Wolf bast plant (poisonous): description, application features and reviews. Poisonous berries

Summer is a time to relax at the dacha, in the forest. Some plants native to your area are harmless, while others can be deadly poisonous. Today we would like to look at wolfberry: study its beneficial properties, and also dispel some myths.

Since childhood, our grandmother told us about the poisonous properties of wolfberry. However, few people know that there are several varieties of such berries. For example, Belladonna is a poisonous species, while the common wolfberry is not. Thus, wolfberry is a collective popular name that includes many varieties of the plant. Wolfberry and Crow's Eye are also poisonous. or dizziness can occur with Buckthorn and Snowberry. The plant Honeysuckle is not poisonous.

In addition to what was previously written, other inedible plants that have a specific color, for example, bright red, are often classified as wolfberry. Thus, red elderberry and some types of black elderberry are also in some way wolfberry.

A low shrub with small red berries that closely resemble goji, the standard wolfberry. Exactly this plant Most often it appears during stories from parents or grandmothers.

Beneficial features

As already noted, only two types of wolfberry are not poisonous - Dereza and True Honeysuckle. However, only the fruits of the first bush are suitable for consumption. Decoctions and teas are made from these berries, about them we're talking about a little lower.

In Russia, it is very difficult to get wolfberry. Its habitat is Ukraine, the Caucasus and Moldova. But, if you manage to buy Dereza somewhere, you will forever forget what a cold, runny nose, etc. are, because this plant strengthens the immune system, making the body more resistant to diseases.

Other types of wolfberry cannot boast of such properties, but can become useful on the farm. Some gardeners make poison for pests from poisonous fruits. It is worth noting that these are quite effective, but do not differ much from purchased substances: store-bought poisons and those made independently cause harm to the garden. It is absolutely forbidden to touch the wolfberry remedy: if it gets into even the smallest wound, it causes poisoning, and quite serious one at that.

Plants that have an attractive appearance are used to decorate a summer cottage and garden. For example, privet will perfectly complement landscape design, forming a hedge.

Some types of wolfberry are used in medicine for making. And in Nepal, local companies produce paper from wolf bast.

Thus, although poisonous fruits are unfit for consumption, they have become an integral part of industry and decoration.

Wolfberry fruit

Wolfberry is relatively easy to recognize among other plants. The poisonous plant grows in forest areas, very similar to currants. However, where wolfberry grows, currants cannot exist. The color of wolf bast is peculiar: the berries are dark and may have a purple tint. Another distinctive feature is the glossy surface of the fruit. In this regard, it is impossible to confuse the plant with wolfberry.

The berries contain solanine, a very strong poison. If you eat a dozen fruits, a person will experience dizziness, upset stomach, weakness, vomiting, and poor coordination of movements. But a large dosage can kill, and in a short time.

There is also wolfberry with red fruits. They strongly resemble goji, but are identical in properties to black fruits. Very often, citizens who want to lose weight go looking for local ones. As a result, they end up in the hospital in serious condition. Remember, although the berries are similar to the famous weight loss product, they have nothing in common except their appearance.

Wolfberry leaves

Each shrub has its own leaf shape. In this regard, it is difficult to remember certain types of wolfberry by foliage. It is worth noting that the leaves are also poisonous, just like the root, trunk and, of course, the berries themselves.

The leaves of wolfberry are small, oblong, have a clear oval shape, the tip is slightly pointed. Color – rich green.

The foliage is of no value. It is not used to prepare medicinal tea or decoction.

Uses of wolfberry

As already noted, wolfberry is used in medicines, as it has a number of useful properties:

  • normalizes heart function;
  • nervous system;
  • kidneys and liver;
  • supports immunity;
  • treats diseases of the eyes, joints and intestines.

Dereza is very similar to barberry. It makes a very tasty and also healthy drink. Below is the tea recipe.

Prepare a spoonful of barberry and 250 milliliters of water. Grind the wolfberry by passing it through a meat grinder or using a blender. Place the berry mass in a thermos. Fill it up hot water, but not with boiling water, because Dereza will lose all its properties. Wait half an hour for the tea to brew. You can drink this drink instead of regular tea.

Is wolfberry dangerous?

Dereza is rich in minerals, amino acids, vitamins B and C, iron, polysaccharides, etc. If you consume even a small amount of harmful fruits, you will end up in a hospital bed. And if you eat berries in large quantities, then death is possible. Rarely do doctors manage to save a person.

Wolfberry decoction

If you suffer from rectal fissure, hemorrhoids or spastic colitis, then prepare the following decoction.

  1. Boil 20 grams of wolfberry code for 20 minutes in a glass of water.
  2. Pass the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  3. Take a spoon morning and evening before meals.

A decoction of 60 grams of wolfberry, 20 grams of dandelion roots, 20 grams of parsley (fruits), the same amount of fennel fruits and twenty grams will improve digestion. peppermint. Pour 20 grams of herbal mixture into half a liter hot water(80°). Leave for 30 minutes. Drink two glasses of the drink in the morning.

This remedy is also a diuretic.

To treat constipation, the following recipe is useful: grind thirty grams of dry wolfberry bark, pour 200 grams of alcohol into it. You should insist for at least a week. Take a little (no more than a spoon) in the morning or lunch.

Why wolfberry poisonous plant? What does it look like and what poison does it contain? How to prevent poisoning and how to provide first aid if this happens? My daughter, who is going on a camping trip with her class, has so many questions. So let’s sort it out in order and look for answers, for the safety of children and the peace of mind of parents. In addition, we will also tell you about urgent measures in case of poisoning and the complicated consequences of inaction.

Wolf berries are very poisonous!

What is wolfberry?

Several people called “wolf berry” fruit bushes or plants with various brightly colored inedible berries. They, of course, have nothing to do with the wolf, but were called that because the harm and toxicity of these berries was associated with this animal. Fortunately, they are not seen so often in the forest, but it is still necessary to warn, especially children. Although they look appetizing, they are also very dangerous to eat. Wolf poisonous plants that can cause poisoning include:

  • belladonna,
  • wolfberry,
  • nightshade,
  • honeysuckle,
  • girl's grapes,
  • wolfberry or wolf's bast,
  • raven eye,
  • calligraphy,
  • snowberry,
  • May lily of the valley.

When walking in the forest, pay attention that these berries and herbs do not end up in your basket. Only if this is not the purpose of the collection medicinal quality. Due to their toxic properties, they are not officially manufactured in the production of medicinal products, but they are widely used in homeopathic remedies in the treatment of diseases of the skin, liver, problems with the heart, eyes, joints, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, urinary tract and immune systems.

It is very dangerous to self-medicate; you must first consult a doctor about taking medications that have contraindications. Your therapist will be able to advise you on a safe dosage and method of use for health benefits.

By the way, it's interesting that wolfberry and honeysuckle bushes are not considered poisonous plants. Tea is prepared from wolfberry berries to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. Honeysuckle is used in landscape design as a hedge. Juice squeezed from other poisonous berries serves as poison for pests. In this case, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and always wear gloves.

Why is wolfberry a poisonous plant?

This effect is exerted by the potent substance found in the berry - solanine. However, not only the berry, but all other parts of the bush are also dangerous. When the skin comes into contact with the wet bark of the bush, a feeling of pain and redness appears in this place. The sap, when squeezed from the bush, causes a burn with blisters and ulcers on the skin. Eating fruits in general can cause death due to cardiac arrest, depending on the amount eaten.

What does she look like?

Wolfberry is very poisonous!

What does the poisonous plant closest in name look like - wolfberry (wolf's bast)? Its description resembles a currant bush, only it grows in the forest. The berries are darker in color purple, although there are also ones with red berries. The difference is the glossy surface of the fruit. Moreover, he is famous interesting fact flowering before leaves appear.

In general, it is a maximum height of 150 cm, a small bush, having a gray stem bark with oblong and hard or smooth leaves. It blooms with beautiful tubular buds with four petals. The range of colors is white or pink, even red. Wolf berries are ready in the fall oval shape, resemble barberry berries.

Wolfberry poisoning

Wolfberry is a poisonous plant and accidental consumption of its fruits is very dangerous. Even a flowering plant is harmful - it irritates the respiratory mucosa.

Symptoms of poisoning are the appearance of:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • dizziness and loss of coordination;
  • excessive salivation and problems with swallowing;
  • a burn is felt in the mouth or throat; intestinal pain accompanied by gag reflexes and bleeding;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • eye irritation or conjunctivitis;
  • convulsion and fainting.

If you notice this condition immediately it is necessary to transport the person to the nearest hospital rather than self-medicate. This condition is dangerous to human health and inaction can lead to death. In the forest, it is difficult to be on time, orientate and act, but it is necessary.

First aid for poisoning

If possible, of course, call the rescue service, describing your location as accurately as possible.

Wolfberry is a poisonous plant, so even if you get a scratch from it, you need to wash the wound with an antiseptic.

It is necessary to call doctors in case of poisoning

If you are poisoned by fruits, induce vomiting before help arrives, it would be good to rinse your stomach for 2 percentage solution potassium permanganate, give plenty of fluids and several tablets of activated carbon per body weight. If possible, give an enema or a laxative.

The poison spreads throughout the body very quickly and affects all body systems. The patient must be laid down and by appropriate means warm up while waiting for help. When convulsions occur, give milk, starch solution or chlorine hydrate to drink. To help the heart and avoid shock, you can give any remedy, following the dosage according to the instructions.

You should put all this in your first aid kit with you in advance, in addition to food and water supplies. It wouldn’t hurt to check that your phone is charged, as well as the comfort of your shoes and clothes.

If there are several people on a hike and the road is precisely known, then the patient can be taken closer to the exit from the forest so that the ambulance can quickly take qualified measures from doctors.

Consequences for the body

In any case, wolfberry is a poisonous plant and poisoning will not pass without consequences and various complications, especially if you do not act, then, as a result, depending on the volume of fruit eaten, death is possible due to cardiac arrest. In almost every case, upon arrival of qualified assistance from specialists, the patient is hospitalized and taken to further treatment in the hospital.

To avoid cases of wolfberry poisoning, you need to talk about them when going to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, especially to children, so that they do not end up in trouble or know exactly how to act!


What does wolfberry look like?

Many people like to spend weekends in nature, walking through the forest, picking mushrooms, berries and herbs. However, if we are often warned about mushrooms and informed about dangerous species, then with berries everything is more complicated. At first glance, the beautiful bright fruits seem harmless, and it is very difficult to understand which of them are poisonous. For example, wolfberry is common in our forests, which can cause not only food poisoning, but also be fatal. Therefore, it would be useful to learn more about this forest plant, its positive and negative qualities.

What is wolfberry - why is it called that?

The popular name “wolf berry” combines a large number of berry bushes and herbaceous plants with fruits black, white, red, orange color. These plants did not get their name because they are food for wolves. It’s just that previously it was believed that the wolf personifies evil, deceit, meanness, death, and wolfberry looks harmless, but in fact has a harmful toxic effect.

Description of poisonous shrubs and plants - fruit color, photo

Throughout the summer, many useful fruits ripen. forest berries: strawberries, currants, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, bird cherry. Just don’t forget that poisonous berries grow next to them, causing acute poisoning. Even if there are not so many of them, everyone needs to know what they look like, especially if you are taking children outdoors. The list of poisonous fruits is:

  • belladonna;
  • lily of the valley;
  • Boxthorn;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • honeysuckle;
  • daphne;
  • girl's grapes;
  • raven eye;
  • calliper;
  • buckthorn is brittle;
  • snowberry.

Wolf's bast or wolfberry - what it looks like

Daphne (wolfberry) – decorative evergreen shrub, the maximum height of which reaches 150 centimeters. The stems of the plant are straight, covered with gray bark, and have few branches. The leaves are oblong, alternate, supported on short petioles, and have a smooth and hard surface. In spring, the plant is covered with beautiful tubular, four-petaled flowers. The color of the buds varies from light pink, white to bright pink. By autumn, the flowers ripen into oval, deep red (sometimes yellow) fruits, appearance reminiscent of barberry.

All parts of the bush (bark, stem, flowers, berries, leaves) have toxic properties. For example, wet plant bark pressed against the skin causes severe irritation and pain. When a few drops of wolfberry juice come into contact, a burn occurs, which is characterized by redness, blisters and ulcers. Berries are considered deadly; 5 fruits are enough to cause severe poisoning.

Signs of poisoning by wolf bast fruits are:

  • excessive salivation and problematic swallowing;
  • pain in the intestines, accompanied by vomiting with blood;
  • a feeling of a burn on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • convulsions, weakness, fainting.

Crow's eye

This is perennial small plant, no more than 40 cm high. Crow's eye or cross grass has a long branched root shoot, a straight and smooth stem, crowned with a rosette of four (less often five) leaves. The shape of the leaves of the crow's eye is oval or ovoid, pointed at the ends. The arrangement of the leaves is cross-shaped. A greenish-yellow flower blooms in the center of the peduncle in spring. At the end of July - beginning of August, a round blue-black berry is formed from the flower, up to 1 centimeter in diameter, covered with a mucous coating.

A plant with a "crow" berry is often found in coniferous and deciduous forests, where there are shady place and a lot of moisture. The plant and its berries contain deadly poisonous substance– saponin paristifin. A dose of 10 berries is fatal. When poisoning with crow's eye fruits, the following symptoms are observed:

  • sore throat;
  • burning in the mouth;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • dizziness, significant dilation of the pupils;
  • Strong headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • interruptions in heart rhythm;
  • heart failure;
  • convulsions;
  • cessation of breathing, paralysis of the respiratory center.


Honeysuckle is a creeping, erect, climbing shrub that represents the genus Honeysuckle. The plant can have a height of 60 to 120 centimeters, and some varieties grow up to 5 meters. The length of honeysuckle leaves is 2-3 centimeters, located on office petioles, they are oblong, with a bright shade, below – pale. Honeysuckle flowers, like berries, can be varied - white, yellow, blue, pink. The plant blooms in the second half of May.

In mid-summer, honeysuckle bears fruit. Berries have different shapes, color and taste. There are varieties of fruits that are sweet, sour, sweet and sour, with bitterness, aroma of pineapple or strawberry. The color of the fruit is dark blue, red, black, orange. The shape of the berry is spherical or oval. The plant is found in forests, it is grown in nurseries, and used for summer cottages, vegetable gardens. Not all varieties of honeysuckle berries can be eaten; some of them are poisonous. Distinctive feature The edible fruit is the color. They eat only oblong blue and black berries.

Dereza vulgare (goji) - Chinese berry for weight loss

Goji is a non-poisonous plant native to China, and its berries have beneficial properties and are widely used in medicine. The fruits of wolfberry are very similar to barberry, have the same shape and color. The berry contains a huge amount of useful substances, such as:

  • minerals (21 items);
  • amino acids;
  • The fruits contain B vitamins and a lot of vitamin C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • polysaccharides;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • monosaccharides;
  • selenium.

Chinese doctors recommend using goji berries as a multivitamin supplement to food. It is believed that wolfberry fruits slow down the aging process and can help fight diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer. Chinese nutritionists add goji berries to the diet when losing weight, as they:

  • Promote the production of growth hormone, due to which the body burns fat.
  • The berry contains a small amount of carbohydrates and has a low calorie content, so it is allowed if you follow the Dukan diet.
  • Wolfberry fruits prevent the formation of harmful free radicals, thereby relieving the stress the body endures during dieting.
  • Fatty acids in the berry help speed up metabolism and remove toxins.
  • Eating wolfberry fruits improves vision.
  • Help eliminate dysfunction of the diuretic system.

It is impossible to guarantee 100% weight loss when eating goji berries. The rate of weight loss depends not only on the fruit, but also on the chosen diet, diet, menu, individual characteristics body. On average, when eating berries, you lose 1-2 kilograms per week. During the diet, in addition to berries, you need to eat only healthy foods, reduce or completely abandon flour products. Affect the speed of weight loss physical exercise and regular long walks fresh air. The fruits of wolfberry are brewed as tea and added to porridge.

Beneficial properties of wolfberry and its use

Wolfberry is actively used in medicine to treat diseases:

  • hearts;
  • nervous system;
  • kidney;
  • baked;
  • immune system;
  • eye;
  • joints;
  • intestinal tract.

From wolf berries to folk medicine decoctions and tinctures are prepared, which are then used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, radiculitis, paralysis, sore throat, tinnitus, cardiovascular diseases. The entire plant (fruit, root, juice, leaves, stem), which is collected only in dry weather, has medicinal properties, as well as toxic ones. Due to toxicity official medicine Wolfberries are not used. The fruits are added to homeopathic medicines to treat skin diseases.

  • To treat constipation, it is not the berries that are actively used, but the bark of the wolfberry plant. To do this, take dry bark (30 grams) and chop finely. Pour the resulting mixture with 200 grams of 30% alcohol, let it brew for 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture once a day.
  • For increased acidity of gastritis, wolfberry leaves are used. Take 10 grams of dried leaves of oregano, plantain, nettle, wolfberry, add half a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink the prepared herbal tincture three times a day after meals, 70 ml.

What to do if you have symptoms of poisoning from a poisonous plant

If you do not help a person who has been poisoned by wolfberries in time, death is inevitable. The toxic properties of the plant and its fruits spread throughout the body very quickly. If you have symptoms of poisoning from the berries of any poisonous plant, you should urgently call ambulance or take the victim to the nearest hospital. While you wait for the doctor, do the following:

  • Try to empty your stomach of poisonous berries. Induce vomiting. Do a gastric lavage from the fruits: give the victim a lot of water (1-3 liters) with the addition of activated carbon (4 tablespoons per liter) or potassium permanganate, again induce vomiting so that the remaining fruits come out. Do this procedure several times.
  • If you have medications, give the patient any cardiac or laxative, because the toxic effect of the plant’s fruits causes cardiac arrest, desiccation of the body and shock.
  • When a person experiences convulsions after eating the fruits of a poisonous plant, use chloral hydrate or milk, a starch solution.
  • After emergency care from poisoning with berries or a plant, put the victim in bed, wrap him in a blanket, cover him with warm heating pads and wait for a doctor.

Wolfberry, according to Wikipedia, is not one clearly defined plant. This phrase is a collective name for many plants whose fruits are toxic or irritating. The group, popularly called “wolfberry,” includes wolfberry, crow’s eye, crowberry, belladonna, red elderberry, castor bean, honeysuckle honeysuckle and others.

Belladonna or belladonna

This beautiful word, which translated means “beautiful lady,” is the name of a plant whose poisonous berries can cause the death of a person who eats it. Both the roots of this plant and its leaves are also harmful. Even just touching belladonna causes skin damage similar to a chemical burn. That is why people gave belladonna another name - wolf berry. The plant itself can grow up to one and a half meters in height. The famous belladonna Atropa, about which there is a legend. After all, the word Atropa comes from Atropos - the name of one of the three Fates. Exactly these greek goddesses allegedly held magic scissors in their hands, with which they cut the threads of human lives. But in real life Wolfberry can suddenly end the lives of not only people, but also animals.

St. John's wort

Speaking about poisonous berries, we should remember others, such as the fruits of lily of the valley, juniper Tamariscifolia, and St. John's wort. And these plants ripen bright, attractive berries that just beg to be eaten. Many are confused by the fact that St. John's wort and lily of the valley are medicinal plants and should not be fraught with danger. However, the fruits of these plants are inedible berries. For example, St. John's wort is often used as a hedge in gardens and courtyards. You can also find this shrub in forests. The berries, when ripe, first turn red and then turn black or purple. medicinal plants they are used in medicine. But it is not recommended to eat attractive berries just like that - they are poisonous.


The Solanaceae family includes potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, physalis and nightshade itself. Nightshades also come in several varieties. Widely represented in middle lane In Russia, black nightshade is an annual herbaceous plant. It is found in ravines and gardens, on the shores of reservoirs and in bush thickets. The above-ground part of the plant is often used to make medicines. But you should be careful with berries. This plant is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, the ripe fruits of nightshade have been used by people for food since ancient times, both raw and as a filling for pies. But unripe berries can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, you should be extremely careful if this insidious plant grows nearby. When picking berries for a pie, you need to carefully select only ripe fruits of a bright black color.

Red elderberry

Both privet and red elderberry are not a rare old-timer in yards, especially in rural areas. There is a belief that the clusters of bright berries from these plants repel mice and rats. Perhaps that is why our ancestors planted these shrubs so actively. And in the spring they delight the eye with their beautiful blooms. But you absolutely cannot eat their berries - they are poisonous! This is especially true for fresh fruits hanging on branches and tempting those who do not know about the dangers of these beautiful berries. Of course, it’s better to just uproot this elderberry out of harm’s way! But here lies the problem: this shrub is so tenacious that next year, from a small piece of root remaining in the ground, a new plant will again reach for the sun.

Lyko is shrubby plant, in wild conditions not exceeding a height of 1 m, but when favorable conditions the bush can reach 2.5 m. In spring, pink flowers, which are located in the axils of the leaves. Most often, this plant can be found in shaded areas at the edge of the forest.

What does a wolf's bast look like?

The wolf's bast shrub is a low plant about 1 m high, in autumn and spring period The shoots of the bush are colored gray-brown; in some cases, the color of the bark can be yellowish-gray. As a rule, in the spring the plant produces young shoots that have a more grayish bark color and, in addition, many young shoots may be covered with brownish spots. But, at the same time, this plant has few branches and occupies a fairly compact area. The leaves are attached to the shoots with the help of short petioles, elongated, ovoid in shape, sometimes they can be narrower, somewhat reminiscent of a lancet. When flowers form in the leaf axils (usually flowering in central Russia begins in April–May) in the southern regions of Russia, flowering may begin earlier. The flowers are collected in bunches and most often have a pinkish tint, less often white.

After flowering the fruits appear:

  • Oval shape;
  • Reddish in color;
  • Externally looking appetizing and juicy.

This plant can be found in floodplain forests near the banks of reservoirs, as well as on the edges of forests. Prefers soils rich in nutrients, this plant is distributed throughout almost all of Europe and Asia Minor.

The berries usually fit tightly together and tightly grip the branch. But under no circumstances should you eat them, as they are poisonous; only 10–12 berries are enough to cause fatal poisoning.

There are more than 50 species of this type of plant: there are evergreen plants, there are semi-deciduous ones, which grow mainly in warm regions not only of Russia, but also in warm regions of other countries. There are species that tolerate harsh climates well; such plants can grow in more northern regions and in the mountains.

What color are wolf bast berries and what is the plant?

Wolf's bast is a poisonous plant, but, nevertheless, very beautiful, especially in the spring, when flowering begins. The peculiarity of the wolf's bast is that first beautiful flowers appear on it (somewhat reminiscent of the colors of lilac); the shoots of this plant during the flowering period are covered with pinkish-white flowers.

If you stay near the plant for a long enough time, the smell from the flowers can cause a headache.

The flowers of this plant are collected in bunches that somewhat resemble nests (to be sure of this, it is best to look at the pictures). At the same time, the flowers of some species of this plant exude a delicate aroma. But at the same time, if you come closer to enjoy its smell, the pleasant smell will suddenly change to a less pleasant one.

The plant itself:

  1. It is a bush.
  2. In wild growing conditions it rarely exceeds a height of 1-1.5 m.
  3. If the plant is grown for decorative purposes, then the height of the bushes with proper care can reach a height of up to 2 m.

The plant grows best in more acidic and damp soils that are rich in nutrients. In principle, they are grown on almost any soil, but it is important to have sufficient moisture and fertilizing, and then the plants long years will delight a person with his beautiful flowers. To verify this, you can look at the data flowering plant, what it looks like, what color it is, and whether it’s worth growing it on your property.

What is bast

After the flowering period, the wolfberry plant develops narrow leaves, which are attached to the main shoots by short cuttings. Closer to autumn, berries appear that look very beautiful in appearance, bright, shiny red, but, despite their beauty, are deadly poisonous.

When caring for wolfwort, it is important to use protective equipment so as not to get burns from this plant, first of all, to the skin.

Because of the beauty of the flowers, some people grow such plants in their gardens and summer cottages, but you should be careful when doing this, as they are poisonous. For example, if you put your skin on the bark of a bush, you can get irritation and, in some cases, a burn. This plant has many other names, for example, wolfberry, daphne and others.

All parts of the plant are considered completely poisonous:

  • Berries;
  • And also leaves;
  • Bark;
  • Flower;
  • And even the root.

But, despite its toxicity, the components of this plant are widely used, primarily in folk medicine. Healing properties this plant has been known since ancient times. In order for parts of this plant to be beneficial in the treatment of any ailments, it is necessary to take microdoses of drugs made on its basis under the supervision of a specialist. Properly prepared parts of the plants are used as an analgesic and used in the treatment of rheumatism and neurological pain. In some cases, parts of this plant are used in the treatment of epilepsy and even oncology.

Is the wolf's bast plant poisonous?

Using plant parts as medicine is allowed only after agreement with the doctor, since even a slight deviation or excess of the recommended dose can lead to a negative result instead of improving health. The use of medications to treat children is allowed, both internally and externally, but only after the necessary tests and permission from a doctor and under his supervision.

If you take a more powerful dose than recommended, you may experience:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Convulsions;
  • burning in the mouth;
  • Skin problems, etc.

The plant itself is completely poisonous, despite its outward appearance and beautiful view, each part can cause problems with the skin, gastrointestinal tract, headaches, drowsiness, or vice versa, short excitement, fever, etc.

Besides medicinal properties of this plant, it also brings other benefits, since it blooms quite early, the very first bees begin collecting future honey from these flowers. When tinctured from bark and berries, in some cases the substances contained in them will allow the composition to be used as an external remedy, for example, for rheumatism.

Poisonous plant wolf's bast: description (video)

Such a description of this type of plant will allow a person to protect himself from negative impact on your body. But, at the same time, if used correctly, on the contrary, it can be beneficial. As for positive emotions, this plant allows you to enjoy in early spring beautiful flowers, even when the grass has not really grown and there are no other flowers.