Design capacity of the building. The design load of a school is determined by a formula that takes into account the number of students. Formula for how to calculate the design capacity of an educational institution

Information about the school The design capacity of the school is 600 people. During the academic year, 497 people study at the school. The three-story school building has 39 classrooms, including 2 computer science classrooms, 3 gyms, 1 dining room with 240 seats, a medical unit, a psychologist and social teacher’s office, and a school library with an area of ​​300 sq.m. Sports and assembly halls are equipped with the necessary equipment. The school grounds have a sports ground. The school canteen is equipped with modern technological and refrigeration equipment.

Student population by grade Class Number of people Availability of teachers 1 “A” 26100% 1 “B” 25100% 1 “B” 25100% 2 “A” 26100% 2 “B” 24100% 2 “B” 20100% 3 “A” 23100% 3 "B" 22100% 3 "B" 17100% 4 "A" 26100% 4 "B" 27100% 5 "A" 26100% 5 "B" 26100% 6 "A" % 6 "B" 28100% 7 "A" 23100% 7 "B" % 8 "A" 22100% 8 "B" % % % TOTAL: %

Total teaching staff directly involved in the educational process 31 people (from 28) Total administrative and managerial staff 5 people (from 6) (3 have internal jobs) Total educational support staff 3 people (from 4) Total education and training staff 8 people (from 10) Total other categories of teaching staff 3 people (previously 3)

The average age of teachers is 43.5 years (12.9% of retirement age) Titles: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - 1 person Honorary Worker of General Education - 2 people Total categories: Higher - 11 people (35.4%) First - 10 people (32 .3%) Compliance – 10 people (32.3%)

Calculation Amount (rub.) 1. The amount of the salary according to the estimate for 2012 (Article 211) of the salary per month (pages 1-12) (equal to the sum of lines 3,5,6,7,8,9,) including: 3. AUP of which the wages of the head and deputies; the wages of teaching staff directly carrying out the educational process; the wages of other categories of teaching staff; the wages of educational and support staff; the wages of the MOP; services 18700

Cost of 1 student-hour - the cost of one estimated hour of educational work with one estimated student in accordance with the curriculum Student-hour for the academic year 11.26 rubles

Analysis of possible risks and their minimization Risks Minimization of risks Redistribution of the number of staff positions and redistribution of job functions Enforcement of labor law norms in relation to employees Lack of personnel for newly emerging positions Attracting young specialists Emergence of conflict situations during the distribution of incentive payroll Inclusion of a sufficient number of employees of educational institutions in working groups , parent community

NameLevel Number of students Result Presentation competition in biology “Biology of the Future” municipal1Prizener Evgeniy Kachioni 10th grade Presentation competition in physics “Year of Cosmonautics” municipal2Prizeners Shumakov Sergey 7th grade Goryachev Nikita 7th grade District distance game in geography municipal1Winner Rodionova Ksenia 7th grade 10- i Regional conference “My Small Motherland” in the nomination “Chronicle of the Native Land” municipal1 Winner Shumakov Sergey 8th grade Essay competition “My Family” municipal1Prizener Shumakov Sergey 8th grade Poetry competition “Our heroes and our victories” municipal1Prizener Vatanskaya Anastasia 8th grade Social competition projects “Future enterprise in my settlement” municipal1 Winner Belozerova Anastasia 9th grade

2009 2010 Creative teams (associations) of students of the educational institution were laureates and winners of regional and city competitions (over the past three years) 2nd place in the regional reading competition dedicated to Mother's Day; Children's patriotic association "Voskhod" - laureates; Vocal and choral group "Consonance" - laureates; 2nd place in the regional reading competition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War; 2nd place in the regional Competition "New Year's Toy" DPO "Voskhod" -2nd place in the regional competition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow and winners of the regional military sports game "Cascade"; vocal and choral group “Consonance” - 1st place in the district choral competition; YID "Green Light" - 2nd place in the regional competition for young traffic inspectors; 1st place in the regional competition-promotion “Christmas Toy”; 3rd place in the regional intellectual game “Nature Experts”; 2nd place in the All-Russian drawing competition “On Distant Worlds” Creative teams (associations) of students of the educational institution were laureates and winners of regional competitions (over the last three years) 2nd place in the All-Russian children’s drawing competition “Autumn Again” (in the Moscow region) 1st place in the All-Russian competition “Victory Tree” (in the Podolsk region) Sports teams are winners of city and regional sports competitions 2nd place in regional tennis competitions 2nd place in the championship among schools of the Podolsk region in “Pioneerball”; 2nd place in regional table tennis competitions; 3rd place in the regional athletics championship “Shipovka Youth”; 3rd place in regional football competitions.

Competition - “Nature and Fantasy”, “Autumn in Erino” Workshop of Father Frost “City of Masters” - folk crafts of the Moscow region Competition for making a doll Participation in regional exhibitions, concerts, festivals. Drawing competition “Sorceress – Winter”, “What a beauty these fairy tales are!” Photo competition “Relaxing with the whole family” Artistic and aesthetic education

First Bell Celebration Bouquet competition “Autumn Colors of Erino” Concert “Thank you, teachers!” Initiation as a student Workshop of Father Frost New Year's tree Festival Knight's tournament, review of formations and songs. Maslenitsa “Super Schoolgirl” Concert “To Our Mothers!” Competition "Green Light" Sports festival "Erinsky relay races" "Let's bow to those great years!" Alumni Ball.

where is the specific load of the store, food and non-food items are also taken into account, taken from Table 2.2.1 RD,

Store area, m2.

We determine reactive power:

We also find the total total power:

The current is determined by the expression:

The loads were calculated using the EXCEL program. All calculation results are tabulated and presented in Appendix A.

1.4 Calculation of lighting load

Calculation of electrical loads of outdoor lighting networks is determined as the total power of lighting installations, taking into account a demand coefficient equal to one. In this case, the power is set on the basis of lighting calculations, taking into account the nature of the lighting of the territory, the normal illumination of these territories, the type and parameters of the lamps used.

As a result of lighting calculations, the specific lighting power per 1 m2 of illuminated surface is determined:

, (8)

where is the rated power of the lamp, (Dnat 250 W),

Power losses in the ballast, GRL, W,

The number of lantern lamps belonging to one row,

Number of rows of lamps,

Pitch of lanterns of individual lamps, in m,

Width of the roadway.

The calculation was made using the Light-in-Night Road program. The lamp power is 70 W, the lamps are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, there are two rows of lamps, the spacing of the lamps is 30 meters. As a luminaire we use the ZHKU12-70-001 lamp with a 70 W DNAT lamp. As a result of the calculation, the following values ​​were obtained:

Table 1 - Lighting calculation

Along the roadway




On the sidewalk


The power supply system is built depending on the size of the facility and power consumption. As a rule, several power supply options are considered and a final decision is made based on a technical and economic comparison.

2.1 Determining the location of the TP

6 transformer substations were selected. There are two transformer substations for each quarter. Each TP is as close as possible to the center of load concentration.

2.2 Selection of diagram and cross-sections of the 0.4 kV distribution network

The task of constructing an electrical network is usually multivariate. Therefore, an important criterion is its cost-effectiveness in terms of construction and operation costs and non-ferrous metal consumption. Attention should also be paid to ease of use, reliability of the circuit and its simplicity. Sometimes these requirements take precedence over the requirements of economy. That is, the circuit must be constructed in such a way that the damaged section of the network is easily detected and replaced, so that as few consumers as possible are disconnected. Evaluation and selection of a scheme can only be made based on the totality of all indicators, in relation to the specific conditions of the installation being constructed. The following possible schemes of the 0.4 kV supply network are distinguished: loop, ring, radial and others.

The most reliable and economical, compared to other options, is the loop circuit for connecting 0.4 kV network elements. Also, the loop circuit replaces 2 beam circuits, so we adopt the loop circuit.

Figure 2 – Loop connection diagram

When supplying electricity to consumers, often through the same line

Consumers of residential buildings and public buildings and premises also receive food. The calculated electrical load for lines up to 1 kV is determined by the formula:


where is the largest load of the building among the buildings supplied by the line;

  • Design capacity - 950 students

  • Management structure of a general education institution - School director, appointed by the head of the education department of the Karabalyk district

  • Operating mode: two shifts

  • 1st shift: 08.30-13.40

  • 2nd shift: 14.00 – 18.20

  • Forms of education: full-time, full-time

  • Language of instruction: Russian

  • The total area of ​​the premises is 4055 sq.m.

  • Working area 1887 sq.m

  • Building type - Standard

  • Number of school buildings - 3

  • Number of floors of the building -3

  • Cold water supply – yes

  • Heating – gas

  • Sewage – local

  • Lighting – C meets sanitary and hygienic requirements

  • The establishment's operating mode complies with sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements

  • Library - 10 seats - 47.6 sq.m.

  • Library collection - 20,700 copies

  • Dining room – 50 seats – 133.5 sq.m.

  • Gym – 291.4 sq.m.

  • Number of classrooms – 27

  • Computer science room -2 pcs x 48 sq.m

  • Labor office – 1

  • Technology room – 1

  • - systematic (training is carried out consistently, there is a team of specialists that prepares students in various areas - informationally, subject-wise, psychologically);

  • flexibility (monitoring changes in the regulatory framework, accumulation of scientific and methodological materials on the issues of pre-graduate education and the UNT, individual approach to each student)

  • A center for children's initiative has been created at the school, one of the divisions of which is the non-profit educational institution "SLESH". The goal of the center is to attract enterprising students and develop creative personalities. The scientific society "SLESH" was organized in 2000. The society has its own charter and anthem. The rights and obligations of the non-profit educational institution “Slash” have been developed.

  • Charter of the Scientific Society "SLESH".

  • General position: "SLESH" is a scientific organization uniting students of the Karabalyk secondary school named after Abay Kunanbayev, students in grades 7-11.

  • The purpose of the NOU: Raise the level of academic performance in school, increase students’ interest in scientific activities.

Design capacity of the building and staffed medical facilities. offices allow us to provide a full range of services to preserve, strengthen and develop health.

The rehabilitation service is fully staffed with medical personnel.

The new school building is equipped with a medical office, a vaccination and treatment room, a physiotherapy room, an ophthalmology room, an aromatherapy room, biofeedback rooms, a thermotherapy room, two hydrotherapy rooms, a “dry pool” room, a dental room, a massage room, a martial arts training room, a gym Exercise therapy, gym, block of psychological, speech therapy, medical and pedagogical service of the school, psychological relief room.

The school employs medical specialists:

Senior nurse;




Massage therapists;

Physiotherapy nurses;


Orthoptistic nurses.
Medical offices are equipped with new equipment, which allows for health procedures to be carried out according to plan and in a timely manner, as well as to carry out preventive work to strengthen the immunity of students.

According to statistics, children come to school with already poor health.

A comparative analysis of the health status of first-graders over the last three years showed the following: (Appendix 1)

The table shows that the percentage of children with reduced visual acuity increased by 11.2%, with poor posture by 1.5%, the number of children with speech impediment (15.9%), and flat feet by 3% increased significantly. It is gratifying that in 2006-07 the percentage of children in the basic health group (+2.6%) and above average physical development (+0.91%) increased.

Thus, we can conclude that a large number of children come to school who already have one or another pathology.

Analyzing the health status of all schoolchildren, it is clear that the indicators are stable, but leave much to be desired: (Appendix 2)

Indicators of poor health in children can be explained by being in extreme natural and climatic conditions: repeated changes in atmospheric pressure, air temperature, wind strength and speed, electromagnetic fluctuations, air humidity, a feeling of lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, emotional and mental tension. All this determined the relevance of creating a school-based rehabilitation service integrated into the education system.

Taking into account the above, the work of the school’s rehabilitation service is built. Rehabilitation cards have been created for each child, which contain all the student’s data. The cards record all complaints, appointments of specialists and preventive procedures. Cards of disabled children are marked in red, healthy children – green, all other cards are blue, which is convenient for systematization and monitoring.

Disabled children study at the school. Morbidity structure of disabled people at school:

1. Surgical pathology (Perthes disease, achondroplasia, papilloma, tendon failure, osteomelitis).

2. Pathology of the visual apparatus.

3. Pathology of the central nervous system.

4. Pathology of the lungs and heart, cancer.

5. Pathology of the endocrine system.

All diseases of disabled children are based on congenital pathology.

During the academic year, 15 children with disabilities studied at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2. For such children, the school has created the most favorable conditions for learning and education. For ease of movement, ramps and an elevator were built. Depending on the diagnosis, the rehabilitation center provides a wide range of services; counseling and correctional assistance is provided by the socio-psychological service. Cultural events are regularly held for children with disabilities.

All children with disabilities are members of the children's association "Mercy", which is led by a teacher of additional education on the basis of the association's Charter and work plan, who conducts individual and group classes with children with disabilities, regularly visits children in individual education, and maintains contact with all parents, knows the problems of children and parents, the situation and relationships in the family.

Specialists from social and psychological services work with all children with disabilities. All children are included in routine diagnostics once every six months, and counseling at the request of parents. All children have individual psychological support cards.

The school constantly monitors the general morbidity of students.

In the last academic year, the leading diseases were:

Respiratory organs (665 cases, 53.8%);

Eye diseases (44 cases, 3.6%);







The decrease in morbidity was also influenced by the timely sanitation of the students’ oral cavity by the school’s dentists. After all, it is known that “harmless” dental caries is the source of many acute and chronic diseases. A total of 1,057 students were examined and treated. The school has created conditions for the education of children who have visual impairments. Classes are completed in the areas of the city PMPC. The school has eleven vision protection classes:

Ophthalmologists maintain ophthalmological cards and ophthalmological observation cards in vision protection classes. Ophthalmological cards are compiled for the work of teachers working in these classes with students. They contain the following information: visual load (in minutes), distance to the book, recommended desk and row, wearing glasses for reading or for permanent wear. Ophthalmological observation cards keep records of the child’s examinations by an ophthalmologist and the dynamics of treatment.

Ophthalmologists do a lot of work to prevent vision pathologies.

Number of students receiving ophthalmological treatment


Examination of students (determining visual acuity)

Found with low vision

Prescription of spectacle correction

Prescribing medication

Pleoptic treatment

Orthoptic treatment

Clarification of refraction in conditions of cycloplegia

Accommodation reserve training

As a result of the ongoing activities, visual acuity was restored to normal (100%) in 45 people, of which 12 people were in primary school.

For each student with reduced visual acuity, a desk in the classroom and recommendations for physical education are assigned.

In primary classes, classes of “vision protection” and classes of in-depth study of a foreign language, special visual gymnastics are carried out using visual aids.

It should be noted that in the last academic year, biofeedback (biofeedback) rooms were put into operation, which made it possible to dramatically improve the level of health of students and teachers. In 2006, the school took part in the All-Russian competition and received the Grand President of the Russian Federation. With these funds we purchased:

· 2 cabinets “BOS-health”;

· 1 room for psycho-emotional correction.

· 24 humidifiers

In addition, the school already had biofeedback devices

· biofeedback room for psycho-emotional state correction.

· Logotherapeutic biofeedback room

· musculoskeletal biofeedback room

· biofeedback room for vision correction.

At our school, 15 teachers completed course training “A system of health-saving technologies based on the Biofeedback method in an educational institution.” 4 specialists completed course training at the St. Petersburg Institute of Biofeedback in the areas of ophthalmology, orthopedics, and health.

    The entire teaching staff has completed advanced training courses on innovative technologies, 1 teacher has completed advanced training courses in Moscow at the Academy for Advanced Studies