Simple and complex ways of Christmas divination for the betrothed. Fortune telling before going to bed for a betrothed

Prophetic dreams are still not fully understood. Many consider them magical and mystical. There are special practices that allow you to find out answers to questions of interest or future events with the help of dreams. They can also include Christmas fortune-telling, special rites and conspiracies that allow you to see the image of your betrothed in a dream and even talk to him. You can also use complex rituals performed at night, which will help you look at your future husband in a mirror or water.

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    Rules for divination for a betrothed

    Christmas divination has always been very popular, because it was they who were considered the most faithful. The fortune-telling season continues from January 7th to 19th. At that time unmarried girls they tell fortunes about the betrothed every day, wanting to know the features of his appearance, character, profession, wealth, etc.

  1. 1. Divination should not be taken lightly, otherwise the result will be incorrect.
  2. 2. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the place where the ritual will take place. In Russia, they used the so-called "unclean" places - a bathhouse, an attic, a basement, an abandoned old house, any other room where, according to beliefs, otherworldly forces can live.
  3. 3. You can only light up a room with candles.
  4. 4. Remove all icons in the divination room.
  5. 5. It is necessary to tell fortunes in complete solitude. Neither people, nor animals, nor extraneous sounds and noise.
  6. 6. You need to fully concentrate and concentrate on your question. It must be formulated briefly and clearly so that it is easy to answer.
  7. 7. It is necessary to take off the cross, rings, bracelets and other jewelry.
  8. 8. Hair is desirable to dissolve.
  9. 9. You can not fold arms and legs crosswise.
  10. 10. No one should talk about what they saw in order for the predictions to come true.

Most true divination to sleep - how to see the betrothed?

What needs to be done to dream of a betrothed?

Marriage is considered important point in every woman's life. There are many simple and affordable rituals and divination methods to dream about prophetic dream about your future wife.

It is worth considering the following points:

  • the fortuneteller should sleep in the room absolutely alone;
  • after saying the magic words before going to bed, you should no longer talk to anyone;
  • to receive accurate prediction it is necessary to go to bed in the opposite direction from the usual;
  • turn the sheet and pillow over bottom side up;
  • put your nightgown inside out.

Easy divination for sleep

Christmas divination for prophetic dreams about a future spouse is very diverse. Most of them are very simple and are carried out at home at night before falling asleep. Among them are the following:

  1. 1. Put a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Brush it, brush it. Look at me, show yourself."
  2. 2. Fold a well of matches and say aloud: "Narrowed-mummers, come drink some water."
  3. 3. Make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow and say: “ Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, he will take me across the bridge».
  4. 4. Place a carafe of water and a cup at the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say these words: “You will get tired from the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come, let me get drunk.” Cross yourself and lie down to rest.
  5. 5. Before going to bed, without first combing your hair, you need to place a clean comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb me.”
  6. 6. At night, mix a thimble of salt with the same amount of water, swallow the mixture without drinking water, and say: “ Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will give me a drink».
  7. 7. Before going to bed, remove a twig from a new broom, hide it under the bed, and put a horseshoe or horse bridle under the pillow. After that, whisper: “ Betrothed, my sir, come to my house, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, drive a horse, kiss me».
  8. 8. Shortly before sleep, braid a braid, thread a small new padlock into it, lock it with a key and say the magic words: “ Narrowed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, unlock the lock». Put the key under the pillow. In a dream, the groom will ask him to give.
  9. 9. Put a saucer with jam near the head, which should be cooked in advance. Before going to bed, say: "I have all the sweetness." In addition to the groom who appeared in a dream, after this simple ritual, the girl will have many suitors.
  10. 10. They read three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday widow, what dream shall I have? Give me, God, to see the one with whom I will live forever.
  11. 11. Going to bed, put on new stockings, then remove the left stocking and hide it under the pillow. Say a conspiracy: " Narrowed-mummer, come take off my shoes".
  12. 12. Soap and a comb are placed under the pillow, while the girl should say: “My betrothed, mummers, come, wash and comb me.”
  13. 13. So that the mother-in-law can see the future son-in-law in a dream, such a rite is suitable: before going to bed, you need to put a frying pan with pancakes under the bed. Say: " Betrothed-mummers, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes".
  14. 14. If the fortuneteller sleeps in a strange house for the first time, when going to bed in a new place, you need to whisper: “ In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.”
  15. 15. At night, put four kings from a playing card deck under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream of me.” The dreaming king of spades will show that the spouse will be older, the club is a widower, the red king promises a handsome and rich man, and the diamond king promises a loved one.
  16. 16. From the festive Christmas feast, it is necessary to leave a crust of bread, put it under the pillow and say: “My betrothed, come to dinner with me.”

Complex rituals performed at night

To find out the name of the future husband, you can use this proven method:

  • take several sheets of paper;
  • cut them into small pieces of paper;
  • write different male names on each;
  • put under the pillow at night;
  • get in the morning, without looking, the first piece of paper that came across.

What name will be written on it is the name of the betrothed.

Another method of divination for a future spouse with candles, which is carried out at night:

  • put three candles in a row one after another so that they merge into one;
  • light them and sit opposite;
  • while reading the plot, gradually move the candles to the side one after another so that all three can be seen at once;
  • say the magic words: “Candle flame, show me the betrothed! Show me his image! Let me see your fate at least in a dream”;
  • let the candles burn out completely;
  • Go to bed.

In a dream, a fortuneteller will see her future husband.

Divination for the coming dream:

  • pre-select a bunch of twelve different dry herbs;
  • while guessing for each certain value such as getting married, getting a marriage proposal, etc.;
  • put the bouquet at the head of the bed before going to bed and whisper a plot;
  • at night the groom will dream, and in the morning you should randomly get any branch and get a prediction about your relationship with him from it.

By branches:

  • break off one branch from poplar, birch and aspen;
  • bandage them with a thread plucked from one's own clothes;
  • put a bouquet of branches under the pillow before going to bed;
  • say three times: "Balideff, Asalbi, Abumaleff."

Whoever dreams is the betrothed.

Rites with a mirror and a ring

Fortune telling with a mirror is carried out strictly at midnight alone:

  • take two mirrors of the same size;
  • install them front side parallel to each other;
  • light a couple of candles and put them on the sides;
  • to look intently into the formed mirror corridor;
  • after the evil spirits appear in the form of a betrothed, quickly say: "Chur me."

On the ring you should also guess at 12 o'clock at night:

  • prepare an ordinary glass cup without edges and patterns;
  • fill it with water one third;
  • drop into it wedding ring, which must be pre-cleaned;
  • look into the water through the ring to see the future husband.

It should be noted that fortune-telling does not always give a 100% accurate answer. Do not worry if the result is not favorable for the fortune-telling girl. It can always be changed for the better.

Divination for the betrothed | Viktor Dolya

Dream on future husband

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: "Narrowed-mummer, comb my head." The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head.

They take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers - he will give me a drink." The betrothed appears in a dream and serves to drink.

They put four card kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers - that dream in a dream." If you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, a red king means young and rich, a cross king means wait for matchmakers from a military or businessman, and a tambourine one from the desired one.

Divination - The name of the betrothed

If you want to know the name of the betrothed, then this is as easy as shelling pears. Take several sheets of paper, write one male name on each of them and put, for example, in a hat. Shake the hat several times and pull out one leaf at random. The name that will be written on the sheet will be the name of your future husband.

Divination on a towel

At night, they hang a white towel outside the window (I wonder if this is so that the future groom can see it better?) And they say: “Betrothed-mummers, come and wipe yourself off.” If in the morning you took out a completely dry towel from the window, then you will sit “in girls” this year, and if the towel is wet, then you will definitely be married.

divination at night with twigs for a betrothed

They make a bridge out of twigs and put it under the pillow, wondering for a dream, “who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.” Of course, he must dream of her.

fortune-telling for the groom sitting by the window

Before going to bed, put on a clean white shirt and sit in front of a mirror. An indispensable condition will be that your body should be reflected at least to the waist. Let your hair down, take a comb in your hands and start combing yourself, saying: “Betrothed mummer, I’m dressing up for you, good for you. You come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we meet. I will wait for you and be together. I conjure you with almighty forces: appear in my dream. Amen".

Further, according to the ritual of divination by the betrothed with a comb, one should lie in bed and light a church candle at the head of the bed. Place the comb under the pillow. We draw your attention to the fact that on the day when fortune-telling is performed, it is necessary to go to bed before midnight, since otherworldly forces come into contact exactly at this time.

Divination at home with a boat

For this divination, a basin of water is taken at home so that it is not completely filled with water. Bent strips with the names of fortunetellers are hung or riveted on the sides of this basin or possible events are written on them: Wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, gain, unexpected happiness, or good luck, etc. take the shell from walnut(its half) and in the middle of it a small stump of a Christmas tree candle is installed. The boat is allowed into the middle of the pelvis, and depending on which edge it comes up to and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is guessing.

Divination on paper

Home is taken whole leaf paper or, best of all, a newspaper, and this sheet of paper must be crumpled by hand so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding turning it into a ball, but leaving some outline. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and lit with a match. Burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ash, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until some kind of shadow is outlined, according to the outlines of which, just like in the previous divination, they judge the future .

Divination at home on a gold chain

Wait for everyone to go to bed at home. Sit at the table and rub gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain to right hand, shake a little and drop it sharply on the floor. The chain forms various figures, which are interpreted as follows.

Circle - soon you will find yourself in a difficult position, as in a vicious circle.

Fortune telling is done on Saturday, before that one must observe 3 days of fasting.

Divination by dreams

Divination by dreams about the betrothed is the most diverse. Better days fortune-telling - around Christmas (they are also called Christmas fortune-telling) or on Friday, when the growing month or the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After uttering the words to the betrothed, do not talk to anyone and do not be distracted by extraneous matters. The less conversation with outsiders about the alleged divination, the better. To see true dream, you need to lie with your head on the other side (that is, put the pillow where you used to lie down with your feet), turn the pillow over to the other side, also re-lay the sheet with the bottom side up and put on the shirt inside out.

1. This fortune-telling is for girls with long braids. Going to bed, thread a padlock into the braid, close it with a key and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key.” Put the key under the pillow. In a dream, the groom who came for the key will appear.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb, a comb under the pillow, say: “Narrowed-mummer, come comb me” (while guessing, go to bed without combing).

3. Put a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Brush it, brush it. Look at me, show yourself."

4. Before going to bed, put a jug of water and a mug closer to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You will get tired from the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come, let me get drunk.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. At night, eat a thimble of salt without drinking water. “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.” Instead of a thimble of salt, you can eat salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow, wondering: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

In a dream, you may dream of both young people at once (draw conclusions with whom you have to stay, based on the plot of the dream), or you may not dream of any. In the latter case, after waking up, take one of the photos from under the pillow to the touch. Whose portrait you get, you will stay with it.

If you don’t have photos of young people that interest you at hand, but you need to make a choice, you can do the following.

Betrothed-mummers, come undress me.

Fortune telling using cards for the coming dream

At night, four kings from a regular 36-card deck are placed under the pillow. The deck must be new, it must not be used for games or divination. CONSPIRACY:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream to me!

This fortune-telling for the betrothed should suggest the presence of a man of the heart. You can use matches to determine whether you are destined to be together. Need to take Matchbox and insert two matches on the sides. Set them on fire at the same time, at the same time, determine which match symbolizes you and which one symbolizes your love. If the burnt matches are connected together, you will be together. Fortune telling on water and fire has always been considered one of the most powerful, because these natural elements have been endowed with magical qualities from time immemorial.

Fortune telling on cards for the king

Onion as one of the ways of divination for the betrothed

The names of possible candidates for husbands should be written on the bulbs.

Today, such a prediction of the future is also very popular. You can see your destiny not only in the company of girlfriends, but also alone. This is especially true of divination before bedtime. They are now held at any time of the year and day of the week. Them huge variety. Therefore, a girl can always choose for herself exactly what she likes and will accurately answer her questions. Naturally, most divination is love. They indicate the attitude of a lover to a young beauty. And many open the veil of secrecy: who will be the chosen one and future husband of the girl.

Such a useful golden chain

One example of the coming night is the manipulation of a gold chain. To carry out this mysterious action, you must wait until everyone in the house goes to bed. And only then can you start the process of divination.

To begin with, you should sit comfortably at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands. It should start to radiate warmth. After that, it must be transferred to the right hand and slightly shaken. Finally, the chain must be thrown very sharply to the floor. They interpret the figure in the form of which the chain lay.

If this is a circle, then the fortuneteller will face difficulties in life. A straight line means luck everywhere and in everything, but endless knots speak of possible diseases. It may also turn out to be a triangle, which indicates success in love affairs. A bow from will tell you that you should expect a wedding soon. Of course, the heart is a symbol of happiness and love, as well as family and spiritual well-being.

Divination on twigs

Fortune-telling before going to bed does not end there. Another option for predicting your future is to create a bridge that will help you see your betrothed. To do this, you must first prepare the twigs. Of these, in turn, they build a bridge and put it under the pillow just before going to bed. At this time, the following words should be uttered: "my betrothed, mummers, come quickly and take me across this bridge." Of course, the future lover of the same night should dream of a girl.

Useful comb

There are fortune-telling before going to bed, where a comb is used. One of them calls for putting a comb under the pillow in the evening. At the same time, you will again need to pronounce certain words: “my betrothed, mummers, come to me and comb my hair.” On the same night, the devil will surely appear in a dream. This time he will be in the image of the future groom and will begin to comb the hair of the sleeping beauty.

Who will bring water

One option has to do with food. To do this, the girl must eat something salty at night. It can be pickled cucumbers or herring. When the time for sleep comes, the "fortune teller" conjures in a whisper: "narrowed, mummers, be sure to come to me and give me water to drink." The groom will hurry to be in the beauty's dream.

Other fortune-telling for the betrothed

You can find out your fate (future husband) in other ways. It is enough, for example, to use fortune-telling on a cigarette. There are different variations of it:

  1. One uses a cigarette filter exclusively. You need to rotate it in your hands as many times as the fortune teller is full years old. After that, the outlines of one of the letters of the Russian alphabet will appear on the filter. This is the first letter of the betrothed's name.
  2. Another divination on a cigarette uses ashes, which should be rubbed in the palms. And according to the signs formed, as they say, one can understand the whole fate.

If there is a loved one

In the case when the betrothed has already been found, you can find out his attitude if you try fortune-telling on dashes. Moreover, it can be carried out both independently, manually drawing these lines in 4 rows, and then, crossing out three pieces, and with the help of online versions which is ubiquitous on the Internet. In this case, you will not even need to memorize and look for values.

In this article:

The betrothed is the one whom girls have been dreaming of since girlhood. As soon as the fair sex grows up, they become interested in their future, and in particular in the chosen one. Who is he? What's his name? When will the moment of long-awaited meeting come? These and many other questions are of interest to young maidens, who, in order to at least slightly open the veil of the mystery of the future, use fortune-telling on the betrothed.

These divinations are varied and are done with a mirror or on cards. Also, a narrowed mummer can be seen in a dream.

Dream on future husband

To see your betrothed in a dream, put a comb under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head”

You can also take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix them and eat before going to bed, and going to bed, say:

“Whoever is my betrothed, mummers, will give me water to drink”

Another option is to place four card kings under your pillow and say:

“Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will dream in a dream”

The king of spades is an aged groom or jealous, a red king is young and rich, a cross king is for matchmakers from a military or businessman, a diamond means a desired groom.

Divination in the name of the betrothed

How to find out the name of the betrothed? Simply and easily! To do this, you need to take a couple of sheets of paper, write one male name on each and put it in some kind of container or recess, for example, a hat. Shake the papers and pull out one. The name that is written on the elongated sheet will be your future spouse.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Place a jar of rice in front of you, hold over it left hand palm down, concentrating, they ask aloud a question, after which they take out a handful of rice from the jar and pour it onto a pre-spread napkin. Rice is counted. An odd number of grains indicates a negative answer to your question, and an even number indicates a positive one.

Divination on bulbs

Take onions, write on each man's name one of the prospective contenders for your hand and heart. Put all the bulbs in water and wait for one of them to sprout. The bulb that first sprouts and becomes the winner, or rather, the one whose name is written on it, will be the first to make you a marriage proposal.

Divination for married women

Pour water into a glass and write the name of the mistress of the missus and his own name on a previously prepared sheet of paper. Also, prepare a spoonful of salt in advance and light a candle. Throw salt into a glass and light a sheet with written names from a candle. While the leaf is burning, quickly stir the salt in a glass and say:

“If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper will burn out and their love will burn out”

Such methods of divination perfectly develop intuition.

If the salt melts before the paper burns and decays, the husband will remain in the family, but if the paper burns faster, then the spouse will leave you anyway sooner or later.

New Year's divination by an armful of firewood

Under New Year you need to take an armful of firewood and take it to the house to count it. An even number of firewood speaks of marriage or marriage this year, an odd number indicates the absence of changes in this state of affairs.

Divination on spoons

On New Year's Eve, all family members should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. If the water begins to freeze in a deepening - to death this year. Tubercle - prosperity and a happy life.

Divination by the window

This fortune-telling on the betrothed is done at the window. Wait for everyone in the house to fall asleep, sit by the window, extinguish the fire and whisper softly:

"Narrowed-mummers, drive past the window"

If in the near future a noisy crowd passes by the window or someone shouts loudly, whistles, then the groom will be rich, silence means the groom will be poor.

Divination for the groom with a ring

The result is achieved only by girls who know how to discard extraneous thoughts and concentrate

Take a simple glass with a flat bottom. There should be no drawings or edges on the glass. Pour water into a third of the glass and lower the ring there, after cleaning it. Now long and persistently try to see through the water in the middle of the ring the face of the future husband.

Divination for Christmas for the betrothed

This divination is most effective during Christmas or Holy Week. Before 24.00, prepare a mirror and a couple of spruce branches. Before going to bed, write the name of the desired person or cherished desire on the mirror. When you wake up in the morning, look at the mirror first.

If what is written has disappeared, then the desire will surely come true or you will get married soon. If what is written has not changed in any way, then you, as before, will remain in your interests. By the way, this is a very bad sign for the one whose name you wrote on the mirror, so before you do this, think carefully, because the name can always be replaced by a desire, without specifying one or another person.

Candle divination

On Intercession (October 14), the power of the marriage union is the most powerful, so on this day the girls ran to church from early morning to put a candle on which they could tell fortunes. Moreover, the girl who puts the candle before everyone else will get married before the rest.

And guessing by candlelight is easy. A quiet flame is a quiet, even life without special events and failures.

  • A bright flame is an interesting life.
  • A crackling flame is a cheerful and stormy life.
  • A dim flame is sadness and fragility.
  • The red color of the flame is grief, yellow is joy, soot is unfortunate.

Surprisingly, even in our days, when every girl is the mistress of her own destiny, most people are still interested in knowing when and whom they will marry. An old fortune-telling for a betrothed will help you lift the veil over the future. In this article, we have compiled for you the most interesting rituals for your future husband, you will definitely find the right one for you!

The old rites have remained almost unchanged, passing from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter.

Having decided to conduct a fortune-telling, take it seriously. Don't start if you're skeptical - just waste your time. And of course, do not doubt your abilities, self-confidence will help you get true result. To get started, figure out for yourself what you can and cannot do if you are guessing at your future betrothed:

  • You can carry out fortune-telling on the groom all year round by choosing the time that is convenient for you. You don't have to wait until Christmas or the next Holy Week. However, if you decide to guess on these days, then the prediction will turn out to be more accurate.
  • True predictions about future marriage can be obtained at midnight, on a full moon, in the evening of one of the “ women's days- Wednesdays, Saturdays, Fridays.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

  • Before starting, take all the icons out of the room and take off the cross. This religion does not approve of any fortune-telling, even those that are traditionally held during Christmas week. And nothing should interfere with the rite.
  • Finish all your evening chores before guessing. At the end, you will no longer be able to do anything and talk to anyone. If you break this rule, you will have to repeat it on another day, otherwise what you saw in a dream will not come true.
  • Start fortune-telling for your betrothed before going to bed, only when you are convinced that all the household members have already gone to bed. You should not be distracted by children, animals, or noise behind the wall. You must perform the ceremony alone.

Fortune telling for a dream

A successful divination by the betrothed before going to bed will help you see his face in night visions. There are many ways to call the groom into your dream, in this section we will talk about them.

On salt water

Mix two teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and drink this before bed. You can no longer drink until the morning, even if you are thirsty. And then you will dream of a man who will offer you to drink water. Remember his face, this is your future groom!

On the comb

Buy a new wooden comb and put it under your pillow as you prepare to go to bed on the night of Thursday to Friday. Call the groom to come to your dream and help you comb your hair. Be careful, the comb should not be used until the moment you see a dream. You can read more about it in this article.

On water and twig

Pour water into a deep bowl and place a thin twig on top of it. Put the bowl under the bed without removing the twig from it, and go to bed. And at night, in a dream, call the groom to help you get to the other side along the shaky bridge, if he helps, you will have a friendly and strong family!

On the twigs

Take three branches from the birch, willow and apple tree. Break them off gently, asking for forgiveness from the tree. You can tie a bright ribbon in place of the log house as a token of apology. When you bring the sprigs home, pluck the thread from the clothes you often wear and tie them together. When preparing for bed, put three tied branches under the pillow, and then you will dream of the groom.

On flowers

Gather a bouquet of 13 meadow herbs and flowers. Guess for yourself what each of the plants will mean in your divination. Write down the interpretations so as not to forget them in the morning. Put the bouquet under your pillow before going to bed to see the groom at night. And when you wake up, first of all, select one of the stems by touch. The event it denotes will happen to you during the lunar month. There are a few more that might interest you.

With a letter

Write a romantic letter to your future husband inviting him into your dream. Instead of a signature, put a scarlet imprint of lips at the bottom of the letter. Remove the letter under the pillow and put a new mirror there. This method is good because you can “send” a letter in this way for several nights in a row, until you really dream of your betrothed.

With socks

Go to bed in one sock and put the other under your pillow. They say that if you have a caring groom, he will definitely come at night to help you take off the remaining sock. If in the morning you find the sock taken off ... well, that's the way it is!


Lock the new padlock by holding it over a glass of water, then tuck it under your pillow. In a dream, the betrothed will come to you to ask for the key.

On the map

They say that in order for the betrothed to dream at night, you need to put a king of diamonds or hearts under the pillow.

On a horseshoe

It is believed that if you put a twig from a new broom and a horseshoe under the pillow, future husband dream in the form of a rider on a horse. You can make a horseshoe yourself, for example, cut it out of cardboard.

On Lavrushka

Three bay leaves under the pillow also help to see the future spouse in a dream.

For jam

If you put a bowl of jam under the bed at night, you will dream of a young man who is in love with you.

In a new place

There is an old saying "in a new place, the bridegroom dreams of the bride." If you fall asleep on a new bed for the first time, even without any rituals, you can meet your future husband in a dream.


A glass with two forks placed near the bed will also call the groom to your dream.

Dream interpretation

If you saw your betrothed in a dream, then this is very good sign, and what to do if you dreamed of other images:

  • If you see several men in a dream, then you are destined to marry more than once.
  • If you fulfilled all the conditions of fortune-telling, but no one came to you at night, remember what you saw in a dream instead of a man. Interpret these images from the dream book.
  • Other images usually indicate what is preventing you from finding family happiness and meeting your chosen one.

Christmas divination on the mirror

According to legend, the one who is destined for Christmas can be seen in the mirror.

This is a traditional Christmas divination for a betrothed on a mirror. Unlike other methods, it can only be done on Yule week, preferably on Christmas night. For this divination you will need two mirrors, two wax candles and time to prepare the festive table.

To successfully carry out fortune-telling in the mirror for your betrothed, you need to have time to cover a romantic dinner for two before midnight, and then change into nice clothes like you're actually going on a date. But remember that when fortune telling there should be no metal objects, so do not put utensils on the table. It is better to choose the right outfit for yourself in advance.

  • Place two mirrors on the table so that they are reflected in each other.
  • In the center of the table, at an equal distance from both mirrors, place two candles. When midnight comes, you can start divination.
  • Light the candles, turn off the lights in the room, and sit behind one of the mirrors.
  • Ask the groom to hear your call and come to taste the dinner prepared for him.
  • Gaze at the surface of the mirror opposite you.
  • Wait until the reflection in it begins to distort. If you don't get scared and keep looking, you will see a man's face. At first, the image will be blurry, and then it will become clearer.

If you decide to interrupt the ceremony, put both mirrors on the table with the glass down and turn on the light in the room.

Card divination for the betrothed

In this section, we will look at two simple card fortune-telling on ordinary 36 playing cards, which will not be difficult to decompose and interpret for any girl.

The first layout "On the King and the Queen"

You will need a regular deck that has never been played. Find the queen and the king of hearts in it, put them on the table face down.

Shuffle the rest of the deck and remove it with your left hand. Fortune telling on the cards for the betrothed begins:

Taking cards from the top of the deck, place them face down on the king and queen in turn. You will have two stacks. Set aside cards whose numbers matched (for example, in both piles there are sixes on top).

Shuffle the deck and repeat the stacking two more times. Then see what card values ​​are pending:

  • 6 - separation awaits you;
  • 7 - ahead of a passionate date;
  • 8 - you will remain friends;
  • 9 - your love is waiting for a test;
  • 10 - your union will be long;
  • Jacks - a joint trip is ahead;
  • Ladies - he will cheat on you;
  • Kings - you will meet another;
  • Aces - there is a more suitable person next to you.

If there are cards of several denominations in the pending, all the specified events will happen to the pair.

The layout of the second "On Four Jacks"

To conduct another fortune telling on the narrowed cards, remove all four jacks from the deck, and then do this:

  • On three of them, guess the names of the guys you know, and the fourth one is the one you have not met yet.
  • Lay the jacks face down on the table, they will be the basis for the stacks.
  • Shuffle the rest of the deck, remove the cards with your left hand and arrange them in four piles on jacks.
  • Turn over all the cards and find the jack of hearts in the stack of which jack. He points to the most suitable partner for you.

Fortune telling on a betrothed on paper

These two divinations can be done without any preparation, all you need is a piece of paper and a pen.

Option one: "Answer the question"

Formulate your question so that it can only be answered yes or no, for example: “Will I marry Ivanov Ivan this year?”. Write down the resulting phrase on a piece of paper and put under each word the number of letters in it.

Add pairs of adjacent numbers, narrowing the triangle down. If at any stage you get a number greater than 10, add its numbers together and continue on. As a result, you will get one number, which will become the lower vertex of the triangle. To interpret fortune telling on paper, find the value of the last number:

  1. - Depends on your efforts;
  2. - Not;
  3. - Yes;
  4. - Not;
  5. - Probably not;
  6. - Rather, yes;
  7. - Yes;
  8. — Yes, but it will be necessary to wait;
  9. - No never.

Option two "Heart"

To conduct another fortune-telling on paper, you will need a checkered piece of paper. Close your eyes and imagine in detail the person whose attitude you want to tell fortunes. Draw a heart using a different hand than you would normally write with. Open your eyes and count the number of whole cells that fell inside the contour. If you divide this number by 6, what is the remainder?

  • 0 - He is indifferent to you.
  • 1 - You are just a friend to him.
  • 2 - He likes you.
  • 3 - He likes another.
  • 4 - He sees you in a dream.
  • 5 - He is in love with you.

Divination in the name of the betrothed

At the first comer

There is one very simple fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed, it is best to do it at Christmas or the Old New Year. On a festive night, you just leave your house at midnight and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection. Stand at the center of the intersection and wait for late passers-by.

You need to ask the name of the first man passing by you, and you need to recognize him no matter what, catch up with him, beg him under any pretext! That is the name of your future husband.

Advice! The kindest and smartest brides take a pie or pancakes with them for fortune-telling to treat the man who gave the answer!

By phone number

Some girls guess more modern way- they call invented numbers until a man picks up the phone, from whom you need to ask for a name. At the same time, you can talk a little longer - what if he is your future husband!

With the help of cards

You can find out the name of the groom using a deck of cards. Shuffle the deck, remove with your left hand and open the cards one at a time, calling each man's name. The divination will end when you open the king of hearts. The name that you pronounce at the same time belongs to your future husband.

Divination "When will I get married"