Holiday in oriental style. Scenario for a man's anniversary "The East is a delicate matter!"

Script for adults “Insert a Word”

But these words can be used for completely different entertainment. It represents a kind of competition. At a certain point in the evening, you hand out slips of paper with written phrases that include Japanese words to all your guests.

To come up with these phrases, you can use the words above. Examples of such phrases can be: “But my kimono is not finished,” “Now I will show you my favorite karate technique,” ​​“One more word and hara-kiri will not be avoided,” “What kind of brave shogun is sitting in front of me?”, “Oh , I love singing karaoke with passion”, “Just like a Sudoku riddle”, “Banzai!!!” One such statement should be written on each piece of paper.

The competition rules are as follows: everyone must insert their own phrase during a conversation or some other fun at least three times. This phrase should not be pronounced meaninglessly, but, so to speak, “on topic.” We advise you not to limit this game by time.

But still, warn your guests that the first one to complete this task will receive a valuable prize.

This entertainment practically does not need description. But the only thing you need to do is point out the Japanese origin of this word. But we still recommend choosing songs with oriental notes. Any pop disc will definitely have 2-3 such songs.

If your company is especially active, then sing together, and best of all, choose “oriental beauties” for backup dancers.

Best Oriental Beauty

Choose the best oriental diva (Japanese, Indian, etc.). We offer the following criteria for evaluating participants:

1) the best suit;

3) the best oriental dance.

The first two criteria require home preparation of “beauties”. The dance can be prepared in advance, or it can be a real improvisation. If you have a mixture of styles, then it is best for girls to perform belly dancing. Skill is not required here.

I advise you to put a belt of coins on the girl. Surely one of your friends does belly dancing. It's fashionable now, just ask this person to give it to you for the evening, or better yet, invite her to your evening. The coins on such scarves, if you hang it on your belt, ring even when you walk normally.

So don't let the members worry: Simply moving your hips like a figure eight or kicking will make the coins jingle very loudly. One option could be to perform an Egyptian dance. To do this, you just need to take poses with your hands. The simplest dance, in our opinion, is still Japanese dance. But for it you need to prepare props, namely 2 fans. Of course, you can make them yourself, but we advise you to purchase two small hand fans from the store. Feel free to buy them.

Rest assured, they will not aimlessly gather dust in your apartment after the party. They are such a delight that you can display them on any shelf as a keepsake like my friend did, or hang them on your wall with photos to commemorate your fun party. And in hot weather you can use them for their intended purpose.

For Japanese dance, each girl must have two fans in her hand. It looks very impressive when they open at the same time. During the dance, you can cover your face with open fans. The same type of movements can be done on your knees, sitting, standing.

Don't forget how a Japanese woman should bow at the beginning of the dance and at the end. Please note that the gait should be small mincing steps, otherwise the Japanese woman will not be “real.” We advise you not to play the entire song.

It’s better to let the girls dance in turns for 1–1.5 minutes. If the dance is prepared in advance, then let it be almost a whole song.

After all the evaluations, the jury chooses the most natural oriental beauty. It is best if the jury is as objective as possible. After all, everyone was preparing and you can easily offend any girl.

So the best option The nominations “The Most Hardworking”, “The Most Natural Oriental Diva”, “The Most Charming” will be awarded.

Game "Twist"

You can buy this game in the store. But you can do it yourself. For it you will need: 25 sheets of A4 format, on the sheets you need to print or draw the outline of the palm and the outline of the foot. Inside each foot you insert an outline of a die with a number from 1 to 6 inside. You do this in no particular order.

This game can be played either by a single couple or by a group of friends, and the company should include both girls and young men. The presenter throws the dice and calls the name, the number drawn and part of the body: right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg and maybe the head. Example: Katya - left leg 6, Sasha - left leg 2, Katya - right leg 3, Sasha - right leg 4, Katya - right hand 1, Sasha - right leg 2, etc. As a result, everything is intertwined, legs and arms are leaving.

The poses turn out to be very exotic – hence the name.

This section is one of the most interesting. Do not neglect it in any case, since the oriental atmosphere will be created to a greater extent by the costumes. It is in them that guests will truly feel like representatives of the East. If your party is clean Japanese style, then for guys, suits are practically no problem.

Almost everyone has friends who have been or are still involved in oriental wrestling. In this case, you just need to borrow a kimono from them. Kimono usually white. Usually only the colors of the belts differ. If not everyone has a black belt, then you can easily make it from any rope by tying it over the kimono.

When you find a friend with a suit, try to find his friends, because everyone who did, for example, karate, definitely has a kimono. Don't forget about the fairer sex. After all different types Girls also engage in wrestling.

You will also be able to invite that same friend or girlfriend to the holiday, i.e. those who were involved in this. But do not forget to warn your guest that, as an expert in Eastern culture, he is simply obliged to demonstrate his skills. Let it be a short speech consisting of techniques.

But do not forget that this number will require additional space for the stage.

Still, a kimono, especially if it is for men, will look very good on the stronger sex. For girls, we advise you to make a costume from the immediate upper part of the kimono and skirt. The skirt should preferably start under the bust, and its length should reach the ankles.

If girls do not want to wear a kimono, then any large piece of fabric can help you here. you will need to wrap it in such a way that the sleeves are as wide as possible, and fasten the fabric in the middle with a huge brooch. This “blouse” looks very impressive. Recently, all kinds of sweaters and dresses with high collars and buttons sewn vertically at the throat have been in fashion.

They would be a great costume for a party in oriental style. As a last resort, you can use a regular silk robe as a costume for girls, fastening it with all the buttons.

Japanese girls should not forget about appropriate makeup and hairstyle. Try to make your face as white as possible; to do this, simply use powder in a shade 1-2 shades lighter than your skin color. Of course, the most suitable option will turn white.

Eyebrows and eyes should be painted brightly, they should be lined with black pencil. Lips, optionally, pink or peach shade. http://site

Don't forget about your hairstyle. It is necessary to gather all the hair tightly into a bun and insert two sticks. If this hairstyle does not suit you at all, then we advise you to leave bangs. You will find hair sticks in any department with hairpins and combs.

If you don’t want to buy them, you can easily plan them from ordinary pieces of wood, sharpening the end on one side and leaving it quite thick on the other. You can use a marker to draw lines and curls on these sticks. If you don’t want to do them at all, then you can do it differently. You simply insert disposable chopsticks into your head; you can also buy them in the napkins and other table supplies department or at a Chinese restaurant or sushi bar. They are usually sold in packs of two or twelve.

But in order to ensure that the chopsticks on your head and those for eating do not match, we recommend that you still decorate the hair sticks with a marker.

We've sorted out the external "Japanese" look, now let's move on to a mixed party. Any Arab girl can look like this: a burqa, which can be any scarf tied on the face just below the eyes, or, as a last resort, even a pareo, blouse or top, preferably with a deep neckline and a huge number of rhinestones and decorations. Try to wear jewelry.

Crosses here, as you understand, will be inappropriate, but pendants with large pendants will harmonize perfectly with your oriental style. Don't forget big bracelets, rings and brightly colored eyes. On the bottom you can wear both wide pants and long skirts with a yoke, or flared downwards. We also suggest wearing belts and belts on this day if they are associated with the East. Most often these are metal belts consisting of rings fastened to each other.

If you absolutely cannot choose a suit, then you can do the following: put on a swimsuit top and sew all kinds of beads to the bodice. If you have beads as Christmas tree decorations, then you can sew them on this bodice so that it resembles top part belly dancer costume.

For men, in this case, any bathrobe will do. Instead of a turban, you can wrap a towel on your head so that you can attach a large brooch inside. You will be provided with a Sultan's costume.

You can easily make an Indian costume (something like a national sari) using a long piece of fabric. It can be decorated with braid and beads along one edge. It is necessary to wrap this piece of material so that one part of it covers the head, and its continuation is wrapped as if it were a skirt. The transition from head to bottom should preferably be vertical and pass from the front.

We suggest you take regular table and unscrew its legs. Thus, it will become so low that it will be more convenient to sit behind it on the floor. Take care of pillows in advance; you can use pillows from the sofa and blankets that will create comfort and make your floor softer. Don't forget about chopsticks and umbrellas as salad decorations. Also, to give the table an oriental flavor, place deep dishes with floating flower buds on the table. Large floating peony buds look especially beautiful on the table.

If there are no flowers, place floating candles in the water and remember to light them. Candles in water will add oriental comfort to the feast.

Enough has been said about decorating the table; now we need to move on to the most delicious detail of the evening: the choice of dishes. Here you can name dishes almost without stopping. But you need to remember the main thing: prepare rice as a side dish, and fish as the main dish. Sushi, rolls and other trendy dishes will also bring great joy to your guests: they will never see such a party in a sushi bar. We also recommend preparing salads with squid, crab sticks, seaweed etc. Remember: the main dishes are seafood.

If the party is not Japanese, but is a mixture of oriental styles, then you can safely prepare lagman, bizhbarmak, Korean carrots, adjika. Here main theme maybe just spicy food.

Alcohol is an important point in preparing the table. Now there is a huge selection of oriental drinks on store shelves. Chinese wine, beer with various Japanese names, you can even find rice vodka if you try hard enough.

But don’t overdo it, otherwise your “oriental” guests will behave in a very unoriental way.

As for the selection of music and decoration of the apartment, here you must take on the role of a designer and think through everything to the smallest detail. To create an oriental flavor, you will need to make your room more cozy and welcoming. To do this, you can use candles, which we already talked about above, or simply dim the light. As many velvet pillows, carpets and figurines as possible.

Velvet has the ability to make a room softer and warmer. If you have pieces of velvet-like material, cover chairs and blankets with it. If you have a large fan, then be sure to hang it, if you don’t, then you can make it yourself. Take whatman paper, draw an oriental ornament or a sakura branch on it and fold it like an accordion, like folding a notebook sheet.

Hang blades and swords on the wall, any weapon, maybe even a toy one. Nowadays, toy swords look very realistic. Draw a dragon on whatman paper, cut it out and also hang it on the wall. The fire-colored dragon looks very impressive.

Also on the Internet you can find a huge number of black and white pictures that depict the outlines of Chinese houses. You can simply print them out and hang them on the wall in black and white. Also for a romantic mood, the outlines of the Indian tomb of the Taj Mahal are suitable.

In general, try not to limit yourself to our advice.

As for music, as we noted at the very beginning of the book, look on your computer. Surely you have at least one Japanese game in it. Any Arabic motifs will also work.

Be sure to try to immerse yourself in the oriental world. If we managed to convince you, then you will never forget about this evening.

Increasingly in Russian enterprises And companies are hearing a call to take into account the human factor, which means treating employees more carefully, listening to them and sometimes making them happy. After all, there is time for business, but there is also time for fun. Modern leader understands well that a friendly, cohesive team works much more efficiently than a group of isolated employees. To find mutual language between people who see each other only within the office walls, sometimes it is useful to give them the opportunity to communicate outside of work. Corporate parties are held for such purposes. IN informal setting Colleagues become more sociable, work tension is relieved, and the level of trust and mutual understanding increases.

In order for your event to bring positive results, and for people to not regret wasted time, you must approach the issue of its organization with all responsibility. Chaos and confusion are no help here. If the evening proceeds chaotically, as it turns out, then no entourage with costumes will help, and a good idea will turn into formalism and “coercion.” Let’s not forget that a corporate party is not a get-together with a group of best friends, where everyone has known each other for a long time. Your invitees may not communicate with each other at all. To make it interesting for each of them to relax with such a group, clearly plan in what manner the celebration will take place.

So, a corporate party is planned, but everyone has long been tired of the well-worn scripts? Do you want real fun and something unusual? Then spend it in oriental style. East is fairy tale, mystery and fiery dancing. This theme is always relevant and will suit almost any occasion. Treat your colleagues to a hot Arabian night. And they will remember this day with warmth for a long time. Where to begin?

Make original invitations

How to organize everyone and not forget anyone? You can notify the team verbally, but people love personal attention when they address each person personally. It’s better to come up with original invitations, designed according to the theme of your feast. What they will be like depends only on your imagination.

The editors of eventspro have selected a small selection of invitations designed in oriental style; you can use them as a sample for ordering from a printing house:

It is not at all necessary to order the services of a professional printing house; after all, the issue of the evening’s budget is always relevant. But handing out standard postcards with dry text will also be boring and uninteresting. Try making them yourself. It's simple.

Based on the theme of our celebration, come up with oriental pseudonyms for all employees, including management. It would be ideal if during the holiday itself everyone continues to call each other by the names of the prepared characters. The leader may be the Wise Sultan. Security guard - Chief Executioner, accountant - Treasurer Guardian, secretary - Scheherazade, etc. Fantasize. Your task is to properly motivate your colleagues and awaken a sincere desire to participate in the event.

Vizier's Scroll

We make an improvised scroll from colored paper. We decorate or paint in a fabulous oriental style. We come up with a few lines with a personal appeal to everyone. For example, “Come, O Moon-faced Jamilya ibn Mikhailovna, to the caravanserai (place of celebration). The wisest Sultan commands everyone to gather on the Great Day (occasion, event) of the Bright Month (date).” We roll the scroll into a tube and tie it with bright satin ribbons. Ready. All that remains is to hand it over.

Magic letter

Creative invitations can be sent to e-mail. Try making a virtual card for everyone with their own photo. You can ask him for the source in person, or find it on social networks or in a photo collection of old joint parties. There are many simple online editors on the Internet with different templates. Choose an oriental theme that interests us and insert the faces of your colleagues into the templates (let someone be Old Man Hottabych, someone - a southern dancer). Then add your invitation text. It will be interesting and fun.

Photo postcard

If time and resources allow you to prepare more thoroughly, the same personalized cards can be printed on photo paper at the nearest photo studio. Such invitations will certainly remain as a keepsake and will be kept by people for years, reminiscent of your friendly evenings.

Invitation "Oriental attribute"

For eastern corporate party Oriental style bracelets will be relevant. Attach a postcard to each of them with text in the manner of 1000 and 1 night. True, bracelets are more suitable for women. And for men, we suggest sending a small decorative dagger or pipe (just don’t forget about the postcard).

Play up the meeting of guests

Regardless of where you plan to celebrate the event, it will be great if someone solemnly greets each of the guests and helps them take their seats. Let it be a colorful genie in a turban and vest over a naked body, or beautiful Zulfiya in a short top and loincloth with coins. It would be great if both characters worked together. Compose a short greeting text for them and a few movements in the style of oriental dances so that guests plunge into a fairy-tale atmosphere right from the door. After the welcoming speech, Zulfiya and Jinn serve the newcomer a glass of wine and a plate of sweets. Djinn - for women, Zulfiya - for men. A little alcohol will relax and reduce the embarrassment of guests.

Instead of alcohol, you can use any traditional oriental drink, for example, an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan or ayran.

Eastern outfits

Choosing an image for a corporate event with a thematic focus is a serious matter. Firstly, since we have general idea, then it must be implemented entirely. Everyone must come in a suit. Or at least wear the right accessories. If someone appears simply in casual clothes, the overall atmosphere of the fairy tale will immediately disappear. Make sure there are no “black sheep”. Have some items of clothing in reserve in case someone fails to prepare. Secondly, the images must be different. If five Little Mooks come to the party, it will turn out sad. Discuss this point with the team.

Costumes can be rented from theater institutions, or you can do it yourself. There are plenty of ideas for our topic.

For the image of the beautiful Concubine, Dancer, Gyulchatai, Princess Budur and others, the following elements are suitable:

  • bright makeup (expressive eyebrows, arrows on the eyelids, shadows with sparkles);
  • flared skirt, loincloth with coins;
  • bloomers (the recently fashionable “Afghan pants” or “Aladdin pants” are also suitable);
  • burqa (from beach poreo);
  • an improvised bright bodice (can be over clothes: for example, the top of a swimsuit decorated with sequins);
  • massive bracelets, monisto.

Where will we hold the eastern corporate party?

Modern corporate celebrations are held anywhere:

  1. clubs;
  2. restaurants and cafes;
  3. rented assembly halls;
  4. work office;
  5. country houses and restaurant complexes;
  6. beaches;
  7. saunas with swimming pools and relaxation rooms.

And yet, preference in choosing a location is traditionally given to either renting a restaurant or renting an office. And, of course, the most ideal place for a similar theme there will be an oriental restaurant. This will save you not only from the need to decorate the room, but also to think through the design of such decoration, because laying out pillows and carpets is not enough to create true oriental comfort.

If for some reason it doesn’t work out with a restaurant and you decide to use an office as a site, then we suggest that you take the issue of design seriously.

The color of oriental decoration can be created using:

  • bright small pillows;
  • shiny textiles on the walls;
  • carved wooden backgammon;
  • canopies;
  • carpets;
  • hookahs;
  • copper utensils;
  • and antique jugs.

Feel free to involve employees in the search for decorations. Surely every home has something suitable. And don't forget the incense! The scents will create the right mood.

The tables should be low, as is customary in the east. This is done so that it is convenient to reach the desired treat. As an option, we offer something like a dastarkhan. We lay the tablecloth directly on the floor (ground) and arrange it with appropriate dishes and dishes.

Choose a background music

Music selection east direction huge. Download different songs on the Internet, from fiery dance songs like Aidamir Mugu’s “Black Eyes,” to Didyuli’s lyrical instrumentals.

Look for compositions by Joseph LoDuca and anything with the sound of the Armenian duduk (such an instrument).

As examples, as well as the first stone in the foundation of your playlist, we also suggest considering the following national Caucasian compositions:

Think about what part of the evening the selected styles will suit. It’s best to entrust this to a professional DJ.

What to treat guests

Eastern cuisine is a variety of spices, spices, all kinds of sauces, meat fried on coals, exotic fruits and, of course, world-famous sweets.

It doesn’t matter whether there will be an abundance of meat dishes on the tables or you will make do with a modest buffet table: be sure to buy sweets! In a real Arab palace, the tables should be laden with halva, sherbet, marmalade, baklava, Turkish delight and marshmallows.

Muslims do not eat pork. More preference is given to horse meat, lamb and beef. We offer several options for oriental treats:

couscous – lamb with vegetables;

If your company has a sense of humor and you don’t plan to hire a professional, surprise everyone with a surprise. Dress one of the bravest men in your team as a southern belle and turn on fast music. Let him improvise. Don't forget that dancing requires impressive, curvaceous figures. To give him something to dance with, put foam rubber and inflatable balls in his clothes in the right places. The audience's laughter is guaranteed.

Stadium of my heart

Such a competition does not require unnecessary movements and is ideal for the feast. Divide the women and men into two teams. They should take turns complimenting the opposing team in the manner of Hottabych’s speech (“Oh, the most beautiful of women Jasmine Grigorievna,” “Moon-faced Guria Svetlana Nikolaevna,” “The incomparable and greatest ruler Igor Viktorovich,” and so on).

The one who says the most wins. Tell participants that absurd, unrelated words sound more fun. With them the competition will last longer.

A short plan for preparing for a corporate event in oriental style

If you have always had a liking for oriental themes, and the sounds of rhythmic lezginka just make you want to start dancing (even if you don’t know how to dance), we suggest you move from words to actions. Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a corporate event on a turnkey basis, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you decide to test your abilities, here is our short thesis plan that will help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy, print it in Word and boldly go towards an oriental fairy tale.

  1. Determine who will be responsible for preparing the corporate event (one or more people, if several, determine who will be in charge) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a list of participants. Who can come? (You need to know how many people to count on).
  3. Determine the date and time of the corporate party.
  4. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the corporate event (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  5. Distribute roles between the participants (who plans to be in what image)
  6. Find costume rental studios and give each employee a memo with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find a suit...”)
  7. Decide where you intend to hold your corporate event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a corporate event in an oriental style; for sure, sites specializing in oriental cuisine will answer you, which means design issues are off your shoulders.
  8. What dishes should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  9. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of guests home
  10. Decide who will do the decoration of the room. If you plan to do everything yourself, decide on the decoration elements; it is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  11. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your employees and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

Universal scenario Eastern fairy tales , can be used for any celebration, make your holiday unique, surprise your guests with an interesting fairy-tale action.

Scenario of an Eastern fairy tale - beginning

The evening begins with beautiful music, 2 presenters come out.

2: We APPEARED to you from the East. Dressed up in chiffon and velvet. We swear, we are beauties and you will like us very much!

1: We are your “Scheherazades”: Zhanna and Marina.

2: Already a thousand nights
We do not close our trembling eyes: We tell fairy tales to the people And weave carpets of patterned speeches.

1: The Thousand and One Night Comes: Shines in the Sky full moon. Today there will be a fairy tale “About the Sultan” - We hope you like it.

2: About which Sultan. Where do you see the Sultan? He left for the war...

1: You see. He's having fun there. And we miss you here.

2: Let's dance - maybe it will cheer you up.

1: Come on! I suggest we find cheerful man, which will entertain us.

2: You will play odd-even with them.
Decoy -
A handful of beans is taken out of the bag, the participant must guess the even or odd number of beans in the presenter’s hand. They recruit three men for the game.

1: If a woman wants something, no one can defeat her.

2: Zhanna, better look at the men next to us. No worse than our Sultan. Only the noses let us down.

2: Zhanna is a treasure of joy and knowledge. She came up with an oriental game - whoever kisses her first is worthy... But it’s not so simple. The belt is magical, the safety belt will help... May Allah multiply your days.

Game moment -
The presenter puts on a belt to which 2 long ribbons are attached.
3-4 meters each, men take the ends of the ribbons in right hand, ribbon
passes behind the back and is located along different sides from the presenter.

The task is to quickly wrap yourself in a ribbon and kiss the presenter. Joke - in
the moment the men approach, the presenter bends down and the men kiss
each other. The winner is chosen at its discretion and left to
the role of the Sultan. Participants are awarded prizes...

1: A real man is like a big fire: it gives light, it gives warmth, it warms the soul! You will be our sultan for this night (they put a turban and robe on the man).
The presenters bow

2: Our beloved sultan, lord and god, You are beautiful, like a rare diamond. We kiss the footprints of your royal feet. Look, look at us!

1: It seems to me that our master is somehow bored... The Sultan needs a new wife. I told you, less than three, Allah will laugh.

2: There are so many beauties around, you can choose as many as five, we don’t mind. Listen, the one our Sultan chooses goes to the harem. The one who refuses will have her legs cut off in the market square.
Recruitment of competition participants is underway. The Sultan walks around the hall, selects 5 participants at the prompting of the presenter.

A beauty must have three things:
1. White - skin, teeth, hair.
2. Black - eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes.
3. Red - nails, cheeks, lips.
4. Wide - neck, chest, hips.
5. Definitely long hair, arms, legs.

The participants are covered with “burqas” and seated on chairs in a row.

1. Why does our master need so many new wives, would just one be enough?

1: Now we’ll fix everything,

(men wear nose masks and turbans)
2: Listen, how beautiful they turned out. Let's keep everyone to ourselves.

1: According to the laws of the East, there can be three or even more women. But a man should be one, one and only

2: Why don’t we choose the one and only? Do you know, dear, what you need to do to please a woman? (answers) We love women with our ears, which means men must delight our ears. Let them sing for us and entertain the guests at the same time. We have already selected a song for you, our favorite. Arabic words are incomprehensible. But karaoke music.

Contest -

Participants perform a verse of a song, singing only one
vowels. The song "If I were a Sultan" is offered for performance. The winner is determined by applause. He is given a prize and released in peace.
E-and I s u-a I e-e e e And o-o a-o-o s s o-u-e O u-o o-o-s and a-i e-a O-o e and a-o a-a-and A-a

Chorus: (leaders sing)
It's not bad to have three wives, but on the other hand it's very bad
U-i-ya o a-a a-i u o-i Yo yu-i a a-a o-a-e o-i I e-y a-o-a o and o-o-i O y -o o-o-s e-e o-e and
A y a u-a-a i-o u u-a O-o e a-y a and i-i o-a A o-o a a-o e o-e o-o E-i i s oo-o-o

2: The ranks of men are thinning.

1: But the chances increase - to find a worthy replacement to our Sultan. And now we will determine the worthy one, I swear by my mother.
2: A real man should always have a choice, (to the Sultan) And for the choice to be correct, entrust it to us.

The Sultan sits down on the pillows, the hosts play the game “Bring us...”.
Game moment -
Depending on the number of participants, chairs are placed in front of the stage, and the participants are asked to take them.

Then the participants are asked to bring some object, at this time the presenters remove one chair. The participant who does not have enough chairs receives a consolation prize and is eliminated from the game.

The magic of the east intoxicates no worse than a strong hookah, beckons like the gaze of an Arab princess, delights like the shine of thousands of precious stones in the treasury of a padishah. A fabulous oriental party will take you and your friends to an amazingly beautiful world, full of inimitable flavor! Tired of the frantic rhythm modern music, boring, monotonous gatherings and stuffy, cramped clubs? Let's go East now!

Surely you can’t wait to start decorating the hall, but allow me a small remark: in geography there is no concept of “ eastern countries" Conventionally, this is the name given to Iran and Iraq, Arabia and Syria, Korea and China, Indonesia, Thailand and many other Asian countries. But Korea and, for example, the former Persia are two very different things. Of course, you can try to combine dissimilar cultures within one party, but this approach requires large investments and Herculean efforts. Therefore, we will leave China, Japan, and Mongolia for a separate topic, and today we will turn our attention to the Middle East.


The design of a hall or small room begins with an imitation of a tent. Ideally, you need to completely cover the ceiling and walls with flowing fabric - silk, brocade or satin in muted red, orange, blue or lavender. The gold color complements the background shade, making the interior very rich, bright and eye-catching. There should generally be a lot of gold; it’s difficult to overdo it. The fabric spreads out in wide strips from the center of the ceiling and down to the floor along the walls.

Oriental outfits and paraphernalia do not fit into the interior modern hall, but draping even a small room with fabric is an expensive pleasure. Although, if you are going outdoors, you can rent a fabric or a tent. Or use paper instead of fabric - cheap wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Or partially close the walls by hanging fabric panels at equal distances.

The second irreplaceable element of decor is bright ethnic carpets. It is necessary to cover the entire floor or at least the places where the low carved tables will stand. Place ottomans, low benches, or beautiful patterned pillows around the tables. A table (or tables, if there are many guests) can be placed on a trestle bed covered with a carpet. Place a hookah table, real or fake, in a visible place. Several clay vases with lush greenery, daggers and swords on the walls, thematic images - caravans, steppes, Persian and Arab cities, sultans and princesses. You can use a photo of an oriental bazaar - a very atmospheric element.

If dancing is planned according to the script, place the tables along the walls, freeing up the central part of the hall. You can define the “stage” area - a large fluffy carpet and a curtain of bright ribbons or shining strings of beads.

Hammered utensils made of copper and brass deserve special attention - glass holders or cups, trays, jugs, Turks and coffee pots, plates with engravings and characteristic patterns. Crazy beauty! Ask your friends - dishes are often brought back from vacation as souvenirs. Or rent a party set, it's not very expensive. It’s okay if an Uzbek kumgan sits next to an Arab tajin, no one will notice.

Don’t forget about the “tent” lighting: an oriental-style party takes place in soft diffused lighting, and in some places even mysterious twilight. Ideally, these are lamps and lamps, without a common powerful light source. Chandeliers can be hidden behind fabric or paper screens. Don’t overdo it, in the twilight the gold of the decor will fade, and your friends will quickly start yawning ( soft pillows and comfortable sofas will help).


  • a postcard in the shape of a hookah, a wine jug, an embossed tray;
  • postcard in the shape of a camel, a curved sword, a tent. You can cut out a figurine of a sultan or a dancer, and at the same time hint at the dress code;
  • write from right to left, decorate the invitation with Arabic letters or words. Just find out the translation first, otherwise something indecent will happen.


Ah, girls! Each of us at least once dreamed of being a real oriental princess, shrouded in a flowing cloud of fabric, erotically opening her back and shyly hiding her face behind a silk barrier that was insurmountable for a stranger. This chance should not be missed! Therefore, avoid embarrassment - we put on a long skirt with slits almost to the waist and a bodice embroidered with sequins and gold braid. Too revealing outfits not your style? Instead of a skirt, wear wide pants gathered at the ankles and a short top. On the feet are comfortable soft slippers, embroidered with beads or braid in the same color scheme as the suit.

Pay attention to accessories: large metal jewelry or a scattering of cut stones on the forehead, neck, wrists and ankles, in the ears. The makeup is expressive, bright, with an indispensable emphasis on the eyes - clearly drawn arrows, fluffy eyelashes, bright shadows in the color of the suit.

A daring Baghdad thief or a nomadic Bedouin, a majestic Sultan or a brave warrior? Men also have a choice, and it is quite wide. The simplest option is loose, belted pants gathered down and a thick vest over a naked body. Or a thin linen shirt, if your naked body suffered from the treacherous attack of beer and sandwich armadas.


Of course, it is advisable to do without pork and seafood. Lamb or mutton, rabbit, poultry in the form of a stew with vegetables and spices. Or in the form of fragrant pilaf, shurpa or stewed portioned pieces in a huge common dish, with juicy gravy and a pile of greens - mmmm! Oriental dishes are full of flavor, filling, rich and delicious! At the same time, the recipes are very simple, and the ingredients can be bought at any store - experiment!

Bread is everything, not only in Slavic cuisine. Fortunately, in addition to traditional loaves and loaves, you can buy grain buns, pita breads and flatbreads at the grocery store. It is better to break the bread with your hands and place it in a mound. If you plan to eat bread (without utensils), be sure to provide bowls of flavored water for rinsing your fingers.

The real decoration of the table will be oriental sweets - halva, Turkish delight, baklava, candied and dried fruits, nuts, nougat and ayla. Dusted with sugary bliss, chopped nuts or chocolate chips, the treats are placed on tall tiered stands, heaped on large trays and in miniature saucers. Lots of fruits - figs, grapes, melon, apricots, oranges - also neatly scattered or piled up.


An oriental holiday and a strict scenario are absolutely incompatible concepts. The theme of the evening is languid relaxation, pleasant ethnic music, friendly conversations and peace of mind. But no matter how bored the guests are in such a relaxing atmosphere!


Prepare cards with drawings or photographs of thematic items, images, costume elements, etc. On the back write the name and a couple of incorrect options. Show the card and read out the options. And let the guests guess what is shown in the picture - pilaf, shurpa or rice soup, driver or sultan, scimitar or scimitar?


Invite guests to take turns naming associations on an oriental theme. Yes, so as not to repeat. No thoughts? Pay the fine - say a real oriental toast to everyone present! Both atmospheric and without interrupting the absorption of goodies.

Move your butt

When the first hunger is satisfied, the time comes for aesthetic pleasure for men and demonstration of charms for women. We are, of course, talking about oriental dances, without which the party will lose some of its charm. Invite a trainer or professional dancers for half an hour. Or you can simply turn on a clip or suitable music, and beautifully twirl your butts and bellies to the delight of the stronger half of humanity.

If you plan to include a competition for the title “Best Belly Dancer” in the script, do not forget to prepare gifts for all the princesses - sweets, decorations, aroma oils or incense.

Strong and brave

Now let the men demonstrate strength, courage and dexterity, not everyone can be lazy with a piece of lamb in their teeth!

  • playful fights with cardboard sabers;
  • throwing a spear at a target (an evil cardboard Bedouin, for example);
  • races or battles on camels (the toughest guys play the role of a camel). Do you remember how you played “horse horses” as a child?

Intersperse lively dance and competition competitions with table entertainment to give guests a break. You can invite ladies to decorate their legs and arms with henna “tattoos”. Or have a battle of the sexes (yes, yes, Eastern women are extremely daring today!) - two huge trays, lots and lots of sweets, disposable gloves. Let's put on gloves and build the Sultan's palace! Who will have a taller sweet castle, boys or girls?

Pendants with a sealed drop of oil and figurines of genies (who grant wishes, of course!) are suitable as gifts for all friends. Commemorative engraving can be made on souvenir daggers for men and on wide embossed bracelets for girls.

The languid glances of oriental princesses, the aroma of coffee and incense, delicate silk and the shine of gold... A party in the style of 1000 and 1 night is an amusing trip into a fairy-tale kingdom to the intoxicating sounds of Arabic music. A bright flash of the holiday will explode the gray everyday life with colorful fireworks!


Invite guests to the vizier's chambers or the eastern tent! You can create the right atmosphere either at home or in a luxurious room. The easiest option is to rent tents and relax in nature, although such a party will require considerable expenses.

For DIY decorations, you will need a lot of silk fabric or satin in red, gold or lilac. Drape the walls and part of the ceiling, starting from the center of the room. Instead of fabric, you can use brown wallpaper with gilding, imitating a carpet pattern. Hang gold beads, serpentine, curtain tassels. Hide modern furniture under covers or remove everything unnecessary, leaving a few soft chairs and low sofas. You can sit on the floor, on colorful silk pillows. Cover your floors with Persian rugs or colorful woven rugs.

Hang weapons on the walls - scimitars, sabers, swords and daggers. They can be cut out of cardboard and coated with silver paint (the weapons will be useful in the scenario; let them be easy to remove from the walls). Place tall clay jugs or artificial palm trees in the corners. Place large wrought iron trays with a variety of fruits and sweets. Hookahs, peacock feathers, copper and brass dishes, photos of Baghdad, oases, caravans, and oriental bazaars will fit perfectly into the decor. Don't overdo it when arranging aroma candles and incense - not all guests will like the heavy smell.


The Arabian Nights costume party is an opportunity to show off slender legs, a wasp waist and smooth seductive curves. Short beaded tops, silk wide trousers or flowy loose skirts with slits on the sides, large bright decorations on the wrists and ankles. Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, lush curls, long claws, piercing or rhinestone in the navel, forehead decoration, large ringing earrings - a fully equipped oriental princess!

Men's suits are no less colorful. The image chosen for the party can be any hero from 1000 or 1 fairy tales - a rich vizier, an Arab warrior or a sneaky city thief (maybe Aladdin himself?). Belted trousers gathered at the bottom, a vest over a naked body or over a shirt, a turban - the richer the fabric, the more complex the pattern, the higher the social status of the guest. On the belt of a wealthy caliph hangs a tight purse, obviously stuffed with gold coins, in a warrior’s sheath is a sharp scimitar, and a thief hides a bunch of master keys in the folds of his clothes.

Serving and menu

Seat your guests in a way that is most comfortable for everyone; any option will do:

  • low tables and comfortable soft ottomans;
  • pillows around the common trestle bed;
  • several tables for 3-5 persons;
  • a communal table covered with a piece of silk or a woven patterned rug.

The main decoration will be metal utensils. You can paint a simple set with gold paint and cover it with “precious” stones. The dishes are common, bursting with homemade oriental food - roast meat, pilaf, stewed pieces of lamb with vegetables. Surprise your guests by preparing several dishes according to national recipes. Don't forget oriental bread - flatbread, pita bread, grain buns.

For dessert, offer traditional oriental sweets (lokum, baklava, candied fruits, sherbet, halva, etc.), sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar. You can’t do without dried fruits and fresh fruits (peaches, pomegranates, figs, grapes, melons). Fruit and grape wines are in favor, although any drink poured into a stylized decanter will not go out of style.


The wise Scheherazade, who connects all the short stories in the collection “A Thousand and One Nights” with a thin thread, told her husband fairy tales of various contents. The main roles were given either to real heroes or to thieving commoners. But they were all cunning, dexterous, smart. Build the scenario around the main idea of ​​fairy tales: boldly step towards your goal, and you will certainly achieve it. Hold competitions to the sound of oriental music that carries you beyond the horizon:

1. The most dexterous (cardboard swords, double combat). The goal is to hit the opponent in the body three times, without allowing the enemy weapon to “pierce” your camp. More for men, but some women don't mind swinging scimitars too!

2. The most accurate. Throw darts or spears at the target with the image of a Persian thug. For a laugh, you can spin the shooter several times before throwing or even blindfold him (but then the presenter must himself put the guest facing the target).

3. The wisest caliph. Prepare several oriental riddles that guests must quickly answer. For example, who does the caravan driver meet often, the vizier rarely, and the sultan never? (equal to oneself).

4. The most charming princess. Competition for the best belly dancer. It is advisable that the presenter or guest animator tell the girls how to move. You can include a video with a clip in the topic.

5. The most eloquent vizier(cards with inscriptions - a pimple popped up, a huge crooked nose, a bald spot and other imperfections). The guest who draws the card must praise the unfortunate person’s peculiarity with an oriental flavor.

The competitions can be based on fairy tale plots. For example, in the short story “The Cunning Salesman,” a beggar bought a tin bowl that supposedly turns everything into gold (cook and stir, but under no circumstances think about the dancing bear, otherwise nothing will work). Of course, the beggar couldn’t get the dancing bear out of his head and didn’t make any gold. Invite guests to sell a broken hanger, a bald toilet brush and other ridiculous things, inventing a use for them and praising the worthless product in every possible way.

Prepare rewards for all guests of the party - books “A Thousand and One Nights”, CDs with films in the theme, bracelets, earrings and silk scarves for girls, souvenir daggers with memorable inscriptions for men.