Percentage of age at first sexual intercourse. Interesting sex statistics: sex in numbers

“The Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health (NCCH) conducted a survey of 650 high school and vocational school students aged 17 years near Moscow. There was not a single virgin among those surveyed.
To date, more than 40% of schoolgirls aged 15 have already lost their virginity. Moreover, every fifth of them (8% of total number) lost her virginity before she was 13 years old. When compared with a similar survey of schoolgirls from all over Russia, conducted in 1995, the figure increased by a third.
In 1975, the proportion of girls whose sexual debut took place at age 15 or earlier was officially 3.7%. Further, by 1980, the number of virgins decreased to 90%; by 1990, a jump in “debutantes” was recorded to 33% (that is, the proportion of virgins decreased to 67%).
According to VTsIOM, the average age of onset of sexual activity in Russia (as of 2006) is 16 years (in 1993 - 19.5 years). The global average is 17 years.
Early sexual activity has led to an increase in gynecological morbidity rates. Since 2000, the proportion of 15-year-old schoolgirls with menstrual disorders has almost doubled, reaching 40% of the total number of girls surveyed. 14 years ago, a study by the National Center for Health Protection in eight dozen regions of the country revealed 24% of unhealthy 15-year-old girls (among those who have reached adulthood - more than 50%). In sexually active adolescents, the incidence of gynecological pathologies is several times higher than in their peers who have not had sexual intercourse, the study says.
Among gynecological problems, vulvovaginitis is highlighted - it accounts for 50% of cases. According to the data obtained, gynecological diseases are found in 5-6% of schoolgirls primary classes, and when they reach 17 years of age, the percentage of sick adolescents can reach 35%.
A similar situation occurs with young people. According to recent studies, more than 40% of boys suffer from diseases that can further limit their reproductive abilities. As a result of a 10-year observation of 426 schoolchildren from grades 1 to 10 in 2013, the prevalence of chronic diseases among boys increased by 42.3%, among girls - by 28.2%.
NCHD statistics over the past 50 years indicate that reproductive and general health schoolchildren is getting worse every year. Most high levels violations and disorders occur precisely in grades 8-9 (13-15 years old). The proportion of absolutely healthy girls continues to decline - now it is only a few percent (1980 - 28%).
Other factors affecting children's reproductive health include excessive academic workload at school, low physical activity at home and poor nutrition. In addition, their commitment to smoking and alcohol has a noticeable effect.
According to a study conducted by the National Center for Children's Education among students in grades 8-11 in Moscow, the share of students who smoke is 11.3%, and the proportion of weekly alcohol consumers is almost four times higher - 43.3% (several times a week - 5.9%).
At the same time, the overall morbidity rate among adolescents (from 13 to 18 years old) from 2000 to 2013 increased by 66% for all disease indicators.”
Here are the fruits of enlightenment! I have repeatedly seen posts from girls who wrote something like, “I’m already 13, but I don’t have a boyfriend! What to do?". And they sympathize with her. Yes, at the age of 13, we were only busy with studies and some purely childish problems, and that was right.
Are there any benefits to early sexual activity? Some sexologists believe that what formerly a woman starts having sex, the less likely she is to be frigid. But such conclusions have been drawn for a long time, and they could also result from the fact that more temperamental girls give up their girlhood earlier. Now the question can be studied without taking into account the temperament factor and find out whether the hypothesis about a positive connection between the early onset of sexual activity and wealth was correct sexual sensations. For example, I don’t think there is such a connection.
But there is clearly a connection between diseases acquired sexually, unwanted pregnancy, and, accordingly, abortions and sex before the age of 16, which subsequently leads to infertility, miscarriage, and premature birth. Premature, weak children with reduced immunity are born.
Sick mothers give birth to sick girls, and it's a vicious circle.

IN adolescence girls start dating young men. These relationships are not always platonic, sometimes it comes to intimacy. It is good if parents were able to warn their children in time about all the possible consequences of such a relationship. But even in this case, sexual intercourse is not always safe, especially for girls.

“Letidor” turned to Natalya Aleksandrovna Chekeneva, a doctor of the highest category, gynecologist-reproductologist, pediatric gynecologist (15 years of work experience) of the Family medical center"Life-Medic" to find out at what age it is optimal for a girl to enter into an adult relationship with the opposite sex.

At what age does a girl grow up?

This question is exciting for both the girl and her parents, but for each in their own way. Mom and dad are afraid that something will go wrong, that it’s too early, that the boy is not the same, and so on.

The girl worries and thinks, as a rule, not about this, because HE is the only one, THEY are forever! And here it is very important that there is that trusting relationship between the girl and the mother, when such a delicate and sensitive issue for everyone can be discussed.

When is a girl ready for this? It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally. By the age of 17-18, a girl is structurally, physiologically, very close to an adult woman, but her psychological maturation ends at about 24 years.

At the age of 12-15 years, when a girl begins her first menstruation, she can already become pregnant.

How sexual relations can affect a girl's health

We must be fully aware that this is a young, not very mature organism, which is not yet quite ready to bear a child and give birth.

At this age, many complex changes occur in a woman’s body, including psychological ones. However, this is not the only reason why you should not rush into starting sexual activity. We must keep the girl’s body healthy for as long as possible.

With the onset of sexual activity, she may receive specific and nonspecific infections and injuries, the consequences of which may manifest themselves in the future.

After all, unfortunately, not every first sexual intercourse brings something pleasant to a girl. This moment does not always live up to the expectations and ideas that formed in the teenager’s head earlier. And from what baggage in the form of chronic inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs, psychological trauma By the time she has a real desire to give birth to a child, the speed of the onset of this desired pregnancy and the success of its course will depend.

Every obstetrician-gynecologist, pediatric and adult, is always pleased when a girl/girl contacts her to find out if she should start now sex life, as well as how and when to do it correctly to avoid negative consequences in the future.

This is a difficult but important topic of conversation. And if a girl doesn’t take care of the health of her body herself, it’s unlikely that anyone else will! After all, we would like every girl, girl, woman to have a healthy and harmonious personal life!

P.S. No doctor will tell a teenage girl that she can begin to be sexually active at the age of 14-16, since there is always individual characteristics, which relate not only to physiology, but also to psychology. A girl at this age, on her own or after talking with her parents, with her mother, can decide for herself that she is ready. But this will be only her own decision.

In addition, in every country there is such a thing as the “age of consent,” that is, when a teenager aged 16-18 years old enters into sexual relations with a person of the same age or older. But these are already criminal relations that are considered by the court.

As for psychological readiness, a girl, due to her physiological development, can enter into a relationship in adolescence, but whether she needs it, whether she is ready for it, no one will definitely decide except herself. She must feel not only desire, but also responsibility, realize that next to her is the person with whom she is ready to share her first intimacy. But talking about methods of protection is the task of parents. Unfortunately, sexual relations are the prerogative of its participants, and how the parents will behave in this case is a question only for the parents themselves.

Even if this happens at the age of 14-15 years.

Average age the beginning of sexual activity in Russia decreases. In 1996, the average Russian lost his virginity at 19.5 years old. In 2006 - in late adolescence - at 16 years old. The average age of sexual debut in the world is 17 years.

IN 2014 among teenage schoolchildren An all-Russian survey was conducted by the Scientific Center for Children's Health (a division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - RAMS). It showed that by the age of 15, 41% of girls had already had sexual experience. Compared to a similar survey in 1995, the proportion of 15-year-old girls who had sex increased by a third. At that time, 30% of fifteen-year-old girls had already begun their sexual life. Moreover, 8% of modern girls have lost their virginity by the age of 13.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, this survey showed that 100% of 650 high school and vocational school (college) girls had already had sexual experience by the age of 17.

Such early sexual activity negatively affects the reproductive health of girls. Menstrual disorders among fifteen-year-old schoolgirls have doubled since 2000. 40% of schoolgirls had such disorders in 2014 (24% in 2000), and more than 50% of 18-year-old girls had such disorders.

Teenage girls who started having sex early, have gynecological disorders many times more often than their peers who have not entered into sexual relations.

The most common gynecological disease among sexually active schoolgirls is vulvovaginitis (50% of all diseases). By the age of 17, the percentage of patients with gynecological disease is found in 35% of girls.

For guys, an early start to sexual life also cannot be called beneficial. More than 40% of young people suffer from diseases that may affect their ability to conceive a child. For 10 years (from 1st to 10th grade), 426 schoolchildren were carefully monitored for their health. In 2013, the study was completed and found that the prevalence of chronic diseases had increased by 42.3% among boys and 28.2% among girls. And the overall incidence among adolescents (13-18 years old) increased by 66% from 2000 to 2013. Over the past 50 years, general health, and subsequently the reproductive health of adolescents, has been declining year by year. Moreover, most of the violations are observed in eighth and ninth graders (13-15 years old).

Children's reproductive health is reduced by excessive workload at school, poor nutrition and low physical activity at home. Their addiction to alcohol and smoking also significantly affects the health of children and adolescents.

Statistics on HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Russia

Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS: according to data at the end of October 2012, in Russia there are 90 thousand of them who died from the disease (2012). Of the total number of people with HIV infection, 19 thousand people developed AIDS.

Russia ranks (among countries where such statistics are kept, 2011). In Russia, the abortion rate is 2.27 times higher than in Belarus and 1.5 times higher than in Ukraine (2009).

Map of abortion rates in Europe and the European part of Russia, 2012

In Russia, the number of abortions is slightly less than the number of babies born, even according to official data: in the USA - 19% (2008), and on average in the world - 22%.

As we see, “Europe is rotting and dying out from homosexuality,” and “highly spiritual Russia has risen from its knees.”

Modern young people (under 20 years old) know more about contraception than the older generation. And yet Russia is the first European country on abortion among young people.

Russia is also an anti-leader in terms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), second only to Moldova among Eastern European countries and the countries of the former USSR.

(new reported cases of syphilis and gonorrhea per 100,000 aged 15-19 years), 2010:

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Are you also afraid of sexually transmitted diseases?

1. How to choose a condom and use it correctly?


Many researchers, parents, and teenagers have different understandings of the ideal age to begin sexual activity. Some people believe that as soon as a girl or young man is ripe for sex, they can begin an intimate relationship with a partner. In particular, marriages in the past were built precisely at this age limit: as soon as the girl matured, that is, she began to develop, she could easily be married off. Here in modern conditions some girls and boys try sexual relations for the first time at the age of 13-14 years. However, parents and psychologists do not agree with this state of affairs and convince teenagers not to rush into first sex and wait until they are 16-20 years old.

The laws of many countries are also not on the side of too early intimate relationships. Until a girl reaches the age of 16-18, sexual relations with her can cost a young man his freedom. Inducement to sex can be of a varied nature: persuasion, threats to leave a partner, ridicule of friends. Therefore, in this situation, proper sex education in the family and the support that parents can provide play a huge role. It is important to explain to your child what sexual activity is, at what age it is best to start it, and what consequences it can have.

A girl or guy should begin sexual activity when they are completely ready for it physically and psychologically. And here there are possible discrepancies with the selected age. The fact is that physically the body is ready for sexual relations at approximately the same age when a girl begins her period, that is, at about 13-14 years old, although everything depends on the characteristics of her body. However, psychologically the girl may not yet be ripe for such a serious relationship. At this age, she may be under pressure from peers who already have relationships with guys or even attempts young man force her to begin intimate intimacy. Under no circumstances should you agree to such agreements. You should start having sex only when the girl feels that she loves this person and wants a close relationship with him.

The conditions for starting an intimate relationship are also very important. It is necessary that young people have means of contraception so that their first sexual intercourse takes place in a normal environment, and not at a party under the influence of alcohol. Hygiene in sexual life is as important as attachment to a partner and the desire to be with him.

In addition, the maturity of the female body is also important. The beginning of sexual activity is a signal for the body to be ready for a possible pregnancy. No one can be completely sure that a teenage girl will not become pregnant from a careless relationship. And at 14-16 years old, pregnancy will be a cruel test for an immature teenager. Female body fully ready to begin sexual relations only 6 years after the start of the first menstruation, usually this age ranges between 18 and 21 years. This time can be considered ideal for starting sexual activity: the girl is already quite mature and intelligent, ready for a serious relationship and will be able to bear a child without health consequences, even with an unplanned pregnancy.