Happy birthday greetings to a virgin woman are cool. Happy Birthday Virgo

People born under the sign of Virgo are endowed with a clear logical thinking and intuition in equal measure. Possessing inner strength, they prefer to take a contemplative position in life, they are able to accurately analyze and calculate the situation. Aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty, Virgo strive for harmony and perfection in everything. Conscientiousness, a developed sense of duty and attention to all details allows you to achieve success in any field of activity. Happy Birthday Virgo will express admiration best qualities inherent in this sign, wish the conquest of all the planned peaks and unchanging support from heaven.

Happy birthday girl,
I wish you new meetings, good luck and love,
I wish you new experiences in life
And only the right and necessary achievements!
I also wish you happiness, joy, luck
On your beautiful birthday!

All smarter in the world of the Virgin,
Smarter and wiser
You are sweeter than everyone in the world
Better and slimmer!
Outshine with your beauty
You are the Spanish super-kings,
Hurry, moderate your calculation,
And believe in beautiful romance!

I wish you Virgo
No difference in age or gender,
For all of you to live
Like queens.
So that your life
Was only subject to you
And your every whim
This very minute is performed sympathetically.
For more passion
And there was no bad weather.
So that moments of happiness
Lasted hourly!

On the King there is a Queen -
This is the motto of practical Virgos.
And where sometimes the Lion is powerless,
Virgo is on top!
There would be soil for sowing,
And there will be shoots - give time ...
You don't need anger at all
To bend others into a ram's horn

Virgins! Virgins!
You are decent, pedantic and skeptical!
Love order everywhere
And do not honor the mess!
True friends like you
Both practical and valuable!
Virgos love Scorpios and Taurus,
And beautiful daredevils.
We will always be friends
And we will drink for the virgins!

He won't serenade you
And enter the door, not the window.
He will do everything right -
He is destined to be a Virgo.
But maybe that's a good thing
If he was born a virgin,
Don't expect a trick from him
He is calm and reliable.

Finally the moment has come
Virgo to compliment:
She has a birthday
How is it without congratulations?
Virgo, can anyone
To become you better or prettier?
We wish you a birthday
Freshness, love excitement!
New, bright achievements -
After informed decisions.


If you want to pleasantly surprise and present a birthday man or a birthday girl with a good surprise, you will have to try. Such people, as a rule, are not able to please some new and unusual things. But they love everything standard, classic, simple and practical. But how to surprise a person with what is familiar to him? You just need to change the shape of this something! And if we are talking about verbal congratulations, then you will have to abandon ordinary words in favor of beautiful poems.

We assure you that the poems written are a great way to give a little positive and positive emotions to the hero of the occasion. Surely in such an aspiration on the birthday of a loved one you will be the only one, and therefore you can count on absolute uniqueness and originality. Those verses that we offer on Vlio will seem to the birthday man or birthday girl the best that they have heard in their lives. At least the best congratulations, and it will come from you.

Take the verses we offer happy birthday to the virgins, and your congratulations will become the very surprise and pleasant surprise that any person born under the sign of the virgin so lacks!

Intelligent, diligent, methodical.
Femininity blossoms in her over the years.
All the best that Virgo has achieved,
She got it through hard work.

Very reasonable, somewhat stubborn.
Although capable of headlong into the pool,
Don't be afraid! These are parts of the plan
Invented by herself.

Don't let the Devs down, they are quite critical
And feel the tricks and deceptions.
The advice is - do you want a personal life?
Do not start frivolous novels with Virgo.

On our birthday, we sincerely wish
Unleash your talent and apply patience,
In honor of the birthday girl we raise glasses
And Happy Birthday Virgo!

On the King there is a Queen -
This is the motto of practical Virgos.
And where the Lion is sometimes powerless -
Virgo is on top!

There would be soil for sowing,
And there will be shoots - give time ...
You don't need anger at all
To bend others into a ram's horn.

If only the light would not go out
And someone's met participation
Build a temple of love and happiness
Far from vain worries!

For the serious smart Virgo
We will make a congratulation:
Let him solve all problems
Based on your rules.

Her strength, practicality
Definitely useful in life
And healthy cynicism
It will help you stay with yours.

Punctual and practical
We wish her to stay
And success in personal life -
Happy Virgo! Congratulations!

He does not recognize unearthly passions.
Work, duty above earthly blessings.
Love babble, scenes of fire,
Will force others to look for brides!

The Virgo man is too sophisticated
Analytical, cold, smart.
He sees right through you, don't lie to him
And in feelings you do not rush him!

You ask about his health;
When he grumbles, you will remain silent in response;
He will surprise with his tenderness
And be sure to give a gift!

It would seem what a girl
Wishing for the best?
Among the star signs is a queen,
Caring, like the mother of the world.

But don't be surprised
For what I'm about to say.
Capable of transforming in an instant
In a stretched string.

Conscientious and methodical
Picky and cold.
Deal well with obstacles
Even if the power is not equal.

To all the Virgos on the occasion of the birthday
We wish to live in harmony with ourselves
And dreams of happiness without a doubt
See only in reality!

You were born under the sign of Virgo,
And nature has given you everything:
You have the manners of a queen
The soul is calm and light.

Others scurry back and forth
And you don't make a fuss.
Living under a bright star
Keep your purity.

Covered with star dust
Maiden way before you
You accept congratulations
You are on your holiday today.

Analyst from God
You are a wise critic
All problems will be calculated
Find the right way out.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Control your destiny
To make your life shine
Virgin purity.

He does not recognize unearthly passions.
Work, duty above earthly blessings.
Love babble, scenes of fire,
Will force others to look for brides!
The Virgo man is too sophisticated
Analytical, cold, smart.
He sees right through you, don't lie to him
And in feelings you do not rush him!
You ask about his health;
When he grumbles, you will remain silent in response;
He will surprise with his tenderness
And be sure to give a gift!

Create a postcard


On the King there is a Queen -
This is the motto of practical Virgos.
And where the Lion is sometimes powerless -
Virgo is on top!
There would be soil for sowing,
And there will be shoots - give time ...
You don't need anger at all
To bend others into a ram's horn.
If only the light would not go out
And someone's fate met
Build a temple of love and happiness
Far from vain worries! ..

Create a postcard


Eve sits sadly on a tree,
Virgo has an extremely well-mannered appearance:
Handkerchief, sock, case, glass -
Everything is picked up and put in a chest!
And thoughts are all pure, like pearls,
Ah, Virgo, how idleness is dear to you!
Soft, white-bodied, arose from clay -
Well, just a dream for any man!

Create a postcard


The maiden turned her face to autumn,
But even in autumn, joy ripens:
The brightness of the sky instantly returned,
The golden glow of the garden...
The forest breathes, all washed by the rains,
Every day the evenings are getting darker,
Don't be sad, spring is still with you,
With her whisper of birches, poplars.
Everything will be good, believe me
Many clear dawns are ahead of you...
Fate sends you in an autumn envelope
Deadlines are cute about love!

Create a postcard


Who understands something in life,
He knows - women are capricious,
And this is their special feature.
Their birthday is not a judge.
To blame them with him is not the point:
Born under the sign of Virgo,
He loves women like himself.
But this fact does not mean
That the bra is crying over him
And that he hides a skirt in the closet,
And he looks longingly at the stockings.
Our cool birthday guy -
Not capricious and not a gentleman,
The character is solid and masculine!
As for women, be gentle with them,
And, of course, not sinless.
And it is necessary - he will say how to cut it off,
Though firm, but not rude.
But he is not a demon for them at all -
Born under the sign of Virgo,
He loves women like himself.

Create a postcard


Finally the moment has come
Compliment Virgo:
After all, the Virgin has a birthday -
How are we without congratulations?
In congratulations, a compliment -
The most important element!
You are chic and luxurious
If you are careful with fashion.
You are beautiful and smart
Strong in reasoning
Active like bees
But punctures happen.
Well, ready to start again
To prove to myself
That others are no worse.
Virgo is friendly with calculation:
Everything counts ahead -
And the calculation will not fail.
Virgo, can anyone
To be you better and prettier?
Do not appease the love of an avalanche -
But you are not responsible for this! -
If you are obsessed with passion,
You are always loved in return!
We wish you a birthday
New meetings, love excitement
And great achievements -
After informed decisions.

Create a postcard


Exquisite and skeptical Virgo! You have already calculated - we will come with congratulations - and, as always, you were not mistaken. Congratulations! Are you expecting gifts? We give you the most precious thing for you in the world - love, disinterested, not infringing on your freedom and independence. Are you happy? And the only one to whom you give everything without demanding anything in return, you will find without us. Or maybe among us? Don't miss the chance!

Create a postcard


Any act, feeling, passion
They weigh first
God forbid you fall off the scales
Still take - hang!
For a gram - a gram.
per kilogram
They throw weights...
They don't trust you -
And even - after washing!
Looks nice and light
Rolling fearlessly...
Only moths do not weigh,
It's not dangerous for them.

One of the most controversial signs of the zodiac. Virgos are skeptics, devoid of faith in intuition, they are not prone to exaggeration. Virgos like to think things over and analyze before taking the first step. Sometimes they think and reflect too long, because of which they do not know how to be spontaneous, to act suddenly. Virgos are very intelligent, efficient and can successfully complete almost any task. In clothes, they love an impeccable style, close to the classics, conservative, without any manifestations of imagination, without unexpected decisions. Such addictions can lead Virgo to dull grayness, mediocrity. Virgo doesn't like new things. They are very attentive to the choice of profession, they are well aware of the importance and seriousness of this choice. Able to work both in a team and alone. Virgos are careful in money matters, they know how to save and save. They do not like to take risks in gambling. They love their work, it is the basis of their life.

Virgos are very dreamy
Very caring, very attentive.
Virgos are modest and faithful in life,
At the same time, Virgos are hardy, strong.

So let the Virgin be fine
Let there be eternal heavenly happiness,
Let people not lie to you and do not betray,
Only pleasant events await.

Your sign is calm and practical.
In everything, the order is so familiar:
Set a goal and - immediately into battle.
Calculation and mind are always with you.

Let your dreams come true,
May you not know sadness.
More health from year to year
Love and glitter eyes longer!

A hardworking and honest person is, of course, Virgo according to the horoscope. Congratulations on the holiday and I wish you to always use your wonderful qualities of the sign in life. Be a clever and quick-witted person, a great craftsman and a good friend, a great talent and a generous soul. May self-confidence grow over the years, may there be good health and mutual love.


Always punctual, always accurate,
Self-critical, but very sweet,
It is pleasant to communicate with a Virgo woman,
She succeeds in any business.

We wish her health and happiness,
Active rest, new victories,
Success in work, true love,
Problems and troubles will all come to naught!

"Virgins" - You are not noisy creatures,
Try to hide from the "attention".
But you have - pretense,
Still - enough perseverance.

At the same time, you are attentive and relevant,
And your arguments are not banal at all.
You are "fidgety", but loving
And to the dirt, very, scrupulous.

Strict: to money and diet,
To lazy people and their tone
To vulgarity and laziness,
General hygiene.

We wish you to eradicate
Anything that can hurt
Leaving only the good
For your life dear!

Who is born under the sign of Virgo -
Achieving heights in life
Mind high differs,
And stands out at work!

I want to wish the Virgin:
Trust more people
To have true friends nearby
Happy was your family!

Covered with star dust
Maiden way before you
You accept congratulations
You are on your holiday today.

Analyst from God
You are a wise critic
All problems will be calculated
Find the right way out.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Control your destiny
To make your life shine
Virgin purity.

For the serious smart Virgo
We will make a congratulation:
Let him solve all problems
Based on your rules.

Her strength, practicality
Definitely useful in life
And healthy cynicism
It will help you stay with yours.

Punctual and practical
We wish her to stay
And success in personal life -
Happy Virgo! Congratulations!

You are a Virgo, which means
That you will be terribly lucky;
May good luck accompany you
Love will surely find
Let peace and wisdom
Leading the straight road
May good morning come
And life will be like a day off!

You were born under the sign of Virgo,
You won't find more practical people.
We wish to be bold in ideas,
And quickly move towards your goal.

Your sharp mind is a godsend.
We want them to be judged sanely.
Let everything be clear with work
Don't forget about your personal life.


The Virgo man notices everything in the world,
Always attentive and very smart
Work comes first for him.
Disciplined, a little strict with himself, strong.

We wish him to relax soon
And don't think about things now
Be happy and become even wiser
And don't forget about your family!

Congratulations: 26 in verse, 3 in prose.


When planning your birthday greetings to a Virgo woman, you should take into account absolutely all the qualities inherent in this zodiac sign. I must say that women born are slightly more active than men. However, they still have a certain passivity that prevents them from being reckless and spontaneous. They consider every decision, every step they take. Because of this, they become somewhat predictable, which, however, in the matter of a gift only plays to our advantage.

Congratulating a girl is a pretty simple thing. Focus on the birthday girl's favorite business. If this is work, then give something working, for example, a business suit, a briefcase, or any tools if the maiden works with her hands. If she pays more attention to her hobbies, then buy something from the category of her hobbies. In no case do not take risks with a gift, because virgins love only the expected surprises.

It is also better for them to present words that are familiar in content. You can show originality, perhaps, in the form. Poems are presented on Vliothat the birthday girl will really like, regardless of who she is to you and how old she is.

Happy birthday girl,
I wish you new meetings, good luck and love,
I wish you new experiences in life
And only the right and necessary achievements!
I also wish you happiness, joy, luck
On your beautiful birthday!

Virgos are very dreamy
Very caring, very attentive.
Virgos are modest and faithful in life,
At the same time, Virgos are hardy, strong.

So let the Virgin be fine
Let there be eternal heavenly happiness,
Let people not lie to you and do not betray,
Only pleasant events await.

Eve sits sadly on a tree,
Virgo has an extremely well-mannered appearance:
Handkerchief, sock, case, glass -
Everything is picked up and put in a chest!

And thoughts are all pure, like pearls,
Ah, Virgo, how idleness is dear to you!
Soft, white-bodied, arose from clay -
Well, just a dream for any man!

To be born under the sign of the virgin
You are definitely lucky
After all, a sign of special harmony
Soul and your body.

Be sensitive, beautiful and kind
Given to you by the stars above
And failure dutifully
They run from the house like mice.

Your sign is calm and practical,
In everything, the order is so familiar.
Set a goal and immediately into battle,
Calculation and mind are always with you.

Let your dreams come true,
May you not know sadness
More health from year to year
Love and glitter eyes longer!

The maiden turned her face to autumn,
But even in autumn, joy ripens:
The brightness of the sky instantly returned,
The golden glow of the garden...

The forest breathes, all washed by the rains,
Every day the evenings are getting darker,
Don't be sad, spring is still with you,
With her whisper of birches, poplars.

Everything will be good, believe me
Many clear dawns are ahead of you...
Fate sends you in an autumn envelope
Deadlines are cute about love!

You appeared under the symbol of the Virgin,
And nature gave you everything:
Your manners are like queens
The soul is serene and clear.

Others fuss for life,
but you don't mess with it.
Under a clear star
Stay as beautiful as you are.

You were born under the sign of Virgo,
And nature has given you everything:
You have the manners of a queen
The soul is calm and light.

Others scurry back and forth
And you don't make a fuss.
Living under a bright star
Keep your purity.