A complete guide to how to get away with everything. How to forget about everything so as not to be nervous and live calmly Don’t be discouraged, no matter what

Forget about everything and live in peace, the following tips will help you.

Accepting a problem means starting to move towards its solution. The fact that you are now reading this article speaks for itself - you realize that you are loading more than you should. Much more than it should. Let's try to figure it out. If you are on the edge and you no longer have the strength, then the following advice will help you structure all your thoughts into shelves and streamline your further actions.

  1. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that worries you, point by point.

Don't be afraid!

Be honest with yourself. This is important!

Tell yourself: Yes! I experience anger (uncertainty, fear, resentment, doubt). I have a lot of things that I want to close soon. It is advisable to write down everything from the most serious to the most trivial.

  1. Next, think about ways to solve each of the identified problems. Be sure to write down all your thoughts.


Now you have a scheme for solving your problems, which you created yourself. Why don't you start putting it into practice? After all, the answers are there, they are ready and, most likely, simple. If some tasks remain unsolved, catch yourself thinking: is there any point in worrying about them, will this improve the situation? Or maybe they are not so important and can be done later?

  1. Realize this!

The method through acceptance and awareness of the problem described above is very effective in relieving anxiety, resolving internal contradictions, and getting rid of unwanted thoughts.

However, solving current problems will not protect you from coming up with new ones. It is important for you to learn not only to be able to get out of the busy state of the brain, but not to enter it at all. The ability to “score” is an art, which we will talk about later.

“Why are you worried about what people who don’t play any role in your life will think of you?”

Valeria: This is exactly the question my psychologist friend once asked me. I, who was then still worried about the opinions of my boss, colleagues, visitors, and flies flying past, was perplexed by this statement. I fell silent and thought about it. And, you know, I still can’t answer why I was so worried about other people’s opinions about me. Why did I waste my life force trying to please everyone?

It is no coincidence that the world and we in it are created so multifaceted. Everyone has their own opinion, attitude to things, tastes. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person on the planet who was a complete copy of you, with the same tastes, views on life and the future, with the same aspirations and life positions. Even twins have different opinions on these issues.

People will never be happy with you with all your seven billion members. Even if you are perfect, smart and beautiful a million times over, I assure you: there will be those who will be annoyed by this. So is it worth spending time, effort and energy trying to be what they want you to be?

Remember : by changing yourself to suit everyone’s preferences, you lose your uniqueness and individuality. In other words, you are losing yourself.

The opinion of only those who are truly important to you in life is valuable. This is family, loved ones and closest people. But it is they, as a rule, who do not seek to change us, because they love us for who we are.

As for strangers, passers-by, colleagues and bosses, they, by and large, do not care about you. People live for themselves. Therefore, all your attempts to prove to someone that you are like this and not some other are meaningless. Knowing this makes life a lot easier. Also remember that you do not live for them, but in order to become and be happy and light, to enjoy everything that surrounds you and to be filled with joy and strength.

Very often, when a person comes to such an understanding and stops thinking about the opinions of others, they begin to look closely at him and notice, approve of his actions and actions. But at this moment a person no longer cares what others say, the main thing is inner satisfaction from life!

Just live. Live simply. Learning to be simpler

People who do not know how to “forget” about unnecessary things, filling their heads with unnecessary things, greatly complicate their stay on the planet. A few simple steps will help you forget about everything and live peacefully, which will simplify your life, make it more enjoyable and allow you not to pay attention to the little things.

Step 1. Let go of expectations

Louise Hay, author of books about joyful perception of life and health, gave advice to her readers: “Try approving everything about yourself for one day and see what happens.” Stop analyzing yourself, stop waiting for someone’s answer, conclusion or verdict, don’t evaluate anyone. Just accept reality as it is. Stay a little simpler.

Step 2. Live for today

Free yourself from the burden of thoughts and expectations. Yesterday is already over - forget about it. Tomorrow has not yet come - you will think about the events of the coming day when their time comes. You only have today, don’t waste it by immersing yourself in the experiences of the past and expectations of the future.. Look how beautiful the snow is falling. Listen to your favorite music. Enjoy the taste of ice cream or freshly brewed coffee. Look at everything through the lens of joy. Don't deprive yourself of a day off, don't fill it with work. Be alone with yourself or with your family. Leave everything until Monday!

Step 3. Overcoming Fear

There is a very wise quote: “Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we might have won if we weren't afraid to try."

Just think about these words! A very deep and valuable thought!

There are many reasons for unnecessary worry and worry. The source of them all is banal fear. Fear of being left with nothing, fear of loneliness, fear of making the wrong decision. This is why we don’t quit a job we don’t like, don’t ignore other people’s opinions, don’t tell others: “no,” and don’t tell ourselves: “yes.”

Most of our fears are nothing more than a stereotype of thinking imposed by society and fantasy. In fact, most situations do not require concern. They are just fiction. They exist only in your head.

The surest solution to this problem is to be guided by your inner voice, the call of your soul, without thinking about any “ifs.” “The heart will never tell you to do something bad”, -motivating and competent words.

Don't think about losing. No wonder they say: “It’s better to do and regret than not to do and regret”. Moreover, our mistakes are our best teachers, after all, they shape our personality, make us wiser, and often better.

Step 4. Reassessment of values

Imagine for a moment how much time a day you spend thinking about all sorts of unnecessary mental garbage. Now think about how you could spend this time if you did something truly useful and productive. I don’t want to upset you, but there is an opinion, and it is true, that a person who really has something to do has no time for extraneous small thoughts. His mind is completely occupied with serious matters. So, maybe it's time to pull yourself together and think about the global? Develop your mind and body, start building confidence and strength. As you become a better person, you will let go of the need to worry about little things. You simply won't have time for it.

Think about what really matters. Separate the wheat from the chaff.

Step 5. Through relaxation to problem solving

The brain's need to cling to is a bad habit. You may even realize that you can “forget” and not “sweat”, but still scroll through unwanted thoughts in your bright head. You can and should get rid of this. To begin with, relax. Constant tension is an excellent breeding ground for the development of harmful thoughts. Sports and yoga will help you cope with your emotions. Try to notice the moment when you start to “load up”. When you “catch” it, do not let the unwanted thought spread throughout your brain - stop it. Abruptly switch your attention to something else, don’t let your brain think about it, just note it and continue going about your business. This practice is very effective. It's only difficult at first. Later, this becomes a new, useful habit - not to bother your head with nonsense.

Understanding these simple tricks will make your life a hundred times easier! It is important not only to learn the ability to abstract from the opinions of others, but also to instill it in your children.


Laughter and a positive attitude help to forget everything and enjoy life. Many of us are afraid of embarrassment, wrongly spoken words or stupid actions. Introspection takes so much energy from us that, if we collected it and channeled it in the right direction, we could illuminate a small city. The strongest and most internally intact people have a unique skill. They can and are happy to laugh at themselves. Why bother when you can smile and move on?

Sometimes it’s amazing how people talk for years about some incident that happened to them many years ago. Each time these stories are emotional. I just want to say, “Forget about it already!”

Well, you too, forget about what’s bothering you! As the song says, “It was, it was, it was, but it’s gone.”

Forgot! They scored! Let's go! :)

Be honest

If you are “loaded” in vain, then think, what will this worry bring to you? Yes, nothing! So why do you need it? Why waste time on this? Are you living such a boring life that you allow all sorts of “junk” to settle in your head?!

We are often afraid to admit to ourselves what we really want. Thinking about condemnations and mistakes, we place a huge burden of doubt in our heads and souls, which gives us no peace.

We are “loaded” with thoughts about how to do the right thing, what to say, how to respond.

The answer is simple: you need to speak and act honestly.

Being honest is always the right thing to do. Not being afraid to tell the truth (to yourself, first of all!) is the choice of strong and wise people.

Let go of unnecessary thoughts, be alone with yourself and answer the question: and what exactly do I want? And act in the given direction. Don’t be afraid to change jobs, stand up for your rights, and protect yourself by fighting back against your abuser.

Many of us are tormented by feelings of guilt due to missed opportunities and mistakes made. But this is experience. And we can only feel gratitude for it, because it builds our personality.

Forgive yourself for all your misunderstandings. Forgive the people around you for the negative emotions they brought to you. All this is a long time ago, lessons have been learned, mistakes have been corrected. There are new opportunities and chances ahead, don’t lose them by digging through the “dirty laundry” of the past.

By clearing your thoughts, you will free up space for really important things that will delight you, because they are desired by you.

Replace obsessive thoughts with positive ones

Whatever one may say, any situation, even the most unpleasant one, has its positive sides. Let's look at how you can turn obsessive thoughts into positive ones.

Intrusive thought-worry

A placeholder thought with a hint of positivity

I made a mistake in my work.This mistake allowed me to learn how to fix it. This situation helped me avoid similar things in the future.
I'm concerned about my boss's opinion of the quality of my work.I am a diligent, hardworking, executive employee. I try to do my work as carefully as possible. My management sees this. I have nothing to worry about.
Suddenly people will not approve of my activities.I love my job. It brings me pleasure. I feel comfortable doing this, and that's more important than their opinion.
What will people think of me?I want to focus on my inner comfort and happiness, on the opinions of the people I love.
I blame myself for missed opportunities.There are many new, wonderful opportunities around me, which I use wisely and wisely.


So, how do you get the hang of everything:

  1. Awareness of the problem– a mandatory step to solve it, 70% success. Admit to yourself that your life can become simpler and more enjoyable without negative thoughts, and it will become so. Allow yourself to think only about what is important.
  2. Forget about other people's opinions. There are many people - different opinions. It doesn't matter. It is important to be loved and loving in the eyes of those who light the fire of your heart. Everyone else is just fellow travelers.
  3. Keep it simple. Being simple does not mean being primitive. To be simple means to be able to not complicate life where it does not require any trouble.
  4. Fill your life with joy. Laugh at yourself, at situations, and Life will bring you joy.
  5. Be honest and sincere. This will relieve you of the unwanted need to invent something or look for reasons, which, in turn, will make life easier and more enjoyable.

Remember that your life is here and now, and only you can decide what it will be like. Do you need thoughts that cause nothing but discomfort? And who needs them anyway? Smile and enter the new day happy and unburdened by unnecessary mental burden.

OTHER OPINION / How not to depend on the opinions of others

Are you worried about someone saying crap about you? Do your friends approve of your actions? Have you started avoiding conflicts? Have you become a spineless nonentity? Well, it's time for you to learn to give up on everything.

I have something to confess.

I've spent almost my entire life - 31 years - worrying too much about offending anyone, wondering if I'm good enough to relate to other people, and asking myself what those same people think of me.

And guess what? I've had enough. It's stupid and it definitely doesn't do me any good. All this turned me into a punching bag - a twitchy, constantly worried wreck. Moreover, it turned me into someone who is not ready to have my own beliefs. The one who always remains in the middle, not daring to accept any of the opinions, so that, God forbid, he does not offend anyone. That's it. This won't happen anymore. Not today.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, everything will be completely different.

We'll talk about the cure. About what we need like air. Let's talk about the truth.

Are you worried about someone saying crap about you? Do your friends approve of your actions? Have you started avoiding conflicts? Have you become a spineless nonentity?

Well, it's time for you to learn to forget about everything.

FACT NUMBER 1: People evaluate you all the time.

Yes, yes, and right now too. Some people don't like you at all, at all, and guess what? There's nothing you can do about it. No matter how much you convince them, suck up to them and adapt to their interests. In fact, the opposite approach is more likely to work here - the more firmly you stand your ground, the more they will respect you - even if reluctantly.

People really respect those who know how to draw a line and tell everyone around: “Don’t cross it, otherwise it will be bad.” Some people might not like this, but so what? They probably wouldn't like you anyway, so why try to please people who don't really care about you?

Like this. But besides ordinary people, there are also trolls from the Internet. And this is a completely different calico.

It’s quite easy to neglect ordinary people - even if they say all sorts of nasty things about you behind your back, you still won’t hear it, so why worry? But on the World Wide Web of the Internet everything is completely different - you see these nasty things. Moreover, they can have an effect on you, because those who tell them know that you have your own quirks, you can be funny in some ways, and so on. But the main problem with anonymous internet haters is that they bring out your inner paranoid person who secretly believes that everyone hates you.

Fortunately, this is not actually the case. The truth is that most people don't even care that you exist. Accept this truth, my friends, for it is liberating. The world is huge, and you are just a grain of sand in it, and therefore you can do whatever you want, and send those who don’t like it to hell.

FACT NUMBER 2. You don't need everyone to love you.

Yes, I know, at first glance this idea may seem crazy, but it's actually very cool and easy to get used to. By the way, here’s another one for you: although most people don’t even know about your existence, and some pretend to be a judge evaluating your every action - do you really care?

You may not yet understand how liberating a thought like this is, but you certainly will. Well, for example, from this – do you know what happens when someone doesn’t love you? Absolutely nothing. The world does not end its existence. Your haters are not standing behind you with axes. And in general, the more completely you ignore them and just go about your business, the better for you.

Have you heard the proverb “The best revenge is a happy life”? In general, it is true, but it is only part of the whole. Yes, a happy life is great, but is it possible to live a happy life constantly thinking about ill-wishers and their dark thoughts. Just do what you want and move on with life.

In general, in order to live a happy life, you first need to simply give up on a lot. Without this nothing will work. That's why you should start doing this right now.

FACT NUMBER 3. The only people who matter are those who care.

So, we have accepted the fact that most people don’t even know about your existence, and your ill-wishers are, in essence, few in number, and you can simply ignore them. Super. Now you have to understand that people who care, people to whom you are very important, are the only ones worth paying attention to.

A strange thing is personal relationships. As soon as we have them (be it family, spouse, close friends, etc.), we very quickly begin to take these people for granted, and instead of devoting time to them, we begin to fluff our tail in front of strangers - for example, a boss. And then, when we do manage to impress him, we begin to take this relationship for granted, and this cycle continues endlessly - an endless cycle of apathy. It seems that we will always prefer to impress and enchant something new than to take care of what we already have.

But these people are perhaps the best thing you have. They understand you, understand your mission and your aspirations. You feel better next to them than anywhere else; you can be sad with them, laugh, or just be yourself. They help you relax, remember that there are still those in the world who care. They are very important to you. So pay attention to them.

FACT NUMBER 4. Those who know how to give up on everything change the world around them. The rest don't do this.

I'm reading a shitty book by Stephen King called "The Long Walk." It's about a competition in which people just go forward without sleep or stopping, and if they stop, they are simply killed (in general, this kind of crap happens in every book of his - “It’s a clown, but he kills!”, “It’s a machine, but it kills!”, and so on)

I think the plot of this book is a kind of metaphor for war, but it also conveys the very essence of perseverance very well. To leave something behind and move forward, you just need to understand that the obstacle that stands in your way is not so terrible, and it can be overcome. And this truth never changes - regardless of whether you are running a marathon or want to fly to Mars.

If you get rid of unimportant tasks and things, if you throw it all out of your mind and focus on what really needs to be done, if you understand that your time is limited and take up work right here and now - only then will you be able to cross the finish line the line. Otherwise, you will have to live in a life that, in general, is not even interesting to you.

Note: Learn to be more accepting of mistakes and obscurity. Yes, right now you may be going through a bad period in your life, feeling lonely, or even a loser. We've all been in a similar position. However, it is time for you to learn that such feelings are quite common, and that even the most successful and happiest people in the world have experienced them. They were able to overcome them - and you can too.

All Seeing Eye

Want to know something? This doesn't concern other people at all. This only applies to you.

I recently had the chance to chat with Jonathan Fields about the acceptability of using profanities (and generally “the proper names for certain things”) in blogs. We talked on Skype, and I noticed the moment when he wanted to swear, but stopped in time. It looked absolutely amazing. So I asked him: “You felt it too, right?”

Each of us has an internal censor eye. It never closes and always watches us. It has been slowly and painstakingly created in our minds by society, family and friends, and it constantly monitors our behavior. If you have been together with him for a long time, most likely, you have already begun to believe that this eye is you, and that you are just a “polite person”. Well, or they tried to explain it somehow.

But this eye is not you at all. This is a prison, a cage in which you sit completely voluntarily. Her walls are strong because you made them that way.

But do you know what its charm is? Yes, the fact is that it cannot do anything to you, even if it wants to. It's just an eye. It can only watch. And you, and only you, can perform actions.

So - how to regain your self-respect in five simple steps.

STEP 1: Do something that embarrasses you.

My girlfriend and I walk a lot, so we bought ourselves a pair of Vibram Fivefingers. Have you seen them at all? They're great for your knees and you definitely won't get blisters in them, but they look downright ugly. Yesterday I wore them under a suit and bow tie that I usually wear for Easter. And he looked like a complete psycho.

As I already wrote at the beginning of this article, other people’s judgmental views and words can quite upset me - yes, this upsets many people, but not everyone admits it. But when I walked through the city in my clown outfit, no one even looked at me. No one cared, and if someone looked at me with a surprised look, he simply moved on. And after a couple of minutes, most likely, he completely forgot about me.

Try it - it won't cost you anything. Find your internal filters and break them, one by one. See how society, like an ocean, smooths out all the waves you make, wallowing in it until what you do is completely erased from its memory or becomes acceptable. So let's get to work!

STEP 2: Accept your awkwardness—or do something about it.

It is a known fact that journalists interviewing often get their best material by simply sitting quietly and letting the silence force the words they need out of the politician or celebrity.

Yes, silence can make you nervous. Personally, it still unnerves me. But I'm working on it, and now I know that it's better to be silent than to try to fill the silence with chatter. However, this is just one type of awkwardness, and this type is quite easy to get used to, or to overcome.

Another type of social awkwardness is when you do something wrong (or someone does something nasty to you), but don’t find the strength to say it. Life has taught me a couple of serious lessons related to this, from which I learned that it is better to tell the unpleasant truth than to try to avoid this conversation altogether.

I'm told that Clinton's rule for earning respect in the political sphere was: if someone pushes you, push them back twice as hard. It's clear and understandable, it's not passive resistance, and it gives you confidence. This is much better than awkwardness. Try it!

STEP 3. Don't let yourself be boxed in.

The video above was filmed in 1970, just after the Quebec Liberation Front killed minister Pierre Laporte and stuffed his body into the trunk of a car. Trudeau's phrase "Just watch me" became one of the most famous in Canadian political history. Journalists are trying to force him into a frame, forcing him to choose in front of the camera between a police state that glorifies security and a free civil society, but Trudeau refuses to dance to their tune.

Yes, there are no more people like Trudeau in the Liberal Party of Canada, but there is still hope for us. Go wherever you want. Don't settle for options imposed on you from the outside. Don't let people tell you how to live. Also, don’t listen to your inner eye.

STEP 4. Tell the truth.

No, you don't need to be a total ass, but what the world definitely doesn't need is another conflict-avoiding passive wimp. He doesn’t need another little person who does “like everyone else.” The “status quo” gets along just fine without you, so if you see something you don’t like at all, why not say so? In any terms?

And don't try to be a diplomat. To tell the truth is to tell the truth as you understand it, and not try to sweeten the bitter pill beforehand.

STEP 5. Start a new life.

It’s not for nothing that this step is the last, since you can’t get to it without going through all the others first, but since you’re already here, then you can calmly begin to explore the new world that has opened up to you - one in which you can do whatever you want, if only it doesn’t really harm others. Want to climb into an old abandoned building? There is no question if you are ready for this (and for what follows). Do you want to be tied up and whipped by a strict "mistress"? No problem, just don't overdo it.

And once you take this path, you will begin to realize with surprise that almost everyone around you is able to understand the strange things that you do. Moreover, it makes you an unusual and interesting person, worthy of attention - and your plans for world domination (if you have any) need just that.

But none of this can simply happen until you realize that the invisible eye is watching you, and learn to ignore it. This is one of the most serious acts of self-control that gives you confidence and makes you stronger.

Get your self-respect back. Today. Now. Wear something ugly. Do something stupid. Tell someone the truth.

And finally, forget about everything unnecessary.

The ability to enjoy life is not given to everyone by nature. Often, many of us fall into a pessimistic mood, at times when we should pay closer attention to situations that could well be rejoiced at. How can we not focus on the negative and learn to notice the joys that life gives us?

It is important to learn to live here and now

Often, we are upset by thoughts about what happened a long time ago or about what has not yet happened (and we are not sure what will happen). We think about possible options for the development of certain events, fantasize about what we could do to prevent any unpleasant consequences, and the like. Thus, we are not present in the present moment, wandering through the outskirts of the past and a ghostly future. Thus, we deprive ourselves of our present. That is why it is very important to drive such thoughts away. Of course, sometimes it’s nice to plan a vacation, or think about what interesting gifts you can give to loved ones, for example, for the New Year. Such thoughts will not harm your day today, but do not allow negativity to occupy your thoughts.

Don't be discouraged, no matter what

In order to live happily, it is important to learn to be an optimist. Surely, you have noticed that there is a category of people who try not to lose heart, no matter what. And they do it wonderfully! At first, many of us are perplexed when looking at such people, but over time we understand that it is much easier to live this way. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find positive aspects in certain situations, but it is always worth trying. If this task seems overwhelming to you, set yourself up to the fact that even if everything is not very rosy now, one day it will pass. Unfortunately, life cannot be filled only with joyful events, but they certainly follow sorrows. Maybe that's why we learn to truly appreciate them over time.

Enjoy life to the fullest

Don't put life off until last. If possible, enjoy your present to the fullest. Perhaps you have a dream that is quite realistic to realize in a short period of time, but you leave its implementation “until better times”? You can bring these “better times” closer right now if you do what you really want!

Psychologist's advice: how to find joy in life

Your life will be joyful if the people closest to you have reasons for joy. It would seem that there is no connection, but this is obvious! It is very difficult to live happily when your loved ones are not doing well, but if you find a way to improve the lives of others with pleasant surprises, support, help, then your life will become easier for you - at least from the knowledge that you bring positive emotions to your family, second significant other or friends. Undoubtedly, close people will try to answer you in kind.

It's important to live your life

Often we become depressed because we take on other people's burdens or live as we are told, and not as we ourselves want. It is not surprising that under such circumstances it is quite difficult to truly enjoy life. Meanwhile, if you learn to distinguish between what you want yourself and what you are being pushed towards, then you will undoubtedly be able to find inner harmony. There is nothing wrong with helping another person, but you truly owe it to yourself! When a person takes on a burden beyond his reach, he often “breaks” under its weight. Don't condemn yourself to this! Remember that only by filling your life can you help someone else, but if this is not the case, then you yourself need help. Assess your capabilities soberly.

Learn to smile every day

In every day you can find a reason to smile if you really want it. A person who has decided to become an optimist is undoubtedly able to enjoy the warm weather outside, well-prepared coffee, delicious pie, a purring cat, flowering trees, soft snow-white snow, and so on. Learn to notice the beauty around you, and you will have many reasons to smile.

Learn to forget about everything bad and let go of the past

Unfortunately, many of us are trapped in the past. Even if everything is fine now, we remember the moments that once hurt us, and we cannot fully enjoy the joys that life gives us today. Subsequently, most often, they realized how stupid they were, not appreciating true happiness, fussing about in the events of days gone by. Don't let this insight come years later! Right now, let go of the burdens of the past, and begin to pay attention to what is happening in your life at the present moment. What methods can be used for this?

Thank you for the lesson

No matter how difficult your past may be, if you still cannot part with it, then most likely it has taught you some kind of lesson. Realize that this was his purpose - to give you wisdom that one day in the future you can use. Nothing happens by chance, so the only thing you can do when letting go of a situation is to thank it for teaching you something, which it certainly did.

Learn to be happy for other people

When we begin to sincerely rejoice for other people, luck comes to us too. It is unknown how this “boomerang” works, but it really is! A person living in envy and disapproval becomes so immersed in these emotions that he simply misses those moments of joy that fate is trying to give him.

It is very important to learn to notice and appreciate what we have today, and not to concentrate on something completely extraneous - alien or past. So, how can we learn to notice all the pleasant things that life surrounds us with? Many people have heard more than once about how useful it is, at times, to “disconnect” from problems and direct your consciousness in a completely different direction. Often we just smile when we hear such advice, retorting that there is simply no time to implement all these techniques. Of course, this is our main mistake - there is always time, we just set our priorities wrong.

Learn to "switch"

Each person, if desired, will be able to “switch” one event to another. As has already been emphasized, this will only happen when there is really a desire! To make your own life easier, first of all you should think about how you build your “internal dialogue”. Do not allow pessimism in your thoughts, consciously set yourself up in an optimistic mood, encourage when necessary and calm down. Don't beat yourself up if things don't work out!

Learn to be grateful

Often we truly begin to appreciate what we had only when we are deprived of it. Don't let this happen to you! Sometimes we ignore loved ones, not thinking that one day they will stop communicating with us and they simply won’t be around. However, if this does happen, we reconsider our attitude towards them and begin to regret some of our actions. You have the power to avoid these regrets. Learn to thank dear people in word and deed for being in your life.

Develop, don't stand still

If it seems to you that life does not at all please you with truly pleasant and happy moments, then take this task upon yourself! Be the master of your destiny, and do not wait for gifts from outside - achieve what you want. When you begin to develop in one direction or another, changes will undoubtedly be made in your life, and it is in your power to make sure that these changes are positive. So, in what directions can you develop so that it will ultimately result in positive results for you?


Find time to exercise. Even if some of its types are contraindicated for you, this does not mean that absolutely everything is prohibited. Surely, there are disciplines in which you could develop. What will you get in the end? If you take building your body really seriously, then pretty soon you will at least see an improvement in your appearance. Agree that this cannot but be a reason to lift your spirits. You will also be able to make new acquaintances or simply increase your level of knowledge in an area in which you were not previously strong. Also, do not forget that not only external transformations await you, but also “internal” ones. Simply put, if you do everything correctly, as experts advise, then, for sure, this will add to your health, which is never superfluous.


Of course, a hobby can be not only sports - you can find many other activities that will have a positive effect on your development, and therefore bring you new ways to enjoy. Think about what you would really like to do, and don’t put these plans off until last. If now you show interest in what you want

If you like it, it is possible that in a year, in parallel with your main occupation, you will be a skilled photographer, a talented programmer, an extraordinary artist, an active snowboarder, an experienced traveler or anyone else! Many people think that the question: “Who do I want to be?” It is important to ask yourself during your school years, and in your youth to bring these ideas to life. Often this is not the case at all! Ask yourself this question right now, and make a determined attempt to get closer to your goal. Don't deprive yourself of the chance to live the way you want.