Profession trichologist. Trichologist

Spartak Kayumov talked with the head physician of the Hair Health centers Silyuk Tatyana Valentinovna.

After the last congress in Scotland, Tatyana Silyuk spoke about how the career of a trichologist began, about what they talk about at medical congresses, about modern trends in trichology.

Kayumov Spartak (K.S.) Tatyana Valentinovna, please tell us about your activities. How many years have you been working as a trichologist? Why Trichology?

Silyuk Tatiana (S.T) My parents are doctors and I have been accustomed to medical conversations in the family since childhood. Therefore, when the question of a profession arose, there was only one option - only a doctor.

The choice of trichology was, most likely, accidental. However, as Steve Jobs said: You cannot connect the dots of your destiny if you look ahead, you can only connect them retrospectively. So you have to believe that these dots will somehow connect in the future.” . When I was a student, I would never have thought that my professional activity would be connected specifically with hair, although I remember my histology exam. I got a question about the structure of the hair follicle. I had a cheat sheet with which I successfully copied. And when in the last grades of school I went to additional courses in chemistry to enter the university, the classes were held on the street where the trichological center where I work is now located.

I had my first consultation in 2000 and have been working in this field ever since. To be honest, I don't remember who my first visitor was, but I remember my third patient well. This patient, or rather a young lady, continues to visit me to this day.

K.S. Did you attend the regular (EHRS) congress of trichologists in Barcelona this year? Are you satisfied with the trip? Did you get what you expected? Who represented Russia among the speakers and participants?

S.T. This year I attended the 16th Congress of the European Society for the Study of Hair, which was held in Spain. I am satisfied with the trip, because, in addition to new knowledge, it brought a lot of positive human emotions. Barcelona offers a variety of excursions and activities, ranging from the unusual, mesmerizing creations of Gaudi to shopping for world famous brands.

Russia was represented by a whole group of doctors. There were even more of them than at the last congress in Israel. It is worth noting that Aida Guseikhanovna Gadzhigoroeva read a report on alopecia areata, which, in my opinion, was of very high quality. The report, in good English, adequately presented trichology from Russia.

Within the framework of the congress there is a specialized exhibition and for the first time the Russian company "Trilogic" presented its development to European colleagues - the latest version of the program for professional use and for research work in the field of trichology - TrichoSciencePro.

K.S. Did the congress (its organization, composition of participants and speakers, topics of reports) in Barcelona differ from the previous congress in Israel, except for the venue? If so, could you (detail on this) answer in more detail?

S.T.In contrast to the previous congress in Israel, it can be noted that the congress in Barcelona was more interesting for practical doctors. There have been many reports on the standards of trichological care for various types of hair loss, as well as trichoscopic findings that we previously did not take into account in the diagnosis and choice of therapy. That is, something that can be useful to the doctor in everyday activities. In Israel, reports with a biological and genetic bias prevailed, and this makes it difficult to understand the material, even with good knowledge of the English language.

The organization of the congress, in my opinion, was less convenient than the previous one in Israel. For example, it was surprising to me that a number of the most interesting reports could not be photographed or filmed. This was the wish of the speakers themselves. Of course, with such a busy congress program, when reports are read from 8 in the morning for several days, and they are read in different halls, you do not always have time to fully understand its value at the moment, then I would like to have some materials at hand in order, in the future, in a calm atmosphere, to analyze what was heard.

K.S. What general trends in trichology are being monitored (What general trends in trichology could you note by analyzing all the reports presented) based on the reports of trichologists at the congress? Can this be useful in the practical part of the work of an ordinary trichologist in Russia. (What do you think ordinary Russian trichologists could use in their daily activities?)

S.T.I would recommend domestic trichologists to pay special attention to the reports concerning the standards of trichological care for patients with androgenetic alopecia, as well as with alopecia areata.

It's no secret that AGA patients make up the lion's share of our visitors. And, of course, it would be correct to work according to the standard, from the point of view of providing a service and from the point of view of obtaining an effect. I would like our doctors to be more bold in using oral anti-androgen drugs like finasteride and dutasteride. Unfortunately, in our country there is a fear of prescribing such drugs on the part of doctors, and this “willy-nilly” is passed on to patients, as a result, a whole mechanism of correction is skipped.

As for nested hair loss, this is perhaps the leader in terms of the number of unnecessary examinations ordered and absolutely fantastic recommendations.

K.S. We are aware of your plans to make a presentation at the next event. Could you tell about it?

S.T. If I manage to collect enough material, then at the next similar event I plan to make a report on prostaglandins. This class of substances has recently come to trichology and has already established itself as a promising option. To date, many drugs for stimulating eyelash growth contain prostaglandin analogues and give obvious results. However, there are already preparations adapted for use on the scalp.

The main drug that we use for androgenetic alopecia is minoxidil, and it does not always bring the expected effect. There is a percentage of patients who are not sensitive to it. I hope that the use of prostaglandins opens up great prospects in the treatment of just such cases. Also, in my opinion, the combination of minoxidil and prostaglandins is interesting.

K.S.Many thanks to Tatyana Valentinovna. Looking forward to the same interview with you after your trip to Scotland.

Trichologist is a doctor of narrow specialization who is engaged in the identification ( diagnostics) and treatment of diseases hair and scalp in both adults and children ( children's trichologist). This specialist develops prevention methods aimed at preventing early destruction of the hair structure, gives recommendations on the proper care of the scalp and hair, and conducts some medical procedures himself. A trichologist can prescribe a wide variety of treatments, from drugs to surgery ( hair transplantation). It can also be physiotherapy procedures ( darsonvalization, cryomassage, laser therapy) and the use of various masks, herbal tinctures. In some cases, hair diseases can be treated by dermatologists or cosmetologists, but it is best to contact a trichologist when problems of this kind appear.

In order to become a trichologist, you first need to get a higher medical education after graduating from the medical faculty. Trichology is considered to be a subsection of dermatology ( dermatocosmetology), so you should complete a residency as a dermatologist. After that, you need to get the so-called additional education, that is, improvement in trichology.

Trichology ( trichos - hair and logos - science; "hair science") is a branch of medicine that studies the structure of hair ( morphology) and their physiology. Science began its development in the second half of the 20th century and continues its active development. To date, there are a large number of educational and research centers for trichology. Every day, new methods of preventive measures, diagnostic procedures and treatment regimens are being researched and developed. In some countries, there have recently been trichological centers and clinics where highly specialized professionals treat.

History contains many cultures and peoples who attached different meanings to hair. For example, in ancient Egypt it was fashionable to shave their heads and wear wigs. After that, hairdressing began its development, various hair products were made. In other nations, men were forbidden to have long hair. If a girl in Rus' left her hair loose, this indicated that she was a witch.

What does a trichologist do?

A trichologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the hair and scalp. Also, a trichologist develops methods of prevention and gives recommendations on proper hair care, which are selected individually in each case.

Usually when there are any problems with the hair ( hair loss, brittle hair, dandruff) many people begin to self-medicate, which is unacceptable. Another part seeks advice from friends or their hairdresser. Some hair problems may indicate the presence of serious pathologies. And a trichologist can help deal with this.

Trichologist treats the following diseases and pathological conditions of the hair:

  • alopecia ( baldness);
  • seborrhea ( seborrheic dermatitis);
  • psoriasis ( psoriasis);
  • ringworm ( trichophytosis, microsporia);
  • favus ( scab);
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • trichotortosis ( trichokinesis);
  • allotrichia symmetrical limited;
  • leukotrichia;
  • moniletrix ( spindle hair);
  • hypertrichosis;
  • dandruff;
  • early gray hair;
  • allergic reactions.

Alopecia ( baldness)

Alopecia ( baldness) is a disease that is characterized by complete or partial hair loss on any part of the body ( more often on the head) and disruption of the new hair growth process. The causes of alopecia are hormonal disorders in the body, genetic predisposition, exposure to external factors, and taking certain medications.

There are the following types of alopecia:

  • diffuse alopecia- characterized by uniform hair thinning;
  • alopecia areata- absence ( dropping out) hair on some parts of the head or torso;
  • total alopecia- characterized by a complete absence of hair;
  • androgenetic alopecia hair loss occurs as a result of an increase in the level of male sex hormones ( androgens).

Seborrhea ( seborrheic dermatitis)

There are the following types of seborrhea:

  • Oily seborrhea- a pathology that is characterized by increased work of the sebaceous glands ( excess sebum production) and is accompanied by flaking of the scalp, itching. Hair acquires an unhealthy shine, dandruff appears. If untreated, it can be complicated by the development of pustular skin diseases ( furunculosis, abscess).
  • Dry seborrhea- pathology, which is characterized by a violation of the consistency ( density) sebum ( becomes viscous), which makes it difficult to separate it normally. Clinically manifested by dryness, thinning and brittle hair. It also causes itching and dandruff.
  • Mixed seborrhea- this pathology combines the manifestation of oily seborrhea in some areas and dry seborrhea in others.

Psoriasis ( psoriasis)

Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease that is characterized by the formation of scales ( red scaly patches) or blisters ( bubbles) with clear liquid, itching. As a rule, it has a chronic course. The most common form is scalp psoriasis. The disease begins with itching. Then red spots appear, which are usually located in the forehead and back of the head. These foci of psoriasis ( scales or blisters) merge with each other and can cover the entire head. The causes of this pathology may be disorders in the functioning of the immune system, exposure to environmental factors or genetic predisposition.

Ringworm ( trichophytosis, microsporia)

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin, hair, and nails. The foci of the disease are most often formed on the crown, in the region of the temple and the back of the head.

There are the following types of ringworm:

  • Trichophytosis is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. With this pathology, clearly demarcated rounded foci of inflammation with scales and vesicles form on the scalp, which quickly dry out and turn into crusts. Hair with trichophytosis is usually broken off at a level of 2 - 3 millimeters from the skin and looks like black dots ( so-called stumps).
  • microsporia is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum. With this disease, peeling appears at the site of infection. A week later, the hair begins to break off, as with trichophytosis. If you run your hand over the hearth ( pat) where the hair is broken, they will not restore their original position. The skin in the affected area turns red, swells and becomes covered with scales.

Favus ( scab)

Favus is a fungal disease that can damage the skin, scalp, nails, and internal organs. More often women and children get sick. Favus of the scalp is characterized by the appearance of red spots with the formation of a yellow-gray crust along the edge. These foci are saucer-shaped with a depression in the center. The hair in the affected area becomes thinned, thinned ( easily pulled out), dry, dull ( as if dusty). Can acquire a specific mouse ( granary) smell.

Pediculosis ( lice)


Folliculitis is an infectious disease that is most often caused by staphylococcus bacteria and is characterized by purulent inflammation of the hair follicle ( hair root). Minor damage and pollution of the skin, changes in ambient temperature, malnutrition, and the presence of chronic diseases can contribute to its occurrence. Folliculitis begins with the formation of inflammation ( redness and swelling) around the hair follicle. After a few days, a bubble forms ( abscess), filled with purulent fluid ( yellow green). After a few more days, this abscess may burst ( open up) and a dry crust will appear in its place, which will peel off. The hair that is involved in the infection is easily shed or removed. Folliculitis is usually accompanied by itching and soreness.


Trichoclasia is a pathological condition of the hair, which is characterized by their fragility. Outwardly, the hair is usually not changed, but breaks off at a distance of up to 10 centimeters from the scalp. Typically, lesions with damaged hair are round in shape. Trichoclasia can be accompanied by itching, dry scalp and flaking. The development of this pathology may be due to a genetic predisposition to increased hair fragility, exposure to external factors ( curling irons, hair dyes), improper hair care or a lack of vitamins in the body.


Trichoptylosis is a pathological condition of the hair, which is characterized by their longitudinal section. The ends of the hair are split into several parts. Over time, this can lead to thinning, weakening, brittleness and hair loss. More often, women with long hair who do not cut their hair for a long time are prone to trichoptylosis. From gravity, the structure of the hair begins to deteriorate, and they begin to split. Split ends are caused by many factors. Some of them are the wrong hair care ( blow-drying, frequent dyeing, curling), temperature fluctuations, malnutrition and, as a result, a lack of vitamins.


Trichonodiasis is a pathological condition in which the hair is pulled into small knots ( loops). The formation of nodules leads to tangled hair and the accumulation of dust and bacteria in these areas. Over time, the hair is injured, split ( delaminate) and break. The occurrence of trichonodiasis can contribute to existing diseases of the scalp ( accompanied by itching), inaccurate combing. Also, nodules can form due to the use of combs with sharp teeth, improper hair care.

Trichotortosis ( trichokinesis)

Trichotortosis is a pathological condition of the hair, in which their shape is disturbed and they are twisted around the longitudinal axis ( by lenght). This pathology is congenital and is quite rare, mainly in owners of blond hair. Hair with trichotortosis is dry, thin, prone to breaking off. Foci with twisted hair, as a rule, are located in the temporal and occipital regions. Gradually, if left untreated, trichotortosis can lead to baldness.

Allotrichia symmetrical limited

Allotrichia symmetrical limited is an anomaly in the development of hair, which is inherited and is characterized by the presence of symmetrical foci with impaired hair growth. Unlike other hereditary diseases, allotrichia begins to appear in adolescence. This pathology can be accompanied by the growth of thin, coarse, discolored and spirally twisted hair. Hair begins to tangle and gradually fall out. Slight peeling can be observed on the scalp.


Leukotrichia is a genetic disease that is characterized by congenital graying of the hair. This pathology is due to the absence of pigment ( coloring agent) or insufficient production. Clinically manifested by graying of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Also, in people with leukotrichia, the skin becomes white and sensitive to external factors.


Moniletrix is ​​a pathological hair condition that is inherited and begins to manifest itself in early childhood ( in the first year of life). At the same time, on the scalp ( at the site of hair growth) form small dense nodules resembling beads. The skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Hair takes the form of a spindle and is called spindle-shaped. Areas of hair thickening alternate with areas of thinning. Also, the hair becomes dry, brittle, split ends. Alopecia may form.


Hypertrichosis is a disease characterized by excessive hair growth anywhere on the body ( even where it is not typical). It can develop in both men and women and does not depend on age. Excessive hair growth can occur as a result of genetic mutations, disorders in the hormonal system. Also, certain diseases can contribute to the development of hypertrichosis ( fungal skin lesions, anorexia nervosa) and taking medications ( antibiotics, corticosteroids).


Hirsutism is a disease that is characterized by excessive growth of hair on the body and face in women in a male pattern. Hair appears on the chin, above the upper lip, in the upper chest, back and abdomen. In this case, the hair becomes dark in color and becomes stiff. This pathology is associated with an increase in the level of male sex hormones ( androgens) in a woman's blood. Hirsutism often leads to menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, and infertility.


Dandruff is a syndrome that is characterized by prolonged detachment of white scales from the scalp. Often this syndrome develops in people with oily hair. The causes of dandruff are considered improper care of the scalp and hair, lack of vitamins in the body, reduced immunity, constant stress.

early gray hair

Early gray hair is a pathological process characterized by the appearance of gray hair ( bleached) hair under the age of 25 years. The causes of early gray hair are thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia, gastritis, genetic predisposition, nervous stress, frequent chemical exposure to hair ( dyeing, curling). All these reasons can lead to disruption of melanin production ( coloring hair pigment).

allergic reactions

If allergic reactions occur that affect the scalp, it is also necessary to contact a trichologist. Allergies can result from hypersensitivity ( individual intolerance) to certain substances or tissues. An example would be the use of hair dye, shampoos, gels, wearing hats. Allergies may not develop immediately, but after several such procedures. Initially manifests as redness of the skin, the formation of a rash or blisters ( bubbles with liquid). Then itching and burning join, peeling appears. Gradually, the hair begins to thin and fall out.

How is a trichologist appointment?

To visit a trichologist, it is recommended to follow some simple rules. The day before the consultation of this specialist, it is necessary to wash your hair with a shampoo that the patient uses constantly. Directly on the day of the examination, it is recommended to exclude tight tightening ( weaving) hair, the use of any cosmetic products on the hair ( gels, varnishes), the use of curling irons, ironing.

The appointment with a trichologist begins with a detailed survey ( history taking) of the patient. The doctor asks about complaints, finds out when they started and what the patient associates with it ( followed by symptoms). It is necessary to clarify if any symptoms increase or decrease after certain exposures or circumstances. You also need to find out if any self-treatment was undertaken ( creams, masks, therapeutic hair lotions, vitamins), how the body reacted to it and clarify the features of hair and scalp care. When questioning, the presence of chronic diseases, family history ( with hereditary pathologies), the patient's lifestyle, bad habits and diet.

After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor proceeds directly to the examination. At the same time, the condition of the scalp and hair is examined and assessed. After examination, the doctor can suggest what causes could cause a particular disease. Depending on the alleged pathology, additional tests or examinations are prescribed to confirm or exclude it. After receiving them, the doctor compares all the received data about the patient ( complaints, results of inspection and research) and prescribes a course of treatment that improves the condition. These can be medicines or homeopathic remedies, herbal tinctures, physiotherapy or surgical treatments. In some cases, the trichologist may appoint consultations of other specialists. Also, the doctor may recommend the use of certain scalp and hair care products that are suitable for this patient. The result of treatment will depend on the right scheme and on the patient's attitude to the doctor's prescriptions. In order to achieve the most positive result ( effect) it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and in case of any questions, do not postpone and do not hesitate to ask them.

What are the symptoms of a trichologist?

In case of symptoms that affect the scalp or when hair damage occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist such as a trichologist. If the hair begins to fall out, becomes dry or greasy, thin and split, loses its luster, you can not self-medicate. With the appearance of some peeling on the scalp, dandruff and itching, it is necessary to seek help from a trichologist. Only this specialist will help determine whether the symptoms that have arisen are associated with cosmetic products for the care of the scalp and hair, or whether their appearance is caused by the presence of any disease. It is very important to consult a trichologist in time, so as not to miss the time when you can still save your hair and get rid of pathological conditions.

Symptoms that should be referred to a trichologist


Origin mechanism

What studies are performed to diagnose the causes of this symptom?

What disease can this symptom indicate?

Hair loss and thinning

  • mechanical damage;
  • exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • malnutrition of hair follicles;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • outcome of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • survey;
  • inspection ( visual);
  • inspection under a Wood's lamp;
  • scalp scraping;
  • hormone analysis;
  • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements;
  • densitometry;
  • Savin scale;
  • trichogram;
  • phototrichogram;
  • hair tension test.
  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • pediculosis;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • allotrichia;
  • moniletrix.

Thin and brittle hair

  • violation of normal metabolic processes;
  • violation of the structure of the hair;
  • the result of frequent chemical procedures ( curling, dyeing);
  • heat treatment ( hair dryer, iron);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • heredity;
  • climate zone change.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • trichogram;
  • phototrichogram;
  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • trichotortosis;
  • allotrichia;
  • moniletrix;
  • early gray hair.

split ends

  • lack of protective lubrication of hair;
  • heat treatment and destruction of the hair structure;
  • mechanical damage ( combing, rubbing with a towel);
  • improper care;
  • chlorinated water.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • trichogram;
  • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements.
  • seborrhea;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • moniletrix;
  • early gray hair.

Dry hair

  • insufficient secretion of sebum;
  • hair dehydration;
  • violation of the microcirculation of the scalp;
  • follicle malnutrition;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements;
  • improper hair care.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • general blood analysis;
  • trichogram.
  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • favus;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • trichotortosis;
  • moniletrix;
  • early gray hair.

Greasy hair

  • excessive production of sebum;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • the use of oils, fatty masks for hair care;
  • improper nutrition.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • general blood analysis;
  • hormone analysis;
  • trichogram.
  • seborrhea;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • hirsutism;
  • dandruff.

Loss of shine

(dull hair)

  • improper hair care;
  • thermal and chemical procedures;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • insufficient consumption of drinking water;
  • hormonal imbalance.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • hormone analysis;
  • trichogram.
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • moniletrix;
  • early gray hair.

Grey hair

  • lack or insufficient production of coloring pigment ( melanin) in the hair;
  • cell aging ( melanocytes), which produce melanin;
  • insufficient intake of proteins from food;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • the result of temperature and chemical effects on the hair.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • hormone analysis.
  • allotrichia;
  • leukotrichia;
  • early gray hair.



  • violation of the microflora of the scalp;
  • the fungus is activated;
  • the cycle of development of the cells of the upper layer of the skin is disrupted ( epidermis);
  • lack of vitamins;
  • the result of improper hair and scalp care.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • inspection under a Wood's lamp;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • hormone analysis;
  • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements;
  • trichogram;
  • phototrichogram;
  • scraping from the scalp.
  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • favus;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • allotrichia;
  • moniletrix;
  • hirsutism;
  • allergic reactions.

Itching and burning of the scalp

  • skin irritation;
  • dry skin;
  • improper care;
  • unbalanced diet ( lack of vitamins and minerals);
  • insufficient hygiene.
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • inspection under a Wood's lamp;
  • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements;
  • trichogram;
  • scraping from the scalp.
  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • pediculosis;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • moniletrix;
  • dandruff;
  • allergic reactions.

Red spots on the scalp

  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • response to a stimulus paint, shampoo).
  • survey;
  • inspection;
  • inspection under a Wood's lamp;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • scraping from the scalp.
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • folliculitis;
  • allergic reactions.

What research does a trichologist do?

Hair is a reflection of the state of health of the body. If there are any changes in the hair ( breakout, dryness, dandruff) it is necessary to immediately look for the cause of their occurrence. That is, it is necessary to engage in timely diagnosis in order to identify the presence of a problem and begin effective treatment.

Research in trichology is based on the study of the condition of the skin and scalp. Using these methods, you can determine the causes of baldness, dandruff, and evaluate the structure of the hair.

The easiest way is to visually inspect the scalp and hair. In this case, the doctor pays attention to the amount of hair, their color, shine, the presence of foci of baldness. The color of the scalp, the presence of any spots, rashes, peeling, dandruff is determined.

There are standard laboratory research methods that are assigned to all patients, without exception, to determine the general condition of the body. There are also special diagnostic methods that are typical only for this specialization. Additional studies are carried out in almost all pathological conditions, since a simple examination is not enough to establish a diagnosis.

General blood analysis

A complete blood count is the very first and simplest test that is prescribed to almost all patients. The analysis provides general information about the state of the body.

The analysis is recommended to take on an empty stomach ( on empty stomach). Blood sampling for research is carried out from a finger or from a vein. The puncture site is wiped with a swab dipped in alcohol. The health worker makes a small puncture with a scarifier ( blade with sharp teeth) and collects blood in a special sterile tube.

In the general blood test, indicators such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, ESR are determined ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate) . Any changes in the results of the analysis are deciphered by a specialist and give a more detailed picture of the disease.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test is prescribed to evaluate and identify abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. It is also important for a trichologist to assess the amount of trace elements that have a great influence on the formation and growth of healthy hair.

In a biochemical blood test, determine:

  • squirrels ( albumen);
  • enzymes ( ALAT, ASAT, amylase, alkaline phosphatase);
  • carbohydrates ( glucose);
  • fats ( cholesterol, glycerides);
  • pigments ( bilirubin);
  • nitrogenous substances ( creatinine, urea, uric acid);
  • trace elements ( iron, calcium, magnesium).

The day before the date, preparations for the analysis begin. The night before, fatty, spicy foods are excluded from the diet. From liquids, you can drink only plain non-carbonated water. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, that is, after the last meal, at least 8 to 12 hours should pass. Also, one hour before the analysis, smoking and physical activity are excluded.

A biochemical blood test is taken from a vein. A tourniquet is placed on the shoulder. In the injection area, they are treated with an alcohol swab, then a needle is inserted, and the tourniquet is removed. After making sure that the needle has entered the vein, blood is taken into a special sterile tube.

Hormone analysis

Hormone analysis is a laboratory diagnostic method that provides information about the functioning of the endocrine system. To prepare for analysis, it is necessary to abandon emotional and physical stress. A few days before the study, they exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages, do not visit the sauna. Before taking the test, it is imperative to warn the doctor if any treatment has been taken at the moment or in the last two weeks. Smoking is not allowed at least one hour before blood donation. An analysis for hormones, as a rule, is taken before 12 noon on an empty stomach. Some hormones change their values ​​depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, so women should check with their doctor before taking the test on which day it is better to take this analysis.

The main hormones for research are:

  • thyroid hormones- thyroid-stimulating hormone ( TSH), thyroxine ( T4), triiodothyronine ( T3);
  • sex hormones- testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone ( DGEAS), prolactin, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH), luteinizing hormone ( LG).

This analysis is taken from a vein in the same way as in a biochemical blood test. The medical worker treats the surface of the elbow with an alcohol swab, inserts a sterile needle into the vein and draws a few milliliters of blood into a disposable plastic tube. The blood is then sent for testing. The norms of analyzes in different laboratories may vary, which is usually indicated on the sheet with the results.

Research carried out by a trichologist


What diseases does it reveal?

How is it carried out?

Examination under the Woods lamp

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • pediculosis;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • moniletrix;
  • dandruff;
  • allergic reactions.

This research method is safe and painless. Helps to identify certain diseases using ultraviolet rays.

To prepare for the examination, exclude any hair products ( may distort the result.). It is recommended to wash and dry the scalp.

Inspection under the Wood's lamp is carried out in a dark room. At a distance of about 10 - 20 centimeters from the skin, the doctor brings a Wood's lamp and assesses the condition of the skin. Normally, the scalp does not glow. If any luminous spots appear, the result is considered positive.

Scalp scraping

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • folliculitis;
  • dandruff;
  • allergic reactions.

This research method is prescribed for suspected fungal nature ( reason) diseases.

Three days before the test, it is not allowed to wash your hair. It is also forbidden to use any cosmetics during this period of time. Some medications may interfere with test results and may require temporary discontinuation.

With a special tool ( scalpel) peeling skin flakes are collected at the hair roots ( top layer of the epidermis) for research. The resulting material is placed in a sterile disposable test tube and sent to the laboratory for further research.

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements

(hair mineralogram)

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • pediculosis;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • allotrichia;
  • leukotrichia;
  • moniletrix;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • hirsutism;
  • early gray hair.

This study is a non-invasive ( without skin damage) a diagnostic method that helps determine the amount of trace elements ( mineral composition) in your hair over the past few weeks. A complete spectral analysis includes the study of forty trace elements. But it is possible to determine the content of only one trace element of interest.

To prepare for the analysis, it is recommended to stop taking medications 2 weeks before the test. Immediately before delivery, you must wash and dry your head. Gels, varnishes, styling products should not be used. If you have had any chemical treatment on your hair in the last 30 days ( curling, bleaching, dyeing) must be reported to your physician or laboratory worker.

For analysis, several strands about 5 centimeters long are cut off at the hair root from the back of the head and sent for analysis. Under laboratory conditions, the hair is degreased, washed and dried. Then they are placed in a container, to which a special solution is added to help dissolve the hair. The resulting mixture is loaded into the so-called spectrometer, where it burns under the influence of gas. Special sensors process data about the study and transfer it to a computer.


  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • pediculosis;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • allotrichia;
  • moniletrix.

A diagnostic research method that can be used to determine the density ( count the number) hair per square centimeter. Counting the number of hairs is carried out in problem areas ( hair loss areas) using a special densitometer device. The results obtained are compared with normal values.

This diagnostic method helps to identify the risk of excessive hair loss or assess the degree of baldness.


(computer trichogram)

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • favus;
  • trichoclasia;
  • trichoptilosis;
  • trichonodiasis;
  • trichotortosis;
  • allotrichia;
  • moniletrix;
  • dandruff.

A method of research with which you can determine what stage of growth the hair is in ( active growth, transitional stage, cessation of growth). Information is given as a percentage.

To prepare for the study, at least two weeks in advance, any chemical or cosmetic ( colouring, curling, styling products) procedures with hair. It is recommended not to wash your hair five days before the procedure.

The essence of the method is to extract about 60 hairs from different parts of the head and examine them under a microscope. Trichogram allows you to identify hair loss and monitor the prescribed treatment.


A more detailed and more sensitive diagnostic method than a trichogram. With this method, you can take pictures of problem areas of the hair, which enable the doctor to make certain calculations. In addition, you can determine the density, diameter, structure of the hair, assess the condition of the scalp.

The difference from a trichogram is that for a phototrichogram, a small area of ​​​​hair is shaved off and the scalp is examined after a few days. The regrown hair on this part of the head is dyed with a special dye. Then, using a special device ( trichoscope) data is transferred to a computer where calculations are made to establish the correct diagnosis.

Savin scale

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • ringworm.

This diagnostic method helps to determine the degree of hair loss in women. For this, a scale is used, which shows nine illustrations that differ in the intensity of hair loss. The illustrations begin with a depiction of minor hair loss and end with increased loss up to baldness.

Hair tension test

  • alopecia;
  • favus.

This test allows you to identify pathological hair loss. To prepare for this test, you must not wash your hair for five days. The hair pull test involves the doctor grabbing a small tuft of hair between thumb and forefinger and pulling it up. This procedure is checked at several points - in the frontal, occipital and parietal regions. Pathological hair loss is said to be when more than 10 percent of the hair remains in the hands of a doctor. If there is less hair left, then this is considered the norm ( physiological hair loss).

What methods does a trichologist treat?

Hair diseases lead, as a rule, to noticeable external changes. A person begins to feel discomfort and is embarrassed to appear in society. If you experience any symptoms affecting the scalp and hair, you should immediately consult a trichologist. In some cases, when the disease is hereditary, the doctor may prescribe only supportive therapy, which will alleviate the symptoms of the disease. In other cases, the trichologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which is based on the use of ointments, masks, and medications. Sometimes physical therapy is prescribed. The trichologist also gives recommendations on the proper care of hair and scalp, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Recommends funds ( shampoo, balm, mask) with a specific composition that suits a particular type of hair. Of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the hair and scalp is lifestyle and bad habits, which must be abandoned.

The main methods by which the trichologist treats


Basic Treatments

Mechanism of therapeutic action

Approximate duration of treatment


  • depends on the type of alopecia;
  • normalization of the regime of work and rest;
  • good sleep and healthy eating;
  • drug treatment- drugs that improve blood microcirculation ( chimes), sedatives ( sedatives);
  • hair growth stimulants minoxidil);
  • local treatment- glucocorticoids ( prednisolone), irritants;
  • non-drug treatment– physiotherapy, laser therapy, massage;
  • surgery- hair transplantation.
  • the main mechanism of therapeutic action is based on the stimulation of new hair growth;
  • some drugs dilate blood vessels, resulting in hair follicles ( roots) receives more blood and nutrients;
  • hair becomes stronger, thicker, the intensity of their loss decreases.

The duration depends on the type of alopecia, the severity of the disease and the correct treatment regimen;

The recovery course of treatment can take from one month to several years.


  • healthy lifestyle ( good sleep and rest, normalized work schedule);
  • it is recommended to avoid stressful situations;
  • dieting - avoiding sweet, salty, spicy, fatty foods;
  • local treatment- salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium, creams with vitamin F;
  • proper and regular care of the scalp and hair ( herbal shampoos, masks);
  • drug treatment- antifungal drugs ketoconazole);
  • vitamins ( A, B, D, E) and minerals ( zinc, sulfur, copper);
  • non-drug treatment– physiotherapy, cryomassage of the scalp ( under the influence of cold), magnetotherapy, electroporation, darsonvalization ( improves blood and lymph circulation), laser puncture, mesotherapy;
  • adherence to a diet - the rejection of sweet, salty, spicy, fatty foods.
  • the production of sebum is normalized;
  • improves the condition of the scalp and hair;
  • the hormonal background is restored;
  • fungicidal action ( inhibition of fungal activity).

The duration of treatment depends on the type of seborrhea;

It is usually carried out in courses and lasts about two months.



  • stress must be avoided;
  • follow a diet;
  • local treatment- hormonal drugs, antibiotics;
  • sulfuric, salicylic sulfur-tar ointment;
  • systemic treatment griseofulvin), immunomodulators;
  • vitamin therapy ( A, B, C, folic acid);
  • phototherapy, plasmapheresis, cryotherapy ( exposure to cold), phytotherapy ( herbal treatment).
  • treatment is aimed at achieving remission ( absence of clinical manifestations of the disease);
  • therapeutic action is based on reducing inflammation and restoring the maturation of scalp cells.

The duration of treatment is approximately 1 - 2 months.


(trichophytosis, microsporia)

  • in uncomplicated forms, the disease is treated at home;
  • drug treatment- antifungal drugs griseofulvin, fluconazole), corticosteroids;
  • sulfuric, salicylic, sulfur-tar ointment.
  • the treatment mechanism is based on drying the lichen, stopping the growth of the fungus and preventing the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Depends on the form of the lesion;

The duration of treatment is about 6 weeks;

With complications, it can take up to several months.



  • shaving hair;
  • drug treatment- antifungal drugs ciclopirox, griseofulvin), immunomodulators, vitamin therapy;
  • lotions from vaseline oil;
  • preventive treatment- Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • the therapeutic effect is aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus.

Treatment is long;

It depends on how the body reacts to the treatment.



  • isolation from healthy people for the period of treatment;
  • shaving hair off more often in males);
  • drug treatment- benzyl benzoate, parasidosis, permethrin, para-plus;
  • you need to comb your hair with a comb ( crest) with frequent teeth;
  • All items must be washed and ironed underwear and bed linen, towels);
  • preventive treatment- hygiene, regular head examination.
  • the treatment mechanism is based on the destruction of lice and nits;
  • dissolves a substance that promotes the attachment of nits to the hair ( facilitates the process of brushing them).

The period of complete disposal of lice usually takes up to two weeks.


  • dieting ( limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates);
  • hygiene;
  • drug treatment- antibiotics ( cephalexin, erythromycin), antiviral, antifungal, immunomodulators, vitamin therapy ( A, C);
  • antiseptics ( green, methylene blue);
  • compresses with ichthyol ointment
  • non-drug treatment- ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, polarized light, darsonvalization;
  • opening of the abscess with subsequent removal of pus.
  • treatment is aimed at destroying the microorganisms that caused the disease;
  • disinfection of problem areas;
  • boosting immunity.


  • a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seafood;
  • drug treatment - vitamin therapy ( A, B, E);
  • non-drug treatment– cryomassage, mesotherapy, darsonvalization, keratin procedures;
  • fortified masks based on oils.
  • the therapeutic effect consists in the careful restoration of the hair structure, their hydration and nutrition.

The course of treatment to restore the hair structure can take about 6 months.


  • it is necessary to cut the ends of the hair every 2-3 months;
  • exclude the use of a hair dryer, ironing;
  • exclude hair coloring;
  • provide proper hair care;
  • shampoo with lecithin, vitamin B5, chamomile, wheat;
  • the use of fortified masks, creams or balms for split ends;
  • Lamination of hair;
  • drug treatment- vitamin therapy A, B, E).
  • special products for the care of split ends cover them with a protective film and restore the hair structure from the inside;
  • vitamins help strengthen hair.

Hair restoration usually takes several months;

Constant prevention is needed.


  • cutting off affected hair;
  • the use of combs made of natural materials with rare rounded teeth;
  • dyeing, curling);
  • cosmetic procedures– plasmolifting;
  • masks based on tea tree and sea buckthorn oils;
  • drug treatment- vitamin therapy A, B, E), antiallergic drugs;
  • non-drug treatment– mesotherapy, ozone therapy, electroporation.
  • treatment is based on preventing the formation of nodules and alleviating the symptoms of the disease;
  • all procedures contribute to the nutrition of the hair and the restoration of its structure;
  • antiallergic drugs help get rid of itching;
  • non-drug treatment is aimed at eliminating dry hair.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is selected individually.


  • prevent hair damage
  • use combs with rounded sparse teeth;
  • exclude chemical procedures ( dyeing, curling) and heat treatment of hair ( hair dryer, iron, curling iron);
  • provide proper hair care moisturizing shampoo, nourishing masks and tonics);
  • medicinal herbal serums.
  • the mechanism of therapeutic action is based on stopping the progression of the symptoms of the disease and stimulating hair growth.

The duration of treatment is several months;

Conducted courses 2 - 3 times a year.

Allotrichia symmetrical limited

  • proper hair care masks with oils, mild shampoo);
  • use of a comb with rare teeth;
  • exclude chemical treatments for hair ( perm);
  • drug treatment- vitamin therapy A, B, E), hormonal preparations;
  • wearing wigs.
  • the therapeutic effect is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease and masking the foci with impaired hair growth.

The disease is not treatable;

Maintenance therapy is prescribed in courses several times a year.


  • It is necessary to protect the scalp and hair from ultraviolet rays ( cream, headdress);
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • drug treatment- vitamin therapy A, B, C, D, E, riboflavin);
  • hair coloring.
  • treatment is based on maintaining the patient's condition.

It is not amenable to treatment, as it is hereditary;

Symptomatic treatment is carried out several times a year.


  • it is necessary to avoid injury and overdrying of the hair;
  • drug treatment- vitamin therapy A, B, F, E);
  • preparations containing phytin, iron, zinc;
  • local treatment- sulfur-containing ointments ( sulfur-salicylic, sulfur-tar);
  • non-drug treatment- cryomassage, electrophoresis, darsonvalization.
  • the therapeutic effect is aimed at improving the patient's condition and reducing the intensity of symptoms;
  • topical use of ointments helps soften and exfoliate dead skin particles.

Not amenable to treatment;

Requires ongoing support symptomatic) therapy courses.


  • it is recommended to avoid mechanical and chemical skin irritation;
  • cosmetic procedures– electric epilation, depilation, diathermocoagulation of hair follicles;
  • drug treatment- hormonal drugs;
  • non-drug treatment– phytotherapy ( raspberry, walnut).
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • cessation of hair growth.

The duration of treatment varies in each individual case;

Electric hair removal procedures are carried out for one year.


  • elimination of the cause;
  • treatment of the underlying disease;
  • dieting;
  • drug treatment- antiandrogenic drugs, oral contraceptives ( Janine, Diane-35), glucocorticosteroids ( dexamethasone, prednisolone);
  • non-drug treatment– phytotherapy ( walnut, dope, chestnut);
  • cosmetic procedures- hair bleaching, shaving.
  • therapeutic effect is based on a decrease in testosterone levels ( male sex hormone);
  • a positive result is characterized by a stop in the growth of new hair.

Treatment may take up to one year to achieve a marked reduction in clinical manifestations.


  • proper care, hygiene;
  • drug treatment- antifungal drugs ketoconazole), selenium disulfide, zinc pyrithione;
  • tar, ichthyol;
  • burdock, olive, castor oils;
  • non-drug treatment– physiotherapy, cryomassage, darsonvalization.
  • the therapeutic effect is based on the cessation of growth and the destruction of the fungus;
  • complex treatment helps to relieve inflammation;
  • cell division is normalized, due to which a smaller number of scales is formed.

Treatment can last up to two months depending on the severity.

early gray hair

  • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • it is necessary to avoid stress, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • vitamin therapy ( A, C, E, folic acid);
  • non-drug treatment– head massage, mesotherapy, plasmolifting, laser therapy, iontophoresis;
  • castor, burdock oil;
  • hair coloring.
  • the early appearance of gray hair is an irreversible process;
  • the therapeutic effect is aimed at slowing down the process of early graying;
  • hair coloring gives the hair a uniform tone, healthy shine, provides easy combing.

Supportive treatment is carried out 1-2 times a week in courses of 2-3 months.

allergic reactions

  • eliminate the allergy-causing factor ( care product, headwear);
  • drug treatment- antiallergic drugs tavegil, claritin), anti-inflammatory ( advantan), antibacterial ointments ( levomekol), sedatives, enterosorbents ( activated carbon, enterosgel);
  • non-drug treatment– phytotherapy ( chamomile, calendula, sage).
  • antiallergic drugs relieve itching and prevent the further development of allergies;
  • antibacterial ointments prevent the spread of infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs relieve redness, disinfect, anesthetize, promote wound healing ( when combing);
  • herbal medicine helps to soothe the scalp and relieve redness.

The duration of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Until now, the specialty "trichologist" has not been introduced in the classifier of professions. What are the features of his work, what education he should receive, what are the requirements for this specialist - we tell in the article.

In our country, trichology is considered a branch of dermatology and aesthetic medicine, and there is still no specialty “trichologist” in the classifier of professions of the Ministry of Health.

The peculiarity of the work of a specialist in Russia lies also in the fact that the doctor not only prescribes treatment, but also conducts all physiotherapy and injection procedures, and also selects care.

Trichologist education

The future trichologist must first get an education at the Department of Dermatovenereology or cosmetology, and then attend a certification course in trichology, or enroll in a clinical residency in cosmetology, which includes the Trichology cycle.


The education received at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Here at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. V.A. Rakhmanov, you can choose the discipline "Trichology", or listen to the course of the same name at the Department of Cosmetology. There are a large number of training centers where they teach, including practicing doctors.

The duration of trichologist training varies from one to five days. Very important:

There are a large number of sites on the Internet that offer to learn the profession of a trichologist, posing as branches of the departments of popular universities. However, often words like “at RUDN University” mean only geographical proximity to the university. When choosing courses, I advise you to avoid the training that cosmetic companies offer. Most often they have nothing to do with medical trichology, and the document that you receive at the end of the training program will only be a reminder of wasted money.

I received the specialty "General Medicine" at the Kuban State Medical University, and I completed an internship in dermatovenereology at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MAPO), where I also underwent a retraining cycle in cosmetology. Interestingly, as part of their qualifications, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons can accept patients with trichological problems (in particular, hair transplantation is a surgical operation). However, in these cases, the diagnoses may be inaccurate and the treatment plan incorrect. In addition, of course, not every cosmetologist who has found the opportunity to purchase a trichoscope has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Yes, certain knowledge will help to see the problem, but only trichologists can provide high-quality history taking, research and treatment, and even better if paired with fellow endocrinologists.

What knowledge should a trichologist have?

A specialist trichologist must, first of all, understand the anatomy and physiology of the hair and skin of the scalp, understand the nature of diseases that affect the condition of the hair. It is very important to collect the most complete history, conduct a qualified diagnosis, competently develop a treatment plan and ensure a stable positive result.

A specialist trichologist needs knowledge in dermatology, immunology, endocrinology and even nutrition. It is very important to attend scientific and practical conferences, communicate with colleagues and constantly invest in your development. If possible, you should become a guest of international congresses, because this is a great chance to stay in touch with the world of trichology, to start exchanging experience with trichologists from other countries.

If we talk about me, then I combine all of the above with the knowledge gained at the Department of Endocrinology of the FPC MR RUDN University. Here, doctors are taught the modern concept of medicine “5P”, they are helped to become the so-called D-doctors, that is, specialists who can work with vitamin D and hormones, and they also answer the question of what happens in the body during a particular disease at the cellular level .

A simple example: among the causes of diffuse hair loss is a lack of vitamins, and a trichologist, if vitamin D deficiency is detected, may recommend taking medications so that the level of the substance becomes optimal - 50-80 ng / ml. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, and vitamin D activates the human immune system.

In other words, along with the competition, the need to know and be able to have many more colleagues is growing. Modern patients demonstrate the consequences of environmental degradation, malnutrition and a decrease in the quality of food taken. I often say that hair loss is a consequence of negative changes occurring in the body.

Demand for the profession of trichologist

There are always vacancies for trichologists, there are many of them, and this is largely due to the growing popularity of the profession. Perhaps in the near future, Russians will begin to visit a personal trichologist, by analogy with a dentist and a general practitioner or a family doctor. In the West, this approach is already practiced.

A novice trichologist receives a salary in the region of 15,000-20,000 rubles, an experienced specialist can earn up to 60,000 rubles a month. At the same time, in Moscow this figure can reach up to 150,000.

The average price of a trichologist appointment ranges from 1,100 to 4,000 rubles per consultation. Often, trichologists combine two jobs: a trichologist directly, as well as a cosmetologist, performing procedures in the field of aesthetic cosmetology.

A special area at the intersection of medicine and cosmetology, called trichology (Greek trichos - hair; logos - teaching), deals with the study of hair and scalp and their treatment. The science of trichology is considered to be a branch of dermatocosmetology. In Russia, only in the early 90s they started talking about trichology, and the first specialists began to appear just a few years ago, and the trichologist himself diagnoses and selects the professional method of hair and hair skin care, unlike the West, where these two functions separated.

Who is a trichologist?

A specialist trichologist, who deals with the science of trichology, studies hair and makes recommendations on the method of diagnosis and treatment. If the hair has lost its shine, become dull and thin, they have to be washed more often, and they fall out a lot, then this is a reason to consult a trichologist to diagnose the disease. The diagnosis of hair diseases includes the study of hair using a trichogram for counting hair, studying the structure and determining the quality, spectral analysis, examination of the hormonal and immune status according to indications, ultrasound of the internal organs and, if necessary, consultations with a gastroenterologist or allergist. Patients can be treated with medications and physiotherapy.

How do you become a trichologist?

Hair cannot be considered separately from the rest of the body, it is an indicator of the state of the whole organism, it is the hair that noticeably reacts to internal problems, which the trichotherapist will help to eliminate. In the West, due attention is paid to the development of trichology. Within the framework of aesthetic medicine, there are two main areas of training for specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp - trichologist and trichotherapist. In order to become a trichologist, a doctor must complete three years of training and pass all exams, after which he is given the A.I.T. qualification and the position of trichotherapist. Two years of practice in a specialized clique gives the trichologist the right to be a member of the society of trichologists and bear the title of M. I. T. t.

How to eat hair

The beauty and health of your hair depends on the quality of nutrition. In food, you need to take a rational amount of protein, especially in the morning. Hair growth requires amino acids, which, along with other nutrients, enter the body with food.

What substances do hair need?

With the help of blood flow, nutrients are delivered, and through the capillaries they enter the hair papilla. A properly balanced diet is a direct path to healthy hair and skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and if you're on a vegetarian diet, don't forget about soy. It is also necessary to take as a dietary supplement preparations that contain iron and vitamins of groups B and C.

Some believe that regular intake of nutritional supplements that contain adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals can replace a normal diet and even allow you to go on a diet. This is a deep delusion.

The role of proper nutrition

Three meals a day, a balanced healthy meal that has enough protein, plus fruits and vegetables, is what is needed for the health of the whole body, including hair. In the event that you are following a diet prescribed by a trichologist to improve your skin, hair and nails, be patient, a change in diet cannot affect your condition overnight. This should take three to four months.

Drink about 6 or 7 glasses of water a day. In summer, fluid intake becomes even more relevant. Also in summer there are more fruits and vegetables, and sometimes we neglect proteins. This is unacceptable for hair, otherwise intensive "leaf fall" will begin in the fall.

Don't Forget Micronutrients

Now about micronutrients. Taking a sufficient amount of food and liquid, there is no guarantee that all the necessary trace elements and vitamins are obtained. It often happens that some substances are not absorbed, but simply excreted (in particular, with dysbacteriosis). Deficiency can be obvious and hidden, which ultimately affects the condition of the skin and hair.

The most common cause of dull and brittle hair is iron deficiency. Hair begins to split both longitudinally and transversely, diffuse hair loss begins, the degree of which depends on the degree of iron deficiency.

The effect of anemia on hair loss

Women are more susceptible to this disease due to heavy menstruation, diets and the so-called "cleansing" of the body, as well as increased physical exertion. Vegetarian diets can also lead to this situation. At the same time, in combination with sports loads like shaping, latent or overt anemia may develop. Outwardly, signs of anemia are pallor, fatigue, apathy, dry skin, splitting of nails and hair loss. With anemia in the blood test, a low content of hemoglobin. With latent anemia, external clinical signs are not so pronounced, and sometimes hair loss is the main indicator.

The diagnosis is established using laboratory diagnostics. The main indicators of protein, transferrin, ferritin and serum iron, change first. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor may prescribe a special diet and prescribe vitamins.

Now in social networks there are more and more accounts of "cosmetic trichologists" who offer their online consultations, of course - paid. Who are they? Is it really that easy to become a practicing trichologist? Answers these and other questions doctor-trichologist of Real Trans Hair clinic – Tonkikh Fedor Grigorievich.

Is there such a thing as a "cosmetic trichologist" in official medicine? What is your attitude to "cosmetic trichologists"?
Officially, a "cosmetic trichologist" does not exist in medicine, just as there is no cosmetic doctor of any specialty (ENT, gynecologist, surgeon). A trichologist is a person with a higher medical education: 6 years of general education, and then a 2-year specialization at the Department of Dermatovenereology. Such a complex learning process is due to the fact that the hair is an appendage of the skin and any specialist who deals with the treatment of hair must have the appropriate knowledge about skin problems. Often, hair problems are the result of problems with the scalp. Personally, my opinion is that you can turn to such people for advice on care, for example, which shampoo or mask to choose, but nothing more serious.

What documents confirming the qualifications and the right to consult clients (patients) should a practicing trichologist have? Can the patient request them before the appointment?
First, a diploma of higher medical education. Secondly, a document on the internship / residency at the Department of Dermatology. Thirdly, a certificate confirming the qualification of a specialist. Fourthly, the clinic must have a license to practice medicine (although it is possible that a doctor may have a license to practice medicine). Of course, any patient can and should request them. In our clinic, all documents are freely available at the reception.

Can a trichologist consult online? Or do you need a personal meeting?
It is possible, but it is necessary to collect a complete history (answer a number of questions), provide the results of an additional examination, photographs taken according to certain requirements. Therefore, an internal consultation with a specialist is ideally recommended.

Why are consultations of "trichologists" without medical education dangerous?
First of all, the fact that such "trichologists" do not bear any responsibility for the results of the so-called "treatment". It is enough to cite as an example the plasmolifting procedure, which is now prescribed to everyone indiscriminately. In no case should this procedure be carried out in patients with severe hair loss in order to strengthen the root system, since in itself it often causes even more hair loss. There have been numerous cases of focal alopecia on the background of plasmolifting. Therefore, turning to a “cosmetic trichologist”, you take full responsibility for yourself and in case of unfortunate consequences, you will also have only yourself to blame.

Now there are many trichology courses, for example, for hairdressers and stylists. Can a person after graduation call himself a trichologist and offer consultations? Another phenomenon is the advice of bloggers, “who have been treated by trichologists for a long time and now they themselves understand better than them.” Should you trust such advice based on your own experience?
As mentioned earlier, a trichologist is a doctor with a higher medical education. Therefore, if your hairdresser or stylist has completed trichology courses, he is not a trichologist. It is up to you to decide whether to pay a person who uses only “his own experience” in drawing up a “treatment” plan. From a legal point of view, this is illegal.
Bloggers, stylists, hairdressers, and everyone who wants to conduct paid online consultations, can only advise using rinse-off preparations exclusively for external use for hair care (rod), and not hair treatment (root system, bulbs). This is not a doctor's appointment, but only advice.

For reference:

The Real Trans Hair clinic opened in 1995 and specializes in transplanting one's own hair. RTH specialists have performed over 14,000 such surgeries. In 2000, a trichology division was established here, the first in Moscow to offer clients hair treatment and restoration services. The main principle of the clinic: the resources for hair restoration are laid in the body itself, they just need to be put to work.
