Manifestations of selenium in the signs of the zodiac and houses according to Vronsky. White Moon (Selena) in the horoscope

The position of Selena in houses determines the spiritual costs of a person, these are areas where he will receive the support of higher powers. The presence of Selena on the ASC, in the IV, IX, X and XII houses is considered very auspicious. Man will be given secret knowledge, his higher intuition will be strengthened.

Selena in the 1st house If Selena is near ASC, then the person will be given an awareness of his own capabilities, or an awareness of the talents given to him. If Selena in the 1st house is not struck by aspects, then she, as a guardian angel, gives him the help of the people around her. This help stimulates human development. If Selena has bad aspects, then a person may develop conceit, vanity, self-deception, as he will be praised in childhood.

Selena in the 2nd house. Forms a lack of craving for money, especially if there are no bad aspects. Sometimes unexpected profits are associated with Selevoy. However, there will be only exactly as much money as a person needs (no more, no less) to ensure his spiritual growth. Selena does not give a person enrichment. If a person’s “eyes flare up for money”, they will stop coming to a person. But Selena will take away only the surplus, but not all the money.

Selena in 3rd house. A brother or one of the relatives will be the protectors and guardians of a person. In good aspects, Selena will ensure successful public performance, in bad ones - will form too easy attitude to his performances.

Selena in the 4th house. One of her best positions. Here she gives high patronage, a high mission, coming from the roots, associated with the past family. In the 1st third of the 4th house, Selena will provide support from mother, father, grandparents. A person will be guarded by the spirit of ancestors.

Selena in the 5th house. Spiritual perfection of man in creativity. Such Selena predisposes to religious painting, chanting and reading religious texts. Often forms a craving for free activities. If Selena enters a closed newt, from time to time such conditions will be created in which a person will feel freedom in creativity. If Selena is in bad aspects, the fruits of a person's spiritual activity are reaped by his children.

Selena in the 6th house. Brings self-restraint. With good aspects, a person is given great vitality, endurance. The physical resources of the body help a person in difficult moments associated with the fulfillment of a mission. Here Selena directs a person to voluntary service to the idea and to voluntary submission. In other words, a person must sacrifice something to serve the spiritual path. But a person will not perceive these sacrifices as hard work. On the contrary, this work will bring satisfaction and give a person happiness.

Selena in the 7th house. Promises a person an astral marriage, which is predetermined outside the earthly sphere. An ideal marriage gives Selena in good aspects. If she is in bad aspects, then in a marriage union your partner will be in a better position than you.

Selena in the 8th house. Often promotes occult knowledge. If Selena is in bad aspects, the person must go through suffering in order to advance spiritually. That is, a person will draw spiritual experience through trials. After this, a fracture will occur, carrying a light sensation. Often, as a result, a person is grateful to fate for sending him destruction, without which he could not be spiritually enriched. If Selena is in good aspects, she promises a connection with the other world. The person has powerful occult support and knows his "guardian angel".

Selena in the ninth house. The person will have support from afar. His spiritual mission is to educate other people. The person himself will travel a lot. When Selena is near the MC, the person will become an itinerant preacher.

Selena in X house. If there is no defeat by bad aspects, and Selena is kind, then the person will be given the opportunity to realize their own plans and goals. Such Selena will give the opportunity to see the fruits of their efforts in this life. Usually this is compensation for the fact that a person has achieved a lot. In bad aspects, Selena will give the temptation of power. A person will have great conceit and believe that great forces are behind him. Such a person succeeds a lot, or nothing succeeds.

Selena in the 11th house. Provides help and support from friends. Selena leads a person to such a team in which he can fulfill his spiritual mission. If Selena is in bad aspects, she will make a person live for others. A person will give more than receive.

Selena in the twelfth house. A very favorable position. Promotes the study of spiritual tasks through solitude, enhances higher intuition (especially in conjunction with the Moon and Mercury). These are the secret threads of fate that a person can control.

If Selena is in bad aspects, she makes it possible to use the secret secrets of other people, but not in a personal way. These are talented investigators, detectives, successful spies.

Often such Selena indicates a hidden life that a person carefully protects from others. Such people should not move up the corporate ladder. If a person chooses the path of socialization, then he will face the danger of spiritual degradation.

So, we have, as it were, two moral karmic counters: Black and White Moon. A dishonest act strengthens Lillith, a bright one strengthens Selena. The moons turn on alternately. The main condition for inclusion is our horoscope.

The connection of Lillith and Selena occurs after 31.5 years - this is a mixture of the concepts of good and evil. At this time, people are born who have confused moral and ethical criteria. A person must make the final choice between good and evil by the age of 63.

A rather difficult situation for people who have Selena and Lillith in the same sign in their birth chart. This means that in a past life a person confused the concepts of good and evil.

Naturally, in order to determine what is more in the horoscope - good or evil, you need to know the karmic status of Selena and Lillith.

It is determined according to the following criteria:

1. Connection with the planet - 3 points.

2. Connection with the luminary - 4 points.

3. Connection with a planet in one sign - 2 points.

4. Connection in the same sign with the luminary - 3 points.

5. For each major aspect - 2 points.

6. For each minor aspect - 1 point.

7. For the major configuration - 2 points.

8. For minor configuration - 1 point.-

9. In a strong element - 1 point.

10. In a strong cross - 1 point.

11. In the strong zone - 1 point.

12. In the sign of exaltation - 1 point. We calculate the strength of Lillith and Selena in our cosmogram:

Black Moon White moon
Connection with the planet
2. In one sign
3. Major aspects
4. Minor aspects
5. Major aspects - -
6. Minor configurations I
7, elements
8. Crosses -
9. Zones -
Exaltation - -
Karmic status +17 –13

The difference in points is -4, that is, in a past life there were more evil deeds than good deeds.

Lillit in our cosmogram is in the sign of Aries and in the VIII house. In the past, man fought a lot. In this life, Lillit will seduce with murder or suicide (VIII house). Any aggression for this person is contraindicated, you need to suppress destructive impulses in yourself, develop fearlessness, endurance. It should not be forgotten that Lillith in this position attracts Catastrophic situations, one must be wary of fire and weapons, piercing objects.

White Moon (IV house) will give support to parents, mother.

BLACK AND WHITE MOON Astronomical aspect Define 2 poles of a single energy system Moon-Earth
Perigee Apogee
Create 2 types of Moon-Earth connections
Perigee point Moon speed maximum distance Moon-Earth minimum. Point of Apogee The speed of the Moon is minimal. The Moon-Earth distance is maximum.
astral aspect
1. The links between the astral and the physical are extremely deep and intense. 2. Unification of astral entities into an organically indivisible whole. 1. Astral connections Moon-Earth differentiate, crystallize, reach the final form. 2. The birth of individual astral entities.
Governs all typical manifestations of personality: - instinctive nature; - non-individualized sexual energy; - sexual behavior (sex in general) It is a channel for the exit of individual astral energies, giving attraction to situations: - the exit of the main mental problems; - creation of a set of masks and roles; - deciphering emotional information; - always specifically directed (love and sex are specific).
Psychological aspect
1. Interaction with the astral whole. 2. This is that typical, common thing that makes you similar. 3. A person feels like a part of a great stream, feels forces that are beyond his control. 1. Focus of individuality. 2. This is that special, individual thing that makes us different. 3. A person feels himself to be a center, a personality, a creator.
Emotional aspect
- this is the passive side of emotional relations with the world: 1. Own "I" is inferior to transpersonal forces. 2. Holding impersonal feelings and ideas. 3. Makes dependent on the team, their own instincts, authorities. 4. Releases from doubts. 5. Removes the problem of freedom and necessity, individual and collective - this is the active creative side of emotional relations with the world: 1. The hidden side of individuality, which determines the many faces and masks of existence. 2. A lot of emotional images and the search for their embodiment. 3. Helps to create any image. 4. Determines the choice of partner. 5. Always doubts. 6. Brings out mental fermentation. 7. Provides support in overcoming crisis situations.
Both are isolated from creative people
makes it possible to feel the pulse of time and people. - gives a sense of being selected, uniqueness.
Moral principles
There are no contradictions and confrontations: - individual and collective; - man and nature; - Man and God. Always searching, doubting, torn apart by contradictions: - challenges society (many anarchists, rebels); develops a broader view of things; - helps to master the language of feelings.
Attitude towards religion
1. Accepts faith with his whole being, without fear of losing his individuality. 2. The subject of faith is not discussed. 3. Is a conductor of higher Wisdom, associated with the ancient higher egregors. 1. Search and research, 2. Religion is a worldview and a part of culture. 3. Opportunity to solve moral and ethical problems. 4. Does not accept faith without hesitation, wants to find the truth himself.
Aspect karmic
1. Determines the amount of good deeds in past lives. 2. Spheres where a person receives the support of higher powers. 3. An indicator of a person's spiritual costs. 1. The sum of previous dark deeds 2. This is the measure of evil and destruction in life. 3. Indicator of secret sins and complexes.
3 levels of manifestation in life
1. Higher way. This is a high creative process. Spiritual growth. 2. A person does good, but takes into account his selfish interests. 3. He will not allow great evil to be committed if a person follows a low path. 1. Perverse attraction. Passion stronger than reason and will, which is contrary to the program of life (the worst thing is to succumb to temptations). 2. He himself does not follow the path of temptations, but attracts all evil spirits to himself (there is an opportunity to suffer, work off karma and get out of the circle of predestination). 3. A person sees evil and has a clear idea of ​​what is bad.
Return periods
7.14,21,28,35,42, 49.56, 63, 70, 77 years 18,27,36,45,63,72,81 years old

retrograde planets

The retrograde movement of the planet is the apparent movement in the opposite direction, which we observe from the Earth. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the Earth can move faster than the outer planets, and can overtake them, and it seems to the observer that the planet is moving backwards.

The Sun and Moon are not retrograde. Retrograde planets repeat their path along the same degrees of the Zodiac that they have already passed in their direct motion.

In karmic astrology, retrograde planets occupy a significant place, since a retrograde planet brings a return to the past. And since the past is within us, we can say that the function retrograde planet directed inward. A retrograde planet shows personality problems, lack of balance.

Rudhyar believes that the period of retrograde is a time to return to the past, revisit it, atone for mistakes, take a new direction.

Close planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) quickly change the direction of movement to a direct one, but when retrograde they have an extremely strong influence on the fate of a person. There is a certain connection between retrograde planets and past incarnations: retrograde planets mean negative traits character originating in past lives.

If the retrograde planets are well aspected, then the negative traits are not very deeply rooted, and the person has the opportunity to correct them.

If the retrograde planets are poorly aspected, then the corresponding traits have taken root over many lives, and you can get rid of them only by working hard and hard. But it gives many chances for development in this life.

In the spheres of a retrograde planet, a person is less susceptible to the influences of the external world, and more attentive to internal processes.

Most of all in life she appreciates spiritual freedom and independence. You can not encroach on his personal space and limit his capabilities. Such people know perfectly well what brings them joy in life and what they need to strive for. They clearly understand which values ​​are true and which are false. The subject with the Moon in the 11th house is distinguished by democracy, humanity, sincerity, independence of judgment and broad views.

Such a person does not hesitate to dream. He knows that his most cherished desires will certainly come true. You just need to believe in yourself and in your abilities, tune in to the positive development of the situation and act in accordance with the laws of fate. As a rule, space generously endows these dreamers, idealists and romantics. They do not pursue material wealth, but from the bottom of their hearts wish good, happiness, prosperity and a peaceful sky over their heads, both for themselves and for absolutely every person in the world.

It is not surprising that the owner of the Moon in the 11th house is surrounded by friends and like-minded people. Such a person willingly maintains ties in the group and actively participates in the life of the team. He is attracted by activities in various social movements and charitable organizations.

If the Moon in the 11th house of the horoscope is damaged, then the life of the native is full of all sorts of surprises, and it is not always possible to predict the course of events. These can be unforeseen situations in everyday life, troubles at home, unfavorable family circumstances, etc. But despite this, the owner of the horoscope in difficult times can hope for the disinterested help of friends and patrons (mainly female).

Moon in some signs of the zodiac

The sign of the zodiac in which the luminary in the 11th house is located will tell more about the friends of the native and his relationship with them.

And he will give friends who are faithful, reliable, caring and always ready to provide support. Such a friend will always shelter, feed, listen patiently and do everything possible to improve the situation.

If this luminary is weak in quality (that is, located in or in), then the friends of the owner of the horoscope may turn out to be treacherous, selfish, greedy, importunate and unpredictable. In this case, you need to carefully choose your immediate environment.

Moon in man's 11th house

If the Moon is located in the 11th house of a man, then in his personal life there will be many changes, mostly sudden. The moon symbolizes women, and the 11th house is the realm of unpredictable situations. This position of the Moon may indicate the impatience of the native and his tendency to break off relations.

With women, the owner of the horoscope is inclined to make friends. When it comes to a serious partnership and marriage, it is important to give each other the right to personal freedom and independence, no matter how difficult it may be.

Moon in woman's 11th house

A woman with the Moon in the 11th house of the horoscope is distinguished by sincerity, humanity, originality and ingenuity. Friends play a big role in life, and mother often becomes the very first girlfriend.

Perhaps the connection with the mother is not as emotional and cordial as that of others, but women communicate with pleasure and help each other, exchange views on life, and arrange gatherings with friends at home.

Having become a mother, a woman perceives her children as friends. As a rule, she prefers the democratic style of their upbringing. It encourages the development of the child's talents, always gives the opportunity to speak out and express themselves in the area that is really interesting to him.

a task

Reward, reward.


Where the Higher Powers help a person.


Road lighting. Help for night travelers.

white moon in aries

Good luck in any fair fight. An open and fearless person, ready for self-sacrifice, a conductor of light forces.

white moon in 1st house

From a person comes an inner light, attractiveness. Gives optimism, personal charm, strengthens faith in one's own Creative skills, destroys negative tendencies and attracts everything bright.

white moon in taurus

Well-being in material terms, good health, good energy. The more you give, the more you receive. And this applies not only to money, but also to energy, so this position of the White Moon often happens with healers. It can be the custodian of the bank of information, the holder of the energy of egregor, that is, it creates the foundation for a whole tradition, creates a material and energy base for it.

white moon in 2nd house

Charity, a person does not depend on money, does not become a slave to material wealth. Accumulates energy, treats his body as a temple of the spirit.

white moon in Gemini

Good relations with relatives, good teachers and neighbors. Good learning ability. A person is a conductor of new knowledge, unites people and through this develops his abilities. He can create a system out of disparate scraps of knowledge, trying to lead people to a bright path. The highest conductor of occult information and information of traditions.

white moon in 3rd house

A person is unconsciously attracted to the right source of information. Light and happiness come through contacts, teachings, close relatives, even through accidentally heard. Relatives - protection, "brothers in spirit."

white moon in cancer

Good family relationships good house, a good relationship with native people, homeland. A person can be a priest, having the opportunity to come into contact with dedicated people. If he leaves his country, he loses the support of his ancestors.

white moon in 4th house

Favorable karma of ancestors, all the best in genes, good heredity, support for occult traditions, help from the dead, invisible patrons. Happiness and a bright path in the homeland, fueled by the karma of one's people, can become a national hero.

white moon in leo

Great personal energy, other people are drawn to a person, they love him. The desire for self-knowledge, the development of spiritual freedom, helping others. Becomes a conductor of light forces, receiving a high fire creative embodiment.

white moon in 5th house

Light in the soul, bright love, bright children, bright path of creativity.

white moon in virgo

Good job, good doctors. A person will help others, take care of the sick and the weak. There is a capacity for inner transformation at a deep level even of one's own nature. Absolutely disinterested. Can endure a lot for other people.

white moon in 6th house

A high sense of duty, responsibility for the fate of others, is transformed and purified through this. All the burden of his work is taken on by those around him. Help and support from others come at the right time, get rid of diseases.

white moon in libra

Harmonious environment, good family, good marriage partner, reliable partners in all respects, help from people connected with the law. Man will always be judged with justice. The supreme judge, the cosmic law speaks through him.

white moon in 7th house

A bright society, harmony and justice in relations with the outside world, peacemaking. Harmonious Perfect marriage spouse is a guardian angel.

white moon in scorpio

It does not give a fall into sin, there is no development of secret vices, a person is turned away from practicing black magic, saved from the influence of rapists, perverts. A person struggles with his shortcomings, works out himself, purifies himself, goes to a more high level, has contact with the higher world, carries out its initiatives, has magical protection.

white moon in 8th house

Spiritual gifts, guardian angel from another world, support from the dead. Ability to occult studies, white magic. There is magical protection, a person receives warnings about death and danger, he himself helps other people at the moment of danger.

white moon in sagittarius

white moon in ninth house

Patrons from afar, happiness and good fortune away from home. A person helps distant people /spiritual missionaries, preachers/, is an example for others. Expansion of knowledge, participation in occult organizations.

white moon in capricorn

A person can take on someone else's karma, hard goes to the goal, morally cleanses. Becomes a conductor of light forces, carries the highest cosmic law.

white moon in X house

Gives the realization of goals in this life as compensation for unselfishness in the past. Dark obstacles on the way to a bright goal, good patrons, the possibility of elevation are eliminated. The goal and highest purpose - to be a bright leader, to lead other people, guide them along the path of progress and evolution - only under this condition will he receive power.

white moon in aquarius

Independence, luck, Good friends. Reformation, altruism. A person becomes a conductor of light forces, is able to modify the karma of people and his own karma too. Through man enters the world a new bright faith, new religions. It modifies relationships around itself and leads people to a bright path.

white moon in 11th house

Finds a bright transformation through friends. Friends and the society around him are an island of well-being. A unique path of development is provided, help in spiritual evolution, success in a righteous life, and all obstacles on the path are eliminated. Can intuitively, unconsciously adjust the rhythms of his horoscope.

white moon in pisces

Harmonious environment, empathy and concern for other people. Secret help, solitary life. Prophetic dreams. The ability to unconsciously find a way out of the impasse, read signs and premonitions. A person becomes a conductor of light forces, has the opportunity to correct criminals, help those who have gone astray, the sick mental illness, deceived, victims of black magicians. Can communicate with another world, merges with nature and space.

white moon in twelfth house

Internal insight into the secret sources of life, a secret high leader, the ability to touch the light spirits, receives secret information, reveals one's spiritual vision.

To the question of selenium in the 12th house in Leo. and the white moon in the 11th house is in Cancer. why so in the ZET program? because the white moon is the selenium given by the author philosophical the best answer is Once, at one of his lectures in St. Petersburg in 1991 or 1992, Pavel Pavlovich Globa raised one of the listeners in the hall and said: "Look, this man discovered what the White Moon is." This person was Alexander Smirnov, mentioned in Yuri Chukanov's article "Fictitious Planets"
Alexander's version was that the White Moon enters the next sign of the zodiac each time the Sun either conjuncts or opposes the Black Moon. This approach gave a cycle equal to (360 +360/8.85)6/365.2422=6.58, which is approximately 6 years and 7 months.
In the version proposed by Smirnov, the White Moon is strongly tied to the solar hex zodiac, but we know that it works great on all sections and planes, for example, in 28 lunar nakshatras. The White Moon is, by definition, a fictitious planet, but in this version, the reference points for its calculation are the fictitious planet (Black Moon) and the real one (Sun). In addition, 0 Aries is taken as a reference point, which by its nature has nothing to do with the resonance of the Sun and the Moon (this is how P. P. Globa repeatedly described the essence of the White Moon). Thus, in the version of A. Smirnov, three completely heterogeneous points are used for the calculation, absolutely not connected logically, mathematically and astronomically with each other. The result of their interaction cannot be any fictitious planet, since only in the pure interaction of fictitious planets can another fictitious point be born. Otherwise, it will be a cross between a hedgehog and a boa constrictor. Also, the loops of this version of the True White Moon were only about 2-4 degrees, which could not possibly be true (for your information, the Black Moon loops reach 25-26 degrees). Back in 1993, Pavel Pavlovich Globa said that the True White Moon could deviate from the Middle Moon up to 2-2.5 signs!
From all of the above, the conclusion is that the version of Alexander Smirnov, although interesting, is in principle incorrect .., because the discrepancies between "his" White Moon and the then generally accepted version of Selena were simply huge (more than a sign).
History of the Discovery of the True White Moon
The famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa was the first of modern astrologers to speak about the White Moon. However, long years no one could understand what kind of point is connected with the lunar orbit and has a cycle of about 7 years.
From this misunderstanding in 1985-1988, at the dawn of the formation of the Avestan School of Astrology, founded by Globa in the early 80s, the ephemerides of two White Moons were born at once - Selena (with a cycle of exactly 7 years) and Arta (with a cycle of 6 years 11 months and 5 days) obtained empirically, or rather, a statistical analysis of the positions of the White Moon, set by Pavel Globa in several dozen horoscopes purely on the basis of his own intuition. As one of the authors of these tables, and to this day one of Pavel Pavlovich's closest students, said, the indicated sequence did not fit into a linear relationship in any way (which is not surprising, since the nature of the White Moon is so complex that it cannot be described by a linear formula). but on the other hand, "quite well" fit into two linear dependencies, from which the conclusion was drawn about the existence of two White Moons, which had never been proclaimed anywhere before. And instantly this delusion spread widely in astrological circles, so sensitive to any extraordinary trends, and the myth of the existence of two (and who has more) White Moons began its victorious march, which continues to this day.

The White Moon (Selene) in the horoscope is an invisible karmic planet that shows the path of Light. She is also called Arta, Righteousness, Truth, Grace, or, in another way, Selena. In astrology, it is taken into account and used mainly only in the Avestan system.

White Moon (Selena) in the horoscope

The cycle of the White Moon is 7 years, the microcycle is 7 months. This cycle in nature is also related to the cycle of pregnancy: seven-month-old children are considered children marked with the seal of Light. Initially, they are more connected with their Guardian Angel, although they may forget about it. The birth of these children is relatively rare.

The birth of ordinary children, with a nine-month prenatal period, is associated with 9 multiple cycles of the Black Moon and reminds them of the need to get rid of their sins in earthly life and constantly improve morally. If a child is born at 8 months, then the choice between Good and Evil constantly arises before him, he needs to get out of the confusion. They are less tenacious than other children.

The White Moon, or Selena, shows just Light, Truth, the path to Higher Harmony, which gives a person grace, a sense of higher meaning. The same grace, with the help of which, by changing himself, he changes the world around him. And this feeling of Light, higher guidance is associated with such people. And if Selena is very strong in a person, then he is really truly happy.

Three hypostases of the White Moon (Selena) in the horoscope

The White Moon, like the Black Moon, has three hypostases, three levels of manifestation: the highest, the middle and the lowest. Since it is connected with the real good that a person does in life, following the path of Light, then here it is necessary to understand these mechanisms. Not all the good that he does in life can be called true good. Only that real good that comes from a person disinterestedly, as a matter of course. Then he perceives the world as a single organism, and he does not have any sense of separateness, i.e. one is not perceived separately from the other.

To harm someone, evil for a person is the same as hitting a woman in the chest or hitting right hand on the left - it will hurt the whole body. Feeling the world as a whole and accepting everything that is good in this world is a manifestation of Selena. From here come grace and a sense of truth, from here come the disclosure of the secrets of the world, incredible fortitude, creative forces, the awakening of superconsciousness.

This is an indescribable state that Selena gives initially. This is the highest power of the White Moon, its highest manifestation, and when it awakens in a person, he really does something disinterestedly, not only monitors his moral and ethical potential, but also strengthens other people, contributes to the awakening of good creations.

If a person harmoniously manifests himself in that world that strives for harmony, he - kind person, open, accepting the harmony of this world, giving sincerely and disinterestedly, from the heart, what he himself has. He does not even consider it a blessing, although this is exactly what it is.

All this is the path of Arta, the path of righteousness, the path of the White Moon, by the way, is very rare, and it manifests itself mainly only in the horoscopes of saints, prophets, saviors. That's who has a strong White Moon at all levels.

But not everything is good. There is a good, with the help of which a person lulls his conscience, which he does unselfishly or disinterestedly in form, but in essence - no, because secretly a person hopes to receive something for this good, and this is not disinterestedness. Good strengthens evil in a person, he can pray, do good, but formally, as if tearing away from the soul.

It won't give him grace, it won't transform him. And at the level at which a person paid his debt (which he had to do for his development), he will receive back, but in the same form in which he himself paid. He will even be given the opportunity to reach another level, but whether he will take advantage of this opportunity is a matter of choice.

White Moon (Selena) in the horoscope and karma

If in life, being a villain, a person has done some good deed disinterestedly, he will indeed be rewarded for this in the future. In Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" the villain performed the only good deed - she gave the beggar an onion, and when she died and went to hell, this beggar handed her an onion, which she clung to.

The villain wanted to get out of hell with the help of this bulb, began to unwind, pull herself up, and the bulb, unable to stand it, broke off, and the villain nevertheless ended up in hell. Here is another parable: “There lived a poor doctor, treating selflessly the poor. Once he saved a rich man, who later made him rich. The doctor, without spending a penny on himself, built a hospital for the poor with this gold, thereby earning the blessing of many people during his lifetime.

When the doctor died and his Soul went to Purgatory, God said that he could not accept him into Paradise. "But why," the unfortunate man pleaded, "did I help others all my life?" - "But you have already received a reward for goodness - fame, fame - and everyone you helped is praying for you." And then the Soul of a stray dog ​​appeared before God.

"Lord," said the dog, "this man cured and fed me when I was dying, and not a single living soul knew about it. He did it disinterestedly ...". And since this person did not do a single bad deed in his life, the words of the dog were the last straw that outweighed the Scales, and God opened the doors to the Light for him.

In the end, everyone gets what they deserve, but no more. This is the second level of the White Moon: with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Here it is appropriate to recall the New Testament, as well as the Gathas of Zarathushtra, who say approximately the same thing: "I repay you by your measure."

The third level of the White Moon is manifested under the influence of a strong Black Moon, when, with the sleeping voice of conscience, the White Moon still has its effect. At times, a person is not allowed to commit Evil, is taken away from Evil, even if he is the most notorious villain and has already chosen the path of Evil.

When a person tries to take the path of Evil, lulling the voice of his conscience - this is an indicator of a weak weak Selena. And yet, for the time being, he fails to commit this Evil. If he persists in this, then in the end the right of choice is up to the person and he embarks on the path of Evil, alienating the Guardian Angel from himself.

Cycles of the White Moon (Selena) in the horoscope

The White Moon has very strong cycles that manifest themselves in the seven-year periods of human life. 7 years - 14 years and so on. 14 years old is the age when the heavens opened up before Joan of Arc and she saw St. Michael and the Blessed Catherine and Margaret, who spoke about her mission. She completed this mission, becoming a symbol of France.

21 years old, 28 years old, 35 years old... 63 years old is the most interesting date. Then the Black and White Moons (7x9) return to their place. And the 7th and 9th cycles merge. What does it say? The Black and White Moons return to their place at the same time and put a person in a position of hard choice. If he could not choose before the age of 63, then after that it is useless to do anything.

All the consequences of what a person has done before this period, he experiences on himself. Before the age of 63, it is not too late to move from one level to another, but after 63 years - what you have lingered on, it will remain on. However, there is still an opportunity to live up to 126 years.

If any dissatisfaction begins during this period, critical point, diseases are a manifestation of disharmony that prevents the implementation of an evil program, does not allow it to be realized, even if a person really wants it.

If a tragic death occurs during this period, an absurd, barbaric, monstrous death, then this is very often (but not always) a symbol of the fact that a person still lived according to an evil program and was removed for this. But it happens that a person does not die, but "leaves" at this time, that is, he dies, but this is rather not death, but "leaving", without torment, quietly, this is the awakening of higher powers.

It happens that a person at this time has supernatural luck, good luck. However, this luck cannot be perceived as the highest power of the White Moon, because this is a retribution, i.e. the second level of the White Moon. Luck can be material, social, or some other, the hour of retribution for Good has come. The man was rewarded, but this did not lead him to anything.

And there is also a manifestation of secret forces, the awakening of superconsciousness, discovery, revelation. This is already the White Moon, which means that a person has indeed chosen the path of Light. Comparing the Black and White Moons with each other, you can use them to bring yourself to the court of conscience and so on.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign Aries in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was a knight, he sacrificed himself, therefore, at the first level, the White Moon will not allow him to become a killer, save him from the danger of violence. At the second level, he will move in the same direction, that is, he will also be a brave fighter, and he will be lucky in any fair fight - that is, he is an open and fearless person.

At the third level, this is already a light knight, going into battle for high ideals, for a just cause, ready for self-sacrifice, a conductor of light forces.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Taurus in the horoscope

In a past life, a person was generous and disinterested, was not attached to material wealth, therefore, in a new life, along the first path, he receives support, will always be prosperous in material terms, have good health and good energy. If he tries to get money dishonestly, then the White Moon will not allow it.

On the second path, a person continues to move in the same direction in which he moved in the past, that is, he remains generous and disinterested, helps people, and the more he gives, the more he receives. And this applies not only to money, but also to energy, so this position of the White Moon often happens with healers.

On the third path, he can be the custodian of the information bank, the holder of the energy of the egregore, that is, to create the material and energy base for the whole tradition.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Gemini in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was a conductor of light forces, a student occult sciences, did not condemn anyone, for which he received a clean source of information. At the first level, he receives a reward for the past, that is, he will have good relations with relatives, good teachers, neighbors and many friends.

On the second path, moving in the same direction, he comes to more subtle information, studies well, is a conductor of new knowledge, focuses on new acquaintances, plays the role of an intermediary, unites people and develops his abilities through this. On the higher, third path, already being a conductor of light forces, a person can create a system from disparate scraps of knowledge, because in Gemini the White Moon is in exaltation.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Cancer in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was the keeper of traditions and the hearth, and could also be an occultist and died defending the shrine, guarding the tradition. Therefore, on the first level of this life, he receives a reward in the form of good family relations, a good home, good relations with his native people, homeland.

At the second level, he moves in the same direction, being again the keeper of traditions, the hearth, and so on. At the third level, a person with an already cleared energy code can be a priest, come into contact with dedicated people. A White Moon in Cancer very often means visiting a past life. Therefore, he will be supported by tradition, clan, ancestors who died long ago, but, however, as long as he lives in his homeland; leaving his country, he loses the support of his ancestors.

White Moon (Selena) in Leo in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was a bright creator, gained independence and spiritual freedom. Therefore, at the first level, he will be given a reward in the form of good children, good luck in love, great energy, people are drawn to him and they love him. At the second level, movement continues in the same direction, that is, a person will reveal his creative abilities, self-knowledge, develop spiritual freedom, help others, giving his energy.

At the third level, having become a conductor of light forces, despite the fact that the Sun is the owner of Leo, he will receive the Fire of a high creative embodiment: he will engage in higher self-knowledge, remember where he was born, and can also reveal collective karma. Here a person, as it were, carries out the maximum creative synthesis, showing all of himself.

White Moon (Selena) in Virgo in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person suffered and endured a lot, obeyed and carried his cross, but did not lose pride, resigned himself to the inevitable, that is, he walked the path of karma yoga. Therefore, at the first level, he will be lucky with work and bosses. People will do hard work for him. He will be able to recover quickly and easily, as there will be no problems with good doctors.

At the second level, he will go the way of self-sacrifice, that is, work, helping others, taking care of the sick and weak. And at the third level, the highest, he himself is already a healer, having support in all matters related to treatment and fulfillment of duty. He may have the ability to internally transform at a deep level even his own nature. At the same time, he is absolutely disinterested and can endure a lot for other people.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Libra in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was a bearer of justice, a peacemaker, did not condemn anyone and achieved the highest harmony, that is, he has the karma of a righteous judge. At the first level, he receives a reward for this in the form of a harmonious environment, a good family, a good marriage partner and generally reliable partners in all respects, help from people connected with the law.

At the second level, movement in the same direction, that is, again he will be a righteous judge. But at the third level, he already has the dedication to judge other people, as the highest peacemaker, sacrificing himself for the sake of the world, since Libra is controlled by Chiron (in the highest plane, the planet Vulcan, which has not yet manifested itself, is connected with the Cosmic Law, i.e. not yet discovered planet , its functions are partially taken over by Chiron).

At the highest level, the White Moon just gives in the person of such a person the highest judge. In other words, the Cosmic Law speaks through him.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Scorpio in the horoscope

Selena means that a person in a past life could be a white magician, that is, he understood well the shortcomings of human nature, struggled with his own shortcomings, went through purification, through severe suffering. Born with such a White Moon - this is, as it were, compensation for the fact that he became a victim of white magic.

At the first level, the White Moon does not give him the fall, the development of secret vices, turns him away from practicing black magic, as if saving him from the influence of black magicians, sadists, rapists, perverts. At the second level - the continuation of the same as before, that is, the struggle with one's shortcomings, working out oneself, purification, reaching a higher level, fighting Evil to the best of one's ability.

At the third level, when a person is led by light forces, this is a magical initiation, i.e. is he white magician, who goes along the path of the fight against world Evil, has contact with Higher World, carries out his initiatives, receives help from the dead and has magical protection.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Sagittarius in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was a spiritual father, an educator, a missionary, an authority who endured many trials on the path of spiritual ascent, a person who could be torn away from his homeland, therefore, at the first level, he receives a reward in the form of a strong position, authority, support in all social affairs.

If he is an unrighteous teacher or tries to use unkind means in the struggle for influence and power, then the White Moon will not allow him to do this, will not allow him to sin, to the point that for this he will deprive him of his career if it is dangerous for his spiritual development . At the second level, a person continues to move in the same direction in which he moved in a past life, that is, he will again be a missionary, educator, teacher.

And at the third level, his life turns into specific example for others, he, as it were, unconsciously teaches others by his own example, possessing powers that are incommensurable with human ones, and being already the bearer, distributor, conductor of traditions. That is the position of a spiritual master. In this case, the person is indeed a teacher "from God." He will understand foreign cultures, spread the light tradition, carry it.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Capricorn in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person voluntarily took on someone else's karma, striving for a higher goal, was an ascetic, that is, voluntarily became a scapegoat. At the first level, he receives some compensation in the form of achieving his goal. True, often compensation comes at the end of life. At the second level, he continues to do what he did in a past life, that is, he takes on someone else's karma, goes hard towards the goal, morally purifying himself.

And at the third level, a person becomes a conductor of light forces, that is, he already carries the highest Cosmic Law, and his whole life is dedicated to achieving the highest goal. Forces are released to him exactly as much as necessary to complete this program. He can voluntarily make a sacrifice in order to achieve this goal, he can take on the karma of almost an entire nation.

After all, it is not by chance that many teachers were born under the sign of Capricorn, but according to the Sun, and not according to the White Moon. It is through the sign of Capricorn that one person has the opportunity to take on the karma of so many. Therefore, if a person has the White Moon in Capricorn and he follows the third path and there are light forces behind him, then, having taken on a very large burden, at the cost of his life and hard work, he will free and save other people in this life.

White Moon (Selena) in Aquarius in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was an altruist, approached everyone on an equal footing, came to a state of complete freedom, clearly distinguished between Good and Evil, was a reformer, inspirer, supported faith in people, brought freedom to other people and animals. At the first level, he is rewarded with independence and good friends.

He is lucky in all new cases, and he easily makes a choice between Good and Evil. At the second level, a person moves in the same direction, that is, he will be a reformer, an inspirer, an altruist. At the third level, becoming a conductor of light forces, he is able to modify both his own karma and the karma of other people. Through it enters the world a new bright faith, new religions.

White Moon (Selena) in the sign of Pisces in the horoscope

It means that in a past life a person was humble, lived a solitary life of a hermit, secretly helped other people, showed mercy, sympathy, attention and love for prisoners, the mentally ill. Therefore, at the first level, he receives a reward in the form of a harmonious environment, sympathy and care of other people. At the second level, he continues to carry secret help, leads a solitary life, serves holy images.

Very often he will prophetic dreams; he unconsciously finds a way out of the impasse, and he knows how to read signs and forebodings. And at the highest, third level, when a person becomes a conductor of light forces, an opportunity appears to correct criminals, to help those who have gone astray, those with mental illness, deceived, victims of black magicians. He can communicate with another world, merging with nature and space.

And here support can come from the forces of the elements, when merging with nature, and from higher powers. Helping other people to realize themselves, their depth, harmony with the world is the mission of a person on the third level. In this case, he goes the mystical way. Here, just the magical way of influencing the world is forbidden for him - this is seduction. The path of man lies through meditation, through intuitive comprehension of the secrets of the world, its unity.