Cool games for mother's day. Mother's Day celebration for elementary school students

Synopsis of entertainment with parents in kindergarten Mother's Day "Best Mom!"

Tasks of the priority educational field:
"Social and communicative development": development of free communication and interaction of the child with adults, peers, formation of readiness for joint activities with the family.
Tasks of OO in integration:
« Physical development»: contribute to the enrichment of motor experience through dance and physical activity.
« cognitive development»: formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people;
"Speech development": to develop in children the need for communication;
"Artistic and aesthetic development": development of emotional susceptibility, development of a sense of rhythm, formation of musical taste.
Tasks for working with parents:
Provide optimal conditions for self-development and self-realization of parents in mastering various social roles;
support the desire of parents to actively participate in the life of their child and kindergarten;
Prerequisites learning activities: the ability to listen, the ability to seek help, express gratitude, follow the instructions received, bring the work to the end, focus on your lesson, correct shortcomings in the work.
Equipment: tape recorder with musical accompaniment:
- Music "Queen of Beauty", "The sun will wake up", "Forward 4 steps, back 4 steps", music for ditties; fanfare music;
- Audio fairy tale on new way"Teremok";
- Multimedia equipment with a laptop with a presentation on the theme "My beloved mom";
- Costumes for the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok";
- Sweets according to the number of children, 2 balls, 2 arcs, 2 mops, 7 pairs of rubber gloves, 7 scarves, 7 kokoshniks, 7 diplomas;
- Badges for parents, teacher.

preliminary work

With teachers:
Analysis of literature and Internet resource;
Planning and development of competitive events;
Drawing up the script of the competition;
Registration of advertising-invitation on the website of the DOW;
With parents:
Shooting video and photography.

Entertainment progress:

Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to meet you at the competition
"Best Mom", dedicated to the holiday "Mother's Day". Our mothers with their children will take part in the competition. Let's greet them: mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ..., mother ...

DEFILE moms (to the music "Queen of Beauty")

(mothers with children enter the hall in pairs, mothers plant children, and they themselves stand in a line)
Presenter: The most native word on earth is MOM! This is the first word that a person utters and it always sounds gentle and affectionate! Everyone needs a mother - both a man and a woman, and girls and boys! And no matter how old we are - six or sixty - we always need a mother, her support and advice.
Presenter: In our kindergarten, pupils love their mothers very much, and they also like to congratulate them! And this year we decided to congratulate mothers in an unusual way so that they themselves participate in the holiday, feel themselves the most extraordinary, the most beautiful, the most talented, the most beloved! To make sure of this once again, we decided to hold the BEST MOM contest.
presenter: I want to introduce you to our esteemed jury. (Represents the jury.) I ask you not to judge strictly!
Presenter: Of course, we would like to get to know the contestants better, so we will start by asking the mothers to tell about themselves. The mothers throw the ball to each other and speak in one phrase - about their favorite pastime, hobby, profession, etc.
For example, I like to travel...

presenter: You need to turn into a child, remember how he plays, wakes up, etc. So, let's imagine that morning has come - you woke up and became a baby.
(to the music "The sun will wake up")
Please describe how your child is:
Makes the bed;
Makes a charge;
Wears tights;
Has breakfast;
Plays with his favorite toy.
presenter: Well done! Well, now you and your child will do exercises
(music “Forward 4 steps, back 4 steps…”)

The third task "Clever"

Presenter: And now we will make sure that our mothers are not only kind, but also resourceful and quick-witted!
I ask you questions and you answer...
1. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks her out the window)
2 How do day and night end? (soft sign)

3 In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest)
4 When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
5 A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter O)
6 In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
7 Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
8 What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
9 What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
10 What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)
Presenter:While the jury is summing up small results ...
(music for the children's disco "Veselaya")

The fourth task "Learn by the palm of your hand"

Presenter: And now we will find out - how well you know your baby - you need to recognize him by the palm of your hand.
(To the music, blindfolded mothers are looking for their baby)

Fifth task "Treat a child"

You are probably hungry, but the most delicious treat for the baby - candy! Moms should treat their child with candy, only moms' hands will be in rubber gloves!

Host: Well done! Children, what else can mothers do? Cooking, cleaning, sewing...
Now we will check which mothers are hostesses. With the help of mops, moms spend balloon through the arc. The mother who does it the fastest wins.

The sixth task "Shvabraball"

Presenter: Thank you, Olympic champions!
But I am sure that our mothers also sing very well!

The seventh task "Funny ditties"

Mothers put on a kokoshnik, as beautiful girls wore in ancient times and perform ditties chosen by lot:

Poke kids' ears
Today they allowed -
The benefits of this massage
The doctors are open!

Go to the zoo to see a boa constrictor
Dad has no time yet.
- You, son, in the garden under a magnifying glass
Look at the worm.

How are you today, daughter,
Did you wash your face in the morning?
Brush, soap, towel -
Everything stays dry!

I love you guys so much
Read Oster's books.
And all" bad advice»
I love to perform.

- You, son, do not make noise,
Because mom is sick!
- Do you know for whom?
Of course, for the "Dynamo"?

Providence in our house
There is a name Nobody
It ate all the jam
And ruined his coat.

For a son to read a book,
Dad gave him a ruble.
My son read a lot of books -
Papa has gone around the world.

Lyuba has no more teeth
And she doesn't cry.
- I'm a frog, I'm a frog!
I'm big, then!

- Daughter laughs like a goat,
And roll your eyes!
- Oh, mother, do not sigh,
Do not braid tightly!

Presenter: Dear guests and guys, as well as contestants! So our festive evening dedicated to our beloved mothers has come to an end!
Answer me, children, to the question of the poet Apollon Maykov, “Who loves you, children, dearly?”
Who loves you, children, dearly, MY MOTHER!
Who loves you so tenderly, MY MOTHER!
Don't close your eyes at night
Is everyone taking care of you? MY MOMMY!
Who shakes the cradle for you, MY MOTHER!
Who sings songs to you, MY MOTHER!
Who tells you fairy tales? MY MOMMY!
If you guys are lazy
Disobedient, playful,
What happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then? MY MOMMY!
Presenter: While the jury is summing up, our mothers will show you the fairy tale "Teremok".
(moms take apart the costumes, the audio fairy tale "Teremok" sounds)

presenter: The jury today was not easy - to choose the BEST mother, because all mothers are talented, creative, resourceful!
(fanfare sounds)
Presenter: The winner of the competition "Best Mom" ​​in the nomination "Olympic Champion", "The Most Sensitive Mom", "Super Mom", "Queen of Beauty", "Miss Charm", "Mom - One Hundred Span in the forehead", "Mom - Tenderness" is awarded.
(mothers receive prizes and diplomas)

Presenter: And in conclusion - the children give their mothers postcards and their hot loving kiss!
Dance for mothers and children.

Among the holidays that are celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. Its date falls on the last Sunday of November (in 2019 it is November 24). And in many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May (in 2019 - May 12).

In kindergarten and elementary school, you can hold a drawing competition “My mother is the best in the world”, prepare a concert where children will read poems and sing songs dedicated to mothers.

The holiday program for Mother's Day may include Interesting games and competitions in which both the children themselves and their mothers will gladly take part. This will allow those present to showcase their talents and have fun.

Games and contests for mothers and children on Mother's Day

We will talk about how to organize individual and team game competitions for children and their mothers on Mother's Day.

In the "Best-Best" competition, children must list one of the advantages of their mother. For example, the first child says: “My mother is the kindest woman in the world”, the second - “My mother is the best sewer”, the third - “My mother cooks the most delicious cakes”, etc.

Compliments cannot be repeated. The game will continue until there is only one player left who will be the winner.

Or arrange a competition that includes tasks: name your mother's favorite flower, her favorite dish, favorite song, name best friend and so on.

In the next team competition, children will take turns singing songs that contain the words “native”, “sweet”, “beautiful”, “hardworking”, etc.

Then the facilitator will say a few words about the warmth and caress of mother's touch, which the child recognizes from the first days of life, and invites the children to check whether they recognize their mother's hand among others by touch. At the same time, the children are blindfolded. And then mothers will be offered to recognize their children by voices.

For the following games and competitions for mothers and children on Mother's Day, you will need props (cereals, school supplies, toys).

Moms will need to identify by touch, with their eyes closed, the types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina and etc.). Then they will answer the questions: How much does a liter of milk, a kilogram of doctor's sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children's tights cost? and so on.

Several mothers will take part in the game “Collect a school bag” and they will be awarded a satchel each. School supplies mixed with toys will be laid out on the tables. On command, mothers should go to the tables, select school supplies and put them in a satchel. The participants who complete this task faster will win.

And, finally, during the celebration of Mother's Day, you can hold a competition in which the host will give each mother with a child a card with the task of playing some scene from life. In this case, mother and child change places.

For example, a child tries to feed her mother with semolina or put a thermometer on her, and her mother is naughty and refuses. At the end of the holiday, all participants will receive small prizes.

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Every year on Mother's Day, the efforts of all educational institutions, families and the public are united to educate children in respect and love for their parents. In each preschool and secondary educational institution, a full cycle of events is timed to coincide with this event. These include talks on motherhood, children's thematic exhibitions of photographs and drawings, music and poetry evenings, theatrical performances and sports for mothers and children, reading competitions, making postcards and crafts as a gift for the upcoming holiday. And the most important, among all the abundance exciting processes, as before, there are solemn concerts for Mother's Day in kindergartens and schools. Matinees and festive events are able to combine almost all of the above points, giving guests, organizers and young participants a lot of positive emotions and instructive moments. Be that as it may, the main purpose of the concert is entertainment, which means that competitions on Mother's Day play one of the main roles. Let's talk about them!

Funny contests for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten

Literally all the elements of organizing a holiday dedicated to mothers are necessary and important. Here is the decoration of the room with balls (ribbons, flowers, bows), and the preparation of musical accompaniment, and the selection of outfits for the little participants, and the choice of funny contests for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten. But if a holiday can take place without decorations or dresses, then without well-chosen entertainment, it is doomed to failure. The main thing to remember is that funny children's competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten should not be too complicated, long or abstruse. Upset by defeat and offended, the baby will not please anyone.

Funny competition "Mom's hands" for children in kindergarten

To participate in the game, one baby and 5 mothers are chosen, one of which is his own. The child is blindfolded and offered to identify his mother by feeling the hands of 5 parents. If the participant finds his favorite mommy, it is worth rewarding him with a delicious candy. Then the game can be repeated with the next participant. The number of repetitions is limited exclusively to the time allocated for the competition.

"Flowers for Mommy" - competition for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Funny children's competition on Mother's Day is to guess atypical riddles. For each correct answer, the child receives an artificial flower (made in advance at the labor lesson), from which, as a result, he will make a bouquet for his mother. The baby will win, whose festive bouquet for the parent will turn out to be the most magnificent, bright and beautiful.

Everything is dressed in white snow,

it means winter is coming

At night, every window

dimly illuminating ... the moon

Crows awake

dear, kind ... Rooster

Four lions under a tree

one left left ... three

Who will take off from the flower just about?

Multicolored ... Moth

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

deftly jumping ... Monkey

Mother's Day Contest Scenarios for Moms

A Mother's Day holiday is considered successful if the parents not only watch the course of the matinee, rejoicing at the success of their kids, but also take an active part in the numbers themselves. Scenarios of competitions for mothers allow the culprits to show their talents, demonstrate their imagination and creative approach to business , express the depth of love for your children and simply plunge into childhood. Mother's Day contests can be scheduled exclusively for the participation of mothers, or for joint participation with dads and children. Eg:

Competition for mothers "Children's karaoke" in the kindergarten

An ordinary karaoke competition for mothers will become much more interesting if the participants have to sing children's songs with their children, trying to copy the voice of a fairy-tale performer as accurately as possible. For this case, the following compositions are suitable:

  • Kapitoshka's song
  • winnie the pooh song about sawdust
  • song "Clouds are white-maned horses"
  • song of the Queen from the Bremen Town Musicians, etc.

"Draw me, mommy!" - scenario for a kindergarten competition on Mother's Day

In this game, participating mothers will have to draw an image of their baby with a marker on an A4 sheet in 1 minute. You can finish any scenery or distinctive features for the child to recognize himself. The winners will be all those mothers whose children determine their portrait without prompting.

Scenario of the contest "Question-answer" in kindergarten for Mother's Day

A typical question-and-answer game for this type of event will not only help entertain guests, but also point parents to gaps in their communication with their children. Before the start of the game, the children answer a dozen tricky questions to the host, such as "Mom's most tasteless dish" or "Mom's most beautiful hairstyle." Then the same questions are asked to mothers in the hall and the answers are compared with those of children. The mother-child pair with the maximum number of matches in their answers wins. The rest will have to communicate more with their kids.

Mother's Day contests at school - the best ideas

Best Ideas competitions for Mother's Day at school do not need to look for a long time in accomplices or Internet portals. It is enough to turn to the good old school games, slightly remake them to fit the theme of the holiday, add a few congratulatory moments - and funny contests ready. A classic sports relay race, an intellectual duel, a humorous competition with mothers and much more will certainly decorate a school holiday for Mother's Day.

Competition at the school "Mom, dad, me ..."

A small sports relay race on a festive stage or in school yard(subject to good weather) will be an excellent end to the solemn event. Not necessarily measured in strength exercises. Can choose to match popular funny Games: tug-of-war "moms against children", sack jumps "schoolchildren against parents", etc. Several family teams or two groups of opponents "adults" and "students" can take part in the competition. Crafts prepared by schoolchildren in advance for the celebration can serve as gifts for mothers.

"The best gift you have..." - the idea of ​​​​a competition at school for Mother's Day

Autumn is the time the greatest choice natural materials for needlework. One of the numbers at the holiday can be associated with the manufacture of impromptu gifts for mothers in a short period of time. The winner is determined by the number of votes from the audience. To conduct the game, it is necessary to prepare in advance cardboard, paper, beads, ribbons, natural materials, glue and other stationery, so that everyone who wants to participate can make beads, a figurine, a postcard, a picture, an applique for their mom within 5 minutes. Such a competition will bring pleasure not only to the mother of the winner, but also to all the parents of the participants.

Competitions for Mother's Day at school and kindergarten are an important component of a successful celebration. To children's holiday turned out to be bright, cheerful and unusual, it is better to prepare prizes and scenarios for mothers and children in advance. Don't forget that even classic poetry and drawing competitions require careful preliminary preparation.

Natalia Bocharova

Contest for moms: « SUPERMOM»

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! First of all, I sincerely want to congratulate all mothers on holiday - MOTHER'S DAY!

Day mothers celebrated in many countries of the world, but unlike March 8, on the day mothers are honored only mothers and pregnant women. According to some sources, the tradition of this holiday originate in Ancient Rome. IN different countries this holiday noted in different time: second Sunday in May celebrate in the USA, Denmark, Malta, Finland, Germany, Turkey, etc. In October: in India, Belarus, Argentina. IN december: in Portugal, Serbia. In Russia since 1998 this holiday celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Today we are glad to see you all on our competition. « SUPERMOM» . And I hope you, dear guests, have not forgotten to take with you more smiles and applause for the participants of our competition(applause)

And now we are starting our competitive program dedicated to the day mothers. For the title « Supermom 2013» today they will fight...

1. Amogolonova Arjuna Dashinimaevna

2. Zhapova Nelli Grigorievna

3. Aminova Nozonin Inomdzhonovna

4. Handarkhaeva Marina Sergeevna

5. Aslanova Tarana Khanhuseyn kyzy

6. Shishmareva Tatyana Mikhailovna

Look what mothers: beautiful, charming, attractive. Our children have prepared for you poetry:

Poems about mom:

1. Lovely women! Dear mothers!

The most gentle, the kindest!

We heartily congratulate you now,

We wish you happiness, health, love!

2. So that the kids do not upset you,

So that you do not know bitter sorrows,

To float through the streets like peacocks,

All as one "Miss Universe" were!

3. To make portraits of you more often written,

To be appreciated, loved, caressed,

To give flowers daily

And they talked about love all the time!

4. Deed so that these words prove

So that you become happier then!

Let everything come true, moms, with you!

Be always the same as now!

Introducing our jury:

1. Head of kindergarten Balabanova Maria Vladimirovna

2. senior caregiver: Taranenko Natalya Vladimirovna

3. Head of household / unit; Lizunova Elena Fyodorovna

Of course, we all want to get to know the participants better. competition so we start from the first tasks:

1 task: "Presentation"

(mothers should tell about themselves, their profession, hobbies, etc.)

2 task: "Questions for ingenuity"

presenter: When completing the next task, mothers need to be smart, resourceful, quick-witted and quickly give answers to unusual questions:

1. - What they can't live without mathematics, hunters and drummers? (Fractions)

2. - Where you will not find dry stone (in water)

3. - Name female name, which consists of two letters that repeat twice (Anna)

4. - How can you carry water in a sieve? (to freeze)

5. - 5 knots are tied on a rope. How many parts did the knots divide the rope into?

6. - Think about what belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)

3 task: "Let's go to the carnival"

presenter: Our mothers are very similar to Cinderella: everyone can, everyone can. I wonder how they did their homework? And my homework was to come up with and make a costume from junk material for your child and give him a name. While our mothers are preparing, we will not be bored either, the children will perform song:

For you, dear guests, there will be a song about mother in the Buryat language "My mommy"

Well, I think our mothers are ready, let's welcome our participants:

"Costume Show"

presenter: These are the costumes our children will go to the ball, which Cinderella once visited. At the ball, she conquered everyone not only with her beauty, but also with her clear, sonorous voice. I think that our mothers and children also sing very well. Children will perform for you ditties:

All: Stretch the fur, accordion,

Eh, play, play.

Hear the truth about mothers

And don't talk.

1. The sun will only wake up in the morning -

Mom is already at the stove.

Cooked breakfast for everyone

So that both I and you grow!

2. The family only ate,

Mom picks up a vacuum cleaner

Won't even sit in a chair

Until everything is taken away.

3. Here the apartment sparkled,

Lunch is coming.

Mom sighed heavily:

There is no time to rest.

4. Fed, watered,

Everyone from the kitchen dispersed,

Lying on the sofa

And they left the house.

5. Mom washes - I dance,

Mom cooks - I sing

I'm in household chores mom

I will help you a lot.

6. So that mom does not get bored

From household worries.

I'll show you a fun concert

Let me just call.

All: Let's say "thank you" to moms

For such hard work

But children how happy we are

They just won't find it.

4 task: "Funny ditties" performed by mothers.

And now ditties performed by mothers.

1. We are autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

2. It got cold outside -

You have to wear jackets.

This autumn prompted

Sing ditties about her

3. So autumn has come,

You can do it in a jacket.

Bought it for me in the summer

They didn't let it go.

4. Barely waited for autumn -

I love to be fashionable.

Oh guys enjoy

You are on my hat.

5. A leaf hangs on a tree,

Swinging in the wind...

Rustles with regret:

"Autumn is coming to an end".

6. Oh guys, just look

You are on our girls:

Dressed from head to toe

Only the noses stick out!

All; Autumn, autumn, goodbye,

We say goodbye for a year.

Smile at us goodbye

Winter is coming to visit us!

5 task: "Autumn Still Life of Fruit"

presenter: While our mothers are preparing fruit still lifes, children will dance cheerful dance: "Little Gnomes"

6 task "Playing a fairy tale"

Attributes: Crown for Autumn, headscarf for the breeze, wolf mask, dogs

2 crowns: prince, princess, horse

presenter: Moms take turns drawing lots. And we find out who got what role. Now you know who you have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask you to take the items that you will need from the table. Each participant in the right place will depict the action of her character.

Fairy tale:

We are in a beautiful fairytale forest. Late autumn has come. A sharp cold wind blew. Far away in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. In response, the dog howled furiously. And in a beautiful castle wept bitterly Princess: she was not allowed to the ball. Suddenly, the clatter of hooves was heard from afar, it was the Prince who arrived. He put the princess on a horse and together they rode to the ball.

presenter: Well, well done everyone. While our jury is counting the points, our children will sing song: "Evening and the moon has risen"

presenter: Well, ours has come to an end. contest« Supermom»

You will probably agree with me that it is very difficult to choose the best mother, because all mothers are charming, attractive, quick-witted, resourceful, quick, skillful. And so each of you became the winner of our competition.

The word appears to our jury: Rewarding - nominations:

Mother's Day is a relatively new holiday in Russia. The last Sunday in November became only in 1998. Not so long ago, it began to be celebrated in kindergartens and schools. They usually prepare for this with special zeal, because beloved mothers will come to the holiday, whom you want to please with poems, songs, and drawings. Kids arrange exhibitions and rehearse skits. And so that the guests do not relax, teachers, together with their pupils, come up with or select interesting contests for Mother's Day. Let's take a look at the most popular below.

mothers in kindergarten

Toddlers in kindergarten are looking forward to when their parents will take part in interesting trials. The host of the holiday calls several participants from the audience, and every child dreams that it is his mother who will take the stage. Comic competitions do not cause difficulties for anyone, but they give a lot of positive emotions to both participants and spectators. For everything to be just like that, contests for mothers on Mother's Day must be selected wisely: not too simple, but not very complex, kind, without hints and ambiguities.

"Pop the Ball"

For the game you will need from 3-5 dexterous participants. They are provided with many inflated balloons. At the command of the mother, they take one of them and try to burst in any way. Someone can step with a heel, someone can prick with nails, the main thing is to destroy more balls. To prove your victory over another rubber opponent, you need to pick up his remains. The winner is calculated by the number of former balls.

"Guess the Son (Daughter)"

Two or three mothers are blindfolded and put in front of a line of children. Participants must find their child by touch. To complicate the task, only the male part of the group is assigned to the mothers of the boys. With girls, it's easier - parents can focus on hairstyles, bows and hairpins when they touch the child's head. Therefore, the teacher can bring intrigue to the competition by removing the most outstanding details of outfits from little fashionistas.

"Know Yourself"

This test will not only show the most attentive and sensitive mothers, but also allow them to learn something new about themselves. The essence of the competition is that the children in the group make up the main woman in their life in advance, after which the sheets with descriptions are mixed and the presenter reads out the text. Which mother recognizes herself - she won. The more winners, the better! A simplified version is suitable for very young children: let them not describe their mother, but draw. And those will look for their portrait among a couple of dozen strangers.

Cooking competitions

Mom is the main cook in the family. She cooks daily and must be good at cooking. Therefore, competitions for mothers on Mother's Day, related to products and recipes, are sure to be a success. The easiest test to prepare:

  • Peel a potato: who can do it faster or get the longest
  • Write down the most dishes whose names begin with a certain letter.
  • Recognize small kitchen utensils by touch: spoons, forks, whisk, mixer attachments, skimmer, etc.

Mother's Day contests at school

Educational institutions also celebrate this holiday every year. Younger students can take on the same Mother's Day contests as toddlers. But they also have more difficult tests at their disposal, the preparation for which requires a certain amount of time and special props.


The teacher collects in advance from the children one thing that they need for their studies. For example, a pencil case, a diary, some special pen, a ruler (of a non-standard type). Assembled is placed in an opaque package. The host takes turns pulling out the items and asks: “Who lost?” If a mother recognizes a thing of a son or daughter, she must raise her hand. Everyone who guesses wins.

It is fun to watch competing parents, however, children should not sit on the sidelines for the entire holiday. For them, too, you can arrange fun tests. Competitions on Mother's Day at school can demonstrate to the audience the new skills and knowledge that children have acquired there. Solving mathematical examples for speed, guessing words like the TV show "Field of Miracles", etc.

Joint competitions

Some tests require an adult and a child, which is why they are the most interesting. Such competitions for Mother's Day must be included in the festive program.


It is necessary to prepare 5-10 small opaque containers and the same number of clean spoons. Any food is put in the dishes: jam, honey, condensed milk (plain and boiled), sour cream - in general, everything that is available. Moms are blindfolded. Children take a spoon in their hands and treat the contestants with what they have chosen (one dish for each participant). Mom has to guess what her child treated her to. The range of treats to the last remains a mystery. This is an example of how Mother's Day contests not only entertain people, but also teach adults to trust children. After all, it is not so easy to put a spoon in the hands of a baby, it will suddenly drip on a blouse or feed something wrong.


Two pairs of participants (mother + child) stand at one end of the hall (class). On the opposite side there is a “supermarket” table where products (can be artificial) and household goods (sponges, soap, shampoo cans, brushes, dishes) are stacked. Adults are given "shopping lists", which indicate from 7 to 15 items from those that are in the "store". Mom calls the child one item, he runs to the table, takes what he needs and comes back. Then he receives a new task - and again on the road. Whichever team completes the list the fastest wins.

Are prizes needed?

To contests, dedicated to the Day mothers, have become even more exciting, it is worth providing prizes for the winners. Let them be purely symbolic. For example, cardboard medals or cups with inscriptions, sweets, balloons are suitable.

Every child will be pleased to take home a physical confirmation of their and their mother's successes. And the host needs to make sure that none of the guests leave without a reward.