Signs and beliefs for Palm Week. Is it possible to work in the garden on Palm Sunday? Is it possible to plant a garden on Palm Sunday?

This year, Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1, a week before the Feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

What are the signs and traditions of the holiday?

This holiday is also called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

On this day, Jesus Christ, a few days before his suffering on the cross, rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People, praising him, laid the road in front of him with palm leaves.


In Russia, palm trees were replaced with willow branches. This tree has long been revered because it is the first to announce the arrival of spring and has healing properties.

On Palm Sunday, a solemn ceremony of blessing palm branches takes place in all churches.

It is believed that the willow will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.

Under no circumstances should the willow from last year be thrown away, according to Russian legends. It must either be burned, or thrown into a river with a strong current, or simply taken to the temple. If the willow has taken root, then it must be planted. Only on a different day, not Palm Sunday.

Healing properties are attributed to willow twigs on this day. It was believed that if you place branches at the head of the bed, this will protect a person, especially children, from illness throughout the year.

Also on this day it was customary to make decoctions and powders from willow and add it to bread. In some Slavic territories, porridge was even cooked from willow.

It was believed that willow buds would give young men physical strength and help a girl conceive a child.

Palm Sunday: what not to do?

  • plant branches of last year's willow in the ground
  • women are not allowed to sew, knit, embroider or do any handicrafts at all
  • You cannot work in the garden, or do cleaning and laundry.
  • everyone is heavy physical work strictly prohibited

According to tradition, you cannot work on this day, and you should also rejoice and have only bright thoughts.

But the most important thing is that on this day you need to prepare yourself for the most important days for Christians - Holy Week, which will end with the most joyful holiday - Happy Easter Christ's

Weather signs for Palm Sunday.

  • The wind that blows on such a day will accompany you all summer.
  • If the weather is clear and warm, the fruit harvest will be good.
  • When it's frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.
  • If the weather is bad and it rains on Palm Sunday, then it is good omen on
  • Palm Sunday, promising a good harvest.
  • If it is dry on this day, then the plantings this year will not grow well.

What can you eat on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the last day before the start of the strictest week of fasting, called Holy Week. On the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, believers are allowed to deviate slightly from the strict prohibitions of fasting.

On Palm Sunday and the Lazarus Saturday preceding it, relaxations are allowed: on Saturday it is customary to eat caviar, and on Sunday fish is allowed. You can also use vegetable oil and drink red wine on Palm Sunday.


Some made a tincture from willow leaves that could cure headaches, stomach diseases, heal wounds, relieve fever and heal pets.

The peasants also stuck willow branches in the garden. It is believed that in this way the garden will be protected from storms, hail, heavy rains and the harvest will be successful this year.

Leaving the church on Palm Sunday, people lightly touched each other with the vine, saying: “I don’t hit, the vine hits, from now on in a week it’s Easter.”

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to attend services and bless willow branches. They symbolize the palm branches that greeted Jesus' entry into Jerusalem shortly before his crucifixion.

It is believed that branches protect the house from fires and floods, and the owners from disease and adversity.

Best congratulations on Palm Sunday.

Miracles happen on Palm Sunday,
The fluffy branches in the church are illuminated.
And it’s not for nothing that there is a willow in every house,
Protects us from bad enemies.
Let the holiday be bright, bringing kindness,
Let your whole family gather together.

Happy Palm Sunday!
May everything be fine with you!
So that this bright spring day
I came to you with warmth and joy!

So that there is no sadness or sadness,
Only goodness and peace in your family!
So that nothing darkens your life!
May there be grace in every day!

Pluck a willow twig,
Bless it in church on holiday,
So that illness and sorrow
We didn't meet on the way.

Let grace fill the house,
The spiteful critics will be silent.
May goodness and beauty
Will never leave!

Let the willow protect
You from the bitterness of grievances.
And may the Lord help
Keep only goodness in your heart.

Peace and inspiration in life
They will take the main place.
Happy Palm Sunday!
Let comfort reign in your soul!

Let it come with a palm branch into your home
Peace comes
Let everyone be happy in it
Not just this Sunday.

Let love be your wing
She will protect you from evil and troubles,
Let it illuminate everything around
Holy faith pure light!

With the arrival of spring, summer residents actively move out of town for the weekend and begin preparing the site for planting. IN modern world many have kept in their memory the beliefs and instructions of their grandmothers, and try to garden, adhering to the rules. Many rules, or rather instructions, relate to and. In particular, the question remains whether it is possible to plant during Palm Week. There are a lot of disputes, and there are also plenty of radically opposing opinions.

Is it possible to work on Palm Week?

Let's start with the fact that it all depends on your personal beliefs and the time that you can spend on the dacha in principle. The fact is that you cannot predict the weather, but you have to comply with planting dates and recommended periods.

The most frequently asked question is whether it is possible to plant potatoes during Palm Week. If you follow the instructions of our ancestors, it is better to shift the timing and plant potatoes at a different time. Why does this happen: our ancestors believed that potatoes planted during this period would definitely be spoiled. According to this belief, it will be watery and difficult to store. On the other hand, the question quite logically arises: why not use modern drugs against diseases and pests, and planting in fields in the modern world does not particularly depend on signs. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant potatoes during Palm Week is obvious to many summer residents: if time is really pressing, we boldly get down to business.

As for other cultures, there are two obvious ways:

  1. Some argue that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden during Palm Week is definitely negative. Firstly, everything planted during this period will grow exactly like a willow. And this means that everything will go to the tops and will be bast. For example, if you want to know whether you can plant tomatoes during Palm Week, then the answer is also negative. There will be a lot of greenery, but the harvest itself will be meager. But this does not mean that you need to fold your arms and do absolutely nothing. It is quite possible to start cleaning the site, applying fertilizers and removing weeds. However, if spring is late, it is still possible to plant some crops. This applies to those crops that grow straight upward. It's about about peas, early cabbage and bush cucumbers. It is recommended to plant on Saturday and only after sunset.
  2. A completely different answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden during Palm Week will be given to you by a pragmatic and completely devoid of superstitions summer resident. If the time has come, the weather has calmed down, it’s time to get to work. If the heat has arrived and the soil has warmed up to the desired state, you cannot wait. Ask such a summer resident whether it is possible to sow a pumpkin during Palm Week, and he will answer in the affirmative, provided the weather is stable with a temperature of 18°C. And this concerns absolutely different cultures: many of them cannot be planted later than the indicated dates in order to avoid weak seedlings.

Regarding the attitude of ministers churches to the question of whether it is possible to plant seedlings on Palm Week, they do not give a direct ban. On the one hand, services during this period are boldly called unique and it is undesirable to miss them. However, with the arrival of warmth and the right weather conditions, no one tells you to give up work. It is advisable to give preference to going to church on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and after that, devote time to your garden. And finally, you will give yourself the correct answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant during Palm Week. Extremes and blind adherence to one's beliefs have not yet become the right path. Everything is good in moderation, and in our modern world, religion with its instructions walks hand in hand with the recommendations of agronomists.

The penultimate week, which falls exactly one week before the end of Lent and the beginning of Lent Orthodox holiday Easter is usually called Palm Day. Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday itself fall during this period. Surprisingly, these periods constantly “float”, the dates periodically shift and very often Palm Week falls in the midst of spring, when the street becomes warm and favorable for... gardening work weather and many are trying to take advantage of this, trying to quickly plant one or another long-growing crop.

This is all natural; gardeners can be completely understood, because their goal is to get a rich harvest as early as possible and end the season safely. Everyone knows that a previously planted crop grows much better, becomes stronger and less vulnerable to most diseases. Trying to plant the seeds of this or that crop as quickly as possible, vegetable growers practically forget that it is Palm Week, and this period is considered not entirely favorable for planting!

Is it possible to plant during Palm Week?

In the old days, they adhered strictly to Orthodox commandments, to be honest, most of which were noticed by the people themselves and on Palm Week, they never planted anything in the ground! It was believed that whatever you put - be it sweet berry or some kind of vegetable, an apple tree or a pear, some kind of cereal, in any case, all this will grow sour, bitter and practically inedible. On this score they even said, like the willow itself, the harvest would be “bad”!

Old people even postponed sowing work in the fields for this week, just as their gardens at home were left unplanted. Although during this time a person did not sit idle, in addition to planting, it is quite possible to do landscaping of the territory, digging, removing weeds, hilling, thinning, and applying fertilizers to the soil.

It is also impossible to replant perennial flowers during Palm Week, separating them and planting them from the mother bush. In this case, even if the plant takes root, it will grow sparsely, sluggishly, and the flowering will not be rich, even if you periodically fertilize it and care for it properly. Nothing good can come from such a flower!

Our ancestors especially “punished” us not to plant potatoes during this period! It is believed that such a root crop will grow painfully. Even the tops will have poor growth, let alone the potatoes themselves. In addition, the potato crop planted during Palm Week will not be able to survive throughout the winter. The tubers will become soft, watery and storing them in cellars will be very problematic, which risks bringing on hunger yourself!

What can you plant during Palm Week?

Despite all the prohibitions on planting during this period, in case of a belated, late spring, the ancestors say this: in this case, you can plant something on Palm Week. First of all, these can be crops whose characteristic is “to grow upward.” These include sunflowers, peas, bush cucumbers and early cabbage.

However, it is best to postpone planting until Saturday and complete all the work immediately after sunset, but before it gets completely dark, that is, almost in the last minutes of Lent.

The entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is popularly called Palm Sunday. This holiday has a variable date because it is directly related to Easter. Palm Sunday always falls on the last Sunday before Easter. Therefore, in 2018 this big church holiday will be celebrated on April 1.

Many believers are interested in the question of what not to do on Palm Sunday in 2018. Firstly, here, as on other major church holidays, there is a ban on work. You also cannot sew or knit, do needlework, garden, do laundry, or clean the house. Secondly, this holiday has its own special prohibitions, directly related to its history.

Before answering the question of what you should not do on Palm Sunday, you need to remember once again what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. According to the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. The city where he will be crucified and where he will be resurrected. People greeted him as the Messiah with palm branches. There were no palm branches in Rus', therefore, they were quickly and successfully replaced with branches of willow and willow - the first spring plants, which produce buds in our territories. Until now, the people consider the willow to be a symbol of health, vitality, and fertility.

What is prohibited on Palm Sunday is planting trees in the garden. There is a sad belief that as soon as this tree grows, that a shovel can be made from its trunk, the person who planted the tree will die.

Palm Sunday and cemetery visit

Many are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to go to a cemetery in Palm Sunday. The clergy say that there is no clear church prohibition on visiting the cemetery on major holidays, including Palm Sunday and Easter. But we must remember that great holidays are a time of great joy. Before going to the cemetery, you must visit the church, pray and perform other important holiday rituals.

As for whether it is possible to visit a cemetery on Palm Sunday, this is not prohibited. But it is best to visit cemeteries in special memorial days, which the church established for this purpose. During Lent before Easter there were three such days. But, if a person did not have time to visit the cemetery, then on the second Tuesday after Easter there is a special day of remembrance of the dead - Radonitsa. This is precisely the day of remembrance, when every believer should visit the graves of their deceased ancestors.

Palm Sunday and commemoration

Also, in certain life circumstances, believers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to hold a funeral service on Palm Sunday. A funeral service is a prayer from relatives and loved ones for the repose of the deceased. This is the main meaning of commemorations and they can be held on Palm Sunday. It is better to do this on Palm Sunday than on any day during Holy Week. If you are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to remember on Palm Sunday. That, of course, is possible. It is best to go to church, attend the service and pray for a loved one who has died.

Palm Sunday and child's christening

Another popular question among believers is whether it is possible to baptize a child on Palm Sunday. A child's baptism can take place on any day. The preliminary date must be agreed upon in advance with the ministers of a particular church.

What you must do on Palm Sunday:

* Decorate your home with blessed willow or willow branches as a sign of memory of the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It is also believed that these branches will protect the house from the evil eye and damage.

* Eat a little fish and drink a little wine in honor of the great church holiday. Despite the fact that Lent is not over yet, the church charter allows such indulgences.

* Stand through the all-night service and baptize the branches, remembering the existence of Jesus Christ on earth. ABOUT important points his entry into Jerusalem and subsequent events.

From everything that has been said, it is clear that Palm Sunday in 2018, what cannot be done, in principle, the prohibitions here are the same as on the day of an ordinary major church holiday. May Palm Sunday bring happiness, health and love!

See also .

March 26, 2018 marked the beginning of Palm Week, which will end on Sunday April 1 with the holiday of Palm Sunday.

The date of Palm Week is not constant and changes every year. As we have already said, Palm Week ends with Palm Sunday, after which the last 7 days of Lent begin.

Throughout Palm Week, believers continue to fast. During this period, it is customary to abstain from food of animal origin. Believers also visit churches more often during Palm Week.

In addition, on Palm Week one should visit the graves of loved ones. If the weather permitted, the graves were cleaned on Palm Week. On Monday, Palm Week, St. Hilarion the New and Stephen the Wonderworker were commemorated. On this day, it was customary for mothers-in-law to go to their sons-in-law and give them gifts so that trouble would not enter the married life of the young people.

Tuesday is the memorial day of the martyrs Mark, Cyril, and St. John the Hermit.

Wednesday of Palm Week is the day of St. John Climacus. Traditionally, cookies were baked in the shape of stairs on this day. The baked goods were blessed in the church and half were given to the poor.

On Thursday they remembered the Holy Great Martyr Hypatius, St. Jonah, and the Wonderworker Innocent. On this day, women prayed for relief from infertility, and also asked for help during childbirth.

On Friday they commemorated Mary of Egypt and the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria. It was believed that if there is a lot of melt water on this day, then the grass will be lush in the summer.

Lazarus Saturday was celebrated on the eve of Palm Sunday. In the evening on Lazarus Saturday they collected willow. But you can, of course, buy a few willow branches. The consecrated willow was brought home and placed in a prayer corner with icons.

Is it possible to work on Palm Week?

Some argue that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden during Palm Week is definitely negative. Firstly, everything planted during this period will grow exactly like a willow. And this means that everything will go to the tops and will be bast. For example, if you want to know whether you can plant tomatoes during Palm Week, the answer is also negative. There will be a lot of greenery, but the harvest itself will be meager. But this does not mean that you need to fold your arms and do absolutely nothing. It is quite possible to start cleaning the site, applying fertilizers and removing weeds. However, if spring is late, it is still possible to plant some crops. This applies to those crops that grow straight upward. We are talking about peas, early cabbage and bush cucumbers. It is recommended to plant on Saturday and only after sunset.

A completely different answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden during Palm Week will be given to you by a pragmatic and completely devoid of superstitions summer resident. If the time has come, the weather has calmed down, it’s time to get to work. If the heat has arrived and the soil has warmed up to the desired state, you cannot wait. Ask such a summer resident whether it is possible to sow a pumpkin during Palm Week, and he will answer in the affirmative, provided the weather is stable with a temperature of 18°C. And this applies to completely different crops: many of them cannot be planted later than the indicated dates in order to avoid weak seedlings.

What and when can you plant during Palm Week?

Despite all the prohibitions on planting during this period, in case of a belated, late spring, the ancestors say this: in this case, you can plant something on Palm Week. First of all, these can be crops whose characteristic is “to grow upward.” These include sunflowers, peas, bush cucumbers and early cabbage.

However, it is best to postpone planting until Saturday and complete all the work immediately after sunset, but before it gets completely dark, that is, almost in the last minutes of Lent.