Working solid single ceramic brick dimensions. Standard sizes of various types of bricks

When ordering materials, you need to know their parameters. Even such a well-known material as brick has a large number of species and varieties. Good news is that its parameters are standardized. The standard brick size and its quality characteristics have been determined.

Types of building bricks

Based on the material, bricks can be ceramic (clay, red) or silicate (white). By purpose - ordinary (construction) and finishing (facade). Ordinary is used for laying walls and requires subsequent finishing, so a notch can be applied to the side edges (of the spoons) so that the plaster holds better.

Types of bricks - ordinary and special

According to the molding method, bricks can be solid or hollow (hollow). A solid one is formed from a homogeneous composition. Use where it is important mechanical strength- foundations, load-bearing walls.

Hollow has a certain percentage of voids, due to which the weight of the structure is reduced and thermal conductivity characteristics are improved. But the presence of voids significantly reduces sound insulation performance - the voids act as resonators. So you need to use them wisely.

Ceramic brick size

Ceramic bricks are fired parallelepipeds formed from clay. Quality is largely determined by correctly maintained firing parameters, as well as the composition of the clay solution. Qualitative ceramic brick can be used for any construction operation: for constructing a foundation (solid), erecting external walls and internal partitions.

Building bricks have certain dimensions determined by standards. The most commonly used single brick size is 250*120*65 mm

The main disadvantage of this building material is some variation in geometry. It is explained by the characteristics of the clay - it can have different “fat content”, which makes it difficult to accurately predict how much the dimensions will decrease during drying/firing.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing red brick, you should pay attention to its color. It displays the quality of the batch with a parameter such as brick size. It can be under-burnt or over-burnt. The second option is not bad in operation (it looks darker than usual), but it is better not to use unburned brick (lighter and looser) at all - it falls apart very quickly.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the absence of foreign inclusions. The most common are light dots and expanded clay. Both lead to rapid destruction of the brick. So we select only batches with uniform coloring without any additives.

More quality criteria

That is, the requirements for ordinary building bricks are quite flexible. The presence of these defects does not affect the quality of the masonry, and the decorative component is unimportant, since the presence of finishing is assumed. Don’t forget to check the size of the brick - the spread in one batch should not be more than 3 mm.

The requirements for finishing (cladding) ceramic bricks are more stringent. Invalid:

  • Chips of edges more than 1.5 cm deep.
  • There should be no cracks.
  • There should be no breaks on the ribs more than 3 mm wide and more than 1.5 cm long.

To comply with these requirements finishing brick placed on pallets, the corners are protected with boards, knocked down at an angle, the entire structure is wrapped in film. It is transported in this form.


The optimal size of clay bricks (red, ceramic) was determined historically. It has been produced for thousands of years, and as a result, perfect combination lengths, which is reflected in the standard. It was adopted only in the last century. There are three standard options:

One of the features is that a single brick can be solid or hollow. One-and-a-half and double - only hollow ones, otherwise they turn out to be too heavy for comfortable work.

In addition to the standard ones, there is a reduced brick. It is produced in Europe, but it also comes to us. Its parameters and international designation tabulated.

MarkingBrick sizeConsumption
DF240*115*52 mm64 pcs/m2
RF240*115*65 mm54 pcs/m2
NF240*115*71 mm48 pcs/m2
WDF210*100*65 mm59 pcs/m2
2DF240*115*113 mm32 pcs/m2

Which size is better

In the post-Soviet space, single brick is most often used. It is very familiar to our eyes; many masonry schemes have been developed for it. It’s worth mastering this kind of material.

One-and-a-half bricks are used less frequently. It provides some economic benefit. Firstly, a cubic meter costs a little lower. Secondly, since the masonry fragments are larger, less solution is consumed. Thirdly, the work goes faster. Time is saved due to the larger size. But it’s more difficult to work with a one-and-a-half brick, even if it’s hollow – it’s hard to hold in your hand. And the appearance of the wall is unusual.

Double brick is more often called ceramic building stone. When using it, the most noticeable effect is the speed of construction. In addition, the saving of the solution increases. But you won’t be able to grab such a brick with one hand. Therefore, it is better to work with an assistant. The appearance of the masonry leaves much to be desired, so exterior finishing is desirable.

If we talk about other countries, the most popular ones in Europe are NF and DF. Imported NF ceramic bricks have almost the same proportions as domestic ones. DF category is thinner, the masonry looks elegant.

Dimensions of sand-lime brick

Sand-lime brick is made from quartz sand (9 parts) and lime (1 part), and a certain amount of additives. This building material has best characteristics in terms of thermal conductivity (conducts heat worse), less weight. The technology is such that it is easier to withstand geometric dimensions, so there are usually no problems.

But it is not as hard as red brick, and it is also afraid of moisture - with prolonged contact with moisture it begins to crumble. Because of this, the main area of ​​use is for the construction of walls and partitions. Neither for the foundation nor for ground floor, nor can it be used for laying a chimney.

The second area of ​​application is as finishing material. The base composition has a white, slightly grayish color. You can add any dye to it and get colored bricks.

Construction dimensions sand-lime brick the same as for ceramic: single has a height of 65 mm, one-and-a-half - 88 mm, double - 138 mm.

Single and one-and-a-half silicate bricks can be solid or hollow. A single solid one weighs 3.6 kg, a hollow one weighs 1.8-2.2 kg, depending on the size of the voids. A full-bodied one and a half has a mass of 4.9 kg, and a hollow one - 4.0-4.3 kg.

Double sand-lime bricks are usually made hollow. Its weight is 6.7 kg. Full-bodied ones are rare - due to their large mass (7.7 kg) they are difficult to work with.

Weight of one piece: ceramic, silicate, ordinary, obverse

The weight of the brick is needed, firstly, to calculate the foundation; this parameter is especially important when; secondly, for cargo transportation; and thirdly, to determine quality and compliance with GOST requirements.

Brick typePurposeViewNominal sizesEmptinessWeightWater absorption
Ceramic GOST 530-2007private (worker)single, full-bodied250*120*65 0% 3.3 - 3.6 kg10 -12%
single, hollow (hollow, slotted)250*120*65 30-32% 2.5 - 3.0 kg (with 6% voids weight 3.8 kg)12 -17%
one and a half, full-bodied250*120*88 0% 4 - 4.3 kg12 -17%
one and a half, hollow250*120*88 30-32% 3.5 kg (with 6% voids - 4.7 kg)12 -17%
double, full-bodied250*120*140 0% 6.6 - 7.24 kg12 - 17%
double, hollow250*120*140 30-32% 5.0 - 6.0 kg12- 17%
facing (facial)single, full-bodied250*120*65 0% 2.6 kg9 - 14%
single hollow250*120*65 30-36% 1.32 - 1.6 kg9 -1 4%
one and a half hollow250*120*88 30-36% 2.7 - 3.5 kg9 - 14%
Silicate GOST 379-95private (worker)single full-bodied250*120*65 0% 3.7 - 3.8 kg (according to GOST)
single hollow250*120*65 15-31% 3.1 - 3.3 kg
one and a half full-bodied250*120*88 0% 4.2 - 5.0 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 4.2 - 5 kg
double hollow250*120*140 15-31% 5.3 - 5.4 kg
facing (facial)single full-bodied250*120*65 0% 3.5 - 3.9 kg
one and a half full-bodied250*120*88 0% 3.7 - 4.3 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 3.7 - 4.2 kg

In addition to standard size bricks, there are a large number of lightweight finishing bricks. For example, there is a silicate one and a half, which weighs only a little more than a standard single - 4.1-5.0 kg.

There is the so-called “American” - with a standard single size and a weight of only 2.5 kg. Lightweight versions can be used in case of insufficient bearing capacity of the foundation. Although, it is better to use a lighter finish - facade slabs, for example.

Fireclay brick parameters

For the construction of stoves and fireplaces in the area of ​​contact with fire, special fire-resistant bricks are used. In its production, a special type of clay is used - fireclay. That’s why such a brick is also called fireclay. The production process is the same as for building red bricks - molding, drying, firing in a kiln. But, due to the special properties of fireclay, the resulting building material can easily withstand prolonged contact with open fire. There are two brands of general-purpose refractory bricks used in everyday life: ShA and ShB. ShA can withstand temperatures up to 1690°C, ShB - up to 1650°C, all other parameters are identical. Therefore, their scope of application is the same - this is the molding of fireboxes for fireplaces and stoves.

Encode the size of the refractory brick in the number that appears after the abbreviation:

  • ШБ-5, ША 5 - 230*114*65 mm;
  • ShB-6, ShA 6, ShA 14 - 230*114*40 mm (flying blade);
  • ШБ-8, ША 8 - 250*125*65 mm;
  • ШБ-9, ША 9 - 300*150-65 mm;

Most often they use ShA 8 or ShB 8. They are the same in length and thickness as the ceramic red brick from which the rest of the stove is made. There is also a wedge-shaped refractory brick - for forming firebox arches and smooth curves in the horizontal plane.

There are two types of wedge refractory bricks:

These are not all the sizes and types of fireclay bricks. You will find more in GOST 8691-73.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick is another special type of ceramic brick. In its manufacture, a special type of clay is used - refractory shale. The molded blocks are fired at a very high temperature - 1200°C. As a result of this processing, the clay acquires the properties of ceramics, the color ranging from dark red to rich brown.

Clinker brick has very high strength and abrasion resistance. You can use it to pave roads or decorate porches. And they will serve for centuries. The surface of the clinker is flat, smooth, shiny. This allows it to be used also as a finishing brick - for finishing facades, etc.

The shape and size of clinker bricks can be very different - there are a lot of them, since there are not only standard ones - in the form of a parallelepiped, but also with beveled at different angles, rounded edges.

There are many new products on the market today building materials, however, the most popular of them has been ordinary brick for many years. Safety, durability, beautiful appearance and the ability to retain heat for a long time are the main qualities of the product for which the consumer appreciates it.

Before starting the construction of buildings, each developer tries to calculate the approximate costs of purchasing the main material, and for this he needs to decide on its quantity. On at this stage It is important to know what dimensions this product has. In our article we will look at the main varieties of this material and their sizes.

Types of bricks and their sizes

In order to make the necessary calculations, you need to know the type of brick that will be used in the process of laying walls. Having its parameters, you can determine how many bricks (pieces) are in a cube.

Today there are three varieties of this material, differing in size:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

Products of the first type are presented in the form of red or yellow ceramic bricks and have fixed dimensions of 250 x 120 x 65 mm. This material is used in cases where walls need to be given the most aesthetic appearance. Knowing its standard parameters, you can easily calculate the volume of one element, which will help you understand how much brick is in 1 m3. The volume indicator is 1950 cubic centimeters, which means that in one cube there will be 513 pieces of products of this variety.

One and a half brick differs from the previous version greater height. This group includes white (silicate) products, which are used in cases where it is necessary to significantly speed up the construction time of a building. Walls made of such material are not attractive, so in most cases they are covered. The standard size of sand-lime brick is 250 x 120 x 88 mm. The volume of this product is 2640 cubic centimeters, so one cube contains 379 elements.

If construction needs to be completed as quickly as possible short time, double brick is used. Its dimensions are 250 x 120 x 138, and the volume of one product is 4140 cubic centimeters. One cubic meter contains 255 pieces of brick of this variety.

Determining the required number of bricks

Information about the required amount of building material allows you to avoid unnecessary costs for purchasing unnecessary products and avoid downtime (in case of a shortage of building elements).

To correctly calculate how many bricks are in 1 m3 of brickwork, you need to take into account that the elements are connected to each other using mortar. The thickness of the resulting seams has a direct impact on the amount of material used. Practice shows that the average seam thickness is 10-12 mm.

When working with such gaps, the brick walls will be strong, reliable and durable. When the thickness of the solution decreases or increases, the strength indicators will be significantly lower and Great chance deformation of the building. Taking these data into account, it is possible to determine how much building stone will be used per cubic meter of masonry.

Calculation of material taking into account the seam

How many bricks does it include? cubic meter without taking into account the solution, we already know. Now, using simple calculations, we will determine the amount of each type of brick per cubic meter of wall.

First, let's calculate how many single bricks are in 1 m3 of masonry.

To do this, we multiply all its dimensions and the average thickness of the seam: 25 x 12 x 6.5 x 1.2 = 2340 cm 3. Knowing that there are 1 million cubic centimeters in one cubic meter, we determine the amount of brick in 1 m 3 of the wall: 1,000,000 / 2340 = 427 elements.

The number of double bricks is determined according to a similar principle:

  1. 25 x 12 x 13.8 x 1.2 = 4968 cm3.
  2. 1,000,000 / 4968 = 201 bricks.

Knowing the size of the sand-lime brick, we determine the number of one-and-a-half building stones per cubic meter of wall:

  1. 25 x 12 x 8.8 x 1.2 = 3168 cm3.
  2. 1,000,000 / 3168 = 315 bricks.

Similar calculations can be made with all building materials that have fixed dimensions.

Don't forget about the reserve

When constructing walls, the calculation of building material is carried out in squares. Their number also depends on the dimensions of the product, the method of laying the brick and the selected thickness of the seam.

At the stage of calculating the cost of construction, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some part of the material may be damaged. Based on this, to the final figure (obtained from calculations the required material) should be added about 5%.

If masonry is planned complex structures(arches, figured openings, etc.), then 10-15% more bricks will be required.

Using single products as an example, we will determine how much material is required to build one square meter of a half-brick wall.

  1. Using the dimensions we know, we calculate the area of ​​one element: 25 x 6.5 = 162.5 cm 2.
  2. Knowing that there are 10 thousand square centimeters in one square meter, we perform the following calculations: 10,000 / 162.5 = 61.5 pieces.

For one and a half products, an example calculation would look like this:

  1. 25 x 8.8 = 220 cm 2.
  2. 100000 / 200 = 45 bricks.

The quantity for a double brick is determined in a similar way.

This principle of material calculation can also be used for products of non-standard sizes. To do this, determine the area of ​​the sidewall of the product, after which square meter divided by the resulting value. If in the calculation process it is necessary to take into account the width of the seam between the elements, 10-12 mm are added to their dimensions.

How to calculate the amount of material taking into account the thickness of the wall

If we take into account that bricklaying can be done in several ways and the thickness of the wall can also be different, the indicator of how many bricks are in 1 m3 of structures may vary. When we're talking about about small amounts of work, this fact can be ignored special attention. In large-scale construction, even the smallest miscalculations can lead to a shortage of material and stop the entire process.

To understand how the final figure changes ( required quantity bricks) depending on the thickness of the masonry, we need to find out total area walls.

Using the example of a single product, we will determine how many red bricks are in m3 of wall masonry, knowing that its length is 7 meters, height 3 meters, and width 510 cm:

  1. First you need to find the lateral area of ​​the structure: 7 x 3 = 21 m2.
  2. Having the thickness of the wall, we find its volume: 21 x 0.51 = 10.71 m 3.
  3. The volume of one single brick known to us (in cm 3) is converted into m 3: 1950 / 1000000 = 0.00195 m 3.
  4. Calculate the quantity the required brick(dividing the volume of the wall by the volume of one brick): 10.71 / 0.00195 = 5492 bricks.

Using the same principle, you can find out how many of any products you will need to build walls of various thicknesses.


Knowing how many bricks (pieces) are in a cube, you can plan your expenses for purchasing building materials as accurately as possible. Taking the project of a future building as a basis, you can calculate how many bricks you will need to build each element of the building. These calculations will help save money and reduce the construction time.

If in ancient times only natural stone was used for laying walls, then with the advent modern materials our capabilities have expanded significantly, because now piece wall products can be given the most different characteristics. One of the parameters that we pay attention to when choosing wall elements is the size of the brick. In addition to this, other selection criteria are also important, because there is quite a large assortment of bricks on sale.

Types and sizes of traditional wall bricks

Today you can find the following types of bricks:

  • Standard red brick.
  • White silicate piece material.
  • Clinker wall products.
  • Material obtained through the process of semi-dry hyperpressing.
  • Firestone.

Each type of brick has its own area of ​​application. If we list the areas of use of different types of stones, the list will be quite extensive:

  • construction of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and columns of the house;
  • foundation arrangement;
  • construction of the basement;
  • cladding of the façade of the building;
  • construction of stairs;
  • laying basement walls;
  • construction of stoves and fireplaces.

Red brick

The most widely used wall material is red ceramic brick. The stone is made from red clay by firing pressed blanks in a kiln. They can all be divided into several types according to different signs. Depending on this, the size of the red brick may vary. Thus, the following types of red clay stones are distinguished:

  1. The size of the red brick can be as follows:
    • double;
    • single;
    • one and a half.
  1. Depending on the filling, the following types of standard red brick are found:
    • hollow;
    • full-bodied.
  1. Depending on the purpose of using standard red brick, the following types are distinguished:
    • facial;
    • private;
    • fireclay or stove;
    • clinker.


The dimensions of standard red bricks were determined at the beginning of the 19th century. The final approval of these parameters was made in 1927. Thus, the size of a single brick is 250 mm x 120 mm x 65 mm. The design and construction of brick houses is carried out taking into account the multiplicity of all brick structures to these sizes. But in this case, the width of the seam must be taken into account - 10 mm.

Important: in turn, a single stone can be hollow or solid. The weight of the latter can reach up to 3.6 kg, and full-bodied elements weigh in the range of 2.3-2.7 kg.

One and a half

Despite this name, the size of a one-and-a-half brick, namely its thickness, is 1.35 times greater than that of its single counterpart (88 mm). Such a stone was invented during the process of industrialization of construction. Thanks to the use of enlarged elements, the pace of construction of the walls of a house can be significantly accelerated.

There are two types of such products on sale: solid and hollow. The weight of a hollow one-and-a-half cladding material can be in the range of 3-3.3 kg, and the weight of its solid counterpart is 4-4.3 kg.


If we take into account the size of an ordinary brick, then the thickness of a double stone is 2.1 times greater (138 mm). The appearance of this element is also associated with the process of intensification construction production. If we compare the weight of a red solid brick with a double product, then the latter should weigh almost 2 times more (7.2 kg). That is why a double brick, the size of which is rather large, is practically not made solid, because laying a stone weighing 7.2 kg is quite difficult.

Attention: The weight of the hollow double wall material is 4.6-5 kg.

Solid and hollow bricks

Solid products contain virtually no voids. The maximum permissible pore volume in such a product should not exceed 13% of the total volume. If you compare it with its hollow counterpart, then the strength of the latter will be much lower. That is why solid products are used primarily for laying load-bearing structures. building structures(walls, columns, foundations).

The total volume of voids in such products is 13-40% of the volume of the product. In this case, the voids can be closed or through. They can also vary in shape and be oblong or round. Sometimes the shape of the voids can be specified individually by the customer and differ from the traditional configuration.

As a rule, hollow elements are used for laying lightweight wall structures and partitions. This material can also serve as a wall filler for frame construction. multi-storey construction.

Ordinary and facing bricks

The scope of use of ordinary bricks is quite extensive. It is from it that walls and partitions of buildings and structures are erected. Sometimes ordinary stone is used for masonry of the facade, but with subsequent cladding of the house.

TO appearance such products are not subject to strict requirements, therefore, on the surface it is possible minor defects in the form of chips and cracks. However, this should not affect the strength characteristics.

Strict requirements are imposed on the appearance of facing bricks. There should be no chips, cracks or other defects on the surface of the stone. In addition to a flat and smooth surface, the dimensions of the facing brick must strictly comply with the standards, and the shape must be correct.

Cladding a house can be done using two types of facing elements:

  1. Textured or decorative rock used for cladding facades, laying fences, and finishing interiors. This product is correct geometric shape and specified sizes. Second title decorative brick- torn stone. The color and surface texture of this material can be very different, which significantly expands decorative possibilities material. You can find photos of such products on the Internet. The sizes of decorative bricks may also vary. It can be single, one-and-a-half or double. The standard size of facing bricks does not differ from an ordinary product. Thus, the dimensions of a single facing stone are 250 mm x 120 mm x 65 mm. However, you can also find stones with non-standard sizes, as well as products self made. For example, the dimensions of a yellow facing brick can be 240(210) mm x 115(100) mm x 65(52 or 50) mm.
  2. Shaped stone, unlike decorative brick, can have very different configurations. Such elements are used for laying decorative parts of facades, columns, arches, pilasters, cornices, gazebos, decorating fireplaces and walls in the interior.

Fireclay or stove bricks

Such stones are fireproof material and are used in the construction of facilities that, during their operation, will be exposed to high temperatures. Fireclay brick Suitable for stoves, for laying fireplaces, for lining chimneys.

Important: production features allow fireclay stones to withstand temperatures up to 1000°C. At the same time, the strength characteristics load bearing capacity and other properties of the material do not change.

The standard size of a kiln brick is 230 mm x 113 mm x 65 mm. With such dimensions of the product, it is convenient to link it with a standard brickwork, the optimal number of seams is obtained. At the same time, the masonry itself comes out smooth and even.

However, there are other types of fireclay products on sale, differing in physical and technical characteristics, thermal conductivity and size. Thus, the length of the element can be 600, 575, 460, 350, 250, 230 mm, the width of the stone can be 230, 170, 150, 124 or 114 mm, the height of the product can be 90, 80, 75, 65, 55, 45 or 40 mm . This abundance of sizes is explained by the use of a stove or fireplace when laying additional elements, for example, a rib wedge, an end wedge or a fireclay slab.

Red clinker brick

These wall elements are made from special refractory clays. As a result, the stone has higher strength, density, and frost resistance compared to its red ceramic counterpart. At the same time, the water absorption of the material becomes noticeably lower, which makes it an ideal product for facade cladding, masonry garden paths, plinth cladding, foundation arrangement, drainage laying.

In this case, red clinker brick can have the following dimensions, which do not change either from the scope of use of the material or from the fillers used:

  • The dimensions of a single product are 25 cm x 12 cm x 6.5 cm.
  • The one and a half stone has the following dimensions: 25 cm x 12 mm x 8.8 cm.
  • Double wall element – ​​25 cm x 12 cm x 13.8 cm.
  • Also on sale you can find stones of the “euro” category, which can have several sizes.

White sand-lime brick

For production white brick silicate is used ( quartz sand), which is where its name comes from. Externally, the stone has the correct shape, there are no defects on the surface, so I often use it for laying walls and cladding a house.

However, due to the high hygroscopicity of the material and low heat capacity, the stone is not used for laying the foundation, cladding the base, making a fireplace, stove or pipes. The dimensions of these products do not differ from their ceramic counterpart. Thus, the size of a white one-and-a-half brick is 25 cm x 12 cm x 8.8 cm. Single products have dimensions of 25 cm x 12 cm x 6.5 cm, and a double stone - 25 cm x 12 cm x 13.8 cm.

According to GOST standards, the planes that form a brick are called spoons, pokes and beds. The size of the brick and the method of its use depend on their dimensions. This material has been used for many centuries for the construction of various objects. The most ancient masons were the first to use it. Over time, manufacturing technology has changed, but rough bricks have retained standard sizes.

Height, width and length of an ordinary building bricks relate to each other as 1:1/2:1/4. Such dimensions and proportions help make the structure strong and durable. Another important issue during construction is the weight of the type of material used. Established parameters help to accurately calculate the amount of material required when planning structures.

There are several standard types of brick models:

  • single - has dimensions 250x120x65, European marking of single brick - RF;
  • double brick - dimension 250x120x138;
  • modular - 280x130x80;
  • euro - 250x85x65.

The most popular red brick model is considered to have an aspect ratio of 250x114x71. This is the dimension of normal material marked NF. A thin model, whose thickness is smaller than a normal one - 240x115x52, is also considered common. On the market there is wide choose of this material. You can calculate the construction of a house from models, the length of which can be up to 500 mm.

The shape of the bricks is also different. According to their form, they are divided into 2 types:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.

During manufacturing, there are some allowances for minor defects (deviations from the norm). Potential length, width and height may vary depending on the building material - facing or building. The standardization of facing bricks should be stricter, since the beauty of the building’s façade depends on its size.

GOST standards

For ordinary solid red brick it is allowed:

  • the presence of 2 stepped or chipped ribs and corners, size - up to 1.5 cm along the length of the rib;
  • curved edges or edges no more than 0.3 cm;
  • crack up to 3 cm on the sides (longitudinal edges) of the brick.

For ordinary hollow red brick, it is acceptable to have the following defects:

  • up to 2 broken corners or edges, the length of which is up to 1.5 cm, the main condition is not to come into contact with voids;
  • the entire thickness is affected by the thickness of the bed, the width can reach a number of voids;
  • one crack on the butt and spoon edges.

Facing brick cannot have:

  • corner chips more than 1.5 cm deep;
  • small cracks;
  • chips on the ribs, at least 0.3 cm wide and 1.5 cm long.

Fit facing material It has:

  • no more than 1 broken corner, depth up to 1.5 cm;
  • up to 1 broken rib, the depth of which is up to 3 cm, and the length is up to 1.5 cm.

Architectural and construction plans involve the use of not only different textures on the facade of the house, but also different color solutions. That's why manufacturers have created such a variety brick material for the construction of houses, that you can choose it to suit every taste. There is the possibility of combining not only aged materials, but also colorful, textured options. All this is done taking into account the durability of the structures.

To reduce the weight of structures, one-and-a-half and double types are used. They are quite light, unlike other types, since they are mostly made hollow. The most commonly used blocks large sizes. But at the same time, the size of ceramic brick and its ability to retain heat make it as popular as white stone, shell rock, and rough brick. The use of this material makes construction quick and simple. And the consumption of masonry products is reduced.

Purpose of various models

The brick has different types division. According to the type of material from which the brick is made, they are divided into:

  1. Red or ceramic is a universal material used for the construction of structures for various purposes. The manufacturing technology is simple and inexpensive: clay pressed into briquettes is fired and cooled. Widely used in the construction of fundamental structures, walls, partitions. Often used in the construction of high, strong and durable fences. Ceramic look It has different markings- 75, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250 and 300. Marking is an indicator of the unit’s ability to withstand a certain pressure.
  2. White or silicate - production is based on silicates. Silicate brick is considered less durable than red brick. But it is softer and more pliable, and has lightness. The versatility of white sand-lime brick is much less than that of the standard type. Used for the construction of walls and partitions. The use of white brick does not apply to the construction of foundations and fireplaces.

According to purpose, it is divided into 4 types:

  1. Private - provides operational functions for masonry.
  2. Clinker - considered a durable type, water absorption is practically absent. IN aggressive environment used to build houses as it can withstand terrible weather conditions. Also used as a decorative material.
  3. Fireclay or fireproof - in everyday life, units marked Ш are used, which have different dimensions.
  4. Facing - divided into several subtypes: chopped, smooth, imitating wild stone. Has a wide selection of sizes.

Additional forms

There are 2 types of brick shapes: rectangular and wedge-shaped. This form is used when laying semicircular vaults and arches with different radii of curvature. Decorative or facing bricks are ideal masonry materials for constructing walls with outside and reproduction of interior decoration.

Why are the length and width always the same - 250x120 mm? The height of the building material in question may vary. The silicate one-and-a-half brick has dimensions of 250x120x88 mm. Such changes are important for the convenient use of materials during masonry.

The dimensions of sand-lime bricks (250x120) are convenient because they are easy to use in construction.

This is the kind of brick that fits easily in the hand, so it is convenient to place it. And since most of the work during the construction of a home is performed by people, it is important to create materials that are as easy to use as possible for them. The standard size of white sand-lime brick simplifies the laying of walls and partitions.

When building a house, it is important to know what types of materials can be used for the foundation, and which ones can be used to build walls and partitions between rooms. That is why before constructing buildings it is important to study the properties of a particular type of material. Not all bricks are suitable for exterior cladding of a house and construction of a foundation.

Since ancient times, stone of natural origin has served as the main construction material in the construction of capital buildings. However, the established foundations have not held up since the advent of the modern building material – brick. People were able to independently transform the required characteristics into ready product. Day by day we see applications everywhere of this type building materials in a wide variety of areas. Today there are no barriers, if you want to purchase a standard brick of a standard type: you can find out the dimensions, as well as the selection criteria, from the materials in this article.

  • Application areas of typical bricks, brick size and classification

Standard brick can be classified without false modesty as a very versatile material that is widely used in most construction fields. Today there are a couple of varieties and standards of bricks. Rational selection of standard brick - the basis good result the entire complex of construction works.

Standard brick - types

Depending on the main manufacturing components and the characteristics of the material, standard bricks are classified into 3 main groups:

  • Standard red brick.
  • Silicate (white) brick.
  • Ceramic brick.
  • Brick for cladding.

Areas of frequent use of bricks:

  • Removal of both load-bearing and ordinary walls;
  • Construction of foundations and plinths;
  • arrangement of basements;
  • façade cladding;
  • construction of stairs;
  • removal of partitions;
  • Installation of stoves, chimneys and fireplaces themselves.

The red standard brick that is familiar to all of us has gained the greatest demand, as well as distribution. Its technical characteristics are ideal for performing a variety of tasks in construction. It is used to construct elevator shafts in high-rise buildings, columns, and building foundations. Often standard type bricks are used as the basis for the foundation masonry of private houses.

If we are talking about the construction of stairs, then it is quite appropriate to use ceramic construction products. Ceramics are much more resistant to moisture, temperature changes and other atmospheric influences. Plus, ceramics are very susceptible to mechanical transformations, which makes it possible, if necessary, to cut bricks without difficulty.

Brick size

Today there are single, one and a half and 2nd bricks; as for the exact dimensional characteristics, we will describe them below in the text.

Standard brick

During the period of the formation of construction crafts, a number of standards were developed according to which this type of material was produced. The size of the 1st type brick is: width 120 mm, length 250 mm, as for the height, it is 65 mm. It is these brick sizes that are ideal for laying with alternation along the longitudinal-transverse principle.

Before purchasing a standard brick, you need to understand your end goal as accurately as possible. It is this that will subsequently determine the choice of material for construction.

Color brick block directly depends on the type of clay on the basis of which it is produced. The most common type is a red burning clay mass. It ultimately gives the product its final red hue. Less often we can find standard bricks of white, yellowish and apricot colors, for the production of which white-burning clay is used. It happens that for the desired result or shade, a specialized pigment is added to the base.

The usual one is suitable for removing wall partitions and building any structure.

  • Standard typology of bricks: 250x120x56 mm.

In the future, this standard brick will definitely require finishing according to the type, plastering. Facing, in turn, has extremely flat and smooth surfaces, and does not require any finishing. But with all this, the cost of both the actual type and the size of the facing blocks varies dramatically.

Brick strength

A very important aspect when choosing a brick is strength, speaking easier ability the block does not collapse under external loads. To build a house of one floor as a whole, a holding value of 100 kg per 1 cm is sufficient. If we are talking about multi-story construction, then the final value should be at least 150. The strength of a single batch is indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging.

There is also another indicator that affects the quality of blocks - frost resistance. This indicator is measured in cycles. Determined and set for each brand of blocks. The final product is placed in aquatic environment, then added to the freezer. The test period is 8 hours.