Construction of a numerical mandala. Calculate your own birthday mandala

Personality Mandala

The identity of a person is determined by the sum of the digits of the first name, patronymic and last name. The personality number shows through which planetary vibration a person responds to life. Our personality is the "clothing" that corresponds or does not correspond to the essence. A person can manifest himself to a greater extent if the vibrations of the essence and personality coincide. The coincidence of the lines indicates through which the entity can manifest itself.

For example, the numbering sequence of a person consists of numbers: 21236611316736161919731316 = 6 (Venus).

The identity code (in Fig. 7) is shown as a double blue line. In our example, the personality code - 66 - is represented by a dot placed in a double circle.

The key between the programs of the name and patronymic (in our example 1-1) is represented by a dot placed in a dashed circle.

The key between the patronymic and surname programs (1-6) is shown as a parallel dashed line.

The presence of complete main lines (1-3, 7-9, 1-9, 3-7) and the "Bow" figure indicates the assignment of a special task to this person, expressed in the need for personal spiritual and creative development and vigorous activity in the transformation of society.

Combined mandala

The goal of all constructions is a combined mandala, which includes all mandalas, except for the mandala of the numerological code. It is the combined mandala that is the object for meditation.

To build a combined mandala, you need to write a number series in a certain sequence.

The series begins with the date of birth along with the final number (08/3/1945 = 3), then the numerological series of the first name, patronymic and surname (2123661 13167361 61919731316) are written in a row without final numbers, the series is closed with the figure of the golden alchemical number (the sum of personality and essence is 6 + 3 = 9). This results in a number line:

Entity code(3-5) is an energy connection from the number of a person's essence to the last digit of the year of his birth. In the mandala, this line is highlighted with a double red line. The essence code determines the main force of a person's essence, which he must use to solve the problems of this incarnation.

Keys (5-2, 1-1, 1-6) show the possibilities of a person, which can be realized only by combining the programs of essence-personality, personality-adaptation, adaptation-egregore. For example, the key of combining the programs of essence and personality (5-2) can mean that a person shows the ability to influence the present moment only when he shares the potential and tasks of essence and personality and acts, realizing their difference.

Personality Castle(9-6) represents an energy connection from the golden alchemical number to the last digit of the surname. In the mandala, this line is highlighted with a double blue line. It defines the highest purpose for which a person came into this world.

Numerological code mandala

The mandala of the numerological code shows what powers a person can acquire when he learns to use the potential of individual mandalas. The sequence of these numbers determines the circle of the will and goals of a person, gives a sense of the purpose and program of life.

Consider the numerological series of the code 331269, in which

3 - the number of the entity,

3 - the sum of the numbers of the name (the goal received from above in the form of a name),

1 - the sum of patronymic numbers (a person comes into the world based on the experience of ancestors; at the deepest level, a person is the embodiment of ancestors),

2 - the sum of the numbers of the surname (through the egregor we are given protection if we correspond to the actions of our egregor),

6 - the sum of the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name (reaction to life circumstances),

9 - the golden alchemical number - (the forces through which our influence on the world and the correction of fate are realized).

In our example, a person’s achievement of goals, success and higher harmony (the last digit of this series is 9) occurs when he acts as a pioneer (beginning line 3-1-2), preserving the beauty and harmony of the world (2-6-9 ).
4. Description of the Mandala

The main forces of any mandala

When drawing individual mandalas, special icons are used to highlight the key points of the mandala.

First strength- the initial figure of the number series, the movement of energy begins from it (in the mandala it is marked with a bracket ^ ).

Second Force- an accent letter. The stressed letter in the name, patronymic and surname is highlighted with a square. In the name - it's real acting force through which the goal can be achieved. In the surname - the main force of the egregore, in the patronymic - the main vibration for adaptation.

third force- the end of the energy flow (marked with an asterisk). Gives an idea of ​​the result at the end of the action.

When constructing a combined mandala, these points are not selected.

Characteristics of mandala points

Mandala dot numbers associated with planets solar system in a dynamic solar series, which makes it possible not only to realize these vibrations, but also to use them, to carry out real actions. There are many different numerological systems, but these are not everyday series and they do not affect real life. Our life is affected by a number series, in which, for example, the number "1" corresponds to the Sun - the center of our planetary system, the source of heat, light and life.

number 0- a symbol of the Absolute, expresses the fullness of everything, a symbol of divine infinite power. This is the number of the unmanifested world.

Number 1- The sun

The symbol of the primordial Spirit, our higher "I", vital forces. This is the number of unity, consciousness; center and source of energy, active bestowing nature. The sun is the giver of life, the creator of everything on Earth, an indicator of human development, his ascent, creative forces, morality. On a physical level, the heart.

Selected point of the Sun speaks of the need for the manifestation of the Spirit. The rays leaving and entering the point show through what and how fully the self-awareness and creative potential of a person will be manifested. Numerological transit will show at what age a person turns on self-awareness. At certain intervals, point 1 is turned on, which stimulates the development of creativity.

Excessively overloaded with incoming rays, point 1 can develop the traits of an egocentrist, a tyrant.

AT shown in fig. On the 10th mandala, point 1 is strongly deepened, has two or three numbers nearby (for example, 111) and is activated (turned off). Ten rays enter it, and nine rays come out. This means the accumulation of the strong energy of the Sun, which must be spent, manifesting the creative principle inherent in a person. This person is a source of energy for other people. If a person does not spend energy, there is a stagnation and even a rebirth of energy, which can be expressed by spiritual illnesses (pride, egocentrism). On a physical level, this can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Number 2 - Moon

A symbol of duality, choice, a symbol of the Soul. It characterizes the passive perceiving principle, our inner nature and emotions. It symbolizes changes in life, in fate, desires, passions, instincts, spiritual qualities of a person, physical health, female influence. At the physical level - the stomach, the endocrine system.

Selected point 2 indicates the role of the subconscious. In human life, instinctive behavior prevails, the role of habits is great. Such a person may be unduly influenced by other people. And more often in the male mandala - women, and in the female - men. If the point is deepened, then the influence is considered excessive. One point speaks of a simple increase in the energy going to her. But two or three points indicate that energy can stagnate and it is necessary to specifically realize energy, otherwise all manifestations of life will wear negative character. Traits of despotism, excessive relaxation or passivity may appear, especially in women.

In the fig. In the 11th mandala, point 2 is weakly involved and deepened: two rays enter and leave it. This shows that the subconscious of a person is balanced, although, perhaps, there is an excessive absorption in oneself.

Number 3 - Mars

The number of movement, impulse, impulse, dynamic tension, gives a dynamic output, the will to overcome obstacles. Mars is the producer of earthly things, the reason for existence and the aspiration to life. On the physical level - the head.

If point 3 is turned on and deepened, then in the male mandala it makes it possible to see how strength and will are used. In the woman's mandala, the rays coming out of point 3 show the type of man she aspires to. In general, all the rays emerging from point 3 indicate the nature of the active actions of a person.

In the fig. In the 12th example point 3 is strongly deepened and involved (five incoming beams and seven outgoing ones). A person spends more energy from Mars than he receives. This can lead to exhaustion. A woman with such a mandala strives for influential (point 5), sensual (point 6) men who manifest themselves as strong personalities.

Without additional nourishment, points 3 on the physical level can lead to diseases of the head (eyes, ears, brain, etc.). You need to feed this point with the sounds "v", "k", "y".

Number 4 - Mercury

This is the number of teaching, receiving information, quick response and quick change; it is a mental activity. This is a conductor that defines contacts, movements. Mercury is a mediator, he perceives the influence of the forces of the spirit and directs them into real life, symbolizes physical data, dexterity, adaptability, wit, youth. At the physical level - respiratory system and hands.

Point 4 inclusion indicates the level and nature of the development of the intellectual and mental spheres of a person. It allows you to see through what and to what the contacts of a person are directed.

In the fig. 13 mandala point 4 is weakly shown (one incoming and one outgoing rays). This may mean that a person is moderately contactable, expends energy on strengthening his position in life and on specific activities (that is, communicates with people who help him gain confidence in his abilities).

Number 5 - Jupiter

This is the number of the law, the number of a perfect person, the possibility of success in social life. It can stimulate the desire for teaching, leadership, as well as for ideology, religion. A symbol of happiness, wealth, nobility, devotion and humanism. This is the number of life, constant internal changes. In a negative manifestation - hypocrisy, passion for profit, reassessment of oneself. On the physical level - the liver.

Included and recessed point 5 shows how and due to what a person expands his field of activity, the nature and principles of self-affirmation, ways to achieve the goal. There are mandalas (more often in men) in which the number 5 is the number of the goal, but there is not a single five in the vibrational row, that is, the point is not involved. In this case, it is difficult for a person to achieve a goal and realize himself.

In the fig. 14 mandala point 5 is not deepened and is weakly involved (two rays enter and one exits).

This suggests that the energy of Jupiter does not accumulate. For a person, social awareness is important (4-5), a person directs his influence and authority (point 5) to good deeds and lives, feeling every moment (5-2).

Number 6 - Venus

A symbol of harmony and love, a harmonious perception of the world, a source of beauty and peace. Associated with the material world, money. With a negative manifestation, disappointment in love, shame, loss, perversion, voluptuousness, wastefulness are observed. At the physical level, it manifests itself as kidney disease.

Included and recessed point 6 shows how the principle of harmony, aesthetic perception of the world, artistic inclinations manifest themselves in a person and in life. A large deepening of point 6 speaks of artistic inclinations. The rays coming out of point 6 show the nature of partnerships and relationships with material values.

In the fig. On the 15th mandala, point 6 is strongly involved (seven rays enter, four come out), that is, more energy enters than leaves. Since point 6 is deepened, there is a danger of energy stagnation. This means that a person attaches great importance to beauty, aesthetics, feelings. In partnerships, he tries to prove himself (6-1), insist on his own (6-7). A person is filled with energy that gives harmony through the realization of higher harmony (9-6), he actively creates harmony around himself (3-6 and 1-6). The unspent energy of point 6 can lead to inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, therefore, on the days of the transit inclusion of point 6, one should increase the output of energy from this point with the corresponding energy syllables.

Number 7 - Saturn

A symbol of the totality of all major relationships in earthly life. This is the key to time, switching the rhythm of time. Associated with contraction, concentration, restrictions and old age. Saturn is the principle of deepening being, the concentration of forces and life experience through all the trials that lead to higher development. It symbolizes the depth of thoughts, increased spiritual activity, reason. In a negative manifestation - dogmatism, laziness, deceit, ingratitude, stinginess, gloominess, rejection. On the physical level - bones, joints, teeth, hair.

Inclusion and depth of point 7 indicates self-discipline. By the incoming rays one can see through what a person acquires stability, stability and wisdom, ways and methods of personal perfection. The outgoing rays will show how and through what a person will manifest his inner core.

In this mandala (Fig. 16), the energies of point 7 are balanced (two beams enter, two exit). Line 7-3 is used twice. This suggests that human actions are always aimed at specific goals. And his life core is built on harmony and love (6-7) and original, non-standard perception of the world (9-8-7).

Number 8 - Uranus

A symbol of transformation, spontaneous going beyond the established laws, rules. It is the highest conductor between Earth and Heaven, liberation through impulse. Vibrations carry the possibility of transition to a new quality and instant insight. It symbolizes will, explosive energy, everything unexpected and sudden in the power of creative and destructive. Uranus can give sudden enrichment and success, unexpected losses and disasters, conflicts with society, the ability to invent, clairvoyance. In a negative manifestation, a tendency to violence, depraved actions, coups is possible. At the physical level, it manifests itself as diseases of the nervous system.

If point 8 is on, it indicates through which one can realize the principle of freedom. It shows the nature of spiritual development, as well as the ways of extrasensory perception of the world.

In the fig. On the 17th mandala, point 8 is turned on, and a person realizes the principle of freedom through vigorous activity (3-8), and directs energy to self-development, creativity, self-realization (8-1).

Number 9 - Neptune

A symbol of mystery, higher harmony. Expresses faith, hope, illusions. This is a secret supersensitive influence, the highest spiritual life. Neptune can show intuition, fantasy, spirituality, activates talents. In a negative manifestation - deceit, delusion, deceit, betrayal, chaos of thoughts, uncertainty. At the physical level, it manifests itself as diseases of the psyche, the endocrine system.

Included and recessed point 9 characterizes a tendency to deceit and self-deception, drugs, alcohol. The incoming and outgoing rays make it possible to see the methods of developing telepathic abilities and clairvoyance, the religiosity of a person.

In the indicated mandala (Fig. 18), point 9 is strongly involved (three rays enter, four come out). Filling with energy comes only from point 1 (the Sun), which means that everything depends on the person himself. Energy is spent on finding and creating harmony (9-6), on communication (9-4) and on knowing the meaning of life and voluntary restrictions (9-7).

The main lines of the mandala

Analyzing the lines of the mandala, it should be remembered that their characteristics depend on how strongly they are manifested, whether the points to which the rays go are highlighted. The line is interpreted not only as a connection of some vibrations, but also as a matter of fact a number. The line of code, keys or lock is examined more closely.

vertical lines mandalas give an idea of ​​our connections with national and universal karma, since this is a connection with time. The horizontal lines indicate the tendencies of our individual karma. The very presence or absence of lines indicates what the binding of a person’s own karma to the universal one is.

The presence and absence of any lines should be considered in connection with other indicators. Although there are lines, the absence of which already indicates difficult circumstances in a person’s life.

Meditation on the figures of the mandala was a very important part of the spiritual work in the school of Pythagoras. Not a single issue at school was solved without taking into account what opportunities a mandala gives a person.

We must strive to use the mandala to assess the events of the present and future. Looking at the mandala in the rhythm of numerological transits, you can find out when and how to influence your health, emotions, purpose and what kind of support you can get today.

vertical lines

Line 1-4-7(Sun-Mercury-Saturn)

This line represents the past. It shows what a person has worked out in past lives. The absence of a past line speaks of serious problems. A person is deprived of the opportunity to use the experience of the past, cannot show independence in communicating with others and defend his own point of view.

Line 1-4(Sun-Mercury)

Indicates a developed intellect. Strong independence in contacts, sociability (regardless of the direction of the beam), clarity of mind. The worst manifestation is imposing one's opinion on others, especially if the energy goes in the direction of 1-4.

Line 4-7(Mercury-Saturn)

Talks about the presence of a built own internal system as a result of communication and interaction with other people. The direction of the energy must be taken into account. If the energy is directed from 7 to 4, then a person in communication relies on his own attitudes, and if from 4 to 7, then communication and information create an inner core in a person

The energy of this line gives logical thinking, a wonderful sense of form and structure, regardless of direction. Sometimes the strong tension of the line makes it difficult to perceive the new. The absence of this line speaks of a family curse and that a person bears the curse of the family. In this case, he is deprived of the opportunity to independently express himself in contacts, his logical thinking is blocked. As a rule, such a line is absent in women. In men, everything is covered by the line 1-7 (even if it is not in the combined mandala) in the patronymic (ich), and it is not always clear that the man bears such a seal. In women, it is more often passed down the female line. If there is a line 1-7 in the mandala, but no line 4-7, then this indicates a hidden ancestral curse.

The absence of the 1-4 line indicates that the person himself does not bear the curse, but was born from a person who carried the curse.

A woman can get rid of such a curse when she goes under the protection of another egregore on a legal basis, that is, she gets married, changes her last name and there are lines 4-7 or 7-4 in her husband's last name.

If there is no line of the past in the mandala of the surname and patronymic, then when choosing a name for the child, you need to pay attention to the presence of this line and its parts in the name. For example, such a line is present in the names Nicholas and Sofia.

Line 2-5-8(Moon-Jupiter-Uranus)

Denotes the present, is rare in the mandala. A person who has this line actively lives and acts in the present. This is a natural magician. The line indicates choice, power and chance. Choice as a source of fluctuations, power - interactions, chance - the possibility of reaching a new level of development and transformation.

Line 2-8 (Moon-Uranus)

The choice is in the chances that the moment of the present provides us with. A person who has this line is perfectly oriented in the present moment, making a conscious choice, performing some kind of action. This is the speed of reaction, non-standard perception of a new situation. As a rule, such people tend to live for today, they have an intuition for profitable opportunities. Such people are distinguished by emotional contact, they are easily freed from past impressions. Often these people may not be aware of their psychic abilities, but they certainly use them unconsciously. Natural magicians can be seen immediately. People who were born on August 2, 12, 20, 22, 28 or February 8, 18, 28, 1928 or 1982 are magicians. The 2-5-8 line is contained in their essence. Sometimes a person can get these abilities through a line of code. These are the healers who can correct in the present moment.

Line 2-5(Moon - Jupiter)

Her energy gives kindness, the ability to sympathize, compassion. Idealism in outlook, honesty, justice and the ability to love. Propensity for domesticity and family. Such people, as a rule, are successful in business, they have a rich imagination. In the mandala, this is the white magic line.

Line 5-8(Jupiter - Uranus)

Gives a wide circle of acquaintances, often hospitality, promises benefits from innovations, and also indicates the ability to astrology, occultism. It can have both positive and negative manifestations. Depending on the direction of movement of energy, a person acts as a White (5-8) or a Black Magician (8-5).

Line 3-6-9(Mars-Venus-Neptune)

Denotes the future, that is this person lives and acts for the future. In the absence of this line, a person has great freedom in choosing options for his life. But, on the other hand, this speaks of an initially difficult moral state, a violation of harmony in inner world. These people are usually merciless, heartless. Emigrants most often do not have this line. And this line also means the desire to realize your dreams, hopes, fantasies.

Line 3-9(Mars-Neptune)

It defines active actions in the realization of dreams, the fulfillment of hopes, or only dreams of decisive action. The presence of the line 3-9 says that the future of a person is determined, that is, this is a karmic line. People who have it in the mandala have a strong harmonizing energy, personal attraction. They are able to control feelings without suppressing them. Such a person is a great strategist, especially if the line appears several times.

Line 3-6(Mars-Venus)

Means dreams of love, hope for the best, passion. It is a predetermined experience that every person must go through. This line is manifested in many people.

Line 6-9(Venus-Neptune)

Helpful, gentle and kind people. They have an emotional imagination, understanding and empathy for people. They are mystical and religious. The absence of this line says that it is difficult to expect sympathy and mercy from this person.

horizontal lines

There are three horizontal lines: top (line 1-2-3), middle (line 4-5-6) and bottom (line 7-8-9). They symbolize different periods of life. The upper part is the initial period of life, the middle horizontal is the middle period, and the lower part is the final period. Each period is approximately equal to the cycle of Saturn - 29 years.

The horizontal division indicates the tendencies of our individual karma. The very presence or absence of these lines indicates what is the binding of a person’s own karma to the universal one.

Line 1-2-3(Sun-Moon-Mars)

It means either conscious activity, if the energy goes from 1 to 3, or an active manifestation of the spirit (3-1), or both. This line gives the desire for action and courage in dangerous situations. Line 1-2-3 indicates the possibility of starting any business, gives an initial impetus. If there are no more horizontal lines in the mandala, and this line is manifested several times, then such people are pioneers. Their main task in life is to start a new business. The result is usually used by others. The lowest manifestation is excessive and sometimes destructive activity. The absence of this line may indicate that this person is having difficulty taking on a new business.

Line 1-2(Sun moon)

Psychological balance and the ability to follow the rules. Successful marriage and good family relationships. A strongly developed line speaks of consistently good health.

Line 2-3(Moon-Mars)

These energies bring impulsiveness and recklessness, but also a flair for a profitable business. The result of the work begun depends on the emotional state, if the energy goes from 2 to 3. Good health gives women.

Line 4-5-6(Mercury-Jupiter-Venus)

Talks about freedom in achieving the goal. Not all people have this line, sometimes there is only one part of it. If the line is involved in the mandala several times, this says that this person, as a rule, always achieves his goal and has great freedom of action.

The line gives a balanced character, diplomacy in communication, as a rule, a good voice. In the worst case, when this line dominates the others, the person will strive for the goal at any cost.

Line 4-5(Mercury-Jupiter)

Gives optimism, emotions are controlled by reason. Indicates the ability for abstract thinking. Such a person helps the needy in word and deed.

Line 5-6(Jupiter-Venus)

wellbeing line. These energies give aestheticism in behavior, emotional craving for religion, good luck in money, generosity, popularity. Lucky and energetic nature. Harmony with the opposite sex in marriage, sociability. Often luck in art.

Line 7-8-9(Saturn-Uranus-Neptune)

H The presence of this line speaks of karmic debts and the support of ancestors. If a person does not have it, then there are no karmic debts (although there is no support from the ancestors). The absence of a line indicates that the person either lost contact with his ancestors early or lost them physically early.

Line 7-9(Saturn-Neptune)

It gives you the opportunity to control your imagination, to act covertly. As a rule, it means a commitment based on the knowledge of what a person must do. This karmic working off is inherent in a person from the very beginning. A person with this line in the mandala is distinguished by commitment in all matters, and he requires the same from others, especially if it is related to the business in which the person is engaged. Gives a great ability to concentrate, interest in the occult and foresight in worldly affairs.

Line 7-8(Uranus-Neptune)

Awareness of will and freedom. As a rule, these are reliable and sincere friends with self-discipline. The line gives the ability to science and systematization of knowledge.

Line 8-9(Uranus-Neptune)

Man idealizes reality. The line indicates spiritual development. These energies manifest mystical knowledge and great interest to the occult and esoteric. A tense (that is, included several times) line indicates a tendency to sectarianism.

Small diagonal lines

These are the supporting lines of the main lines of the mandala. These include lines 1-8, 8-3, 2-7, 2-9, 4-3, 4-9, 6-1, 6-7. They soften events, make it possible to perform various actions without tension.

Line 1-8(Sun-Uranus)

P a line that appears several times gives a large energy flow, which creates inconstancy in life and a very changeable fate, especially if it is a line of code. The direction of energy in both directions indicates an independent character, a strong intuition, originality. Direction 1-8 indicates the ability to use a lucky break. In women, it is often an indicator of a happy marriage, especially at the line of the code. This line helps to navigate in life, to perceive everything new that gives the present moment. And if there is still a line 3-8, then even without having a line 2-8, a person can successfully manifest himself in life. People who have a 2-8 line without a 1-8 support line tend to surround themselves with those who have this line.

Line 8-3(Uranus-Mars)

Often makes it possible to realize through a happy accident, especially if it is a line of code. Gives unexpected successes, but on a short time. If the line is activated several times, then such a person may be haunted by unexpected cases. These people have the talent of an inventor. They are generators of ideas, every time they try to do something in a new way. The energies of this line give great strength, courage. Such people are very frank. A strongly manifested line creates obstacles in marriage.

Line 2-7(Moon-Saturn)

Causes a desire for fruitful loneliness. Solving the problems of the present is best done alone. The line gives very strong common sense, but often robs resourcefulness. If the line is a code one, then it gives great responsibility, a sense of duty and self-esteem. In a negative manifestation, it gives conservatism, extreme caution. It is most pronounced when the line is involved several times.

Line 2-9(Moon-Neptune)

Gives strong intuition hypersensitivity, impressionability and rich imagination. Negative influence manifests itself in various manias, excessive passivity.

Line 4-3(Mercury-Mars)

Entrepreneurial line. Supports the target line (4-6). A strongly developed line 4-3 gives an excess of mental energy, especially if the energy flows from 3 to 4 and point 4 is deepened. In this case, the energy can stagnate. People with the 4-3 line have a quick reaction and a good susceptibility to study. A negative manifestation is fussiness, a tendency to exaggeration, often causticity. If it is a castle line, the vibrations make it possible to influence public opinion. The line gives a sense of humor, figurative expression of one's thoughts, the ability to understand other people.

Line 4-9(Mercury-Neptune)

Can give the gift of prophecy, if it is a line of a castle, a code. There is a kind of sixth sense with which a person perceives the world. Good visual memory, the ability to predict events, subtle susceptibility to the world around. These abilities make it possible to influence others imperceptibly. A negative manifestation is a tendency to depression, unsystematic thinking. The worst manifestation is an enduring feeling of anxiety, a lack of perception of reality, reaching the point of unwillingness to live.

Line 6-1(Venus-Sun)

This is the perfect line that most people have. Gives a stream of optimism, kindness, strength of feelings. Negative manifestation - prodigality, capriciousness. If point 1 is deepened and the rays are directed towards it, then in the worst case, an excess of energy may appear through eccentricity.

Line 6-7(Venus-Saturn)

Helps in achieving the goal. Gives a sense of order, practicality, high morality. These are very loyal people. The presence of this line indicates the possibility of late marriage, the presence of a permanent income. Negative manifestation - excessive restraint, seriousness. Deep point 7 leads to lack of spirituality, deceit.

Major diagonal lines

Left diagonal 1-5-9(Sun-Jupiter-Neptune)

E that diagonal is present in the essence mandala of all people born in the 20th century. This is the path of ascent and evolution, improvement of the world and oneself. The direction of the rays shows where evolution is directed. If the 9-1 connection is more highlighted, then the person strives for personal improvement and through this contributes to the evolution of the world. Diagonal 1-5-9 means extraverted road, it indicates the path of universal development.

Right diagonal 3-5-7(Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Means introverted road. At best, this is a path of individual development and self-improvement. In the worst case, if the line is strongly pronounced, it may be the path of involution and fall. Depending on the direction of energy, the interpretation is different.

Half-diagonal lines

Line 1-5(Sun-Jupiter)

It often means an exaggerated opinion of oneself, selfishness and indiscipline, especially if the energy passes several times. These people need to learn to be patient. A strongly manifested line 1-5 shows immoderate optimism and thoughtlessness in actions, as well as generosity that knows no bounds.

Line 5-9(Jupiter-Neptune)

Often carries an excess of feelings and chaos in everyday affairs. Such people are kind and compassionate. As a rule, they promise more than they can deliver. At its best, this line in the mandala can give love to people, nobility, charm, a penchant for magic and mysticism, and an understanding of religion. Often gives wanderlust. In negative manifestations - aimless wanderings in reality and in dreams.

Line 3-5(Mars-Jupiter)

Gives courage, sociability, but at the same time unreliability and often dishonesty in actions. In the worst case, extremism and a tendency to violence, as well as the wastefulness of other people's funds. Such people, as a rule, are distinguished by the inability to relax, they are very tense, especially if it is a code or heavily involved line.

Line 5-7(Jupiter-Saturn)

Erroneous estimates in planning and low status in life, or, conversely, wealth and expansion of the boundaries of opportunities on a very solid foundation, a very rigid foundation.

Lines of the small inner square

Line 2-4(Moon-Mercury)

The consciousness of such people is a prisoner of the past, as a result, objectivity of perception and sociability often suffer. But such people know how to sympathize with others, because they are very sensitive. It is difficult to adapt in large groups, they cannot be with a large crowd of people, they are dependent on their mood.

Line 2-6(Moon-Venus)

If this line is used several times, it gives credulity, promiscuity in sympathy. And, as a result, this can lead to financial difficulties, extravagance and uncontrolled jealousy in marriage.

Line 4-8(Mercury-Uranus)

T Such people are distinguished by a mobile mind, nervousness, which often pushes them to hasty decisions. They are stubborn and unreceptive to the advice of others, often possessing instant insight but failing to use it. These characteristics are especially pronounced if it is a code or lock line.

Line 6-8(Venus-Uranus)

Line of love at first sight. Marriages are created for love at first sight, which lasts a lifetime. A person is haunted by a quick change of mood and often by erotic extravagance. He seeks to achieve peace of mind at any cost if the energy goes from 8 to 6.

Figures in the mandala


Ruled by Mars. It symbolizes dynamics, aspiration and concentration on some business. This is harmony in motion. In the worst case, if a person calms down in his movement, he does not live consciously, he seems to be sleeping. Depending on which line lies at the base of the triangle, the figure is interpreted. For example, a triangle 2-7-9-2 with a base of 7-9 is interpreted as a "happy shirt".


At ruled by Saturn. It symbolizes stability, static, tranquility. Gives perseverance in achieving the goal. At worst, pettiness. This is a sign of the return of karmic debts, it obliges to complete all things.

How heavy the debt is, shows the manifestation of the line 7-8-9. If it is manifested once, this is just a limitation, stability, if two or three times, this is already an indicator that a person either works off his heavy karma or pays for others.


Ruled by the Sun. There is one main line and two support lines. It is interpreted from the main line, which is the carrier. Symbolizes one direction in movement, can lead to overspending.

If the main line and both support lines are directed to one point, then all the energy works for this point.

If one line enters and two lines exit, this may mean either overcapacity or exhaustion. A person who has such an arrow in the mandala should direct his energy to some business, have a goal, otherwise there is a waste of time and effort.

Energy can exit the arrow along all lines. This means that a person gives, distributes energy along all rays.


Ruled by the Moon. Created by two support lines from one of the main lines. This figure brings fluctuations, changes, choice, duality and creates constant changes in life, an unstable state. It can be oriented in different directions - it all depends on the direction of the energy. If the energy flows in one direction - the figure contributes right choice, change for the better. In the worst case, that is, when the rays are directed in different directions, random changes are possible.


Ruled by Jupiter. A person who has a five-pointed star in the mandala has a special task in life, has great powers and opportunities, symbolizes expansion, capture. This is a sign of emphasis, markedness, especially karmic, when the energy is not chaotic, but unidirectional along the rays of the star in some direction.

The energy in a star can move clockwise and counterclockwise, it can be directed in different directions. If the energy is directed in different directions, then the figure will work randomly. Anti-clockwise movement is creative. Clockwise movement is transformative towards the goal. Such a movement can be positive if a person is involved in active actions, using changing situations. This places a great responsibility on him. After all, a person must realize the forces, otherwise the stagnant energy will act destructively.

The seven-pointed star in the mandala distinguishes a person from total weight of people. Such a person has the power to control time if the rays of the star are unidirectional counterclockwise. This happens on an unconscious level or in a dream.


Ruled by Mercury, it has two diagonals, which are limited by either horizontal or vertical lines. Creates duality, promotes movement, calls for a lot of variation in life, learning from everything. Such people are karmic disciples. On the other hand, it gives a choice of access to a new level of life. In this case, you can not behave uncontrollably. The presence of a "bow" in the mandala indicates the need to live according to a high program. You should think about the consequences of your actions. It is very good when the energies flow in one direction and form a closed system. Movement in different directions interferes with harmonious manifestation.

Symmetrical figures

Ruled by Venus. They are considered separately. Their presence in the mandala indicates great karmic developments. People with such figures in the mandala, as a rule, take a passive-waiting position in life. They develop in life the potential that they have. They feel confident without taking any steps towards development. These are the burners of their karma.

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Individual sacred mandala causes a strong impulse of special energies in a person, gives the rhythm that allows him to capture, perceive various cosmic energies, including the subtle world. Only the mandala, built on the basis of the date, name and surname of a person, has the greatest energy power.

1. Essence number calculation. 06.05.1987 = 9 .Entity number, consisting of the sum of numbers (6, 5, 7 = 6 + 5 + 7 = 18 = 9):

  • 6 physical body, birthday number is our health (06 = 0+6 = 6)
  • 5 of the Astral body, the day of the month of birth - our emotions (05= 0+5=5)
  • 7 of the mental body, the number of the year of birth is our thoughts (1987 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 25 = 7)

2. Calculation of personality numbers. Arina Dobrikova = 9, 1.Numbers of the person, consisting of numbers (9 and 1)

  • 9 Targets (name) = (Arina) 1 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 18 = 9
  • 1 Help of ancestors (family egregor) = (Dobrikov) 5 + 7 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 37 = 10 = 1

3. Calculation of the golden (alchemical) number. 05/06/1987 Arina Dobrikova = 1. Golden (alchemical) number, consisting of the sum (9, 9, 1 = 9 + 9 + 1 = 19 = 10 = 1):

  • 9 Essence Numbers
  • 9, 1 Numbers of personality (goals and egregore)

With the help of vibrations of this number, a person can correct his destiny and influence the world around him.

4. Key line.

  • Key 1 = 9-1 (entity number = 9, last name number =1)
  • Key 2 = 9-9 (entity number = 9, name number = 9)
  • Key 3 = 9-9 (first name number = 9, last name number = 9)

It shows the possibilities of a person that can be realized only by combining the programs of the essence (the number of the date of birth) and the personality (the number of the name and the number of the surname).

5. Personality lock line.

  • Castle 1 = 1-9 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, essence number = 9)
  • Castle 2 = 1-9 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, name number = 9)
  • Castle 3 = 1-1 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, last name number = 1)

The lock of personality represents the energy connection from the golden (alchemical) number to the numbers of the programs of the essence (number of the date of birth) and personality (number of the last name, first name) and determines the highest goal for which a person came to this world.

6. Graphic construction of a numerical mandala.

The graphic construction of the numerical mandala is made in the working square, with numbers from 1 to 9.

We connect the Numbers of the recorded numerical series (date of birth + first name + last name) with lines and complete graphic construction lines of "key" and "lock" and bring everything into a square and it will look like this:

6+5 +1 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 1

Add keys and locks.

  • Key 1 = 9-1 Key 2 = 9-9 Key 3 = 9-9
  • Lock 1 = 1-9 Lock 2 = 1-9 Lock 3 = 1-1

We remove all the "superfluous" and the numerical Mandala will look like this.

Sacred mandala.

Around the numerical mandala we describe a regular octagon, around the last - a protective square, and, finally, around the square - a circle (symbol of the Universe). From the four vertices of the octagon, as it were, four radiating antennas emerge (antennas for communication with the Cosmos). The color scheme symbolizes the elements: yellow - earth, red - fire, green - wood, white - metal and blue - water.

The sacred mandala must be included in the color energy flows, while it is necessary to take into account the degree (of a person's aura).

It can be seen from the graph that due to the corresponding colors it is necessary to strengthen the energy of the second, third, fifth chakras (aura), and for this we use the dominance of orange, yellow and blue colors.

We connect both mandalas and get an individual sacred mandala.

By the effort of the mandala (goals, luck, health, etc.) and get it final version. This is how an individual sacred mandala of a person is created.

The practice of healing the body with the help of a mandala.

Find comfortable spot. Place the image on your lap or place it in front of you..
Relax as much as possible, take any position that is comfortable for you and look at the mandala. Plunging into its outlines, gamma, connect with it with the color channel of health. AT this example it is pink. Talk verbally or mentally with the mandala. Imagine that SHE is alive - a point of a part of the universe that listens to you and understands everything. Pleasant music will only strengthen your connection.

Formulate your desire-intention, for example: "Let my diseases disappear, list them, and my biofield will become dense, powerful and reliable". Imagine that through the channel of health, the mandala, like a pump, draws out your illnesses, transforms, purifies and dumps into the infinite space of space. After that, mentally return to that period of life when you were healthy and happy.

In this state, you can stay as long as you want from 5 minutes to infinity. If you fall asleep, it's for the best - during sleep, recovery is much more efficient.

Protect, protect with the help of a mandala.

It is enough just to use the mandala as a protection, place it in the room where you are. To enhance the effect, set the code of your protection to the mandala, for example: With the energies of the hands and mentally form around it an information-energy colored (according to the golden alchemical number) contour-shield against the effects of the harmful energies of the environment, evil thoughts and evil intentions of people, as well as the actions of various creatures ". Such a charm can be carried with you, and you can also place it in the interior of the car, on the front door, windows, wallet, any things that are with you most of the time.

Activate the mandala with the words: "I put protection from the harmful energies of the world around me." "Through you (mandala) no evil entity will penetrate."


It is enough to place the mandala in the room where your creative "workshop" is located. Mentally surround her with a colored halo for good luck (according to the number of your year of birth).

Charging water.

Water is a living substance, scientists of the world have proven that it reacts to various external vibrations through changes in its structure. Water is the only substance on the planet that is stored both in liquid, solid (ice) and gaseous (steam) form. A mandala can positively influence water by structuring it in a special way, making it a positive environment for our health.

Pour into a glass vessel raw water, cover it with a mandala image (the image can be attached to the bottom or side of the water container) and mentally or aloud formulate your desire-intention, which can be as follows: “Let this water container be charged with energy that will purify water from all harmful impurities and water will remove toxins from my body, help get rid of ... (list your illnesses), soothe nervous system …».

It should be noted. that all your wishes-intentions were extremely sincere, simple and uttered with faith in success. Usually such water is ready for use within a few hours. To enhance the charging effect, you can use several images at once, for example, put one under the bottom of the container, and cover it with the other on top.

Water charged in this way is suitable for cooking, watering flowers, holding, etc. It can be used as a "concentrate", adding small portions to ordinary water, so all the water will absorb charged energy after a while and become structured.

Mandala helps to accelerate your spiritual development. It should be used to manage your life energy - Qi, to relieve stress, depression, experiences (the finiteness of being, loneliness, guilt, etc.), chronic fatigue, age crises.

The mandala is creature and, having worked with her, do not forget to thank her!

It must be remembered that if you constantly work with the mandala, then it will become for you an effective tool for using your internal energy, a “key” to your hidden resources.

An example from my practice of creating a family amulet.

  • Karina: Vladimir, please make a calculation of the family protective mandala? You have the details of my family members. And what will the family protective amulet look like?

Your family meditation protection mandala looks like this.

It is based on your family-wide numerical mandala.

In which a mandala is laid for you (Karina) and your mother (Elena).

First, let's understand what a mandala is. In Eastern practices and teachings, this is the name for the image of the “model of the Universe”, drawn according to a certain pattern. Mandalas are used for meditation, concentrating on them in order to feel connected with the Universe and recharge with its energy.

Numerical mandala is a mandala drawn according to an individual scheme using numerological numbers corresponding to certain person. Such a mandala is used to gain a deeper understanding of one's "I".

What is a mandala? The Magic of Numbers

Numerical mandala: preparation for construction

To build a numerical mandala, you first need to calculate:

  • entity code- number of date of birth (number of fate);
  • identity code- number of full name (life path number);
  • force number(golden alchemical number) - the number of fate + the number of the life path.

4+2=6 — destiny number.

To calculate the life path number and personality code, you must write down the first name, patronymic and last name in numbers. Use our table:

Correspondence of letters of the Russian alphabet to numbers from 1 to 9:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
With T At F X C H W SCH
Kommersant S b E YU I

For example, Alexey Ivanovich Petrov:

1 (A) 4 (L) 6 (E) 3 (K) 1 (C) 6 (E) 2 (J)

1 (I) 3 (B) 1 (A) 6 (H) 7 (O) 3 (B) 1 (I) 7 (H)

8 (P) 6 (E) 2 (T) 9 (P) 7 (O) 3 (V)

Personal code: 1463162 13167317 862973

Life path number: 8+6+2+9+7+3+1+4+6+3+1+6+2+1+3+1+6+7+3+1+7=87; 8+7=15; 1+5=6

Let's calculate the golden alchemical number (fate number + life path number): 6+6=12; 1+2=3. It indicates the purpose of this incarnation, the life motivation of a person.

How to build a numerical mandala?

Now that you know what a mandala is, what it is for, and how to calculate the numbers and codes to compose it, let's start building the mandala itself.

Draw a large circle (symbolizes the Universe), enter a square into it (denoting 4 cardinal points), and into the square - an octagon (“lotus”, the beginning of life), as shown in the figure.

Inside this base, your numerical mandala will be located.

Mentally divide the square into 9 equal squares and also mentally place the numbers from 1 to 9 in them:

Prepare pens or pencils different colors to indicate the lines of each code and number. Start with an image entity code. To do this, connect the numbers with lines in accordance with the code. So, for code 1961988, draw a line from 1 to 9, then from 9 to 6, from 6 to 1, from 1 to 9, from 9 to 8.

If the numbers are repeated side by side, for example, 8 and 8, then draw a dot in this zone. If a line is repeated, for example, 1-9 and 1-9, then draw a second line next to the first line.

Let's start with the image personality code. From the last digit of the entity code to the first digit of the personality code, draw a line of a different color, this is the First Key, or “umbilical cord” connecting the codes. Take a pencil of the third color and draw lines in accordance with the numbers of the personality code, as indicated above. Use a different color to indicate the relationship between the last digit of the first name and the first digit of the patronymic, the last digit of the patronymic and the first digit of the surname.

Final step - application castle lines. Take a pencil of a different color and draw a line from the number of power (golden alchemical number) to the last digit of the last name. In our example, these numbers match, so draw a dot where the number 3 is supposed to be placed on your mandala.

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When your numerical mandala is ready, hang it in the part of the house where you visit most often so that you can see it constantly.

Each line (connection) in the numerical mandala is interpreted separately - we will talk about this in subsequent materials. So, we have sorted out what a mandala is and how to make it. Now try drawing your own number mandala!

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T. N. Zyurnyaeva

Numerical mandala - fate and karma


It is difficult to live in times of change. But these times provide an opportunity to change a lot. The changes taking place outside make a person evaluate his life differently and perceive it in a new way.

Our time of change is unique. In a relatively short period of time, several time cycles of different duration and level of action end simultaneously. For us, living at this time, this transition from one era to another in the full sense of the word means a transition from one world to another, completely unknown to us. How and what will happen, not a single oracle will be able to predict, too much is changing for the Earth in a short time.

Firstly, the axis of the Earth, which has been pointing to the constellation of Pisces for more than 2000 years, crosses the border of signs on March 21, 2003 and enters the constellation of Aquarius. This is the constellation under whose protection our country, Russia, is located. Russia in the new time is assigned a special role, the whole world is turned in our direction, following the processes that are taking place in this territory. The symbol of Aquarius is a man pouring water from two vessels without mixing them. In one vessel, the water is "dead", restoring integrity, in the other - "alive", filling with energy and life.

At the beginning of the third millennium, not only the beginning of the Age of Aquarius falls, but also the end and beginning of many other rhythms of time that people follow.

So, on March 21, 2002, a new cycle of the solar Avestan calendar will begin with a period of 256 years. In 2008, a new galactic year will begin for the Earth, lasting 8.4 million years, carrying a change in the position of the Earth in space. What will this entail? We'll see. Many predictors warn of cataclysms that the Earth will experience at the beginning of the third millennium. But it's impossible to even renovate an apartment or move without moving everything from its old place.

In addition, according to the ideas of the ancient Maya, in 2012 the next stage of the evolution of the earthly mind ends and humanity will be connected to the Galactic information network which will provide the Earth with new opportunities for its development. According to the ancient Mayan calendar, another passage through the Earth of a galactic synchronization beam with a diameter of 5125 years ends, the purpose of which was to help the Earth reach the level of conscious radiation. Indeed, according to their ideas, the Earth is a living organism, an intelligent planet.

Many people may not be aware of the change in these rhythms. But the fact that the twentieth century, the second millennium after the birth of Christ, has ended, and the third millennium has come, is known to everyone who lives according to this chronology.

In order to orient themselves in this changing world, at all times of change, people sought support in secret, sacred knowledge, and such knowledge was revealed to those who sought it. It is no coincidence that in our time a flurry of information fell upon people about what used to be for us "behind seven locks".

If the concept of "fate" is more or less clear to us, then the word "karma" sounds alarming and confusing. There is an idea that "man himself is the creator of his own destiny." Fate is what happens in the life of any person now, in this life. Karma is the result of our past destinies and what a person "created" sometime in his other lives. After all, a person lives more than once, he simply changes bodies, like clothes. And experience, its priceless wealth, carries with it from life to life.

One of the ways to know your karma and work with your destiny is to study your life with the help of a person's numerical mandala. Understanding the symbolism of the numerical mandala can lead to a change in the ways of responding to the world around us in all its diversity of manifestations. And this, in turn, will change a person and life itself, which means it will correct fate and make it possible to work out karma.

1. Number Mandala

The numbers that surround us have a magical meaning. Their vibrations have a great influence on our lives. Various actions with numerical vibrations studies numerology - a universal system of knowledge of the world order. All phenomena of the world are reduced to simple numerical vibrations.

Numerology refers to karmic astrology, which is not limited to our current incarnation. Therefore, the numerological horoscope allows you to identify not only the purpose of a particular incarnation, but also provides deeper karmic information. The construction of a mandala and meditation on it cause a certain impetus in the subconscious and give access to subtle planes. By attuning to our mandala, we are included in a special Universal rhythm that promotes the perception of cosmic energy, and we get the opportunity for a completely different development. Having received new information, many will be able to analyze their lives, find out what qualities they initially possess, consciously correct their weaknesses in order to achieve the solution of the tasks for which they were born.

geometric pattern numerological horoscope of a person (numerical mandala) is an individual drawing of fate. It reveals the original path of a person, shows his hidden possibilities. Daily vibrational energy flows are reflected and act in the unconscious structures of our essence and personality, which can be seen in the mandala. They are reflected in our thoughts, emotions, our health, ways and possibilities of achieving the goal, influencing the world, in responding to others.

Exploring the mandala, you can see what we have lost and what we have gained in the process of life, whether it is good or bad for us, you can find out what needs to be done in a certain year, month, day. Any line of the mandala shows how various programs are implemented in a person’s life, whether there are birth curses, whether a person has magical powers, and if so, how he uses them, how natural weakness can be compensated.

In real life, knowledge of numerology is necessary for a person to choose simple and convenient landmarks and the lifestyle that suits him best.

Date of birth, first name, patronymic and last name are used in the language system in which the person lives. If a person moved to a country where they speak another language, then his numerological code will change, as well as his life task and the ways of its implementation. The personality of a person in the rhythms of another country will be tuned to other vibrations and will be realized in a different way.

Each number of the natural series in the dynamic solar system corresponds to the energies and functions of the planets of the solar system in which we live.

1 - Sun, 2 - Moon, 3 - Mars, 4 - Mercury, 5 - Jupiter, 6 - Venus, 7 - Saturn, 8 - Uranus, 9 - Neptune.

Table 1.

Correspondence of numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet











































The main parts of the numerological code

Date of Birth- the primary determining vibration for a person. This is the main number expressing its essence. The numbers of the date of birth indicate what the individual harmony of the three bodies of a person is built on: physical, astral and mental.

Birthday- the vibrational number of the day, which is used to harmonize the physical body.

Date of month of birth- this is the number of the astral body, used to harmonize our energy, emotions.

Number of year of birth- the number of the mental body, thoughts - the most subtle spiritual plan available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.

The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to the vibrational entity number.

Last name number

This number shows the number of egregor to which the person is connected. Egregor is an independently developing object in the subtle world. It arises when a certain group of people begins to think in the same way and the mental matter allocated by them reaches a certain size. The life of an egregore is supported by the energies that arise during the performance of certain rituals and customs by people. The connection of a person with his egregor (family, nation, religion, science, art, politics, etc.) is two-way. A person not only supports and strengthens egregor with his thoughts and actions, but egregor also gives a person support and protection.

Numerological egregore is a person's mental attitude towards certain goals in life, ways of their implementation, expressed by the numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the action of the planets of the solar system. The interaction of a person with an egregor is due to his own mood. Do not cultivate negative thoughts and bad choices implementation of cases. On the contrary, having tuned in to the number of your egregore, having thought through all conceivable options for a successful and favorable outcome of the case, you will receive help and support.

The number of egregor sets a certain task for a person, which he must perform in life in order to support his egregor and receive protection from him in specific cases that the egregor needs.

Each line in the mandala is treated separately. The presence or absence of some lines indicates what a person is. Therefore, the energy vibrations on different planes that arise when connecting various programs are so carefully separated. For example, series of target and adaptation numbers. Very often, it is in this connection that men receive magical abilities; Women have almost no such opportunity.

The mandala looks like this. The base - the essence - is highlighted in red. Blue personality lines may cover this base; then a blue line is drawn parallel to the red one indicating the direction. If the blue line crosses the blue line for the second time, then a second arrow is placed on the already existing blue line.

If there was a short connection, and then a long one appeared, then the short connection is drawn to the long one and an air arrow is placed on top. If the same figure is in a row in the mandala, then a point is placed next to it, that is, this point deepens. If a long connection is repeated, then another arrow is marked on the air arrow.

Essence Mandala

08/03/1945 = 30 = 3 (Mars).

If the date has a zero in the numbers of the day, month or year, then we skip it, we do not depict it in the mandala, but we take it into account in the vibration series. The presence of zero in the number series indicates that a person has special powers. Zero is a sign of great power.

We connect in series inside the working square of the mandala all the numbers. In our example, the essence mandala is closed, which indicates the self-sufficiency and invulnerability of the human essence.

The only main line is 1-9 (the desire for overall harmony). This line is present in all people born in the 20th century. The remaining lines indicate through what a person will go to this goal. Lines 1-8, 8-3 are designed to support a person, help him live with the problems of the present moment. Line 4-5 directs to the dissemination of information supporting the law. Line 3-5 (code line) says that the actions of a person should contribute to the execution and maintenance of laws in society.

name mandala

A name is a manifestation of energy through which a person achieves his goal.

Consider the numerological series of the name: 2123661 = 3 (Mars). The purpose manifests itself harmoniously. Support in d A person sees achieving the goal in establishing harmony with himself and the world around him. Since the achievement of the goal ends with the number 3 (Mars), then, perhaps, a person will have a desire to insist on his own. At best, this is the desire to achieve some higher goal, to give impetus, an impulse to something new. Line 1-3 says that the moment of beginning is always very important for a person. In choosing a goal, he comes from emotions, focuses on the present moment, tries on the goal for himself for a long time. If he finds a good moment, then this inflames his emotions even more and he actively achieves the goal, while striving for harmonization and for it to bring him pleasure, perhaps as self-affirmation.

Patronymic Mandala

M Andala patronymic indicates what our relationship with ancestors is built on, ways of adapting a person in the present through the connection of generations.

Take for example the numerological series: 13167361 = 1 (Sun).

The experience of ancestors helps at the beginning of any business (1-3-1), harmonizing it (1-6) and determining the exact goal (6-7). The need to prove oneself (7-3) is expressed in the desire harmonious combination love and achieving material results. Ultimately, the ancestors direct to the spiritual, creative development this person.

Surname Mandala

The mandala of the surname is the energy circuit of the egregor to which the person is connected.

Consider the vibrational numerological series of the surname, consisting of the following numbers: 61919731316 = 2 (Moon).

The task that egregor poses to a person is to achieve harmony (the digital series begins and ends with the number 6). A person must make a choice and by his actions help the egregore in the development of the world (1-9, 1-9) through his own evolution (7-3), following unknown paths.


With the help of a mandala created especially for you, you can solve many problems related to health, money, relationships, and more! Mandala works with the subconscious, drawing a mandala helps to express desire and release any obstacles on the way to their fulfillment, and can also bring forgotten memories to the surface, which will help heal the soul and body.

Starting to create your mandala, be guided primarily by the meaning of flowers for you. After all, it works best when created by you personally.

First, decide for what purpose you are creating your mandala. What do you want from her? Maybe you want to improve your health? Then decide which organ worries you the most, and what colors you associate with a healthy, well-functioning organ.

A heart, for example, can be red, green, or blue, depending on how you feel at that particular moment. Don't worry, you won't choose a color that will harm you. Your body will tell you what is most needed for you at the moment.

Or maybe you want to improve your financial condition? Then decide what color your well-being is.

If you want to attract love, think about the color of the love that you attract? After all, FOR YOU it does not have to be red or color pink with which illustrators usually associate love. Someone wants an all-consuming passion, and someone wants a cozy home. Someone wants diversity, and someone stability.

You can also create a mandala that will radiate healing energy or a mandala that will be designed to ensure that your home has prosperity and abundance, so that your home flourishes. Using a mandala in your home is one of the most effective ways activate vital energy in your environment.

While working on the creation of a mandala, keep in mind the purpose for which you create it.

Drawing technique:

1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 15-18 cm.

2. Using a protractor, mark all the points
consisting of thirty degrees apart, and then divide the circle into twelve equal parts. (You can divide the circle into more or less parts, but not less than 7)

3. Use pencils, paints or felt-tip pens to paint over each sector. Remember how the process of drawing attracted you as a child and enjoy the process!

4. When drawing a mandala, you must be in a meditative (contemplative) state. This will energize your mandala.

5. Pay attention to how you feel as you paint over each sector. How do you feel about this or that color? How is the color perceived later, when neighboring areas are painted over? Which color do you like more, which less? Which one do you not like at all? All your feelings can be the keys to creating your mandala to solve some problem!

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