Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Stepan (Stephan). Stepan: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person? What does the name Stepan mean from Greek

In childhood, the meaning of the name Stepan reveals its owner as a naughty and restless person. However, the boy has no tendency towards aggression, is not pugnacious, and is always funny and fun with the boy. He likes to come up with various games, he is very active, which causes a lot of trouble for parents and educators, who needs an eye and an eye.

He does not have perseverance; sitting for a long time at textbooks tires the boy. At school, you grasp all the educational material almost on the fly. Teachers are a little afraid of the child’s inquisitive mind and the child’s tricky questions. The boy’s sharp eye notices all the shortcomings of adults, which he then comically copies.

This is a creatively gifted child, he will be interested in theater clubs, the boy will be happy to participate in school productions and KVNs. Thanks to his original and creative thinking, the boy can come up with funny stories and performances. She places great importance on the opportunity to speak in public.

The boy has a large number of friends and acquaintances, sometimes it seems that everyone knows the child. He likes to be in a female group, which never gets boring for him, unlike male company. Among girls, Styopa is always cheerful and witty, he can amuse the ladies with interesting stories and anecdotes, and will give everyone a pleasant compliment.

The boy urgently needs society and spectators. Pays great attention to his development and appearance. Loves to be the center of attention and is well oriented even in unfamiliar surroundings.

In youth, the meaning of the name Stepan for a child is revealed by such character traits as perseverance and iron willpower. At first glance, it may seem that the guy is not very serious and has a changeable character, but this is absolutely not the case.

This male name characterizes its owner as a person who has his own personal opinion, but is not inclined to change his principles and plans, and will attach great importance to the realization of his goals.

A man quickly forgets insults, tries not to attach importance to people’s barbs and ridicule, responding wittily to any attacks.


The meaning of the name Stepan for a boy in a love relationship is quite ambiguous. Since the guy loves to be in female company, the man’s chosen one will have to come to terms with this phenomenon. Women in the team often envy Stepan’s beloved girlfriend, considering the young man an ideal match for themselves.

However, the young man is not as good in love as his female friends believe. This means that a man’s need to be in a large company creates a lot of inconvenience for his chosen one. He is not jealous, and does not like to be jealous.

Stepan Menshikov

A man is not attracted to approachable women; it is important for a guy to feel like a conqueror. In erotic terms, the interpretation of the name Stepan speaks of a young man’s penchant for intimate games with one or more partners. He does not restrain his sensitivity and high excitability, and pays attention to his pleasure.


Family life with such a man has many pitfalls. This often means unhappy marriages, divorces and repeated relationships are common. A young man rarely gives in to his principles and does not compromise.

She loves her children, but devotes little time to raising and communicating with her children, firmly considering this to be a woman’s business.

Business and career

In business, a man is lucky, has good instincts and intuition. Since the young man has a large number of friends and acquaintances, doors are open for him everywhere. He loves to lead, which means that his subordinates often listen to and respect him.

Thanks to his indefatigable imagination and creativity, he will be a successful fashion designer, designer, architect, painter and performer.

Origin of the name Stepan

The origin of the name Stepan has only one version, thanks to which you can unambiguously determine the meaning and secret of the name.

The ecclesiastical form of the male name Stepan is the name Stefan, whose name, in etymological translation from the ancient Greek word “stephanos,” means “crown, crown.” Based on the history where this name came from, the crown was a mandatory attribute and accessory of the Greek goddess Hera.

Characteristics of the name Stepan

Thanks to the information provided by the characteristics of the name Stepan, it is very easy for future parents, when choosing a name, to calculate the pros and cons of the character of their future child.

Among the advantages in the boy’s character, it is worth highlighting his kind and cheerful disposition, ease, sociability, and the ability to find a common language with everyone. The child has a special charm and charisma, incredible charm and masculine attractiveness.

The big disadvantage in the boy’s character is excessive sociability. It is because of this trait that young people most often do not have good family relationships.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – aventurine, aquamarine, cobalt.
  • Name days - June 6, 20, 25, 28. July 13, 18, 26, 27, 31. 1, 13, 15, 25 August. September 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28. October 7, 11, 15, 17. November 9, 12, 13, 17, 24, 25. December 11, 15, 22, 23, 28, 30. January 9, 17, 24, 27. February 7, 12, 21, 26. March 7, 12. April 6, 8, 10. May 9, 10, 20, 30.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aries, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Color – faded yellow, green, red.
  • The animal mascot is the tarpan.
  • Treasured plant - mountain ash, apple tree.

Famous people

  • Stepan Menshikov (1977) – showman, actor, television presenter, former participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2”. The young man opened his own dating site and dreams of releasing the television program “Bride for Alligators.”
  • Stepan Morozov (1977) – theater and film actor. He became famous thanks to the television series “Masha Berezina” and the film “Bodyguard”.
  • Stepan Ryabokon is a Russian football player and defender. He is a member of the main team of the CSKA football team.

Different languages

The translation of the name Stepan has its own characteristics and in various languages ​​is not consistent with its Russian counterpart. In English, Stepan is translated as - Steven (Stephen), Stephen (Stephen), Stephan (Stephan), Steve (Steve), in French - Étienne (Etienne), Stéphane (Stephan), in Italian - Stefano (Stefano), Stefanio ( Stefanio), in Spanish - Esteban (Esteban), in German - Stephan, Stefan (Stefan), church. Stephanus (Stefanus), in Portuguese - Estêvão (Estevan), in Romanian - Ştefan (Stefan), in Hungarian - István (Istvan).

In Chinese it is translated as 斯捷潘 (Sijiepan), in Japanese it sounds like - ステパン (Sutepan).

Name forms

  • Full name: Stepan.
  • Variants of the name are Stefan, the female form is Stepanida, Stefan.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) – Stepka, Stepashka, Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stepasha, Styopa, Stepunya, Stepura, Stepukha, Stepusha, Stesha, Stenya, Stenyusha.
  • The declension of the name is Stepan-Stepanu-Stepan.
  • Orthodox (church name) – Stephen.

DOB: 1909-01-01

Version 1. What does the name Stepan mean?

Comes from the ancient Greek “stephanos” - wreath.

Little Stepan is not pugnacious, although he is naughty and fidgety, he likes to come up with different games.

It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom the boy causes a lot of trouble.

This child, as active as mercury, needs an eye and an eye. Sitting for a long time with textbooks is not for him. He quickly grasps the necessary material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of Stepan - he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices the shortcomings of adults and funny copies them.

Among the Stepans there are often creatively gifted people, many of them choose the professions of artists, performers, and fashion designers.

Stepan has many friends and acquaintances. It seems that he is known everywhere and all doors are open for him. He always needs society, or rather, spectators. Instantly orients himself in an unfamiliar environment. He quickly gets bored with male company, but never with female company. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and helpful, he will tell a funny story, and will find a compliment for every woman. Stepan's girlfriends envy Stepan's future darling, but life with him will be more difficult than one might expect, the reason for this being Stepan's same excessive sociability.

And yet we must remember that Stepan is a kind person, does not remember grievances for long, almost does not interfere in his wife’s financial affairs, and does not miss the opportunity to earn extra money.

However, the Stepans’ marriages are still more often unhappy; they often have divorces and remarriages. The main reason for this is Stepan's changeable and amorous character. Stepan is not jealous. She loves children, but considers raising them a task not very suitable for a real man, and takes care of children from time to time.

When choosing a wife, he should give preference to one of those whose names are Vesta, Veta, Daria, Zinaida, Irina, Claudia, Clara, Lydia, Nadezhda, Olga, Christina, Yana. Happiness with Anna, Elena, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nelly, Oksana, Raisa, Rimma, Rosa is doubtful.

DOB: 1857-01-02

Version 2. What does the name Stepan mean?

Stepan - from Greek. wreath, old Stephen.

Derivatives: Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stspasha, Styopa, Stepunya, Stepura, Stepukha, Stepusha, Stssha, Stenya, Stenyusha.

Name days: January 9, 17, 27, February 26, April 6, 10, May 9, 10, 20, 30, June 6, 25, July 26, 27, August 15, September 28, October 7, 17, 10, 12 , November 24, December 11, 15, 22, 27, 30.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Styopka deftly built the stove: the chimney is high, and the smoke pulls into the gateway.

Not Stenka: you can’t float down the Volga on a carpet.

January 9 is Stephen's Day. If this day is clear, then there will be a good harvest of millet, and if it is cloudy, then there will be a shortage of it.


Stepan is a born leader and organizer, he does it well because he is smart, observant, moderately demanding, sees everyone, as they say, through and through, and is not without a sense of humor and knows how to build a system of relationships in a team in such a way that everyone is engaged exactly the thing in which he is strong. He thinks soberly and practically, knows how to benefit himself from the most hopeless situation. Cleverly uses his influence on people for his own interests. Stepan is generous with love and friendship, and if you “tame” him, you cannot find a more reliable husband, comrade and partner.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

4 version of interpretation of the name Stepan

STEPAN - wreath (Greek).

Name day: January 9 - Holy Apostle, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, the first among the seven deacons chosen by the holy apostles in the Church of Christ.

Performed many miracles; for preaching the faith of Christ he was stoned in 34; first Christian martyr.

April 6 - Saint Stephen, martyr of Kazan, Mohammedan; Having converted to Christianity, he suffered a lot from his fellow believers and was killed by them in 1552.

Zodiac sign - Aries.

Planet - Sun.

Color - carmine.

A favorable tree is rowan.

The treasured plant is the sweet pea.

The patron of the name is Tarpan.

The talisman stone is aventurine.


Stepan's main traits are observation, organizational skills, and realism. He has a concrete and practical mind. Stepan loves to lead and, to a much lesser extent, to obey; influences others and often uses his influence. Skilled in managing people. His demands are as great as the love and friendship that he generously distributes. One should treat him patiently, and then he will be able to be very loyal. Stepan has a keen sense of humor, and this often saves him in moments of life's disappointments.

DOB: 1702-08-10

5 version of the meaning of the name Stepan

Stepan is a creative person. It is no coincidence that this name is often found among musicians, artists, actors, as well as fashion designers, designers, and inventors.

Stepan is a bit of an artist in real life. He easily “gets into character” and likes to act out various situations according to his own scenario.

Stepan is a cheerful person by nature, loves jokes, and this gathers an appropriate audience around him. However, if Stepan doesn’t like someone, it’s better not to seek communication with him - he may not be able to resist and make fun of him in front of everyone. He himself is an easily wounded person. Restless; dooming him to a reclusive home life “in pajamas and slippers” is a sure way to make him give up everything and look for adventure. He needs society, and maybe even spectators, he needs to constantly demonstrate himself; it's like he's on stage. Cannot live without constant change of impressions. In critical situations he is very resourceful. Unusually amorous, women are his weakness. True, this does not prevent him from being a good family man, a caring husband and father. However, in the first marriage he is not always happy, because his wife, due to her husband’s changeable moods, has to deal with several “different husbands.” It’s difficult to adapt to this, and impossible to get used to.

Stepan may be predisposed to alcoholism.

6th version of the meaning of the name Stepan

Stepan - “wreath” (Greek)

Children love Stepa - he is not pugnacious, he comes up with different games, he is naughty and fidgety. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble.

A mother who goes out with a boy for a walk needs to have an eye and an eye - the baby, alive as mercury, will instantly disappear from her field of vision.

Sitting for a long time with textbooks is not his thing. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of Styopa: he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices their shortcomings and funny copies them.

Among the Stepas there are often creatively gifted people; many work as artists, performers, cutters, and fashion designers.

He has many friends and acquaintances. It seems that everyone knows him and everyone loves him, and it seems that there is no door through which he would not enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first-name terms with many. He quickly gets bored with male company, but never with female company. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and helpful; by the way, he will tell a funny story and find a compliment for every woman. His girlfriends envy his future chosen one, but life with Stepan is more difficult than one might expect, and the reason for this is the same excessive sociability.

And yet, we must take into account that he is a kind person, does not remember grievances for long, almost does not interfere in his wife’s financial affairs, and does not miss the opportunity to earn extra money.

Not very happy in marriage: divorced - marries until his hair is gray. The main reason for this lies in the changeable and amorous character.

He's not jealous. He treats children superficially, loves them, but considers upbringing to be a task not very suitable for a real man, and deals with it according to his mood. Kind to old people.

As for health, he is prone to infectious diseases and injuries.

“Winter” Stepan has a good memory and an analytical mind.

“Autumn” - will quickly and correctly draw conclusions and solve any problem. Can work as an investigator or lawyer. Able to lead. The name matches patronymics: Mikhailovich, Efimovich, Viktorovich, Valerievich, Lvovich, Mironovich.

“Summer” is kind, does not remember insults and does not know how to take revenge.

Stepan is fickle and amorous. The nature is poetic, romantic. This is an actor, fashion designer, art worker. The name matches patronymics: Rodionovich, Markovich, Miroslavovich, Romanovich, Yanovich.

Name day named after Stepan

January 9, January 17, January 24, January 27, February 7, February 12, February 21, February 26, March 6, March 7, March 11, March 12, April 5, April 6, April 8, April 10, May 9 , May 10, May 20, May 30, June 6, June 20, June 25, July 13, July 18, July 23, July 26, July 27, July 31, August 1, August 13, August 15, August 25, 29 August, September 2, September 9, September 10, September 12, September 15, September 17, September 20, September 26, September 28, October 7, October 15, October 17, October 22, October 23, November 9, 10 November, November 12, November 13, November 17, November 24, November 25, December 11, December 15, December 22, December 23, December 28, December 30,

A person has only one name day - these are either the name days that fall on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Stepan

DOB: 1909-01-01

Ukrainian politician, head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

DOB: 1857-01-02

Russian revolutionary terrorist

Stepan Shkurat

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet theater and film actor, singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Don Cossack, leader of the peasant war (1670-1671)

DOB: 1702-08-10

Russian military and statesman, field marshal general

Numerology of the name Stepan

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, and maintain family and friendly ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and social work. Caring, traditional views, and denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Stepan

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

P- scrupulousness and accuracy in everything, from appearance to home. Constantly worry about what other people will say. They are distinguished by their special passion. They are capable of labeling their offenders. They have excellent memory.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • T- Firmly
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • P- Peace
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Stepan in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Stepan in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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Career, business and money

Many owners of the name strive to realize themselves in creative professions. You can often find Stepan succeeding in the acting profession. Fashion designer, architect, journalist or artist - all these professions are suitable for a man with a steely character and irrepressible creative potential. Styopa is a jack of all trades, so if luck does not smile on him in his bohemian profession, he can easily find himself in another job, becoming an excellent mechanic, furniture assembler, etc.

This man copes excellently not only with the role of a leader, but also a subordinate. Thanks to his charm and good sense of humor, Stepan achieves success in business and easily establishes relationships with the right partners.

Marriage and family

As life partners, Stepan chooses beautiful, sexy women who have a rich inner world and are capable of giving love and affection. Styopa's chosen one must be a sincere, friendly person, a good housewife and mother. Often the first marriage of these men is unsuccessful. A happy family boat is broken by the jealousy of the husband and mistrust of his beautiful, self-confident wife.

But Stepan cannot choose a “gray mouse” as a wife who does not arouse admiration among others - this contradicts his life principles. A man does not strive for leadership in family relationships, but the role of a weak-willed roommate does not suit him either.

Sex and love

In love, Stepan is a witty, helpful and gallant gentleman. These features make him attractive in the eyes of many women. He feels comfortable in the company of representatives of the fair sex, loves to be in the company of several young ladies, and prefers not to have rivals. Stepan likes to woo unapproachable women.

Ladies who do not conceal mysteries within themselves, who are ready to throw themselves on his neck, do not stay long in a man’s life. If Styopa meets the girl of his dreams, he will be ready to woo her for years. The man named by this name is temperamental and passionate. He is characterized by high sexual activity. During intimacy with a woman, he tries to give her maximum pleasure and only after that thinks about himself.


As a child, Stepan does not cause his parents any problems related to his health. At an older age, he may develop heart problems, and the risk of injury increases. Often men with this name are plagued by frequent infectious diseases. Stepan belongs to the category of hardy people who endure pain or illness until the last moment and only when there is no more strength left, they go to the doctor.

Stepan has a strong and extraordinary character. He has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. The man is absolutely confident in his outstanding abilities. At the same time, he is a very kind person. He is not vindictive, does not seek to completely control his loved ones, and knows how to pay with loyalty for their patience. Stepan's psyche is quite stable. It is very difficult to both piss him off and shake him into any decisive action. Stepan is reluctant to accept new things and does not accept breaking established habits.

Interests and hobbies

Among Stepan’s hobbies, traveling, which involves visiting unusual places, takes a leading place. Boring and monotonous excursions do not attract him. An unexpected hobby for strong men named by this name is painting. Some of them enthusiastically create wonderful paintings in their free time. Stepa likes to work on the land, he enjoys setting up his dacha and running a household plot. Stepan likes carpentry and plumbing work.

When a child appears in a family, parents want to give their child not only love and support, but also a name that will be ideal for the baby. Someone chooses in advance, getting involved in serious disputes about this. Others hold out until the last minute, never daring to settle on one option.

But it’s no secret to all parents that a name has its own power and influence on a person’s destiny. Therefore, it is important to choose not only a beautiful-sounding, but also a “strong” name. To do this, you need to check what it contains. For example, the meaning of the name Stepan. It is quite common, but few people know anything about its origins and influence.

Stepan: the meaning of the name

Like many names, Stepan’s history goes back to Ancient Greece. Linguists claim that the name originates from the Greek Stephanos, which means "wreath". This crown or crown was worn by the goddess Hera. She is the patroness of the hearth and marriage. And the name promises not the easiest, but definitely interesting turns in fate and character for its bearer.

The origin and meaning of the name Stepan in Rus' refers to the apostles, namely, to one of the followers of Christ - Stephen. According to beliefs, it will give its bearer a difficult but unusual life.

Name Stepan: meaning and character

Finding out what a child's character will be like based only on the name is quite difficult. After all, neither linguists nor astrologers have clear data, but only the meaning of the name Stepan. But even using this meager data, the researchers deduced some common characteristics for the carriers.

Thus, the connection between character and what the name Stepan means was revealed. The meaning of the name is "crown". And the boy’s character will not be easy. However, one should not despair, although difficulties will await parents in the most unexpected manifestations. For example, Stepan will have a calm and harmonious character. Therefore, he will rarely resort to deception and tricks. But the drawback lies in the fact that Stepan often looks for something in people that he cannot provide in return.

Character is also influenced by parental upbringing. But even more, the character, fate and meaning of the name Stepan depend on what time of year the boy was born.

Winter Stepan

Boys born in winter are calm and peaceful. The meaning of the name Stepan is replenished by a craving for solitude and silence. Bearers of the name grow up responsible and caring. Winter Stepany is characterized by stability.

In love, they will look long and carefully at their companions. They will decide to marry only when they find their one and only. Therefore, they will never think about deceiving or betraying their spouse. Winter bearers of the name always keep their promises and do not look for ways to retreat.

Spring Stepan

Spring Stepans are the exact opposite of their winter namesakes. Boys have a penchant for creativity. Because of this, their character is distinguished by frivolity and a thirst for freedom. Boys and young men are constantly in search of something new and interesting. An ordinary and quiet life is not for them.

It is difficult to win the respect of such Stepanov. He does not value actions and words. All that matters to them is fun and adventure. Relationships can only be built with girls with similar characters. They are not attracted to modest and calm women.

Summer Stepan

Summer carriers are kind people who seek peace and quiet. By nature, such Stepans are not distinguished by rancor; they try to avoid open conflicts. When participating in a dispute, they try to find the shortest way to resolve it.

Quarrels out of nowhere are not typical for summer Stepans. They always try to maintain internal and external harmony. Therefore, a quiet and homely girl who, like Stepan, will look for peace, not passion, in a relationship is ideal as a wife.

Autumn Stepan

Stepans born in autumn have the most complex and ambiguous character. They stand out for their ambition and prudence. They look for their own benefit in everything. They do not shy away from betrayal and deception. The general meaning of the name gave Stepan intelligence and prudence.

The boy confidently but slowly moves towards his goal. He loves to be first, to be the center of attention. It is important for him to prove to everyone that he is right. Self-interest, flattery, cunning - all this is part of Stepan’s character. However, he never openly admits these shortcomings. No matter what, Stepan will wear the mask of a simple and frivolous person.

Stepan the boy

For a boy, the meaning of the name Stepan is peaceful and calm. The child will grow up quiet and balanced. To the delight of his parents, he will avoid mischievous tricks. Growing up will be almost hassle-free for mom and dad.

The name will give Stepan prudence, which is rare among children of this age. The character will be distinguished by peace, determination and goodwill. The boy will be kind and affectionate.

The child is different in that various active games and mischief do not attract Stepan. He will give preference to home activities: reading, drawing, modeling. Often he will be asked to help his parents with chores around the house.

Parents should not worry that the child hardly communicates with peers. During this period, the child does not see the need for constant contact with other people. But as he grows up, Stepan will learn to communicate, become more sociable and find his place in society.

Stepan grows up to be a responsible child. He will never throw himself into the pool headlong. He will think carefully about everything before making a decision. However, despite this, the boy is distinguished by a very vulnerable soul. Stepan subtly perceives negative emotions. Quarrels and aggression in the family, even if they are not directed at him, can affect his consciousness. The child feels comfortable only in a quiet and peaceful environment.

Stepan the young man

The meaning of the name Stepan for a boy and fate are revealed differently in adolescence. Gradually the boy begins to change. The craving for loneliness disappears. Stepan becomes more sociable, he can calmly communicate with his peers and seeks their company. However, with age the young man does not become more open. And there are several reasons for this.

The young man Stepan remains a very shy person. Therefore, he cannot completely trust his friends and acquaintances. Another reason for a closed character is mistrust. Stepan understands that every acquaintance or friend can deceive and betray. Because of this, it is very difficult for him to open up to people.

Stepan is also quite poor at understanding people. He does not see their true nature and often makes friends with inappropriate companies. But Stepan must identify this flaw in himself. Only then will he be able to fight it.

As a youth, Stepan does not have problems with studies. The bearer of the name is distinguished by perseverance and a thirst for new knowledge. The name also endowed the young man with an unconventional mentality. Teachers cannot get enough of the boy, and parents never worry about their son’s bad grades.

But Stepan also has one serious flaw in his youth - self-criticism. He is never completely satisfied with the work done. The boy constantly criticizes himself.

Stepan the man

Stepan is growing into a real man. He has a good character and is rarely in a bad mood. It is almost impossible to unbalance Stepan; he controls his emotions well. But it is not difficult for Stepan to influence another person and play on his feelings.

In life, Stepan is still as detailed. He is purposeful, loves to work, enjoys every day, and enjoys communicating with other people. He is attentive and caring with his family. However, even as an adult, Stepan could not completely cope with his innate shyness. And his Achilles heel remains criticism. Despite all his efforts, Stepan never learned to cope with it. If someone criticized a man or his actions, then Stepan may be thrown off balance. Often such breakdowns end in depression.

Stepan has few friends. But he values ​​those he can trust. A man is always ready to come to the rescue and help in trouble. That's why he becomes a great friend.

In his work, Stepan does not aspire to be a leader. On the contrary, due to his shyness, he tries to spend as little time as possible in public. It’s easier for him to work away from large crowds of people.

Money and position mean little to Stepan. It is more important for him to do his job well and be satisfied with it. However, everything can change under the influence of parental upbringing and the environment.

Love relationships occupy a special place for people named Stepan. The meaning of the name and fate are subtly intertwined. One of the secret desires of a man is to be in the company of women. Over the years, this desire does not fade. Therefore, his chosen one needs to get used to the fact that Stepan will be surrounded by the attention of other girls, flirting and interest.

One of Stepan's sides is his love of hunting. He will not build a relationship with the girl who is easy to achieve. If you can attract a man with something, it’s definitely not a provocative or bright appearance. Stepan's close attention will be directed to the girl's inner world. He will be interested in partners who can carry on a conversation, understand his sense of humor, and so on.

Stepan looks after her very nicely, but quickly cools down. Therefore, only a girl who can accept the lifestyle of her chosen one can endure a relationship with a man.

Stepan and marriage

Stepan is rarely lucky in marriage. His character, frivolity and quick change of interests cannot keep his wife close. Stepan himself often initiates the divorce. He will let the woman go when he notices that the feelings have faded. The wife can save the marriage only if she accepts her husband’s character and lets his friends into the house.

But marriage with Stepan has not only negative aspects. A man provides his partner with everything necessary. He loves to pamper his household. After quarrels he quickly moves away and never raises a hand against his wife and children. Stepan does not control his family and does not become a tyrant.

Although he delegates the upbringing of children to his wife, he is still interested in the life of his offspring. He often develops trusting relationships with his sons and daughters.

Stepan and career

The secret of the name Stepan and its meaning have a huge impact on the boy’s career. Stepan feels great both in the role of a leader and in the role of a subordinate. His clarity of mind allows him to manipulate people when necessary. Stepan quickly finds the necessary connections. But in the role of an artist or writer, Stepan can also reach heights.

When choosing a name for a child, some people think about traditional Slavic names. But in fact, some names have Western roots; they have simply existed in our culture for a long time and are perceived as our own. For example, the name Stepan actually came to us from Greece, and what is its interpretation and meaning for a child (after all, at first glance it is so simple and primordially Russian) - we will consider further.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name for men Stepan (or Stefan) came to us from the Greek language, in which the word “stephanos” means a wreath or crown. The ancient Greek goddess Hera, who was the guardian of marriage and the protector of women in labor, wore this on her head.

That is, to put it briefly, the meaning of the name Stepan for a boy is crowned, royal, and from the point of view of Christianity - obedient to God, godly, who accepted the crown of a martyr.

The first mention of this word dates back to the 12th century and since then it has become very common among residents of villages and cities. The October Revolution of 1917 moved it to the list of undesirables, belonging to the relics of the past.

This means that the male name Stepan has recently become more and more common.

It is also interesting that, despite all the pretentiousness of the sound in translation, people perceive this personal name for a person as simple, a kind of shirt-guy. This is probably due to his cheerful and good-natured disposition, inability to hold a grudge for long, crazy energy, and willingness to always come to the aid of friends.

If you compose a portfolio for a boy in verses that reflect the beautiful meaning of the name Stepan, then the following lines would be perfect for its title:

For Stepan, the path is clear: be a king in life.

It is so bequeathed by fate that God will always be with you!

Forms of first name and patronymic

The full name Stepan (with Stepan, at Stepan, about Stepan, to Stepan) is abbreviated as Styopa (with Stepan, at Stepan, about Stepan, to Stepan).

Diminutive forms: Stesha, Stepashka, Stepashenka, Stenya, Stepochka, Stepchik, Stepanchik, Styopka, Stepusha, Stepunya, Stepukha.

At baptism, a boy can be given the name either Stepan or Stefan, there is no difference, it’s just that the modern form was previously used as Stefan.
The following surnames are very common: Stepanov, Stepankov, Stepashin, Stepashko, Steshin.

Did you know? In Russia, the surname Stepanov is in 40th place in terms of prevalence.

His children's patronymic names will be: the girl - Stepanovna, the boy - Stepanovich, and in the colloquial version - Stepanych.

In the female version, the name sounds like Stepanida or Stefania.

Name Angel Day

Stepan celebrates his name day (sometimes called Angel Day) several times a year. This name was very common among priests, even bishops, archbishops and popes often chose it for themselves.

The most famous Orthodox saint of this kind, Stephen the First Martyr, whom Jesus Christ chose among the other 70 as a disciple (besides the famous 12 apostles), was stoned for his faith in Christ.

In addition, Bishop Stefan of Perm and Saint Stefan of Piper are known. Therefore, according to the Orthodox calendar, Stepan celebrates name days several times a year:

  1. January 4 is the day of remembrance of the First Martyr Stephen.
  2. January 17 - Council of the 70 Apostles.
  3. May 9 is the day of remembrance of Stephen of Great Perm.
  4. August 15 - transfer of the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  5. September 15 - discovery of the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  6. December 11 is the day of remembrance of the Venerable Martyr Stephen the New.
  7. December 15 is the day of remembrance of Saint and Archbishop Stephen of Sourozh.
There are many other, less significant dates.
According to the Catholic church calendar, Stepan’s name day falls on:
Day of Remembrance Revered
January 3 Blessed Stephen de Quinzani
February 2 Blessed Stefano Bellesini
February 22 Blessed Stephen Vikenty Frelikhovsky
April 1 Martyr Stephen of Egypt
25th of April Bishop Stephen of Antioch
May 7 transfer of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 3rd discovery of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 16 (September 2) Hungarian King Stephen
November 21 Martyr Stephen of Spain
December 3 Martyr Stephen the African
December 26 Stephen the First Martyr

There are other lesser known days.

Name in different languages

In different languages ​​of the world, the spelling and sound will be different:

  1. In Hungarian - István (Istvan).
  2. In Spanish - Esteban (Esteban).
  3. In German - Stefan (Stefan).
  4. In Serbian and Bulgarian - Stefan.
  5. In Italian - Stefano (Stefano).
  6. In English - Steven (Stephen), Steve (Steve), Stephen (Stephen).
  7. In French - Stéphane (Stephan), also translated as Étienne (Etienne).
  8. In Polish - Szczepan (Szczepan).
  9. In Portuguese - Estéfano (Estevan).
  10. In Chinese - 斯捷潘 (Sijiepan).
  11. In Japanese - ステパン (Sutepan).
The entry in the foreign passport will look like STEPAN. Since the name Stepan translates as “crown,” its Hebrew counterparts (with the same translation) are Atir and Keter.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

The most famous characters in history are:

  1. - leader of the peasant war in 1670-1671. incredibly energetic, does not recognize authority, seemingly arrogant, but in fact easy to communicate with.
  2. Stepan Polubes (Ivanov)- decorated the walls of the Orthodox churches of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, Gregory of Neocaesarea in the Moscow diocese, as well as the walls of the Solotchinsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Ryazan region. A master of his craft, his works are still preserved in good condition, he was very fond of bright fairy-tale images, and had a well-developed imagination.
  3. - French scientist, studied optics, made a number of important discoveries, for which his name, along with other 72 famous personalities, was engraved on the Eiffel Tower. A brilliant scientist, not very sociable, dissatisfied with himself in the sense of perfectionism, constantly strived for perfection.
  4. - the king of Serbia, who best contributed to its development. A good organizer, a successful military leader, he knew how not only to fight, but also to negotiate. He was a very pious man, and built one church every year while he was in power.
  5. - the ruler of Moldavia, under whom the principality had the greatest influence. A talented strategist, skillfully used the gift of persuasion (signed peace with Poland, successfully found allies), loved art very much, paid great attention to the Orthodox Church, for his services to which he was elevated to the ranks of saints.
  6. - Hollywood film actor. He led a dissolute life and was even a drug addict, but after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States, he reconsidered his life, converted to Christianity and actively preaches.
  7. - physicist from the USA, awarded the Nobel Prize. Born into a poor Jewish family, but thanks to perseverance and the desire for knowledge, he reached the top in scientific activity, while rejecting religion.
  8. - founders of the Apple corporation. The latter led the development of the iPhone, iPad, Apple Store and other well-known projects of the company, saving it from bankruptcy. Having become interested in electronics during his school years, despite the fact that his parents did not have enough money for college, he independently developed his knowledge and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences at 10 universities. Steve Jobs was a very conflicted person, but a brilliant leader and manager, thanks to his perfectionism and ability to sense a successful project. At the same time, he had a very conservative character.
  9. - Hollywood film director, his 20 best films brought in $8.4 billion in revenue. Easy to communicate with, although he was a little reserved as a child, he is a good family man and prefers a healthy lifestyle.
  10. - writer from the USA in the field of science fiction, thrillers, horror, has many literary awards. Born into a poor family, but thanks to perseverance, he received an education and began to develop his writing talent. An excellent family man, he got married while still unknown to anyone. I went through a difficult period of addiction to alcohol and drugs, but with the help of my family I pulled myself together.
This list can take several pages. This name was borne by 10 popes, 13 kings of Serbia, 4 kings of Bosnia, 10 Moldavian rulers, 48 ​​Orthodox and Catholic archbishops, bishops, bishops and many other famous historical figures, athletes, scientists, and artists. The literary character policeman Uncle Styopa Ivanov from Mikhalkov’s poem is widely known.

The main character traits of people with this name

If we describe the brief content of the name Stepan for, then we can say that this is a tomboy, which means mobility, cheerful character, restlessness. He is sociable, has creative talent, leadership qualities, loves attention, is unforgiving, and knows how to achieve his goals.

Important! Parents will have to put a lot of effort into raising such a child, since they will not achieve obedience using forceful methods.

As a young man, he loves female company, enjoys success with girls, and is capable of having several novels at the same time. He is interested in sports and computers.

A man becomes strong-willed, a good friend and a business executive. Temperamental in relationships, does not like available women.

In the family he often makes compromises; he loves children. However, problems are possible due to his tendency to flirt and his wife's jealousy.
In a marriage it goes well with Varvara,

Important! The boy Stepan is in good health, but in the absence of physical activity, he can develop heart disease with age.

Name Astrology

  • Planet: Sun, Mercury.
  • Sign: Aries, Aquarius.
  • Color: red, brown, emerald, yellow.
  • Stone: onyx, ruby, green tourmaline, aventurine, cat's eye, carnelian, aquamarine, marble, black opal, jasper, cobalt, green sapphire.
  • Tree: rowan, apple tree.
  • Plant: sweet pea.
  • Animal: tarpan (ancient horse).
  • Character: smart, pragmatic, leader.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

The number of letters in the word (6) indicates that they like to stand out with their appearance - fashionable clothes, hair care, expensive perfume. Characteristics and meaning of each of the letters in the name Stepan:

  1. WITH- the need for material wealth for a sense of well-being, pragmatism, a responsible attitude to work, demandingness towards his wife.
  2. T- individuality, love of truth, love of truth, creative talent.
  3. E- having your own opinion on various issues.
  4. P- penetration, the need to assert oneself, to make an impression, to feel excitement, but not a wasteful person.
  5. A- organizational skills.
  6. N- scrupulousness, zeal for service.
Naturally, one article cannot fully and comprehensively describe a person named Stepan, but the main thing is that he is a sociable and friendly person, capable of captivating others with him. Such a person will be able to achieve a lot in life, especially with proper parental education and the presence of an intelligent and understanding woman nearby.