It is true that Yakubovich fell to his death today. Leonid Yakubovich, dead or not: the host no longer responds to rumors about his death

Over the past few months, the Internet has been flooded with reports that the famous Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter and producer, 71-year-old Leonid Yakubovich, has died. At first, such news seriously frightened the showman's loyal fans, however, this was followed by a refutation of this pseudo-news. Moreover, when the absurdity reached its climax, Leonid Arkadyevich even decided to personally refute these ridiculous rumors and prove to everyone that he was alive and well.

Did Leonid Yakubovich die?

But, let's take a closer look at all those false news regarding the state of Yakubovich's health, which have repeatedly disturbed the network in just the last few months. So, in August last year, a lot of reports appeared on the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich was dying in the studio, and a heart attack was called the cause of death. It should be noted that then many took this "news" at face value, and this is not surprising, because the TV presenter has already exchanged his eighth decade, and he has had certain health problems for a long time, which, by the way, he does not even try to hide. So this news sounded unexpectedly plausible. At some point, even the TV presenter himself joked about his own “death”, saying that he was “not dying” for the first time, so he is no stranger to it, but only the ironic circumstance that kills him every time “heart attack” pleases him . And indeed, if you ask the search engine the query “did Leonid Yakubovich die”, then in the selection of news in recent years you can find that at least three times the showman died from a “heart attack” and several more times he died as a result of a “terrible accident” .

Leonid Yakubovich dies in the studio

It turned out that these are the most popular and widespread versions of the "death" of Leonid Arkadyevich. But, if the version of a heart attack sounds somehow streamlined: they say, age, health problems, stress, then for some reason, when they talk about the artist’s death in a car accident, the articles look like law enforcement reports. The accident is described in great detail, and each author has his own: place, time, reason, who was with him in the car, and so on. To compose such a fable, and even paint it in colors, so that no one doubts that the accident took place - this is where the talent of science fiction disappears. We can assure you that Leonid Arkadievich is alive today, is in good health, and continues to work actively on television.

Lie: Leonid Yakubovich is dead

Throwing false information into the network is a fairly common phenomenon, recently there have been more cases when hackers hack into websites or celebrity accounts and post similar messages there, just for fun. However, sometimes the stars themselves, in their desire to attract the attention of the public at any cost, resort to such a strange “black PR” themselves. By the way, when the rumors about the death of Leonid Arkadievich were refuted and dispelled, some even suggested that they arose on his initiative. “Leonid Yakubovich died” - what can attract attention if not such a heading in an article? But, one should not lose sight of the fact that such rumors are often also created for commercial purposes in order to attract more readers to certain Internet portals.


The Internet today is full of rumors about the death of a famous TV presenter named Leonid Yakubovich. The network writes that Leonid Yakubovich died in 2017, 2017 took away a talented TV presenter, famous Russian artist - Leonid Yakubovich. In fact, if you turn on the First channel, you will probably be able to see the new episode of the Field of Miracles program. The host of this program is someone other than Leonid Yakubovich. Just the one about whom there are rumors about death.

Internet users, in fact, are already accustomed to the fact that various famous people are often buried alive on the net. So, the prima donna of the Russian stage, Alla Pugacheva, has already become a victim of rumors more than once. There were many rumors about her death. Also, a few months ago, they wrote on the Internet about the death of the daughter of the President of Russia. Two causes of death are written about the TV presenter. The first is an accident that the TV presenter suffered many years ago, the second is a stroke. Information about a major accident in which Yakubovich got into is really the place to be. However, it was a few years ago, and you can’t call it large. For the TV presenter, everything ended then without consequences. Yes, and information about the treatment of Leonid Arkadyevich in a European clinic, where he ended up as a result of a severe heart attack, is at odds with the facts. So, at the same time, Yakubovich was on tour in the regions of Russia.

The actor himself is perplexed why he is constantly credited with death. He says he thinks it's about the money. By posting news of his death, people hope to cash in on advertising. And he is very upset by these messages. After all, if something really happens to him, people once again may simply not believe it.

However, as it turned out. Leonid Yakubovich is now in Omsk. There he took part in the filming of the Starry Noon program at the Channel 12 studio.

"Today is 40 days since I died. I had a heart attack, and this is the fourth time. The only thing I'm happy with is that they wrote that I died of a heart attack. It would be more unpleasant if they wrote that I died of hemorrhoids," joked Leonid Yakubovich.

Leonid Yakubovich

At the same time, the showman looks healthy and even a little thinner. According to the host of the Field of Miracles, sports helped him lose weight, and he cannot physically get to all cultural events due to lack of time.

As noted by "MK", ​​also in Omsk, Leonid Yakubovich decided to support the "People's Hero" project, initiated in 2016. Within its framework, residents are celebrated who contributed to the development of the city free of charge, as well as those whose actions are worthy of imitation.

According to Yakubovich, there should be as many awards as "People's Hero" as possible, because every resident of our country must know his heroes.

One thing is clear that Yakubvich is alive and well, leads an active lifestyle, acts in films, plays in the theater, hosts everyone’s favorite program “Field of Miracles”, goes in for sports and even jumps with a parachute. Therefore, it is premature to talk about the alleged death of a TV presenter.

According to Leonid Arkadievich, in 2017 he even intends to more closely engage in all types of activities, especially to intensify the acting process. In addition, despite the 71 years of his life, the TV presenter actively and regularly plays tennis. “This sport keeps the heart muscles in good shape and perfectly stimulates the whole body,” said Yakubovich.

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A terrible accident, stroke and heart attack - contextual advertising, which is present on a huge number of sites, began to replicate a new hero. This time, the name of the famous TV presenter Leonid a.

A number of publications, mainly regional or specializing in the world of show business, hastened to give loud headlines after contextual advertising, while relying on the words of Yakubovich himself.

The media failed to pay attention: in fact, the host of the “Field of Miracles” program really had an accident, but this happened about four years ago.

It is noteworthy, but many years later, Yakubovich allegedly repeated word for word the very words that appeared in the media after the incident actually happened.

“Nothing terrible happened, they hit the bumper, scratched it a little, and that’s all,” Yakubovich assured journalists then, and four years later a number of publications reprinted the same phrase again.

In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, a representative of Yakubovich confirmed that everything was in order with the well-known TV presenter and since 2011 he had not been in any other accidents.

Screaming headlines turned out to be fake

It is noteworthy that some resources, honestly copying the text of the four-year-old news, referred to “local media”, while posting a link to a site that can be identified as suspicious to the naked eye.

The resource, which looks like a regular blogging platform, contains three texts at once, referring the reader to news about accidents and heart attacks that are attributed to Yakubovich. Posts posted on April 15 this year, and these posts even have an author.

The user under the pseudonym vedeoo, on behalf of which the posts were posted, turned out to be very prolific on the sensation.

All entries are seasoned with a huge number of hashtags and keywords.

So, on the way to the news about the fate of Yakubovich, the user may come across miraculous methods of losing weight using kefir, ginger and an unknown third ingredient, magical ways to cure psoriasis and other garbage information that can never be reached, because it does not exist: task one is to artificially inflate traffic.

The third wave of traffic growth (after the context and the results of unscrupulous fact-checking in the media) began after users began to worry about the fate of Yakubovich and began to intensively search for information in search engines.

The snowball effect, backed up by a news story that once existed, led to the fact that when typing the letter “Ya” and “Yandex”, they hurried to offer the option “Yakubovich got into an accident” and “Yakubovich had a fatal accident in 2016” and other, no less "crazy" requests.

As explained to Gazeta.Ru in , the search hint algorithm allows you not to type the phrase to the end and gives you the most popular queries related to those words that have already been entered in the search bar. At the same time, nothing is moderated manually - users decide for themselves what will be the most popular in the search, and the robot only passes requests through filters.

A strange request quickly made its way into the volume of Yandex search suggestions

At the same time, since the “black” methods of promoting something in Yandex have not been working for a long time, it is unlikely that the information stuffing was bought or organized by bots.

Gazeta.Ru talked to experts in the field of search engine optimization and found out that such fake newsbreaks are being prepared for a very long time and are unlikely to be directed against (or in support of) a specific person. Probably, the people who disseminated the news relied on the experience of search engines four years ago to promote the resource more efficiently and increase the desire of an inexperienced user to click on the banner and thereby earn precious traffic.

An analysis of media materials (both Russian and Ukrainian) led to the fact that, in addition to the source in the form of a blog of an unknown person, the publications could not find official confirmation of the information. At the same time, data about a fictitious accident spread to social networks - in addition to numerous reposts of unknown portals, users began to actively discuss a non-existent tragedy.

At the same time, people who specialize in this kind of stuffing often "bury" popular stars, inventing a variety of variations of tragedies. So, the loudest of the latest events was the "information" about the accident involving, which also turned out to be false.

At the time of writing, no denials about the "accident with Yakubovich" were found, and false information continues to remain on the websites of publications.

More recently, the headlines of the news feeds were full of an alarming headline: "The people's favorite, the permanent host of the Field of Miracles, Leonid Yakubovich, has died." The fatal crash allegedly claimed the life of one of the country's most recognizable faces. Is this true or fiction - the main question that worried the RuNet audience at that time.

Media virus: what is it?

At the very dawn of the Internet, many futurists naively believed that the global information environment would be used solely for the exchange of knowledge. As a result, even an ordinary person will have access to an immense ocean of information and will be able to get through to the truth much faster than in previous eras.

It turned out almost exactly the opposite. People, of course, are faced with a huge amount of data stored on the World Wide Web, but the reliability of this data is in doubt. If before the release of a newspaper issue required at least a minimum check and editing, now everyone is his own TV channel, radio station, and magazine.

Thanks to the toolkit of social media, any ideas that are not amenable to any verification can spread. This phenomenon is called "media virus".

The following types of media viruses are distinguished:

  • Artificial, created at the behest of an interested group of persons;
  • Arising by chance, but immediately picked up by unscrupulous PR people;
  • Having an absolutely natural nature of occurrence.

One of these media viruses is often news about the death of stars and other famous personalities, which have no basis.

Is it true that Yakubovich died?

At the beginning of 2016, the Runet was shocked by the tragic news: popular presenter Leonid Yakubovich became a victim of an accident in which he was fatally injured. As the investigation of showed, for the first time the news was published by an anonymous person nicknamed vedeoo on the site, the main purpose of which is to wind up traffic with sharp headlines, in order to then “sell” another means for losing weight.

The news was widely disseminated by regional portals, the subject of which covers the life of stars. Then this unconfirmed information got into social networks and began to acquire details like a snowball. False witnesses and videos from the scene of the alleged tragedy began to appear. And the most cunning began to guess about the date of the upcoming funeral, which is about to happen.

Against the backdrop of all this information vinaigrette, Yakubovich himself gave an interview in which he made it clear that the rumors about his death were too exaggerated. Moreover, the TV presenter noted that this is not the first such case: he was “buried” like this several times.

On this topic, Leonid Arkadievich even found a joke: during a speech in Omsk, he said that he had already “died for 40 days”, which caused a friendly laugh in the hall.

Is it true that Leonid Yakubovich crashed?

It must be said that the presenter really got into a car accident, but only relatively long ago - in 2012. The newspapers were then also full of guesses about the state of the famous TV star, but they were quickly put an end to. Yakubovich himself categorically stated that he was alive and well, and only the bumper of the car was damaged.

This event was caught five years later and replicated with much more vigor. As a result, almost all third-rate information portals were infected with this fake.

Along with the news of the tragic accident, rumors began to circulate about the celebrity's health problems. Information in various sources was extremely contradictory:

  • Allegedly, after the accident, the heart of an elderly man could not stand it, and he died from a nervous strain;
  • The TV presenter suddenly became very ill, and he urgently needed to fly to Germany for treatment;
  • It is also not clear what kind of illness caused the “death”: both a heart attack and a stroke were put forward as versions.

The state of health of Yakubovich today

Today we can say with confidence that a popular TV presenter, father of two children and a three-time married man is not going to die in the near future. According to him, the rumors could spread due to the fact that he was forced to miss a number of important events due to a busy schedule.

He admitted that at his age (71 years old at the time of the interview), cardiovascular disease is by no means uncommon, but he does his best to stay in shape.

Yakubovich's excellent condition is confirmed by his relatives and colleagues. The hero of this story himself offers to visit the fitness club, of which he is a regular, and see with his own eyes the excellent physical shape of the leader.

In addition, he is regularly examined in one of the best private clinics in Moscow and constantly "keeps his finger on the pulse."

Who benefits from this news?

There are several considerations about who could benefit from this newspaper "duck":

  • To Leonid Arkadyevich himself. In 2016, the popular presenter begins touring throughout the country, and the terrible news was the best way to stir up the audience's interest in the star of the 90s;
  • This intrigues of dishonest journalists, who cling to every, even sucked out of the finger, informational occasion in order to attract new visitors to dubious news portals. Suffered from such scribblers from other stars of domestic show business. The most resonant case is the rumors about the death of the leading rap artist in Russia - Guf;
  • The human rumor itself is to blame, which seized on the event with an accident and inflated an elephant out of a fly. Such an incident would hardly have been possible if thousands of social media users had not published the “shocking truth” on their pages.

But it is hardly worth blaming people for such behavior: many remarkable cultural figures are passing away, and it is not always possible to verify the authenticity of hot news.

In the digital age, mass consciousness manipulation technologies have reached incredible heights. Thanks to the efforts of experts in the field of black PR in 2016, when typing the letter “I” in Yandex, the search hint “Yakubovich - a fatal accident” began to pop up. The information bomb, artificially created for the sake of cheating traffic, made a lot of noise in Runet.

Video: fiction about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich

This video proves that Leonid Yakubovich did not die at all, and is even capable of making a scandal in the airport building in Moscow: