Useful products for memory. Diet to improve memory and attention

A good memory is the key to success in school, career and everyday activities. The brain controls the entire body - from the beating of the heart to the memorization of information. It turns out that its performance can be improved if you plan your diet wisely. We will take a detailed look at products to improve brain function and memory.

What does the brain need?

In order for the brain to cope 100 percent with the assigned tasks, at any age it must receive adequate nutrition and be generously supplied with oxygen. Memory foods should be widely represented in the diet. It is important to increase blood flow.

Everything we eat affects the brain and body. What foods improve memory?

So, you should include in your diet:

  1. There are many products that speed up the blood. By stimulating blood circulation, vital oxygen is supplied to the brain.
  2. Antioxidants are another essential nutritional component. They prevent the brain from aging.
  3. Carbohydrates and amino acids nourish brain cells well and ensure their vital functions.
  4. Vitamins. Here it is worth leaning on foods with vitamins B, C, E, K. Omega-3 fatty acids will help a lot. Their presence in the daily diet is an important condition for maintaining good memory performance.
  5. Microelements (phosphorus, selenium, iodine).

Diet features

For the brain to work properly, it is important to include enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the diet. The menu should be balanced.

If your diet is poor, it contains few vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, the brain will not be able to work at full strength.

Proteins are very important. These are essential suppliers of amino acids. Fats saturate the brain with fatty acids. They make up a full third of its volume. In this regard, vegetable oils and fish are indispensable. They best supply the body with such important fatty acids. This is the key to the proper functioning of neurons.

About 70% of the total diet should be slow carbohydrates (porridge, vegetables).

Another important component is microelements and vitamins. They will help brain activity, preserve memory, and resist the action of free radicals.

Now let's look at products for the brain and memory in more detail.

Fish (oily)

We are talking about trout, salmon, sardines. They are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is a direct path to excellent memory, because 60% of our brain volume is fatty acids. Nerve cells are produced from them.

If you eat enough fatty fish, you can protect yourself from mental fatigue and age-related decline. It will even protect against Alzheimer's disease. But with Omega-3 deficiency, performance drops catastrophically, and depression may even develop.

Scientists conducted laboratory studies to find out which foods improve memory and brain function. It turned out that residents of countries where it is customary to eat a lot of fish have more gray matter in the brain than those who do without it. It is the gray matter that contains cells that control emotions, memory, and the ability to make decisions.

As you can see, fish is very healthy. If you are concerned about your health, treat yourself to fish at least a couple of times a week! Oysters, shrimp, and mussels are also useful. They contain a lot of iodine, iron, zinc.

If you prefer vegetarian food, your brain suffers from a deficiency of proteins that are so important for it. You should definitely eat chicken, lean beef, and liver (veal). They contain a lot of B vitamins. It is better to stew meat.

Lean beef has a lot of iron. Without it, memory quickly deteriorates.

A list of foods to improve memory and brain function is unthinkable without the presence of nuts. In 2014, it was proven that nuts improve learning ability and support heart and brain health. This is a powerful protection against their degeneration.

The brain loves nuts, especially walnuts. They even visually resemble him. This is a source of vitamins B and E. If the diet is low in this substance, memory will deteriorate. Nuts also contain vitamin E. It protects cells from destruction. It is especially important to include nuts in the menu for those who engage in mental work. With age, the amount of nuts in the diet should increase.

Vitamin E is a natural defense against ubiquitous free radicals. This is a natural shield against total cell damage. All products that improve memory and brain function, in one way or another, affect its cells

Hazelnuts are also useful. It has a good effect on memory. Nutritionists have found that nuts contain a lot of fatty acids, magnesium and zinc. These are mild natural stimulants. It is useful to include nuts in the menu of schoolchildren and students. This is an effective way to better prepare for exams. Nuts also protect the liver.

Do you dislike garlic because of its characteristic smell? Have mercy on your brain! He desperately needs this product. It perfectly improves blood circulation. The brain receives much more oxygen. Cells that have received oxygen work much better and become active. A couple of cloves of garlic a day will protect adults and children from many diseases, stimulate blood circulation, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Eat just a few cloves of garlic a day, and you will notice that you remember information much better. Well, if you absolutely don’t like the smell, then you just need to chew a sprig of fresh parsley. The smell will literally disappear.

Onions are no less useful for brain function and good memory. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, protects against diseases and premature aging.


Do you love juicy, aromatic tomatoes? Then your brain is not at risk of the harmful effects of free radicals and dementia. They are high in antioxidants, which protect neurons from damage.


In the list of products for memory and attention, honey occupies one of the leading positions. It contains a loading dose of glucose. It is extremely valuable for memory and brain function. If you add a handful of dried fruits and a spoonful of honey to your usual porridge in the morning, your memory will serve you all day. This is delicious and healthy food.

It is important that the honey is natural.

This is a source of B12. This vitamin helps cells remember information. It has been established that it is best absorbed by our body from milk. Just a couple of glasses of milk a day will help replenish the reserves of this vitamin and ensure restoration of strength.

The exception is people who cannot tolerate lactose. Their body is not able to accept this protein.

From these, the body receives the most important B vitamins, choline, and folic acid. Don't know what choline is? This substance regulates mood. There is quite a lot of it in the yolk of chicken and quail eggs. 2-3 eggs will help you get a good enough dose of choline to last throughout the day.

But B vitamins are protection against aging.

Nutritionists are not inclined to encourage drinking a lot of coffee. In large quantities, it leads to increased blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and even dehydration. But if you drink a couple of cups of the aromatic drink a day, you will provide mild brain stimulation. You will be surprised what your mind is capable of.

Coffee is a source of beneficial antioxidants, caffeine. It improves attention, concentration, and improves mood. It is not surprising that its connoisseurs cope better with their work and everyday affairs.

But neurologists have found that coffee helps prevent a number of neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease). This is a good way to improve metabolic processes. Coffee helps you concentrate and improves vascular tone.

Green tea

The healing properties of green tea have long been known. There is no doubt that it helps the body maintain the health of many organs and systems. It contains quite a lot of caffeine, a brain stimulant.

Tea also contains a number of other beneficial substances. For example, L-theanine will help relieve anxiety, improve brain function, and relieve fatigue.

Green tea contains many polyphenols and antioxidants. They support mental activity and prevent diseases.

This vegetable contains many antioxidants and other beneficial substances. It is enough to eat only 100 grams per day. This small portion will help meet your daily requirement of vitamin K. Don’t forget that it is involved in the formation of fats that make up brain cells (sphingolipids).

Recent studies have confirmed that broccoli will help improve memory and also help fight brain damage.

Sea kale

Everyone knows that it contains a lot of iodine. Without this valuable microelement, malfunctions begin in the brain. Doctors have long established a relationship between dementia, mental retardation and the presence of iodine in the diet. People living near the sea are provided with it. If you are not so lucky, you can use iodized salt and also eat seaweed.

It has been proven that iodine not only improves memory, but also increases IQ. It gives clarity to the mind and improves the ability to think. This is not just a necessary, but an indispensable component of the daily diet. The presence of iodine in a child’s diet is especially important. If you regularly feed your baby salads with seaweed, he will learn the school curriculum much faster.

It is recommended to include seaweed in a child’s diet only after three years. Due to excess iodine, it can negatively affect the thyroid gland of babies. It is also contraindicated during lactation, since iodine can accumulate in breast milk. Without knowing it, a nursing mother can harm her baby. His metabolism is not yet perfect and will not be able to handle the high iodine content.

For old people, seaweed will help slow down the processes of cell degeneration. It can stimulate their growth and increase intellectual activity. Try to regularly include seaweed in your meals. It is an excellent source of iodine, which supports brain cell development. You can make a lot of delicious salads from it.

It turns out that vitamin C can overcome forgetfulness and improve neuron conductivity. It is a brain stimulant. To make it work, just add a couple of slices of fresh lemon to your tea. This way you can improve not only memory, but also cell development.

Lemon fruits are included in a huge number of folk recipes to improve brain activity. It can also increase immune defense and help with weight loss.


Eat an orange a day and you will get your daily dose of vitamin C. It is tasty and healthy. This exotic fruit slows down degenerative processes in the brain, prevents aging, maintains mental clarity, and increases the ability to remember information. Vitamin C – protection against free radicals.

A glass of aromatic fruit juice will charge your body with energy.

Grapes (red)

If you're a fan of green grapes, it's time to reconsider your taste preferences. Red grapes contain many antioxidants. They are of natural origin and are perfectly digestible. Antioxidants help not only maintain health, but also look good. They renew skin and hair cells, increase neuron activity, memory, and attentiveness.

They are also found in other purple berries.

Antioxidants at any age improve the brain’s ability to retain information and process it. Thanks to them, cell nutrition becomes better. They are protected from destruction. During adolescence, antioxidants help normalize hormonal levels.

It is a source of anthocyanin, a plant antioxidant. It is also able to reduce inflammation, slow down aging, and prevent degenerative processes.

Antioxidants can accumulate in the body. They improve nerve conduction between brain cells. Experiments with animals have revealed the ability of blueberries not only to improve memory, but also to fight its loss and give a powerful impetus to cell renewal.

We recommend adding blueberries to your porridge or smoothie in the morning. This breakfast is useful not only for adults, but also for children and teenagers. And if an elderly person regularly consumes blueberries, he will delay the inexorable aging process for many years. Such nutrition will replace drugs to improve memory, vision, and metabolic stimulants.

Not everyone includes this herb in their diet. And in vain. It contains a loading dose of carnosic acid and antioxidants. If you add a sprig of fragrant rosemary to your dish, your blood circulation will soon improve and your blood vessels will dilate. The brain will receive the missing dose of oxygen. The productivity of his work will increase significantly.

Surprisingly, even the smell of rosemary itself improves the memory process. Rosemary is good in dishes with potatoes and meat.

This seasoning is included in curry. It consists of the active substance – curcumin. This is an excellent natural blood circulation stimulant. It has been proven that it can improve memory, eliminate amyloid plaques, and help overcome depression. It turns out that turmeric promotes the production of happiness hormones - serotonin, dopamine.

Curcumin stimulates brain cells to grow. This property helps fight age-related dementia and brain aging. Turmeric is recommended to be added to meat and tea. This is a powerful home antidepressant. Even a healthy person should regularly use it in dishes.

Pumpkin seeds

This is a powerful source of antioxidants. They protect the brain from damage, degenerative processes, and the harmful effects of free radicals.

Seeds are a source of copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium. These substances prevent neurological diseases, improve memory, learning ability, protect against migraines, depression, and help control nerve impulses. They cleanse the intestines well.

Chocolate (dark)

Those with a sweet tooth have reason to rejoice. It has been scientifically proven that cocoa powder and dark chocolate can be a source of a number of brain-healthy substances (antioxidants, caffeine, flavonoids). They improve learning, memory, increase cellular activity, and slow down aging. Chocolate will also help improve your mood.

As you know, the brain is mainly made of water. It makes up as much as 90% of its weight. With age, this figure decreases. This means that the brain literally dries out. Cells cease to cope with the functions assigned to them.

Dehydration is a recipe for slow brain function. This is very harmful! At critical levels of dehydration, it simply turns off. It is not surprising that with heat or sunstroke a person loses consciousness.

To avoid dire consequences, you just need to drink enough liquid per day.

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day. We are talking about clean water. No drink can replace it. When calculating the amount of fluid you drink per day, neither tea, coffee, nor juices are taken into account. Only water. It is better if it is not boiled. Tap water may not be suitable because it contains too much lime and rust.

Energy drinks, drinks with sugar, gas, coffee, on the contrary, remove water from the body.


This is a list of essential foods for improving memory. As you can see, diet really helps improve memory. For greater effectiveness, it can be reinforced by sports exercises. They help increase blood flow. Every person can master the simple secrets of proper nutrition. Remember to eat wisely! Then your mental abilities will always be at their best.

A good memory is a key element that distinguishes an intelligent person from other representatives of the surrounding fauna. And the brain is responsible for memorization. Scientists claim that throughout his life he “remembers” only 10–15% of his capabilities.

Is it then possible to improve memory? This is quite real, and for this to happen, it is not necessary to use various kinds of neurostimulants or take other pills.

It also contains iodine, which improves logical thinking and increases attention..

It is especially useful to include seaweed in the diet of people after 40 years of age - this is when the main processes of aging of the brain “start”.

4. Berries

These include blueberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and most wild berries.

But ascorbic acid is necessary for the body to protect the circulatory system of the brain from the effects of toxins.

5. Nuts

They contain large amounts of vitamins A and E. The first is responsible for a whole chain of metabolic processes affecting the brain, and vitamin E protects brain cells from early aging (being an antioxidant).

The most useful are considered walnuts and pistachios, as they also contain zinc and magnesium, indirectly affecting the sensitivity of neurons.

6. Cereals

Sprouted wheat and barley sprouts, which contain over 20 biologically active components, are especially useful.

They, first of all, protect brain cells from aging, and at the same time stimulate the production of serotonin, dopamine- These are hormones that specifically affect a person’s memory and attention.

7. Honey and pollen

It is a source of sugar and mineral trace elements, but practically does not contain proteins and fats. Glucose is one of the most important elements. With its shortage, the entire nervous system begins to experience oxygen starvation.

Only if it was not amenable to heat treatment. When it is heated above 65 degrees, it loses most of its beneficial properties.

What should you avoid?

But there are those that worsen memory. It is especially dangerous to include them in the diet of children, since up to the age of 16 the nervous system is still developing and is vulnerable to malfunctions of the digestive system. The most harmful products include:

  1. Snacks. This also includes crackers and chips, in the production of which trans fats are used - such compounds are carcinogenic, and also worsen metabolic processes in neurons (slowing down the absorption of nutrients from the blood).
  2. Complex protein foods. This includes roasted peanuts, fast food beef patties, and most varieties of sausages and sausages. For the most part, such products “clog” the circulatory system and impair blood flow in the brain. You shouldn’t completely give up such foods, but you should minimize them in your diet.
  3. Simple carbohydrates. This should include chocolate bars, various types of sweets, and cookies. The body needs carbohydrates in small quantities, but in excess, glucose damages the internal walls of blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. According to doctors' recommendations, eating 2 small sweets daily is enough. Everything else is redundant.

Also check out the infographic.

A good memory contributes to success: it helps in studying, achieving high results at work, and developing sympathy for you (who wouldn’t like someone who remembers your important dates?). It is no wonder that a person who senses its deterioration begins to panic. Calm, just calm! We'll fix everything. There is no need to quickly swallow handfuls of medications. There is a much more affordable, pleasant and tasty medicine: products to improve memory.

General features of the “brain diet”

A varied and nutritious diet with an optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is indispensable for high-quality brain function.

Proteins supply the human body with amino acids that are essential for the nervous system and brain. Fats are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, without which the normal functioning of the brain is impossible: it consists of a full third of them. Their lack can significantly affect memory: up to the disappearance of individual memories. The best suppliers of unsaturated fatty acids are fish and vegetable oils (olive, pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseed and others). And from carbohydrates, the brain receives the glucose necessary for neuronal activity. Carbohydrates (best of all, the so-called “slow” ones - from vegetables, cereals, durum wheat products) should occupy at least 70 percent of the daily menu.

Vitamins and microelements

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, for a high-quality memory, the body must receive sufficient quantities of the following vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;

Vitamins A and E indispensable for the normal state and prevention of memory impairment. They participate in fat metabolism, supply the body and brain with energy, and protect neurons from damage and death. B vitamins contribute to protein metabolism in the human body, and are also necessary for the well-being of the nervous system. They are the ones who influence the memorization of information. These vitamins are essential.

Zinc, iron and magnesium needed for concentration. Zinc and magnesium, like iodine, are also required for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. A lack of thyroid hormones can lead to memory impairment.

That's how important proper food is for the brain! All that remains is to include in your diet foods that can significantly improve your memory. For your convenience, we have divided them into groups. You can easily create the optimal menu for yourself that can provide you and your brain with everything you need.

Meat products and offal

Despite the active spread of vegetarianism, doctors remain of the same opinion: you need to eat meat! By consuming it, you will not only “feed” your body the proteins it needs, but also pamper your brain with useful substances. Ideal meat products, indispensable for good memory function, are:

  • chicken;
  • lean beef;
  • calf liver.

Chicken and veal liver contain an impressive amount of B vitamins, the need for which we have already discussed. To make “brain food” as healthy as possible, use breast meat instead of fatty legs. Don’t fry the liver, but stew it.

Lean beef will supply your body with iron. It has been scientifically proven that without this element, memory quality suffers significantly. If you expect good work from your neurons, do not deprive this type of meat of attention.

Fish and seafood

To improve memory, you need to include fish in your diet. Rich in OMEGA-3 (unsaturated fatty acid), it can work wonders on your memory! The most useful in this context are:

  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • trout.

For high-quality neuron function, you need to eat fish 2 times a week.

No less valuable than fish are all kinds of seafood. Want to improve your memory? Pay attention to:

  • oysters (rich in zinc and iron);
  • shrimp (enrich the body with iodine);
  • mussels (contain zinc).

Vegetables for good brain function

Increase blood circulation with garlic! It needs to be eaten daily. Just two cloves a day - and you can greatly improve your memory.

Another “smelly”, but very useful for the brain, vegetable is onion (red, white, yellow). By consuming it daily, you reliably protect yourself from the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease. Also, food to which onions are added allows you to delay the onset of age-related memory decline.

Good news for tomato lovers: your addiction makes you immune to dementia! These vegetables are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. It removes free radicals from the body that can damage neurons.

Leafy green vegetables (cabbage, spinach) come in handy when you need to quickly recall something. They contain vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, and zinc necessary for the brain. Loving these vegetables also protects against Alzheimer's disease.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries have been a favorite food for many since childhood. Addiction to them can also be called a useful habit: they can perfectly improve memory. The most valuable berries for the brain are:

  • blueberries (increases learning ability and the ability to remember information);
  • blueberries (protects neurons from free radicals);
  • grapes (improves blood circulation);
  • black currant (promotes mental mobility);

The fruits you must eat are:

  • red apples (rich in anthocyanins, which improve memory quality);
  • lemons (vitamin C helps to retain a lot of information in your head);
  • bananas (supply the brain with glucose and vitamins B1, B2).

These are the kinds of medicines that nature itself can offer us to improve memory! Let's not forget about nuts (they supply the body with vitamin E), honey (a valuable source of glucose) and water (our everything - the brain consists of 90% of it).

And then we will definitely not forget anything else!

Author of the article: Svetlana Syumakova

When the time for vacations and holidays ends, we can fully feel that, despite a long rest, our mental activity decreases. We notice that it is difficult for us to concentrate on work or study, and the knowledge that we are trying to put into ourselves stubbornly pops out. The brain, like muscles, requires constant training and increased attention to yourself. After all, to get a beautiful figure, you need to eat right and exercise. It’s the same with memory and brain activity: in order for them to work at the proper level, they need to be trained and saturated with substances useful to them. If you do not provide the body with the necessary substances, this can lead not only to various diseases, but also to deterioration of memory and attention, and a decrease in mental activity.

Nutrition to strengthen and preserve memory

To function properly, our brain must be provided with the necessary amount of water and oxygen. Of course, you can go to the pharmacy and buy special vitamins to improve memory. But it would be much more useful to spend your money wisely and buy natural products to improve your memory. It is important not just to add medications to your diet, but to balance your diet in such a way that it contains the nutrients necessary for the entire body, including substances important for good mental performance. What foods should you eat to improve your memory? We will try to answer this question in our article.

We will talk about products to improve memory and concentration. These are products that saturate the brain with essential elements and vitamins and protect it from aging. Products that improve memory should contain vitamins B and C, E, K, Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, boron, antioxidants, etc.

  • Products to enhance memory should contain the main substances:
  • Glucose
  • Lecithin
  • Vitamins B1 (bran, walnuts, peas, liver), B6, B12 (meat, mackerel, herring, seafood, beef liver)
  • Zinc (found in fish, bread, legumes)
  • Iron (the required dose is found in dried fruits, meat, green vegetables)
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iodine (rich in it: persimmon, seaweed, fish)
  • Vitamin C (red peppers, currants, rowan berries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, parsley, horseradish, cabbage, onions, citrus fruits contain a lot of this vitamin)

To improve the quality of mental activity, you need to regularly consume foods that contain these substances.


  • Fruits: citrus fruits, apples (powerful antioxidants, well protect the human body from memory loss, regular consumption of apples will help you have strong memory, good thinking and mental activity even in old age), bananas, grapes
  • Berries: cherries, currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries. Wild berries are especially useful for memory, attention and mental activity - cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries.
  • Dried fruits
  • Beef
  • Fish. It contains a lot of phosphorus and unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, herring, and sardines are considered especially healthy.
  • By-products
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage (improves brain activity, helps cope with age-related disorders of the nervous system), garlic, carrots, potatoes, avocado.
  • Parsley
  • Nuts contain a lot of lecithin, which improves mental performance. Nuts prevent premature aging of the brain.
  • Dairy
  • Mushrooms
  • Peas
  • Wheat
  • Vegetable oil

What foods should you eat to improve your memory?

Let's take a closer look at some foods that improve memory.

Foods for good memory include garlic. Yes, yes, this vegetable is useful to consume not only as an immunity-boosting product, but also to stimulate improved memory, attention, concentration and other mental activities. Garlic supplies the brain well with oxygen, which allows it to work faster and better. If you eat 3 cloves of garlic daily, your memory can noticeably improve. If you are bothered by the characteristic bad breath after eating this vegetable, chew a sprig of parsley.

Nuts are an excellent product for memory development. The most useful for mental activity. They contain a lot of B vitamins, which are very useful for improving memory. Without them, proper functioning of brain activity is impossible. In addition, walnuts are rich in vitamin E, which prevents the destruction of brain cells, which makes it possible to avoid age-related memory problems. And fatty acids, which are contained in proper amounts in nuts, develop thinking.

Milk and dairy products are very important for good memory. Milk contains the necessary amount of vitamin B12, which promotes excellent memory. This vitamin is best absorbed from milk, so if you want to improve memory, increase mental activity, and amaze everyone with your thinking, drink milk regularly. You just need to understand that various sweet fermented milk products, such as store-bought yoghurts, will not bring as much benefit as plain milk. But they can reward you with caries.

Honey is also one of the products necessary to improve memory. As we mentioned above, glucose has a good effect on memory functions. Honey contains many substances that are beneficial for the whole body, and does not cause as much harm as regular sugar can. But you should not eat honey in tablespoons. The ideal option is to add a few teaspoons of honey and a small handful of dried fruits to the porridge. It makes an excellent breakfast, especially before an exam or other important event that requires high concentration, good memory and quick thinking.

Sea kale is an important product that improves human memory. It is extremely rich in iodine, without which our brain will not function properly. Iodine supports mental activity and even increases a person's IQ.

Grapes, along with other purple berries, are a natural antioxidant. These substances improve cell nutrition and protect them from destruction.

Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, a memory vitamin. It is he who helps to assimilate the information received and not forget it at the most inopportune moment.

Salad recipe to improve memory

To avoid getting bored when consuming foods for memory and mental activity, we will provide you with several recipes for infusions that are beneficial for brain activity.

We have already found out which vegetables improve memory, let's prepare a salad from them and other foods that are good for mental activity.

We will need:

  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Apples
  • Half a celery root
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Half a lemon
  • Fresh parsley

All you need to do is grate almost the food, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice. You can add a little salt. Mix everything well. Then put the salad in a salad bowl and garnish with parsley. The result is a tasty and healthy salad, and not only for memory and concentration.

Herbal infusion to improve memory

You will need: birch leaves, horsetail, yarrow, oregano leaves, peppermint, sweet clover. We mix the plants in the proportion 1:1:1:2:3:3, respectively. To prepare the decoction, the ingredients must be thoroughly crushed, and a tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with two glasses of boiling water. Boil in a water bath, then cool and strain. You need to drink half a glass three times a day before meals. It is better to regularly prepare a fresh drink, so it will retain much more useful substances and it will taste more pleasant.

Training your memory

So that your memory does not let you down, you need to train it regularly. Learn poetry, prose, solve crosswords, this will also help keep your mental activity in good shape, and, perhaps, will protect you from weakening memory and thinking in old age.

Harmful foods for memory

There is a list of foods that are harmful to mental activity and memory. To prevent memory deterioration, try not to eat fast food, fatty meats, full-fat milk, alcohol, sweets, too salty foods, and sweeteners.

With age, many begin to notice that it becomes much more difficult to remember basic things. Having a good memory is very important and necessary. After all, thanks to it you can get a promising job and more easily adapt to life in the environment.

Now we will try to figure out what exactly needs to be done to ensure that information is easier to remember and retained in the brain for as long as possible.

Human memory is the most important element in the human brain. To some extent, it is considered our consciousness. And it is necessary in order to survive in the world around us. Imagine if a person had no memory at all. In this case, he would be no different from a primitive creature, and everything that is around us would simply not exist. In order to keep your memory in good condition you need to:

  • eat healthy and balanced foods;
  • load your brain with a wide variety of information;
  • set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it in every way.

It is very important that the goal you set is clear. Otherwise, the brain may begin to limit itself from unnecessary information.

Food provides energy for the brain, which is why a person must consume the required amount of vitamins and minerals. But it is also important to pay attention to quality characteristics, and not to the availability of the product.

When you need to remember something quickly and briefly

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a person very quickly gets used to monotony, against the background of which memory begins to weaken. That is why it is very important to change familiar situations more often. For example, change your route to work, start visiting completely different stores, change your culinary habits. In this case, the brain will be forced to remember completely different street names, route bus numbers, and compare new facts.

New dishes prepared will have a completely different taste, which will be reflected in the functioning of the brain. As an example, you can also try changing your hand for writing text. If you normally write with your right hand, try writing a few sentences with your left. This situation will be unusual for the brain, which will lead to interhemispheric exchange.

The only drawback of this method of memorization is that the brain gets used to it very quickly and needs to be trained regularly.

Fast and reliable memorization

The most effective method for quick and reliable memorization is learning a foreign language. Moreover, memorizing words should not be on a mechanical level, but have associated images. Thanks to this specificity, words will be recorded in your brain and stored there for a long time. It is advisable to study a foreign language until you can easily start watching foreign films in the original.

Tools for slow memorization forever

In order to remember information forever and slowly, you can engage in daily meditation. They will help maintain control over thoughts and, thereby, improve memory. Another good memorization method is drawing. This is what makes it possible to concentrate on details and train hand motor skills for memorization.

Herbal infusions

In order to improve your memory, it is not necessary to immediately resort to drug treatment. There are quite a few remedies in folk medicine that have both preventive and therapeutic effects.

Clover tincture

In order to prepare this infusion, you will need half a liter jar of clover heads. Add ½ liter of vodka to them, cover with a lid and hide in a dark place. Leave for two weeks, stirring it daily. After the designated time, pour the resulting liquid into a dark container. Take 1 tablespoon in the afternoon for three weeks. Then take the same break and repeat the procedure. The course of treatment should be 3 months.

Red rowan bark

Add a glass of boiling water to one tablespoon of bark and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave to steep for 6 hours. You need to take it 3 times a day for one month. This course should be repeated twice a year, preferably not in the summer. The decoction will not only improve memory, but also saturate the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

In her program, Elena Malysheva will talk about herbs and spices to improve memory.

Herbal collection

Before you start preparing the infusion, mix the dry herbs: raspberry leaves - 6 teaspoons, lingonberries - 6 teaspoons, oregano - 2 teaspoons and bergenia - 8 teaspoons. Then from the resulting mixture, take one tablespoon and fill the collection with ½ liters of boiled water. Keep on fire for 10 minutes, then cover the dish and leave for 2 hours. You need to drink this mixture twice a day for at least 3 weeks. The course is held 2 times a year.

Sage and mint

Take 2 teaspoons each of dry mint and sage. Place the herbs in a thermos and fill them with 500 ml of boiled water. Before you start drinking the infusion, you need to strain it. Take 50 grams four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

"Grandma's" recipe

To prepare the infusion, you will need about five table pine needles, which will need to be chopped. Add onion peels and rose hips (two tablespoons each). Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of cold water and boil for about 10 minutes. Leave the infusion overnight in a warm place. The course lasts two weeks. Every day, take 1 tablespoon 5 times.

Memory Improvement Products

In order to maintain memory, your diet must be balanced. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help you improve your memory and stimulate your brain. It is especially worth paying attention to oranges and spinach. Other products include:

  • blueberries – they contain large quantities of antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the human brain. Recently, studies were conducted that found that blueberries can improve short-term memory;
  • carrots – contain carotene. It should be consumed stewed or fresh. In order for carotene to be absorbed, season the carrots with oil or sour cream;
  • eggs – they contain lecithin, which helps maintain the health of brain cells;
  • wheat germ – they contain a large amount of vitamin E. It is especially useful to take wheat germ for those who have memory problems associated with age;
  • fish – here you should pay attention to fatty varieties;
  • nuts;
  • dark chocolate.


In most cases, experts are inclined to believe that it is possible to take drugs that improve memory in old age. But on the other hand, there are cases when their use may become necessary for young people. For example, to students during a session. In the modern world, many people face the problem of memory loss.

The reason may be environmental problems, poor nutrition, and lack of desire to train your brain. In this regard, irritability may begin to appear, a person becomes dissatisfied with himself and the world around him, and it is very difficult for him to remember the necessary information at a crucial moment. When a person notices that his memory fails him at crucial moments, he begins to think about eliminating this trouble.

Among the medications, it is worth highlighting nootropics. They help stimulate brain function. These include Nootropil, Piracetam, Izacetam, Oxiracetam and others. Please note that after taking one tablet you will not see any noticeable improvements. For a positive result, you need to take the drug for about a month. After the course, information is perceived much easier and remembered faster.

How to improve a child's memory

In childhood, it is very important to give the brain active training. It just so happens that modern children devote too little time to active games, thereby giving preference to computers and televisions.

In order for movement to take place in children’s lives, teach them to do morning exercises from an early age. In addition, children should be sent to various sections: dancing, wrestling, football, skating, and so on.

Try to diversify your child's hobbies. You can select multiple circles. If this is not possible, observe the baby’s interests and give him the opportunity to experiment with his activities.

Monitor your child's nutrition. Don't forget about foods that contain vitamins and minerals.

Accustom your child to mental games, for example, “to the cities,” “words with one letter,” “associations.” Learn rhymes and tongue twisters with him.

Exercises to improve memory in children can be seen in this video.

How to improve memory in older people

Older people experience memory deterioration with age. In order for your memory not to fail you for as long as possible, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Make your brain work. Logic puzzles and crossword puzzles are good for this; you can start learning a foreign language;
  2. Try to take mental breaks once an hour. You can walk a little or do a little gymnastics;
  3. Try not to succumb to stress and depression;
  4. Plan your affairs by writing them down in a diary, and also record important dates;
  5. Try to read more books;
  6. Pay attention to small details;
  7. Learn poetry by heart;
  8. Do what you love, learn some new activities.

As we can see, if you adhere to the basic rules, then an excellent memory will serve you for many years. But, if you notice even the slightest deterioration, start immediately taking the necessary measures.

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    Improve an adult's memory with exercise? Seriously!? I always have a lot of information in my head, at work, at home... I also don’t want to overload my brain with exercises.




    Nice article, thanks! I’m looking for information for my wife, I’ll send her a link, otherwise she doesn’t want to hear anything from me). I’ll add it to my bookmarks too) I also came across an article on the topic, with the permission of the moderator I’m posting the link Maybe someone will find it useful


    I agree with Lina, chronic fatigue bothers me and prevents me from living a normal life. Rest and sleep are not at all an option to escape from it. But mildronate helped. I took the course for two weeks. Within ten days it became easier to concentrate on the tasks at hand, and work more energetically, and in general my physical condition also improved. Even the treadmill is a joy again and has returned to its speed.


    Memory cannot be improved quickly, it can be trained if it is not some serious illness. After all, absent-mindedness and loss of concentration, and therefore memory, can simply be due to overload at work and outside of it.


    I always buy glycine forte for my grandmother, and recently I took it myself before exams. To my surprise, it actually works!