Congratulations to teachers on the beginning of the school year. Happy new school year

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, on the Day of Knowledge! We wish this year to be bright, eventful, fruitful and successful, so that every student awakens an irresistible desire to learn, so that there are many wonderful moments, unforgettable stories and bright colors of happiness in the picture of every day.

Dear teachers, we sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the academic year and the day of knowledge! We wish you patience in your work, wisdom, creative and scientific achievements, optimistic attitude! Good luck and let everything work out!

The academic year begins.
Let it be bread this time.
And it will bring results.
Let the pay go up.
You won't have any trouble with children.
You can learn easily
Get a lot of success.
Swim brightly across the sea of ​​knowledge
And get the love of a child.

Dear teachers, congratulations on the new academic year. Let it be light and bring only good things. Let there be many new discoveries in it, all moments will be pleasant, and happy occasions. Let each new lesson become a small cognitive journey through the world of knowledge. Be a captain for your students who goes on and on. Good luck to the new school year.

The school year has begun
Congratulations, teachers, from the bottom of our hearts!
Let there be very little bad
Only please let the students.

And let your health grow stronger
And love always follows.
Let inspiration not leave
You never in life.

Happy Knowledge Day, teachers, congratulations
And we wish you all the best!
Good, health, joy, patience,
Huge inspiration, of course.

Let the children always listen
Let them never upset you.
Let them have wonderful behavior,
Well, you're in a great mood.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. The academic year, to the start, attention, march - to victories and successes, to new knowledge and good grades. We wish you patience and strength, optimism and confidence that everything will work out. Let the students try and achieve high results with your help. Good luck to you all this year and good mood.

Has begun New Year training,
I send you congratulations today,
You chose by the call of the heart
Once a glorious path.

I wish you bright lessons
And curious children
Let every day in your favorite class
Makes you even better.

you with the beginning of the school year
We are very happy to congratulate you!
We want everything to work out
So that the heart is filled with goodness,
So that each of your school lessons
We were given a stream of new knowledge!
With your help, all the children at school
Everyone will be smarter in the world!

On the day of September, accept
Dear congratulations,
start again
Your "joy-torment".

We wish you patience
inspiration and kindness
So that your hearts are enough
Warm children dear.

Congratulations on the start of the school year today,
Nature drooped a little in summer weather,
The first day of autumn, the earliest,
Brought with him a beautiful day of knowledge.
You guys rested on vacation in full,
Let the wave of knowledge cover you now,
We wish you a lot of useful information,
To pass all the exams with excellent marks!

Congratulations on the start of the school year

The bell will ring in the morning
So it's time for all the children -
To the line, to the lessons,
All of you from September 1!

Again desks and grades,
And of course, change
Again knowledge new way,
Much needed, no doubt.

Let learning inspire
Allows to develop
And teachers of patience
May there always be enough for you.

It's not easy being a student
All people know this:
Get cribs secretly
Until they notice

And hurry to school every day
Early cold morning...
I wish to be successful
And joyful on the day of knowledge!

Beautiful congratulations on the beginning of the school year

Congratulations on the start of the school year,
Let him bring a baggage of useful knowledge with him,
Although it is difficult to gnaw at the granite of science,
But on the other hand, you will not waste away idle and out of boredom.
You have to work hard for a whole year,
In order to achieve something in your life,
Decide Carefully school tasks,
We wish you success, ingenuity and good luck!

Congratulations on the start of the new school year

Live and learn for a century
This everyone knows
We can't do without knowledge
Everyone understands!

Therefore, we are the day of knowledge,
We all celebrate together
We reach for the light from the darkness,
We miss knowledge!

I congratulate you brothers
With the opportunity to learn
What will you learn, more than once
You will need it in your life!

Congratulations on the start of the school year

Dressy moms, dressy kids
On this day, everyone gets up at dawn.
Bouquets of flowers, maple leaves are red.
Today is Knowledge Day, again until spring ...
Learn, learn - we remember the order!
To whom not in the first, and to whom for the first time!
Listen carefully to teachers
They are instead of mom at your school!

Congratulations on the start of the new school year

Knowledge Day, isn't it a holiday?
What is life without knowledge?
And many different
Science we eagerly drink to the bottom.
Let them fill to capacity
Thinking bins
Knowledge Day is a very necessary holiday!
There will be no grief from the mind!

Congratulations on the start of the school year

Summer, my daughter, has passed,
But just like summer
You are so festively dressed
And so joyfully bright.

Your next class
Waiting, because you have become more mature.
I congratulate you!
Nose up! More fun!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year in verse

I see the light of happy eyes
(Look at the world more often!) -
You will soon enter the classroom again,
You will see your friends again
Teachers! Find them
Good! It's hard!..
And school days will run
September to summer.
I wish not because of punishment -
For happiness only
you were given knowledge!

Official congratulations on the start of the school year

The beginning of autumn is beautiful
The day of knowledge has come to us again.
Funny first-graders are coming
The city blossomed again.
May the holiday of knowledge be joyful,
For everyone - parents, children,
Let's have fun gaining knowledge
From smart and serious books.

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year on the day of knowledge

Let the school year become only more successful,
Will embody all plans, desires, hopes,
May luck illuminate knowledge a long way,
Joyful, diligent, student, you be.

Let excellent marks stand in notebooks,
We wish to conquer all the peaks aptly,
Let the day of knowledge bring vivid emotions,
We wish only victories and fabulous dreams!

Congratulations on the start of the school year for children

Congratulations to all who value knowledge!
May all your dreams and undertakings
Fill the mind, develop personality,
They give charm, aesthetics to the whole life!

Head of the Department of Education of the city district of Kashira,

Filyayeva Galina Nikolaevna

Galina Nikolaevna, a new academic year is coming. What would you wish to all teachers and educators, all teachers of the city district?

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on the start of the new academic year. Teachers meet the new year twice a year. I would like to wish everyone a happy new school year! I want to wish, of course, fortitude, because our work is not easy. But I think that all the teachers are ready, because all of them have completed advanced training, all of us are big nerds. I want to say that this year, probably, like the previous one, will require a lot of patience, a big contribution of energy. But knowing this, I understand that time requires qualified, highly qualified specialists. Of course, we wish everyone good health and success, so that “the eye burns”, it is imperative that at the end of the year everyone understands that this year has passed and it has brought good results.

- How do you assess the professionalism of teachers of our city district?

I want to say that out of more than 600 teachers, more than 400 teachers have qualified this academic year alone. Every year, every director, every teacher sets a goal for himself and goes towards it. The fact is that now not only directors are ranked, but general educational organizations are ranked, so every director wants his institution to be the best. And each of our general educational organizations has its own face, and this face, as a rule, is individual. Enter any school and every teacher, every student knows what program, what goal his school is working on, so everyone strives to be a team. It is very important for each director to create such a team that it would be efficient, so that it could cope with the tasks that the time sets. Now, of course, is the time for innovations, but what has been gained by experience does not go anywhere. Using the experience of the old, getting new innovative methods of work, using all this, you need to go towards the goal, and most importantly, you need to give quality education. In connection with quality education, it is impossible not to take into account the upbringing of our students. By order of the Governor dated August 2, 2018, a decision was made to increase wages. First of all, wages are increased by 5,000 rubles a month for young teachers. A young teacher will come to class and he will be paid 5 thousand rubles a month in addition to the thousand that was paid before. Five thousand rubles will also be paid to class teachers, in addition to the thousand that was paid earlier, but it depended on the size of the class. Now these five thousand do not depend on the filling of the class. Thus, you see that if a young teacher comes to school, he will also be a class teacher, then, taking into account all the salary increases, he will already receive 12,000 allowances. In addition, we must remember that, when coming to school, a young specialist receives 50 thousand rubles in the first year of admission, and after the second year of work - another 100 thousand rubles. All this shows how important education is now, how important quality education is. But by raising the salary of the class teacher, our state understands how important it is to raise a child. The child now knows how to press buttons by the age of six, understands interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment. But after all, he can click on the button and can go to an unwanted site. If a person is properly brought up, if he is still in preschool age those vaccinated correct methods upbringing, then this will not allow us to get asocial people at the exit. All this is very important for us now.

There is no second shift in our educational organizations, there is no queue for kindergartens. We invite everyone to come to our wonderful kindergartens, which are ready for the new academic year. We are also waiting for first-graders, we have 695 of them, classes for them are ready. We invite everyone on September 1 to the solemn line, and on September 3 to start the new school year at the desks!

Piyaeva Olga Nikolaevna,

computer science teacher MBOU "Taraskovskaya secondary school"

- How difficult is your subject and do children cope with it?

- This discipline is not easy, but the children try to understand. This year, the children chose my subject for exams, they did it.

- What are your wishes for the new school year?

I wish my colleagues success in their work, gifted children, more creativity, creativity! I wish students diligence, health, diligence, success! The kids don't have the patience right now.

Kuznetsova Natalya Alexandrovna,

Barabanovskiy kindergarten

- A new school year begins. What do you wish your colleagues?

I wish my colleagues creativity, patience and good luck. I wish them all the best! Our work is very difficult.

I wish my pupils to be kind, smart, well-mannered, good.

- Do you have plans for the upcoming academic year, any ideas, projects?

Last academic year, we implemented the project "Working with parents", this academic year we will continue this work. I really like holidays, excursions, trips together with my parents.

Samarets Galina Viktorovna,

senior educator MADOU " Kindergarten No. 10"

- What would you wish your colleagues at work in the new academic year?

First of all, creative success, professional growth, inspiration in the new academic year and, of course, good talented children

- What do you wish for the students?

Of course, I wish children health, this is the main thing in our life. I also want to wish the children creative development, intellectual development, a good full life.

- How would you contact your parents for successful assimilation educational program children?

- Parents would like to wish that they devote as much time as possible to their children, despite difficult time, for greater employment at work, in household activities. Children are the main thing in our life, therefore their development, their health, their happiness fully depends, first of all, on dad and mom.

- What are your plans for the academic year?

This year we want to devote more time to interaction with the parents of our pupils, to involve them more in the pedagogical process, so that they more often take part not only in festive events, but in general in the life of the kindergarten, in the life of their children, participate in the educational process.

- What competitions are your employees supposed to take part in?

- These are, first of all, professional competitions that exist in our region, all-Russian competitions, competitions that implement various pedagogical projects and, of course, in municipal creative competitions.

Khalikova Tatyana Azizovna, Deputy Head for educational and methodological work of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2",

Mikhina Tatyana Mikhailovna, teacher speech therapist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2",

Ten Elena Trofimovna,

music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2".

- The new school year is coming. What would you wish your colleagues?

First of all, health, new creative ideas, more interesting new creative projects.

- What would you like for the students?

- Interest in knowledge, learning something new, to please their parents.

- What would you like to wish parents so that the child learns knowledge?

Parents would like to wish them to be our partners, to walk hand in hand with us, to help their children. I wish the parents of the group preparatory to school that the transition from preschool to primary school the pupils passed painlessly with new vivid impressions and ideas.

Filatova Svetlana Pavlovna, head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8",

Panova Antonina Stanislavovna, Head of MBDOU "Nikulinsky Kindergarten"

- Your wishes to your colleagues before the new academic year.

- We wish you creative success, all the best, patience and health.

- What is the most important thing in the work of a teacher?

The most important thing is love for children, and from here there will be love for one's work, the desire and desire to work.

- What do you wish for the students?

- Good mood, be educated, obedient, healthy.

- Would you like students to continue your work?

Of course, we want our children to follow in our footsteps. We ourselves love our work and do not regret that we chose pedagogy at one time. We have worked for 40 and 12 years and never once regretted the chosen path.

Rector of the Nikitsky Church, Hieromonk Alexander Volkov

The new school year is coming. You are also involved in the education of children and adults. What would you like to wish everyone for the new school year?

We have close cooperation with the Department of Education, many joint events, every church has a Sunday school. We are actively involved in educational and educational process children. Our common goal is not only the acquisition of knowledge, although this is also important, like the upbringing of a real person, because he needs to live in this world. Teachers have a big responsibility. I wish everyone God's help, God's blessing, love for children, patience in this very hard work, on which our future depends.

Astakhova Natalya Yurievna,

teacher - speech therapist of secondary school No. 3, methodologist of the MBU "Educational and Methodological Center", chairman of the territorial medical and pedagogical commission

- Your wishes to all teachers of the city district of Kashira.

- I wish, most importantly, good health, positive mood for the entire academic year, well-being to all those close to the families of teachers.

- What is the difficulty of working with children?

- Currently, the difficulty of working is not so much with children as with their parents. We have to convince parents to follow the recommendations of specialists, class teachers, educators. It is very important that parents help. I would like to contact the parents of first graders. Do not disregard the successes and failures of your young children who will come to the first grade, help and control the health of children!

Interviewed by Irina Pirogova

Knowledge Day on September 1 is a bit of a stretch, but it can be called the second professional holiday for teachers. On this day, they receive beautiful and touching to tears congratulations in verse or prose from their students, their parents, and colleagues. Many teachers receive congratulations on this day even from their former students who have long since left the school walls.

By the way, for wishes to your favorite teacher or the first teacher from primary school often choose short and funny poems with wishes for SMS. Another great option congratulations on the start of the new school year 2018-2019 - thematic postcards and pictures. The best congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers will be found below.

September - start for new knowledge,
School time is open!
You diligence, efforts
With all my heart I wish!

To have strength, inspiration,
And the granite of sciences became light,
Exercises have always been solved
Without parental tears and torment!

Happy Knowledge Day - from September 1
And congratulations to him!
best ratings for you
And this instruction:

Try to always be the first
Good luck - smile!
And remember, school time
It will pass and not come back!

Study, study, study again
Not too late, not too early, always and everywhere.
And everyone needs to strive for new knowledge,
Indeed, in knowledge there is strength, as in a bright star!

And let the book be your best friend
You strive for something new without any complaints.
Let your head spin from luck,
The Day of Knowledge! And touch the mystery now.

special day today
Bright autumn has come
And boys and girls
Invited to the school.

Excellent to study
We give you parting words
And the granite of science is complex
Conquered every day.

Inspiration to you, talent,
Without obstacles on the way
To be interesting
Go to school in the morning!

Know, remember everything in the world,
Think it over and understand everything
For everything in the world to be responsible -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means that it is needed,
And if there was a reason in September ...
Here yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When you need both intelligence and knowledge
... and therefore the soul is alive ...
The world will be born through trials
Hurrying stubbornly to wisdom!

Here is the breath of autumn
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Can you find it then?

And with any school task,
We know you can do it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They fly by fast!

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Happy Knowledge Day, happy new academic year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled with only positive results, new experience and excellent mood.

So this day has come. September 1 - Day of knowledge and the start of a new academic year. I would like to wish this day not to be a cause of sadness, but to be remembered by long-awaited cheerful meetings, fervent and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge. So that strength and patience are enough for the whole coming year! High grades, easy control, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said can easily come true!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of the soul and proceed to exciting process learning! Congratulations to everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let the school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and informative lessons! Let calls, breaks, additional tasks, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers please you! Golden, school years! Then you will still remember with pleasure about these days. Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas. Your fate is in your hands! Good luck!

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study, to receive new and new knowledge. All of us, once first graders, came to the door of the school with new satchels over our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now we have already studied at school, we ourselves have become teachers and now we meet you guys, so that we can transfer all our knowledge to you, so that you become worthy people, got an education, chose a profession to their liking. Today the New Academic Year begins and let today's red day of the Knowledge Day calendar be a good start for the entire academic year!

The first of September is Knowledge Day! It's good to have a day like this in the year. And this is not only children's holiday all students and professional holiday of all teachers. I so want to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better, wiser. After all, it is in such a movement, in mental and spiritual development, that life consists. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that everyone can celebrate this holiday for themselves. Let the first of September annually celebrate your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let achievements be marked, and already on the second of September you will aspire to new knowledge, to new heights that will once again submit to you, so that on the Day of Knowledge next year you can proudly celebrate it!

The most popular wish options for teachers on Knowledge Day are congratulations from September 1, 2018, touching to tears from students in verse. This is a simple and at the same time pleasant way to express respect for your teachers and thank them for their work. Also, options for such wishes are suitable for both the class teacher and subject teachers.

Let this new year be educational
Brings you good days
Lessons will be interesting
Let the students not be naughty
Let the salary not offend you,
Your boss will honor you.
May more happiness than ever
The academic year will bring you!

Congratulations on the start of the year.
We wish you obedient children,
Always diligent in everything
To be famous for their goodness!
You personally - a whole load of happiness,
Bouquets of the best roses,
Friends only devoted always,
Never know what trouble is!

Chrysanthemum tenderness,
violet love
And pink joy to you,
So that all year round bloomed!
For children to listen
And always appreciated
The way you are with your soul
They were well taught.
And among the flowers, confessions
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

In addition to poems with wishes, beautiful congratulations on September 1, 2018 to teachers in prose from students are also perfect for Knowledge Day. This version of congratulations can be called universal, since it can always be supplemented in your own words. In addition, it is easier for teachers to memorize wishes in prose for September 1 even for the smallest students.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. With all our hearts we wish you incredible strength, interesting ideas, exciting activities and respect. Be healthy, strong, successful and happy. Let it always turn out to carry out everything planned, prosperity to you and good luck.

Our dear and respected teachers, here you are again at the start of the annual school run. Let this year be fruitful, productive, informative and interesting. We wish you steel patience, granite health, radiant happiness and silk students.

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear teachers. Let the new academic year bring a lot of positive emotions and excellent marks. May school life be full of bright events and grandiose achievements. Beloved teachers, health to you, happiness, well-being and a cheerful mood.

Not only students prepare pleasant words for teachers on Knowledge Day. beautiful wishes teachers are chosen by the parents of the students. For example, the best congratulations from September 1, 2018 to a primary school teacher in verse from parents from the following selection are ideal for this purpose. They can be used both for personal congratulations and for speaking at school ruler in honor of Knowledge Day.

We will not forget to congratulate you
On this warm autumn day
And "Thank you" let's say together
For love, for science, for children.
Wish, of course, you need
You have patience and strength,
Happiness, joy, health,
To be appreciated and loved!

Love, patience, work and kindness,
All this is closely connected with the school,
We congratulate you, teachers,
On a September day, beautiful and cheerful.
We wish you to work from the heart,
More strength, health and talent,
Salaries and bonuses are only large,
Good luck every day!

Let me congratulate the teacher!
Educational representative!
Wish you lots of patience
Students of diligent behavior.
Let the magazines be in order
To make notebooks less dirty.
Let the grades be only good,
And work is a pleasant burden.

And the teachers themselves do not miss the opportunity to congratulate each other on the beginning of the new academic year. For example, with the help of cool congratulations from September 1, 2018 to fellow teachers in verse on Knowledge Day. These congratulations always cheer up and give a sense of celebration.

Dear colleagues,
Congratulations on Knowledge Day!
Patience and perseverance
I wish with all my heart.
Let this year be academic
Won't bring any trouble.
Let there be mood
Excellent. without worries
And without worries in vain
I want you all to live.
Happy Knowledge Day, dear ones.
Happy you be!

How nice in a friendly team
Start the school year again.
Let it be positive
It will bring a lot of impressions.
Dear dear colleagues,
Cheerfulness, health and strength to you,
Creative spirit, mood.
The work of teachers is invaluable!

Congratulations colleagues
Happy New Year,
Congratulations on being again
We share knowledge with others.
I wish you health
Nerves forged - steel,
Lots of money and luck
Well, simple joys!

You can also congratulate colleagues on the beginning of the school year with the help of prose. Options beautiful congratulations from September 1, 2018 to fellow teachers in prose and in your own words from the following selection are ideal for this purpose. Such wishes can always be changed a little by adding a couple of warm words from yourself.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. May this academic year be successful and favorable, may it bring a lot of pleasure, high successes, great achievements, joy, fun activities, unusually interesting activities, smiles and joy.

Dear colleagues, Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge! May September 1 be a return of memory to the past and at the same time a step into the future for everyone in their hearts. I wish to remember the main thing: that there will always be a place for knowledge, wisdom, kindness. Let the happy faces of students make you smile, remember yourself, help you cope with all the difficulties and enthusiastically enter the school year, full of new achievements, discoveries, victories!

Especially for those who cannot personally express gratitude to their beloved teacher - short cool congratulations teachers from September 1 in verse for SMS. This The best way beautifully congratulate and show attention on Knowledge Day to a dear teacher. Such short wishes for SMS are suitable not only for students, but also for parents, as well as colleagues.

I sincerely congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
Let learning be easy
And the lessons don't get boring
And in general, everything in life succeeds!

A merry bell rings
The day of knowledge calls to school,
Let it be successful, happy
Your new school year.

Hooray! Congratulations on Knowledge Day.
I wish you success in life
Good health, warmth,
To have a positive life!

Another option is congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers in pictures and postcards from students, parents, colleagues. This is a very beautiful and simple way to show attention and express your kind attitude to the teacher through the distance.