Proper body drying - what is it? Drying the body is not only a set of rules, but also an individual approach.

If you dry properly, you can get rid of the fat layer and get a beautiful body contour. This article contains tips that will help men dry out quickly with the help of special medications, diet, and training (in the gym and at home).

The drying program necessarily includes cardio training and strength exercises involving the muscles of the whole body. If a man does not work out some muscles, then the body will burn them first during a calorie deficit, considering them an “unnecessary load.”

Strength exercises

During cutting, strength exercises should be different from training during the period of mass gain. A man should reduce the weight lifted by about a third, reduce the number of repetitions by 10–15%, and, on the contrary, increase the number of sessions (approaches) by 2 times. The break between sessions will also have to be shorter.

The optimal program for fat loss will be a program of 5-6 exercises, performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions (the break between sets is 50-60 seconds). Daily exercise should not last more than 50 minutes (if you exercise longer, testosterone levels decrease, which reduces the benefits of exercise for the muscles).

Example of a weekly body drying sports program (suitable for boys and girls):

  • Monday. The program should include exercises for the chest, triceps, and abdominal muscles: barbell rows, dips, bench press, and butterfly curls.
  • Tuesday. Pay attention to the back muscles, biceps: pull-ups, standing barbell lifts, arm curls with dumbbells, back hyperextension (lifting the body from a lying position on the stomach).
  • Wednesday. A day of strength training for the leg muscles, abs: squats with a barbell, exercises with straightening and raising the legs, lifting the legs while hanging on the bar, pumping the abs from a lying position.
  • Thursday. Muscle recovery, complete rest from training.
  • Friday. On this day of drying, you should work on the muscles of the chest, triceps, and abs: bench presses and dumbbell raises, seated French press, pulling dumbbells back from an inclined position, pumping the abs from the bench.
  • Saturday. Perform exercises on the muscles of the back and biceps: upper row on the machine, lifting dumbbells in an inclined position, curling arms with dumbbells while standing.
  • Sunday. Abs, back and leg training: leg presses, lunges, leg curls on a machine, lifting the torso from a bench (straight and inclined)

During training, it is important to monitor the sensations in the muscles - they are the best indication of whether the body is drying properly. For example, when doing barbell curls towards the end of the last sessions, a man should feel a moderate burning sensation in the working muscle:

  • If you don’t feel any burning or tension at all, then you should add a couple of sessions and shorten the break between them.
  • If a man feels a strong burning sensation during training, it means that a lot of anaerobic glucose glycolysis is being produced, which is not very useful when drying (it inhibits the process of fat oxidation and interferes with drying the body). In this case, you should reduce the weight of the dumbbells or barbells and remove a couple of sessions.

When a man has naturally flabby muscles, a slow metabolism, short arms, wide hips, and the fat layer grows rapidly even with high physical activity, then his body type is called endomorphic. Here it is more difficult to dry the body and pump up the muscles, so the training program for an endomorph should be more intense: include 2-3 more approaches than described above. The rest period between sessions will have to be reduced to 30–40 seconds.

Aerobic exercise

When cutting, aerobic training (cardio) must be performed, but do not focus on it. For example, strength training should be 40–50 minutes per day, and aerobic exercise should be no more than 15–20 minutes. If you overdo it, fat burning will be accompanied by a decrease in muscle fibers, so you won’t be able to achieve a chiseled body contour.

For proper drying, a man needs to monitor the pace of cardio exercises performed. It is not the speed and amplitude of movements that is important, but the pulse. It is calculated as follows:

  • The upper limit of beats per minute is determined, beyond which during training it is dangerous for the body (especially for the heart muscle). Here is the formula: 205.8 – (0.685 x age).
  • There is a range at which fat loss in a man begins: 60% - 70% of the upper limit. With lower readings, there will be no effect from aerobic training.
  • The optimal heart rate range for cardio training is calculated when drying takes place: 80–90% of the upper limit. This is the number a man should stick to to lose weight.

As for the type of training when drying, regular jogging and exercise on an exercise bike are best suited for muscles. But martial arts, sprints and intense swimming should not be used when drying.


Exercise works your muscles and burns away accumulated fat. And with the help of a properly structured diet, the formation of new folds on a man’s body is not allowed.

The mistake of beginners is that they decide to start drying by completely giving up carbohydrates. A strict diet will not only cause drastic weight loss, but also health problems. Moreover, thinness will be painful (the body will become sluggish), since it will not be possible to pump up muscles in the absence of energy reserves. Without carbohydrates, a man will not have the strength to train, and the body itself will not be able to fully absorb protein.

When creating a menu, you should remember the rules of nutrition during the drying period:

  • When drying the body, eat frequently (optimally 4–5 times). Each portion is small. The nutritional value decreases with each subsequent meal: breakfast and lunch will be the most high-calorie and richest, and afternoon snack and dinner will be as light as possible.
  • A man's muscles need protein (protein). The daily protein intake in the diet when drying is 1.5–2 grams per kilogram of weight.
  • If you can’t get protein from foods, you can use sports nutrition - special bars or cocktails with protein and amino acids. Use only during periods of intense training. If within the next 24 hours physical activity is not expected, it is better to avoid supplements.
  • Products with slow carbohydrates are allowed (they contain fruits, vegetables, cereals). Fast carbohydrates from sugar and flour products they almost immediately turn into fat, so they are not consumed when dried.
  • A strict diet, detox, and strict restrictions on drying are prohibited. At best, your metabolism will slow down, at worst, health complications will appear.
  • To avoid a deficiency of nutrients, it is recommended to drink food supplements containing vitamins, micro- and macroelements during drying.
  • A man needs to drink about 3 liters of water per day during the sushi period. You should not drink less than an hour before exercise and the first half hour after exercise.

The best products for the drying period: boiled chicken, oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, tomatoes, buckwheat without oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, egg white omelette, boiled fish with a side dish of vegetables (for example, broccoli or cauliflower), rice, grapefruit, boiled veal stew. With this diet, a moderate amount of calories allows you to be full and get energy for pumping muscles, but does not allow excess weight to be deposited.

Steroid courses

On average, body drying lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. Some athletes speed up the process of drawing muscle definition with the help of a course of steroids.

Drugs with average anabolic properties and a high androgenic effect (stimulating testosterone production) are used. The following products are especially effective for body contouring:

  • Masteron.
  • Trenbolone enanthate.
  • Testosterone propionate.
  • Winstrol.
  • Anavar.

Before starting a course of body drying with steroids, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The drugs are strong and have many side effects. There is a high risk under the influence of drugs of aromatization (conversion) of excess androgens into female sex hormones (estrogens). This will provoke irreversible gynecomastia in men and disruption of the synthesis of their own testosterone. Taking steroids by women causes virilization (instead of drying, the body will be built according to the male type).

Others side effects steroid drugs are liver and kidney damage, arrhythmia, blood thickening and blood clots, prostate hypertrophy in men, slowdown of brain activity (intelligence, memory, attentiveness, reaction speed deteriorate). Doctors do not recommend risking your health in pursuit of a beautiful body and advise avoiding the use of steroids. It is better to be patient and cut through training and nutrition - if everything is done correctly, then a man will be able to safely get rid of excess fat while maintaining the gained muscle mass.

Drying the body for men– this is the period when the athlete trains in order to give his muscles definition. Some athletes “dry” easily, while others experience some difficulties in this matter. The first include ectomorphs (thin athletes, with a small proportion of muscle tissue) and mesomorphs (muscular men, with a small percentage of fat); others are typical endomorphs (athletes with a large percentage of body fat).

Skinny man (ectomorph) develops muscles with great difficulty, but his “relief” cycle goes through easily, without complications or difficulties. He practically does not need aerobics - insofar as his muscles naturally have high quality. Training in “pumping” mode (many approaches in high number repetitions with comparatively light weights) and diet will do their job without any drugs or aerobic training.

Mesomorph dials relatively quickly and easily muscle mass. During the drying period, he also does not experience any particular difficulties. The exceptions are those young people who eat poorly, do a lot of aerobic exercise, and “diet” more than they should. The acquisition of relief in such athletes is accompanied by a loss of muscle mass.

Endomorph does not gain weight very quickly, although he does not experience great difficulties in developing strength, and it is even more difficult for him to achieve muscle definition. He needs aerobic training. He also needs to strictly “sit” on a diet. The slightest deviation will significantly slow down the process of body restoration.

Basics of drying the body for men - nutrition and training

It happens that both genetically gifted men and hard gainers (young people who physical development is given with great difficulty) experience great difficulty when training to give their muscles relief. This happens when the program for drying the body is designed incorrectly, or the athlete makes mistakes in training. Also, the reason for the failure may lie in his diet. Nutrition for drying the body should not be the same as during the “strength” and “mass” periods, but a “shortage” of the daily dose will certainly have a negative impact - either on the athlete’s condition during training, or on his body.

By eating incorrectly, an athlete, along with gaining relief, loses muscle tissue. At the same time, the health and functioning of internal organs deteriorates. The consequences may be irreversible. For example, when an athlete sits on a protein diet for too long, consuming protein much more than his norm, his kidneys and liver begin to malfunction. Ailments of this kind are often “attributed” to the use of steroids, which in fact in such cases are only partly to blame, or not at all. If you take the “chemistry” a little and systematically, it will not cause any harm.

Body drying for men - menu

The body drying diet for men differs from other diets in that it is slightly different on different days. That is, On the day of training, the athlete should consume some carbohydrates, A on a “day off” completely ignore them. Of course, it is not possible to completely avoid the consumption of carbohydrates - since they are present in greens, vegetables, and fruits. But it is possible to give up food where carbohydrates predominate. You also need to take into account that on the day of training you need to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (porridge, vegetables). Sweets (carbohydrates with a high glycemic index) will not harm the athlete’s body, but will slow down the drying process.

Any athlete, regardless of somatotype (body type - mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph), should during the "drying" period consume 1/3 more protein than he consumes during the period of strength development. That is, if an athlete needs 1.5 - 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day to maintain performance and build muscles, then during the drying period he should consume approximately 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

Rules for drying the body for men

  1. Having breakfast is a must! Skipping your morning meal slows down your metabolism.
  2. You need to eat frequently: 5 times a day, every 2-3 hours. Often, eating in fractional portions prevents the body from becoming “starved” and storing fats in reserve.
  3. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. 2/3 of the daily ration should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  5. Completely eliminate alcohol, sweets, fast food and sauces from your diet.
  6. Don't forget about water - you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day!
  7. Take vitamins and multivitamin complexes, since a lack of certain vitamins can negatively affect muscles.
  8. The diet should contain healthy fats, which are found in fish or nuts.

BZHU during the drying period

On the day of training, carbohydrates should be present in the athlete's diet.. But these, as already mentioned, must be complex carbohydrates. Complex (also called complex) carbohydrates are black bread, cereals, pasta and fruits and vegetables. Sweets (i.e., simple carbohydrates) can be consumed by ectomorphic athletes, but not large quantities, and under no circumstances should you consume them before training. After training, eating sweet foods is acceptable - insofar as during this period the body needs glucose. The second meal after training should consist of complex carbohydrates with a small amount of protein.

Let's calculate the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For example, let's assume that your body weight is 85 kg.

Squirrels- 2 g per 1 kg of body weight (85 x 2 = 170 g). It is advisable to consume proteins throughout the day in equal portions of about 30 g, but if there is more in some portion, it’s okay: proteins take quite a long time to digest.

Carbohydrates- from 2 to 7 g per 1 kg of body weight for normal nutrition, when cutting we reduce it to a minimum - 2 g (85 x 2 = 170 g)

Fats- they are definitely needed, Golden Rule– 0.5 g per 1 kg of body (85 x 0.5 = 42.5 g fat per day)

Calories are secondary. The number of calories (of course, we are talking about kilocalories, Kcal) is calculated based on the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats:

Carbohydrates – 4 Kcal/g

Proteins – 4 Kcal/g

Fats – 9 Kcal/g

Example: for our diet the number of calories (we take carbohydrates to the maximum) is as follows: 170*4+170*4+42.5*9 = 1742.5 Kcal

Menu for the day when drying

Below is an approximate basic menu for a man 80-85 kg:

8.00 - Chicken - 100 g (turkey, beef, veal), porridge - 100 g (buckwheat, rice, pasta, oatmeal, barley)

10.00 - Cottage cheese 0-4% - 400 g

12.00 – Apples 300 g

14.00 - same as 8.00

16.00 - Cottage cheese 400 g

18.00 - Chicken 150 g, vegetables - 300 g

20.00 - White omelette 300 g (whites only, discard yolks)

22.00 - Cottage cheese (or protein)

Rice- approximately 200 g of complex carbohydrates per 250 g of rice

Buckwheat- approximately 200 g of complex carbohydrates per 300 g of buckwheat

Anyway on a day free from training, menu athlete should consist of half carbohydrate foods, with a small dose (no more than 1/3) of simple carbohydrates.

Food consumed before training (1.5 - 2 hours before it) should consist of natural proteins (cottage cheese, meat, eggs) and complex carbohydrates. What more is an individual matter. It is better for an endomorph to prefer food with a predominance of protein, and for his slender colleagues - with a predominance of carbohydrates.

Body drying program for men

Of course, to achieve good results, you need not only to eat right, but also train correctly. Strength training (low reps, high sets, with appropriate weights) coupled with aerobic training may produce some results for a genetically gifted man, but for a hardgainer it will be useless. For the endomorph such training will not only be useless, it will “help” him store an even greater percentage of fat.

An ideal option for “restoration” training– this is a program that includes exercises for the whole body, in a high number of repetitions and sets; Among athletes, such training is called pumping. You take a barbell that weighs half as much as the one you can perform 5 reps with, and do 6-10 sets with it until failure, resting no more than 2 minutes between them. In this mode you must execute the entire program. Rest between exercises is the same as between sets - no more than 2 minutes.

When starting a relief program, you need to clearly define the exercises. All the exercises that you are going to do in the gym should ideally match your leverage (a feature of the structure of the joints), that is, be as beneficial as possible for you from a biomechanical point of view. When training to develop strength, the main thing is to use the ligaments and tendons, and when training to develop mass and relief, the muscles themselves. If your triceps don’t “burn” after exhausting close-grip bench presses, then they will be useless (in the case of genetically gifted athletes, of little use) for “pumping” training.

You can modify the program a little. For example, perform supersets in pumping mode. Superset– these are two approaches from different exercises, of which the second is for the antagonist muscle; for example, a superset for arms would consist of French press and barbell curls. In such cases, both exercises are performed without rest. After the superset - rest for 1.5 - 2 minutes. It is not recommended to perform more than 3 supersets per body part per workout. A larger amount may not harm, but it will not speed up the result.

Exercises for the calves, long back muscles (lumbar muscles), forearms, trapezius muscles and shoulders should be performed as usual. Moreover, all three heads of the shoulders - rear, lateral and front - must work separately. For calves, it is also advisable to perform 2 exercises - standing calf raises and sitting calf raises; the first exercise is for calf muscle, and the second - for the soleus. For the forearms, it is also advisable to perform 2 exercises: one for flexion of the arms, the second for extension.

Weekly program for drying the body of men

Day of the week Exercises for drying the body
Monday and FridayHack squats superset with deadlifts.
Dumbbell bench press in a superset with a vertical block row.
Barbell curls in a superset with a similar exercise, but with an underhand grip.
Donkey exercise (calf training).
Seated calf raise (exercise for soleus muscles).
Raises of arms with dumbbells, standing straight (training the lateral heads of the deltas).
Raising your arm in front of you (training the front deltoids).
Arm raises while standing bent over (exercise for the rear deltas).
Lifting the barbell for biceps in a superset with arm extensions.

Squats and deadlifts will keep your abs in shape. In other cases, abdominal training is necessary. On Monday and Friday, abdominal training should be gentle; 5 sets of classic crunches will be enough. Nothing more serious will happen - insofar as the abdominal muscles are already noticeably tired in squats and deadlifts.

Many people want to look beautiful and slim. Some people use diets for this, others a set of physical exercises.

Having read articles in fashion magazines with drying methods, ordinary people believe that losing a huge amount of excess weight will take short term- this is what they need.

But they forget about very important point, the term “cutting” was coined and created for professional bodybuilders. To ordinary people This approach to losing weight will only bring harm.

Therefore, do not confuse the concepts of “drying” and “diet”.

And keep in mind that drying is created so that the athlete can “uncover” before the competition the muscle mass that he gained during the period of intense training.

And if this period did not exist, what will you “expose”?

The entire drying process can be divided into 3 components:

  • diet;
  • special training regimen;
  • taking special medications.

If we talk about diet in a nutshell, then it is the process of gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed in the daily diet. For a professional athlete, it is important not only to burn fat, but also to maintain muscle. Although loss of muscle mass during drying is not uncommon and there are two reasons for this:

  • The body is more difficult to tolerate physical activity due to a lack of carbohydrates and glucose. As a result, the intensity of training and loads drop. And, since drying generally takes from a month to two, such training has an effect on the body.
  • in the process of burning fat, without proper nutrition, muscle tissue can also be lost.

As we see, it all comes down to one thing - proper nutrition. First of all, this is a systematic refusal of foods rich in carbohydrates and a transition to protein foods. You will have to completely give up eating sweets already at the first stage of drying. Next, there is a reduction in the consumption of any cereals. And, of course, any food should not contain salt, since salt retains water in the body. The main diet will consist of vegetables, with no big amount low-fat cheese, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir. And also no more than 2 apples a day.

At the second stage(7-10 days of drying) - there is a systematic reduction in the amount of porridge in the daily diet. And, if possible, a gradual refusal of fruits.

Third stage(18-25 days) - this is a complete refusal of fruits and taking porridge strictly before lunch. At the same time, protein food is preserved.

Fourth, in fact, The final stage- this is a refusal to eat porridge. All that's left is vegetables and protein. At the end of this stage, athletes also give up dairy products.

If at any stage of drying you feel a sharp deterioration in your health, then you should stop it immediately. A lack of carbohydrates can lead not only to exhaustion of the body, but also to failures of internal metabolic processes and other negative consequences.

But professionals make the sushi process easier by using various drugs that restore metabolism and the balance of vitamins and minerals.

And don't forget about the recovery process. After all, the body is still weakened and is not able to immediately work as usual, and therefore digest food that for a long time didn't receive it. Therefore, restoration should ideally repeat the drying process, but in reverse order and a little faster.

The requirements for a special approach to training when cutting are determined not only by the athlete’s desire to burn fat, but also by a special diet. Therefore, the simplest rule usually sounds like this - reducing training time and breaking down approaches into supersets.

But this is both true and false. The thing is that muscle work, and, consequently, the process of burning fat, very much depends on the metabolic process of each athlete. A striking example is aerobic exercise. With prolonged aerobic exercise, especially during drying, you can lose not only fat, but also muscle mass, since the body does not receive the necessary carbohydrates that can close the “carbohydrate window”.

And the duration and intensity of the “window” is influenced by metabolism. But even here medicine comes to the aid of athletes, which must be approached wisely and with a coach!

One conclusion can be drawn here - optimal mode Drying workouts are chosen by the athlete himself and his coach. This is not a permanent plan for every drying, but always only individual approach. At the same time, the regime itself can and should change throughout the entire drying period.

Removing water from the body

In the last 3 weeks of drying, it is worth thinking about removing excess water. This will further emphasize the athlete’s shape and give the muscles more spectacular look. The water removal process begins with preparatory stage– increased fluid intake. This is done so that the body, receiving at least a double dose of water per day, begins to intensively remove it.

The period of oversaturation of the body with water takes on average from 7 to 14 days.

Next, there is a period of maximum reduction in the amount of fluid taken. At this stage, the body does not yet realize that the amount of incoming water has greatly decreased and continues an enhanced output regime. Some athletes also add diuretics to enhance the effect. But this can be dangerous not only by depletion of the body, but also by disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys.

The final stage of drying should correspond to the final stage of deliberate dehydration of the body. A discrepancy in timing in one direction or another will lead to a deterioration in the athlete’s well-being and form.

No matter how much debate there may be on this topic, for professional athletes there is no fundamental division of the drying process by gender. The differences are always individual. This primarily refers to the difference between the initial and final body weight.

For girls it is usually much less than for men, so the drying process for girls differs not in the composition of the stages, but in their intensity and duration. In particular, this applies to restrictions on the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.

If the training process is structured correctly, girls will give up protein and carbohydrate foods later than men. Sometimes it coincides with the stages of water removal.

Another difference can be considered the fact that for girls, not even athletes, easy mode drying will be comparable to a diet and will be a way to achieve beautiful figure. But for a man who has not been involved in sports, the result may not be as attractive as one would like and may cause unjustified stress for the body.

Medical contraindications

In addition to serious medical health contraindications associated with the training process, there is another contraindication to drying - accelerated exchange substances. Drying in this case is simply optional, at least as described above. The body already burns fat well, but increased drying will lead to bad consequences.

As we can see, the process of drying and preparing an athlete’s body for competition is individual, very complex, and has a lot of pitfalls and limitations. He demands special attention by the trainer and the supervising doctor. And it’s not always possible to achieve an ideal result from the first drying. This can be compared to setting up a complex device, which, in essence, is the human body.

Personal trainer, sports doctor, physical therapy doctor

Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology and physiotherapy. Conducts classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.

Let's start with something simple. Losing weight and getting dry are not equivalent concepts. Yes, both of these ultimately involve getting rid of excess body weight. But! The concept of “drying” applies primarily to those who are seriously involved in fitness and really want to highlight the relief so that the result of the exercise is more obvious. In general, I am a strong opponent of all “Miss Bikini” competitions, where strange-looking girls apply self-tanning and walk around squeezing their buttocks. They have their own “drying”, often using various drugs. You and I don’t do this kind of thing, we’re just looking best ways to be beautiful and healthy, right?

Therefore, we will try to derive some average plan for those who visit Gym and wants to improve the visibility of the terrain and those who have just begun to join fitness, perhaps even at home, and want to get rid of excess water and volume for some event.

Important! There are drugs that “drain” a lot. I won’t even give links, since I myself am against such experiments. Unfortunately due to my own bitter experience. The body “drains” water and immediately replenishes it back, but with a reserve. That is, you removed 1-2 kg from a small weight, and then returned 3, because the body no longer trusts your adequacy, drinks more, gives less. Law of nature. The same thing happens when you are fasting. Therefore, we will not starve, and we will not deprive our body of strategic reserves of fluid and minerals either. I repeat - my option is not suitable for those who are preparing for competitions or trying to highlight every muscle. We will talk about excess swelling, and getting the body into peak (not competition!) shape in healthy ways by a specific date.

I read a lot about how much it costs to drink, and still nothing could completely convince me that my body would dry out if I did not pour two liters of water into myself every day (and this does not take into account other liquids). Therefore, of course, I try not to get dehydrated, but listen to what my body tells me. BUT! During the drying period, you need to drink more water. Exactly clean. Those same mythical 30 ml of water per 1 kg of your weight are just that. How, you ask, do you need to drink to dry? Exactly. You need to flush out as much salt as possible, which retains water. If possible, drink a glass of hot water in the morning. It perfectly washes away mucus from the esophagus and prepares the digestive tract for food intake. And then throughout the day, have a glass of food before meals and instead of a snack.


The basis of drying is what you eat. You can remove most of the training, but the nutrition must be strict. The point is to reduce your carbohydrate and fat intake and increase your protein intake. And here the first serious problem awaits us. The fact is that we have to build some balance between common sense and dreams.

  1. We reduce carbohydrates, but gradually. That is, we will have three periods - entry, drying, exit. At the first stage, we remove all simple carbohydrates. Everything. No, not even a little bit. Many people advise at the first stage to simply reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, but I have learned from my own experience that it is not so much a matter of quantity as of quality. At the second stage, we do not eat carbohydrates. It’s called the “carbohydrate-free period.” You can have a minimum of vegetables. If only because it is impossible to eat only one protein all the time. At the third stage, there is again a minimum of complex carbohydrates.
  2. Fats. A tricky question, because if you eat right, then there is no more than 25-30% fat in your diet. Reduce to 15-20% - this is the minimum, you can’t go lower, it’s really bad for your health, although it’s good for your hips. Of course, it is better to switch to vegetable fats. In the same chicken breast 3.5 grams fat. If you eat 300 grams of it per day, that’s already 10 grams. Any lean fish will also contain some percentage. Balance.
  3. During the carbohydrate-free period - up to 80% of the diet, at the entrance and exit from the regime - 70% of your diet is protein. Both plant and animal. Vegetable protein is primarily nuts and grains, but nuts are fatty. The least fatty ones are almonds, you can have a little of them. Buckwheat and lentils are excellent fat-free substitutes for animal protein.
  4. Extremely important! Multivitamin complex. It doesn’t matter which one, just a multivitamin. Choose a dosage that fits the description of “vitaminosis.” It will be very great if you take several injections of B vitamins. I am extremely serious about this issue; if you lack vitamins, you will get huge problems with your hair, cycle, nails and skin. And no one will be interested in your sculpted tummy.


  1. Power. If you work out in the gym, you need to reduce your working weight, and significantly. Start doing the exercises in a multi-repetition mode, not until the muscles fail, but until there is a burning sensation under the skin. Speed ​​up, but don't get out of breath.
  2. Aerobic. They work great when drying, although most athletes despise them. Aerobic exercise should be regular, at this stage They can be combined with strength training every day. If you can, do it on an empty stomach. You can’t - at least an hour after eating.
  3. Home workouts. Just keep doing it, choose something faster, something active, the same Zumba, for example. Also links to good videos I published the workouts in an article about.

The most important thing is that you train within your limits. If, with a normal diet, you can afford to increase the load and see what happens, then in this case it is better to simplify the training plan a little, but not to lose your diet and support your heart. It’s difficult for your body right now, don’t try to pretend to be a catwoman and train three times a day using only buckwheat fuel.


For those who are just starting out and those who do not train intensively in the gym, the 5-5-5 or 4-6-4 (in-no-carbohydrate-out) mode is suitable. Therefore, in two weeks it is quite possible to cope without sinning with nutrition, and without neglecting your workout, arrive at the beach looking chic.

Let me remind you that you cannot constantly be in drying mode. The body gets used to everything, and you will have to continue to reduce both calories and carbohydrates and fats to achieve a similar effect.

The popularity of “drying” the body is constantly increasing. Those who want to lose extra pounds do not always understand how to dry themselves properly and do not realize the seriousness of this method interest rate reduction subcutaneous fat, taking this for normal weight loss.

Cutting involves a whole complex of actions in which it is necessary to adhere to strict dietary restrictions and follow a well-chosen training regimen in order to burn calories without losing muscle mass. This method allows you to radically change your body, but it is important to complete this stage correctly so as not to increase the initial weight.

If you have never exercised or are overweight, you still shouldn’t start your journey with cutting; this is something only bodybuilders do before competitions. To begin with, it will be enough to reconsider your diet - significantly reduce the consumption of sweets, flour, high-calorie, fatty, fried foods. Include physical activity according to your physical characteristics. It is sports and proper nutrition that will gradually, without harm to health, help you lose weight - this will be weight loss, and then even a way of life.

Drying involves a short-term period in which fats are completely eliminated and complex carbohydrates remain (1 g per 1 kg of weight). In terms of time, it takes 1 to 2 months to be on a strict low-calorie diet in order to properly dry and get in shape without losing muscle volume. This diet is followed by trained athletes, professionals and amateurs who have achieved a certain form and want to dry the body from subcutaneous fat to a minimum and not lose muscle when training for relief.

Therefore, beginners should not start losing weight this way. For women, drying is still harmful; for men, 8% body fat is the norm; for a woman, this figure is critical and stops menstrual cycle, because the level of female hormones drops. Drying will only be needed by professionals to prepare for sports tournaments, if the result is really worth it.
How to dry properly?

For high-quality drying, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • 1-2 weeks before drying, start eliminating high-calorie foods and sweets;
  • clearly plan your diet, purchase the necessary products;
  • from the beginning of drying, exclude salt and spices, salt can retain water, and spices can stimulate appetite;
  • purchase the necessary sports nutrition;
  • calculate the daily fluid intake and be sure to consume it completely (per 1 kg of weight - at least 30 ml of water);
  • draw up a training program with an experienced trainer, it should be split training with multiple repetitions, from 20-25 times per approach;
  • be sure to do cardio exercises (running, cycling, orbitrek) in the morning or evening, even on days of strength training;
  • any disruptions in nutrition and missed workouts slow down the process, so immediately tune in to the result, learn to limit yourself, willpower during the drying period should be ironclad;
  • take body measurements;
  • exit drying correctly, returning foods to your diet gradually to prevent severe swelling and fat gain.

How much fat can you lose and in what time?

If you follow strict drying rules, you can lose quite a lot of weight by reducing the percentage of body fat to below normal. Provided that the excess weight is from 10-20 kg.

In recent weeks, cutting becomes much more difficult, the weight goes off worse, and there is less and less strength left to maintain the diet. At first, weight is lost rapidly, since salt is eliminated, in the first week we lose a lot of water, a reduction of up to 3-5 kg ​​is possible, but it is too early to rejoice, because fat has not yet had time to burn in large quantities.

Then you can see how subcutaneous fat disappears; here it is important to look not at the scale, but at the volume and percentage of fat in the body, because the goal is to dry out the body, not to lose weight. Of course, during drying, some muscle mass is lost. Restricting carbohydrates is not able to supply muscles with energy, so it takes strength from muscle protein.

How to dry off without losing muscle mass?

To simultaneously dry out in a short time and stop muscle breakdown, you need not to skip meals, not go hungry for more than 3 hours, and not skip taking BCAAs. It is important to eat immediately after training, not to overdo it with the duration of exercise - no more than 1 hour of strength training, 40-50 minutes of cardio training. To prevent your muscles from burning out during cardio, calculate your heart rate zone using the formula and periodically check your pulse.

220 – age = MAX allowable heart rate

Max heart rate x 0.6 = lower zone heart rate for fat burning

Max heart rate x 0.8 = upper zone

In the future, fat should be lost by 200 g in 1-2 days, but not more than 1 kg per week. There are periods of downtime when the weight stays the same, during this period it is important not to lose your temper; after a few days the weight will drop again.

On slow days, give your body a metabolic boost to lose weight - more cardio or intense strength training. In 1.5-2 months, up to 10 kg of fat with water can be lost, but the greater the initial weight, the more fat will leave.

For professional bodybuilders, cutting lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the amount of fat gained. In men, under the influence of anabolic steroids, the body can dry out a little faster; the drugs retain muscle mass, preventing catabolism, while drying subcutaneous fat. For women (if we talk about natural sports), this is more difficult for them, and it is more difficult for fat to leave the lower abdomen and hips, and some of the muscles also burn. Therefore, weight decreases individually.

Is it possible to dry and gain weight at the same time?

Professor Seluyanov said that this is theoretically possible provided that correct proportion proteins and carbohydrates. To properly dry muscles and gain additional mass, you need to create a calorie deficit in which the body burns fat, but at the same time receives enough protein and calories from carbohydrates.

In practice, this effect can only be achieved with the use of special drugs. But even people who use them prefer to do everything one by one. First, train to gain mass and strength for 2-3 months, then start cutting and compete. Then start this circle again, but with additional volumes gained during the season.

Is it possible to achieve results at home?

If we talk only about nutrition, then the weight will go away in any case, whether you exercise or not. To speed up the process, you need to perform both strength and aerobic exercise. It is more difficult to do this at home, due to the lack of a full base of equipment and simulators. Although for amateurs and beginners a barbell and several dumbbells with a jump rope are quite suitable. But you can’t prepare for competitions with such a set; rather, it will help maintain overall physical fitness.

Where to begin

Before you start cutting, you need to weigh yourself and take measurements of body volume, this is necessary in order to track progress, at what speed fat is lost, in which areas this happens better, and what needs to be worked on even more. Weight will show more of a weight trend, whether it goes away or stays the same, because you can also lose muscle.

To track the result you need volume measurements:

  • biceps (at the peak of the muscle during contraction);
  • chest (at the highest point);
  • waist (at the narrowest part);
  • abdomen (above the iliac bones);
  • hips (at the peak of the circumference);
  • legs (along the upper part of the femur);
  • shins (on the widest part of the muscles).

Drying food

First, calculate your individual daily calorie intake. To do this, there are many online calculators that calculate using the following formulas:


For men: 66.5 + (13.75 X weight in kg) + (5.003 X height in cm) - (6.775 X age)

For women: 655.1 + (9.563 X weight in kg) + (1.85 X height in cm) - (4.676 X age)


For men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age + 5

For women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age – 161

You get the result in kilocalories - basic metabolism based on weight, age, height.

Authorized products

You can use fractional meals or divide all food into 3-4 meals, trying to eat carbohydrate foods in the first half of the day, and protein foods in the late afternoon. Although the entire diet will be based on the low-carbohydrate principle, and last stages and a completely carbohydrate-free diet. Failure to comply with the regime can destroy all your efforts, so on the very first day, set the right mood, determine exactly why you started, in order to last 6-8 weeks and create a beautiful muscle definition.


During drying, the need for protein increases to 50-60% of the total calorie content. Since it is very difficult to gain weight from protein in large quantities, it is needed more than other macronutrients, and they also prevent the breakdown of your own muscle protein.

What products are allowed:

  • lean poultry, rabbit, beef, veal, turkey;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • lean fish and seafood (shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters).


The variety of carbohydrates during drying is much less than that of proteins. The need for carbohydrates is 20-30% of total calories. The more subcutaneous fat you need to remove, the lower the percentage of carbohydrates is chosen. Of these, it is allowed:

  • unpolished rice or buckwheat;
  • oatmeal
  • green vegetables - cucumbers, peppers, all types of cabbage, herbs;
  • green apple.


Fats remain 10-20% of the total calories. Basically, foods containing fat are undesirable for drying, but the daily requirement can be met from meat, fish and dairy products, which, one way or another, contain fat. For girls who want to maintain health - hormonal levels, skin elasticity, 1 tbsp is allowed. unrefined oil in the morning.

Sports supplements


Protein, also known as protein, is present in sufficient quantities in the diet, that is, there is no deficiency of this substance. Protein powder, of course, is absorbed faster than meat; if it is impossible to have lunch on time and prevent catabolism, taking whey isolate is allowed. This type contains less impurities and sugar, so it will not harm those losing weight. But if you're seriously training for a competition, or don't have a good metabolism and aren't losing weight quickly, then skip the protein supplement.

Essential amino acids are especially important during this period. The composition includes leucine, isoleucine, valine, it is recommended to choose amino acids in proportions of 4:1:1. Excess leucine increases the anabolic effect on muscles, will prevent their breakdown and will lead to the formation of new muscle tissue. BCAAs can be taken in tablets or powder, according to the recommended dose on the package. The daily dose can be divided into two servings. For example, one before training or in the morning on an empty stomach, the second during or after training.

Full cycle amino acids

In addition to the essential ones, during the drying period you need a full cycle of amino acids, which will also prevent catabolism. If you take the full cycle and BCAA together, then take BCAA in the morning and during training, and after training and at night take full cycle amino acids.


Due to large restrictions in the list of products, the diet is poor in vitamins and minerals. A particularly salt-free diet can remove many substances from the body (calcium, potassium, magnesium and other salts). To prevent vitamin deficiency, before starting drying, it is recommended to take a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals.


This substance is allowed to be dried in pure form(powder or capsules) without impurities and sugar. Used before training once a day or divided into two doses if there are two workouts (strength and cardio). L-carnitine will speed up the process of transporting fat to produce energy, but for a noticeable effect it works better in combination with fat burners.

Read for active fat burning.


Fatty acid molecules are able to remove fat from the body faster and also affect the process of losing weight as a whole. Unsaturated fatty acids are able to attach free fats and remove them from the body. Also, taking Omega-3 can replace taking oil, which adds extra calories to the diet. Omega-3 is especially necessary for women.


This conditionally essential amino acid plays an important role in building new cells and preventing catabolism. The amino acid is contained in full cycle complexes, but is also recommended for additional use. The amino acid has immunostimulating properties, which is especially important during the drying period.

Pre-workout complex

This complex serves as an energy booster to increase performance during training. Since the composition includes creatine, it is better to use the complex during the period of weight gain, since creatine can be filled with water, and this is undesirable during drying. The complex also contains BCAAs, ephedrine, and caffeine, which serve as energy drinks.


Melatonin is used in cases of sleep disturbances and excitability nervous system. Due to heavy physical activity, poor nutrition, fat-burning complexes, and anything that puts the body under stress, additional melatonin tablets are prescribed. It regulates sleep, reduces stress, and can reduce physical activity. In women, it can impair reproductive function.

Fat burners

During the drying period, it is difficult to go through without fat burners. They are able to suppress appetite, increasing body temperature, breaking down fats faster and increasing energy. Thermogenics are especially helpful in this regard. Fat burners from Cloma Pharma have proven themselves well. Take 1, maximum 2 capsules per day, one in the morning, the second no later than lunch. But the drugs have side effects - they cause irritability, impair sleep, increase arterial pressure, cause arrhythmia. Therefore, you should be careful when taking fat burners. They work well in combination with L-carnitine. The fat burner is taken after meals. If you have to train during the day, then take the second capsule at lunch after eating, and 1 - 1.5 hours later take L-carnitine before training.

Diet for cutting

Dietary nutrition implies a low carbohydrate content or no carbohydrates at all. All protein products (previously indicated) are allowed, and up to 1 g of pure carbohydrate per 1 kg of weight.

As for losing weight, then there are other options, for example, protein-carbohydrate alternation, when one and more days Only protein is consumed, and some complex carbohydrates and vegetables are consumed for the same number of days, up to 3 g per kilogram of weight. This regime does not apply to drying, but is suitable for improving metabolism and overall weight loss.

Example of a simple menu

  • Breakfast: rice and boiled egg white- 5 pieces;
  • Snack: vegetable salad, baked chicken fillet;
  • Lunch: rice or buckwheat with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and kefir;
  • Dinner: baked meat or fish with stewed vegetables.

When can you do a cheat meal?

The cheat meal technique, in which you can eat any food one day a week, which helps improve metabolism and quickly change your weight, will not work that way during the drying period. Why cheat meals are not welcome is because with a lack of carbohydrates, the body experiences a huge energy deficit and, as it were, “eats” itself. At the moment when simple and complex carbohydrates and fat are included in food in any quantity, the body will quickly store all these substances and store them, there will be no talk of losing weight. On the contrary, if you feed the body, it will slowly release fats for kindling.



Strength training while drying should take place in the endurance development mode. Split workouts are performed with supersets of 2 exercises with a large number of repetitions; such workouts can be performed 5 per week.

  • Day 1 (chest, back) – 3 supersets (alternating muscle groups) 4x20-25.
  • Day 2 (quadriceps) – 2 supersets for the quadriceps, 1 for the lower leg, 4 sets x 20-25.
  • Day 3 (biceps, triceps) – 3 supersets (alternating muscle groups) 4x20-25.
  • Day 4 (shoulders) – 3 supersets, each for individual delta beams (front, middle, back) 4x20-25.
  • Day 5 (femoral biceps, shin) – 2 supersets for the femoral biceps, 1 for the lower leg, 4 sets x 20-25.


To dry muscles, you must include aerobic exercise - running, interval running, jumping rope, exercise bikes, orbitreks. For proper aerobic exercise, it is necessary to calculate your individual heart rate zone so that you burn fat without losing muscle.

Cardio training while drying can last from 40 to 50 minutes. If you wish, you can do 2 cardio per day - morning and evening for 30 minutes. Before exercising, you should take BCAAs to prevent muscle burning. Such workouts can be performed on a treadmill, orbitrack, exercise bike or stepper.

Jumping rope can be performed a certain number and time - for example, 3000 jumps or for 30 minutes. Or 1 minute of jumping and 1 minute of crunches for the abdominal muscles, and so on for 30 minutes.

Interval running– alternating walking and running at maximum speed. It is advisable to monitor your heart rate so that it does not decrease when walking, without stopping fat burning. Beginners can perform interval running variations of 1 minute acceleration, 1 minute rest (as well as 2:2, 3:3). More advanced athletes can run in intervals of 5 to 10 minutes. Like other aerobic exercises, you can do 1 workout of 40-50 minutes a day, or 2 workouts of 30 minutes.

What to do if the drying process has stopped

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the weight stays the same for 3-5 days. Usually the weight goes away, stays there, and then drops sharply. But if there is no progress for more than a week, then you need to resort to some measures. You need to give the body a metabolic boost, the first thing is eight meals a day. Divide food into small portions into 8 meals. Second, increase the weight in strength training or change the exercise program. Perhaps the muscles are accustomed to the load. Third, increase the amount of aerobic training, 20-30 minutes 3 times a day, if this is not possible, then jog every day in the morning on an empty stomach for 30-40 minutes.

What to do after and what to expect?

The drying process was successful, we received sculpted muscles, thin translucent skin, what next? It’s impossible to dry out forever, so it’s time to restore strength and relieve the body of stress. Take a break for one week, the results will not go away, strength will not decrease, but on the contrary, muscle volume will not decrease either. Restore your muscles and joints. If you experience joint pain, and this often happens after drying, take a complex for joints with chondroitin and glucosamine. Then you can start gaining weight.


After getting out of drying, returning to your usual foods may cause severe carbohydrate swelling. All carbohydrates will cause a lot of water, which will last quite a long time, especially after adding salt.

Unfortunately, swelling is inevitable, but it can be controlled by gradually introducing foods into the diet. It’s the same with fat; after fasting, the body will accumulate it. You may even regain your previous weight. Drying can worsen metabolism, but over time everything will fall into place.

Then proceed to strength training, gradually increase the working weight, perform 12 repetitions. Be sure to leave 2 days of rest. To control body fat, keep one day of cardio per week. Continue to eat frequently and drink plenty of fluids, so fat will accumulate more slowly. Give yourself 2-3 months to gain weight, and then, if necessary, return to cutting again.