Application of iron chelate for feeding garden and ornamental crops. Microfertilizers: application, forms, application Organic fertilizers in chelate form

A chelated form of fertilizer is a fertilizer in which mineral ions are combined with amino acids. The chelation process makes the minerals bioavailable for use by plants. Thanks to the chelate properties, the fertilizer is absorbed by almost 90%, and not by 30-40% as when applying conventional fertilizers that do not contain chelates.

In this article, Oktyabrina Ganichkina talks about the type and benefits of mineral microfertilizers for plants.

Currently, a large number of fertilizers have appeared on the market, and among this variety, we prefer to choose environmentally friendly, safe, easily soluble and universal preparations.

Microelements are necessary for the normal functioning of plants and are among the main sources of nutrition. For plants, they are isolated (iron - Fe, manganese - Mn, copper - Cu, zinc - Zn, boron - B, molybdenum - Mo, and cobalt - Co). They take a direct part in all important biochemical processes of the plant:

  • activate enzymes and photosynthesis processes
  • increasing frost and drought resistance
  • increased resistance to many diseases
  • acceleration of plant growth and development
  • increases productivity
  • improves the quality of the grown crop.

Chelated form of fertilizer and what is it good for?

Microelements can be found in inorganic salts and in an organic chelate complex.

The chelated form of fertilizers is a modern solution for gentle and effective micronutrient nutrition of plants. Chelates are close in structure to natural substances, such as vitamin B12 and chlorophyll. Unlike drugs of the previous generation, in the form of inorganic metal salts, chelates have high biological activity and are absorbed by the plant 10 times better than salts, and turn into easily soluble compounds in the soil. Mineral salts, on the contrary, can be toxic and are absorbed by only 20-30%. Chelated trace elements are 100% environmentally friendly and safe and are used in organic growing. So after processing the plants in the evening, you can eat the harvested crop in the morning.

Repeated studies of drugs in the series "Intermag Vegetable Garden" trademark "Oktyabrina Aprelevna" have proven their high efficiency as a complete micronutrient nutrition complex for all types of crops. The Intermag Vegetable Garden microfertilizer line includes a specially selected composition for tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and raspberries, potatoes, root crops, greens, cabbage, bulbs and ornamental flower crops.

"Intermag Vegetable Garden" presented in a convenient concentrated liquid and easily soluble form.

Useful video from an expert

Can microelements be replaced with other substances?

Classical methods of fertilization cannot replenish the required amount of micro- and macroelements lost by the soil necessary for the active and full development of the plant. For example, such a common disease as chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) can be eliminated by replenishing iron levels. Therefore, it is rational to fertilize with microfertilizers. To achieve higher qualitative and quantitative indicators of plant growth and yield, the combined use of organomineral and mineral fertilizers is recommended. Therefore, the use of the drug “Intermag Vegetable Garden” with potassium humate “Prompter” will ensure the maximum harvest effect.

Effective microfertilizers

What methods of using microfertilizers are most effective?

Macro- and micronutrient nutrition is necessary for plants from the very beginning of seed germination and throughout the entire growing season. Treatment of seeds and seedlings with organomineral fertilizer Potassium Humate “Prompter” will enhance the process of photosynthesis and the energy of germination of seedlings, and promote the development of a strong root system.

Recently, you can increasingly hear from friends or see in printed sources of information such a phrase as “chelated fertilizers.” And if specialists in the agricultural industry are familiar with this concept, newcomers to the agricultural sector may not know what it is and what the purpose of this type of product is.

Let’s figure out what the term “chelated fertilizer” means, how the chelated form differs from the non-chelated form and why, among the variety of fertilizers presented on the Ukrainian market, it is worth giving preference to chelated ones.

Chelated form of fertilizers

The word “chelate” itself has Latin roots and when translated into Russian means nothing more than “claw”. This definition best conveys the essence of chelate fertilizers: they are easily absorbed by plants due to the fact that the inorganic substances they contain are contained in organic molecules. Their walls are formed by enveloping the molecules with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), a universal chelating agent.

Any plant perceives the resulting “capsules” with microelements as its own, so they are actively absorbed by a living organism.

An important feature of chelated fertilizers should be noted. On the one hand, the organic shell must be bound to the inorganic element so strongly that the nutritional elements are protected within it. And at the same time, this connection should be so weak as not to interfere with the release of nutrients to the plant.

In addition to this specific feature, chelate fertilizers have a number of characteristics that are inherent to them. Let's look at them using the example of domestic drugs TM "REAKOM".

Specifics of chelate fertilizers and features of their use

The digestibility of chelated fertilizers is 10 times higher than that of inorganic salts, which can only be absorbed by 20-30%. Thus, when they enter the soil, chelates do not bind to each other, but are converted into easily soluble compounds, the microelements of which are easily absorbed by the root system of the plant. And when foliar feeding, the chelate in an organic shell easily penetrates through the waxy coating of the leaf into the plant and saturates it with nutrients.

Unlike mineral salts, which can be toxic, chelated fertilizers are 100% environmentally friendly. You can treat the plants with them in the evening, and the next morning feel free to try the harvested crop without any risk to your health.

However, keep in mind that not every chemical element can be converted into a chelate compound. The list of microelements that have this ability includes the following seven: zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and boron (B). Among the certified preparations you will not find phosphorus (F), nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) in the form of chelates. Therefore, be careful when choosing fertilizers and always study their composition before purchasing.

The result of using chelated fertilizers

Thanks to feeding plants with chelate fertilizers, their vital processes are normalized and a positive effect is observed in such areas as:
  1. Activation of enzymes and photosynthesis processes.
  2. Increased drought and frost resistance.
  3. Strengthening immunity.
  4. Enhancing plant growth and development.
  5. Increasing productivity in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
Thus, the use of chelate fertilizers allows you to carefully and effectively take care of the micronutrient nutrition of plants during their cultivation.

Modern fertilizers can come in a wide variety of release forms, and more and more often our hardworking summer residents are faced with the concept of chelated fertilizers. And especially advanced gardeners and gardeners have already managed to appreciate all the benefits of such fertilizers, because chelates are not only perfectly absorbed by plants, but also boast the highest efficiency and absolute safety for the environment! What kind of fertilizers are these and why should you pay attention to them?

What are chelates?

This funny word hides complex mineral fertilizers, or, to be more precise, new generation microfertilizers. Such fertilizers contain a whole complex of microelements vital for the full development of plants, so they will be an excellent help at all stages of development of cultivated crops without exception - from the moment of germination of planted seeds and the appearance of tiny seedlings and ending with the harvest of the desired harvest.

More recently, many fertilizer manufacturers included valuable microelements in their products in the form of soluble salts, but in this case they were absorbed extremely poorly - by a maximum of 20 - 35%. In addition, these salts could easily create favorable conditions in the soil for all sorts of cross-reactions, during which various indigestible compounds were formed, some of these compounds required additional processing by microorganisms living in the soil, while the other part was completely toxic. And such preparations had to be applied to the soil with enviable regularity (precisely because of low digestibility), which in turn led to gradual soil salinization! As for chelated fertilizers, the microelements they contain are absorbed by plants by almost 90%! And the chemical load on the soil in this case is reduced significantly!

Operating principle

Chelates are complex organic complexes formed by combining beneficial microelements with an absolutely harmless capturing (that is, chelating) agent. This agent reliably retains (and in soluble form) all trace element ions without exception, and they are retained until the moment they enter the plants. And as soon as these microelements get inside, they are immediately released, converted into a biologically accessible form and broken down into easily digestible compounds.

All chelates can boast of fairly high biological activity, and their structure is as close as possible to natural substances - these features make them incredibly effective and absolutely safe. They also do not enter into any third-party reactions and do not have the ability to bind in the soil! That is why most modern preparations intended for drip irrigation, foliar feeding and seed treatment before sowing are made on the basis of chelates!

How and when to use?

Chelates can be either consisting of a single microelement or complex, and their choice is directly dependent on the condition of the soil and the crops growing on it. Fertilizers in chelated form are used with equal success both for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and for treating seedlings (or replanting them) or flowering crops, in combination with pesticides and even for the so-called “fruit-based” treatments! By the way, chelates can be used not only for garden plants, but also for indoor plants - the latter will also be very grateful for such care!

Before you start using chelates, you must carefully read the instructions - the specifics of using such drugs can vary significantly. Most often, chelated fertilizers are used for pre-sowing soaking of seeds, as well as for root or foliar feeding and, of course, drip irrigation. Perhaps the only disadvantage of chelates is their rather high cost, but the truly incredible number of advantages of this kind of fertilizer makes this “disadvantage” absolutely insignificant!

Chelates are organic compounds that affect all living organisms in the soil. And metals enter living organisms in chelated form. The advantages of chelates are obvious. Firstly, plants absorb it without much difficulty, because chelates do not react with the soil and do not bind to it. Therefore, chelated fertilizers are absorbed by plants by 90%, and not by 30%-40%, as is usually the case when applied conventional fertilizers.

Metal ions remain in a soluble state until they enter the plant through a chelating agent.

Now it is especially important to provide plants with adequate nutrition, because in recent years the area under cultivation of legumes and green manure crops has been decreasing at the speed of light, and the fertility of the soil and its humus content are disappearing.

The issue with mobile forms of elements, as well as antagonist elements, is especially acute. As is known, phosphorus fertilizers in high doses can reduce the digestibility of zinc, potassium and calcium fertilizers are not “friendly” with boron, and nitrogen counter-reacts with copper and molybdenum.

And it is chelated fertilizers that allow plants to receive complete nutrition and all the micro- and macroelements on which their vital functions directly depend.

Trace elements are called the elements of life when it comes to plants. The main microelements needed by the plant are iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum and cobalt. And all of them are contained in chelated micronutrients for plants. At the same time, you will not be able to replace microelements with anything, even the best mineral fertilizers. But with each harvest of the next crop, their number in the soil only decreases. Therefore, fertilizing with chelated fertilizers is not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

If you don’t do this, all vital processes in the plant will slow down sharply. At a minimum, the synchronicity of their occurrence will suffer. At best, you will experience a reduction in yield, and at worst, plant death.

How to use microfertilizers correctly and as efficiently as possible?

Start with pre-sowing seed treatment. You will give them the energy necessary for full and rapid germination. In addition, field germination improves and there is a significant increase in resistance to diseases and environmental stress factors.

The second treatment is carried out in the form of foliar feeding. Its advantage is that microelements will be absorbed by at least 80%-90%, while when applying fertilizers to the soil this figure is no more than 30%. If you apply chelated fertilizers in the form of foliar feeding during the growing season, when drops fall on the leaf surface, they penetrate into the tissues and enter into a series of biochemical reactions responsible for metabolic processes in the plant.

And finally, drip irrigation. In its process, microfertilizers are applied through drip irrigation systems. It is especially effective when applied to vegetables and fruits due to the delivery of microelements to the root system of plants. Moreover, the composition of chelate fertilizers is thought out in such a way that the balance of its composition fully meets the needs of specific plants.

  • Molybdenum fertilizers
  • Soil nutrition of vegetable plants - basic macro and microelements
  • Microfertilizers: types and methods of application

Of course, you may wonder whether the plant really needs repeated applications of chelated fertilizers? And won’t one application be enough for the plants? The fact is that the plant needs microelements throughout the entire development cycle, starting from the moment of germination of planting material.

By the way, when using chelated fertilizers for plants for the purpose of pre-planting seed treatment, you can use a smaller amount of disinfectant. Indeed, some microelements have fungicidal properties. In addition, with the help of chelated microfertilizers, the penetration of the disinfectant into plant tissues is significantly enhanced.

In most cases, chelated fertilizers for plants combine well with other drugs, including insecticidal ones, but before mixing them, it is worth checking the drugs for compatibility.

Naturally, chelated fertilizers, as well as regular ones, are more convenient to purchase immediately in liquid form. This will free you from the need to spend time preparing a working solution, and it is much easier to measure the required amount of the drug in liquid form.

And don’t flatter yourself with hopes that microfertilizers can be fully replaced with macrofertilizers. Each nutrient has its own function, which nothing can perform for it. It is optimal to combine the introduction of micro- and macroelements at the same time. Moreover, due to microelements, the digestibility of essential nutrients is significantly increased.

What are chelated fertilizers in the form of chelates, chelated microfertilizers? In this article we will try to understand in detail what the peculiarity is, thanks to which fertilizer chelates have become so popular.

Chelates are organic compounds of metals, complex type, with the participation of chelating agents. Chelates have many advantages over microelements in the form of soluble salts. The main advantage is the speed of absorption of chelates by the plant body. Another advantage is the inability of chelates to cross-react and form indigestible compounds. Also, chelates do not bind to the soil, which allows plants to easily consume them from there. As a result, while ordinary microelements are absorbed by the plant body by 35-40%, microelements in chelated form are absorbed by 90%! Simply put, chelates have an increased rate of absorption by plant organisms. Due to their properties, chelates are also widely used for medicinal purposes.

Chelation often occurs as a result of the reaction between inorganic mineral salts and an enzyme-prepared mixture of amino acids and small peptides under controlled conditions. Ideal ligands include amino acids, as well as products formed as a result of the enzymatic destruction of proteins. These may be small peptides that belong to at least two functional groups that are necessary to form a ring structure with the mineral. Of all the elements, only transition elements, such as copper, manganese, zinc, iron (you can find out more in the composition of NANIT microfertilizers), have sufficient physical and chemical characteristics that allow them to combine into covalent coordination bonds with amino acids and peptides to form biologically stable complexes.

As can be understood from the above, the advantage of chelates lies primarily in their high solubility and better absorption coefficient. This implies that the amount of chelated fertilizer required is significantly less than the amount of, for example, sulphate fertilizer needed to achieve the same result.

To achieve maximum yield results and at minimum costs, the most profitable solution is the use of chelated microfertilizers. This type of fertilizer copes well with a variety of problems that arise when growing crops. From problems with plant growth and development to a lack of microelements - chelated microfertilizers cope with all troubles.

Complex chelated microfertilizers

The term "complex" is used when a metal ion interacts with a molecule or ion that has a free pair of electrons. When such ligands bind to a metal ion through two or more donor atoms, a complex is formed.

It is also necessary to understand that all chelates are complexes, but not all complexes can be chelates. Despite the rather simple, in theory, formation of chelates, in practice it is a rather complex process that requires strict adherence to many conditions.