DIY birthday poster. Holiday posters

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays, preparing to congratulate someone, we browse an incredible number of sites, search all the shops in the area in search of the perfect gift. It should be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about replacing a simple gift card with a congratulatory poster or poster?

Let's think together how to draw a birthday poster, how to decorate it beautifully and what kind of birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are gaining more and more popularity.

Cool posters, a funny cartoon, a wall newspaper, a poster made by yourself - a nice birthday present, an original congratulation - the key to a great birthday mood. A birthday poster can contain funny greetings, poems, drawings, photos.

What you need for a congratulatory poster

To make a birthday poster, we need quite a bit, first of all, this:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that photographs of the future birthday man, old magazines, printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future wall newspaper with birthday wishes.

Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday present in the form of such a large, peculiar postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster, having thought over its idea in advance.

Components of such a gift

  1. Lettering and design.
    The most important phrase, of course, should be striking, be bright, radiate a good mood. How to issue them? These letters can be diversified by doodling by drawing large letters, adding flowers or other small details to them, drawing a kind of graffiti for a birthday or making an appliqué. Letters can be printed, cut out of colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. Watercolor will come to the rescue. A light layer of watercolor will dilute the white background of the paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a draft with a sketch, sketch out a couple of words for a birthday celebration, cool, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your ability to write good congratulations, look for them on the Internet in advance, print or rewrite for yourself.

First of all, a birthday poster simply has to be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

The poster does not require much effort, artistic skills, and interesting congratulations can be easily found on the sites, where you will find more than one good idea of ​​what to draw for your birthday.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is a huge inscription Happy Birthday, placed on top or in the center, in large beautiful letters, voluminous bright. So, first of all, let's place the phrase in a convenient place, for starters, do it with a simple pencil. Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can correct accidental blots and blemishes.

Birthday Drawing Ideas

If you are out of ideas or lacking inspiration, then here are some tips on what to draw for your birthday. Here you will find help on how to design a birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own unique twist to the gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster is drawings, simple thematic drawings, these can be balloons, gift boxes, an image of a birthday person or simple drawings, such as flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to the poster, or handwritten. If your posters show balloons, then why not put congratulations on the balloons. And if flowers, petals are a great idea to arrange any wish.

You can diversify such a poster in volume, for example, glue another drawn ball on top, lifting which you can find a couple of kind words from you. The same can be done with flower petals, and with gifts. If you have a few small envelopes, or if you can fold them yourself out of paper, then gluing the finished envelopes with a couple of nice lines in them is a great idea.


Doubting your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images on the internet! Print, cut out, and stick on a future poster. Between them you can place the same printed greetings.

Photos for the collage will be no less useful. Take your shared photos from your happiest moments or past holidays. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order of the birthday person growing up. Funny and random photos can be used too, of course, if the birthday boy doesn't get offended and you want some cool posters.

Among the congratulations with such photos, you can put a couple of phrases, the author of which is celebrating a birthday, which have become winged in your family / company.

Work on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

A sweet poster has become very popular now. Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on the poster. It will be funny to hear such phrases as “You and I are inseparable as Twix” or “Communication with you is a heavenly pleasure” with a Baunty chocolate bar attached next to it. Buy a couple of sweets, making a rough plan of congratulations. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, adding the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops with bright felt-tip pens.

For a birthday greeting, you do not need to have the talent of a poet at all, and drawing does not have to be your forte. Happy birthday posters are a timely way to express your congratulations.

A poster with wishes for a birthday is an interesting, unusual and original gift that does not take long to make, does not require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it is made with your own hands, which indicates attention to the birthday man and his gift.


You can buy these ready-made posters at any bookstore. But it will be much more pleasant for your child not only to see a poster made by yours especially for him, but also to take an active part in its creation.

Download the poster template from the Internet in pdf file or archive. Unpack it and follow the instructions. The most common poster template consists of 8 A4 sheets.

Print 8 fragments of the poster on the printer. It can be either black and white or color. If you want to color the poster yourself or leave it to your child's imagination, it's best to use the black and white version.

Dock the printed fragments of the poster. Then glue the sheets to each other. If you want to achieve integrity, stick them on whatman paper. Take up coloring using any means: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons.

You can order large format printing at any printing center. You only need to make the template itself. Most often, a program such as Photoshop is used to create. It can make a great poster using photos, drawings and text. In addition, Photoshop allows you to create your own unique graphic drawings. And many options for fantasy brushes can save you time on drawing details. The main condition is the excellent quality of the template. Therefore, you can do it only from photos with good quality and high resolution. Moreover, the worse the resolution, the worse the result will look.

To be sure of the quality of the resulting poster, use a program such as coreldraw to create a template. Unlike Photoshop, coreldraw does not work on a pixel system, but on a vector one. Due to this, the quality of images during manipulations with them is not reduced. In coreldraw, you can work with templates of any size, including for further printing on A1 or A0 canvases. Among other things, in coreldraw, you can mark up the sheet. This is important when printing. Otherwise, part of the image may simply not fit. But in order to fully use all the functionality of the program, you need to learn how to work with it.

There is an option to make a themed poster. A sort of collage from the life of your child. To do this, take a drawing paper, photographs of your child from to date. Stick them on whatman paper, circle with a beautiful frame and sign. So guests will know about the achievements of your child: the first smile, the first tooth, the first step. Add photos with parents, grandparents. And enjoy the result!

You can come up with an endless number of ideas for such greeting posters. Make a humorous poster so that the main congratulation is in the center, and around are photos of the child with funny captions. Surely your family album contains funny photos taken in a dream, while swimming or walking.

You can create a poster to be your family tree. To do this, you need to take a drawing paper and draw a branchy tree with a thick trunk. Glue a photo of the baby in the center of the trunk and sign it with either the child's name or simply the inscription "I". On the sides, place photos of brothers and sisters. Place photos of parents a little higher. Above on each side is a grandfather and grandmother. And so on, as long as there are photographs of relatives. Be sure to sign all names. If you have enough time, you can add not only direct relatives to the tree, but also cousins ​​and sisters, aunts and uncles.

If you do not know how to draw and use graphic computer programs, then you can create a collage from newspaper clippings. You can collect the text of congratulations from bright newspaper headlines. Also include pictures from children's magazines with various cartoon characters. Let them congratulate the child. If such a poster is being prepared for an adult, then you can find photographs in the newspapers of what you want to wish the person. For example, you can cut out a house, a car, money, the sunny coast of a resort, a yacht, and so on. The main thing is that the congratulations be sincere and made from the heart.

You can decorate a congratulatory poster with sweets. Moreover, each bar or candy will mean something different. For example, you can write a wish that the life of the birthday person be like a heavenly delight and attach a Bounty chocolate bar. You may wish to find your soul mate on such a poster and attach a package with two Twix sticks. You can stick sweets with alcohol and wish happiness to intoxicate. You can find chocolate with the beautiful name "Inspiration" and wish a person that it is always present in life. If you stick a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg, then by adding a few pleasant words, you can wish a speedy replenishment in the family. So you can come up with an original congratulation on the poster, which will be interesting to read and then eat deliciously. The main thing is the presence of imagination and inspiration.

Special, hand-made and soulful presents evoke a lot of positive emotions in the person being presented. A poster with sweets, reminiscent of a wide-format postcard, can be attributed to the number of not banal gifts. For manufacturing, you will need various sweets, drawing paper, glue, multi-colored felt-tip pens or paints and, of course, imagination and good mood.

What can be posters?

In its appearance, the poster with chocolates resembles a wall newspaper, on which multi-colored congratulatory slogans are complemented by sweets with suitable names. From sweets to create a poster, you can use loose sweets, chocolate bars, packages with cookies or other goodies.

Most often, posters are made of several types:

  1. Congratulatory - in the form of a large postcard, which can be presented on a birthday, anniversary to a dear person.
  2. Sentimental - as a rule, they are given to the closest relatives. Such a present emphasizes the warmth and depth of feelings of the giver to the recipient.
  3. Photo collages - they are created from goodies and printed photographs.
  4. For children - combined compositions are created using stickers, printed images, drawings of the child's favorite characters. For kids, such gifts cause especially a lot of joy and are remembered for a long time by them.
  5. Romantic - made to express sincere love feelings for your soulmate.

Any posters from various sweets can be designed in the form of:

  • an ordinary poster - just on whatman paper;
  • postcards - whatman paper is folded in half and, if desired, additionally decorated on the outside;
  • organizer - all goodies are placed inside a decorated folder made of dense material, which can be beautifully placed on a flat surface;
  • figures - for example, hearts.

How to make a poster?

It is not difficult to make a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands. To create such a presentation you need:

  • Whatman paper sheet - inscriptions, goodies and pictures will be placed on it;
  • stationery - scissors, adhesive tape, pencils, glue, felt-tip pens, paints, pens;
  • colored paper and cardboard - they are needed to separate the zones on the craft and give volume to the created image;
  • various sweets;
  • beads, petals, ribbons suitable for decoration.

You need to carefully think over the idea and create a layout, after which you can proceed to design the presentation. There are a lot of options for making gifts on whatman paper, and each of them is absolutely original, since it is created taking into account the personality of the recipient and the reason for the celebration at which it will be presented.

A poster with chocolates is made like this:

  1. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose the postcard is being created and, based on this, choose the appropriate design option. For example, a comic poster can be made as a gift to a friend, and a congratulatory poster, designed more strictly, is suitable for presentation on an anniversary.
  2. Then you need to draw up a diagram - mark the locations of goodies, inscriptions, decorations, and think about what will be located in the remaining free space. If there is no experience in creating such collages, then you need to practice first so that in the final version all the elements are harmoniously arranged and combined with each other.
  3. Next, the desired phrases are drawn on whatman paper using multi-colored paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. It is important to do this carefully, as any flaw on the Whatman paper will be noticeable, which will spoil the appearance of the gift. If the creator of the poster cannot boast of beautiful handwriting, you can not write the phrases with your own hand, but print and cut them out, and then attach them to double-sided tape - such actions will add volume to the craft.
  4. With the help of glue or double-sided tape, sweets are fixed on the paper.
    The remaining free spaces can be filled with pictures, drawings, or simply decorated in a tone suitable for the overall concept of the craft.
  5. Last but not least, decorative elements are attached to the poster - bows, voluminous stickers and others. Don't be afraid to experiment and be original - this sweet poster will only get better and more unique.

Ideas for decoration

When creating a sweet birthday poster, you can use absolutely any materials, the main thing is that they fit the developed presentation concept.

  • For example, you can add a bag of coffee to sweets, accompanied by the inscription: “I wish you to be cheerful like 3 in 1 coffee (a bag with an instant drink is glued here) and enjoy life day after day!”.
  • And a gift given for an anniversary can be decorated with the inscriptions: “On this (place a pack of Anniversary cookies here) morning, I want to wish ...” and “May luck pursue you (glue a packaged 7 DAYS croissant in this place) a week ... ".
  • For posters intended for mother, sister, father, brother or grandmother, grandfather, it is appropriate to place small packages with My Family juice, Kinder products (for example, in a congratulation to mother, note the joy of the donor that he is mother's kinder) and packages with multi-colored sweets "Skittles" with the wishes of a bright life.
  • When creating a poster for your beloved husband or boyfriend, you can choose a romantic design, heart-shaped decorations and sweets such as Twix and Bounty bars.
  • For a present for a guy, you can also make a postcard on whatman paper in a more brutal style, placing on it not only sweets, but also nuts "Die Hard", small-volume juice "Handsome", chocolate "Mars".

The number of poster design options is limited only by the available products suitable for creating a gift, and the compiler's imagination.

What sweets are suitable for making a sweet poster?

To make a food poster, you need a variety of goodies, as long as they are in the package. Most often in the manufacture of presentations use:

  • juice in boxes ("Beloved", "Handsome", "My Family");
  • chocolate bars ("Snickers", "Mars" and others);
  • multi-colored dragees ("M&M's", "Skittles");
  • curds in glaze;
  • instant coffee in portion bags;
  • wafers or cookies, packaged in small packages;
  • nuts;
  • chewing gums ("Love is ..." - for a loved one, "Orbit" - for a friend who dazzles with her beauty);
  • candies.

Sometimes milkshakes, curd cheeses and other products that cannot be kept warm are used to create a composition. In this case, they are attached to the poster shortly before its delivery.

How to present a gift?

The method of presenting a sweet present depends on the format of the celebration and the most festive occasion. For example, if:

  1. The gift is intended for a loved one, it can be hung on the wall - such a surprise will surprise and cheer up when it is discovered by the recipient;
  2. A poster with sweets is planned to be presented personally, at an anniversary, wedding or other celebration, then the wishes written on it can be read during a toast;
  3. There is no opportunity to personally congratulate a loved one and give him a poster for his birthday or other holiday, order courier delivery - the effect of surprise will enhance the impression of a poster with goodies.

A poster with sweets is a universal gift that is sure to please the recipient. It can be done both for relatives and close people, and for friends or colleagues. When creating a poster with sweets, show your imagination and then the gift will be remembered by the recipient for a long time.

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it's your holiday or someone close to you. The main thing is that it should be held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think in advance about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for a birthday party is not only a good way to decorate a party space. He can also become a great birthday gift or at least an addition to the main present.

Its production should begin with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the drawing paper and not waste your time on reworking.

Here are some simple tips on how to create the perfect greeting poster:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. The poster you prepared for this occasion must be bright. Do not spare rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the participants of the event will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it with newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Use fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Do not forget that a congratulatory poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative one. In it, you can write the name of the birthday man, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Congratulatory posters can be of several types: Funny Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure of the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants in the event. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood.

The humor involved here should be soft, laid-back and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday man or any of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate.

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of drawing paper and hand it to the birthday man.

Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday man.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the holiday.

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have photos together with him, you can design a poster in the form photo collage.

Sign each picture pasted to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations.

If you have no ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, whatman paper and your joint photo. This option will be in the old Russian style.

The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend.

It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts.

Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Above the scroll with the photo, write in pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

poster for loved one or beloved

Take pink or red paper for this. If only white drawing paper is available, evenly paint over it with gouache.

Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster with a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart, write "Beloved / Beloved", and on the second "Happy Birthday!". You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments.

Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, unique, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, the best, beloved, dear and etc.

Add a few lines to the compliments with a confession: “After our hearts have merged into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! Your (name or affectionate nickname)." Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student hostel, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a congratulatory essentials poster.

On a large sheet of drawing paper in a chaotic manner, stick the following objects with adhesive tape and put inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - morning is never good.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is on duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - A fresh pair of SAME socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go to.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

Write "Happy Jam Day" on the poster at the top. Do not forget to sign on it with your whole company and make the additions “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Who was not a student will not understand”.

sweets poster

This version of the poster will appeal to real sweet tooth. On a large sheet of drawing paper, write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” with small sweets. You can stick these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape.

On the rest of the poster space, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

  • "Bounty" - we wish your life to be a real heavenly pleasure.
  • "Twix" - we wish you to find your soul mate as soon as possible. For those who are in e or have a long relationship: we wish you and your soulmate to be like these two inseparable sticks.
  • "Snickers" - just in case of inhuman hunger or lethargy.
  • "Kinder Surprise" - you need to stick a few of them and write: let your life be full of pleasant and unexpected surprises.
  • Candy or chocolate with dollars or euros - may you always have a lot of money.
  • "Skittles" - try the rainbow and share with your friends.
  • Chocolate with cognac - let happiness intoxicate.
  • Lollipop with lemon - one cannot do without a slight sourness in life, otherwise joys will not be perceived so brightly.
  • Chewing gum "Orbit" or "Dirol" - your radiant smile blinds and drives you crazy.
  • Chocolate "Inspiration" - we wish you graceful and kind muses and lots and lots of inspiration.

hand print poster

It's quick and easy to make the next poster. To make it you will need:

  • a large sheet of drawing paper;
  • bath for rolling paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask the friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand into the paint and attach it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph.

Under each palm of paint, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday man. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can invite him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of the child’s birthday using a large number of his photos.

If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month old, six months old, a year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by months will do.

Do not forget to make inscriptions with wishes. You can design a poster with images of animals, funny people, and your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut from magazines.

The main inscription can be made such as “Our (daughter's name) is already a year old” or “Our (child's name) is six years old”.

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of a sheet of paper with the inscription "Our baby today (number of years)".

Place a picture of the poster in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?".

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad".

Each guest who came to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the calculations and find out who, according to the guests, your child looks like.

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it's your holiday or someone close to you. The main thing is that it should be held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for a birthday party is not only a good way to decorate a party space. He also can be a great birthday gift or at least an addition to the main present.

Its production should begin with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the drawing paper and not waste your time on reworking.

Here are some simple tips on how to create the perfect greeting poster:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. A poster prepared by you for this occasion, must be bright. Do not spare rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the participants of the event will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it with newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Activate fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Don't forget that a congratulatory poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative. In it, you can write the name of the birthday man, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Main types

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure in the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants of the event. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood. The humor involved here should be soft, laid-back and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday man or any of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate..

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of drawing paper and hand it to the birthday man. Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday man.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the holiday.

Photo collages

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have photos with him, arrange the poster can be in the form of a photo collage. Sign each picture pasted to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations. If you have no ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, whatman paper and your joint photo. This option will be in the old Russian style. The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend. It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts. Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Above the scroll with the photo, write in pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

poster for loved one or beloved

You can also congratulate your soulmate on your birthday in an original way with the help of a beautiful and original poster. Make it for example in the shape of two hearts. Take pink or red paper for this. If only white drawing paper is available, evenly paint over it with gouache. Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster with a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart, write "Beloved / Beloved", and on the second "Happy Birthday!". You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments. Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, unique, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, the best, beloved, dear and etc. Add a few lines to the compliments with a confession: “After our hearts have merged into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! yours (name or affectionate nickname)» . Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student hostel, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a congratulatory essentials poster. On a large sheet of drawing paper in a chaotic manner, stick the following objects with adhesive tape and put inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - the morning is never good.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is on duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - A fresh pair of SAME socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go on a date.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

Write "Happy Jam Day" on the poster at the top. Do not forget to sign on it with your whole company and make the additions “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Who was not a student will not understand”.

sweets poster

On a large sheet of drawing paper, write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” with small sweets. You can stick these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape. On the rest of the poster space, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

hand print poster

It's quick and easy to make the next poster. To make it you will need:

  • a large sheet of drawing paper;
  • bath for rolling paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask the friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand into the paint and attach it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph. Under each palm of paint, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday man. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can invite him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of the child’s birthday using a large number of his photos. If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month old, six months old, a year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by months will do. Don't forget to write your wishes. You can design a poster with images of animals, funny people, and your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut from magazines. The main inscription can be made like this “Our (daughter's name) already a year old "or" Our (child's name) six whole years."

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of the sheet of paper with the inscription “To our baby today (number of years)» . Place a picture of the poster in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?".

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad". Each guest who came to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the calculations and find out who, according to the guests, your child looks like. To make the next poster, you only need a piece of drawing paper, a few multi-colored felt-tip pens and a little creativity. Watch the video: