Project “Health Path. Path of Health (Sochi) Do-it-yourself health path in a dhow

Application No. 1

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Industrial kindergarten No. 1 "Ryabinka"

ORDER No. ____

From "___" __________20__

"On the organization of the functioning of the "Health Path" during the summer health campaign"

In order to create the necessary conditions for conducting a summer health campaign in the MBDOU Industrial Kindergarten No. 1 "Ryabinka" and ensuring effective rest and recreation for children


1. Approve instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children

on the path of health

2. Supply manager Smalekha Z.A. and senior teacher Mitrochenko T.V. ensure timely briefings with employees for the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path".

3. Senior nurse Polyakova L.A. provide:

3.1. Control of the summer health campaign, physical education and hardening of children on the "Health Path".

3.2. Availability of a first aid kit.

3.3. Control of the organization of the drinking regime.

4. Educators of all age groups and specialists:

4.1. Strictly comply with the requirements of the instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path".

4.2. Ensure that pupils stay outdoors as much as possible during the day.

4.3. To organize purposeful work on the assimilation of healthy lifestyle habits by children.

5. Junior caregivers:

5.1. Carry out garbage collection on the "Health Path" according to the schedule.

5.2. Assist teachers in the organization of hygiene procedures.

6. Appoint responsible persons:

6.1. For the sanitary condition of the "Trails of Health" - senior nurse Polyakova L.A.;

6.2. For the technical condition of the territory of the "Trails of Health" - supply manager Smalekha Z.A.;

6.3. For the implementation of the schedule for changing the water in the splash pool - the supply manager Smalekha Z.A.;

6.4. For the maintenance of flower beds - the senior educator Mitrochenko T.V ..

7. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Application №2


on the organization of protection of life and health of children

on the path of health

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The preschool teacher must:

1.1.1. Know that he is personally responsible for preserving the life and health of children.

1.1.2. Know the contents of the first aid instructions and, if necessary, be able to provide such assistance to children with bruises, bleeding, poisoning, dislocations, fractures, sunstroke before the arrival of a medical worker.

1.1.3. Strictly observe the sanitary rules approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

1.1.4. Be with children and do not leave children unattended.

1.2. Safety requirements for equipping the territory:

1.2.1. The equipment located on the territory of the "Health Path" (small game uniforms, physical education aids, etc.) must be in good condition: without sharp protrusions, corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts.

1.2.2. Ladders and bridges must be stable and have strong slats and railings, meet sanitary requirements.

2. Safety requirements before entering the "Health Path"

2.1. The Deputy Head of AHR is obliged to:

2.1.1. Daily inspect the territory of the Health Path, avoid the presence of traumatic objects on it: broken bushes, dead trees, metal objects, broken glass, etc.

2.1.2. Daily check the serviceability and stability of sports and gaming equipment located on the "Health Path", the reliability of fastening ladders, slides, bridges.

2.1.3. Change the water in the splash pool daily.

2.1.4. Check the medicines in the medicine cabinet daily.

3. Safety requirements while on the "Health Path"

3.1. The preschool teacher must:

3.1.1. Provide comfortable conditions for the stay of pupils on the "Health Path", excluding psycho-emotional stress, using entertaining gaming and correctional and developmental equipment and materials.

3.1.2. To ensure, in order to prevent injuries, control and direct insurance of the child during climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing objects, splashing in the pool.

3.1.3. Do not allow pupils to climb on fence railings, bridge railings and trees.

3.2. Walking by pupils barefoot on grass, sand, gravel is allowed only after inspection and confirmation of the safe condition of the territory.

3.3. Playing with sand is allowed only if the sand is digged daily and scalded with boiling water.

3.4. Splashing in the pool is allowed only if the water in it is changed daily.

3.5. To avoid overheating during the hot season, children should wear light hats.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The preschool teacher must:

4.1.1. In the event of an emergency, organize the evacuation of pupils from the territory of the Health Path to a safe place. Report the incident to the head of the institution.

4.1.2. If a pupil is injured, provide him with first aid until the arrival of a medical worker.

5. Safety requirements for leaving the territory of the "Health Path"

5.1. The preschool teacher must:

5.1.1. Organize hygiene procedures for students.

5.1.2. If necessary, organize the cleaning of clothes from dirt and sand.

Head __________________ L.P. Shcheglova

Application No. 4

Exercises to prevent flat feet.

1. Exercise in motion

1. Walking or running on toes

2. Walking or running on your heels.

3. Walking or running on the outer vault feet.

4. Walking or running with a roll from heel to toe,

5. Walking on toes with high hips

6. Walking - toes in, heels out.

7. Walking or running with a cross step.

8. Walking on toes in a squat.

9. Walking with relaxation of the muscles of the legs.

10. Breeding and bringing the heels together without lifting the socks from the ground.

11. Semi-squats and squats on toes, arms to the sides, up.

12. Walking on grass, sand, stones (pebbles, rubble), bumps, with different positions of the hands (on the belt, to the sides, above, behind the back, behind the head.)

2. Exercises without objects.

1. Rise on socks.

2. Rise on the heels

3. Rolling from socks to feet.

4. Rubbing one foot with the other.

5. Flexion and extension of the toes while sitting.

6. Turning the foot to the right-left, forward-backward.

7. Jumping, jumping in place and with movement.

3. Exercises with objects.

1. Catching the ball with the feet and lifting it,

2. Grasping and lifting various objects (pebbles, cones).

3. Squeezing the ball (rubber) with the feet.

4. Picking up a handkerchief, ribbon, rope in folds with your toes.

5. Walking on a tightrope.

6. Walking along the hoop, clasping its edges with your toes.

7. Jumping on socks with a rope.

4. Exercises with a gymnastic stick.

1. Walking on a gymnastic stick sideways with an added step

2. Rolling the stick with your feet.

3. Rolling from heel to toe, standing with the middle of the foot on a gymnastic stick.

4. Rolling the foot of the stick, grabbing it with your fingers.

5. Exercises on benefits.

1. Walking on stumps, logs, a bridge with different positions of the hands (on the belt, to the sides, etc.).

2.Walking on toe aids, with different hand positions.

3. Walking on the bridge on the heels.

4. Walking sideways (left and right) with an added step along the bridge, clasping the edges with the arches of the feet.

6. Complex "Merry Zoo"

1. "Dancing Camel".
I.p. - standing, legs apart, feet parallel, hands behind the back.

Walking in place with alternately raising the heel (do not tear off the socks from the floor).
2. "Funny bear cub." I.p. - standing on the outer edges of the feet, hands on the belt.
Walking in place on the outer edges of the feet. The same with moving forward-backward, right-left. The same, circling in place to the right and left.

3. "Laughing groundhog."
I.p. - standing, legs together, hands in front of the chest with elbows down, hands pointing fingers down.
1-2 - half squat on toes, smile; 3-4 - i.p.

4. "Tiger cub stretches."
I.p. - sitting on the heels, hands in front of the emphasis.
1-2 - straighten your legs, emphasis standing, bent over; 3-4 - i.p.

5. "Smart bunnies."
I.p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt.
1-16 - jumps on toes (heels together).

7. Game exercises.

1. "Giant". Walking on toes, rising as high as possible. 5-7 minutes.

2. "Dwarf". Walking on bent legs. 4-5 minutes.

3 . "Small big".On command, squat as low as possible, and then quickly straighten up. 10-12 times.

4. "Horse". Move in a circle, imitating the walk of a horse, raising your knees high, step, trot. 4-5 minutes.

5. They stomp and stomp

(Walk on the whole foot)

They hit the poplar.

They stomped to the poplar

(walk on heels)

Yes, the legs are all gone.

The gray bunny jumps deftly,

He has a carrot in his paw.

(They walk in leaps)

We went for mushrooms

The hare was scared.

(Walk on socks)

Hiding behind the oaks

Lost all the mushrooms.

(Go with a roll from heel to toe)

And then they laughed

The hare was scared.

(They stand still, rise on their toes and fall on the entire foot).

6. Geese walk all in single file,

(Walk on heels, hands behind back)

Turkey poults - turkey.

(Walk on toes, hands on the belt)

Frogs - a frog,

(They go with the breeding of socks to the sides, hands - “frog legs”)

Piglets - piglets.

(They walk with the heels apart, socks together, head tilted forward, hands behind the back)

I love walking

On the path with a friend

(walk in small steps)

Only I myself go more often

Frog and somersault.

(They jump).

7. Get up on your toes

Sit down and straighten up.

(Rise on toes and do a half squat)

legs to the side,

(Spread the socks to the sides and bring them together, pressing the heels to each other)

legs up,

(Roll from heel to toe "rocker")

Legs together

Legs apart.

(Connect socks and bring and spread heels).

8. Bear


The bear was sleeping on the bed.

(Rise on toes, then on heels)

Hanging from the crib

Two bare heels.

(Rise on toes and on heels, placing the feet on the same line with the toes inward)

Two barefoot, two funny,

Oh funny heels!

(Rise on toes and on heels, placing the feet with toes outward)

The mouse saw

Little mouse,

(shifting from foot to foot)

Climbed into bed

Grab him by the heel.

(They make a lunge with their foot forward, then turn 180, changing the supporting leg).

Application No. 5

Complexes of exercises for the formation of correct posture.

1. An approximate set of special exercises to strengthen muscles back and the press with gymnastic sticks (can be performed from 4-5 years old).

Warm up.

1. Walking on toes, arms raised above the head to the castle.

2. Hands in front of the chest, walking in a half-squat.

3. Walking on heels, hands behind the castle.

4. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. Spread your elbows, bringing your shoulder blades together - inhale; return to i.p. - exhale.

5. I.p. - standing, legs apart, hands to the shoulders. Lean forward with a straight back - exhale; return to i.p. - breath.

Exercises with gymnastic sticks.

1.I.p. - legs on the sh.feet, stick in lowered hands. 1-2- raise the stick up, behind the head; 3-4-ip

2. I.p. - legs on the shoulder. head stick. 1-3-turns to the right (left); 2-4-i.p.

3. I.p. - legs on the shoulders, a stick clamped in the elbows. 1-lean forward with a straight back. 2-ip

4. I.p. - standing, stick on the shoulder blades. Lean forward, stretching your arms up (take out a stick); return to i.p.

5.I.p. - standing, legs on the shoulder blades, stick on the shoulder blades. 1-3-turns to the sides. 3-4 i.p.

6. I.p. - standing, stick on the shoulder blades. Lean forward, stretching your arms up (take out a stick); return to i.p.

7. I.p. - standing, stick in lowered hands. Sit down with arms outstretched forward; return to i.p. The back is straight.

8.I.p. - o.s, stick on the head. 1-sit down; 2-i.p.

7. Stick on the floor, stick jumping.

A set of exercises is performed no earlier than an hour after a meal or 30-60 minutes before it. The pace is slow, you should start with 5 repetitions, bring to 10, the whole complex takes 30-40 minutes.

2. Exercises with a bag on the head.

1. Take the correct posture in a standing position, putting the pouchwith sand on your head. Sit down, trying not to drop the bag, get back to the starting position.

2. Walking with a bag on your headwhile maintaining the correct posture on the grass, sand, bridge, on logs, with different positions of the hands (on the belt, to the sides).

3. Walking with a bag on the head with stepping over obstacles - a rope, hemp. Stops to check the correct posture.

4. Take the correct posture with a bag on your head, hold the ball in your hands, throw the ball up, catch it, while maintaining the correct posture.

5. Walking with a bag on the head while performing different movements at the same time: walking in a semi-squat on the bridge, with high knees with different hand positions; standing on a stump, sit down while maintaining the correct posture.

6. Climbing under the arches in a squat with a bag on the head while maintaining the correct posture.

3. An approximate set of exercises for correcting posture and preventing its violations in children 5-7 years of age.

4. Game exercises to strengthen the posture "River, coast, sail."

Children stand in a line, check their posture (the back is straight, the head is slightly raised, the arms are lowered down). To the word "River!" - take a step back, to the word “shore!” - step forward, “Sail!” - raise their hands up. When performing movements, attention is paid to maintaining the correct posture.

"Magic Trees"

Children stand against the wall (fence), touching it with the back of their heads, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels, depicting magical Christmas trees, which, at the signal “Night!” they run, circling beautifully and easily around the site, and at the signal “Forester!” run to the wall, taking the initial pose. The forester walks around the Christmas trees, inspects them, takes the uneven ones with him.

The same game, but on the signal "Forester!" Christmas trees stop where the signal caught them.

Soup back massage

Children stand one after another, put their palms on the back of the child in front of them.

Chiki-chiki-chiki-cha!They clap their hands.

Here is cabbage for borscht.

I'll paint potatoesTapping with the ribs of the palms.

Beets, carrots,

Half head beamThey shake their fists.

Yes, a clove of garlic.

Chiki-chok, chiki-chok-Stroke with palms.

And the borscht is ready.

"I protect the spine"

I protect the spine(Tilt the body to the right and left, palms slide along the body from the armpits to the knees).

And I will help myself.

I will do everything in order:

(Putting hands on the belt, raise and lower the shoulders).

First, I'll load

I'll bend over

(Lean forward.)

I'll bend

(Slightly bend back).

And straighten up

(Stand up straight).

And lean to the right, to the left.

(Tilt the body to the right and left).

I play ball with my friends

(Run in place).

He gallops merrily.

(Jump on both feet.)

And I'll sit at the table

(They do a semi-squat, folding their hands with a “shelf” in front of the chest).

And I'll watch TV.

(Stand up straight, hands to the sides).

But I will always remember:

(They put the right hand behind the right shoulder, put the left hand behind the back and try to clasp the fingers behind the back.)

Your back must be straight!

(Change the position of the hands).

Back massage "Pigs"

Like a typewriter

Two pretty pigs

Everybody's tapping

All snort:



(Children stand one after another with a “train” and pat their hands on the back of the child standing in front, to repeat the nursery rhyme they turn 180 and beat with their fists, then tap with their fingers and stroke with their palms).

5. Exercise against the wall

1. Stand against the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels and elbows. Maintaining the accepted position, take a step forward, then back, return to the starting position.
2. Stand up to the wall, take the correct position. Move away from the wall, walk around, trying to maintain the correct position of all parts of the body; go up to the wall, snuggle up to it and check the correct posture.
3. Standing against the wall, take the correct position. Move away from the wall, bend over with relaxed hands (invite the children to “rinse the laundry”), straighten up and try to stand up again correctly.
4. Stand against the wall, take the correct position, raise your arms to the sides - up, lower to the starting position.
5. Stand up to the wall, take the correct position. Alternately raise your legs forward, without bending at the knee, without tearing your pelvis, shoulders, head from the wall

Application No. 6

Breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises for young children.

1. "Watch".

I.p. - stand straight, legs slightly apart (“the car will pass between the legs”), lower your arms.

Swinging straight arms back and forth, say "tic-tac". Repeat 6-7 times.

2. "Pipe".

I.p. - sit on a bench, squeeze your hands, as if in the hands of a pipe, bring it to your lips; make a slow exhalation with the pronunciation of the sound "p-p-p-p". Repeat 4 times.

3. "Cockerel".

I.p. - stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down; raise your hands to the sides (breathe), and then pat them on your hips with the words “ku-ka-re-ku” (exhale). Repeat 4 times.

4. "Porridge is boiling."

I.p. - sit on a bench; put one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Draw in the stomach and draw air into the chest (inhale), lower the chest (exhaling air) and stick out the stomach (exhale); while exhaling, loudly pronounce the sound “f-f-f-f.” Repeat 4 times.

5. "Engine".

While walking, make alternating movements with your hands and saying “choo-choo-choo.” Repeat for 20 seconds.

6. "Funny ball."

I.p. - stand straight, spread your legs; raise your hands with the ball (d = 10 cm) to your chest, inhale and throw the ball forward from the chest with the sound “y-x-x-x” (exhale), catch up with the ball. Repeat 4-5 times.

7. Geese.

Slow walking. Raise your arms to the sides while inhaling, lower them down while exhalingwith the pronunciation of a long sound "g-u-u-u". Repeat 1 minute.

Respiratory gymnastics complex (can be performed from 4 years old)


Chickens mumble at night

They beat their wings: tah-tah.

We raise our wings to our shoulders,

Then let's put it down.

I.p.: standing. Bend lower, arms hanging freely and head down. Saying “tah-tah”, at the same time patting your knees - exhale. Straighten up, raising your hands to your shoulders - inhale. Repeat 3-5 times.


Look to the skies

The plane is there like a wasp.

"Zh-zh-zh-zh" - the plane buzzes

And flaps its wings.

Guys, take flight!

Let's fly with us!

I.p. - standing. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms up. Make a turn to the side, saying “zh-zh-zh-zh-zh”, - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Repeat 2-4 times on each side.

"Sea air"

Nose sniffed.

(Children sniffing)

Smells like sea air.

And we saw the sea

Beautiful, big.

We breathe sea air, we breathe through the nose, not through the mouth.

Don't raise your shoulders

We help with life.

(Children do a breathing exercise).

"We water the flowers"

I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart, one hand on the belt, the second bent at the elbow - in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Inhale through the nose - raise your hand up; exhale - i.p., saying: "Shhhh ...".

"Scent of Flowers"

I.p. - standing, hands behind your back. Inhale through the nose without raising the shoulders; exhale - say: "A-a-ah!".

Breathing exercises (for middle-aged children)

Purpose: to teach breathing through the nose, to prepare for more complex breathing exercises.

Plot 1. Walk in the forest

1. “Here is a tall pine standing and moving its branches.”

I.p. - main stand. 1 - inhale, arms to the sides; 2 - exhale, lean to the right; 3 - inhale - return to SP; 4 - exhale, lean to the left, return to I.p.

2. "Here the Christmas tree bent over, green needles."

Il. - legs apart, arms lowered. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - lean forward; 3 - inhale - return to ip; 4 - exhale.

3. “Alena is standing, the foliage is green, a thin camp, a white sundress” (birch).

I.p. - legs together, arms lowered. 1 - inhale - hands through the sides up, rise on toes; 2 - exhale - hands forward and down, go down on the whole foot: 3 - repeat, return to I.p.

4. “Children in berets fell from a branch, they lost their berets” (acorns).

I.p. - feet together, hands behind the head. 1 - inhale - rise on toes; 2 - exhale - sit down - repeat, return to I.p.

5. "In the cradle hanging in the summer, a forest dweller sleeps" (walnut)

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body - inhale; 2 - exhale - sit down, do not bend your legs, hands to your toes; ,3 - inhale; 4 - exhale, return to I.P.

Plot 2. We are building a house

1. "Raise the bricks."

I.p. - legs apart, hands down, fingers apart. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - lean forward, clench your fingers into a fist ("Wow!"); 3 - inhale; 4 - return to sp.

2. "We put the solution."

I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt, elbows back, 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - turn the torso to the right (left), swing the right (left) hand to the side, back, forward ("One!"); .3 - return to ip.

3. "White the ceiling."

I.p. - legs apart, arms lowered. 1 - inhale - raise the right hand up and back; 2 - exhale - lower the right hand; 3 - inhale - raise your left hand up and back; 4 - exhale - lower your left hand.

4. "We paste the wallpaper."

I.p. - main stance, arms bent at the elbows at waist level. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - rise on toes, straight arms up; 3 - inhale; 4 - exhale - return to I.P.

5. "We paint the floor."

I.p. - kneeling, arms bent at the elbows, hand to fist. 1 - inhale; 2 - exhale - lean forward slightly, stretch your arms forward, fingers apart (“Zhik!”); 3 - inhale; 4 - exhale - return to I.P.

Breathing exercises and games


Purpose: to develop a deeper inhalation and a longer exhalation.

Equipment: paper boat, water pool.

Put a light paper boat into a basin of water, blow smoothly and for a long time so that the boat floats. An adult pronounces a Russian folk saying:

Wind, breeze, pull the sail!

Drive the ship to the Volga River.

"My balloon."

Purpose: to develop a deeper breath, a strong long exhalation; activate the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: balloons.

Children should inflate balloons by taking in air through their nose and slowly exhaling it through their mouths.

The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with a poetic text:

Option 1.

My balloon, one, two, three.

Light as a mosquito, look.

I breathe in through my nose, I'm not in a hurry,

I follow my breath.

Option 2.

Every day I blow into a balloon

I conjure over my breath.

I strive to inflate the ball

And I'm getting stronger

"The breeze is blowing."

Purpose: to develop phonation (voiced) exhalation, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the muscles of the lips.

The teacher invites the children for a walk. Children stand one after another and "snake" move forward. At the signal of an adult, they stop and perform movements:

The golden sun rolls across the sky

Smiling in the morning

And the smile-rays are very hot,(children open their fingers on their right hand, depicting the "sun" and stand in a circle).

The sun has gone behind a cloud(children squeeze the fingers of their left hand into a fist, depicting a "cloud").

Suddenly a breeze blew

And he hummed like this: U-U-U(Children inhale through their nose and exhale this sound).

" Balloon flight.

Target: develop speech breathing in the process of pronouncing poetic lines, the rhythm and expressiveness of speech; the ability to combine speech with movement.

Equipment: colorful balls.

Children move in a circle with balls in their hands and pronounce a poetic text:

All children fly in their dreams.

(Children rise on their toes and pull their hands with the ball up).

Dream of flying to the stars.

We grow up as we fly.

(Children move in a circle with balls in their hands).

We grow up while we dream.

"Apple tree".

Purpose: to develop auditory attention, the ability to coordinate nasal and oral breathing, to perform coordinated hand movements.

The teacher reads a fairy tale, the children perform movements in the text:

We have a new fairy tale - an interesting story.

About how the apple tree grew, and bloomed every year in the spring,

All summer the apples hung and slowly sang together.

What is this apple tree? Yes, yes, beautiful, big,

And it has many branches, just like the hands of children.

(Children stand in a circle, closely clinging to each other, raise their joined hands up, shake them).

The sun gently warms us, the apples will ripen quickly.

Look at them, how many big apples are here..

(Children separate their hands, clench them into fists).

Something the wind broke out and swelled up, cleared up.

(Children shake their hands from side to side).

We need to help the wind, we will also blow,

We take in air through the nose, let it out through the mouth.

(Children blow all together).

Immediately the apples fell and pounded on the ground,

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the animals gathered here,

They quickly eat the apples, run back into the forest.

(Stomp their feet).

One apple left, hung a little more,

Look at the white light, believe it or not.

(Movement "spindle" with arms bent at the elbows).

5. Complex breathing exercises to restore nasal anddifferentiation between oral and nasal breathing


Deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: "mmm (mouth tightly closed).

Inhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth tightly closed). Exhale alternately through the left and right nostrils (the other is tightly pressed with a finger, the mouth is closed).

Full breath through the mouth at the expense of 1:2:3:4. Pinch the nose with your fingers - holding your breath under the score 5:6:7; counting 8:9:10 - exhale through the nose. Full breath through the mouth.

Put a light piece of paper on the palm of your hand - blow it off, exhaling alternately with the left or right nostril (mouth tightly closed).

"Divers: we spread our arms to the sides, inhale through our mouths. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (we drop under water). Exhale through our mouths.


"Watch - standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Waving straight arms forward (inhale) - back (exhale) say:" Tick - tock. (10-12 times).

"Trumpeter - sitting on a chair, hands clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound: "F-f-f. (4-5 times).

"Skier - standing, legs half-bent and spaced to the width of the foot. We imitate skiing. Exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound:" Mmm. (1-2 min).

"On the horizontal bar - standing, legs together. Gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Rising on toes, raise the stick up - inhale, lower the stick on the shoulder blades - long exhale with the pronunciation of the sound: "F-f-f. (4-5 times).

"Pendulum". I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, stick behind the back at the level of the lower corners of the shoulder blades. Tilt your body to the side. When tilting - exhale with the pronunciation of the word: "Tu-u-uk. Straightening up - inhale. (5-6 times).


"Cranes - the main stance. Slow walking. When inhaling, raise your arms to the sides, while exhaling - lower your arms down with a long pronunciation of the sound: "Uuuu. (1-2 min).

"Sawing firewood. Children become pairs against each other. They hold hands and imitate sawing firewood. Hands on yourself - inhale, hands away from you - exhale. (5-6 times).

"Lumberjack. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - exhale with the pronunciation of the word:" Wow. (5-6 times).

"Let's grow big. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - slowly exhale with the pronunciation of the word:" Wow. (5-6 times).

"Pendulum" I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, stick behind the back at the level of the lower corners of the shoulder blades. Tilt your body to the side. When tilting - exhale with the pronunciation of the word: "Tu-u-uk. Straightening up - inhale. (5-6 times).

"We finish the gymnastics. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart. Rise on toes, arms up - inhale. Stand on a full foot, lean forward, arms down - exhale. (5-6 times)

Appendix 7

Hardening activities.

Hardening soles massage.

"Let's play with feet"

1.Preparatory stageWe walked, we jumped, our legs


We all sit down, rest, and massage the soles

Let's start.

2. Main stage

We hold the leg with one hand, stroke it with the other.(Let's hold the leg gently, the leg will be diligent. Weasel to everyone, friends are needed, you always remember this!).

- A warm-up is also required, do it diligently, rub, try and do not get distracted.(Rubbing feet with hands).

- On the sole like a rake, let's run our hands now. And it's useful and pleasant - it's been clear to everyone for a long time!(Stroke with a rake).

- Do not spare your hands and hit your legs harder, they will be fast, then try, catch up!(Clap the sole with the palm of your hand).

- We also need flexibility, without it we are nowhere. One - bend, two - straighten, well, let's be more active! (bend foot).

- Here is work, so work, hunting to roll a stick. More fun you ride, but for her hurry up. (Roll the stick with your feet, do not press hard).

- We will find a zone in the center, rub it well, we need to be friends with it in order to be healthy for everyone. (With your thumb, rub the hardening zone in the center of the sole).

3 Final stage. (foot stroking).

Let's all say THANK YOU!

to your scissors,

we will protect them

and always love. (Sit quietly and relax.)

2.Game massage for hardening the breath.

This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of a set of playing exercises with the nose.


1. Organizational moment.Come to me, my friend, and sit down quickly in a circle.


Spout you quickly find it to each other show.

2. The main part.Game exercises with a spout.


Close your mouth, just walk around with your nose.

(We offer the child to close his mouth so that he does not interfere with walking and

breathe through your nose).


- This is how the nose is a prankster! He used to play pranks with us.

(On inspiration, we resist the nose, pressing with the index

finger on the wings of the nose).


- Hush, hush, do not rush, breathe in the aroma.

(We perform 10 breaths - exhalations through the right and left

nostril, alternately closing them with the index finger).


- It's good to walk in the garden and the nose sings "ba-bo-boo."

(As you exhale, tap with your index fingers on the wings of the nose

and sings "ba-bo-boo").


On the bridge of the nose with index fingers, three wings of the nose, rubbing

up down.

- We need to warm our nose, rub it a little.

3. The final stage.

"NOSIK COMES HOME" - Walked up my nose, comes back home. (Shows that his nose is back).

3. Magic Ear Massage.

This type of hardening is based on the stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massage of these points is useful for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

1. Organizing time"Let's play with ears."

We sit in a circle. Let's listen to silence.(Come to me my friend,

And sit down in a circle.)

2. The main part.

Ear exercises:

« FIND AND SHOW THE EARS "-Find your ears and show them as soon as possible.

(We put our palms behind the ears and bend them forward).

"SLAP OUR EARS"- That's how we clap our ears.

(We press to the head, sharply let go).

"PULL THE EARS" - Now we'll pull everything down, don't fall off your ear!

(We grab the earlobes and slowly pull them down, let go).

"WARM EARS" - The ear seems to be frozen, so you can warm it up.

(We put our palms to the ears and carefully rub them all over the auricle)

- 1-2, 1-2, the game is over, and once the game is over, there is ti-shi-na.

3. The final part.

The child relaxes and listens to silence.

Stroking the chest

(Right hand clockwise).

Stroking the neck

(Stroking the neck with the thumbs from top to bottom).

Stroking the nose

(Fists rub the wings of the nose).

Strokes the forehead

(Swipe your fingers across the forehead from the middle to the temples).

stroking the ears,

(Palms rub ears.)

Irons pens.

(Rubbing hands).

Children light up. Here!

(Raise hands up).


Children perform movements according to the text.

They stamped their feet on the porch,

They patted their cheeks with their hands.

Eyes closed with palms

And the fingers parted, opened.

sat down together,

Looked through fingers.

We clench our fingers into a fist,

we collect air.

We unclench our fingers,

We exhale air.

Let's tap on the chest with our palms,

Let's stroke and shut up a little.

Masha went barefoot straight down the path,

And we follow her, raising our legs.

Children march one after another.

Complex of acupressure with verses.

The gnome lives in the fingers (bend and unbend the fingers),

He brings us health.

One, two, three, four, five

Our gnome began to play,

Draw circles with a fist at the nose,

And then he rose higher (light stroking of the maxillary sinuses)

And rolled down.

The dwarf looked out the window (massage with the index and middle fingers of the superciliary arches),

Laughed and flew off.

The dwarf found a point near the eye (massage of points at the bridge of the nose),

Turned right, left

I pressed on the other (massage of points near the wings of the nose),

And then went down below (massage of points above the upper lip) -

Closer to the mouth

Hiding behind the ears (massage of the auricle points),

Laughed at me

And he wanted to play with me.

One, two, three, four, five (massage of the frontal region and superciliary arches),

I decided to catch him.

I caught a gnome in my eyebrows,

And he went around in circles

Here our gnome was silent (massage of the tip of the nose)

And he took off running.

We will take it in the palms (relaxation of the hands),

Let's wave our hands a little.

Do-it-yourself health paths in kindergarten

- creation of conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children.

contribute to the prevention of flat feet;
stimulate the reflex zones of the feet and strengthen the arches of the feet;
improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
strengthen immunity;
involvement of parents and children in the educational process.

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to protect and strengthen the physical health of children.
"Health Path" is a good assistant in health work (hardening, prevention and correction of flat feet).
In the warm season, such paths can be organized not only in a group room, but also on a walking area. Everyone knows that there are many active points on the feet, stimulating them, we have a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body of children.
When walking barefoot along the "Health Path", a healing foot massage is performed: blood circulation improves, immunity increases, fatigue decreases, muscles, ligaments, and joints are strengthened. Thus, the whole body is toned. Such wellness massage should be done every day. And for this it is necessary to captivate children, to interest, to surprise.
Here's what happened in our area.
"Health Path" is made in the form of a flower. For its manufacture, we needed plastic bottles. And the children brought the bottles. Together with the guys, we cut them in half and painted them in different colors. The lower part of the bottles was needed to decorate the petals, the upper part to lay out the middle, in which we planted soft lawn grass. When organizing the “Health Path”, the principle of changing different types of surfaces was used to influence all biologically active points of the feet: sand, flat stones, sand, colored covers, sand, wooden blocks.

The next year, the guys and I made another “Health Path”.
On the roll of linoleum brought by the guys, which remained after home repairs, we cut out traces. Then they covered them with river sand, and, alternating, laid them out with various waste materials: sand, plastic caps, sand, felt-tip pen caps, sand, pebbles and bottle caps. We decorated our path with flowers cut from linoleum.
For laying out the track, you can also use: small cones, used felt-tip pens, wooden cuts, acorns, chestnuts, small items, capsules from kinder surprises, etc. Moreover, all these materials can be brought by children from home and thereby take a direct part in the production of the Health Path.

X district research conference

Health Path Project in Novoilinsky District

Work completed

group of students 4 B class

MBNOU "Gymnasium No. 59"


Simashkina Irina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

MBNOU "Gymnasium No. 59"

Novokuznetsk, 2016



We represent the same community - residents of the Novoilinsky district of the city of Novokuznetsk. Each of us wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic! But modern people move little, adults spend the whole day in offices and cars, children in schools and at home at computers. From a sedentary lifestyle, the health of the population is deteriorating. Regular walks around Paths of health help maintain and improve health.

But such trails must be within walking distance so that every resident of the area, whether it be a pensioner, or a young mother with a child, or the whole family, can enter the trail at any time.


Project development Paths of health in the Novoilinsky district.


    1. Interview the residents of the district in order to find out the relevance of the Health Path in the district.

      Explore ways to create Health Paths in other cities.

      Work with a map of the Novoilinsky district.

      Empirically pave the routes of the Trail.

      Come up with separate objects on the Trail.

      Find out how Health Paths are built.

      Suggest ways to finance the project.

    Methods and techniques used in the project

    Population Survey.


    Map work.

    Practical work on the route.


    Reading literature.


    Target walks.


    We interviewed residents of the Novoilinsky district in the amount of 124 people. To the first question: “Do we need a Health Path in our area?” everyone answered positively (100%). With some it was necessary to conduct an explanatory conversation in advance. To the second question: “Would you personally like to walk regularly along the Trail?” 6 people answered negatively, the rest (96%) happily agreed. To the third question: “What suggestions and wishes on the Health Path can you express?” we got the following responses:

    • I would like to see playgrounds there;

      for - more greenery, flower beds;

      in winter it is necessary to lay a ski track;

      you definitely need to rent sticks for Nordic walking;

      would rather build this Path;

      need good lighting in winter;

      sports fields are desirable.

From this survey, we concluded that the idea of ​​​​creating a Health Path is relevant in our area, and we took up the project with great enthusiasm.

    From Wikipedia, we learned that at the end of the 19th century, the German doctor Max Ertel published his scientific works on the benefits of dosed walking on the human body. He called his method of treatment terrenkur - from the French terrain (land, terrain) and kuhr (treatment). The doctor proved in practice that health path improves the functions of the cardiovascular system and respiration, has a positive effect on the psyche, stimulates metabolism and develops endurance well. The effectiveness of this simple and pleasant method was appreciated by other doctors, and Ertel soon found a lot of followers. Terrenkur became extremely popular in almost all mountain resorts in Europe, and soon began to be used in Russia. The first paths of health were laid in the Crimea and Kislovodsk. By order of Tsar Nicholas II in 1901, a 6.5 km long path was built - the Tsar's Path.

Subsequently, health paths appeared in the vicinity of Yalta, Essentuki, Sochi, i.e. at the resorts. Now there are health trails in Moscow, Cheboksary, Barnaul, Perm and many other Russian cities. They are created not only in natural areas, but also within the regions. The trail gives more and costs much less than sports complexes, which are inaccessible to the general population. And here you can just walk, walk with sticks, ski in winter.

3. We studied the map of our area and came to the conclusion that it is possible to lay 3 sections of the trail: the first and third of which - within the region, second- along Zvezdova and Chernyshova streets.

When we made a suggested route on the map, we thought what we could do circular Trail including section four- along Kosygin street.

But, passing the route, we saw a road junction over the tunnel, which will interrupt our Path. In addition, this area is heavily overgrown with shrubs and trees, so we decided not to include it in our project.

The length of the sections is as follows: 1 - 1 km 800 m, 2 - 700 m, 3 - about 2 km. So, only about 5 km.

On the plots one and three ( inside the district) there are already footpaths that need to be widened to 2.5 - 3m. . Only along the house number 37 along Novoselov Street for 50 m (we measured it ourselves) there is no footpath at all.

In some places of these areas, it is necessary to make lighting, install benches and urns, as well as break flower beds. You also need to put up mileage indicators so that those walking along the Trail rejoice at their achievements.

Location on three There are places for children to play. But the area for skateboarding and roller skating needs to be fenced off, also a hard surface should be made there, various barriers and springboards should be installed to perform tricks.

Plot two located on the outskirts of the area require more costs.

Here it is necessary to lay several walking paths, install benches, flower beds and trash cans.

The trail itself is built as follows. 30 cm of the top layer of the earth is removed, then small gravel is laid and compacted. As a result, such a track will serve several generations.
It is necessary to preserve the existing vegetation as much as possible, and plant shrubs along the paths. To do Nordic walking, you only need desire and sticks, even skiing will do. In winter, a ski track is laid next to the trail.

To reduce the harmful impact from the road, it is necessary to build a dust screen. It can be coniferous or deciduous trees. They will be planted with pleasure by schoolchildren, of course with the help of adults and planting material.

The gate is the beginning of the Path of Health. The stands indicate the rules that must be observed during a short trip. And also a map - a route diagram.

For example, a complex sports ground. It can be equipped in a small clearing near the Health Path on site number two. It is necessary to slightly raise the level of the soil and ensure good drainage so that the clearing in the spring is not flooded with melt water. On the site it is necessary to install horizontal bars, climbing poles, wall bars and other sports equipment.

Or such a rope town.

"Lukomorye" or in another way - "Glade of fairy tales." Wooden figures of fairy-tale characters made by high school students are placed, and primary school students will invent and make many fairy-tale characters from different materials. You can announce a competition between the schools of the district and install the best works in Polyana.

You can also place other objects - a summer cafe, some landscape elements, such as a park labyrinth. We did not set ourselves the goal of drawing the project in detail, down to each bench. We wanted to be heard by the residents and the administration of the Novoilinsky district. By the way, we sent our Health Path project to the Administration in December.

    The trail can be made not only at the expense of the state, but also business can be connected. And as compensation, give him benefits. We learned that the approximate cost of one kilometer of the Health Path is 1 million rubles.


The most important thing is the trail within the city and recreation, which is available to everyone. There is no need to buy expensive equipment. No harm has been done to nature, because not a single tree has been cut down, on the contrary, new trees and shrubs have been planted. Everywhere there is a corridor three meters wide, which will also serve as a fire barrier. We are sure that the people of Novoilyinsk will appreciate the convenience of this trail, and there will be no vandals here. People will become healthier and there will be fewer cancers.

Anyone can walk five kilometers along the trail, regardless of their state of health.

The main goal of the trail is simple - it is to improve the quality of life.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The protection of life and strengthening the health of children is one of the priority tasks facing the staff of the Municipal Educational Institution of the Center for Kindergarten No. 381 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd.

Of no small importance for its solution is the creation of the necessary material and technical conditions in the kindergarten. That is why the “Health Path” operates on the site of the preschool institution, built by the joint efforts of teachers and parents.

The main goals of the Health Paths organization are:

  • introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
  • increased resistance to infectious diseases;
  • improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;
  • prevention of flat feet;
  • improved coordination of movement;
  • improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

On the “Health Path” there is equipment that provides an opportunity to train all muscle groups, all functional systems of the body.

Concepts for building a “Health Path”

The path of health is intended:

  • to improve basic human movements: walking and running, jumping, climbing, throwing and catching, the ability to maintain balance;
  • for the development of motor abilities of preschoolers: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility;
  • to solve the problem of hardening preschoolers;
  • to develop their sensory abilities.

1. Requirements for shells for the “Health Path”:

  • strength;
  • resistance to weather changes;
  • large throughput.

Sports equipment is made of planed logs and metal pipes, painted with corrosion-resistant paint. To avoid rocking, the bases of the wall bars, handrails, arched metal bridges, modules for climbing and overcoming obstacles are deepened by 0.70 m and filled with crushed stone-cement mortar. Metal structures are connected by welding.

Near the Swedish walls, hand-walkers and shells, on which jumping exercises are performed, pits are equipped, filled with sifted sand mixed with sawdust. This will protect children from injury in the event of a fall from the projectile.

All shells installed on the Health Path are as safe as possible to use. The surface of wooden shells is sanded and painted, metal structures do not have pointed corners, protruding bolts, pipe ends, etc.

2. The route "Paths of Health" is laid along the perimeter of the territory of the preschool institution and includes 12 stations (see. Attachment 1 ). This is the most suitable route for such an object on the site of the kindergarten, as it lies in a shady area and at the same time is well lit by the sun. Each station in turn includes several objects or modules.

3. The existing structure (division into “stations”) allows, if necessary, to individualize the process of development and improvement of certain abilities (at the same time, several specialists with different groups of children can work on the Health Path without interfering with each other at all).

4. On the walking areas of all age groups there are modules for the prevention of flat feet and posture correction, used by educators in the rehabilitation of children, both as part of morning exercises, and at other regime moments of the children's stay on the walking area.

The advantage of our concept of building the “Health Path” is that it allowed all participants in the health-saving process, both children and adults, to perceive and effectively use sports and play equipment already available on the territory of the preschool institution in a new way. The construction of such a trail is low-cost, which in itself is already important.

Technology of work on the “Path of Health”

For the full and effective use of all the objects of the “Health Path”, a mode of its functioning has been developed, a schedule of organized recreational activities for educators and all specialists has been drawn up, medical support and interaction with the parents of the pupils have been provided, and simple work programs have been created at the “stations”.

Creation of work programs at “stations” facilitates the work of educators. The program of work at each “station” includes:

  • a list of exercises with a detailed description of the content;
  • complexes (for example, for the formation of correct posture, or the development of endurance, setting the correct breathing, etc.) made up of the exercises mentioned above.

The inclusion of stations in the Health Paths route, where classes with children are conducted by such preschool specialists as a psychologist, music directors, a teacher of additional education in ecology, an exercise therapy instructor, significantly increases its effectiveness. Ultimately, it really is a “path” to preschoolers gaining health, both physical and mental ( cm. Annex 2 ).

Let's take a few stations as an example.

The station “Forest House of Fairy Tales” is located in the Shady Garden; a teacher-psychologist works with children at this station. The deep need to communicate with nature is inherent in everyone, and the Shady Garden of a preschool institution is a great place where you can get amazing healing energy from plants, birds, water, sun, air. For example, exercises using aromatherapy contribute to the formation of a conscious idea of ​​the need to take care of one's health through the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of pleasant smells that bring calm, health and inner harmony. The influence of aromas is not limited to a purely chemical effect on the human body, they have a powerful emotional impact, change the energy and biorhythms of a person.

The Scouts of Nature exercise helps develop a sense of environmental empathy. Children observe and listen to everything that happens in nature in order to talk about their impressions of meeting trees, birds, and insects. Particular attention is paid to the signs on the basis of which the child builds his story about the well-being of living objects of nature.

Water therapy gives a good healing effect. Exercises at the fountain and in the fountain, which is located on the territory of the Shady Garden, bring children real pleasure on hot summer days.

The station "Musical clearing" is located on a shady area with a lawn; paths made of paving slabs are laid along the perimeter of the site, the boundaries of the site are decorated with flowering plants. Here, musical directors of a preschool institution are engaged with children. Using the program of M. L. Lazarev “Hello” (section “Healing sounds”: a series of sounds “Tissue vibration” and “diaphragmatic shocks”), teachers teach children to listen to their body and help it, to use breathing correctly during physical exertion, to engage in relaxation, teach the ability to feel sorry for your body.

Exercises of the game stretching system using natural characters help children develop physical strength, body flexibility, coordination of movements and ear for music, develop the child's creative abilities. A well-groomed lawn allows you to practice barefoot. Children help maintain the good condition of the lawn at the Musical Clearing: they regularly water it after classes, once every two weeks after mowing the lawn, and rake the mowed grass together with the caregivers. Part of the grass is fed to rabbits, the rest is dried for hay for animal feed in the winter.

Station "Nature - to health!" allows older children to get acquainted with medicinal plants and their possible use in healing their own body. Classes with children in the form of joint project activities are conducted by a teacher of additional education in ecology. During the implementation of the project, children will learn a lot, for example, if there is an abrasion, you need to attach a plantain leaf to it, if your head hurts - put a coltsfoot leaf on your forehead, if you are tired - breathe in the aroma of mint and your mood will rise.

Providing medical support for the functioning of the “Health Path”

The organization of a health-saving regime on the “Health Path” of a preschool institution, the creation of comfortable conditions for the physical development of each child cannot be complete and effective without the active participation of the medical staff of the kindergarten. Senior nurses systematically monitor the conduct of physical education and hardening of children on the "Health Path" during the summer-health period, daily check the sanitary condition of the "Health Path", making an appropriate entry in the "Health Path Sanitary Status Journal". Timely consultations, medical support of the pedagogical process allows educators and specialists of a preschool institution to carry out recreational activities on the “Health Path” in accordance with the concept of its construction and functioning.

The system of health work and its effectiveness

In our opinion, an effective system of sports and recreational activities on the “Health Path” in the summer period has developed in the MOU Center-Kindergarten No. 381, which includes the following factors:

  • ecological, hygienic and hardening factors
  • psychological factors
  • means of physical and musical education
  • therapeutic and prophylactic factor

The interaction of all factors led to positive results:

  • reducing the frequency of colds in pupils in the summer;
  • positive dynamics of growth and weight indicators;
  • formation of correct posture, its improvement in children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the desire of the children to engage in the fresh air, barefoot;
  • improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers.

Health-improving activities on the “Health Path” continue in the cold season: daily outdoor exercises and hardening procedures (dousing the whole body with cold water).

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you of one fair statement: “Health is not everything, everything without health is nothing.”

We wish health to you and your students!

Natalia Verholomova

Summer, summer has come to us,

It got dry and warm

Straight down the track

They walk barefoot.

Our special attention Kindergarten focuses on health care pupils during the summer. « Path of health» is a place where the child actively strengthens his health, and the main means recovery natural factors: sun, air, water. « Path of health» prevents the occurrence of flat feet, improves coordination of movements, strengthens the body physically and emotionally, and introduces preschool children to healthy lifestyle. In addition, it improves the mood of children and is a fun outdoor activity. To create an intended path of health, we invited parents of children to cooperate.

On our summer playground was chosen piece of land, which was not used by us. On it we decided to build « path of health» .

Parents took measurements and built a wooden frame.

Then we painted it with multi-colored paint so that it looked spectacular on site.

And installed in the chosen place. The next step in implementation « trails of health» cells were filled with various natural and waste materials (sand, small stones, cones, plastic bottles and caps, saw cut wood). Parents very quickly collected the necessary components and filled in the cells. For colorful decoration and circular use « trails of health» a beehive and a car with flowers were invented. Here is our « Path of health» and ready!

Children enjoy going through the barefoot test strip, which improves children's mood and is a fun outdoor activity.

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Site design: "Lake" Kindergarten - a place where the child develops, learns and plays. Choosing a preschool for your child.

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When, if not in the summer, to introduce a child to nature, to engage in environmental education. Therefore, one of the main challenges facing.

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to protect and strengthen the physical health of children. "Health Path" is a good helper in wellness.

The health track is very popular in the summer on the site. For the prevention and in the complex treatment of flat feet, the health track is suitable.

Description: We live in a very beautiful city of Aprelevka. Various trees and plants grow around us. Children, as a rule, do not think about the benefits.