A farewell letter to a friend in prose that brings tears to her eyes. To my best friend, in my own words, to tears

I know it's not easy to forgive me,
But believe me, it’s even more difficult now,
Knowing that you hurt your friend
This makes it doubly painful.

Let's forget past grievances,
I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying,
Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
I apologize.

I'm very sorry that this happened
It all turned out very stupid
But I ask for forgiveness
And I apologize.

My beloved friend,
I am guilty. Sorry.
I know we love each other -
The grievances will be behind us.

Did I offend you?
Believe me, I didn't want to.
Something came over me
I didn't look at my tongue.

Sorry friend,
I inadvertently
I won't repeat myself
It will be a lesson to me.

I'm so ashamed, uncomfortable,
My soul felt bad,
Excuse me please,
I will improve, I will become better!

I want to tell you I'm sorry
I'm sorry, please don't be angry anymore
I didn't mean to offend
Well, let's make peace quickly!

Just imagine how I will be
Without my dear friend,
I'll go crazy without you,
You alone are needed.

You are my sunshine
What broke through all the clouds,
And with you it’s so easy for me,
Stop tormenting my soul.

I know I offended you
And for this I sincerely apologize,
You're bored without me,
Give me back my mood!

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I admit it
Better just smile
I love you with all my soul.

You are my friend
Dear little man,
I will never become
With someone closer than with you.

This is all because of me!
It's my fault, friend.
And now I regret
That they quarreled with each other.

I want to make peace.
I suffer in a quarrel without you.
Well, don't be angry, I beg you.
Excuse me, dear!

Forgive me, dear friend!
I'm very guilty before you,
I don’t know what came over me then,
Something terrible was happening to me.

You are my support and hope,
And I couldn’t find anyone better around.
I'm sorry! Let everything be as before
You are my best friend in the world.

But you are interested in me,
And let me piss you off sometimes,
Forgive me my friend
I sincerely ask you.

The sun doesn't shine for me without you,
And even the chocolate lost its taste,
Stop being angry already
I'm afraid of losing you.

Let's make peace, forget this quarrel,
I won't offend you anymore,
I'm unbearably sad without you,
I don't even have anyone to chat with!

I'm sorry that I did this
I know that, of course, I’m wrong,
What did I tell you too much?
Why did my words hurt you?

I hope the ice will thaw little by little,
After all, I value friendship very much!
My soul cries and sobs,
I ask you for forgiveness for everything!

Please don't be offended
And you shouldn't be angry with me,
We have been friends with you for so many years,
Let's make peace quickly.

Why harbor resentment in your soul?
Let's learn to forgive.
We are proud in appearance,
But we still want to become kinder.

You and I both understand
That anyone can make a mistake.
And without each other it’s not easy for us,
And we really need to make peace.

How do you find life in retirement?
Everything's in order
Everything is in place?
Only something is not sung -
Are you bored about the orchestra?
This world has been small since ancient times
And you can’t do it one by one,
If you don't have time for songs today,
Tears are also useless.
Wear a hat for strength,
And exercise every day...


You can think about it. Let letter will be kind or evil, gentle or cruel, cheerful or sad. This is the soul! In which you can see what happens to a person who... relates to the addressee. And conversation is chatter that is quickly forgotten. And then you remember for a long time: what did you say? Letter You can read it again and again. Think about it. And rewrite it again. Not everyone can or wants to write letters

.The soul is different for everyone. But who has a “black” soul or no soul at all. Surely not when and not at all...


Former militants included in the Olympic team ... The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam were included in the Sri Lankan Olympic team, the BBC Russian service reports. Several snipers will participate in shooting competitions. Other former militants may defend the honor of Sri Lanka in swimming, athletics

and cricket. All selected athletes won a specially organized talent search competition...


There should be one girlfriend
A girlfriend should be forever.
We must never forget
What was, what is and what will be,
After all, friendship, it never
It won't get in the way.
You can tell your friend
Everything that is stored in the heart,

And she’s like family...


One way letters
One way letters
Letters without answer.
I'm writing a story

From winter to summer.
She has a childish smile,
Sweet naivety,
Youth is wild and daring,

Charm, glamour, sportiness.
There is volcanic love in her,
Pain and shame drop by drop,
Accursed old age,


Here is an example of one such letter.

Hi, Olya!
How's life, how are you?
Exactly 10 years have already passed since our last meeting. Remember, we ourselves had just finished school then. We successfully passed the exams and went for a walk. And now, before we know it, we ourselves have become mothers. How is your son Artyom? Does he like to go to kindergarten? Which school do you plan to send to? My children will soon finish first and second grades. They don't like school at all. They say it's boring there. I understand them, but I'm trying to prove the opposite. This is probably what all mothers do. Yes, time flies. I especially began to notice this when the children went to school.
Where are you planning to vacation in the summer? Maybe we can cooperate somehow and relax as families? I wouldn't mind flying to Egypt or Tunisia. But the current dollar exchange rate wishes you good luck. Let's see if everything can work out and stabilize.
How's it going on on the personal front? Doesn't it offend you? Kidding! Knowing your character, you definitely won’t let yourself be offended. I, too, thank God, am doing well in this regard. There are, of course, some minor disagreements, but in my opinion you can’t avoid it, especially when you’ve been married for 9 years. Nightmare, 9 years old, but it’s as if there was just a wedding recently.
By the way, I saw Lenka a couple of days ago. She finally gave birth to a girl - Katya. Of course, Lenka has gained weight, very much, about 20 kilograms. But she’s as happy as an elephant.
In general, there is a lot of news. I would sit and write. But it's time to finish. You can't write much anyway. I would like to see each other as soon as possible, to have a heart-to-heart talk, as before. Look at you, what are you like, have you changed?
Write often and don’t forget!

Happy Birthday to you, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished dreams come true on this wonderful day dreams. I am very proud that I have such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder in any situation. I want to thank you so much for your strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

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Best friend, for me you are like dear person! We have a lot in common, the main thing is that we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give you a souvenir! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and remain the brightest person throughout your long life! Let troubles and illnesses pass you by! I wish you not to be sad and have fun, relax and travel more often! And take me with you!

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It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! Happy Birthday to you, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there for you!

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My dear, ________________ !
I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
Everything you would like to receive, get it! Everything you would like to achieve, achieve it! Let everyone you love love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world!
- with love, _____ .

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The best in the world, dear friend!
I'm away on your birthday! And every now and then I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we scattered different places. I just skillfully press the computer keys, and so I hope: you’re reading there!
I wish you happiness, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And may one day the roads intertwine and you knock quietly on my house!

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My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
Happy Birthday! And I wish you the best:
Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
Let illnesses, problems and misfortunes pass you by!
May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

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You have become my best friend for a long time! I can't imagine my life without you life path! It’s so great that I have you and give me so much joy! Happy Birthday to you from the bottom of my heart, my beloved friend! I would like to wish that all your days bring you only pleasure and happy moments! So that your life becomes a continuous big holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses to the past! Don't go back to him! New pleasant surprises of fate and travel await you! Take me with you and everything will be Okay! I kiss you warmly, dear!

To my best friend in your own words to tears
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My best friend, please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindness. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears are like spring water that can cleanse the soul. And if there is 2 times more of it, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, friend! But it’s better - always shine like a star and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for the rest of your life! But also remain as gentle, kind and beautiful!

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My kind, sweet, beloved,
tender as the sun in spring,
You are the one and only
I'm pleased, dear, to be friends with you.

You are reliable, hardworking,
everything always goes well with you,
and what a beautiful friend you are,
I admire looking at you

I wish you happiness, dear,
Let sorrows pass by,
Stay beautiful forever
Make us happy, wonderful soul.

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Happy Birthday to my best friend! And I wish you the best: that your wishes come true, that you are loved and joyful, that you are pampered and cherished, that you are bought luxurious gifts and taken to best resorts! Dream, it’s useful, instead of grieving in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve great female happiness! What I wish for you beyond measure! Take everything you need from life! Give your sad days to fate! For long years life to you, as well as unfading youth, beauty and vigor to you!

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May 28th, 2006 , 02:05 am

I miss you so much, my darling.
I really miss you, I really do.
I just go crazy when you are not at home and your mobile is disconnected for non-payment.
I need to tell you so much, ask for advice, hear how you are doing.
This is very important to me. I feel bad when it's not there.
you know I Lately I think about you all the time. These thoughts compensate for my lack of seeing you and communicating with you.
It's like you're behind soundproof glass. I knock on it, and you stand with your back.. or sideways.. and you don’t hear me.. that’s why you don’t see either..
I am so happy about those moments when we manage to connect and call... but these minutes are so few...
Over the time that we have known each other, you have become a big part of me. How can I live in peace, feeling that you are not nearby?
my girl, I’m so happy for you when I know that something good has happened to you... I worry when something goes wrong for you... I’m just very sorry that now at many moments in your life I can’t be near.
I understand that it had to be this way and I really hope that this is not forever..
our friendship will only become stronger..
I love you very much, girl with long eyelashes
May everything be fine in your life..
but how can I survive this...?