel like an individual.

It is important to note that the Zankov system is not about “pulling up” a few lagging behind students to the level of more successful ones. In each child, teachers seek to reveal precisely his individuality, the characteristics of his personality. The focus is on the development of those qualities of the student that were originally laid in him. That's why in Zankov's schools there is no concept of strong and weak. All children are different and each has their own strengths which develop even more thanks to the competent teaching of teachers.

The Zankov School is open to absolutely all children of six years of age and older, who, according to all indications, can study in general education schools. There are no special requirements for students in the school.

Analyzing the Zankov training system and the requirements that the government is now putting forward Russian Federation in relation to modern education, it becomes clear that Zankov, by some miracle, was 50 years ahead of his time and foresaw that soon his system would become incredibly relevant for society.

Thanks to the foresight of the teacher, the system is not only modern and relevant, but also proven by years of experience. And consequently, all teachers managed to become professionals in their field, and all teaching methods will not cause unforeseen results.

Zankov's learning system has been developed and tested for quite a long time, so now it can take into account all the individual characteristics of the child and is suitable for any student.

28.12.2016 12:00

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov (1901–1977) is one of the most famous scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology and defectology. His developmental learning methodology is at the heart of one of the recognized public education systems in primary school. According to the data given by the methodologists, on average, every 4th Russian elementary school student studies according to the system of L.V. Zankov. This is from 15% to 40% of all schoolchildren in the Russian Federation, depending on the region. So what is the methodology of developmental education L.V. Zankov different from the traditional education system?

The essence and goals of the methodology

Methods of developing education L.V. Zankova covers the education of children from the age of 6 until their transition to high school. The scientist did not consciously create a teaching methodology in high school - he believed that all the best can be developed only in. For example, bad memory a sixth grader is a consequence of ignoring her development in a more early age. She probably won't get better.

The purpose of training according to the Zankov method is the overall development of the child. It should not be directed to individual components (memory, imagination, attention, etc.), but to the entire psyche as a whole. Under the general development it is necessary to understand the development of several areas:

    Mind (logic, observation, memory, imagination, abstract thinking, etc.);

    Communication skills (methods of communication, the ability to find a solution in a problem situation);

    Will (consists in the development of the child's ability not only to set a goal, but also to motivate himself to achieve it);

    Feelings (aesthetic, ethical);


However, one should not think that training according to Zankov diminishes the value of factual knowledge. It simply shifts the emphasis on the development of the child's personality, because all of the listed areas of a person's life are necessary precisely to achieve success in the modern world.

Another goal of education is to educate the child in the desire for, and not simply obtaining the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher.

The basis of the technique

In a narrow sense, the methodology of developing education L.V. Zankov is based on three pillars: the leading role of education, consistent with a reverent attitude to the inner world of the child and providing a field for the manifestation of his individuality.

    Training, education, development are united, as if merged into one process.

    Individual, person-oriented approach. Each child must be accepted as he is. There is no need to “pull up” a “weak” student to a “strong” one, you need to work on the development of any child and believe in his success, in his strength.

    Between teacher and student should be established good, trusting relationship. Only such relationships can become fertile ground for the development of the child's cognitive activity. Otherwise, he will never wake up interest and thirst for knowledge. L.V. Zankov argued: "A child is the same person, only a small one." Adults should not forget about this - in relation to the child, in no case should physical punishment, rudeness, humiliation be used.

    When students answer any mistakes are allowed. “A mistake is a godsend for a teacher,” Zankov believed. It is about the fact that a student's mistake gives the teacher the opportunity to find it " weakness”, understand the train of thought of the child and, if necessary, direct in the right direction.

    Of course, both good relations between the teacher and the student, and the assumption of possible mistakes exclude the evaluative attitude towards the child. An outstanding teacher-innovator V.V. Sukhomlinsky once compared the assessment with "a stick in the hands of a teacher." Perhaps this comparison is also relevant for the Zankov system. The child can speak, assume, make mistakes - he knows that he will not receive, for which he will definitely be punished.

    As you know, one of the directions of modern education is the implementation of a system-activity approach. We can say that in the last century it was Leonid Vladimirovich who took it as the basis for his methodology. After all, according to the scientist, the child should be able to acquire knowledge and overcome the difficulties encountered along the way, on their own. The teacher can only interest and direct him. The lesson itself takes the form of a discussion - students may not agree with the teacher, start a dispute in which they will express their arguments and try to defend their own point of view.

2 rules for parents, arising from the methodology of L.V. Zankov:

    Parents should not cook with their children or, even worse, do homework instead of children. Otherwise, the teacher simply will not be able to notice in time that the child did not understand something.

    Parents should not punish a child for failure, which is to blame for his individual characteristics, and not, say, laziness.

Didactic principles

    The level of training and didactic material (tasks) is higher than that accepted in the traditional system of education.

    As a consequence of the first point, there is no division of material "for strong" and "for weak" students. We work on the development of each student.

    High speed of learning the material.

    The priority role of theoretical knowledge.

    Formation of students' motivation to learn through their emotions. The main "push" to the awakening of the desire to know is to surprise. It is surprise that gives the creative and moral principles of the child.

    The importance of repetition.

Learning features

    The forms of education are very diverse: it can be classes in the classroom, in the library, in nature, excursions to museums, theaters, enterprises, trips to concerts.

    As mentioned above, the lesson takes the form of a discussion, a kind of polylogue.

    Students look for answers to emerging questions on their own, without the prompts of the teacher. However, he can ask leading questions, preliminarily give appropriate homework, somehow guide. Thus, a kind of cooperation is established between the students and the teacher.

    The main types of tasks are observation, comparison, grouping, classification, elucidation of patterns, drawing conclusions and analyzing conclusions.

    Tasks are aimed at the search activity of the child. They should be unexpected and surprising, able to arouse the student's curiosity and encourage him to knowledge. For example, it could be creating a problem situation.

    The formation of a general picture of the world in children based on areas with rich content. These are science, natural science, geography, history, philosophy, literature and other arts, foreign languages. There is also a lot of attention in the lessons according to the method of L.V. Zankov should be given to fine arts, music, reading fiction, work.

system flaw

In addition to all the advantages, the system has an important and obvious disadvantage, which even the followers of L.V. Zankov. Since the scientist's methodology covers exclusively the elementary school, it is very difficult for children who have been brought up for several years on its principles to adapt later to the senior school, which nevertheless sets somewhat different goals at the head.

Julia Levasheva

Primary general education

UMK Zankov line. Literary reading (1-4)

UMK Zankov line. Mathematics (1-4)

UMK Zankov line. World around (1-4)

UMK Zankov line. ORKSE (4)

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov

“One step in learning can mean a hundred steps in development” (L.S. Vygotsky)

Pedagogical foundations of the system

Academician L.V. Zankov and his collaborators - specialists in the field of psychology, physiology, defectology, pedagogy - discovered patterns of influence external influence for the development of younger students. They proved that not all education contributes to the optimal development of the child's capabilities.

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov: Features of the selection and structuring of the content of training courses

The subject content is selected and structured on the basis of the didactic principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge. Thus, conditions are created for students to study the interdependence of phenomena, their internal essential connections.

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov:Organization of independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren Children of the 21st century we must cultivate the habit of change, innovation, we must teach them to respond quickly to changing conditions, to obtain the necessary information, to analyze it in many ways. Listening, repetition, imitation are replaced by new requirements: the ability to see problems, calmly accept them and solve them on your own.


Natalia Vasilievna Nechaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, author of the courses “Learning to read and write”, “Russian language”, taught since 1967: “The main task of this article was to show a systematic approach to solving the educational goal - personal development. In this case, each step of the authors of the system and textbooks turns out to be pedagogically justified and non-random. We briefly focused on the following training components:

1) the presence of a holistic psychological and pedagogical system of education, the purpose of which is the development of the individual, the development of everyone, which requires the individualization of the learning process;

2) the integrated nature of the course content: a) different levels of generalization (supra-subject, inter-subject and subject), b) theoretical and practical orientation, c) studied, studied and propaedeutic familiarization with future program material, d) intellectual and emotional richness;

3) organization of independent cognitive activity based on integrated content with a combination of: a) different levels of mental activity (visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-figurative and verbal-logical, or theoretical), b) different types of problem tasks; c) different levels of individual measures of assistance (from hinting to direct) for the successful completion of each task by each child;

4) the student's ability to choose: a) assignments (tasks to choose from), b) forms of assignments (pair, group, individual), c) sources of knowledge acquisition, d) the possibility of influencing the course of the lesson, etc.

5) a comparative study of the effectiveness of the education and development of the child in relation to his own achievements, starting from the starting level;

6) the atmosphere of interaction: teacher - student - student - parent.

Always in education, which puts the personality of the child at the forefront, the most significant place will be occupied by what cannot be described in any technique: light, heat and time. Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov instructed the authors of textbooks: "Always distinguish between what a child needs to be taught and what is not necessary and even harmful." He urged the teacher to go into the shadows, and build the learning process from the student.

By putting the system into practice, we (the authors of the system and the teaching materials) offer the teacher only one of its components: the one that provides an external impact on the development of the child and only creates conditions for activating his internal potential. For these conditions to become a reality, as well as the potential opportunities of the child, a creative, independently thinking teacher who loves his profession is needed. Without such a teacher, the system is dead. It is such a teacher who will not allow a student to experience the “three Cs” in his lesson: boredom, shame and fear.

In 2017, the developmental education system turns 60 years old. And in 2016, it was 120 years since the birth of L.S. Vygotsky and 115 years since the birth of L.V. Zankov.

The holiday-anniversary of the developmental education system concerns our entire school and pedagogical science, in which L.V. Zankov so organically integrated philosophy, psychology, physiology, defectology. Indeed, at the center of pedagogical science is our child - a holistic, very complex personality, whose fate largely depends on how he lives his school years. History of the system of developing education L.V. Zankova is an example of a responsible attitude to pedagogical transformations. We have embarked on the right path - through the study of the child, through understanding the requirements of the era, social order - to the constant improvement of the system. A developing system must be developing. And our main contribution in recent years is a systematic approach to the development of the methodological level of the developmental education system, which makes it even more transferable, possible to master, brings it even closer to each child. This is what we show in our numerous courses and seminars both in the territories and in Moscow.

In the knowledge of the child, in moving towards him - the most promising direction in the development of the system of developmental education. And we are happy to go in this direction together with scientists, managers, methodologists and thousands of teachers!”

Theoretical knowledge plays a leading role in education. Training takes place on high level difficulties, a large amount of material being studied, a fast pace of its passage. These difficulties are designed for students to overcome independently. The teacher works on the overall development of each student. Zankov's approach aims to develop creativity child. The main goal of the system is that the student enjoys the cognitive activity.

Lesson on the Zankov system

The lesson according to the Zankov system differs significantly from the traditional lesson. The cognitive activity of students can be activated only with a trusting atmosphere in the classroom. Good relations should be established between the teacher and students and mutual respect must be present. Children should feel free in the classroom and not be afraid of self-expression, while understanding that the teacher in the class still remains the main one. The teacher must adequately and correctly respond to the mistakes and actions of students. In no case is a rude or humiliating attitude towards students allowed.

The lesson is built in the form of a discussion. Students should be able to challenge the opinion of not only classmates, but also the teacher if they disagree and not be afraid to express their point of view. The teacher competently corrects mistakes and does not give bad grades, but, on the contrary, any activity in the lesson is encouraged. Students independently acquire knowledge, and the teacher only helps and directs on the right path.

In addition to the usual lessons in the classroom, the system involves visiting excursions, trips to theaters, museums, and nature. This helps diversify learning and broadens the horizons of children.

Features of textbooks

In textbooks designed for teaching according to the Zankov system, there are no sections with a repetition of the material covered. This material is included in the next new paragraph. Coloring books are used in the lessons. They help to interest children and develop their imagination. The textbooks include material for children with different types of thinking. In the workbooks on the Russian language there are tasks for students on self-control and introspection.

What should a teacher be like?

Teachers working according to the Zankov system should be distinguished from others primarily by their humanity. They must voluntarily choose this system, feel that this approach to learning is ideal for them. This system is state-owned, so any teacher who decides to take it as a basis can be retrained in special courses.

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For several years, the modern school has needed fundamental qualitative changes in terms of education and upbringing. In recent years, great changes have taken place in the life of a modern school: curricula are changing; developed and successfully introduced into training alternative programs and textbooks; private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges appeared; the experience of foreign schools is studied.

The quality of students' knowledge in the traditional system of education has long been of general concern. The preservation of the traditional lesson, the traditional class-lesson system leads to formalism in the assessment of the activities of students and teachers, in the impossibility of solving many vital tasks of education and upbringing. Improving the lesson - the main form of the learning process - is designed to ensure the organic unity of education, upbringing and development of students.

In this regard, in elementary school there was a problem of a way out of this situation.

Such a way out was seen in developmental education, in which mental neoplasms in a child arise not only in the content side of the psyche, but also in the procedural side, that is, the methods of mental, in particular intellectual activity.

Of particular importance for developmental education are the results of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the guidance of L.V. Zankova, V.V. Davydova, D.B. Elkonin. The main objective of the initial education of these studies is the overall development of students and its close relationship with learning.

Studies have shown that introducing younger schoolchildren to the foundations of science, mastering a system of theoretical concepts open up the possibility of restructuring the entire nature of the child's development, and form the ability for theoretical generalization.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically study the foundations of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov and practically prove the effectiveness of this system.

Hypothesis - developing education according to the system of L.V. Zankov has a positive impact on the depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as on the level general development

Object of study: developmental education.

Subject of study: features of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov.

1. Study the theoretical material on this issue.

2. Reveal the practical significance of developmental teaching methods.

3. to prove the need to apply developing methods according to the system of L.V. Zankov in the process of education and upbringing.

The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis of literary sources on the problem under study; observation, conversation; ascertaining and forming experiment, statistical data processing.

1. Analysis of the literature on the problem of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov

1.1 Fundamentals of developmental learning

General characteristics of the concept of "developmental education".

At the heart of the organization traditional learning lies the classroom principle. The traditional school is built on this principle. Ya.A. Comenius and I.F. Herbart. The main thesis is “teaching everyone everything”. The main idea is that knowledge develops the personality of the student, learning cannot but develop. traditional school in her classic version are distinguished by clear and rigid frameworks, clearly defined boundaries in the organization educational process, strict laws of interaction between teachers and students. characteristic features traditional teaching is the predominance of communicating teaching (the teacher communicates knowledge to the student), normativity (strict education standards are set, the assimilation of which is mandatory for each student), orientation towards the "average" student. Taking into account the individual abilities of schoolchildren is limited by the given canons, the student is the object of training, relations with the teacher are often built according to an authoritarian type.

The traditional school is aimed at solving two main problems. Firstly, it should equip students with solid knowledge, and secondly, prepare them for life by developing the most important skills and abilities. Thus, in the traditional course of study, development was relegated to the background for a long time. This problem worried both foreign and domestic teachers. The way out of this situation was found in developmental training.

In recent years, public attention has been increasingly attracted to the ideas of developmental education, which are associated with the possibility of fundamental changes in the school. Moreover, one of the main principles of school reform is the principle of developing education.

Back in the early 1930s, the outstanding Russian humanist psychologist L.S. Vygotsky substantiated the possibility and expediency of education focused on the development of the child. According to him, pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of child development. Learning is good only when it goes ahead of development.

In the formation of the system of developing education, three stages are quite clearly distinguished. The first of them, covering the end of the 50s-60s, is the period of creating a fundamentally new theoretical concept for the development of younger schoolchildren in conditions schooling. At the second stage (in the 70s), on the basis of this concept, by order of the then Ministry of Education of the USSR, a draft system of developing primary education was developed. Finally, after a short break, in the late 1980s the period of mastering the system by a mass general education school began.

In the late 1980s, the first schools appeared that adopted the concept of developmental education.

A school of developmental education can be built according to the scheme:

ts appointment: promotion of self-realization and self-affirmation of the individual, the formation of more perfect interpersonal and social relations; humanization of relations;

ts view: personal and social orientation;

ts principles: scientific, objective;

ts character: creative, productive;

ts goal: personal development, prevention of dead ends in development;

c educational process: the predominance of individually differentiated forms, creative approach;

ts technology: new, focused on facilitating student and pedagogical work;

c management: the student is the subject of activity; the object of management is a holistic pedagogical situation; support for the personal initiative of students;

ts style: democratic, encouraging;

c organization: based on knowledge and consideration of the patterns of life of a growing and developing personality;

c student: source of own development; subject of activity;

ts teacher: friend of children, humanist. Open to learners, collaborative;

c control: internal, integral;

ts consequences: love for school, desire to learn, cooperate, develop, cohesion, mutual understanding, confidence;

ts results: active, proactive, developed, liberated, self-confident, self-righteous, viable personality.

The developmental education scheme did not appear out of nowhere. As long as there is a school in general, so many the best minds solve the problem - how to teach, what to teach, what to develop.

So, developmental education is a holistic pedagogical system, an alternative to the traditional system of primary education.

This is the orientation of the educational process to the potential of the child and their implementation.

The purpose of developmental education is to educate each student as a subject of his own life, that is, a person who is able to independently set certain tasks for himself and find the best means and ways to solve them.

Developmental learning concepts.

The problem of regularities and principles of education is reflected in the concepts of developmental education developed by domestic psychologists and teachers. In the last decade, theorists and practitioners of domestic education have been paying more and more attention to this problem, devoting it to scientific works, creating teaching aids and special programs.

Ideas L.S. Vygotsky were further developed in the works of D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova and L.V. Zankov. In the 1960s, they developed the concepts of developmental education, on the basis of which experimental studies were carried out at school.

However, many pedagogues-scientists, teachers and methodologists still have vague ideas about the essence of developmental education, about its various types and forms, that in pedagogy there are a number of concepts of developmental education that interpret this issue in different ways. Let's look at some of these concepts.

The concept of V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin

In the 60s. 20th century a research team led by psychologists V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin tried to establish the role and importance of the younger school age in the mental development of man. D.B. Elkonin, analyzing the educational activity of schoolchildren, saw its originality and essence not in the assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, but in the child's self-change of himself as a subject.

D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Repkin believe that each age corresponds to a certain leading activity, which is mastered at the appropriate age level and assigned as an individual ability, as a mental neoplasm.

Based on this periodization for primary school age, the leading activity is educational activity, and the corresponding neoplasm is theoretical consciousness and thinking, and the corresponding abilities are reflection, analysis, mental planning. All other pedagogical tasks at this age can be solved only on the basis of the emerging learning activities and it is she who determines the development of the imagination, and the formation of the emotional sphere, and the like.

In a traditional school, the entire content of academic disciplines is based on empirical knowledge, empirical communication. The child formally-logically or with the help of external associations and analogies classifies the world.

According to V.V. Davydov, to build an artificial pedagogical action that provides deep penetration student into educational content, it is necessary to help the child make a content-genetic generalization, when, analyzing a specific phenomenon, we isolate its essence, “acting as a general relation”, and then, analyzing, mentally experimenting with this essence, we build its new concrete manifestations. This path is an interpretation of a special path of knowledge known as "ascent from the abstract to the concrete."

The unfolding of subject material is the unfolding of a system of theoretical concepts in time. As a result, in a specially structured training, the child must learn its origin. Such acquisition by a child of knowledge (concepts) as a general method (principle) for a specific phenomenon is called V.V. Davydov by the procedure of content-genetic generalization.

In the system of developing education, the lesson itself is changing. The didactic core of the lesson is the activity of students.

Students do not just decide, discuss, but observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Their actions with educational material are transformative.

The relationship between the activities of the teacher, student, class team depends on the organization of work in the lesson. Collaboration, interaction with another person is the only way to master, to appropriate culture. But the culture is multilevel, heterogeneous. And just as diverse are the forms of cooperation, plunging into which the child masters various layers of culture.

The relationship between the cultural content and the form of cooperation was most precisely formulated by L.S. Vygotsky: "A new type of generalization requires a new type of communication."

As a preschooler, the child was involved in the development of forms of cooperation (infant, children, play). However, having crossed the threshold of the school, he is invited to master another completely new form of cooperation - educational cooperation.

Learning collaboration focuses on ways of thinking and acting that are common to all people, not on the unique uniqueness of each person. Educational cooperation is aimed at the result, and the result is new ways of action mastered by the child.

Developmental education is impossible without specially organized cooperation. Educational cooperation is necessary in training aimed at educating a person who is able to teach, change himself.

Petrovsky V.A. and Vinogradova A.M. There are three forms of cooperation:

1. educational cooperation with adults;

2. educational cooperation with peers;

3. meeting (many meetings) of the child with himself, changing in the course of learning.

Educational cooperation should be built as an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance, in which both parties participate - both the teacher and the children. The educational cooperation of the teacher with the student is a prototype of the child's future individual ability for educational improvement. Once in new conditions and finding out for himself the limitations of his own capabilities, a person has three options for action:

c create, invent a new way;

ts find the missing way in the books;

c learn about the desired method of action from the person who owns it.

The first and second options are found in individual younger schoolchildren, and in these cases we are talking about giftedness or advanced development. The third way is the norm for a younger student who owns learning cooperation.

What should be the educational cooperation of the teacher with the class, preparing the child for the active position of the student, that is, teaching himself with the help of an adult and peers?

D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov believes that “all forms of school relationships should be of a general nature and regulate not only the “child-adult” relationship, but also the “child-child” relationship. At the same time, norm-compliant behavior develops more effectively not in the whole class, but in small children's groups, which are also emotional support groups for the child.

Initially, younger students perform learning activities together, support each other in accepting and solving the problem, discussing the choice of the best search path. It is in these situations that zones of proximal development arise. In other words, at the first stages, learning activity is carried out by a collective subject. Gradually, everyone begins to independently implement it, becoming its individual subject.

The concept of developing education V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonina is aimed primarily at the development of creativity as the basis of personality. It is this type of developmental learning that they oppose to the traditional one. Many provisions of this concept have been confirmed in the course of long-term experiments. Its development and approbation continues at the present time. However, this concept is still insufficiently implemented in mass educational practice.

The concept of the phased formation of mental actions.

This concept was developed on the basis of the theory of P.Ya. Galperin and N.F. Talyzina and can be represented as a series of stages.

The first stage involves the actualization of the corresponding motivation of the student, a preliminary acquaintance with the purpose of the action, since only in the case when the purpose of the task coincides with the motive, actions can be considered an activity.

The second stage is connected with the realization of the scheme of the orienting basis of the activity (action). Students first get acquainted with the nature of the activity, the conditions for its flow, the sequence of orientation, executive and control functions. The level of generalization of actions, and hence the possibility of transferring them to other conditions, depends on the completeness of the orienting basis of these actions. There are three types of such a basis:

c gives an incomplete system of orientations in ready-made, according to the model, necessary for operational execution (for example, mastering the elements of reading technique);

c the complete orienting basis of the action is given in finished form;

The orienting basis of action is proposed in a generalized form.

The third stage is the performance of an action in an external form, material or materialized, i.e. using any models, diagrams, drawings, etc. These actions include not only orientation, but also executive and control functions. At this stage, students are required to provide verbal accompaniment (speaking out loud) of the operations performed and their features.

The fourth stage involves external speech, when the action is subjected to further generalization due to speech (oral or written) design and separation from materialized means.

The fifth stage is the stage of inner speech, at which the action takes on a mental form.

Finally, the sixth stage is associated with the performance of the action in the mental plane (the internalization of the action).

The advantage of the concept of the phased formation of mental actions is the creation of conditions for the student to work at an individual pace and for motivated self-management of educational and cognitive activity.

In addition to those we have considered, there are whole line concepts, such as: the concept of Z.I. Kalmykova, who believes that developing is such training that forms productive, or creative, thinking; concept of L.M. Friedman, from the point of view of which the most significant in the development of children is the nature of their activities in educational process, the main goal of which is the education of a comprehensively developed and socially mature personality; concept of N.N. Pospelov, focused on the formation of mental operations, which act as a condition and means of organizing developmental learning; concept of E.N. Kabanova-Meller, which is also associated with the formation of thinking operations, which she calls the methods of educational work and defines them as a system of actions that serve to solve educational problems. So, developmental education is a holistic pedagogical system, an alternative to the traditional system of primary education, orienting the educational process to the child's potential and their implementation. The purpose of developmental education is to educate each student as a subject of his own life, that is, a person who is able to independently set certain tasks for himself and find the best means and ways to solve them.

1.2 Developmental education according to L.V. Zankov

General characteristics of L.V. Zankov.

When substantiating a new approach to primary education, L.V. Zankov criticized the traditional method in the 1960s. In his opinion, the programs and teaching methods do not provide the maximum possible overall development of students and at the same time give a low level of knowledge and skills. This happens because educational material has a lightweight, primitive character with a low theoretical level; teaching methods rely on the memory of students to the detriment of thought; the limitation of experiential knowledge leads to verbalism, the curiosity and individuality of children is ignored; slow pace of learning is practiced.

In the development of a new training system, L.V. Zankov proceeded from the position of L.S. Vygotsky: learning should lead development. And he showed what learning should be like so that it can lead development.

The development of children in this system is understood not in a narrow sense, not as the development of individual aspects - attention, memory, imagination, and the like, but as a general development of the individual. The general development of L.V. Zankov considers it as an integral movement of the psyche. Each neoplasm in the psyche in the course of general development arises as a result of the interaction of the mind, will, and feelings of the child, as a result of their integral unity.

The system is distinguished by faith in each child, in his strength. At the same time, it is taken into account that the development of each child is uneven - sometimes slowly, sometimes abruptly - depending on his individual characteristics, from the characteristics of the higher nervous system, his experience, etc. "The system accepts the child as he is, seeing in each adult with his own characteristics, mindset and character."

So, the general development of younger schoolchildren in the framework of the experimental work of L.V. Zankov was considered as the development of abilities, namely: observation, the ability to perceive phenomena, facts (natural, speech, mathematical, aesthetic, etc.); abstract thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize, etc.; practical action, the ability to create some material object, to perform manual operations, simultaneously developing perception and thinking.

The task of learning. At the forefront in Zankov's system is the task of general mental development, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, feelings of children and is regarded as solid foundation acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The teacher must reorient himself in the vision of the student, perceive him not only as capable or incapable of mastering the school curriculum, but also as a person with all his experiences, desires, interests, a person who came to school not only to gain knowledge, but also to in order to live happily and fully these years.

S.A. Guseva notes in this regard: “Analyzing my work experience and asking myself why it is so good, exactly the way I wanted, is developing my students have interest and affection for learning, for my lessons, for me as a teacher, I give myself this answer. The reason lies in the fact that I managed to reorganize my views on the student, to understand and accept the task of the general development of schoolchildren, and not just their learning.

This provision can be considered as the principle of selecting the content of education. In other words, the content of education includes both theoretical and empirical knowledge. The world in colors, forms, sounds flows into consciousness, into spiritual world child.

The richness of the content of education is achieved, firstly, through the inclusion in academic plan as separate subjects of natural science, geography; secondly, by enriching the content of the subjects generally accepted in the primary grades - the Russian language, reading, mathematics, labor training, subjects of the aesthetic cycle; thirdly, by changing the ratio of the significance of the so-called main and non-main subjects. From the point of view of general development, there are no main and non-main subjects. And no less important than the advancement of students in mastering spelling skills, counting, reading is the mastery of visual activity, familiarization with works of art, the development of skills to observe the world around them; fourthly, by increasing the proportion of knowledge acquired by children under the guidance of a teacher outside the school walls, during various kinds of excursions; fifthly, by introducing independent, personal, worldly observations of children into the course of the lesson; sixth, an important element of the content of education in the "Zankov" classes is the child's own "I", the child's awareness of himself.

This approach to the selection of the content of education provides a variety of activities for children in the learning process. Everyone is given the opportunity to experience success not in one, but in another kind of activity.

Teaching methodology. One of the properties of L.V. Zankova is its versatility: not only the intellect of the student, but also emotions, aspirations, volitional qualities and other aspects of the personality are involved in the sphere of teaching.

Further L.V. Zankov singles out such a property as the procedural nature of cognition. The study of each segment of the course is included as an element in the study of another segment, each element of knowledge enters into wider and wider connections with other elements.

The next property is the focus of the technique on resolving collisions, i.e. collisions of knowledge encountered in the course of studying the material, their inconsistency. Independent, of course, with the guiding role of the teacher, the resolution of conflicts by children serves to excite intensive learning activity, and, consequently, to the development of thinking.

Didactic principles of L.V. Zankov.

In the course of an experimental pedagogical study of the problem of learning and development, L.V. Zankov formulated new didactic principles of the system:

c training at a high level of difficulty (in compliance with the measure of difficulty);

- the leading role of theoretical knowledge;

c study of program material at a fast pace;

c awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren;

and the general development of all students, including the strongest and the weakest.

New didactic principles, emphasized L.V. Zankov, do not replace, do not develop, do not supplement previously established principles. They arose in the logic of scientific research on the problem of study and development, they have their own interconnection, their own system, outside of which they cannot exist.

New didactic principles underlie the selection of the content of education in the primary grades and the basis of its methodological organization.

Consider the didactic principles of L.V. Zankov for more details.

The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty is characterized, according to L.V. Zankov, not so much because it exceeds the “average norm” of difficulty, but above all because it reveals the child’s spiritual powers, gives them scope and direction. This refers to the difficulty associated with the knowledge of the essence of the phenomena being studied, the dependencies between them, with a genuine familiarization of schoolchildren with the values ​​of science and culture.

The most significant thing here is that the assimilation of certain knowledge becomes both the property of the student and the next step, ensuring his transition to a higher level of development. Learning at a high level of difficulty is accompanied by compliance with a measure of difficulty, which is relative.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education was put forward by L.V. Zankov as a principle inextricably linked with the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. He outlines the nature of the difficulty, shows that "we do not mean any difficulty, but the difficulty that lies in the knowledge of the interdependence of phenomena, their internal essential connection."

According to M.V. Zvereva, there was no such aspiration to reveal the internal interconnection, such a promotion of the cognitive side of education. It can hardly be denied that it is the disclosure of internal connections between phenomena, facts, between the topics studied that permeates experimental learning. This is reflected in the programs and textbooks, not only in mathematics, but also in all other academic subjects taught in experimental classes: natural science, geography, artistic work, musical art, Russian language, reading, history.

The desire to reveal internal relationships is the main thing in the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge, and not the fact that before or after some specific, particular knowledge, a general position is reported.

The principle of studying program material at a fast pace. Revealing the essence of this principle, L.V. Zankov emphasizes, first of all, his service role in relation to the principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty. “Illegal slowing down of the pace associated with repeated and monotonous repetition of the past,” writes L.V. Zankov - creates obstacles or even makes it impossible to study at a high level of difficulty, since the educational activity of the student goes mainly along the knurled paths.

At the same time, the importance of its independent role is emphasized, since it guides the teacher to a correct understanding of the patterns of the child's mental activity. It requires continuous enrichment, renewal of the content of mental activity, which is necessary condition comprehension of the studied material, a condition for the disclosure of various aspects of the acquired knowledge.

It is very important that, when revealing this principle, it is pointed out that it is unlawful to confuse it with the requirement to hurry, to give as many tasks as possible in the same lesson.

An effective tool that allows both strong and weak students to go at a fast pace is the use of a differentiated methodology, the specificity of which is that different students go through the same topics of the program with unequal depth.

The principle of students' awareness of the learning process is one of the most important principles of the new didactic system. Revealing the essence of this principle, L.V. Zankov writes that this principle is both close to the generally accepted principle of the consciousness of acquiring knowledge and differs from it. “The principle of consciousness in its usual sense and our principle of awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren differ from each other in terms of the object and nature of awareness. If in the first awareness is turned outward, having as its object information, skills that need to be mastered, then in the second it is turned inward, towards the course of educational activity.

What is the subject of students' awareness, what aspects of the learning process? We find the following answers to these questions in the book “Education and Development”: “How are the acquired knowledge related to each other, what are the different aspects of mastering spelling or computational operations, what is the mechanism for the occurrence of errors and their prevention - these and many other questions related to the process of mastering knowledge and skills, are the subject of close attention of schoolchildren.

M.V. Zvereva notes that everything that turns out to be the subject of schoolchildren's awareness in the real learning process carried out in experimental classes has not found its full disclosure, its full concretization here. Such disclosure was not the direct task of the author of the above lines. Now, using the experience of teachers of "Zankov" classes, the experience of further development of a methodological system of developmental education, we have the opportunity to supplement the characterization of the lines along which the students' awareness of the learning process proceeds. This should include the schoolchildren's awareness of the genesis, the origins of knowledge, both from a universal and from a personal, individual point of view. So, in geography lessons, the teacher invites children to think about the questions: how did people find out what the Northern Arctic Ocean what is the nature like there? How did people learn about that part of the globe that is located around the South Pole of the Earth? And how do we know about it? In mathematics lessons, the teacher directs children to think about how numbers appeared, how zero appeared as a sign for writing numbers, who “prompted” people to use zero? And how do we know about all this? In history lessons or when studying historical information in reading lessons, children comprehend how, from what sources they received this or that information on history.

To some extent, students primary school can be and are being brought to an awareness of the types of knowledge with which they deal in the study of certain academic subjects.

Teachers take one more step in the realization of the considered principle. It is no longer about schoolchildren's awareness of the process of learning, but rather about schoolchildren's awareness of themselves, about awareness of their inner world. So, the teacher offers third-graders the following task: at home, try to remember when one of them first heard the tales of A.S. Pushkin, from whom he heard. To mobilize oneself for such introspection is unusual and difficult for most children. But such tasks are an impetus for introspection, awareness of one's feelings.

The principle of the general development of all students, including the strongest and the weakest, according to L.V. Zankov, clarifies the field of action of all the previous ones.

This principle has a special place in the system. L.V. Zankov explained this by the fact that an avalanche of training exercises falls upon weak students. According to the traditional methodology, this measure is necessary to overcome the failure of schoolchildren. Experience L.V. Zankova showed the opposite: overloading the unsuccessful with training tasks does not contribute to the development of children, but increases their lag. The underachievers, no less, but more than other students, need systematic work to develop them. Experiments have shown that such work leads to shifts in the development of weak students and to better results in the assimilation of knowledge and skills.

To understand this principle, let us correlate it with the principle of an individual approach, which appears in generally accepted didactics. What are the similarities and differences between them? The proposition of both principles is based on the recognition of individual differences between children entering the same class. The school provides an opportunity for all children to study according to a single program, for all to master the achievements of universal human culture. But at the same time, the school recognizes the need to take into account the individual characteristics of students. The teacher is required to study schoolchildren, to know their individual characteristics, to take them into account in the learning process.

However, under normal school conditions individual approach It boils down to the fact that the teacher studies the gaps in the knowledge of children and seeks ways to eliminate them. By implementing an individual approach in this way, the teacher seeks to bring the weak to the level of the average, the average to the level of the strong. However, it remains unknown to what level to pull up the strong. The strong one turns out to be the standard and, in fact, turns out to be outside the scope of the principle of an individual approach.

Approaching the student's personality from the point of view of general development, we see that there can be no standard to which others must be drawn. A weak problem solver in mathematics may have an exceptional flair for the artistic side of reality; A brilliant student in math can be an absolute sucker in practical terms. The question is, who should be pulled to whom? Artist, weak problem solver, - to mathematics? Or a brilliant mathematician, absolutely insensitive to the image, to the colors, to the sounds, to the artist?

Naturally, with training aimed at general development, we cannot talk about pulling one up to the level of another. It can be about giving space to the individuality of each.

The only question is how to reveal the individuality of the student, how to find out what is strong in each child, what is weak, in what he is higher than the rest, in what he is lower. This, of course, is very difficult, especially if you remember that the child's personality is not made up of two or three qualities, but is a complex "bundle of strings", and in order to recognize them, you need to provide the opportunity to "sound" each of these strings.

In "Zankov" classes, the opportunity to express themselves in various aspects is provided both by the richness of the content of education that schoolchildren deal with, and by the richness and variety of teacher's work methods based on the described principles. This wealth makes it possible to provide a variety of activities for students. In turn, this leads to the fact that the teacher has the opportunity to observe the child in different ways, while the child, as it were, gropes for his path of the most vivid manifestation and development. Everyone advances in development in accordance with his initial data, and not only pulls himself up to some externally given level.

With this functioning of the principle, which focuses on identifying and taking into account individual differences between children, a large scatter of data characterizes one or another side of the student's development or the assimilation of one or another academic subject. In the same class there are students who stand at the most different levels according to one indicator or another. At the same time, one and the same student finds himself at different levels in the development of different aspects of the psyche and in the assimilation of various academic subjects.

Thus, the principle of the general development of all students, including the weakest and the strongest, means that the experimental didactic system provides the opportunity for fruitful learning in the same class for all students, the optimal development of each. It eliminates the need to create special classes (the so-called leveling classes for weak students, i.e. for those who, from the very beginning of their studies, find low success in mastering the school curriculum, in this case, of course, we are not talking about children with organic damage to the nervous system , whose training in mass conditions is impossible, and special classes for strong students). And this is especially important to emphasize, because it is often believed that strong students lose in their development, studying in the same class with less successful students. Orientation to the overall development makes it possible for everyone to identify both weaknesses and strengths.

The considered principles were concretized in the programs and methods of teaching grammar, reading, mathematics, history, natural science. A comparative study of the general mental development of younger schoolchildren in the experimental and regular classes was carried out by means of an individual examination using special techniques. The features of observation (perception), thinking, practical actions for the manufacture of a given object were studied. Special features of the development of some children were traced throughout the entire primary education (longitudinal study). In particular, the interaction of thinking and emotions, observation and thinking was analyzed, the state of general mental, and not just mental development, was examined.

Proposed by L.V. Zankov didactic system proved to be effective for all stages of the learning process. However, despite its productivity in the development of the student, it remains an unrealized concept to date. In the 60-70s. attempts to introduce it into mass school practice did not give the expected results, because teachers were unable to provide new programs with appropriate teaching technologies.

The orientation of the school in the late 80's and early 90's. on personality-developmental education has led to a revival of this concept. But, as practice shows, proposed by L.V. Zankov didactic principles are not yet fully used.

2. Experimental study of the effectiveness of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov

2.1 Organization of the study

To identify the effectiveness of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov, we conducted a study that was conducted in three stages. At the first stage of the experiment, we conducted a stating cut to determine the depth and strength of the program knowledge, skills and abilities of students, including the minimum content of primary general education, as well as the level of general development of children.

The second stage of the experiment - formative - consisted in conducting an experimental group of classes with students according to the system of L.V. Zankov.

At the third stage - control - we determined the final level of depth and strength of the program knowledge, skills and abilities of students and analyzed the results.

So, the purpose of the experiment: to identify the effectiveness of developmental learning according to the system of L.V. Zankov.

As an experimental group, 9 students of the 2nd grade took part in the study, and as a control group (9 people) - students of the 3rd grade of the Luninskaya school of the Luninets district of the Brest region.

The study was conducted in February-April 2006.

2.2 Description of the course of the experiment and analysis of the results

Result professional activity The Zankovian teacher is determined primarily by the depth and strength of the program knowledge, skills and abilities of students, including a minimum of the content of primary general education, as well as by the level of general development of children. When checking tests, the teacher classifies errors and shortcomings according to subject knowledge, skills and abilities, filling in the proposed tables. An increase in the general level of development of students can be tracked on the basis of highlighting some indicators of this development.

To conduct a stating cut, we carried out verification work on the Russian language in the experimental and control groups.

The results of the ascertaining section are listed in tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Experimental group

Error classification

Maxim D.

Sergei P.

Job #1

Do not write out words with solid consonants

Job #2

Divide words into syllables

Job #3

Not all spellings underlined

Table 2. Control group

Error classification

Job #1

Job #2

Job #3

At the formative stage in the experimental group, we conducted classes according to the system of L.V. Zankov, in the control group, training was conducted in the traditional way.

At the final - control - stage of the experiment, we conducted a control cut to determine the depth and strength of the program knowledge, skills and abilities of students. To carry out the cut, we again used verification work.

Based on the results of the verification work, tables 3 and 4 were compiled.

Table 3. Experimental group

Error classification

Maxim D.

Sergei P.

Job #1

They did not write out the words with solid acc. sounds

Words with soft consonants were not written out

Letters denoting soft consonants were not underlined

Job #2

Divide words into syllables

Didn't underline the words that can't be moved

Not underlined words that can be moved

Job #3

Not all spellings underlined

Table 4. Control group

Error classification

Job #1

Defined only interrogative sentence

Defined only a narrative sentence.

Job #2

Did not perform grouping by word composition

Words with null endings are not underlined

Job #3

Not all words were matched with test words

So, after analyzing the data obtained based on the results of the experiment, we can state that the level of depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the experimental group increased, while in the control group we did not record any significant changes.

We presented the dynamics of changes in the level of knowledge of students in the experimental group in the diagram. The diagram shows the number of mistakes made by students during the test.

Thus, as a result of the conducted research, we made a conclusion about the effectiveness of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov.


developing zankov pedagogical student

In the first chapter of the course work, it was emphasized that the school, in its function, is aimed at the future development of society, it must ensure this future development.

The scientific and technological revolution in the 20th century dramatically complicated the nature of labor, it became predominantly intellectual, which required adjustments to be made to the system of mass education. Secondary and senior levels were built over the elementary school, with a fundamentally different, scientific content of knowledge. However, it turned out that the majority of students do not have the necessary abilities to master them. This gave rise to an insoluble contradiction between the mass nature of secondary education and the intellectual potential of students, which was the basis for the search for new forms and methods of education and upbringing.

The problem of regularities and principles of education is reflected in the concepts of developmental education developed by domestic psychologists and teachers.

At the end of the 50s. 20th century scientific team led by L.V. Zankov, a large-scale experimental study was undertaken to study the objective patterns and principles of learning. The efforts of researchers were aimed at developing a didactic system for teaching younger students, with the goal of their general mental development. They set the task of building such a system of primary education, which would achieve a much higher development of younger students than when teaching according to the canons of traditional methods.

The experimental system affected learning not only in elementary school. Research on developmental learning is available from other didacts: N.A. Menchinskaya, V.V. Davydova, D.V. Elkonin, N.F. Talyzina and others. They showed the possibilities of high school didactics to build the learning process as a developing one, using a number of methods and techniques in organizing educational activities.

Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov, we conducted an experimental study in order to identify the effectiveness of developmental learning. The results and conclusions of the pilot study are given in the second chapter of this work. They clearly indicate that the introduction of L.V. Zankov is not only justified, but also necessary.

The methods we used in practice have proven themselves well even with short-term use (about 3 months). There is reason to believe that with their constant use in the educational process, these methods will be even more effective.

Thus, the purpose of the study is to theoretically study the foundations of developmental education according to the system of L.V. Zankov and practically prove the effectiveness of this system - achieved; tasks have been completed. Hypothesis - developing education according to the system of L.V. Zankova has a positive impact on the depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as on the level of general development - confirmed.


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4. Guseva S.A. Commonwealth of scientist and teacher. - M., 1991.

5. Davydov V.V. Types of generalization in teaching. - M., 1972.

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7. Davydov V.V. Psychological theory of educational activity and methods of primary education based on meaningful generalization. - Tomsk, 1992.

8. Dneprov E.D. The fourth school reform in Russia. - M., 1994.

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