Possessives in French. Adjectives in French are qualitative, pronominal, relative and possessive.

Peter and Paul Fortress The plan for the Peter and Paul Fortress was developed by Peter the Great himself in 1703 (not without the help, of course, of the French engineer Joseph Lambert de Guerin). The fortress was built on Hare Island and consisted of six bastions connected by fortress walls. Since 1730, there has been a tradition of cannon shots signaling the onset of noon. At the end of the 18th century, the Mint was built, where all coins, as well as orders and medals, were minted until the end of the 90s of the last century. Despite the fact that the fortress is a unique historical defensive structure and, as it were, “locks” the Neva, its walls have never seen either an assault or a siege. From the very beginning of its existence, it had a different fate - it became the main political prison of the country. Among the first to be imprisoned in it were Tsarevich Alexei, Princess Tarakanova, who claimed the throne, and the rebel “worse than Pugachev” Alexander Radishchev. At one time, Decembrists and People's Volunteers, including young Dostoevsky, became prisoners of the fortress.

Source: 7 Russian fortresses
© Russian Seven russian7.ru

Peter and Paul Fortress The plan for the Peter and Paul Fortress was developed by Peter the Great himself in 1703 (not without the help, of course, of the French engineer Joseph Lambert de Guerin). The fortress was built on Hare Island and consisted of six bastions connected by fortress walls. Since 1730, there has been a tradition of cannon shots signaling the onset of noon. At the end of the 18th century, the Mint was built, where all coins, as well as orders and medals, were minted until the end of the 90s of the last century. Despite the fact that the fortress is a unique historical defensive structure and, as it were, “locks” the Neva, its walls have never seen either an assault or a siege. From the very beginning of its existence, it had a different fate - it became the main political prison of the country. Among the first to be imprisoned in it were Tsarevich Alexei, Princess Tarakanova, who claimed the throne, and the rebel “worse than Pugachev” Alexander Radishchev. At one time, Decembrists and People's Volunteers, including young Dostoevsky, became prisoners of the fortress. Source: 7 Russian fortresses © Russian Seven russian7.ru

Define language Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Results (English) 1:

The Peter and Paul Fortress plan of the Peter and Paul Fortress in 1703 Peter the great himself developed a year (not without help, of course, the French engineer Joseph Lambert de Guérin). The fortress was built on the Hares " island, and consisted of six bastions connected by walls. With 1730 year tradition of gun shots, automate break bells of noon. At the end of the 18th century was built a mint, which until the end of the 90-ies of the last century were all the coins, as well as awards and medals. Despite the fact that the fortress is unique historical protective structure and "locks" the Neva, its walls have never seen no storm, no siege. its inception, it was another share-it has become the main political prison in the country. Among the first were sharpened Tsarevich Alexei, way to the throne Princess Tarakanova, rebel "worse Pugachova" Alexander Radishchev. At one time the fortress prisoners were Decembrists, narodovol′cy, among them the young Dostoevsky.Source: 7 Russian fortresses© Russian Seven russian7.ru

Results (English) 2:

Peter and Paul Fortress Peter and Paul Fortress Plan in 1703, developed by the Peter the Great himself (with the help, of course, the French engineer Joseph Lambert de Guerin). The fortress was built on the Hare island and represented six bastions joined by walls. From 1730 there was a tradition of gun shots announcing the approach of noon. At the end of the XVIII century it was built by the Mint, which until the end of the 90s of the last century were minted the coins and medals. Although the castle is a unique historical and defensive structures like "locks" the Neva River, its walls have never seen any assault or siege. From the very beginning of its existence, it had the share of the other - it has become a major political prisons. One of the first it had been sharpened Tsarevich Alexei, claimed the throne Princess Tarakanov, a rebel "Pugachev worse" Alexander Radishchev. At the time, the fortress became prisoners of the Decembrists, the People, including young and Dostoevsky. Source: 7 Russian fortresses © Russian Seven russian7.ru

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Results (English) 3:

peter and paul fortress fortress plan day in 1703, developed by peter the great (with the help of a French engineer Joseph Lambert de Guerin). the fortress was built on the hare island and represented the six bastions, the castle walls. in 1730, a tradition of cannon shots signaling coming in the afternoon. at the end of the 18th century was built mint, which until the end of the nineties of the last century were minted for all coins and medals and medals. despite the fact that the fortress is a unique historical protective structure and how to lock the neva, its walls have never seen any assault or siege. since its inception, it has the different proportion, it has become a central policy in the country. one of the first to have been sharpened tsarevich alexei, who claimed the throne princess tarakanoff, rebel "worse Pugachev" alexander radishchev. at the time, imprisoned in the fortress became the decemberists, Narodnaya Volya, among them the young dostoyevsky.source: 7 russian fortressesby the russian seven russian7.ru

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St. Petersburg -St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a large beautiful city in the north-western part of Russia. It is a city of white nights, green parks, numerous channels and bridges, granite embankments and railings. Many famous Russian and foreign architects created the face of the city in the 18th and 19th centuries.

St. Petersburg is big beautiful city in northwestern Russia. This is a city of white nights, green parks, numerous canals and bridges, granite embankments and trellises (fences). Many famous Russian and foreign architects worked on the face of the city in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The St. Peter and Paul Fortress is located on the Hare Island. The foundation stone was laid by Peter the Great in Mai 1703. The fortress was always used only as political prison and never had any importance for military purposes. Such famous people as Gorki, Chernyshevski, Dostoyevski were also imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The Peter and Paul Fortress is located on Hare Island. The foundation stone of the fortress was laid by Peter the Great in May 1703. The fortress was always used as a political prison and was never important for military purposes. Such famous people as Gorky, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky were also prisoners of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The foundation of the colossal St. Isaac`s cathedral produced many problems because of the soft soil. The construction of the cathedral lasted forty years and was finished in 1858. The French architect Monferrand erected the 101.5 meter building. The interior space of it reaches 4000 square meters.

The construction of the foundation for the colossal St. Isaac's Cathedral gave rise to many problems due to the soft soil. Construction of the cathedral lasted forty years and was completed in 1858. The French architect Montferrand built the building with a height of 101.5 meters. Its internal area reaches 4000 square meters.

There are very many beautiful and interesting places in St. Petersburg. Among them are the Summer Garden with its famous railing, the Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, the Russian Museum, the Rostral Columns, the Alexander Nevski Monastery, the Alexander Column, the Palace Square, the Triumphal Arch, the Admiralty, the Field of Mars , etc.

St. Petersburg has a lot of beautiful and interesting places. Among them are the Summer Garden with its famous lattice, the Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, the Russian Museum, the Rostral Columns, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the Alexandria Column, Palace Square, the Arc de Triomphe, the Admiralty, the Field of Mars, etc.

The Hermitage is one of the most interesting museums in St. Petersburg. It occupies six buildings. The largest and the most important building designed by Rastrelli is the Winter Palace. The St. Petersburger Hermitage has 365 rooms and more than 2.7 million various exhibits. It is the largest art museum in our country and one of the most famous art museums in the whole world.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Castle Tower in the UK and the Peter and Paul Fortress in Russia Completed by: 6th grade student of the MKOU "Pochepskaya Secondary School" Vadim Starodubtsev Supervisor: Natalya Igorevna Druzhina, teacher of the 1st qualification category

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HYPOTHESIS: 1. The history of the Tower and the Peter and Paul Fortress is similar and closely connected with the history of the country; 2.Both monuments preserve the traditions of their time. OBJECTIVE: Compare and analyze two cultural monuments different countries, highlight the commonalities and differences between them. OBJECTIVES: 1. Analyze theoretical material related to the history and traditions of the Tower and the Peter and Paul Fortress. 2. Conduct a study of the similarities and differences between the Tower of London and the Peter and Paul Fortress.

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Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the oldest buildings and the most recognizable symbols of not only London, but the whole of Great Britain. This is the historical center of London. The fortress is located on the northern bank of the Thames, at eastern borders City. The autumn of 1066 was a time of great change for England. Duke William of Normandy, having gathered 700 ships and an army of 32,000 people, landed on the southern coast of the island. Having completely defeated the Anglo-Saxon king Harold II at Hastings, he solemnly entered London and was crowned in Westminster Abbey, becoming William I. On the ruins of wooden Anglo-Saxon settlements, the Normans erected stone towers surrounded by high walls. These militarized castles, according to William's plan, were supposed to protect the new masters of the country from the hostile local population, and also serve as a means of intimidating the rebellious Anglo-Saxon nobility. An example of such castles was the Tower of London, built near the walls of the City. The creator of this “palace fortress” is called Gandalf, Bishop of Rochester. Actually, Gandalf only laid the foundation for the Tower by building its “core” - the White Tower, or, in other words, the White Tower. This structure, completed in 1097, was the tallest in all of London.

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WHITE TOWER The castle was located in the south of what was then London, with one side overlooking the Thames. The site for construction was not chosen by chance; previously one of the Roman forts was located here, parts of it were also used in the Tower. Then the size of the fortress was much smaller; initially a central tower was erected, which later became a citadel. And at the time of construction stone tower surrounded by a palisade, an earthen rampart and a ditch. The fortress walls were completed later. It is believed that the Tower began to be built in 1078, this date, although not precise, is confirmed by both carbon dating and excavations and documents. The exact date of completion of construction is unknown, but it is assumed that the White Tower was completed no later than 1100. The White Tower gets its name from the color its walls were painted in 1240.

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BLOODY TOWER Prison housing for important or high-ranking prisoners. The Bloody Tower was built at the beginning of 1220. The Bloody Tower was defensive until the construction of the Tower of St. Thomas. Located on the river bank, it guarded the main entrance to the fortress. After the courtyard and new water gates were built in 1280, the Bloody Tower became the main entrance from the outer courtyard to the inner one. The Bloody Tower was once called the Sadovaya Tower, since it was located next to the Lieutenant’s Garden. However, in Tudor times it began to be called Bloody, when in 1604, during a visit to the Tower, James I was told that it was in this tower that the “Tower princes” Edward V and his brother Richard were killed. It was built as a living room as a living room or office for the Constable who lived next door. However, the tower was destined to become a dungeon for important or high-ranking prisoners.

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BLACK RAVENS SYMBOL OF THE TOWER The first raven appeared in the castle in 1553. In the 17th century, King Charles II issued a decree that six black ravens must be kept in the castle at all times. It is believed that the Tower and the entire British Empire will fall as soon as the crows leave it. It is known for certain that the first raven appeared in the castle in 1553 during the time of the “nine-day queen” Jane Grey. It was then that the famous “Vivat!” was heard for the first time, foreshadowing bad news - Gray was executed. However, crows became iconic during the time of Queen Elizabeth, on whose orders her favorite Duke of Essex was imprisoned for raising a riot. While waiting for the verdict, a huge black raven knocked on the window of the Duke’s cell with its beak, and, looking intently into Essex’s eyes, shouted “Vivat!” three times. The Duke told visiting relatives about the bad omen, they in turn spread the word throughout London, the sad outcome was obvious to everyone. A few days later, the Duke of Essex was brutally executed. This legend lived on for several centuries - the raven appeared to those doomed to the scaffold, until the Tower lost its status as a royal prison and became a museum. Since then, entire dynasties of ravens have settled on the territory of the Tower, and their life on the territory of the castle has acquired a lot of legends. So, one of them still lives - it is believed that the Tower and the entire British Empire will fall as soon as the crows leave it.

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TOWER GUARDS A special raven guard was appointed. Guards, yeomen, called “beefeaters,” are constantly on duty in the castle. Surprisingly, in the 17th century, King Charles II issues a decree, which clearly states that six black ravens must be kept in the castle at all times. A special raven guardian was appointed to monitor this, whose duties included the complete maintenance of the birds. This tradition is still alive today. Since those times, practically nothing has changed; seven black ravens (one is a spare) live in excellent conditions in the fortress - in spacious enclosures. Guards, yeomen, called “beefeaters,” are constantly on duty in the castle. They are responsible for guarding the castle, preserving the regalia and supervising prisoners who have not been in the castle for a long time.

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The Queen's Keys ceremony, God Save Queen Elizabeth, has been held for 700 years in the grounds of the Tower of London called the Queen's Keys. Every day at 22.00, the Keeper of the Keys, holding a lantern and dressed in Tudor garb, emerges from Byward Tower. The Key Guard, dressed in beefeater uniform, comes towards him. The guards lock the main gate and go under the arch of the Bloody Tower. The Keeper of the Keys takes off his hat and says: "God save Queen Elizabeth." Everyone answers: “Amen.” After this, the chief guard carries the keys to the commandant's room, where they are kept until the morning. This ceremony has never been interrupted in its 700 years of existence. For almost a thousand years, the Tower of London was the place where English history was made. As the saying goes: “He who owns the Tower rules.” The Tower of London is the largest and longest-lasting fortress in Europe. It took 200 years to build. Today, tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world strive to visit a place imbued with secrets and legends.

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Peter and Paul Fortress The Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg is considered the oldest architectural monument of the city. The first construction work began on May 27, 1703, on the day of the Holy Trinity. The construction of the fortress was carried out according to drawings developed by Peter the Great himself on a small island at the mouth of the Neva. After the capture of the Swedish fortress of Nyenschanz, Peter I and his entourage, traveling around the islands of the Neva delta in search of a place for a new Russian fortification, drew attention to this conveniently located island. According to legend, as soon as the Russian ships landed on the island, a royal bird - an eagle - appeared above it. Taking this as a blessing from God, the king went ashore, cut out two strips of turf with a spade, folded them into a cross and, as the work of an anonymous author of the 18th century tells. “On the conception and building of the reigning city of St. Petersburg,” “having made a cross out of wood and planted it in the turf, he deigned to say: “In the name of Jesus Christ, in this place there will be a church in the name of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul...” Thus, construction began fortress of St. Petersburg (as it was called at first, and only later, when the new town, the name St. Petersburg began to designate the city, and the fortress began to be called Petropavlovskaya).

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GREAT PETER I May 16 (May 27, new style) 1703 Peter I founded a new fortress on Hare Island May 16 (May 27, new style) 1703 Peter I founded a new fortress on Hare Island, which was supposed to protect what was conquered from the Swedes in during the Northern War of the earth. This date went down in history as the birthday of the city, which was rapidly developing under the cover of an impregnable fortress. The plan of the fortress was developed personally by the emperor. He made it in the shape of an irregular hexagon with protruding corner fortifications-bastions, which are connected to each other by curtain walls. Initially, the fortress was wooden, but already in 1706, under the leadership of the architect Trezzini, the replacement of old structures with new ones - brick ones - began.

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SYMBOL “Bronze Hare” The hare indicated the location for the future fortress The formidable Peter and Paul Fortress begins with an unexpectedly touching symbol: at the breakwater of the plank Ioannovsky Bridge (something like the first St. Petersburg bridges), a bronze hare crouched on a wooden post, “escaping from the flood.” This is how they honored the memory of that legendary hare from the island of Yenisaari, who jumped on the boot of Tsar Peter, thereby indicating the place for the future fortress.

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The symbol “Petrovsky Gate” The Peter and Paul Gate became the symbol of the Peter and Paul Fortress; it was built in 1714. In 1720, the coat of arms of Russia - a double-headed eagle - was strengthened above the gate span. In 1703, construction of the Peter and Paul Fortress began. The Peter and Paul Fortress became the main defensive line of the city. The spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral rose above St. Petersburg as a symbol of Russia’s establishment on the banks of the Neva, as a symbol of its access to the expanses of the Baltic. Already in 1704, wooden and stone walls began to be erected. Subsequently, the Peter and Paul Fortress was strengthened with stone and granite blocks for a long time. This fortification was completed only in 1787.

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The ensemble of the Peter and Paul Fortress The ensemble of the Peter and Paul Fortress includes the Commandant's and Engineer's houses, the Artillery Workshop, the Mint, the Main Treasury, the Boat House, the guardhouse and other historical buildings. Most of the buildings of the Peter and Paul Fortress are characterized by long-term construction. Several generations of architects worked on many of the buildings included in the composition of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The building of the Mint - one of the oldest industrial enterprises in the city, engaged in the minting of coins, orders and medals. It was transferred here from Moscow by decree of Peter I in 1724 and until the construction of a special building it occupied the Trubetskoy and Naryshkin bastions. The mint operates to this day, the same as before, producing Russian coins, medals and award signs. The production of these products requires secrecy, so visitors are not allowed inside the Mint.

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The political prison Peter and Paul Fortress was built as a defensive structure, but never in its history has it fulfilled its main functions. For two centuries the fortress served as a political prison. One of the first prisoners in the gloomy casemates of the fortress was Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter I. In the prison of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the famous Princess Tarakanova was imprisoned, posing as the daughter of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and laying claim to the Russian throne. Leaders and participants of the Decembrist uprising, organizers of the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II, writers Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Maxim Gorky and many others were imprisoned in the bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The prison was famous for the fact that it was impossible to escape from it: in its entire history, not a single escape was made from it. A regime of special secrecy was observed in the prison. Even the guards themselves did not know who they were guarding; they were not told the names of the prisoners, whom they called by cell number. Sometimes prisoners knocked with each other using a special prison alphabet, reminiscent of Morse code. Anyone caught doing this was severely punished - they were transferred to an icy, dark punishment cell, where they were kept on bread and water.

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Peter and Paul Cathedral Peter and Paul Cathedral in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. The bell tower spire was crowned with the figure of an angel with a cross. A special place in the ensemble of the fortress is occupied by the Peter and Paul Cathedral, built in 1713-1733 according to Trezzini’s design on the site of a wooden church founded in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. The cathedral is decorated with a gilded spire 122.5 meters high, which is crowned with the figure of a flying angel, which has become a symbol of the city on the Neva. For a long time, the Peter and Paul Cathedral served as the tomb of Russian monarchs. The founder of the city himself, Peter the Great, is buried near the southern wall of the cathedral. The unique tombstones of Alexander II and his wife Maria Alexandrovna, different from other tombstones in the tomb, are made of jasper and orlets. The last burial in the Peter and Paul Cathedral took place in the summer of 1998, on the 80th anniversary of the execution of Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, their children and servants. The last Russian Emperor and his family are buried in the Catherine's Limit of the Peter and Paul Cathedral. First of all, at the request of the king, a high bell tower with a spire was erected. Peter needed it as an observation deck from where he could see the approaching Swedes. In addition, its construction also had a political meaning - it was supposed to become dominant and approve the return of the Neva lands to Russia. Peter I personally often went up with foreign guests to the bell tower that stood in the woods and showed them from there a panorama of the city under construction.

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HOLY CATHEDRAL In the center are the royal doors with figures of the apostles, on both sides of them are sculptures of the good news Archangel Gabriel with a lily in his hands and the patron saint of the army, Archangel Michael with a sword. Behind the gate is an altar canopy supported by carved helical columns. Today, there are several permanent museum exhibitions on the territory of the fortress. In the Commandant's House, visitors can get acquainted with the history of St. Petersburg-Petrograd from 1703 to 1917, and in the Trubetskoy Bastion, everyone will be told about the main political prison of Tsarist Russia. The Peter and Paul Cathedral, where the necropolis of the Romanov imperial family is located, is very popular among tourists. The idea of ​​turning the cathedral into an imperial tomb belonged to Peter himself. The first tomb was installed in the still wooden Peter and Paul Church when the Tsar’s two-year-old daughter, Catherine, died. Then, even before the completion of the stone temple, the wife of Tsarevich Alexei, Crown Princess Charlotte, the sister of Peter I, Maria, and Tsarevich Alexei himself, who died in the casemates of the fortress, were buried here. They are buried at the entrance under the stairs to the bell tower. 43 icons for the iconostasis were created in St. Petersburg by an artel of Moscow artists.

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Currently, the main buildings of the Tower are the museum and the armory, where the treasures of the British crown are kept; officially continues to be considered one of the royal residences. The Tower also has a number of private apartments. Today, there are several permanent museum exhibitions on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In the Commandant's House, visitors can get acquainted with the history of St. Petersburg-Petrograd from 1703 to 1917, and in the Trubetskoy Bastion, everyone will be told about the main political prison of Tsarist Russia. The Peter and Paul Cathedral is very popular among tourists.

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Do you know about such sights as the Tower and the Peter and Paul Fortress? Questioning of students in grades 7-11 Who were the founders of the Tower and the Peter and Paul Fortress?

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CONCLUSION Castles and fortresses are the national, cultural and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Great Britain and Russia, which we are obliged to preserve and pass on to descendants. The history of the Tower of the Peter and Paul Fortress is similar and closely connected with the history of their country. Both monuments preserve the traditions of their time. Although now the original meaning of the existence of castles has been lost, they continue to play an active role in the life of states, recalling their rich history, housing within their walls numerous museums, libraries, family tombs and unsolved mysteries, thereby serving as an impregnable and beautiful reminder of the past. Having familiarized ourselves with the history of the appearance of castles and fortresses, we found out that most of the castles in Britain and fortresses in Russia were built in the period from the 11th to the 13th centuries for defensive purposes. Having studied the features of the location of castles and fortresses, we came to the conclusion that both the fortresses of Russia and the castles of England were built in places difficult to reach enemies, such as islands, hills and hills, rocky coasts of rivers and seas. The founders of castles and fortresses were generals, monarchs, priests, and rich feudal lords. During historical development Castles and fortresses changed their purpose and functions from defensive fortification to museum.

Sightseeing in Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg is often called the cultural capital of Russia because the city is famous for its museums, palaces, monuments and theaters.
The Alexandrinski Drama Theatre, the Bolshoi Drama Theatre, the Mariinsky Theater of Opera and Ballet are pearls of Russian art.
In St. Petersburg there are a lot of parks and gardens where citizens spend their free time. The Summer Garden is the oldest and most fascinating park. Rare trees, bushes and flowers grow there. Beautiful marble statues made by Italian sculptors and a famous cast iron fence decorate the Summer Garden. There is a bronze monument to the prominent Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov designed (by sculptor Klodt).
St. Petersburg is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles of the 18th and 19th centuries. The city began with the Peter and Paul Fortress built to protect the Neva banks from Swedish invasion. Later Domeniko Trezzini, the famous Swiss architect, reconstructed the fortress. It became a prison. Now it is a museum. Trezzini erected the Peter and Paul Cathedral here, and Russian tsars were buried in it.
The most famous square in the city is the Palace Square with its magnificent ensemble. Here one can see the Winter Palace built by Rastrelli. Till the revolution it was the residence of the Russian csars. Now the Winter Palace and four other buildings are occupied by the Hermitage, one of the oldest art museums in Russia. There one can see masterpieces of outstanding artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Velazquez and other unique works of art.
The Russian Museum is located in the Mikhailovsky Palace, designed by Rossi. Marvelous paintings by the famous Russian artists: Tropinin, Repin, Bryullov, Fedotov, Surikov, Serov; the works of sculptors: Rastrelli, Shubin, Antokolsky are exhibited here.
The streets and squares in St.Petersburg are very beautiful.
Nevsky Prospect is the main street of the city, where there are amazing buildings, shops, hotels and the remarkable Kazan Cathedral (by Voronikhin) with a colonnade and monuments to M. Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly. Here in the prospect one can see the magnificent building of the Admiralty (by Zakharov) and the ensemble of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Famous Russian writers, painters, composers and actors were buried in the Lavra.
Majestic palaces, cathedrals, churches and other buildings, built by famous architects. Among them there are such as: palaces of Stroganov, Menshikov, Anichkov, and St. Isaac's Cathedral, erected by Montferrand decorate St. Petersburg.
The city is often called the Venice of the North because there are 65 rivers and canals with artistically decorated cast iron bridges. One of the most beautiful is Anichkov Bridge.
Citizens and tourists enjoy visiting the suburbs of St.

Petersburg: Petergof, Pushkin, Pavlovsk with their wonderful palaces, parks and fountains.

St. Petersburg inspired many of our great poets, writers, painters, sculptors, composers and actors. Much of the life and work of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Repin and Kramskoi was connected with the city.
Sights of St. Petersburg
There are many parks and gardens in St. Petersburg where citizens spend their free time. The oldest and most beautiful of them is the Summer Garden.
Rare trees, shrubs and flowers grow there. The Summer Garden is decorated with beautiful marble statues by Italian sculptors and the famous cast-iron fence. In the Summer Garden there is a bronze monument to the outstanding Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov by the sculptor Klodt.
St. Petersburg is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles of the 18th and 19th centuries. The construction of the city began with the Peter and Paul Fortress, built to protect the banks of the Neva from the Swedish invasion. Later, the famous Swiss architect Domenico Trezzini rebuilt the fortress. It became a prison. Now it's a museum. Trezzini erected the Peter and Paul Cathedral in the fortress, in which the Russian tsars are buried.
The most famous square in the city is Palace Square, with its architectural ensemble. Here is the Winter Palace built by Rastrelli - the residence of the Russian tsars before the revolution. Now the Winter Palace and four adjacent buildings are occupied by the Hermitage, one of the oldest art museums in Russia. It contains masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Velazquez and other unique works of art.
The Russian Museum is located in the Mikhailovsky Palace, designed by the architect Rossi. Wonderful paintings by famous Russian artists are exhibited there: Tropinin, Repin, Bryullov, Fedotov, Surikov, Serov, works by sculptors Rastrelli, Shubin, Antokolsky.
The streets and squares of St. Petersburg are very beautiful. The main street of the city is Nevsky Prospekt. There are amazing buildings, shops and hotels here. The Kazan Cathedral, built by Voronikhin, with a colonnade and monuments to Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly, the Admiralty building by the architect Zakharov and the ensemble of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra are also located on Nevsky. Famous Russian writers and artists are buried in the Lavra.
St. Petersburg is decorated with majestic palaces, cathedrals, churches and other buildings built by famous architects, such as the palaces of Stroganov, Menshikov and St. Isaac's Cathedral built by Montferrand.
The city is often called the Venice of the north because it has 65 rivers, branches and canals with bridges decorated with cast iron gratings. One of the most beautiful is the Anichkov Bridge.
St. Petersburg has inspired many great poets, writers, artists, sculptors, composers and actors. Much of the life and work of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Repin and Kramskoy is connected with this city.


amazing - amazing
architectural - architectural
arm - sleeve
artistically - masterfully
canal - artificial canal
channel - natural channel
canvas - canvas, canvas (art)
cast-iron fence - cast iron fence
to contain - contain, contain
draw bridge - drawbridge
empire - empire
ensemble - ensemble
to erect - to erect
fascinating - charming
granite - granite
to inspire - to inspire
invaluable - priceless
landscape - landscape
magnificent - magnificent, majestic
majestic - majestic
marble - marble
masterpiece - masterpiece
pearl - pearl
still life - still life
suburbs - suburb, surrounding area
Swedish - Swedish
Swiss - Swiss

Answer the questions
1. Why is St. Petersburg an important cultural center?
2. What famous St. Petersburg museums do you know? Do you often visit them?
3. What St. Petersburg theaters are the most popular?
4. Are there many parks and gardens in the city? What is your favorite park? Which park is the oldest one?
5. How is the Summer Garden decorated?
6. What was the Peter and Paul Fortress built for?
7. What things of interest can the tourists see in the Fortress?
8. What square is the most beautiful and why?
9. What is the main street of the city famous for?
10. Why is St. Petersburg called the Venice of the North?
11. When is the best season to visit the suburbs? Why?
12. Why is the city often called the Venice of the North?
13. How many bridges are in Saint Petersburg? What are the most beautiful ones?
14. Are there any draw bridges in the city? Can you name them?
When do they usually draw?
15. How many rivers are in the city? Can you name the rivers and canals in the city centre?
16. Why is Saint Petersburg called the City of White Nights?
17. What is the difference between the Hermitage and the Russian Museum?
18. What famous architects worked in the city? What buildings did they erect in Saint Petersburg?
19. What are the symbols of Saint Petersburg?
20. Where in Saint-Petersburg can you find these?
a) “Madonna Benua” by Leonardo da Vinci
b) a monument to M.Kutuzov
c) paintings by I.Repin d) the tomb
of F.M. Dostoevsky
e) the tomb of Peter the Great

Peter-Pavel's Fortress. Peter-Pavel's Fortress. General form. Saint Petersburg. Peter and Paul Fortress, the historical core of Leningrad, a military engineering, architectural and historically revolutionary monument. Laid down according to the order and plan of Peter I... ... Encyclopedic reference"Saint Petersburg"

Peter-Pavel's Fortress- in Leningrad, on Hare Island. The beginning of construction of the fortress on May 16 (27), 1703 is considered the date of the founding of the city. The Peter and Paul Fortress was built according to the plan drawn up by Peter I, initially built from earth and wood, in 1706 40 ... Art encyclopedia

Peter-Pavel's Fortress- in St. Petersburg. PETROPAVLOVSKAYA FORTRESS (official name St. Petersburg, in 1914 17th Petrograd Fortress), in St. Petersburg, on Hare Island. The historical core of the city, founded on May 16, 1703 according to the plan of Peter I: 6 bastions,... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

PETER-PAVEL'S FORTRESS- (St. Petersburg Fortress, in 1914 17 Petrograd Fortress), in St. Petersburg, on Hare Island, founded on May 16, 1703 according to the plan of Peter I. It consists of 6 bastions connected by curtains, 2 ravelins and a crownwork. All fortifications are originally... ...Russian history

PETER-PAVEL'S FORTRESS- The fortress, from the foundation of which the construction of St. Petersburg began*; historical core of the city; military engineering, architectural and historical monument. The fortress was founded in the bed of the Neva River*, on Hare Island on May 16 (27), 1703 by order of... Linguistic and regional dictionary

Peter-Pavel's Fortress- the historical core of Leningrad, a military engineering, architectural and historically revolutionary monument. Founded by order and plan of Peter I on May 16 (27), 1703 on Hare Island (this date is considered the city’s birthday), connected to Petrogradsky... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

PETER-PAVEL'S FORTRESS- in St. Petersburg, on Zayachiy Ove, founded according to the plan of Peter I on May 16, 1703. 6 bastions connected by curtains, 2 ravelins, crownwork, originally earthen, in the 30s, 40s and 80s. 18th century dressed with stone. Petrovsky (1717 18, architect D. Trezzini) and... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

PETER-PAVEL'S FORTRESS- (official name St. Petersburg, in 1914 17th Petrograd Fortress), in St. Petersburg, on Hare Island. The historical core of the city, founded on May 16, 1703 according to the plan of Peter I: 6 bastions connected by curtains, 2 ravelins, crownwork,... ... Modern encyclopedia

PETER-PAVEL'S FORTRESS- a fortress in Leningrad, on Zayachye Avenue. The beginning of construction of the fortress on May 16 (27), 1703 is considered the day the city was founded. Peter I and his associates personally supervised the construction of the fortress. This explains the names of the bastions: Gosudarev, ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Peter-Pavel's Fortress- noun, number of synonyms: 2 Peter and Paul Fortress (2) Russian Bastille (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary


  • Peter and Paul Fortress, Peter and Paul Fortress is a monument of history, architecture and fortification art of the 18th - 20th centuries. Founded on May 27, 1703 by Peter the Great, the fortress has been for three centuries... Category: History of St. Petersburg Publisher: Lenizdat, Buy for 123 rub.
  • Peter and Paul Fortress, B. Pustyntsev, Evgeny Plyukhin, The publication includes a historical essay “Peter and Paul Fortress” and about eighty photographs. The photographs seem to illustrate individual parts of the essay: curtains and bastions, long corridors and... Category: Art and photography Publisher: