Ganz gantry crane. Portal crane Ganz Description of the portal crane Ganz 16 27 33

  • Technical description of the mechanism
  • Currently, the issues of automation of mechanisms not only complex, but also the simplest ones are beyond doubt, since only automated systems can optimally solve all the tasks facing devices, installations and complexes during their operation, maximum productivity, product quality, reliability, durability , cost minimization, safety precautions and so on. The question is completely different - it will be determined in each specific case with the appropriate degree of automation, the quality of transient processes, speed, the number of adjustable coordinates, taking into account various factors, etc., that is, ultimately finding the optimal balance between the capabilities and the depth of the tasks facing the installations and complexes and their costs. In theoretical terms, it is necessary to develop a theory and conduct research in relation to certain groups of mechanisms, characterized by their general purpose, process technology, design, and the like.
    In the field of lifting, transport and reloading operations, there are a significant number of mechanisms that differ in their technological purpose and, accordingly, in their design. In this regard, many different drives are used, from the simplest to the quite complex. At the same time, the degree of their automation varies. All this is explained by a number of objective and subjective reasons.
    Lifting, transport and reloading mechanisms are one of the oldest mechanisms. As science and technology developed, their drive went from manual to modern electric.
    However, even today the electric drive of lifting, transport and reloading mechanisms is very diverse, and its degree of automation in the vast majority does not correspond to the modern level of science and technology. This is due to the significant service life of the equipment, and therefore, there is also the factor of obsolescence of the electric drive; with the lack of practical developments corresponding to the modern development of science and technology and suitable for use as automated electric drives for certain mechanisms with optimal regulation of certain coordinates; with virtually no demand for lifting, transport and reloading mechanisms in the last decade, due to stagnation in the economy and production, with the weakness of the level or lack of proper practical institutions, and so on.
    One of the most common and important mechanisms is the mechanism for extending the boom of a portal crane, and its drive is the most complex, since it operates in an intermittent mode with a constantly changing reduced moment of inertia Jpr both from cycle to cycle and during the cycle itself. At the same time, the most important issue must be resolved - eliminating the process of rocking of the transported load despite constantly changing control and disturbing influences, the presence of significant flexible and elastic connections, gaps and nonlinearities. Systems of various types of complexity and degree of automation are used as electric drives for the boom extension mechanism. In this case, the difference is significantly affected by the lifting capacity of the cranes.
    However, existing electric drive systems do not fully meet the modern requirements of loading and unloading processes. At the same time, over the past 10-15 years there have been significant changes in the development of electric drive systems. There is also noticeable progress in the field of creating power element semiconductor base (power transistors, optothyristors, etc.), which makes it possible to realize the achievements of science and technology in the field of creating modern electric drive systems for crane mechanisms.
    Currently, there are no systematic studies to justify the use of a particular drive, its level and control system. As a result, there is an unreasonable variety of electric drive systems used, which causes difficulties in importing crane equipment, creating domestic electric drive systems, carrying out systemic modernization of existing electric drives and their adjustment.
    A certain class of actuators operates with a varying reduced moment of inertia Jpr. All mechanisms of this class can be divided into two groups. For mechanisms in which, during operation, the schedule of changes in the given torque is strictly repeated with a certain frequency. This includes, first of all, mechanisms in which during operation the graphs of changes in the reduced torque from cycle to cycle do not repeat. This includes loading and unloading machines, for some of which, in addition, changes in the reduced moment of inertia Jpr from cycle to cycle are caused not only by differences in masses, but also by changes in the reduction radius, and there is also variability in cycle duration. All this leads to an unpredictable, within the permissible loads, type of tachograms and load diagrams of the actuator motor. Such mechanisms, and accordingly their drive motors, constantly operate in dynamic (transient) intermittent modes, accompanied by constantly changing control and disturbing influences. Therefore, to obtain optimal dynamic processes along certain coordinates, such mechanisms require complex control systems with special settings, and in some cases control systems with changing parameters or structure.
    This group of mechanisms includes portal cranes, in which the most complex modes occur in the drives of the boom outreach mechanisms. Here, all loading and unloading operations are carried out in a repeated-short-term mode with a constantly changing reduced moment of inertia Jpr due to the different magnitude of the overloaded masses and changes in the reduction radius.
    Research and development of an electric drive system for a mechanism with a variable moment of inertia is given for the electric drive of the boom outreach mechanism of a portal crane of the GANZ 5/6 – 30 – 10.5 type. This will make it possible to verify the obtained theoretical provisions and results on the basis of the real parameters of a particular mechanism. In addition, relying on a specific mechanism will make it possible to create an appropriate prototype of a physical model for conducting natural studies to verify the correspondence of theoretical results to practical ones. And further, this will allow, without additional research, to develop an engineering methodology for calculating electric drive systems of such mechanisms, to create and implement a functional electric drive system for a specific mechanism.
    The control object in this work is the GANZ electric portal crane. The portal crane was designed by the Design Bureau of the Crane Factory of the Hungarian Ship and Crane Manufacturing Plant in Budapest (Hungary). The same plant carries out serial production of cranes.
    By its design and technical level, this crane is intended for loading and unloading operations in sea and river ports and for mechanizing a number of labor-intensive operations at large hydraulic construction sites, as well as in other industries.
    In terms of functionality, it is a traveling and full-rotating crane with a lifting capacity regardless of the boom reach of 5 tons in heavy duty mode and 6 tons in normal operating mode. The minimum boom reach is 8 meters, and the maximum is 30 meters. The rotating part with a column and a straight balanced boom is located on a four-support portal (Bogies) and ensures horizontal movement of the load suspended on the hook when the boom radius changes. The maximum height of lifting the load above the rail head is 23 meters, and the depth of lowering, starting from the same mark, is 15 meters. The crane can optionally be used in both hook and grab modes.
    The crane is powered via a flexible cable. The crane is controlled from the crane operator's cabin and is carried out by one person.
    The mechanism for changing the boom reach, Figure 1.1, is used to move a load or grab suspended on a hook in the horizontal direction within the extreme positions of the boom by changing its reach. A load suspended on a hook or located in a grab moves at a speed of approximately 1 meter per second (m/s).

    Figure 1.1 – Kinematic scheme for changing boom radius
    where A is the electric motor; B – elastic coupling; B – swinging gearbox;
    First gear: 1 – pinion shaft; 2 – gear wheel.
    Second gear: 3 – pinion shaft; 4 – gear wheel.
    Open gear: 5 – rack and pinion gear; 6 – rail.

    The mechanism for changing the boom reach consists of the following components:
    a) electric motor type MTF - 311 - 6, power 11 kW with a rotation speed of 945 rpm, relative operating time 40%, weight 170 kg;
    b) gearbox type VP – 450G with gear ratio i=42.38, weighing 820 kg;
    c) two gear racks, located symmetrically on both sides of the column and converting the force of the gearbox output shaft into translational motion (forward - backward). The racks are connected to the boom by means of an intermediate element;
    d) a movable counterweight that provides balancing of the boom, with the help of which various equilibrium positions can be obtained.
    At the same time, the said counterweight is involved in establishing the balance of the rotating part of the crane and the entire crane. The suspended counterweight is attached to the boom trunk through the block column system using cables.

    Load capacity - 5 tons.

    Boom Reach:

    The largest -30 m;

    The smallest -8 m.

    Lifting speed - 70 m/min.

    Change in boom radius - 60.

    Crane movement - 35 m/min.

    Crane rotation speed - 1.75 rpm.

    Power of electric motors of mechanisms:

    Lifting - 2 x 45 kW;

    Changes in boom radius - 9.7 kW;

    Crane movement – ​​2x9.7 kW;

    Crane rotation - 23.5 kW. The portal track is 10.5 m.

    Crane weight (without grab) - 116.5 tons.

    Hyundai HD30 diesel forklift

    Rice. Hyundai HD30 diesel forklift

    Project No. 573, dry-cargo self-propelled vessel with a lifting capacity of 1000 tons . *(2. Page 74)

    Vessel type

    With hatch covers

    Project No.

    Load capacity, t

    Cargo capacity, m 3

    Overall dimensions, m

    Draft, m

    Fully loaded


    Hold type

    Hold volume, m 3 (deck area m 2)

    Dimensions (length* *width) of the hold, m

    Height of holds, m

    Dimensions (length*width) of the hatch, m

    41,5*9 … 5*9 … 7 + 7*7 …1,6

    41*8,56 + 4,5 * 8, 56 …. 6

    Rice. General view of the vessel project No. 573

    Rice. Layout of packages in bags on pallets measuring 1200 * 1600 in the vessel of project No. 573.

    Car GAZ-5203

    Vehicle specifications.

    Car type and make

    Short description

    Load capacity, kg

    Body dimensions, mm

    Dimensions, mm

    Outer turning radius, m

    Number of axes

    wooden platform with opening


    Placement of cargo and its quantity in the car:

    In the car, the load is placed evenly over the entire floor area so that it does not shift, shift or fall while driving. After loading, the body is covered with a tarpaulin.

    35 bags of cargo have been placed.

    Cargo weight in the car – 2470 kg

    Load-handling device.

    To grab and move pallets, we use a load-handling device - a traverse with a spacer frame for cargo on pallets weighing 2 tons. The grip weight is 80 kg for a portal crane and a fork for cargo on pallets weighing 3.2 tons for an in-warehouse crane.

    Sketch of a traverse with a spacer frame

    Fork sketch

    Cargo transhipment technology.

    Cereals are presented for transportation in woven bags. The containers required for the transportation of grain cargo must comply with Gosstandart, technical conditions and instructions for the use of fabric bags. The weight of one piece of cargo is 70 kg.

    When carrying out handling operations, we use a double-deck, two-way wooden pallet with projections and windows in the lower deck, dimensions 1200 x 1800 x 160 mm. We place bags measuring 900 x 460 mm on a pallet, six in one and seven rows high. This makes 42 bags with a total weight of 3.04 tons.

    To preserve the package during reloading and transportation, the cargo is placed on pallets with a bandage. In addition, various methods of attaching it to pallets are used. Most often, loads are secured with fastening tapes made of various materials.

    Scheme of loading cargo onto pallets.

    Reloading option.

    Option - Auto - Warehouse .

    Technology system:

    Auto-electric forklift - warehouse

    1. Automotive

    2. intraport

    3. warehouse

    4. auxiliary

    Automotive Operation- after submitting the car for unloading, port workers unload the car by manually forming a cargo package on a standard pallet. One worker takes one bag.

    Intra-port operation- an electric forklift moves a loaded pallet from the operational site to the warehouse. After each operation, the electric forklift returns to the operational site for loading.

    Warehouse operation– Warehouse workers are unpacking a loaded pallet. One worker takes 1 bag and places it in a warehouse in a stack on top of each other in separate places.

    Auxiliary operation- before unloading, port workers open the sides of the car. Remove the polytilene awning. Using an electric jig, move empty pallets from the warehouse to the car and install them in front of the car.

    Before starting work, open the warehouse doors, and after finishing, close the warehouse doors (the person in charge of the warehouse opens/closes the warehouse doors).

    Option - Warehouse-Vessel.

    Technology system:

    Warehouse - electric forklift - crane - hold III (in packages)

    Description of the technological process by operation:





    6. auxiliary

    Warehouse operation- the electric forklift grabs the loaded pallet formed by the workers and leaves the warehouse.

    Intra-port operation- the electric forklift moves the loaded pallet from the warehouse to the pier (to the transfer point). After each operation, the electric forklift returns to the warehouse for the next loaded pallet.

    Transfer operation- the electric forklift installs the formed loaded pallet in the transfer zone, the workers accept the empty sling-beam grip lowered by the crane operator, place the grip beams under the upper deck of the loaded pallet on both sides, retreat to a safe zone (1 meter), at the signal of one of the workers (performing duties signalman), the crane operator, having made sure that the package is secured securely, lifts the loaded pallet.

    Cordon operation- a crane operator using a crane moves a loaded pallet from the pier into the hold of the ship. The crane operator, using a crane, moves empty gas containers from the ship's hold to the pier to pick up new cargo.

    Ship operation- the actions of the crane operator in lowering and installing the loaded pallet in place are regulated by one of the workers of the hold unit, performing the duties of a signalman; after completing the lowering of the loaded pallet, the workers unsling it and move to a safe place (1 meter), the crane operator, after the signal, raises the load-handling device. Active surveillance is maintained throughout the entire process. The electric forklift places the loaded pallet into the space below deck. Horizontal lifting of an empty gas unit 1 meter from the deck.

    Auxiliary operation- Before starting work, empty pallets are delivered to the warehouse. Before starting work, open the warehouse doors (opening the warehouse doors is carried out by the person responsible for the warehouse), and after completing the work, close the warehouse doors. Before starting work, port workers open the hatch covers of the holds; after finishing the work, the port workers close the hatch covers of the holds. The crane operator, using a crane, moves the electric forklift into the hold of the ship; after the electric forklift completes the work of placing the cargo in the hold and below deck space, the crane operator, using the crane, moves the electric forklift to the pier.

    Portal crane "Gantz» was produced by the Hungarian ship-crane-building plant "Hanz» (Budapest). It is considered one of the best and most reliable cranes, thanks to thoughtful design solutions for loading/unloading cargo in ports and industrial warehouses. The crane meets all international quality standards.

    Crane design features

    • Hanz cranes have 2 electric motors used for load lifting, grab closing and movement mechanisms.
    • Also, 1 electric motor is installed on the mechanism for turning and changing the boom reach. Electric motors are powered from an alternating voltage of 380 V.
    • The control circuit is set to 110V. The turning mechanisms move vertically, the movement mechanisms horizontally.
    • The electric drives of the crane mechanisms are controlled using a magnetic controller. To control the operation of grab winches, a special differential device is used.
      All Hanz electric motors are equipped with fuses to protect against short circuits. The engines are equipped with 2 types of protection - general and individual. The mechanism for lifting the load and changing the boom reach has special switches that are used to limit the movement of the load-handling mechanism and the boom reach.

    Advantages of the Ganz gantry crane


    • High level of efficiency.
    • Ability to work with piece cargo (at using a hook) or bulk (usinggrab, which is very convenient and cost-effective).
    • Features increased load capacity.
    • Complies with technical safety regulations.
    • Equipped with a security system, as well as protection and control of load levels during lifting operations.
    • The spacious operator's cabin provides maximum visibility for the operator, and also increases the level of comfort and security.
    • To save electrical energy, the equipment is equipped with a universal recovery system, which allows you to return unused electricity. This scheme does not provide for braking of individual elements and helps to increase the service life of the portal crane.


    • Rigid connection to the rails, as a result of which it is not possible to move cargo throughout the entire territory of the facility.
    • The complexity and high cost of installation makes it difficult to use the equipment at temporary facilities.

    • Load capacity 16-32 t (depends from the departure of the arrow)
    • Portal track length - 10.7 m
    • Boom radius - 20-32 m
    • Loading type: hook or grab.
    • Straight boom.
    • Crane weight - 192.1 tons.

    Spare parts for Ganz gantry crane

      • Load capacity 16/32 t.
      • The portal track is 10.5 m.
      • Reach length - 33/21 m.
      • Capture methods: hook and grab
      • Straight arrow
      • Unladen weight: 192 t.

    Let us summarize the advantages of this crane:

    • fairly high efficiency due to modern technologies
    • ability to work with both a hook and a grab, which is convenient for use in various fields
    • compliance with modern standards and safety requirements
    • high load capacity

    Main equipment of the gantry crane GANZ 16/27.5

    Two electric motors are installed on the mechanisms for lifting the load and closing the grab, as well as on the mechanism for moving the crane; one each is installed on the mechanisms for turning and changing the boom reach. The electric motors are “powered” by a three-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 380 V. The control circuits of the electric motors are “powered” by an alternating current of 110 V through a step-down transformer. The electric motors of the crane's turning and moving mechanisms are flanged: the turning mechanism is vertical, the crane moving mechanism is horizontal.

    The electric drives of all mechanisms are controlled using magnetic controllers. In addition, to automate the control of the operation of grab winches, a differential device is installed on the cranes.

    Auxiliary electrical equipment of the gantry crane GANZ 16/27.5

    Electric motors of all crane mechanisms, with the exception of the movement mechanism, have individual three-phase protection against short circuit currents - fuses. Electric motors of the movement mechanism, in addition to individual protection, also have general protection.

    The contacts of the maximum thermal relays are connected in series to the circuits of the blocking relay coils of the corresponding electric drives. Triggering of the maximum thermal relay causes the corresponding electric drive to be turned off; the remaining electric drives of the crane remain switched on.

    Limit switches are installed on the mechanisms for lifting the load and closing the grab and changing the boom extension, limiting the movement of the load-handling member and the boom extension in both directions.

    The cable drum has two limit switches: one is activated by the counterweight of the drum, the other by the cable tension. In addition, two limit switches are installed on the crane travel mechanism, connected in series with the locking relay coil of the travel mechanism and breaking the power circuit of this relay when the rail grips are closed.